Stuck In The Mud πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Vick and the Bear 2024 πŸ’₯ NEW EPISODE πŸ’₯

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marshmallow Madness why hello there boss it's Vic here yeah whatever just tell me what you want I can't really afford to eat anymore boss that's not my problem pick you bring me Timber I give you money you can buy food with that what don't you get about it well the thing is boss I can't really work on an empty stomach could you give me an advance on my pay yeah right well I guess I could spare you a oh yes please thank you boss Food Glorious Food o what's this m marshmallows Hi boss I think you sent me the wrong box it's just full of marshmallows um yeah yeah that's right are you complaining uh oh darn I just can't eat candy I need some proper food if you're that hungry you'll eat anything so quit your moaning or I'll take them back besides marshmallows are delicious my kids love them they're filled with sugar and sugar equals energy the more energy you got the more temper I get I'll be deducting it from your wages deduct it from my wages Willie oh well I guess they're better than nothing I'll give them a try they're sweet M oh Fabian just go away would you they're marshmallows see not for cat go away I bet it's boss again trying to catch me out all right I'd better [Music] go when my baby when my baby goes to Rio yep good to go there's no bears inside anywhere what a perfect day for logging I'm watching you so don't try anything Bramble protecting the forest the Bramble Way are you scared cuz you should be stop there don't step up my lunch ooh what's that oh yeah this bear only thinks about food I'll use the marshmallows to get rid of him these are marshmallows they're delicious and chewy go on you know you want to no stop distracting me here at least try one it's so squishy it smells so sweet I guess I'll try a little oh [Music] that was awesome not that tasty please can I have some more huh sure oh B you're the best hey hey wait well there goes my lunch bummer I guess I'll fetch some more these are for Brier and these are for warin and the biggest pile is for me cble what's up hey War Warren this is for you give it a try what is this it's so yummy just try it wow that is delicious aren't they what's so delicious I want some here you guys go they're from bck super sweet no hands off those there are for Brier Bri won't like them uh and if I tell him that you stole them from logger Vicki he'll be madly at you really mad no he won't loer pick gave them to me oo that must mean Victor has more I be sure he won't be minding giving us some to we could be swapping with him some fruit like a sugar for us oh yeah uhuh baban you're such a greedy cat how dare you you good for nothing oh I can't believe it's come to this living off candy just a few more do it [Music] I can't eat anymore nope I can't [Music] puke got to keep it down I need all the energy I can [Music] get I'd better hide these even though I'm sick of them they're all I've got marshmallows for days don't be droing B pigy open up it's your king I be hearing you have candy I brought some fruit to be exchanging I think you like it Pap bringing a fru in now moving fast off Victor are you interested in this little swap oh okay is that yet huh you cannot be eating that many Marshalls anyway it is bad for you you must get you're too bad oh no one's [Music] home marshmallow empty good [Music] looking ha where good baby Z I looked everywhere no luck oh that is Strangely I know Victor must be taking with him how could he ever possibly be leaving something so delicious at home let's go find Victor well come on you silly animals let's go [Music] peace and quiet time to get Cho in oh every single time at it again dick will you ever learn your lesson somebody help me please going to help you seriously I'm still here chasing you [Music] oh that [Music] hurt away away [Music] our okay guys it's up to you to find them give them out [Music] what was I thinking when I decided to eat marshmallows all day long with a silly idea boss if you're listening please don't s anymore thank youer oh no I just noticed that he actually looks like he's a marshmallow doesn't he no no I do not look like a marshmallow just look at them all this is the best day ever s they're over there I see them bab let's go you got it what are you doing actually they're all M my marshmallow my marshmallow my marshmallows without them I'll probably die here you go Vic seems like you need it more than the rest of us to take mine too Vic oh boy I think you have enough though no you guys can have them I don't even like them hey Vicki I can give you some honey I give you some fruit dinky that sounds like a b exchanging oh thank you thank [Music] you take them take them be my guest finally I have some real food oh boy I am free of marshmallows yeah Stu on the [Music] mud don't just stand there give it a kick come on Boo get your both shot all right here I go yeah I'm going to catching it not a chance it's Bo huh what you are rubbishing at these go and be fetching it I have something in my eye stick to the pine corns where to go ah hi who's there what is that it really is mon I see it yeah he was scary huh really a monster's coming what should we do I know Len Brier there's a monster in the forest Warren knock it off monsters don't exist and tell me have you seen Bramble he's been gone for a while why don't you believe me there really is a monster he was covered in