The Golden Ore ๐Ÿš— Vick and the Bear 2024 ๐Ÿ’ฅ NEW EPISODE ๐Ÿ’ฅ

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Vick's last days get back [Music] here huh yeah you better run in [Laughter] high takeing bear not my lucky day hello yes a don't worry I'll totally get this month's quota actually I'm calling you regarding another matter entirely what do you want it's time for your yearly physical exam and you'd better shave up Vick you barely pass last year you got that come on boss is that really necessary it's and if you go pass the flying colors this year you're fired don't let me down Vic oh yeah whatever I'm so totally not worried about it fit is a fiddle I'm in the prime of my life let's get f physical physical got a package for loger V I'm coming I don't remember ordering anything what's this oh it's the results of my physical I'll just take a quick look see H everything seems to be normal W impossible no [Music] what just happened was it just a dream it really is true but it can't be I'm dying why me who could be calling at this tragic hour hello boss I got your physical exam report you're dying oh stop your blubbering this is a good opportunity to fill your last days with the meaningful logage now get back to work and quit fing off no way I'm dying and that's what you say to me I'm not going back to work no what I'm not wasting any more time time with you you're fired [Music] what what should I do today who cares I wish my mom were here what's wrong with me V quit sitting around I should really tell my parents but they'll just feel bad for me and I don't need that it's my duty as a [Music] son hello who's there hello Mom it's me oh hi son shouldn't you be at work now is everything okay with you oh well I I well you sound upset did something bad happen to you son son you still there m I'm okay I've just been working really hard that's all you help me worried come on ain't nothing wrong with me I'm as healthy as a horse seriously well that's good to hear son your father and I are so proud of you thanks ma where's Dad I wanted to say hi your father's in the hospital dear high blood pressure and all why didn't you tell me earlier you're always so busy we didn't want to bother you I got to go some I've got something important to tell you hi express delivery darn it I'm wasting my time daydreaming I need to get out there and live my life [Music] I can't think of anything for my bucket list who's calling me the old boss likely hold on now's my chance stop calling I'm not afraid of you anymore I'm sick of you and I'm sick of logging oh and good luck trying to find a replacement that will deal with your ridiculousness [Music] that felt fantastic it's really over I've had this bad boy for years too long I better go ahead and bury it my life as a logger comes to an end stop L trust me I wasn't longing oh as if we'd believe you you're a liar those Bears I'm going to add beating them up to my bucket list I'll show them who are [Music] Locker ramble bro you okay huh oh prior is this looks like Vic really is sick oh now I feel bad for him look at the back oh I think I saw some writing what's this looks like a bucket list poor guy I feel so bad rer let's help him complete his list what Vic wants to go swimming in the ocean oh I don't know how could he do that out here hey wait the lake it's probably just as good am I right wa that's a really good idea let's do [Music] it what are you doing here what do you want let me go right now let me go what do you want Oh put me down you taking oh you got your sticking Bing down calm down would you what are you going to do to me stay away from me to drown me I know how to swim wooo yeah this is so great wow where'd he go you think he's okay don't worry he knows how to swim I haven't had this much fun in years well we can cross this one off but this next one might be just a little bit harder looks like he wants to fly like a bird oh flying we can borrow who's Wing [Music] quiet oh get me down from here enough now Bears I appreciate what you guys are doing but I can't take any more of this I don't have very long to live and I don't want to end that time prematurely I don't know bro maybe we should stop helping longer pick out well we should tried our best maybe we should just give it up ramble look what he wrote next we can still help him logger vict wants to beat us both up oh he's always wanted to do that prior well we'll pretend okay please don't I really have had enough stay back or I'll make you feel sorry you ever challenged me my arm just when did you become so strong Vic ow oh I'll right my achilles chest how' you like another one come on please let us go I'm just starting for give up I finally beat him ouch can't believe it worked let's follow him okay yeah is this Mr Victor Von finkenstein this is Dr flomington I'm sorry but we sent you the wrong test results it happens all the time you're as healthy as a clam I'm all right fantastic thank you thank you that's great it's okay he I thought I'd beat you up the Battle of Honey Hive that's for sure don't worry boss I'll have that Lumber quot Sign Sealed and Delivered to you by this weekend you can be sure of it okay take care now bye-bye then oh man I've got a a lot to get done this week then I'm taking a trip [Music] [Music] home oh my head huh [Music] ramble oh wow ramble prior huh come over here hurry over here raino what in the world is going on um look right there a beehive that's great that means we can have breakfast every morning without having to go out and look for it hold on Brier I've got a good idea what's your idea rimble what do we doing dressing up like bees anyway huh it's camouflage haven't you heard of it first thing is we need to look like them bro then they'll have to accept us you pick it up when I'm laying down once they've accepted us into their society we'll eat all the honey we want all right I'm in that sounds like a really good plan of course it is come bu bu bu buz hello members of the hive roer look at him he just landed on my nose bro hold it back [Music] don't four of them now what what do you think run hey wait for me [Laughter] [Music] R come over here real quick bro I don't know will this work does my plan sound like it's not going to work as long as we become good friends get it we'll be rolling in Honey every single day all right let's try again it's go [Music] time I wish I could be a happy little bee cuz I would fly so very high among the flowers he [Music] [Laughter] here I come wooo [Laughter] yeah mhm [Music] [Music] [Laughter] yeah oh no I'm really sorry what did you do just great R they don't look happy you can say that again bro I didn't mean to hurt him please don't no no I'm sorry [Music] huh be king your friends are still mad at [Music] me well it looks like you're forgiven oh so you're saying you want to keep dancing with me good you're my best [Laughter] friend you always say that huh looking a little bit stormy are you messing with me huh I've got a deadline I got to find some shelter [Music] just perfect this that stinking beehive ah you got to get out of the rain little guy my honey give it back wo whoo you were just dreaming yeah oh what was that fire are you all right I'm fine go check on the hive [Music] quickly oh oh no it's gone huh I said it isn't there it must have blown away or something [Music] it's logger Vick's chainsaw huh lger Vic where is he huh RoR look ah it was Vic who stole our Hive oh it's not fair [Music] huh hello Victor how's production I expected this weekend you better not keep me waiting oh well there's a terrible storm out that storm up last night you think I don't get the weather from here uh yes uh but the forest is still wet and it makes it [Music] very get out there and boss why [Music] you boy well come out the rain has stopped [Music] huh hi there there hey hey it's all right now s Bears I'm not working what do you want you took my beehive give it listen ler Vick that beehive belongs to us hand it over now give that no way Let It Go from the rain give it bro it's Bo give me back some beehive okay give it back right now it's mine I'm going to catch up to you don't you move just don't we lost Vic the hive's ours is that right h Huh what's going on with [Music] them our be friends are circling around ler pick yeah why come now paying attention to your master right oh yeah we'll [Music] see wait come back what are you doing oh [Music] yeah that's enough fighting something seems a little strange here lger Vic how did you obtain the hive last night when it was [Music] raining oh so you saved King B and his bions I guess we sort of misjudged you Vic sorry about that no worries you could just pay me back with some honey absolutely [Music] bandages what you still a b no I'm not do you have any idea what time it is it's at 6:00 a.m. you should have started at 500 a.m. what are you waiting for let's see how much work I'll get done with this baby let's [Music] go ramble if you keep eating like that we're not going to have any more food left by the time we get to the picnic huh hey Bramble explain this look you were littering that's not good relax Brier they're biod deflatable that is not a word now help me clean all this up you're unbelievable whatever with my board I'll be able to move faster those Bears will never catch me [Music] I have to say that honey dip bananas are probably the best thing in the entire world you're right what the there's only one thing living in the forest that would make such a ghastly sound Boer pick mhm that was too close oh how do I stop [Music] them we are the Protectors of the forest we are the guardians of nature huh hey Vic you're done we'll make sure of it something's wrong with him Bramble uh hey Vic you all right Vic huh huh what's that Vic hurt himself because of your littering oh but I didn't mean to do it ramble help me carry him back home okay it hurts make it stop we're sorry logger Vic it's not my fault it was him I'm sorry they're supposed to be bios sustainable [Music] huh you seem to feel better huh ow wow the pain is too much he seems to be experiencing a lot of pain what are you supposed to do bro there really only one thing we can do Bramble we have to take care of him I knew you were going to say that bro I mean we can't just let him heal here by himself right darn toon just look at me I can't move because you two litterbugs of course you have to look after me you know it's the right thing oh yeah yeah yeah I'll take real good care of you don't worry worry oh well look at that you don't seem to be in pain anymore oh ouchie I can't believe the pain I think I need to go and lie down wo wo wo we'll take you there I'm hungry can you get me something to eat ramble go find him some food I'll get him some bandages well then that ought to occupy those two pet heads for a while oh cramp hey those two bears might come in handy after all huh are you just standing what do you mean you're joking how can I do that oh all right no worries I'll bandage you up hey easy easy not there I set the left arm stop all right that should make you feel better Vic it's a nice day out what do you say we get some sun that was good the sun's getting a bit strong now wa oh you're right do you want me to get an umbrella no thanks just fan me off for a little while yeah you got [Music] it oh yeah water' be good ah coming right up here what is wrong with you you almost burned my Tong down here you [Music] go bring me honey bring me honey now I'm losing my [Music] master primble I'm going as as fast as I can you're not going fast enough pick up the base would you oh Vic I'm tired and I don't think I [Music] can what no way right I'm not going to eat this Bramble is bringing you fish all [Music] right roer how much longer do we have to take care of logger Vic anyway until he's 100% recovered all right Bramble my doctor says that it'll take about 100 days to fully recover from all of this 100 that's forever [Music] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 oh man there are so many days left ramble time to get food come on yes finally I can move around on my own uhoh yeah Victor what have you been doing for the last week I haven't even received see a splinter from you uh here's the thing uh you see I uh I really got hurt badly while cutting down trees the doctor said I should be resting so I am I stupid VEC where's the insurance claim give me some Lumber are you going to have some real injury you got to believe me boss now I've done it Vic is that too strong here have some more it's good for you I need to get rid of them so I can finish my work huh Brier brma hey look I can move my arms now I think I'm all better you know that's really great news wait the doctor said 100 days and we're sticking to that oh I suppose you're right no you don't have to do that eat up Vicki [Music] [Music] oh man I got to get to work I can't be fired oh where's my saw [Music] that was a close [Music] one who stepped up with little Foy it hurts so bad fer bck what are you doing up whatever you need just ask and I'll run and go get it for you yeah me too I can do it I am fine now I want you out of my house do what understand me but Vic you might still need us I am completely recovered and all I want now is just to be left alone really oh absolutely wao awesome hey big ta Bravo that was great do it again so there do you see what I mean yeah all right well it looks to me like