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[Music] in this video we play the infamous tiger 1e known for its powerful 88 mm Cannon except this time this one is very hungry hi guys and welcome back to the channel we have a nice surprise in store from gun this wasn't on the dev server it is a tiger e premium tank for the Italian TCH tree but it's Hungarian now why is this exciting well number one Italy finally get a heavy tank for around this BR actually for any BR I don't think they actually have a heavy tank at all until you get to this thing unfortunately though it's a premium but it wasn't that expensive well at least compared to a full price premium anyway 4,000 golden eagles or so will get your hands on this thing I've seen a lot of people raving about the fact it's got some additional track armor it's only 30 mm it's not rolled homogeneous so it gives about an extra 14 mil of protection for your upper front plate that doesn't make a difference to most things that are going to be shooting at you unless you're angled which you should be anyway what is important is it's a tiger that faces Germany players who don't really know how to deal with this thing a lot of them Sho for the mlet which we all know of course from facing this thing it is a volumetric nightmare not a good shot to take it's the E of course so it doesn't have the stick out kopa which is a nice easy one shot and we have got track armor additionally on the transfer case the reason why I love this so much is I love shooting tigers with a tiger and when you're playing Italy you do get up against Germany very often people just don't know how to deal with you and you know how to deal with them with a giant 88 mm Cannon let's get into battle and I'll show you how I got on all right d we got Alaska and we're against Germany oh also Russia though so 85 mm scary oh look that's uh it's the badger which is actually a seal why are you like this Russian majer I I like this by the way this B cohesion here with these guys yeah there's literally nobody watching the spot and it's like the actual cross over between the two caps there should be there should be people here maybe they're just defending the actual caps on itself I don't know but M Jacksons are going a little bit further out which is okay cuz we'll just watch the street if that's the case High to there we go yag Panza 4 where is yag Panza 4 he must be in that Gap then oh this is a waffle tractor so excuse me dud think we might be dead here already by the way get my track the yag Panza 4 is a mystery to me dude I have absolutely no idea where he is he's obviously found a good sneaky spot right but now I'm fairly sure I got this waffle tractor yeah P what the hell where is he I hear one coming it's a Sherman of some description or it may be an is2 PT oh my God my pcgr is not doing the work it should he's moved that's weird I could hear him in my BOS but not when I'm outside my binos it's like my binos are giving me extra hearing where where goblins dude don't drive out of there that's a really bad [Applause] idea right he's done for but I probably should have shot the guy behind them first so I P right at least we know where that guy was now and there's a guy here what is going on with this shell right now dude I don't think I can angle this guy my turet didn't kill me though right where's the stupid PT at cuz he's definitely not dead yet I'm going to get more people show up right all those people I killed are going to come back for some sort of Revenge and I'm not sure who I should be more worried about the PT is coming right I I can actually hear enemies which is astounding honestly now if I were the enemy I would not want to come out of there right I would want to go around I did not mean to hit my space bar I was trying to hit my freelook key yeah someone's trying to can definitely hear it maybe more than one more than one time to back off dud you got to know when you're getting surrounded never I know where he is but he can probably see me looking at him right there's two I'm really like all alone [Music] here don't know where that came from okay I really shouldn't have been worried about that thing I am desperate to know what the hell shot me from where I literally cannot see him oh okay there another pza 470 I think sh is but there's another one yeah War are you I hatte so I should be able to P that actually transmission only oh he he actually killed a cre member that is not the spot I'm trying to shoot the the yag Panzer should be trying to flank me right now but he's not or maybe he is but and I'm just on a way yes he is coming it's not fun fighting a tiger is it Mr Germany Mains uhuh do I have the right shell loaded here yeah I do it's just that I'm bad when Germany finally learns that they actually have very good vehicles D it's so fun using a tiger against Germany so fun There's an actual American t34 up somewhere so I need to be careful of that as well right did they try is a question playing battle games is weird cuz you know it's a lot slower game play cuz if I just double you hold it just means they'll end up in their spawn not good enemy aircraft incoming my m42 is fighting somebody here oh it's dead right you got him okay 109 just committed to that and now we've got a giant Gap here to shoot through what is the other aircraft that's friendly there is not very many enemies left actually and I'm not sure where I should be going or what I should be doing right now because the t34 does scare me some anti just