The Good, Evil, & Best Endings to Far Harbor - Fallout 4 Lore

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hello there ladies and gentlemen this is oxhorn and I am here today with a video on the evil and good endings for far Harbor this was a complicated video to make because there are so many moving parts and the different options left me morally conflicted but here's how it all runs down there are two primary antagonists on the island the citizens of far Harbor and the children of Adam who live in an abandoned nuclear submarine base called the nucleus These two factions are in a state of Cold War neither likes the other both want to destroy each other we cannot rest until far Harbor is wiped from the map the citizens of far Harbor want to destroy the children of Adam number one because the children of Adam are annoying and keep sending their missionaries to far Harbor and number two because they believe that the children of Adam are rest responsible for the growing power of the fog we should have gunned those bastards down the moment they set foot here instead we let them in all in secret from wherever they're hold up they've been feeding the fog getting it stronger strong enough to push us all out of our homesteads further and further until it's a wonder we're not all drowned in the ocean the fog is a very thick Mist that covers the whole island it's extremely poisonous to most humans and it also gives cover to some of the most fierce creatures on the island anywhere the fog is thick human habitation is nearly impossible the residents of far Harbor blame the children of Adam they believe that the children are making the fog worse if true that of course is a direct threat to the livelihood of the people of far Harbor which makes the way they feel about the children understandable however it's not true the children of Adam are not responsible for the encroaching fog if you talk with Captain Avery the leader of the town she Flatout says as much have the children made the fog worse absolutely not there's not one bit of evidence Allan Lee the wool knit cap wearing bearded weapon Merchant is an extremely hostile human being he doesn't like you he doesn't like Captain Avery he doesn't like anyone who he feels doesn't belong in Far Harbor if he had his way he would kill everybody all the children of Adam and all the sins in the world he has a toxic backbiting personality that is poisoning the other residents of far Harbor he's a natural leader and people gravitate towards what he says because he appears to be a confident man if you press him about if he has any evidence the children are making the fog worse he doesn't give any do you have any proof that they've fed the fog proof we wait for that and we might as well pull the trigger ourselves the older residents of far Harbor are a little bit more levelheaded if you spend any time with old Longfellow you learn that the fog has been around from a very long time when I was a young lad no higher than you and me whole island was covered in fog the fog eventually rolled back people resettled but they got comfortable started taking things for granted folk got short memories all this has happened before it's clear that despite what Allen Lee and the citizens of far Harbor say the children are not responsible for the fog it's a natural occurrence it's simply a side effect of the nuclear war this irrational belief however is actually aided by the children themselves I heard the children are responsible for the fog is that true of course the fog predates our arrival on the island certainly but before us it was but an occasional your presence Adam saw fit to reach across the land claiming for us more year after year until near all lay beneath his grass many of the children of Adam have some sort of evolutionary trait that makes them mostly immune to nuclear radiation because of this they feel like they deserve to have the whole island to themselves and anyone who does not have this evolutionary trait doesn't really belong there and that's how they feel about the citizens of far Harbor they want the whole island themselves they feel like the presence of the fishermen at far Harbor is a heresy both sides want war but the children of Adam didn't used to be this way the children used to be led by a man named Martin he was a more levelheaded man and though he did do his fair share of proti he was staunchly against violence however this trait was seen as a weakness tus at that time simply a member of the family grew in power and influence as he started to preach his own message of violence within the community at the same time Martin was having a conflict of Faith he was having to answer tough questions about the reality of Adam we learn later that Martin eventually loses his faith and abandons the children of of Adam forever in the power vacuum tus takes leadership and becomes the high Confessor and his brand of violence and hatred towards anyone who isn't a child of Adam infects the rest of the community the Catalyst for the children of Adam hating far Harbor came when the former leader Martin sent a missionary to far Harbor Allan Lee shot the missionary and killed him when the fog got worse the people of far Harbor killed a child of Adam missionary there's been nothing but hatred and bloodshed since I heard about the execution I can't believe they killed your missionary Martin I'm sorry brother Andrews a good Soul the fault is mine if I realized things had become so tense in Far Harbor I would have never let him leave from what I hear he'd barely spoken a word before they cut him down in Cold Blood for nothing more than his devotion this sent a shock wave through the community back at the nucleus and ever since then they have been radicalized against far Harbor they've used this moment as a justification for all