Vicki is totally recovered Brier you're right Vick is fine well it's time to go home now I'm going to eat some honey then I'm going to sleep for three whole days I finally got rid of those two bears yay [Music] great I can't feel my arms anymore I can't feel my anything sausage celebration part two [Music] oh ban can you bring me some more to huh he's not coming [Music] back oh what do I do now hey is anybody around can someone please bring me some more toilet [Music] paper baby and screwdriver hurry up huh hey man he I'll never forgive [Music] me Hur there smells great faan here try the fish whatever I'll just eat it myself [Music] then what you're leaving the forest why the city you sure you're not going to miss Vic yeah these here are all mine how dare you you're a thief A Low Down Thief what were you thinking stealing from me huh there's nothing for me here oh Fabian Fabian he needs our help to sort all this out I know come on let's go explain it to Vic right [Music] babian babian gosh dar it's so annoying my head is full that Fabian you got to stop thinking about him that's it back to work loer pick please let me go I promise not to cut down trees again no please oh please oh please I promise I promise this relax we're not going to hurt you we want to explain the truth about what happened with Fabian Fabian explain what he lied and was deceiving me and that's that but Vick you misunderstood him so this is what happened still I don't get it why would a cat need money well I guess I could tell you but you have to promise me oh to keep it a secret okay the oneyear anniversary of the first time we met is in a few days Vic and I met thanks to a sausage it was the most hungry I've ever been in my life this isn't a real sausage it's disgusting that moment restored my faith in humanity W sir in return I want to buy Vicor sausage to show my gratitude they been ask you to help him buy me a sausage yep that's correct you're cold-hearted logger Vic oh no I'm not that gullible but nice try guys oh man I feel so sorry for Fabian oh sweet ho lucky I run so fast I wonder huh what is did they tell me those things huh wait a second that's today the oneye anniversary of the first time we met is in a few days Vick and I met thanks to a sausage this isn't a real sausage it's disgusting oh no could it really be true [Music] [Music] if Fabian really got the money from selling scrap where's my money huh 1 2 3 4 oh my it's really missing thinkk oh no I spent it on soda how could I be so stupid baban went to so much effort to buy me a sausage and in return I treated him terribly now he's gone and I'm going to get him back oh so now you believe us then mhm mm please tell me where he went where did he go huh come on you stupid little he said he's going to the city then he's probably down at the train station what faan I'm coming forgive me bro let's get dressed up and go help mhm attention all passengers the train to the capital will depart in a few minutes please board the train immediately from platform number three your tickets Please it won't take long hey show me a ticket listen I don't have one you can't get in without a ticket and that's that now get out rules are rules you understand attention all passengers the train to the capital is about to depart what am I [Music] [Music] done a he stole my hand back no one steals while I'm on patrol please catch him Mr Conductor stop right why you still sitting there you Dingus hurry up rmo are you kidding me huh thanks man get out of here you Thief think I can't find you huh good job attention passengers the train is about to depart please board immediately faan faan Fabian where are you down from that window the train will depart soon please for immediately baby [Music] Fabian Fabian where are you Fabian I'm so sorry Fabian Fabian no don't go no wait Fabian please get off no get off oh please Fabian [Applause] fian oh no don't leave me ban wait sir oh please look at me ban don't Baby Don't Go sir stop it it's dangerous you made the C down sir please stop it it's for your owny [Music] please don't go baby this saan she must be one pretty [Music] lady baby you're back [Music] could it be T baby and my boy come here big [Music] boy you came back again yeah a sausage where is it from hey little kitty actually I just sold the last sausage to that guy over there well hey there little girl aren't you adorable you want some of my sausage baby oh you're my best buddy yeah you are let's go see you yeah oh by the way Vic you owe us for this who say about that so where's the so-called de you speak of oconor it's them are you trying to make a fool of Me no sir I'm sure of it oh you get back here I'm on you you're coming to the headquarters with me right the tail of the Stone from space Oh disgusting what's that horrible smell um um [Music] oh it's not even bothering him ow ramble wake up huh what is he doing he's so itchy it's coming from that pillow [Music] [Music] oh Brier why you sleeping there on the ground uh I'm itchy I'm hungry it's breakfast time why am I itching so much oh yeah that's the spot wo [Music] oh huh ramble [Music] bro I totally forgot about that stone pillow I'll do him a favor and get rid of it hazardous waste coming through ramble there you are I took care of your problem I think there's been a thief in our house Brier what what's missing huh someone took my pillow that's horri wait that dirty rock that was there someone up and stole it and left another one bro that thing smelled like garbage y y you mean yeah I tossed it why would't you I can't sleep without [Applause] it hey brambo hold on a second I'm again [Music] man who's there [Music] I found you I thought you were gone for my life forever what have we here you seem pretty excited about that stone don't you I want it give it here you got 5 [Music] Seconds Sora quit touching that just keeping it warm you know me but Vic that's my special stone it's mine now [Music] Brian just like taking candy from a baby no what's so special about this stupid rock eh oh dear poopy stink wait it actually might be worth something to somebody you can do it Big [Music] Boy Roya big straight up stole my pillow right from under my nose oh settle down I'll get it for you I mean it was kind of my fault anyway Brier you're so cool huh what I'm itchy still forget about that now we got a pillow to [Music] rescue that's weird where is Vic ooh a perfect opportunity hey we can't it's wrong he's the one that stole from me first I just want my pillow back okay be careful [Music] ramble oh oh oh oh he might know we were here hey Bramble did you find it huh no not yet this is no time to play dress up oh it's not here Bramble I'm sorry huh that's my pillow