across here but he do have a friend so ow this man is actually Hing me quite a bit there's another one here that's a long battle repair dude I might still be able to get a shot though if a lot of people wonder why I don't low H in moments like that I will normally but not if there's a medium tank and a heavy tank kicking about round about me where I need to actually prioritize killing that over a little truck what is that heavy dude is this 43 is killing my teammates I wonder if that guy came back for me right uhhuh what I'm just bad at the game dud apparently all right he's dead right I got I got to go this way D oh my man is right there I got his track what that beat are he probably sked down the hill right and I won't be able to see him anymore have absolutely no idea what he is and we've got scarier things to deal with apparently so good this is so weird this whole match is really bizarre is that guy alive no another PT 76 where's the big t34 going oh you're shooting over the rock it's pretty clever okay I tried to shoot his ammo okay there we go a machine gun his ammo bro this game is so weird dude oh this game over oh our first game we uh a double ace but it was such a weird game because battle right to C really really strange dude but what can I say it's a Tiger It's a tiger and tigers are pretty good temporarily invulnerable right what what is your plan here is the last guy ah he's still down there there we go that'll do it no no Nook on this map I'm afraid but that's game GG 11 kills rewards good though I got a BTR as well there you go weird battle game all right we got another battle game I think G do this on purpose after every patch do you know that like just to make it harder to grind so there isn't like a cap you can rush for easy RP right well what's happening over here I think we're on a f down here by the way yeah we are again Germany but this time no uh no Russia so everything should be pretty easy PR I would think I can remember where I like to set up over here but it's going to be another one where we're kind of sitting around picking shots at people for the first five minutes before we go a little W okay Battle of the fast SP is the Leo lost un lugy instead of flanking no he decided to go just straight up at the enemy bold very bold goodbye VK it was a nice peek little bit you know okay another hyper aggressive Spa oh my gun bounced when I come over the top Panther honestly pretty scary though he not moving I can't get the depression to hit now this is bad cuz he can definitely get through my Manet what Panther are you I don't know but my gun depression is so bad dude on this position is not great I don't see anyone else going out that field though so I mean all right an ass on that'll do it my my over pressure round worked I'm I'm shook oh is my teammates getting fed from the other side oh the the Panther's still chilling there okay I had the building I'm an idiot we're going to just back off here for a sec cuz I'm actually not entirely sure we are safe from the left hand side anymore in fact we most certainly are not okay Dr cin the SBA man is uh SBA man but anyway right never mind I'm going to check this direction because it's not good that my teammates have died over here that's a scary Sherman he has to go premium boy same as me very fast autoloader and that can be the only guy that was over here because this dude was just tip tapping around quite the thing that KB 1C is coming up behind us now too yeah I told you it wasn't the only one in fact what even is that is that a PT what did I just hit he's kind of behind a little building thing and then there was another one just fired at me as well bro I appear to be completely surrounded apparently were you on this side yeah I'm going to die here I just got to keep pulling back right now there's there's definitely two over there and I think there's one further out I got a t3485 going that way so maybe maybe he'll save us it's unlikely but I got to I got to hope for something Mr Panther here look I don't have a good shot on him just give me a little bit more gun depression please God I need to drive all the way up here and it's so risky right the did is done I'm going to get bombed all right oh what is this man doing actual psychopath is he just hit the ground I think he did just hit the ground I missed it I should have still get hold of my space bar oh crap and abbr they take him all the way around here things aren't going well by the way for us okay the F6 is gone but I'm fairly sure I'm getting bombed next there's a EBR there right that that was definitely you that was sneaking up on us right I I got a feeling I'm just going to get shot out of nowhere my teammate is calling out a guy over here I I got to do something now we can't just wait around anymore because the the longer I wait around the more likely it is the enemy just going to completely flank us and okay that's a bomb didn't kill the guy some sort of L T so okay I got his gun on but he ripped my track off and getting my track ripped off in this location is really really bad is he coming all the way around yeah we are done for dude Actually I don't even think it's worthwhile trying to repair this we're going to have to go take another one the they're trying to they're trying to push that cap oh it's Dr cin again if I never got tracked off that EBR would have been F oh God I should have spawned that plane dude I should have spawned that plane did he drop all of his bombs though right another another enemy playing