sorts of plots and plans against the citizens of far Harbor and because of this incident far Harbor has lived in fear of the children ever since the island has avoided an allout War thanks in part to the activities of a third party in this drama dimma and his community of synths located in an old Observatory called Arcadia dimma wants peace he likes the children of Adam because he has fond memories of them he used to live in the nucleus and invited the children of Adam to stay in his home because he wanted the companionship this was back when Martin was the high Confessor dimma and Martin eventually became very good friends dimma eventually left the submarine base because he wanted to found aidia to serve as a refuge for sins he left the base to Martin and the children of Adam in thanks for the companionship they had given him and for accepting him at that time in his life it was only after Martin left the children of Adam and tectus took over that they became hostile towards dimma and yet dimma still wants them spared because he has a fondness for them as being the first people to accept him but at the same time he also highly values human life despite the fact that the citizens of far Harbor distrust him dimma and his synths have created fog condensers which hold off the fog he installed these fog condensers around the perimeter of far Harbor to keep the creatures and the fog at Bay out of no other reason than that he simply believes that the citizens of far Harbor as living breathing human beings have the right to exist there we couldn't stand by and let the people of this island die to the fog just like you couldn't just leave the cult of without a home giving them the submarine base was a mistake far Harbor had cast them out they have strange beliefs but they have always accepted us for what we are and Confessor Martin was a friend because of this the citizens of far Harbor are peaceful towards aadia though their xenophobia makes it an uneasy piece but things are not all candy and rose buds at Acadia even though Deo wants peace he's not blind to to the aggression that comes from both far Harbor and the nucleus I've made a contingency plan in case far Harbor gives in their xenophobia despite all my efforts I've isolated the wind turbine powering far Harbor fog condensers a kill switch command will leave them defenseless from the fog and its creatures if the fog condensers were to ever go down the fog would roll over the town of far Harbor and creatures from the interior of the island would turn into Rebel killing everyone inside his contingency plan for the children of Adam is a nuclear launch key I found it the location of the launch key to fire the nuclear missile inside the submarine the Warhead inside the submarine is still active the submarine is Rusted into the dry dog the only Target that missile is ever going to hit is the base itself the nucleus once you obtain the nuclear launch key you have a couple of options you can enter the submarine and simply flip the switch missile launch sequence initiated what have you done lock protoc do I hear wh this turns the children of Adam hostile and you have 60 seconds to leave the submarine the reason they turn hostile is because tus believes that he and his children have a mission on the island we have been given stewardship of this place to abandon it it would be an affront to every everything he has granted us such a grand division it is not our family's path it's not their time to go yet they've got work to do the other option requires that you pass a red speech check the children of Adam have this belief that if they die in a nuclear blast their bodies unleash all of these millions of Worlds into the universe locked inside us all are billions of invisible worlds waiting only to be touched by his glow in order to be born a new through division we are all here to spend our lives seeking the promise of division Adam's greatest gift however long it may take you can convince High Confessor tectus that the time has come for division and I'm telling you launching the nuke is the only true path to him he sent you yes it all makes sense the true path but alas the point is moot without the key I recovered the key and I say it's time we bring about division then let us not delay our reunion another moment the launch controls are over there it's time you made division a reality Dying by division is the greatest honor that a child of Adam can have and it's the goal that they all long for if you convince him that the time for division is now now you can activate the Warhead without the children turning hostile the end result is the same if you make it outside the submarine base in time you can watch the detonation I am become death the destroyer of worlds that quote is from the Bhagavad Gita a Hindu scripture Valentine fittingly uses it here because J Robert Oppenheimer the director of the Manhattan Project mentioned this line upon witnessing the world's first nuclear detonation if you choose this ending you get the far Harbor survivalist perk which grants plus five to all resistances a pretty great perk if you go back to far Harbor everyone is pretty pleased they think that justice has been done hero of the hour wiped out all the children of Adam the children of Adam they they're all dead that time h Allan we had our differences yes but a lot of people died this should be a solemn occasion Alan please a moment of silence we're talking now tectus was many things but I don't think he was that eager to meet his division why did you do it I hope their sacrifice will bring peace to the island otherwise what you've done just leave but if you go back to dimma he expresses sorrow for the loss of what at one time had been his friends and family what have you done for all of their faults the children of Adam did not deserve