The Definitive Guide to the to the Separatists Most EVIL Leader

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Even though the Separatist cause wasn’t originally  all that bad, the Confederacy of Independent   Systems was led by some of the most evil beings  in galactic history. The sociopath Count Dooku,   the genocidal maniac General Grievous,  and the unfathomably greedy Nute Gunray   are just three morally bankrupt  Spepartist leaders who spring to mind.   But, believe it or not, none of these three  were the most evil person in the CIS; instead,   it was a character you’ve probably forgotten  about. It was a Separatist Council member by   the name of Shu Mai. In this video, we’ll  be revealing what made her so horrible. Shu Mai was born on Castell, the homeworld of her  species, the Gossam. Castell was located in the   Colonies, a wealthy region of space near the Core  Worlds, and during the Republic’s final centuries,   it grew prosperous from trade in the  Outer Rim. Business took a turn, however,   when the Galactic Senate began taxing the  Outer Rim Free Trade Zones to curtail abuses   by the Trade Federation. Castell’s economy  imploded, and the planet entered a severe   decade-long economic depression. The situation  on the planet grew so extreme that Gossams began   murdering each other in the streets over food,  credits, and escape from their failing homeworld. The Commerce Guild saved Castell from this  crisis. The Guild approached the Gossam and   offered them a deal - they would invest heavily  in Castell and rebuild the planetary economy,   and in exchange the Gossam would sell them their  services and virtually all property on the planet.   Castell accepted, allowing the Guild to pretty  much buy up the planet and its inhabitants.   The Commerce Guild rebuilt the planetary  economy and gave Castell a second chance as   a major manufacturing hub. In exchange, however,  the Gossam workforce was effectively enslaved,   and since the planet was now the property of  the Commerce Guild, they were charged rent. Shu Mai was one of the lucky ones. Instead  of being forced into manufacturing,   like many Gossam were, she got a job in  Commerce Guild management. Her superiors   soon took notice of her determination, business  sense, and aggressive tactics, and Mai began to   steadily climb the ranks. Her rise was bolstered  by the widespread support of the Gossam people,   who trusted her to represent their interests,  as she was one of many Gossams who had lost   everything during the repression. Their  support, combined with Guild superiors’   approval of her tactics, allowed Shu Mai to  become the Guild’s Chief of Property Resources. As Chief of Property Resources, Shu Mai was  able to bring Castell out of its economic   slump thanks to her aggressive business tactics  and occasional deals with illegal organizations.   In time, the Commerce Guild gave her a chance  to repurchase Castell for the Gossam people,   freeing them from the Guild’s rule. Mai did  repurchase the planet - but she didn’t give it   back to the Gossam people. Instead, she claimed  Castell for herself, and imposed even harsher   demands on her people. Instead of being freed from  servitude and the Commerce Guild’s high rent rate,   the Gossam people were subjected to even  higher rent and constant demands of tribute,   all to benefit Shu Mai, now the sole proprietor  of the entire planet. This moral bankruptcy won   her the respect of Commerce Guild leadership,  and after a few dozen of Mai’s rivals met   with mysterious fatal accidents, Shu Mai  became Presidente of the Commerce Guild. That story alone illustrates just how terrible Shu  Mai was, and we have many more like it to share.   Before we get into them, however, we’d like to pay  special attention to who Shu Mai was as a person,   because it adds a whole new dimension  to her actions. Shu Mai had a personal   philosophy that wasn’t just defensive of immoral  actions or anything like that, but actively   anti-moral. The concept of morality, Mai believed,  was a waste of time, an inefficiency that, quote,   “encumbers and slows the appropriate development  of a truly advanced society.” Not only was she   an openly terrible person, but she also had  the gall to look down on people who weren’t. Shu Mai didn’t really see people as  people; she saw them as financial   assets to be manipulated in an endless quest  for power and profit. The suffering of others,   up to and including the entire population of  her homeworld, not only didn’t matter to her,   but didn’t really register with her, either. To  Shu Mai, other life-forms, even sentient ones,   were just property of another sort; the only being  in the universe that she cared about was herself.   But she wasn’t insane or ignorant; she was aware  of how normal beings valued life, and she actively   frowned upon it. That, perhaps, is what made Shu  Mai more evil than her contemporaries. She was   fully aware that what she was doing was absolutely  terrible, and she prided herself for it. Shu Mai presided over the Commerce Guild  during the Republic’s final decade.   Under her, the Guild became even more  aggressive and predatory. Many planets,   especially mining worlds, suffered fates similar  to that of Castell, and were purchased by the   Commerce Guild and its subsidiaries. Following the  lead of the Trade Federation, the Commerce Guild   also built a droid army during this period, the  Punitive Security Forces, which is a sinister name   if ever there was one. Shu Mai unleashed this  army, largely composed of fearsome spider droids,   against small mining worlds that she wanted to  acquire, invading them and butchering native   populations if they refused to join the Guild.  When miners on Guild-owned worlds went on strike   over abysmal pay and conditions, Mai unleashed  the Punitive Security Forces against them, too. But Mai wasn’t reckless, and was wary of being too  liberal in the use of droid armies, in light of   what happened to the Trade Federation after the  Battle of Naboo. By and large, Mai only sicced   armies on worlds beyond the reach of the Republic,  and usually kept it a secret when she did so.   