The Golden Ratio Is BS (Kinda) | Answers With Joe

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this video is brought to you by audible hey yeah yeah I was looking at the golden ratio script one of the math in this I'm kind of concerned about it mess [Music] hold on say what maths is short for mathematics right math it's plural there are many forms of mathematics right but there's no singular front hey hey let me think let me come back there's no singular form there's no mathematic so math implies mathematics the singular of mathematics is arithmetic and is there a shortened form of that no right besides when has it been maths it's been math my whole life Americans are just very slow to catch up nobody says maths here hobbit is saying it what hobbit all Harvard is what's wrong with you hobbit is a university it's made up of many people Poirot Harvard is a singular University it is a singular entity singular an organization is nothing but a collection of people it's inherently plural would you say my car are driving down the street no that's ridiculous why not a car is just a collection of parts Oh bollocks balls or is it just ball cuz you guys don't know how girls work might I remind you this is our language William doing it and we'll do it anyway we blow you want why don't you stick that on a magnet put on your computer so you remember it why isn't it sticking it's made of aluminum don't have you ever bought a new car and then after that seemed to see the car everywhere you looked or got a new pet and gave it a name that you thought was super unique and then it turns out seems like everybody you know has a pet with that name there's a name for that it's called the baader-meinhof phenomenon or the frequency illusion and it happens because we as humans are pattern seekers by the way the way they got the name baader-meinhof is too weird not to talk about you might hear that term and think that it was named after the researchers that discovered it but it was actually named after a West German extremist group from the 1970s they were actually called the Red Army Faction but they also went by the name the baader-meinhof group because it was the names of a couple of the founders of it so what does that group have to do with this phenomenon well nothing except that in 1994 on the st. Paul Pioneer Press website some commenter mentioned that he had heard references to this group two times in the last 24 hours and started calling at the baader-meinhof phenomenon and somehow that just stuck the internet is weird but anyway the baader-meinhof phenomenon almost feels like something supernatural when it happens to you it's like the the universe is telling you something it almost feels like you know you have some kind of connection to the universe like you manifested this with your mind then the universe answered it kind of like the secret you know proponents of the secret would say that if you focus on something long enough and want something bad enough then the universe would give it to you which is a lovely thought but the truth is it was there the whole time you just didn't see it until you were looking for it so in a way the secret kind of works you know when you focus on something when you think about it you're more likely to see the opportunities that come your way you act on those opportunities and big things start to happen there's nothing woowoo about it but it's not bad advice what does this have to do with the golden ratio you're pounding furiously into your keyboard at all caps right now well kind of everything because when you're looking for it you can't see the golden ratio everywhere in nature and art and design so much so that many people have thought that the golden ratio is divine it's if the math of God the golden ratio looks like this and irrational numbers so it just keeps going on and on and on forever kind of like pi and not to be confused with pi but it's also connoted by the symbol Phi where sometimes it's pronounced B so fee fie foe this number comes from the Fibonacci sequence which is a sequence in which you figure out the next number by adding up the two numbers before it so you could say 0 + 1 equals 1 1 + 1 is 2 2 + 3 is 5 3 + 5 8 5 + 8 is 13 then you got 21 34 and keeps going so the ratio of each number to the previous number is 5 and that number gets more accurate as you go up now where it gets fun as if you represent these numbers geometrically if you make squares with the dimensions of the numbers say a 1x1 square then stack it next to another 1x1 square then extend out from those two to make it 2 square of 1 plus 1 is 2 1 plus 2 is 3 so then extend down to make a 3 2 + 3 is 5 then 8 13 21 34 and so on and when you lay it out like this the ratio of this line to this line is by the rectangle you get out of it is often called the golden rectangle and the spiral that you get out of it well that's just pretty and it's this rectangle and spiral shape that has sort of elevated the golden ratio to something divinely beautiful and ideal on everything from nature to art to music ancient mathematicians knew about the golden ratio Euclid of Alexandria who lived in the 300s BC was aware of it included the formula and his massively influential worked elements since he was writing about it it's safe to believe that other earlier Greeks knew of its existence - Pythagoras probably knew about it so did Hippocrates a chioce but it was written down in elements many believe the Greek sculpture of Padilla's who built the Parthenon in the 5th century BC