The Goofiest Soviet Medium Tank

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foreign finally did it huh they finally decompressed 6.0 to see if the BR changes had a drastic effect I thought I would play this this is the Soviet t34-100 and it's exactly what it sounds like it's one of my favorite premiums in the entire game because it's very goofy but it's also really effective the only real big downside to it is the gun depression it's even worse than a typical Soviet tanks so let's take it out and have some fun okay and we instantly got a full down tier I hope this is a running theme although we are on Germany's team again rhyme not intended Batman has no tracks I know the bt5 can run without tracks but I don't think that tank can our gun depression's so bad that I can't even I can't even sit over here super Hellcat I think [Music] I see his Shrek um I hear a Hellcat that's not good I'm gonna call artillery does he is he looking this way yes he is that's not good uh I didn't expect to be overpinning so many vehicles it's a good thing I did bring at least two things of he I wish I had like a a pintle mg or something um we didn't over pen that thank god um is there any way I can try to engage this Hellcat without dying instantly I don't think there is oh my God what the hell was that yeah nice try bud I'm uh too good at the game unfortunately dog how many planes just bombed me right now I think that first plane might have helped me I think I was aiming too low to hit the Hellcat and the rocket like made my tank jump up oh my God another bomb I'm not even like doing anything important I'm just trying to get to the battle should probably bring more he I don't really foresee an instance in which I'd be using the uh upgraded aphe shell because in case you didn't know the shield I'm using right now aphgbc is cracked like insanely good oh he's dead uh oh that does not build well um okay that's not just me right that shell flew right through that Corsair and the P51 it's such a nice looking Flint oh and there it goes hold up just a skink standing still uh I'm already starting to cry oh God that's a 76 Sherman what happened to him oh he got shot like the micro second before my round it any more bad guys um yes jumbo um set him in yes a centurion that somehow non-penned me if I had to guess probably some uh Sabo shenanigans um that's not good can I hit his lower front plate there we go I'm uh honestly not sure how that pen but when you're using Russian ammo you ask that question a lot is this something that they need help panning over here if I can uh get a shot we can in fact go through the front of a jumbo I really don't get how I can be playing this game to warm up and I just like do the worst that I ever have in this game and then I click the record button and I get a 10 kill game right off the bat it makes no sense to me like guys you're just detecting that I open up Shadow play and it's like okay let's give him good games let's make his rounds like pen two meters of Steel for no reason of course it also seems to act as a beacon for planes that want to bomb me and another full down tier okay we are fighting Germany this time I hope we run into a lot of panthers because I don't think there's anything more satisfying than Upper Front plating a panther it is so unbelievably cathartic oh there's a tiger surely the m-18s could handle that guy I think that incline might actually be too much for our gun depression to handle three degrees doesn't sound that bad until you try to use it maybe we can bait him into shooting our barrels so the Hellcat can uh push out take the bait look at this dude he did it I'm a genius come on gun the Press uh okay yep he's real messed up now go Hellcat annihilate yeah I don't even care we didn't get to kill for that I I'm so happy he took the bait I love doing dumb stuff like that it's so much fun well this T1 E1 is being shot you need help bud that's like what 800 oh damn the transmission ate all this fall um I'm a little bit higher there we go oh it's so nice if you play this like a tank destroyer instead of a medium tank it's a lot of fun because that's basically what you are is that a yak Panther it is absolutely smoked there's nothing left of him he's gone finito uh is that an enemy jumbo uh that does not bode well oh good a doc I have my favorite I love it I'm so glad we have a fighter up too that's going the wrong way Let's do let's play our favorite game let's see yes that was in fact someone that we killed also that what a username the water username why was this Shadow like two frames per second there also is that a 75 Sherman where did he go oh there he is yep that's the 75 Sherman was the 75 Sherman I want to go after that jumbo because that's kind of our job but apparently someone just decapped B which I think our biggest obstacle might be that incline yet again oh I just saw him fire there we go all the cast is making me wish that this had a pencil machine gun whoa guys and look look at this photo I found of the Prototype with a machine gun or an auto cannon on it isn't that so neat you should definitely add that to the model surely nothing could go wrong with uh pushing so aggressively let's not uh let's not be hasty yeah there's another tiger Let's uh let's be a bit cheeky tiger here there's some kind of tank right next to me oh it's a pack Puma or just a puma oh it's a puma oh God yeah I might have pushed just a bit too hard hello tiger goodbye tiger oh God please tell me that's a storm tiger I'm so glad you weren't something else can I Penn his lower front plate at least yes okay the one time I'm happy to see a storm tiger right there and instead I think that was the stern tiger again [Music] no no no no look it now it pens didn't we pen a yak Panther at a much more extreme range and pretty much the same angle in uh that desert match these those sets tiger again is he going to push out or am I gonna have to chase him out oh it was the former I think this match is uh pretty much over please let me one shot thank you it helped that he had full ammo by the looks of it okay not really what I intended to do but at least he can't fire back at me I'm just gonna Rush this guy this is a terrible idea but let's just do it anyway why not are you gonna J out are you gonna make it difficult for me oh there's a tiger no whammys no whammies okay uh don't load HD that'd be bad it's an is-2 behind us do you require assistance no we are saying there's someone behind us they're trying to spawn camp or is that guy just like moseying around the map no thank you sir no ninja capping that's uh rude tell us that guy's only death he's just been Meandering around the map for what 10 minutes well we had a good run yeah we're uh we're leaving T28 yoink why is that bomb on such a long timer okay and he uh he killed the is-3 I'm gonna go kill that yak tiger oh I do see him already oh there's two of them and I just got shot by uh excuse me okay there there we go that's so stupid awesome no bomb please no bomb please oh no you don't a little rascal little Goblin I'm actually going to load the AP CBC round because I think we can go through the uh give I think we can go through the turret face with that well that was certainly a match well that was a really bad shot where's the panther I can't see okay Panthers down um okay I was gonna say yeah that looks like a tank looks like a wreck now you think we could pen his side do you think that's a bet I want to make oh a tiger just drove right past oh there's another tiger that one's looking at me um yeah this is a a really bad position to be in let's see if we can catch this uh Yak Panzer off guard yes we did I don't know how we're still alive frankly so fast up there's another thing pushing the corner what is that like that's a G6 on that corner there uh um foreign is uh not not doing so hot I thought we went through the upper front plate but it looks like we top attacked him with aphe let's go wide to the left again this seemed to work pretty well Blinded Me why Why didn't it pen really [Music] come on man oh you're having a good time with a tense fight a bomb so yeah that's the t-34 100 it is a very enjoyable tank like I said my only gripe with it is the terrible gun depression but when you're smacking a gun that big into a turret that size it's to be expected the new matchmaking seems to be working pretty well although it seems you get one of two extremes when you load into a match either it's a full down tier or a full up tier anyway if you guys have suggestions for video topics leave them in the comments and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Spookston
Views: 541,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warthunder, war thunder, war thunder gameplay, war thunder spookston, spookston war thunder, war thunder memes, war thunder funny moments, spookton, war thunder tank gameplay, war thunder tanks funny moments, spookston, war thunder tanks, The Goofiest Soviet Medium Tank, war thunder premiums, war thunder soviet tanks, war thunder t-34-100, war thunder t-34
Id: MrD4oMh6Ghk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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