Within Republic space, Mai preferred to use  political manipulation and covert assassination   to get her way. Though she was careful to never  break Republic law herself, Mai was willing to   have anyone from potential rivals to people who  criticized her during board meetings killed. Shu Mai was also politically savvy enough to get  her way without using force. During elections   on Sullust, she orchestrated a victory for a  candidate friendly to SoroSuub, a Sullust-based   Commerce Guild subsidiary. This was despite the  fact that said candidate was generally unpopular,   thanks to his proposal that the votes of  SoroSuub shareholders should count as twice   as much as those of normal Sullustans. During  the Separatist Crisis, Mai also attempted to   manipulate the people of Ansion into seceding from  the Republic, something that would have led to the   secession of forty other allied star systems.  Though Mai conspired with Count Dooku during   the Ansion crisis, she again did this for her  own personal gain. During the Separatist Crisis,   Mai and the Commerce Guild had taken advantage of  secessions by buying up resource-rich worlds that   seceded and giving them the Castell treatment. She  planned to do the same to Ansion and its allies. Shu Mai saw opportunity in the rise of  the Confederacy of Independent Systems,   but when Count Dooku offered her a spot on the  Separatist Council, she initially only accepted   in secret, not wanting to be charged with treason  by the Republic. She kept the Commerce Guild’s   alignment with the CIS and its involvement  in building the Droid Army a secret right up   until the outbreak of the Battle of Geonosis.  After that, the jig was up, and Shu Mai made   her support for the CIS public, merging the  Punitive Security Forces into the droid army. Shu Mai and her aide, fellow Gossam Cat Miin,  served on the Separatist Council throughout the   Clone Wars, helping oversee the management of the  CIS Military. Mai was also heavily involved with   the CIS Shadowfeed, the Separatists’ propaganda  newsnet, on which she made infrequent appearances.   One of these appearances was shortly after the  Battle of Bassadro, an infamous clash over a   Commerce Guild mining world in which Republic  forces indirectly killed over four hundred native   miners. The Shadowfeed made its grand debut by  putting the Republic on blast over this war crime,   with Mai giving a statement condemning the  atrocity. To again quote the Gossam herself: “The callous lack of value shown by the  Republic in this exercise is appalling.   Each of those miners represented a hard  worker with invested skill levels. The   synergistic aggregate of the village total  was far beyond the worth of each individual.” Note the words used there. Even  as part of a propaganda piece,   Mai didn’t even pretend to care about the  lives of the miners who died on Bassadro.   Instead, she criticized the Republic  for wasting perfectly good labor. Mai spent a good chunk of the Clone Wars on  Felucia, the Commerce Guild headquarters,   where she had a number of industrial facilities,  a huge droid army, and a personal stronghold. This   meant that Felucia was a major target for Republic  forces. For most of the war, the Separatist   garrison there, combined with Felucia’s hellish  jungle environment, allowed the Confederacy to   repulse Republic attacks on the planet. During  the Outer Rim Sieges, however, the Republic   gained enough of an upper hand in the war to lay  siege to Felucia, classing it alongside Saleucami   and Mygeeto as priority targets, what Supreme  Chancellor Palpatine called a Triad of Evil. Slowly, the Republic began to gain ground  on Felucia, forcing Shu Mai to evacuate her   stronghold. Before she left, however, she ordered  her troops to poison Felucia’s water supply,   a move that would render the entire  planet uninhabitable within a few months.   This wasn’t the first time the CIS had  done this; they had done the same thing   on Atraken early in the war, wiping out  90% of the planet’s civilian population.   Felucia was narrowly spared from a similar  fate by the intervention of the Jedi. After fleeing Felucia, Shu Mai rendezvoused  with the rest of the Separatist Council,   who were placed under the  protection of General Grievous.   Grievous relocated them first  to Utapau and then Mustafar.   After everything we’ve talked about so far, we  don’t blame you if you’ve been waiting for this   part. As a prize for getting to the end, here’s a  passage from the Revenge of the Sith novelization. “Shu Mai, president and CEO of the  Commerce Guild, looked up from her knees,   hands clashed before her, tears  streaming down her shriveled cheeks.   ‘We were promised a reward,’  she gasped. ‘A handsome reward-’ ‘I am your reward,’ the Sith Lord  said. ‘You don’t find me handsome?’ ‘Please!’ she screeched through her sobbing.  ‘Pleee-’ The blue-white blade cut into   and out from her skull, and her corpse  swayed. A negligent flip of the wrist   slashed through her column of neck rings.  Her brain-burned head tumbled to the floor.” So, that’s the story of Shu Mai, the most  morally bankrupt person in the entire CIS.   But what do you think? Would you like to  talk about any of the other Separatist   Council leaders? Feel free to post  your thoughts in the comments below.
Channel: Geetsly's
Views: 149,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star, Wars, Star Wars, Clone Wars, Galactic Republic, Confederacy of Independent Systems, Commerce Guild, Shu Mai, General Grievous, Count Dooku, Castell, Cat Miin, Felucia, Bassadro, Gossam, Ansion, Darth Vader, Mustafar
Id: 7jxqdhTz_Nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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