A Brief History Of The Future | Answers With Joe

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I just got back from vacation I seem to picked up a little travel crud you might hear that my wife and I just had our 10th anniversary so we took a trip to New York City we wanted to find someplace quiet and relaxing to spend together and that was not the right place but no we had fun she's never been before and it's definitely a place you gotta experience to really get a feel for it you know so we went around we saw all the sights here's some pictures if you need proof that's not what this videos about what this video is about is that moment that happens in every vacation sometimes when it's a day or two before you're about to leave and you realize that this experience you're having is about to end and you've got to get on a plane and get back to mundane reality and there's just no getting around that so you have that moment you allow yourself to feel that angst for just a minute and then you get up and get on with a business of having a good time you know enjoy it while you can that's why you're here they say all good things must come to an end and this is true because all things come to an end good and bad you know jobs relationships life itself they all eventually blink out of existence eventually everything wind but how and we talked about the scales of the universe whether its size or time we get into some insane numbers numbers that our brain cannot really even comprehend the universe is 13.8 billion years old on a timeline the entire existence of the human race would be this little red dot right here I mean can even see that to bring all that home even further when you look at the demographics of this channel the average age of a viewer here is about 30 years old your life has taken up point zero zero zero zero zero zero two percent of the existence of the universe not that bad really but we in the universe are just at the beginning the timeline of the universe is insanely long and full of endings when will the human race end let's start with something fun that the human race will come to an end someday is certain how it will happen comes down really to two different options extinction or evolution and if we go the route of extinction the most likely bringer of our doom is ourselves overpopulation nuclear war pend M runaway greenhouse effect AI gun-crazy all of these options are things that we could do to ourselves to bring this party to an end but even if we do manage to avoid all that nature has a few tricks of her own up our sleeve and by tricks I mean unholy terrors super volcanoes comet impacts gamma-ray bursts Babloo and uprisings all of these are statistically likely to happen at some point in our future especially the baboon uprisings but even if we survive everything that we and Nature throw it ourselves eventually the human race is still going to end because we won't be humans anymore I covered recently how we might change as a species if we lived on Mars and it is inevitable that if we were you know subjected to those different conditions that we would change in some way but even if we stayed right here on earth evolution is inevitable there is an argument to be made and many do that the human race isn't gonna evolve anymore because we've reached this point technologically that we can control the environment therefore there's no need for us to change but I would argue that our ability to control the environment would actually accelerate our evolution because the environment that we have created to live in is not the one that we evolved in in only the last few hundred years we have completely removed ourselves from the natural world that we were designed for this equates to a massive change in environment that yeah over time we're gonna adapt to that throw in our new technology of genetic manipulation and you're basically throwing gasoline on the evolutionary fire because we're actually controlling our evolution but nothing will change us faster than our imminent merging with technology in just the last 60 years artificial intelligence has gone from a science-fiction trope to something that we are you know existing with every day in our lives we've already emerged with technology in an external sense I mean you just learned information about the eventual baboon uprisings from a computer device watching this video and it's fully expected in the near future this merging will become internal allowing us to merge with the ever increasing power of artificial intelligence this of course is transhumanism when the last Homo sapiens dies out is hard to say as this technology becomes more democratized and available to all the holdouts are going to kind of become second-class citizens be subjected to confinement maybe even put in zoos until maybe about a thousand years or so when the last human being held in captivity I only slips away now obviously trying to pin down the future of humanity is next to impossible but the future of planet Earth you have a pretty good idea of what's gonna happen there how the earth will end the species that we become may in the far future be bailing from planet Earth like rats from a flaming ship because basically the earth is going to become a flaming ship the Sun right now is at a stage they call main-sequence it's a main-sequence star this means that it's fusing hydrogen into helium in the caldron at the core of the Sun and when you know basically you get a whole lot of matter you get a whole lot of gravity a lot of gravity creates a lot of pressure and heat a lot of pressure and heat creates fusion and fusion creates an outward energy the Sun is the size that it is because it's created a balance between the gravitational force pushing in and the force of the fusion energy pushing out it basically creates enough of a cauldron inside to fuse hydrogen into helium but not enough to fuse helium together but eventually it will run out of hydrogen meaning that outward force will weaken gravity will take over it'll crush down even further this time enough to crush helium into carbon fusing higher mass atoms produces more energy so now it has to find a new balance between gravity and that outward energy so