something's not right here gotcha I've been expecting you [Music] rainbow wake up bro what happened Brier huh well you're awake L where's my what was that it's not your pillow anymore he put it on display what's so special about it it must be worth a small fortune no it's not just a pillow you know I use it for sleeping and sometimes cuddling yeah right look at me do I look stupid do I tell me the truth hey I am telling the truth it's just a normal pillow my brother didn't like the smell so we tossed it right out into the forest to get rid of it [Music] hi circus and Lake I got a deal for you two bears please all right hold on we'll tell you go on you were right you see it's definitely Priceless and uh oh boy you're stalling come on oh no oh no do something wait okay okay okay okay well you see you're a lucky man because that stone actually came from space uh-huh it fell from right up there we both saw it it was falling down faster than the rain from space should be worth a bit I think aliens have been known to use Earth as a sort of interstellar landfill for all sorts of junk that just might explain it better not be lying [Music] I promise you I'm telling you the truth Vic it's magical whisper into it your wish will come true go on try it just try it one time um really absolutely just keep repeating your wish to the stone like about 50 more times oh it's totally true I wished for a for a he wished for a break brand new pillow he got one too he just forgot his all what have I got to lose I might as well and if they're lying I can always sell them to the circus I knew this Stone was special so I want to I want to Locker Vic you have to hold it first no kidding CR do I have to of course you do hold it tight oh boy touch it to your [Music] face money and I can't it smells bad come on [Music] Vicky it's working yeah all right wait it's happening again Bri H aha I know just what to do your stone was covered in Moss this should help with the itching W um you're so so smart bro done yeah what now promise me you'll clean it every day I super promise really here yes beware of bird flu today's breaking news the recent outbreak of bird flu in Grizzly Peaks county has residents in total Panic locals are reminded to wash their hands and cook their poultry thoroughly before eating the pathogen is transmitted through contact with infected Birds pigeons prows Haw owls and other local birds if you feel you might be infected please see a doctor immediately oh that's serious I'd better be careful no telling what yeah hello where the world is my blood here's the thing I was just on my way out to get it and you distracted by the B yes exactly I'm so sick of him [Music] [Music] yeah good [Music] Roar so frighten [Music] the pathogen is transmitted through contact with infected Birds hions crows Hawks owls and other local birds may be infected want to catch why is ler pick running away like that me [Laughter] something's definitely wrong with him wake up little guy maybe he will if you stop shaking him come on whoooo please wake up wait hang on Vic looked really frightened we should find out what's going on oh no oh no no no no no [Music] do not engage people who appear to have a fever or other symptoms including volting and coughing if you feel you might be infected please see a doctor what do I do oh I know hot bath there we go now uhhuh huh oh no the water why is this happening to me what's going on come on you stupid F give me [Music] water this ain't good I've got to get myself clean it might be too cold but it's better than and bird flu come on you can do this Vicki is a [Music] man it's C oh it's very cold is this the pharmacy yeah oh good I need some medicine out say what all out how on Earth am I supposed to cure this bird flow hey wait don't you hang up that does it I'm calling customer [Music] har got to stay warm that's just perfect now I'm hungry what is it you think you're doing can't you see I'm [Music] Freez oh no it's getting worse got to get up got to find a doctor this is ridiculous all right I'm coming gosh what do you want I'm sleeping that you no the thing is I'm really sick I don't care if you've got the I I really am sick one of these days I really am going to quit huh did you hear hear that let's go hey you guys way up all right now just power through Vicki when you're done you can go on home have a nice bubble bath and take a nap we CAU your red handed oh put down the sof Vick no please just stay back why did he stop moving get that all away from me who I don't get it BR why would Vic consider huo a threat probably because of bird flu huh where are you guys going I don't have it look you sneezed just now explain that uh yeah I see your point I couldn't find my way home last night so I slept on a branch it was cold and I had a hard time getting to sleep it was a long long night so you see guys that's how I caught a cold oh I see well that does make me feel better all right we believe you hey I just got an excellent idea how about we disguise ourselves as birds and scare Vic away good idea I think that'll work uhhuh look at me tweet tweet I'm a beautiful bird oh no perfect let's get moving it's so cold I need more clothes that does it I'll rest first then finish tonight Rainbo you got to walk like a bird I'm exhausted this is just useless Brier I was all excited I wanted to scare him and now he's nowhere to be found we'll find him don't worry I'm too tired to walk even one more step don't give up come on we got this Bramble [Music] right that help me a giant [Music] bir thank goodness I got out of there oh there's another one well got to go don't forget about me come on oh yeah mer nice try oh that looks like it hurt quick help him up I got this all right your turn to try [Music] right Why didn't it work wake up logger Vic wake up hey well what if he sleeps forever uh-uh that only happens to Beauties Vic is too ugly for that let's take him to the river [Music] okay thick is paranoid whooo sneezed because of a cold leave it to Vic to suspect bird [Music] flu what the heck is wrong with you you throw freeing water on me in this cold weather what are you trying to do huh kill me that's mean we were just trying to wake you up ramble run he's angry hey get bear get [Music] 40ยฐ that's not good I need to go to the hospital I better hurry no before it's too [Applause] [Music] late Dr will what is that did I catch the dreaded bird flu I have your test results right here nothing but a common Cal all you need is rest thank you look how cold great new get off me I'm going to be okay thanks for everything we get one every year bugging out [Music] [Music] why is my house boss this is Vicki my house has been inundated with flies