gone like I said it's kind of double edged sword it just means he's spawn another tank right okay already I'll spawn another plane even which is probably worse for us the the the French boys are doing as a lot of damage our team that needs to go that's that is actually not the thing I was firing at but we killed him so you know I'm dead 100% unless he misses I can't rep peek that and I I think that's my teammates I'm hearing and sound he is not looking at me right now CU he killed a teammate his horizontal is out and there's there's actually a guy inside this ditch or something right back focus in this direction cuz they're going to come out of here right this is cool though cuz we're actually getting a fight oh it's another anti here it's a in the ditch also by the way I I am being 100% honest when I say I was aiming for the other guy and I hit that dude oh okay this is a problem right we we got to get a hold down ARL 44 this thing sucks but it doesn't suck enough that I'm not scared of it but I'd rather try and pick him off from a safe spot than a risky one oh that guy just hit the brakes he knows I'm shooting at him now right no he doesn't okay we're good I got to I really got to look after this tiger because it's our only tank oh no here we go dude I guys probably looking for me I've run out of bullets he's going to crash okay he's actually shot down by an enemy a friendly sorry okay teammate good I'm here on another plane okay it's friendly as well oh my god dude it's all happening at once right it's all happening at once it's another there I don't know what killed my teammate over this way but I don't like that all right where's the Derpy boy going cuz no doubt he's looking for me holy moly dude ow yeah that's the D guy and I'm on fire and I'm getting bombed yeah okay right we got to we got to use our uh airplane we got a lot of work to do a shame it's not n really I've got an odd BOS guy on the enemy team he's just bombed somebody else as well I don't know where he is in his p47 cuz that's not him that's a 335 that needs to die immediately I don't mind getting shot down by the p47 okay never mind he's took care of himself apparently and there is a p47 and it looks like I am the only guy left which I can actually deal with that's okay there's actually two planes three actually okay Doris compressing what does he do here flat turns you try and bomb me is that what he's going to do it's 100% what he's going to do right and then he turns over the battlefield because he wants me to fly into his anti right probably there's our EBR and a BTR yeah yeah or tpk right I've got another plane though so let's go all right do I have a backup actually I should have played more passively I've got an M16 that's going to bleed us tickets when he dies hopefully it doesn't respawn because if I can shoot down both of these aircraft we can still win this in over time as long as I can keep the the enemy off the cap but my M16 he's getting strafed right now I think I'm pretty sure yeah he is but the the 109 is being cever and he doesn't want to engage at all they want to drag me over their Spa which is fair one done he's got a claim again yeah he's just he's just going to keep going around it there's one on the cap two now and they're staying on the water as well okay oh no my teammate spawned an airplane so although we're ahe on tickets he's just put us slightly behind Again by the looks of it and I don't know what that thing is it's firing at our team oh okay no it's a Chinese SBA I don't think I can hold out long enough to get this done especially with a BTR about yes over there's too many people on the C see if we can kill the daora that has affected my flight performance pretty negatively the DCA is about to kill me probably the guy in the C that I just strafed you would think so anyway right well that is game d we we put up a hell of a fight we put up a hell of a fight dude there we go respond to me another couple of planes GG our whole team basically were throwing dude but even with a loss it's a lot of a lot of silver lines right dud this is not a great map let's see what we can pull off here we're in Germany though what we're going to do is we are going to cut across the main line and head towards B someone made on to a my medium tank m43 is pushed up quite a bit there I don't know if he'll be able to see him he might be down in those weird like pools whatever they [Applause] are there a nice on en got his breach to kill him with the over pressures right okay it's one that looked like an enemy tank and I was about to have a mailed heart attack is there anyone else that pushed up quite far I don't think it was that Nason that capped by the way there's actually a few things that capped but they also capped C so it could be that I don't know what that is but we fire an enemy it's a chaffy the only shot I could actually get an impact on him we're definitely going to be scouted here that's a big boy a stug oh no that's a tog we'll let H we'll let them fire first did they do the reverse thing start it wiggling not going to work Chief I'm afraid we a tiger right let's go dude continue I got embarrassed with a chaffie anything there dud my team is just running a train on these guys oh that's a panther extreme angle extreme angle dude this guy is running at me looking this M6 is just sitting waiting on him thank you for man using my environment to get a man killed right what's our plan from here I think I need another enemy in here unless it's my I do another