the Sun is gonna actually expand about - about the orbit of Earth this would be the sun's red giant phase and this will be the Earth's Ark of the Covenant phase the Sun will actually cool it a little bit in this phase is gonna go down to about 2,000 to 3,000 degrees Celsius which will shift the light red hence the term red giant but it'll still be hot enough to turn the earth into a massive ball of molten rock this massive Rock will see its orbit slowed by colliding with particles and the Sun this slowed down orbit will allow gravity to take over and it will eventually plunge down into the core of the Sun joining what's left of Mercury and Venus it's estimated that the Sun has about five billion years of hydrogen left to fuse which will give our descendants plenty of time to move into the outer solar system where a new habitable zone will be made in fact in fellow dozen Europa would be great candidates because it would be warm enough for all their ice to melt and have water but long before the red giant phase the Sun is going to slowly increase in temperature about 30 to 40 percent in the next billion years which would make it hot enough to boil off all the ocean on earth making it inhabitable so all life on Earth will be gone in about a billion years but in about five billion years the entire earth itself will be no more at this point the inner solar system is completely toast but the outer solar system may have a bit of a second life as it has a new habitable zone in our solar system but even that eventually is going to come to an end so how does the solar system end well after about a billion years or so of peacocking around the Milky Way is a big red giant the sun's gonna run out of helium that it confused into carbon and it will blast its outer layers out into a planetary nebula leaving only its core behind as a white dwarf the white dwarf version of the Sun will be about half the mass of the original Sun but about the same size as Earth meaning that a teaspoon of the surface of the white dwarf Sun would weigh about as much as a car but you wouldn't want to try this the gravity at the surface of the Sun will be about 350 thousand times more than here on earth so you know you might break your spoon that would be bad at this point there's not really any chance of life in the solar system any more it is possible for a white dwarf to sustain life but the planet would have to orbit 75 times closer than Earth does to the Sun and there's not gonna be anything there because the red giant kind of ate everything in that area so any life that might have moved to the outer solar system in that habitable zone would now not have enough energy to sustain life anymore so all that life would go away but let's just say in the far future we had the technology to move a planet from the outer solar system down closer to the white dwarf that might actually be a great way to go because white dwarves last a very very long time white dwarves are expected to radiate energy out for 10 to the 35 years until eventually they run out of energy in the time of black dwarf like horse by the way our only theoretical the universe hasn't been around long enough to actually create one yet but what happens to the planets when the Sun goes down to a white dwarf well according to a study that was published in 2009 and universe today the lower mass of the Sun would of course have less gravity causing the planets in the outer solar system to drift outward over time but thanks to the giant mass of Jupiter it would create perturbations in the orbits of these planets into the asteroid belt causing undue if you get all smashed together creating a giant dust cloud in the planetary nebula around the white dwarf a dust cloud that will be moving ever outward from the star as it cools for the next million trillion trillion years until it too ends but actually long before the white dwarf Sun cools off the galaxy is a very different fate in store so how will the Milky Way end and galaxies tend to cluster into groups and the group that we are in right now is named creatively the local group the local group is part of the Virgo cluster which is part of the Laniakea super cluster so now you won't get lost if you go out on a really long walk and the closest galaxies to us in a local group is the famous Andromeda galaxy two and a half million light-years away or maybe infamous would be a better word for that because that thing's headed right for us the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies are kind of like long distance pin pals that fell in love and about 4 billion years from now they're gonna finally meet up and make sweet sweet star level at this point the Milky Way galaxy as we know it will cease to be and it will be a combined galaxy with Andromeda that we've already named milk drama de melodrama doe will be an elliptical galaxy which basically means it's just gonna be a big giant mess of stars instead of the beautiful spiral galaxies that we know and love right now but the collision from our vantage point will be fairly safe it's not like we're gonna be smashed into my other stars and stuff like that it's expected because there's so much room between all the stars that there'll be very few collisions between planets and stars and stuff like that although some stars might get flung out from gravitational forces from the galaxies in fact the night sky during this time would be friggin amazing except for the fact that in a billion years the earth is gonna be like a thousand degree wasteland so you know great view terrible weather so technically the Milky Way as we know it will not be around anymore after 4 billion years but milk dromeda could actually get bigger over time it's thought that in 150 billion years or so all the galaxies in the local group could converge on milk dromeda forming a super galaxy of sorts now all this stellar wife-swapping could lead to a whole new explosion of stars in this super galaxy except it's also possible that most of the hydrogen will have already kind of been fused out at that point so there won't be as much fuel so it's possible that this stellar orgy might not result in as many stellar pregnancies as we might think I really hate that