nuclear Annihilation Adam's plan for them was to embrace division they left this world following their beliefs with help from you and I noticed you did not Embrace division yourself but very well if they decided that Adam had called them to his side then that was their choice to make the interesting thing about this ending is that everybody kind of understands it even though dima's sad he gets why it had to be done the children were outright hostile in my opinion this ending is an evil ending now one could argue that it's the best of both worlds not only is far Harbor Spirit of prizing from the children but the children get what they ultimately want division especially if you pass the speech check far Harbor is free The Children get what they want everybody's happy but the reason I think it's evil is because people change the children of Adam at one time were not radicalized like this sure they did proz but they didn't actively seek the destruction of far Harbor in in fact many of the children are free thinkers they follow their beliefs but they also have compassion towards each other an example of this is Brother wear he expresses concern and sympathy towards Devin a fellow brother who is fasting so much that he could potentially kill himself he asks you to step in and try to do something to save this man's life oh thank you please just do it quick all right he's starting to look bad another example of this is former High Confessor Martin he was a peaceful man and under his leadership so were the children really it was tus who radicalized the children it was tectus who was responsible for their violent desires it's a shame to kill so many people who have the potential to someday in the future choose to be reunited with their families or simply to choose to live their lives in peace with that as a possibility and with the idea that every person can change it seems to be a shame to kill so many people just because at this one moment in their lives they want Division I think we can all think back to moments in our lives where we're glad that we didn't get what we wanted at that time because we know now that if we had gotten it it would have ruined us if you choose the other option and you use the wind farm kill switch code to turn off the fog condensers surrounding far Harbor you get to witness a blood bath the icon on the map now says ruins of far Harbor if you go back to visit the town you find creatures of the island rampaging over it killing everybody once they're dead you can wander around the ruins and find the corpses of every major character from the town Gone Gone is that Bastion of heresies today brothers and sisters far Harbor Streets Run thick with fall Glory glory to atam glory to thanks to you the greatest threat to our family is no more and for that you will be rewarded if you choose this ending you get a perk called Crusader of Adam it gives you a bonus to your weapon's damage the higher your radiation level is if you go back to visit High Confessor tus you also get a unique marine armor piece called Adam's bulwark but if you go back to visit dimma he is furious with you what have you done a new Grizzly chapter has opened in your Faith's history the day the holy have committed mass murder I hope for your sake that you can live with all that blood on your hands I am done talking to you this also is an evil ending despite the violent temperament of Allen Lee there are so many good people who live live in Far Harbor including a bunch of children like small Bera or the Mariner who actually owns the dock but out of the goodness of her heart gave it to the people of far Harbor to keep them free of the fog or Cassie Dalton hasn't she and her family suffered enough does the entire town of far Harbor really deserve to be destroyed just because there is one violent element within it maybe instead far Harbor just needs better leadership to complicate matters there is a third option and many Vari of that third option because one of dima's memories reveals a dark fact about dimma several of my people have been assaulted spat hat interrogated for no reason this is getting out of control but there's still a chance they can learn to trust us we just need one of their own who's on our side I can't let anyone know what I'm about to do I'll need to set up the equipment far away from Acadia it'll double us a place to bury the evidence and so what he did is he kidnapped Captain Avery and killed her he then found a synth volunteer wiped her memory replaced it with Captain Aver's and did facial reconstructive surgery to make the synth look like Captain Avery is it is it going to be painful yes it's going to be like having everything you are ripped out and replaced with something else someone else I'm ready I just wish I could say goodbye to everyone no one else can know you'll be part of the bridge between our two worlds that all vanishes the moment anyone discovers that it's been manufactured that you're a sin did she have to die the the woman I'm replacing God she looks so peaceful lying there don't please that blood is on my hands not yours he then placed this synth back in Far Harbor where she has lived ever since the captain Avery you met at the beginning when you first entered far Harbor was a fake she was a synth but she doesn't know she's a synth yeah listen I'm me I remember everything I can't be a a synth you're wrong dimma did this social experiment to inject the town of far Harbor with a little bit of reason with a little bit of restraint I needed to calm far Harbor a moderate voice an example of what Humanity should be how we could exist together as equals and it did work whenever Allen Lee proposes a violent option it's always Captain Avery or the synth of Captain Avery that calms him down that calms the town down we don't need no freeloaders or