The GOOD Side of the Separatists the Writers Never Let us See

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the Confederacy of Independent Systems was the antagonistic faction of the Clone Wars era though it was rather short-lived and ultimately it was a front for the Sith most Clone Wars stories depict the separatists with some degree of evil but there were cracks in this facade and it was indeed a facade for the Confederacy wasn't entirely evil one no one is denying the evilness of General Grievous the Sith or the separatist Council it's important to remember that there was more to the separatist movement than them much more attention sergeant on deck the Confederacy of Independent Systems lasted for only five years from its founding with 24 be wiser axes addressed was dismantling at the end of the Clone Wars at first it was most definitely a confederacy a very loose collection of separatist planetary governments that were only vaguely united under the Articles of secession and under Count Dooku at some point likely shortly before the outbreak of the Clone Wars the separatist Parliament was created as a ruling body for the Confederacy and it served as a more efficient version of the Galactic Senate at least for a time with the Battle of Geonosis however everything changed the corporate factions that came to form the separatist council had always quietly supported the CIS but they became official factions within the Confederacy with their meeting on Geonosis their private military forces became the backbone of the CIS military and of the separatist Council essentially usurped the power of the separatist parliament allowing the Sith to run their war directly the rest of course is history the military arm of the Confederacy was where the evil of the faction originated from and unfortunately it was by far the most visible part this was by design as we'll discuss later the Sith of course were evil beyond doubt and though the dark acolytes they recruited were often more misled they generally fell into that category as well as we've discussed in earlier videos General Grievous was also evil beyond a doubt which was why Darth Sidious made him the face of the Confederacy but aside from them the only true evil in the Confederacy came from its corporate powers the separatist council wences malicious as the sith but their pure unadulterated greed made them just as bad if not worse of course the factions that they ran provided the bulk of the Confederacy's Navy Android army and so unfortunately nute Gunray and his contemporaries had much more of a sway over the doings see is than anyone with more redeemable qualities but that doesn't mean that those people didn't exist after all remember where the confederacy came from at first the separatist movement was actually a pretty noble cause while the separatist Council might have been the most visible arm of the CIS it is important to remember that it was a Confederacy of Independent Systems and for the most part those systems weren't wrong in their wishes for secession the separatist Parliament represented this good side of the Confederacy as the clone was episode heroes on both sides two-tailed and even though it was mostly powerless during the Clone Wars it was still much more pure intentioned than the Galactic Senate because after all the Republic was absolutely corrupt whether it was irredeemably so is a matter of debate but that is a very real possibility and to around half of the galaxy that seemed to be the case the Sith of course made this happen a thousand years of meddling had given corporations and other lobbyists enough power in the Senate to [ __ ] it entirely resulting in widespread corruption and total inefficiency but just because it was a Sith plot doesn't mean that wasn't a weakness of the system or that it didn't affect anyone while the richer systems in the core were mostly oblivious to the effects of this corruption more rim wood systems felted acutely for them inefficiency in the Senate could mean mass starvation or worse and the threat of such bleak circumstances results in desperation and for what it's worth this wasn't just a cific plot either the core worlds had been ravaging the rim for tens of thousands of years since long before the Sith Lords were even on idea and they were doing it during the Republic Golden Age with or without Sith influence when Count Dooku put out a call for secession from the Republic in 24 BBY many Rim worlds finally decided that enough was enough helping to form a Confederacy of Independent Systems would allow them to get the attention they needed as the thinking went for many worlds and even entire sectors and so they did just that and until a war broke out that's exactly what happened the nasan Confederacy did indeed help to improve life on those member worlds that had suffered greatly under the Republic and now we shall cite some specific examples one of the most important secessions of the separatist crisis was that of the a Briand sector represented by ukyo a cluster of agricultural world near reishi these worlds and many like them had been neglected by the Republic for centuries treated merely as bread baskets instead of proper worlds with their own citizens and needs they seceded and stuck with the CIS because even when the separatist council gained power the civilian government still paid much more attention to their needs than the Republic ever did Shaboom was one of the best examples of this the Republic had ignored problem after problem faced by the local Joby me despite their republic membership leaving them to face pirates slavers and plagues alone until of course it was discovered that the planet was loaded with precious oils then the Republic tried to lock down jebin and nationalize the ore to prevent them from trading with their separatist neighbors which ledger