I just said it that way ultimately the fate of the Milky Way galaxy and all galaxies of the universe as the larger stars go supernova and the smaller stars go down to white dwarves these white dwarves will be spread further and further apart as dark energy takes over which leads us to the end of the universe the end of the universe is as mysterious as the beginning of the universe but there are three main theories that have been offered so far to explain what could happen the first theory is called the Big Crunch this theory states that eventually gravity will cause the universe to stop expanding and eventually reverse direction and crunch back in together before it creates another singularity and explodes into another Big Bang starting that cycle all over again like a cosmological heartbeat now this was a really popular theory for a really long time because it just kind of makes sense it just works it doesn't you don't have to explain how the universe began because it was always there you don't have to explain how it ends because it comes back together again it's just beautiful and cyclic and it just works except it doesn't work as Edwin Hubble famously pointed out the universe is not only expanding the expansion is accelerating and it seems to have accelerated past the point where gravity could pull it back together again it's sort of reached escape velocity on the other extreme is the big rip theory this states that eventually the expansion of the universe will increase exponentially eventually ripping apart the fabric of space-time itself dissolving all matter at the atomic level that sounds fun but the most accepted theory of the universe amongst cosmologists is what's known as the big freeze also called heat death of the universe in this scenario dark energy continues to expand the universe to the point that all matter is so spread apart that it can't interact with other matter and as all the stars die out eventually all that's left are black holes and red dwarf stars red dwarf stars would eventually lose all their energy and then through proton decay would become just giant cold spheres of lead black holes would eventually lose their energy and evaporate due to Hawking radiation leaving the biggest black holes to go away in about 10 to 100 years from now literally at Google years this many years at this point the universe has absolutely no energy to it whatsoever literally light-years between every atom just an endless expanse of nothingness signalling the end of everything so what did we learn today kids we learned that the timeline of the universe is mind-numbing ly long if you graphed it out the entire universe so far would be like just a fraction of a pixel we learned that everything eventually ends and there's just no point to anything nothing at all except the point that we give it so don't dwell on the fact that the universe is all gonna completely end someday just appreciate it while it's here you know feel the angst and then get up and get on with the business of enjoying yourself because that's why you're here in the first place so how does all that make you feel that depress you I didn't want to press you don't be depressed if you disagree with my assert a ssin of how things might go in the future please let me know in the comments I know you will also I keep getting comments people asking me where to find my shirts I'll talk about it and every single video you can find this shirt and many more fun science and nerdy witty shirts at the store it answers with Joe calm slash shirts go there get one you'll love it so this is the part of the video where I give a big shout out and thanks to all the people on patreon for helping me do what I do I can't express my thanks enough but right now I want to point out I would give a shout out to one specific guy a guy named Luke he actually has contributed at the highest level that I have up on the the thing I actually didn't think that anybody would do it at that level but he did and I owe him a huge thanks and it's time to give you a nice little spot up by yourself because you've earned it Luke I have given you Luke Luke Skywalker I got this online I'm not taking out of the box because it's special because you're special there you go I'm gonna put you right up there that is where Luke lives and hopefully you can see it thinking looks so much I really do appreciate it also I want to shout out the newest patreon supporters it's actually a whole lot on this list because I had gotten ahead on videos before so some of these are from people away back I'm gonna pound through these as fast as I possibly can but I really appreciate you guys there's Marco van Wyk Ryan Anthony Charles Dunlop Charlie Livingston Anthony Luciano GTS Michael Marshall Bob since sec atom car johannes bot Chenin guy tell more timothy a brits jr ross Glore trevor Leclaire richards radio room very Daniel Thompson Marco Bukowski Tom Micheline Michael Sobel Chris makuey stuart hall dan ferguson Leslie R as well p.m. Hendricks spin Evan dusky young Jacobson Tom greased Audrey limpkin Christina popular Cyril Hamish Lamont Ben Harding Luke de Becque Marcus I've a new doll Ruben Mendoza Jonas and Carl P Corliss Wow thank you guys so so much if you would like to join them get access to cool perks that other people don't get access to of course you can go to patreon.com/scishow answers with Joe please like and share this video if you liked it and if it's your first time here check out some of my other stuff you might like that too and if you do hit subscribe you'll be the first to see my new videos every Monday and Thursday thanks again for watching you guys go out now and have an eye-opening week and I'll see you next Monday love you guys take care
Channel: Joe Scott
Views: 1,084,041
Rating: 4.9238763 out of 5
Keywords: answers with joe, end of the universe, white dwarfs, red giant, how will planet earth end, how will humanity end, the end of humanity, milkdromeda, andromeda galaxy, the big freeze, the big rip, the big crunch, the big bang, cosmology, black dwarfs, black holes, hawking radiation, heat death of the universe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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