more help mainlander so you can get back in your boat and leave Alan this isn't your dock it belongs to the whole town and that means strangers are welcome she says so herself that her Mission has been to keep the town alive and to prevent allout war I've dedicated my life to trying to keep this rust bucket of an island in one piece and I'll be damned if this changes anything yes I want to keep it secret of course but if you share that There Will Be Blood so it did work but dimma is a hypocrite when you first meet dimma one of the first things he says is that he despises the railroad because what they do is they wipe the minds of synths I'm part of a group that helps since a railroad really I don't understand why a group dedicated to helping s would convince them through fear that their only option is to hide yes they volunteer for the memory white yes not knowing your a syn makes it harder for The Institute to find you but the cost part of what Acadia is there for is to help restore the original personalities of syns who have had their minds wiped by the railroad he considers it to be a vicious assault Upon A synth to wipe that synth's mind and change that person's personality and let's not forget the fact that he did murder the original Captain Avery I killed a woman from Far Harbor and replaced her that's straight up Institute level tampering right there it's the Institute that killed Roger Warick and put a synth in his place just to do some sort of pumpkin experiment it's the Institute that put mayor McDon the syth in charge of diamond City dima's reasons are for the greater good but the problem with that idea is somebody has to decide what the greater good is what if someone's interpretation of the greater good is different from our own I'm sure the Institute was doing what they thought was the greatest good too by replacing people with sense but of course the greater good for them is their own greater good not necessarily the greater good of the Commonwealth Nick Valentine makes a pertinent point on the topic not exactly the first person to do something evil and say it was for the greater good if you confront dimma about this he's surprised and he doesn't believe you because he's forgotten those memories he chose to forget but once he remembers he is horrified but I couldn't live with the memories of the blood on my hands a human and a synth are both gone because of me he knows that what he did was a great evil once he gets over the horror of discovering what he has done he remembers what his real mission is his mission is to protect aadia he is first and foremost concerned with his own people and in that regard he's not so much different from the citizens of far Harbor or the children of Adam they each are looking out for their own and they're willing to do whatever they need to to achieve that end even if it's murder the one difference between dimma and everyone else is that dimma actually recognizes that it's wrong What I've Done goes against all of our ideals I even hidden from myself he still knows the difference between right and wrong and he's willing to admit that he made a great mistake now you have choices to make this is where it gets really tricky you can inform Captain Avery that she's a synth it's true isn't it I'm a synth she'll ask you to keep it a secret for any of the same reasons dimma wants you to keep it a secret she realizes that she is the only rational person in Far Harbor that's keeping the town from going to war she realizes what is at stake the entire island is at stake she begs you not to tell anyone else Dima is a murderer and a liar and he should pay but if you share this with anyone here especially Alan Lee many innocent people will suffer yes I want to keep it secret of course but if you share that There Will Be Blood but you can can ignore her if you go to Allen Lee he's shocked yeah right and I'm the wait you're serious aren't you but he also thinks that it starts to explain some things I mean she's always acting so up and the skull skull could be anyone's but the doc he sends you to the doctor to get it forensically analyzed to make sure that the skull is really Captain Avery's right no no Aver's been dead for years now aadia has done Rigg the game haven't they he too begs you not to tell Alan Lee whatever you do don't tell Alan Lee otherwise there'll be a whole lot of blood you see there are so many people in Far Harbor who really don't want violence they really don't want a war the strong personality of Allan Lee is responsible for much if not all of the violence that comes from Far Harbor if you go to Allan and you give him the results of the test he goes synth mad Avery Avery everyone Dima is killing us replacing us with his syns this is not Avery I got proof the real Avery is 6 feet under in an unmarked grave please stop him he kills captain Avery and another synth living in the town and then he rallies the whole town together and they March upon Acadia they swarm The Observatory and kill everyone in it including dimma and including Kumi if you choose this option then you have to go back to Kazumi's parents and bear the bad news what did they do to my little girl if you'll excuse me my wife and I need some time alone my baby is dead oh God my daughter is dead I have lost my little girl this is good this is right when we take care of the children of Adam then all of this is over once the synths are wiped out you get the destroyer of aadia perk which causes you to do four times your normal damage for 30 seconds when your health Falls below 20% this is actually one of the best perks in the DLC for your part in this here we'll be heading back to far Harbor Allan also gives you a unique lever action rifle called lucky Eddie which gives you plus two luck this is the only way to get the weapon another option is to not