been to secede a few months after the Clone Wars broke out for some planets it was simply business Lewis van and collector 7 seceded not because they were evil but because many of their most important trading partners had seceded and they could sympathize their views enough to join them in breaking from a system that had repeatedly slighted them YAG duel a crossroads world that became a separatist stronghold had perhaps the best reason to secede their galaxy renowned mathematicians had created undisputable mathematical proofs that the republic in its current state was going to collapse and the odds looked much better for their world if it joined the Confederacy unfortunately it appears that their math didn't account for the Sith some worlds were just pissed of the Republic over mismanagement of past conflicts and Otranto Shah and several corn colonies fell into this category with Ando and planetary neighbors being representative of this phenomenon a few decades before the Clone Wars and though and space was in the middle of a fierce civil war between the spiral de and the end own free colonies the spivey elder was on the verge of victory when the republic intervened and they intervened in the worst way imaginable they separated and disarmed both sides refusing to take into account who was at fault or in the right in favor of a lazy ineffective form of equal treatment that just ensured that the bloodbath was all the worse when the spitter older and freak Loni's went at it again during the Clone Wars but the most tragic and most important reasons for secession were the cases of the Republic being actively malicious toward a world take new plimpton a world that had an economy based on a single export which the Republic banned for no real reason their economy collapsed and when they complained the Republic first ignored and then isolated them when the Confederacy offered to open up trade to new klimt so the planet seceded immediately and they had every right to and this wasn't just a singular case Kaleigh for example has a similar story these worlds were not the exception the vast majority of the Confederacy of Independent Systems fell into this category but despite this their stories were swept under the rug and they just got roped into the evil represented by General Grievous and the corporate oligarchy of the separatist council this once again was no accident it was exactly how Darth Sidious intended for things to be from the very beginning he and Dooku had planned to tie these independent systems these worlds that had fair qualms with the Republic in with indisputable evil some of you may have noticed that the stories of many of these worlds sound an awful lot like the stories of worlds that join the alliance to restore the Republic the rebellion against the Galactic Empire in many cases that's because the same worlds fell into both categories and because their reasons for seceding or rebelling respectively were oftentimes the same just as the rebels wanted freedom from a tyrannical Empire the separatists wanted freedom from a corrupt Republic that was doing it nothing in for them in fact the remnants of the CIS that survived the Clone Wars which the Empire justified its existence with a two-year long war against with a very foundation of the Rebel Alliance the political leadership of the Alliance was born out of the loyalist movement in the Galactic Senate but the military foundation and the early backbone of the movement came right out of the ruins of the Confederacy many former separatists became rebel heroes with one notable example from Disney's new Canon being casseon and all in fact before the Mon Calamari came along the heart of the rebel fleet was a section of old Clone Wars era separatist ships the Empire of course pounced on this connection because he had tied the separatist of the Clone Wars era to the evil of the separatist Council Sidious was able to paint the rebels with the same separatist brush and create the same sense of good guys versus bad guys in the populace that he had during the Clone Wars fortunately for the galaxy however more people saw through these lies this time round and the general populace didn't make the same mistake a second time so that's the story of how the Confederacy of Independent Systems actually wasn't all that evil but as per usual guys I don't know what you think has this video warmed you up to the separatist side of things or do you still believe that they were separatist scum make sure you leave your thoughts in the comment section below and as per usual guys just before you go make sure you check out all the links in the description below for all our gamers out there we've got the Geats Lee's gaming Network where you can play our G mod and roblox servers for anybody who just wants to chat with the general Star Wars community all of our discord servers are available as well and for any of you into history I do have my second history channel called the front that's going quite well at the moment and we post high-quality history videos there weekly so make sure you check that out anyways guys as always thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you in the next 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Channel: Geetsly's
Views: 565,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star, Wars, separatist army, droid army, general grievous, count dooku, asajj ventress, battle droids, b1 droid, b2 droid, b1 battledroid, the lone battledroid, droid army vs gungans, droid army vs empire, umbara, confederacy of independent systems, CIS star wars, droids clone wars, star wars the clone wars, the clone wars, the clone wars explained, the lone battle droid, separatist senate, trade federation
Id: PRIegviW5tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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