and it's affecting my work could you send me some insect killer huh what you think I'm made out of Buddy uh look here boss why don't you think of it as an investment I can't work like this actually I've been experimenting weon you can always test it out for me but be careful it's worth more than you make in a year and remember you break it you pay for it but bus a new [Music] weapon uh uh these look like headbands for little girls uh the boss wants me to look pretty uh [Music] H it's like I have the power of an arachnid a yes nice ooh with these I might even be able to defeat the Bears loer Vic ler Vic that tree is even older than you how can you chop it better leave now or I'll kiss your face with my fist oh I'm so tired I'll just rest oh pror I think logger Vic finally lost his mind time to beat some sense back into him y Brier something happened and it ain't good huh hey Bram are you okay RoR help me get down from here I can't even move an inch oh man just hold TI ramble let me deal with Vic I won't be afraid of you two [Music] anymore uh why do you look like a mosquito Buzz because I am Brier be careful buzz buzz darn he's fast what should I do huh huh lugger Vick I'll squash you you think it sticks enough do you yeah right huh that's not good try and squash me now ah stay back you little J huh ramble come on Vick seems to be way too powerful today let's Retreat for now okay oh yeah running away are we let's see if you like this one the power of a dung beetle sh bro is that good gaining on us huh yeah I think so keep going you guys better watch out now is our chance come on big mistake what is that smell smells like your feet oh shut up find Vic surprise oh no huh [Music] bro Fire come help me that's what you get when you mess with [Music] me have a taste of your own medicine how dare you steal from me you're despicable speak for yourself you miss me you miss me ouch that hurt did I hit him too hard brains will always defeat broad huh fer back help what's a big idea what the you also stole from me you ask for this watch this where's Vick now he's a dragon fly looks more like a house fly get him way too slow oh thanks these things you guys are slower than [Music] dirt huh what get off of me get I'm stuck darn it you can just forget about it bro you can't break that whip are you serious yes you'll have to do a lot better than that to hit me yeah quick shoot more what you ran out oh didn't that hurt you not as much as I'm going to hurt you get ready for a weapon RoR what should we do no what's happening to me get out now you're in for it oh I'm a spider no a dragonfly oh hang on you can't run away from me hey nowhere to run to now ran come help me just great huh time to finish this uh-huh Vic uh huh take that ow I'm a spider no a dragonfly no a mosquito I'm a [Music] spider I'm a dragonfly a spider a mosquito no dragonfly we did it [Music] yeah victory [Music] yeah um Pi converted to a caterpillar he deserves no less come on let's go home okay finally made it it's broken will you get lost I thought I took that out last week [Music] there [Music] God back how of the new weapons As It Go aren't they amazing I'm going to need them back though hello hello what can hear you what do you mean call later bye I'm done for he'll kill me the golden ore [Music] the golden ore a material from which gold may be extracted is a very rare occurrence some miners consider it to be very valuable as the gold is no longer difficult to even in some cases I could just see the lifestyle I'd live if I had one of those things lying around back to my boring life I'm getting too old for this this job is getting me nowhere really fast [Music] oh man that's seriously hurt come here you Troublemaker oo is this what I think it is the golden ore a material from which gold may be extracted blah blah blah this has got to be gold ore hold on why would this just be lying around let's see oh how did you get here uh weird was that cave here [Music] before something seems fishy about this why is it blocked up no I got it this must be an old abandoned mine I'll find more gold ore in here no time to waste now where's my shovel that didn't work too well I need a machine to get the job done but I can't draw any attention there's got to be a way to buy an excavator uh aha that's it Mr Marshall will buy the gold ore from me perfect I'll buy that excavator in no time Vicki you're a true genius it's time to get this plan into action oh no this Cloud might work what you sure well we just can't let that happen bro why should we care if big looks for gold I wasn't finished there was one more thing he was going to buy uh an excavation machine seriously behold all this gold is mine no way no way we are not going to allow that to happen we have to come up with a plan somehow H oh got it all we need to do is prevent him from selling it to anyone then he won't have the money to tear down the forest that's right we should probably follow him come on looks like things are finally turning around for a you hand over that gold ore it's not yours to sell those bears are always meddling in everything I do well those two stinking Bears aren't going to stop me this [Music] time they're trying to catch up to my track what was that sounds to me like logger Vic ran his truck right into a tree not our fault come on let's go grab the [Music] ore he's trickier than we thought come on those two always think they can outsmart the great logger Vicki but now that they've discovered what my plan is I'll have to find another way to get the or to Mr Marshall just call me Huckleberry ah rule these Waters yeah the hibernation over now when the flowers are all In Bloom a cheerful bird song woke me there's just no way those Bears can stop me this time and chase me right out of my room well hello there b mck you're kidding me help me I'm drowning help me oh it's shallow night perfect for stealth oh it's easy to move undetected [Music] I forgot how cold it can get at [Music] nighttime monster [Music] fer VI where are you going do we really look like Monsters what a wonderful day what is there about today those Bears will surely fall for this cunning disguise I'm starting to get hungry food gather around folks try our fresh and juicy watermelon are you sure he even came in this direction absolutely my poor he look bro I think Vick's coming maybe we're going to need to hear him talk to be sure let's call him over here then all right fresh watermelon fresh watermelon come and get it the best watermelon this side of the sounds really good oh right they won't know what me my brilliant [Music] costume I'm so hungry could you spare a slice for me you can have as many as you like go ahead eat up great Wonder