mud with sharp tee I no I haven't seen Bramble what if brle what I've been captured by the evil monster oh no got inside them I'm too scared stop this nonsense there are no monsters around here it's all in your mind so how do you explain why br's gone H let's see huh it's probably probably got something to do with Vic longer V yep I'll go find him R be [Music] careful huh who's there who's there nobody huh what oh what's this then uh I wonder how all this mud got here hey I see you uh huh what is that abominable thing get away from me get away huh where where did he go how very [Music] strange well I've searched every corner of Vic's House where on Earth is Bramble oh I better get in there Bar the Door almost there what's he doing here this ain't good huh what Earth am I going to do I got to think I need a plan huh is that the monster Warren was talking about no way so it's true he's the one who took Bramble hey you give me back my brother well this is interesting brother what did you do to him wait a sec this is my chance you've got two seconds to tell me what you did with him where is he rer stop it's me brimble I accidentally got stuck in a swamp and then I tried to go to the river to wash all the mud off but by then it was all dried up and wouldn't come off scary bro and then then I tried to turn to the other guys for help but when they saw me they all freaked out and kep yelling monster hey you're a monster and then they all ran away [Music] ruh please help me even you You' abandoned me uh huh Bramble look I've got a [Music] plan what do you think that'll sure keep logger Vic out of the forest for a while won't it Brier thank you oh don't mention it it's nothing just looking out for our home now give me some of your mud oh [Music] where'd he [Music] [Music] go uh-oh it's behind [Music] me get away me no oh hey you looking for me I think I lost him [Music] [Music] so scary I'm pooped that monster is everywhere I hope I finally escaped come on after him help me oh my goodness where did that grotesque creature come from are you kidding me should be safe now [Music] this is not my [Music] day it's quiet have I lost him he must be worn out H finally I'm free I'm getting older that was so scary wow what a RI oh man there's more than one ler Vick you having a nice day no mama please help me there's two of them I can't believe there's two monsters prior hey bro that was quite a show you put on you make an even better monster than me oh come on protecting the forest the bear brother's way yeah yeah it'll be a while before logger Vic decides to pull out a chainsaw again Professor cuddles part [Music] twoo fumble you're my best friend in the whole white world that's right and we'll be best friends forever wo [Music] [Music] I love you [Music] grandle here where this flower wow you look so cute thank you oh you yeah that's right the villains here ruin your [Music] day it was just a dream Professor cuddles looks like we're stuck in here that Bramble where is he now the weather's getting bad oh oh you're so boring you just say the same thing over and over again I wish you could talk to me in real life like you do in my dreams know what I mean Vic who why is he here Hide oh that's better oh my Saw's all wet just great ah looks like I'll be stuck here for a while better make the best of it let's see that looks comfortable I think I'll take a nap oh boy I should relax more my shoe huh oh there it is oh boy huh a teddy bear interesting you're cute I wonder how did you get into this place it's a button would you like to be my best friend forever and ever and ever and ever and ever you're adorable someone play with me hello my name's logger Vic hello logger Vic my name is Professor cuddles bre [Music] your H boy they don't make toys like they used to anymore someone play with me what's wrong are your batteries dead I am delighted to make your acquaintance ramble bear did you call me a bear do I look like a bear a piece of junk I ain't playing someone play with me someone play with you think you're smart or something let's see who's smart now my name is Professor cuddles no more I've had enough games Professor my my name ising a feet Professor cuddles oh Mia I got to do something fast he'll pay for what he's doing to my best friend what m is armed what should I do oh well back to the beating oh what's the point my name is Professor cuddles oh I got it I'll tear you apart because then you'll know never talk again oh no I can't let him do that Ram you got to be brave right let's go let him go ramble what are you doing here ooh you're all alone huh H stay back this is your last warning huh raino also Vick well better hurry wake up Professor cuddles please speak to me we [Music] go all he wanted was that stupid toy no big deal or is it he stole it from me give it back oh that's mine give it no it's not it's m Win It it's [Music] mine my name is for yeah that's right no competition complete yes you see I am a hostage okay and if boy you come any closer I'll destroy it okay okay be careful he's very delicate I don't believe it it worked it's still raining time to have a little fun servant let me see you dancing dancing come on fine hey watch it keep your distance big boy that's right okay enough now bark like a dog I would never do that do it now okay okay but um I rather you beat me up and I won't fight back oh yeah you got a deal big boy get over here it's your funeral bring it okay you think you're so funny do you that came from that cave don't