based the billing design and sculptures on the golden ratio when you overlay the golden rectangle on top of an image in front of the Parthenon it does seem to nicely fit and even further back in history there are some people who believe the Great Pyramid of Giza was designed with the golden ratio in mind let's fast forward a few hundred years here's a question for you place two rabbits in a field surrounded by a wall on all sides how many pairs of rabbits can be produced from this pair in one year if every month each pair breeds a new pair that reproduces after the second one that's the riddle that was presented a 12th century mathematician Leonardo buggalo his solution is what we now call the Fibonacci sequence fibonacci by the way was Bakula's nickname I guess deuce Bigalow was taken anyhow there are some interesting things about the Fibonacci sequence for one it fits perfectly with the reproductive model of honeybees a queen bee is the only one that lays eggs if they're fertilized they produce worker bees which are female if they're unfertilized they've become drones female bees have two parents and drones have one you can also find the sequence in how hurricanes forum how flowers petals are arranged how a fern uncurls pine cones pineapples artichokes oh my with this pattern so frequently found in nature it does kind of make you wonder if it has some divine properties to it that was the belief of Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli he was also a Franciscan friar who taught mathematics of Leonardo da Vinci he also wrote a book that da Vinci Illustrated called da Divina proporciona or the divine proportion it postulated that the number was related to the characteristics of God now a lot of people think that this was the inspiration for da Vinci's Vitruvian Man but it was actually off a little bit his ratio and Vitruvian Man was 0.608 and the divine proportion was 0.618 also he drew that 22 years before the book came out that's the kind of hardcore debunking you came here for isn't it the number became golden in 1935 when German mathematician Martin ohm called it the golden section or golden or Schmidt but we have a German psychologist to thank for elevating it to mythical status in 1855 a dog's izing published a book titled a new theory of the proportions of the human body developed from a basic morphological law which stayed hitherto unknown and which permeates the whole of nature and art accompanied by a complete summary of the prevailing systems yeah that's the complete title sizing theory is that we're kind of hardwired to find the golden ratio appealing whether it's architecture or art or the human body for example if you calculate the distance between your belly button and your toes and then divide that by your entire height according to sizing you get something close to the golden ratio and of course the closer you get to the golden ratio the better he also said you can get the golden ratio by dividing your faces width by your faces height and of course the closer you get to the golden ratio the more beautiful you are so okay yes you can find the golden ratio used repeatedly throughout nature everything from honey bees to pine cones to sunflowers so maybe it's all part of a computer code and we're living in a simulation and this was all designed by some more intelligent beings according to theoretical physicists David Bohm reality is what we take to be true what we take to be true is what we believe what we believe is based on our perceptions what we perceive depends on what we look for what we look for it depends on what we think what we think depends on what we perceive what we perceive determines what we believe what we believe determines what we take to be true well we take to be true is our reality totally straightforward what that basically means is kind of going back to the baader-meinhof phenomenon that was talking about before the more you're looking for something the more you're gonna see it that doesn't necessarily make it special for example kovat 19 and Tiger King both came out at the exact same time they're both things that are you know in the zeitgeist right now and Tigers have been found to carry kovat 19 and Joe exotic now has covin 19 from jail are these two colliding worlds proof that we're living in a simulation or that there's some kind of glitch in the matrix or are we just seeing a pattern because we see patterns recognizing patterns and making connections is what helped us to survive as a species we learned what to indulge in and what to avoid and then we passed that information on to other people 2014 paper and frontiers and neuroscience argued that our pattern processing ability evolved and expanded throughout our evolution because our visual cortex in our visual processing was expanding as well and also more emotional experiences create stronger patterns in our memories because we are emotional creatures not rational ones so if seeing a repeating pattern is experienced as meaningful and important and spiritual to somebody then it's gonna be perceived as divine and important in their minds this is similar to the Mozart Effect which is the belief that listening to Mozart as a baby will make you smarter as you get older it was based on a small study about spatial intelligence but it doesn't have anything to do with Mozart really any music will do but yeah there is all sort all an out of proportion and next thing you know it became pop psychology but yeah compared to sitting in silence your brain does find noise and