I need to use the bathroom sure go ahead it's right over there I'll keep an eye on your bag okie dokie thanks a lot take your time all right come on okay much better it was those bears in Disguise ha trying to trick me score one for the bears but wait till they see what's in the bag what he tricked us again Brier baby and should be here soon enough do a jig I'm the smartest person I know in the whole world good going good job those two stupid Bears have been fooled the whole time they can't outsmart me Fabian listen carefully to me I need you to guard this once I take off quietly slip out of here and meet me under the pine tree you understand it's important oh what's taking him so long huh ah finally Mr Marshall how are you where's the golden ore ah it's right here please take your time examine it thoroughly what is this this are you trying to trick me or something what get this piece of junk out of my sight hey wait Mr Marshall after all I've done to sell it it's not even the real thing it's not even gold ore I've wasted all this time on a stupid fake oh Brier BR I got the gold or really good job Brier tell me what's going on it all started when we overheard loger Vick's plan to have Fabian protect the ore we decided that was the perfect opportunity to take it back so we lured him with food and changed the orb when he wasn't looking what a great plan no one can outsmart you Brian here you go I'll let nothing happen to our home [Music] off archaeologists at a sight in Fierce tiger forest discovered an interesting piece of Amber this morning Amber Dr Woo states that they've discovered an ancient extinct insect species preserved inside the Amber and that they hope to discover more about the species through further analysis really they must have made a fortune certainly a lot more money than lugging trees if I just find one of those things oh boy I'd be Set uh I wonder where you get them oh just maybe there's some near here H hello you haven't delivered yesterday's Lumber do you still watch your job or not I can explain yesterday I was almost finished with my get back out there my one before I get really angry I'm not joking move out okay okay okay okay okay everybody here all right March is just around the corner you guys and it's the perfect time of year to help the forest grow and we want to help the forest grow by planting these something's really off I just finished decorating it what were you thinking it's not even anywhere close to Christmas time let the competition beginning all right I want to go home this work is really starting to get to me if only I could find Amber I'd be rolling in millions of dollars all right all right let's all calm down listen carefully only the winner gets to plant the first pine tree but we all get to help sounds boring those stupid Bears back to work time to cut some trees huh what's that oh is it Amber so you guys get it the Perfect Crime where where' they go let's prepare for the competition just a bit more oh wow it's real Amber I'm going to be filthy rich just look at all this money oh boy oh let me explain I just wanted to you think we don't know no just wait I wanted to we're not letting you cut them down well boy I came here to help you out you help us that's right are you buying this hold on let's hear him out all right well you see I was wrong cutting trees is not good so now I'm dedicated to replanting them okay let's give him a shot I'm open to it but I will be keeping an eye on him all right then Vicki Welcome to our annual contest what oh yeah and this year's event is hula kahiko h a [Music] [Music] whato must be secret sty K Fu and now I'm unstoppable h cats don't eat bread I'm a conil guru where did it go oh seriously who throws the bagette got to go kung fu is really hard darn it this competition is making me angry I've just got to get that Amber the competition is my only hope don't train don't get Amber huh it's just so hard to keep going oh how can I improve my Kung Fu [Music] training oh yes hello why you yell because Lumber keeps me calm yes yes yes but I didn't really work yesterday what you didn't work hello I cannot hear you oh can you hear me now how about now can can you can you can you hear me he me now sorry it must be a bad connection aot I better get back to work [Music] huh holy cow Warren you will be hosting naturally what's so great about hosting Tiki o let's get started hey there Vic you all right what's that in your mouth sure are quiet Vic be it big fat loser wait a minute where is it huh cool Banner I'm sure to win it's a dance off I've been doing Kung Fu I'm not prepared to dance oh man huh Warren Warren can you come here Warren are we ready to begin now we are welcome to our first Forest dancing competition let's give a set up for our first contest he's big he's broad well here please hello everyone oh boy just get started to those of you watching us from home time to Feast your eyes huh oh wait wait wait bro I'm giving you 60 next next St TI babo perform their hula they're really good s you stepped on my grass scut you're too slow I was going to right pace quit crying you big baby I'm really sorry sa just like re but all right you two I think we've seen quite enough you should practice more so I'm giving you 65 next and now do a belly dance for all [Music] right oh Herbert got anything else no that's it really yeah okay oh I can't dance what should I do Vic is next you got to hurry up Vic before we run out of time come on Vic think about it the Amber I will do for you a Kung Fu Fusion Dance Kung Fu Fusion what really amazing hey wait B don't go too high come down that was cool Vick hey Warren must be teaching me what kind of dance was that I don't know it looked fun after not deliberation we've concluded that this year's winner is vix Kung Fu Fusion congratulations oh hello I'd like to get my Amber appraised thank you once the result comes back I'll be rich Yes W already yes how much a million a million what pieces of lumber or a million excuses how about a million months without pay for making me angry you know what you you orvi you're an incompetent and supportive shut up I ain't dropping down with you anymore that is it soon I'm going to be rich he can chop down his own darn Lumber I'm going to be rolling in it no need to worry about that pin head any longer hello a Christmas ornament what you've got to be kidding me you can't do that you can't charge me to appraise a piece of plastic Hi boss it's me sapling [Music] survival I like corn so much I'm going to sing about it I just love corn and everything corn just finish your corn already you eat too slowly not true [Music] watch you see I finished it all one big Gul well you're officially