point that thing at me oh you for it no I'm coming bro fine you can point your gun back at me just leave Professor cuddles alone he's scared and you're hurting him my name is Professor let me take his place ramble what's going on Brier it's the other one that longer Vick he took Professor cudel wait a second this could work out to my advantage Bramble you really want this thing back I sure do okay then just beat up prior and I'll give you the teddy back what ler Vic why I quiet you're on a time limit ramble do you really want that bear uh-huh because he's my best friend ever all right do it but I can't bro you to hurry it up a or the teddy gets it you're running out of time bro do it now do it listen to your brother I'm [Music] sorry hey come on you call that a punch trying to pull a fast one maybe you don't care for Professor cuddles after all [Music] Professor C hold on I'm coming for you you you're going to pay for that say goodbye no no no no you know this is all your fault Professor cuddles oh professor ramble I'm sorry I couldn't rescue your friend in time it's not your fault it's mine I lost my best friend and I even punched my brother don't worry about that when we were little we fought a lot Remember come here you little look at that raino let's go home okay hey bring that bear with us we might be able to fix it mhm bro you're the very best forget about it what are brothers for yay Brothers two heads AR better than one you handsome devil look at those teeth oh and that tail truly the design of perfection and Grace no sweat for o Fabian all in a day's work I am definitely King of the castle that is at least while Vic is away get away how many times do you want to learn this lesson doesn't matter to us it would appear that Vic is in need of help what a conundrum I think you'll manage open it you know guys trespassing is against the law wait trespassing that's illegal you got lucky this time Vic come on let's head [Music] back finally [Music] nothing if I don't get any pay soon I'm going to starve if Vic buys himself food how is he going to feed me we're both starving I've got it my Brilliance shall save us both dumb cat boy I only have a coconut what can I make make with that I need to think of something ah boy ah H yes they'll never know what hit them he's absolutely out of his mind at least he's got a clever cat on his [Music] side this qu is huge no bears in sight good no other animals either what are you doing working this D bear is falling for it don't come any closer no stay back you please we've warned you plenty of times not to cut down these trees come on Vic fight back come [Music] on what the oh man uh uh who's that Fabian come here you little piss yeah you better run why' Vic run off like that hey it looks like Vic was planning on beating us with that coconut shell and Fabian saved us [Music] excuse me you sabotage my PL I know that I was trying to surprise attack Bramble then proceed to scratch bria's face off but then I fell instead okay I forgive you you wanted to help I should get back to work [Music] stop following me go [Music] away I got to figure out how to beat those bears for good my wood hi uh the Lumber's already loaded up I'm getting ready to ship it right now it better be or you can k your way just goodbye that saw is too loud the Bears will hear all [Music] right yippe yippe the Bears must be afraid of me [Music] now that I've plugged those Bear's ears I believe my plan to help Vic is complete what a fantastic genius I am huh hey Bramble wake up Vic is at it again [Music] what F Vick how many times are we going to have to go over this bye uh that does it he forced my hand after him and just trying to make a living here and we're trying to make a killing oh no he's got a stick oh yeah and what do you think about that I think our claws are bigger much [Music] bigger um there we are [Music] oh D it's been pel no that's just bad luck working against me loer dick where do you think you're going oh dear because is in danger um stay away I mean it a bit close morning you two stay away stay away or what I'm not even logging as soon as those bears come close I'll let go come we just talk about it oh dear I'm sorry what made Vic fall over I have no idea what's going on I feel like I've been hit by a truck goodness poor Vic I must think of a way that I can make it up to him he got it I'll lure those Bears here when the tree falls it'll be the end of those Bears forever Bri ramble baby in look over here I am smarter than you come get me but why do we look like dogs let's go Bramble how dare they ignore me hey get off wo wo quit it ban get off of it stop [Music] it what do you think about that [Music] faan faan whoa you [Music] okay it's my my favorite [Music] fish leave me alone I'm trying to work how about Place loer loer Vick get back here [Music] e thank you Fabian you're the best the golden ore the golden ore a material from which gold may be extracted is a very rare occurrence some miners consider it to be very valuable as the gold is no longer difficult to EXP in some I could just see the lifestyle I'd live if I had one of those things lying around back to my boring life I'm getting too old for this this job is getting me nowhere really [Music] fast oh man that seriously hurt come here you Troublemaker ooh is this what I think it is the golden ore a material from which gold may be extracted blah blah blah this has got to be gold ore hold on why would this just be lying around let's see oh how did you