music more stimulating but it's temporary it's not like listening to music will just make you a genius but of course it became popular because we're always looking for shortcuts you know the Mozart Effect was a shortcut to intelligence maybe we feel like the golden ratio is a shortcut to beauty you know we think that if we build or pain or compose subjects in accordance with the golden ratio that everybody will find it more beautiful and aesthetically appealing interesting psychological theories but that doesn't take away from the fact that we do see this quite often in nature so what's that about take the Nautilus's show it's often held up as the ultimate example of the golden ratio in nature for obvious reasons but in the spirit of total nitpicker ii it's not quite the golden ratio it's close it is it is close the golden ratio is 1.618 the Nautilus is 1.58 so you know if you do in the whole horseshoes and hand-grenades thing it might be close enough for you but the Nautilus as well as plants and flowers do have an actual physical reason for doing this and that reason is that nature is lazy a plan with the maximize the amount of sun exposure on its leaves for the least amount of energy possible and the best way to do this as evolution figured out over billions of years is using non repeating angles and then a rational value like the golden ratio guarantees this by using a logarithmic spiral or as they call it a growth spiral and from a physics point of view spirals are low-energy configurations but as the golden ratio actually used in art and architecture not as much as you might think for example the Parthenon that I mentioned earlier they did a reconstruction of it back in the 80s and found out that all the pieces were a little bit different not only did it not quite fit the golden ratio it barely even had any straight lines in it and there weren't really any accurate accounts that other buildings like the Pyramids of Giza or art pieces like the Mona Lisa actually used the golden ratio as an inspiration for their design in fact a lot of times when people put the golden ratio over certain paintings it doesn't even make sense now some artists have purposefully used the golden ratio in their paintings like Salvador Dali and the Sacrament of the Last Supper but yeah that was that was done on purpose and that doesn't mean that's worthless the golden ratio might be a good compensation a rule like the rule of thirds but not really anything more than that but finally is a face that features the golden ratio more beautiful than one that doesn't my voguing now what is this it is both the golden ratio the story of five the extraordinary number of nature art and beauty astrophysicist mario livio said i would like to point out however that the human face provides us with hundreds of links to choose from if you have the patience to juggle and manipulate the numbers in various ways you're bound to come up with some ratios that are equal to the golden ratio so while we may see the golden ratio in a lot of places in nature and art that doesn't make it some kind of foundational constant to the universe and you know basis of reality like some people try to claim that it is but that doesn't mean that there aren't some mathematical constants in the universe the speed of light in a vacuum for example is 186,000 282 miles per second then you also have Planck's constant which is symbolized as H it relates the energy and one photon of electromagnetic radiation to the frequency of that radiation we also have dimensionless constants like the fine-structure constant and the strong coupling constant there are also the four fundamental forces of nature gravity the weak force the strong force and the electromagnetic force and there's speculation there might be a fifth fundamental force of nature that has to do with dark energy or dark matter and what's fascinating to think about is that if any of these numbers we're just a little bit different the universe would be a completely different place and actually you know it's kind of fun to speculate what other universes might look like with different constants in a multiverse you know you know what kind of what kind of worlds and intelligences and creatures with those constants produce maybe for them a golden ratio isn't a rectangle or a spiral maybe it's a octagon or a triangle and maybe they're sitting out there right now speculating about our universe and our golden ratio and our mass maybe that's why British people say it that way they're from another universe that explains it yeah people have been writing about the golden ratio for centuries and this video obviously just scratches the surface but if you'd like to go deeper I can recommend the book that I quoted earlier by Mario Livio which you can find on audible it's called the golden ratio the history of Phi the world's most astounding number and in it it breaks down the entire history of five from Euclid and ancient Greece to today if he constructs the theories around fives use in ancient architecture and even goes into the cults that spring up around this number and around Pythagoras is work with it audible of 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Channel: Joe Scott
Views: 657,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: answers with joe, joe scott, fibonacci sequence, phi, golden ratio, golden rectangle, golden spiral, parthenon, divine math
Id: 73xCxHv2sXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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