tell Avery that she's a synth and instead to convince diema to go to far Harbor and to beg for forgiveness he is naturally concerned about the fate of Acadia but if you pass a red speech check he will walk to far Harbor of his own accord Because he believes Injustice even if it means his own demise I don't care what justification you have you killed someone you have to answer for that I can remember it the blood the life ebbing from that woman's eyes the screams all right I'll go to far Harbor and place my fate in their hands I just hope aadia survives past What I've Done once in Far Harbor he is judged by the residents my long walk is over what's this about early on during acadia's founding I murdered one of your own I replaced them with one of mine I only ask that you judge me and not what we've built together allow the peace between Acadia and far Harbor to last beyond this you call murdering one of ours peace I say we end this bastard and then burn his whole goddamn Aradia to the ground if you haven't done any far Harbor quests then the citizens execute dimma and then immediately raid aadia but if you've spent time in Far Harbor and you've done the quests there you have the option to convince the citizens of far Harbor to spare aidia every time you open your damn mouth Alan the whole town suffers shut up what you I ought to I've been wanting to say that since we first met that guy die but no matter what dimma finds Justice don't listen to the mainlander my brother knows what we've got to do see the hole that's thanks to the mainlander a true friend of the harbor you going to listen to Allen's hate mongin you even remember who did the captain's dance mainlander cleared my farm Avenged my family more than the rest of you ever did for me what's Alan really ever done caused trouble remember who cleared the lumber mill remember who's given us a new chance to take back our Island my uncle's safe and Alive The Strangers always steered us right enough well back down Allan the harbor spoken so this ends here dimma murder is a serious crime there's only the one punishment for it if you have any last words Now's the Time I'm sorry Mitch every Homestead town and people has a dark side but if we're ever to know peace we don't let the worst of us Define us so justice has been done and I expect everyone to respect the peace between us and aadia this is particularly hard on Nick Valentine Nick just found dimma Nick just discovered that he had a long lost lost brother you were my brother Nick I helped you escape the Institute we left together and then dimma is taken away from him forever you going to be all right no no I don't think I will be I've taken a lot of knocks but this one hit a little too close to home I don't think I can talk about this anymore there is a third way to resolve this conundrum dimma is horrified by what he's done but it inspires him to end The Strife on the island once and for all his idea is to use the same trick to replace High Confessor tectus get rid of tectus find a synth volunteer wipe his mind and replace him with the personality of tectus only this time you are involved too and you really believe you can trust the high Confessor I do I've done this before remember H I have it's clear that his aversion to wiping the minds of synths can't be that high if this is his second time doing it he asks you to find holot tapes with voice recordings of the old high Confessor Martin he then mixes them up into a different tape that sounds like Martin has returned the idea is to get high Confessor tectus alone this tape successfully convinces him to meet you in solitude I can't believe it he's alive none of the other children can know about this the command center you said I'll ensure we aren't Disturbed if you've completed enough Quests for the children of Adam then High Confessor tus meets You by himself but if you haven't then he arrives with two guards because he's still a little wary of you if you value your life you will tell me everything you know about Martin's whereabouts you have two choices you can simply kill him and his guards grab me venance if you kill him you drag his body to a hole in the wall and then brick it up that is his tomb forever however if you can pass a red speech test you can convince him to leave it's over tus if you and your men agree to leave the island for good I'll let you live DEA leave I you're not bluffing fine the Damned machine will have what it wishes at least this way you can do the whole thing without spilling any blood if you go back to dimma you find the synth of tectus ready to go to work it sounds like quite the experienced but I'm glad to know there will be peace on the island again atom's Vision was clear on the matter I I must thank you again for Sheltering me while under its sway think nothing of it you're welcome to stay as long as you like you are too kind DEA I should only need just a little more fresh hair at this point it does no good to judge Dima he makes a point to remind you of your role in this scheme you're a monster de you know that I can live with that can you but the end result is peace if you go back to the nucleus you find the synth of high Confessor tectus encouraging his children to be peaceful peace in the throws of a brilliant Vision he spoke and now I obey and any found disobeying atom's word will answer for their crimes let none stand in the way of his radiant will glory to Adam Glam and you were rewarded with Adam's bullwark peace with far Harbor if it is the will of Adam what does Adam need with one little dock anyway let far Harbor have it has the hik Confessor seemed strange to you perhaps he's taken ill if you go back to far Harbor you find the town in the middle of a town meeting where they announced the results high Confessor tus the leader of the children of Adam has