get here uh we weird was that cave here [Music] before something seems fishy about this why is it blocked up no I got it this must be an old abandoned mine I'll find more gold ore in here no time to waste now where's my shovel that didn't work too well I need a machine to get the job done but I can't draw any attention there's got to be a way to buy an excavator uh that's it Mr Marshall will buy the gold ore from me perfect I'll buy that excavator in no time Vicki you're a true genius it's time to get this plan into action well no this plan might work what you sure well we just can't let that happen bro why should we care viig looks for gold I wasn't finished there was one more thing he was going to buy uh an excavation machine seriously behold all this gold is mine no way no way we are not going to allow that to happen we have to come up with a plan somehow H oh got it all we need to do is prevent him from selling it to anyone then he won't have the money to tear down the forest that's right we should probably follow him come on looks like things are finally turning around for a whole what they you hand over that gold door it's not yours to sell those bears are always meddling in everything I do well those two stinking Bears aren't going to stop me this time [Music] they're trying to catch up to my truck was that sounds to me like logger Vic ran his truck right into a tree not our fault come on let's go grab the [Music] ore what [Music] he's trickier than we thought come on those two always think they can outsmart the great logger Vicki but now that they've discovered what my plan is I'll have to find another way to get the or to Mr Marshall just call me Huckleberry ah roll these water yeah the hibernation over now and the flowers are all In Bloom a cheerful bird song woke me there's just no way those Bears can stop me this time ride out of my room well hello there you're kidding me help me up a I'm drowning help me oh it's shallow F here night perfect for stealth oh it's easy to move undetected [Music] H I forgot how cold it can get at night time [Music] [Music] monster buer Vic where are you going do we really look like Monsters H what a wonderful day what is there about today those Bears will surely fall for this cunning disguise I'm starting to get hungry gather around folks try our fresh and juicy watermelon are you sure he even came in this direction absolutely my poor stach look bro think fick's coming maybe we're going to need to hear him talk to be sure let's call him over here then all right fresh watermelon fresh watermelon come and get it the best watermelon this side of Theon sounds really good a watermelon right they won't know it's me because of my brilliant [Music] costume I'm so hungry could you spare a slice for me you can have as many as you like go ahead eat up great I need to use the bathroom sure go ahead it's right over there I'll keep an eye on your bag okie dokie thanks a lot take your time all right come on okay much better it was those Bears of Disguise H trying to trick me score one for the bears but wait till they see what's in the bag what he tricked us again Brier baby and should be here soon enough do a jig I'm the smartest person I know in the whole world good going good job those two stupid Bears have been fooled the whole time they can't outsmart me Fabian listen carefully to me I need you to guard this once I take off quietly slip out of here and meet me under the pine tree you understand it's important oh what's taking him so long huh ah finally Mr Marshall how are you where's the golden ore oh it's right here please take your time examine it thoroughly what is this are you trying to trick me or something what get this piece of junk out of my sight hey wait Mr Marshall after all I've done to sell it it's not even the real thing it's not even gold ore I've wasted all this time on a stupid fake oh Brier brle I got the gold or really good job Brier tell me what's going on it all started when we overheard logger Vick's plan to have Fabian protect the ore we decided that was the perfect opportunity to take it back so we lured him with food and changed the orb when he wasn't looking what a great plan no one can outsmart you Brian there you go I'll let nothing happen to our home to be or not to be part [Music] one how am I supposed to cut trees those bears are ruthless oh well it looks like noodles again darn be you stressed out broke as a joke then welcome to the get-rich quick life of beekeeping we provide you with technical support as well as the bees a small investment that guarantees to make you millions that sounds good so what are you waiting for I can see it [Music] now I'm the richest manad in the entire world my life is great let's do it hello is that the bee hotline yeah I'd like some bees and how many would you like hold on there are tons of bees out there in the forest why buy The Hive when I can get the honey for free good thinking become rich without paying anything all right I should get started [Music] good morning h b what's say dewin what's that hey get off me can't you see I'm working here get lost you little beasty shoot I need to go tell the guys voger Vic hey this morning I told you what would happen if I found you out here cutting trees again bro get him get away I can explain don't lose him bble that was a close one now it's time to collect some of those [Music] freebies bees are so dumb what stay [Laughter] away stay away [Music] a what do you want power I can't get it off