crazy ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention today is National tree planting day go out there and plant a tree with your help we can make this world a little Greener huh is he talking to us of course he is we're grizzly bears remember it's our duty to plant trees oh yeah that's right planting trees is what Grizzlies do best do you remember that tree we planted last year it's probably really big it might be even taller than us now now let's not get carried away hey let's see it yeah okay and it'll motivate us to plant even more trees this year PR let's go hey wait do you know the way yep I made signs last year you Dingus huh what a guy full of surprises hey wait up ramble when did you get so [Music] fast whoa your sign there uh oh the sign was knocked over when I got here who knows which way it was pointing now I'm even more confused yeah turn it around hand it over be [Music] careful you're so smart I remember now it's this way bro stop running off [Music] almost there bro you okay my marking flag's still here this way and here's the Mark I made in stone wow this way he's doing it [Music] hey we there yet trust me it's right over this hill okay huh you found it CH me bro is it big and tall huh it's so tall you're speechless that's what I'm talking about bro [Music] but but why who would do such a cruel thing P yourself together bro now I'm starting to cry [Music] why sapling grows into a tree a tree grows into what it wants to be making the world happy better place you and [Music] me grow strong and Tall young sapling dear friends we're gathered here today to H the memory of a fantastic tree it seems like just yesterday you were nothing more than a young sapling on the verge of Life remember that time I watered you that was awesome and I'll never forget the first Splinter you gave me it's still there I think anyways thanks for all the shade and stuff you will not be forgotten my friend ramble that was beautiful well said bro not fair [Music] huh Another One Bites the d h H with all these suckers planting trees business is better than ever for me you hear that must be logger Vic it is I can tell bro let's get [Music] him so have I cut down enough trees yet today of course I haven't well I think you have well looks like you were eavesdropping that's the least of your worries now get ready to take fist hold on bro not yet he owes some apologies to this Forest of trees yes do I look out hey I apologize if you can catch me get back here here Vic You Can't Hide y I'm not hiding today is National tree planting day tree day go out there and plant a tree how interesting more trees mean more money looks like I'm going to be busy this week for sure I'll be chopping wood to my heart's content I hope those Bears don't get in the way oh yeah I forgot something I cut down that stupid tree they planted no [Music] no s man hey is this hunters or Russ I need something to deal with some Bears my the latest bottle I'll take it uhhuh uh-huh deliver it to my cabin ready for a taste of my new weapon ah it's over [Music] Bears freezing this baby is great it shoots poisonous dart thingies each with a for devastating effect hold on bro oh oh no it burns it burns it burns I can't take it much longer it feels like I'm on fire awesomeness it worked even better than I Vick you'll pay for this uh [Applause] fine rer you all right that is there anything you can't do baby I'm the master of the forest now come here the only thing you're master of is getting your butt whooped by us Walker Vic just wait and see you're going to pay for what you did whatever I'm Invincible remember that [Music] there's no way those bears would risk coming back here again all right bucker Vic we're back darn it back for more punishment are [Music] youuh are those my truck doors boy you ask for this watch it [Music] you think you're so clever huh these shields really work bro get ready to start attacking all right huh what's all this then take this no way help mees [Music] the river my lucky day he's underwater attack him flying [Music] minions shoot come on huh please spare me I'm so [Music] [Music] sorry they were dumb enough to give me my [Music] weapon here it's it's a pine con uh that's that's right and you want me to what no [Music] [Laughter] unfair ler supposed to cut down trees darn you thisg you're doing well all right keep up the good work fire check out my impression of a sprinkler [Music] they're going to take my Locker's license use your noodle I just bought this I have had you are going to pay for this but we don't have any money yeah I hope you're prepared for a butt whooping oh [Music] [Music] what am I going to do yes yes guess what guess you have my lover yes you're incompetent or yes I should just fire you right now have I would deliver this weekend or you can piss your salary and your jop goodbye there's one small problem with it's not my problem it's your problem don't you I my me I got to get something to [Music] eat ah oh here we are this is my favorite what is this a bag what was this doing inside my instant noodles huh what's this collect all five to win wow every foodal noodle comes with a toy badge the flower the herb the pine tree the butterfly and the bear collect all five to get a great prize a chainsaw that's perfect I only need four more of these little Beauties then the chainsaws mine yay time to start buying some [Laughter] noodles RoR I don't think we'll be hearing any more tree chopping L Vick can't work without his chainsaw I just don't know bro we've broken many of his thoughts in the past ramble we've got to stay vigilant let's go on another Patrol m- come on yeah right yay there's a her B ah just three to go all [Music] right a come on I only need one more oh there got to be a one what are these boxes I can feel my luck changing already hello what oh hey you must be happy because you're going to deliver my Timber on time well that's the idea good don't let me down yeah I want to make sure that we're clear on one get back to work okay okay no problem sir I'll get back to work huh what was that Grimble come [Music] on I'm tired why don't I just wait until I collect all of the badges you too [Music] yeah get [Music] lost what's this a coin look Brer it's a little bear coin and he looks just like me when I was a cub whatever you say bro I don't think loger Vic has anything left to chop down trees with time to to relax yeah that's right I got a coin dang it I really got to win that chainsaw it's the only way that I can save my job I only need the butterfly hey another one are you kidding me nope uh-uh wrong again not even close H come on this is the last chance I have to win uh bingo I did it I got them all wait a sec