enemy it's a VK who I think just noticed me n he didn't notice me he noticed something else so we just push the back of here right we'll try and uh we'll just try and wrap around the enemy team I do want to have a quick check there though very likely we're going to get bombed at some point and I'm hearing somebody else another V damn it dude I should have just went for this turret if he turns this way I think I can up from plate him anyway he so blind I'm in a really bad spot aren't I speaking of aircraft coming to bom me oh I can't believe I didn't [Applause] him if you're okay I didn't Le him enough if you're wondering why I'm not machine gun I just don't want the enemy to hear me and I'm definitely hearing another guy on this side the only disadvantage with this tiger is no smokes [Applause] right we're clear here right but I'm almost positive I heard another one andless it was just that Spa being really really loud all right there's definitely a guy here and there's one on B what is that oh what is this SP [Applause] doing a right I I got to get the guy off a b now oh hey I did not get my gun up high enough quick enough um I don't see nothing chasing after me this man is certainly on B though dude and he's sticking the C this enemy team are having a rough time I've got a friendly coming here as well t3485 oh man it's like multi lard Bap there's some good protection on this cap I guess in oh there some French thing looks like I wonder if that was a guy who capped it Ray it was very likely him but let's see there my teammate burning to death oh still Chief I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming oh you put it out you put it out I thought you were burning I got them we're getting ready to swing around we'll let this guy get the cap right cuz we can be back on aggressive Moree again and there's plenty of enemies to do so this left side still clear as well that that enemy and a tank destroyer here causing problems for my friends so that's where we are going uh an ARL 44 actually I like being in a highly mobile tank with a really good gun and really really good armor and just really good everything it just means that we can actually fight anywhere we we needed two enemy plel and this ARL is right here right let's get in this di I think oh oh God D what the hell all right dude that was something and we back out of this again right oh no we don't back out of it again we we head into uh concrete look is what we do the other spawn is completely surrounded by the way oh he's spawn protected it looked like that guy was on the goal for a little while but I was wrong but I think this is over dude I don't think there a way for the enemy to come back where the did I get shot from here oh it's another ARL wait is that the baby ARL I think that's the baby ARL if it was not the baby ARL I would have been dead hello it's the baby ARL and that's going to be the end of the enemy team I think 12 dude I I love a tire so much especially when it's a tiger that faces other tires but like I said I don't think we were going to get as good a game as we did on Flanders right even though we lost it was [Applause] awesome GG dude GG that's a really terrible score though and I mean really good silver Lions still even though the score wasn't that great our team just absolutely dominated that actually a very high kill game overall I just didn't see most of it so I had a quick double check and this is actually Italy's first heavy tank that's pretty crazy this would have been a really good addition to the tech Street I would say rather than it being you know a premium vehicle but it is here and I lot of people enjoy a tiger so now you get one for Italy as a Hungarian hungry hungry tiger I love the tiger one and I will use any excuse at all to make a video on one if you do too make sure you like this video and if you'd like to see me play any more Vehicles make sure you hit the Subscribe button so you don't miss more as always a huge thanks to everyone who supports me over on Discord and patreon to all the tier 3s over on Discord to get a shout out that's AR 6 white wolf Andre Army Rebel buy cookie bur muncher thear f g Goose belly Master a mushy boy no no no Rusty Satan Karm St stri Noir w w Wen Zig oh Santa anyway to everyone over Patron that's David J sickness win Matthew S Paul HRI cookie muncher Shane Maguire got Center really threw me off there Aus and sum Brandon AK the flying pickle mb1 Kobi Ethan excavation Nation fire lumkin Jambi love weasel Maybe Cookie muncher not cookie muncher ride sha tectonic T's G well the anomaly mortan and David py and the one the only rosolini and everyone else still here thank you very much for watching much love and bye-bye click on them maybe we get a free premium click on Santa and never mind bye-bye
Channel: OddBawZ
Views: 199,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: war thunder, war thunder gameplay, war thunder update, war thunder trailer, war thunder 2023, war thunder memes, war thunder gripen, war thunder tanks, war thunder su-27, war thunder f-15, war thunder news, air superiority, war thunder funny, war thunder air superiority, air superiority war thunder, war thunder air superiority update, war thunder rp, war thunder guide, war thunder tank gameplay, war thunder f15, war thunder tigris, war thunder oddbawz, oddbawz
Id: k2f52mKDLZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 39sec (2319 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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