what a dangerous occupation I need some Neosporin no OU no how am I supposed to control these bees anyway H oh yeah the queen bee commands the workers a stable Queen birs stable workers aha I know I've just got to control the queen I just have to capture the leader then they'll be [Laughter] obedient okay come on down [Music] it's impossible to get this thing down someone's coming I got to hide all right I got my fruit at home just waiting to be drizzled in honey it's really up there it's the perfect plan he knocks it down and I grab the hive and run away oh yeah huh hey this is perfect huh hey thanks a lot thanks for doing all the hard work prior oh no hey is everything all right they don't like it when you shake their house I can't afford the medical piece if I get stuck again all right what do I do right I only need the queen okay you want to be hiive well what you talking about there's one condition you got to teach me say what that's right I want to know how to remove the bees oh for real you help me out and the hive is all yours big boy okay look all right I'll help but you can't hurt got it here right now go hide in the bush okay stay [Music] hidden just like that oh wow looks very dangerous indeed I don't think I can do it all right here's my chance to catch the queen where is she there she is now now now come here you aha that's all right don't be messing with me stay away from me you little demons that guy's afraid of everything can't wait to get home and make honey fruit salad wait till you see the new home I built for [Music] you what's that [Music] as long as I've got the Queen the workers are under my control Now you listen I got your queen right here now back away now very good as long as you obey me the queen is safe got it hook face right now go collect nectar and make honey that's an order this is too good it's like taking candy from a little old [Laughter] [Music] baby smells so good what do you little guys want ah just perfect nobody arranges flowers quite like I do oh no what happened to my flowers nothing like a flower bed on a spring morning hey what's that all about huh those bees are insane they robbed my flowers and stung my cute little tushy my decorative flowers are all ruined those bees normally wouldn't do that they never ruined flowers to make honey before it's so strange they seem to be coming from Vick's House let's go take a look yeah ah [Music] that's Dar good honey I probably could double the price this is going to make millions I'm a genius oh yeah I knew he was up to no good just look at what he's done we should go let them out guys mhm come on bees you can go you're free hey you guys can get going huh hey guys come on you're free don't just fly there go I don't get it why don't they fly away doing attack [Music] now you understand the bees listen to M I am undefeatable what in the world is going on Queen I know [Music] now okay out of time now get the jar oh yeah all right off you go queen huh forbidden fruit ran Brian it's all my fault Brian I'm sorry what is going on with your big brother he Bri look he's not exactly healthy he's not really sick R I'm sorry what is happening to him what wrong what's wrong with him it all happened this morning wow look at all this fruit i' better try one out first stop it we've never seen this fruit before that's dangerous so what shut up you're not the boss bro give it here bro now um uh no I'll tell you what um you just try it first and then tell me how you feel [Music] so does that mean they're okay oh bro what just happened prior it's got to be the devilish logger Vic huh why do they always blame me actually I'm a victim too oh man I am hungry oh yeah yes it must be my lucky day [Music] yink what's wrong with me I don't feel so good oh yeah [Music] hey what what just happened oh now I remember huh it's all that fruit's doing I'm going to chop that tree down I'm so hungry got to hide well it all worked out now there's only one stinking bear left making it much easier to deal with it wasn't accident BR boy I'll cheer up thank you Warren but what are we going to do about my brother huh that's lger pick again everyone let us be going to stop his evil ways let's go ramble have you got any ideas oh I have a plan all right a plan that Rivals all other plans come I'll explain um I don't get [Music] it what is that it's that blasted owl darn I should follow it [Music] H they're totally going to think I'm still chopping trees with my Chaw what a bunch of wombats huh what's going on waren you're the first one in and then we like [Music] that W That was supposed to be a surpris that one down wor him wor [Music] him here you go [Music] no hi uh where did he go [Music] surprise stop oh my tushes not too bad for a stupid monkey [Music] [Laughter] my turn what should I do fly away yeah come on this is your duty hey loger Vic leave the forest alone or else okay I've been waiting for you just try and stop me you bet I will longer Vic here I come bring it my [Laughter] foot right so close huh running away hold on guys I'll be back what a coward [Laughter] R I can't do it I can't defeate longer VI alone I need you you've always been the better fighter of us what should I do oh I forgot about ler Mick what am I going to do what am I going to do what am I going to do what am I going to do what am I going to do R [Music] oh prer huh you're wait I missed you brother I need you wo that fruit it had kick to it but it looks like you're all better now where's lerv Vick I hear a