made a formal peace with us so they just going to forgive what Allan's done CH well God commanded them to let that go so yeah I think they've forgiven us many people are relieved that there is now peace between far Harbor and the nucleus Allan Lee the man who wanted violence is not if you haven't completed any of the quests in Far Harbor then you find that Allan Lee refuses to sell you weapons if it ain't the hero I don't buy it Tech this once peace we don't need the likes of you if you choose this ending you get the protector of aadia perk when your health Falls below 20% you gain 1,000 damage and energy resistance for 30 seconds all also a pretty useful perk you also get the unique chest item AK Kitt's Shield but is this truly the good ending it may be the best ending the per is pretty good and this way you still get acadia's shield and Adam's bulwark choosing the other two endings only gives you one Unique Piece Of Armor or Weaponry but what about morally is this the morally good ending well I really struggled with this it's it's clearly the best option but it's not a good option you're sacrificing a lot of your own principles in order to choose this option you're still wiping the mind of a synth and you're letting dimma get away with murder even if you choose to keep tectus alive and to not kill him you still got to deal with the fact that you're letting dimma get away with murder the real Captain Avery never did anyone any harm she was somebody's daughter she was just trying to make a life for herself in Far Harbor she just wanted the freedom everyone else had to Simply live in peace and not be killed but because she was convenient for diema he killed her because he knew best the ends justify the means when I first played through this I wanted Dima to seek justice but I also didn't want any harm to come to the citizens of far Harbor the children of Adam or the S of aadia but there's simply no option if you encourage Dema to go seek Justice and he is killed then the only two endings left open to you is the destruction of the nucleus or the destruction of far Harbor now you could choose to simply not complete those two quests but you miss out on all the perks you get you get none of them so for these reasons I think that the best ending is to side with diema replace tectus and to get the protector of aadia perk it's still a really good perk and you get to keep everyone alive this means that all of the merchants in the nucleus are still there you can go to them at any time and you get to save all of the merchants in Far Harbor and Acadia as well it also allows you to keep Kumi alive allowing you to send her home to her family if you want oh my God my baby is okay welcome back home Kasumi thank you again you saved my family we won't forget that and that's the ending that I chose but I still walked away from it with an uneasy feeling like I had blood on my hands like I allowed a monster to get away with a horrible act after all where would we be without you I wish there had been an ending where you can seek Justice for the original Captain Avery and still keep all three factions alive and still get some unique perk that would have been ideal but that option doesn't exist now I should mention that there are two other ways to alter your ending depending on the major factions you sided with in Fallout 4 if you sided with the Brotherhood of Steel you have an option to go inform them of acadia's existence if you do the Brotherhood of Steel arrives in Far Harbor Verte birs in the sky and they wipe out the entire town of Acadia killing every last synth if you sided with the Institute you can inform the Institute of the existence of Acadia and they go to far Harbor and round up every synth to return their property to The Institute neither of those two choices give you any perks or have any real effect on the perks the only thing is that if you choose either of those two endings before you you complete the major story line of far Harbor then you lose access to all of those other perks so if you want either the Brotherhood of Steel or The Institute ending make sure you finish the major quests first the railroad also has a unique Quest but all they do is send an operative to visit Acadia they don't actually do anything I think that in time the railroad can work with aadia so everyone can benefit so there you have it ladies and gentlemen in my humble opinion destroying far Harbor is evil destroy ding the nucleus is evil destroying Acadia is evil and saving all three is good in quotation marks there is no satisfying ending to this DLC in my opinion I still walked away feeling dirty but that's just my humble assessment I'd love to hear your opinions how did you guys end this DLC what options did you choose and what are your thoughts on the three major factions that came in Far Harbor please let me know in the comments below if you liked this video and you want to see more videos like it please subscribe to me here on YouTube I produce a new video every day sometimes about lore sometimes about quests sometimes about weapons and sometimes about mods and if you want to support me in a more personal way check out my patreon page where you can become my monthly Patron patreon supporters gain access to a lot of really cool oxhorn perks including access to my private Discord server and more but more than anything ladies and gentlemen I'm just glad you're here and that you're watching my videos thank you so much for watching and I'll see you soon
Channel: Oxhorn
Views: 2,507,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxhorn, fallout 4, far harbor, far harbor lore, far harbor ending
Id: EKSV2vQrFtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 6sec (2526 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2016
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