where's the bear badge at it's missing where could it be I had it on me oh where where could it have got to oh my they made me drop it I'll have to go and find it oh where is it come on come on come on out I'm a cuddly Forest bear hopping through the forest air it's totally like I'm looking into a mirror adorable such a cutie I'll never let you out of my sight oh something just cleared into my eyes he's got my bear badge oh give me that you're lucky that's my badge give it back to me give me that badge give it to me that badge belongs to me not anymore or it don't it's even got my baby picture on it it's my badge F I bought cases of food noodles just to collect that it belongs to me no one is going to take this away from me now get out of [Music] here that's what I thought I've got an idea yeah that'll work h he really thinks the photo is of him Tinky and Baboo are just jealous of my little bear badge oh there you go what a cute little Cub I was the best looking baby bear in the entire Forest oh here's my chance this magnet should do the trick I guess monkeys just don't have an eye for the Finer Things almost got you they even laughed at me they make me so angry I mean why should I even care monkeys aren't intelligent anyway oh no plan B here we go I'm going to get that badge back here I come I'm a cuddly Forest Bar [Music] [Music] no Mommy I don't want to go to so that's the entire story I just want my badge back oh well that makes sense I get it now so what there's no way I'll give it to you wait do you remember what Mom said Bramble do not steal or take things that aren't yours without asking so then but it's mine ramble you know it's his is so just give it back all right then ah way to go bro good job wait right [Music] there you can have this there might be another one in there wow look it's a whole case of them oh oh wow those dare are all for me unless you don't want them I'll just take them back give it got a package for longer V finally it's my new chainsaw wow it's so H this little thing sure isn't very heavy what it isn't real um I can't believe it it's just a child's toy track me if you can ler you better quit cutting down trees or else we're going to about you into the grounder get back here yeah the forest is saved once again that was close wow hello Vick speaking walk you tell me why it's Sunday and I still haven't received Friday's quota well first I'd like to apologize for that truth is it's those stinky Bears again they they got in my way they do every time sorry sorry sorry sorry you still using that old excuse fine I'm going to help you to get rid of those Bears once and for all I'm sending you the latest and tracking technology don't mess it up Vick this is your last chance and it's coming out of your Salary thank you boss I'm your man delivery for log Pi it's here already awesome here you go yeah thank you very much l goodbye what ABS I love new high-tech gadgetry they make me feel young again it's so fancy all right ah what should I test it on good enough it works this is so awesome but what about getting it onto the Bears that might prove difficult I knew I was keeping this Barrel around for a reason it's the perfect way to stay hidden from those Bears huh where are those two Knuckleheads anyways huh ah there they are this is it I should have made two eye holes I have no no idea where I'm going huh what was that it was probably nothing now that's much better tastes like honey you left [Music] me now where should I plant The Trackers they have to be somewhere hard to reach perfect the back it [Music] is oh shoot I forgot to make handholes I forget this [Music] just great now what am I supposed to [Music] do I give [Music] up oh no my shoe oh the Honey's rotten [Music] H I swear I just heard something Roll by [Music] Perfect come on oh it's them they're coming nice what the didn't we just hear his saw you heard that right so strange aha no no huh hey it's coming from this [Music] way it's them again it's like we're playing hide and seek it's not here uh there no wait over here I'm done let's rest here ah they're done nice so strange he's always one step ahead yeah well who knows why all I know is my back's all [Music] itchy huh what's that well let me have a look where is it from I think it just fell off my back really bro see if I got one on my back wa you do H what the you know I bet lerv Vic planted these on us when we weren't paying attention right they're probably a way of tracking us or something let's go teach that Lumberjack a lesson on personal space come on with this new tracking device those bears are old news now I can keep chopping until this whole Forest is a parking lot looks like I was right those things show him our location bro hey Vick get back here [Music] VI Grand wait what is it look I propose that we beat Vic at his own game here and one for you now pass the rest out to the other animals of the forest all right oh You Can Count On Me mhm how strange how come you didn't work is there something wrong with you you piece of junk no I'll blast you you stupid thing oh hey it's working now I can get back to ch my trees yeah they're still pretty far away from me they are let's goto saw who no they're gone H did it malfunction well either way looks like it's working now huh they're getting close they're way far away now any last words VI it can't be but why huh it doesn't make sense oh we'll explain after the beating get [Music] away where do these other ones come from now there's more no way you got to be kidding me oh boy I think it's broke oh what was me huh who's [Music] there really [Music] hey you can't scare me I'm Not [Music] Afraid show yourselves Bears I know you're out there [Laughter] there is no way you're going to stop me from logging oh yeah I guess we'll have to see about that ready bro hey Vic we got you and we got you good what a nightmare [Music] [Laughter] that's it I'm done with you you face some J why why can't anything ever go right for me yeah protecting the forest like champ
Channel: DreamToon Asia
Views: 2,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boonie bears, cartoons, bonnie bear, funny video, animated shorts, DreamToon Asia, bear, boonie bears in english, boonie bears films, boonie bears full episodes, boonie bears: the mystical winter, boonie bears the adventurers, boonie bears english, logger vick, boonie cubs song, forest frenzy in english, bears, boonie bears movie, boonie bears spring into action, hiccups cartoon, boonie bears back to earth, bear boonie,
Id: kZbn7JrT4QM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 36sec (7236 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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