saw good ears Brother come [Music] on without those stinky Bears cutting trees is a piece of cake how can we feel so badly it was just a pro that fish fiend he made the meat the fruit as well let's go teach that fool lesson hang on bro look I still have some fruit thinking what I'm thinking [Music] [Music] [Music] huh how come it seems so much colder now uh where's my hat what happen you're supposed to be huh [Music] it usually takes a few days to recover how on Earth could it be out and about so soon I was sick for a better part of the week huh they're gaining on me what am I going to do about all of this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] huh that's strange we lost [Music] him now what let's go check over there okay even when I win I'm a loser birthday bananza [Music] oh I'll never become rich as long as those bears are around life is tough who's calling what oh hi boss tell me where's my temp you actually care about your job hello hello hi what can I do for you oh my honey it's only here M ma hey how's it going I know you work hard but don't forget to look after yourself don't you worry mama I eat all my GRE you remember what date it is tomorrow it's your birthday birthday oh yeah son honey are you still there oh yeah Ma I'm still here I forgot it's tomorrow oh life isn't ever easy son treat yourself to a big slice of cake [Music] okay why why don't I even have one friend I wish I had friends that would throw me a party that' be really nice might as well get back to work w huh babian where's he going I just got to find [Music] out huh wow smells so good I wonder what they're up to oh oh OE Fabian must know I want a party and he's asked the bear to help what a good candy cat baby it is I guess I do have friends even if they're only animals okay then they want to surprise me so I'll have to pretend that I don't know anything oh I'm so excited I really do have friends Yep mm hey good morning to you are you trying to hide something from me kind of like a birthday present you know for my birthday thank you Fabian you're so kindly come here youan look happy maybe he wanted the gift to be a surprise and I ruined it well I I need to get to work so I'll see you a little bit later [Music] Fabian I wonder what kind of surprise the animals have prepared for me oh no I need to tell the others at [Music] once ramble control yourself bro why is he so late Brier if we keep waiting the cake isn't going to taste good let's give him a little more time I wonder if whoooo would even like a surprise party like this one ramble whoooo's birthday it's coming up soon but I highly doubt that ow even remembered it was coming I got it why don't we throw him a surprise birthday bro that's a good idea surprises are fun mhm but what gift should we give to him oh bro I know who who always wanted a beautiful peacock feather wow just look at all these flowers wo h these old feathers are ugly I wish I could have beautiful feathers just like a peacock oh really there's a farm pretty near here which has a lot of peacocks but we'll probably scare people if we go near there oh hey I got [Music] it um uh what is it all right Fabian we brought you here to ask for your help my help that's right and in return we'll give you lots of fish where what would you like me to do maybe he forgot what they look like huh Bri Bri so did he get it feather the feather was taken by Vic what you're kidding I'm not today is also Vic's birthday when he saw it he thought the feather was for him and he took it and well he thinks this little party you're throwing is for him too and he'll be here anytime now what do we do poor ho well hello there my friends uh what you doing eh you need any help [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] no bro we're out of time let's just pretend that this party is really for Vic and that way we can get the peacock feather back you ready happy birthday we've got a surprise for you really cool surprise perfect Tim I have okay everyone ready let's sing Happy Birthday babo music but uh boohoo isn't here listen Baboo play the [Music] music uhuh ask Babu to make the sounds quieter keep who will here all right right I never thought the animals would celebrate my birthday I'm some tou this is fantastic happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday you know the song Should Be Sung happy we need to drive him away whoooo is coming all right time to give Vic his PR presents presents oh there's no need for that you're too kind oh the presents okay Tiki you just be annoying anything will [Music] do I'm so honored thank you thank you thank you thank you you call this a present this is ridiculous at least prepare a cake oh there it is they're only animals I guess I should be more understanding if I appear to be sad that will break their little furry Hearts Let's Have Cake it looks delicious the time is cake o00 oh yeah I'm sorry but why not um the cake it's fake it's not real not real yeah yeah that's right you can't eat it or you'll be sick for days this is big pain all right we have cing oh thanks guys it's been years since I've had birthday cake I thank you from the bottom of my heart quick go on and make birthday wish [Music] I never realized how much they care about me I do have friends here here goes the birthday boy hi guys heard you wanted to see me he happy birthday birthday we are presenting you with this oh is it my birthday I totally forgot oh and you all remembered thanks friend so the party wasn't for me after wasn't anybody happy birthday to you ad this world Brier I think we hurt Vick's feelings what is that bunny bunny I've sent you some of your favorite homemade soda poop and some new clothes happy birthday son your daddy and I miss you so much my [Music] [Music] sweetie what are you guys doing here please don't hurt me take whatever you want hey Vic we're so sorry today is your birthday we shouldn't have been mean to you like that so we came here to celebrate together see like K you guys [Music] um thanks I appreciate it Happy Birthday the best birthday ever to be or not to be part two oh darn it trying to do this business on my own is proving to be more trouble than it's really worth I'm going to call that beekeeping Place hey bees on demand yeah how can I help you I'd like to start the beekeeping program great we can get you started on our beginners package which includes 200 B two queens four halves and a free online shop for you to sell your H really that sounds questionable however our bees are in short supply and the offer closes at 9:00 p.m. tonight oh okay I'll call you back now let me see um huh who's that yeah what did you forget where come from back that's a good one it's loaded and it's ready yeah we sold your paycheck you old coot what was that that was nothing I got to get going don't forget my l hi I want your premium package right away yes sir it's on its way I'm not going to take that kind of treatment no way guy from now on it's all about [Music] me that didn't take long at all let me see whistles okay let's see here ah it's to control the hive what's going [Music] on cool you guys are trained well even without your queen oh wow you little guys are going to make me a billionaire in no time H hey Brier I bet log Vic learned his lesson about messing with nature you got that right huh oh are they going back there oh no let's check it out right you know what we got to do you ready uhhuh bro there time to go home where's the queen strange if Vick doesn't have the queen how is he controlling them don't bother me I'm thinking what do you want [Music] huh what's going on oh yeah perfect I should have been a beekeeper instead of a lumberjack look at all that sticky honey try to stay focused and remember what we came here to do Bramble hello is this bees are us how you doing today I think I let's get those bees out of here it's golden and that what if they sting us like they did last time huh good point how do we wait I got it oh okay Follow My Lead bro ready to draw them out well I look Bramble I know you can do this for the forest hey there Beast come and Catch Me If You [Music] Can it's been a pleasure doing business with you oh yeah I'm going to be rich I'm done nothing to worry about that honey smells like money what the [Music] that's it make them pay for coming to my house but what'll happen to my honey oh huh all right yeah that'll do [Music] [Laughter] it Brier let's just go home already if the bees want to stay here just let them no these bees are under control and kept against their will now hop on my back and let's do [Music] this ramble stop [Music] struggling keep [Applause] steady rainbow hand me those hives all right wait a minute how will I get out of here uh I got it hey hang on bro I'll be right back all right all right longer Vick so tell me what are you doing here huh [Music] nothing someone help now you know better you guys can take a rest of okay and for you stay I'm going to go take a bath all in a day's work rainbow these will get you huh ramble ramble you got to wake up come on the [Music] whistle right of course of course the whistle helps him control the bees stay away where's my whistle must be cold that bathtub huh [Music] now give it back to me I mean it really all righty let's see how you like being [Music] stung after him hey I'm always prepared I carry back up it's time to meet your doom attack wait I don't want to get stung again all right let's finish [Music] [Music] this I'm tired I was just warming up Bri bear [Music] prior are you okay yoink here we go what's wrong why won't it work is it broken no no sting him oh what are you waiting for didn't you hear me I said s him that can't be good you can say that again R come [Music] on oh so that's what happened you bought the Beast I thought that I'm really sorry don't s me just don't would you rather I go back to logging huh no no no no no have you got a plan hang on well we could um don't look at me I only think about food cookies yeah I know that hold on oh [Music] yeah put some sugar in there in there and all the bees will come back are you sure that's going to [Music] work hey who told me that the sugar would attract the back here stupid Bears now you're going to pay for your uh I think it's working it worked the bees are back I'm going to be rich right
Channel: DreamToon Asia
Views: 1,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boonie bears, cartoons, bonnie bear, funny video, animated shorts, DreamToon Asia, bear, boonie bears in english, boonie bears films, boonie bears full episodes, boonie bears: the mystical winter, boonie bears the adventurers, boonie bears english, logger vick, boonie cubs song, forest frenzy in english, bears, boonie bears movie, boonie bears spring into action, hiccups cartoon, boonie bears back to earth, bear boonie,
Id: 0KP0rAd2sKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 27sec (5427 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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