The Golden Eagle: King of the Mountains | Free Documentary Nature

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[Music] A sea of stones blanketed with ice and snow the Alps. [Music] Thousands of crags and Peaks soaring more than 3000 meters high and stretching over 1,200 meters across Europe fading into the clouds the most beautiful stone formations in the world arise in the area between the car rental and the Dolomites in tirol and winter the huge Giants lies somebody underneath the weight of ice and snow. [Music] And the realm of the cold frames the sound of silence but it is interrupted above the Timberline the layers of snow break loose and roar their way down dragging with them anything in their way not only trees and boulders but even animals fall prey to the avalanche. [Music] This chamois becomes the victim of nature and now biker the golden eagle flying powerfully through the air even if only a leg of the chamois is exposed through the snow the sharp eyes of the king of the air has detected it now nourishment has arrived with its razor-sharp beak it opens the frozen fir avalanches often rescue Golden Eagles from starvation in winter nearly no prey can be found and now the opportunity is taken advantage of. The lower regions are also under the strong hand of the icy winter the forest sprays themselves firmly against the heaviness of the snow crystals. [Music] Mountain streams and lakes sleep under the frozen blanket of ice but what is underneath how do the fish survive we dive at night under the full moon it is February and the spawning season during winter the water of the alpine lakes has a temperature of 4 degrees. Celsius however because water does not freeze at this temperature and is heavier than a colder temperatures it builds up in the deep a peculiarities which allows fish to survive the cover of ice. [Music] Therefore way below the ice is an environment for living the Eels swim restlessly around searching for a pebbled floor in order to deposit their eggs in mud the eggs will get too little oxygen as the night gets later more groups of fish come together to secure the next generation meeting is in full force a female ready to spawn as the center of action dozens of males fight for her attention each one trying to be the one next to her when she spawns her eggs only then does a male have the chance to fertilize the eggs the tiny eggs are filled with oxygen and rise slowly to the surface to mature in the flowing water where the streams are free of any ice the rare dipper or water Ozel searches for food. [Music] It is a skilled diver and easily catches caddisfly larvae and the snails and crayfish in the water. [Music] [Music] [Applause] Day after day winter fades more and law. [Music] The Sun warms the northern side of the. Alps now a very special colorful bird is about. [Music] The wall creeper. [Music] It's long curved beach its feathers and its agility are reminiscent of a tropical hummingbird. [Music] The chamois now make their way down to the first blades of fresh grass. [Music] In winter they prefer to wander through the higher regions where the wind blows an intelligent strategy for these Hardy animals as the blowing wind exposes remnants of vegetation from the snow enough to enable survival. [Music] In order to surmount the enormous differences in height and geology evolution equipped the chamois with remarkable muscle and hoof power the hoofs are especially versatile they can be used as climbing ions or a snowshoes. [Music] [Music] [Music] Also the Ravens feel the air of spring and the need to care for the next generation here spring has arrived hungry they stretch with their beaks picking out of the nest but the mother. Raven makes them wait biker also makes it through the winter in good shape on an unapproachable protruding rock she prepares for her young two eggs on which she lays for forty to forty five days enough food is very important and it must always be sought for this the male is responsible except when he occasionally takes over sitting on the eggs. [Music] As pairs Eagles make a good team and stay together for life. [Music] Spring finally arrives in the mountains by up the last of the snow fields surrender to the Sun ever crocuses and primroses are the first messengers of spring and all their glory. [Music] The jackdaws FlyLo and search through the stale cow dung from last year for worms a welcome meal after the sparseness of winter the Sun now heats the earth so strongly that not only can I be felt but also seen. [Music] The ground talk also slowly awakens and once again gets used to life outside of his hibernal the fresh meadows and the lower regions were deer out from their security in the woods they have missed the freshness of the green. [Music] Above the mall chuckles biker the mother. Eagle she searches for her prey in the early hours of the morning. [Music] This black would be a very welcome moon but the distance is too great I see. Miss return to sit on the nest meanwhile the Black Hawks and wood grasses begin mating in the morning hours in the valley the last remnant of avalanches disappear the melting snow is in full force the glacier water still like white milk transports vast quantities of gravel to the valley this causes continuous changes throughout the mountainous landscape. [Music] The water rushes together in torrents and takes with it many layers of minerals as it flows its long way to the valley. [Music] Clean water yet enriched with sediment which provides a colorful show. [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Here in the car vandal the icer is a clear turquoise like glass as it flows through the him to tell Valley. Mountain Lakes like the rifle see 2,000 meters up still show milky waters this is due to the numerous glaciers however because of the effects of global warming many of the glaciers are receding according to some estimates they will be entirely gone in 100 years because of the present condition the sea-level is indeed on the rise. [Music] [Applause] [Music] In 1905 the bastard sir on the grouse clock now reached to just below the Glock in a house today the bastard sir is almost completely melted a cake of ice five kilometres long and 200 metres thick has disappeared since then. [Music] The effects of the vanishing glaciers in the Alps cannot be completely evaluated yet. [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] It is now the beginning of money. [Music] I up in the eagle's nest something begins to happen an egg begins to crack. [Music] The young eagle through much effort slowly makes its way into the world its parents attempts the birth requires much power and will last more than 50 hours each parent takes it in turn to watch over the nest and the surrounding area the chick struggles to get out the other egg in the nest laid three to five days after the first one is a kind of reserved egg often the youngest chick becomes a victim of fratricide only when there is enough food to both Eagles fly from the nest the Eagle begins its life on the au pair after a few hours its eyes begin to open now his first feathers are visible but after his sixth day of life the second layer of down is already growing white and very thick the young Eagle is curious and investigates his surroundings at around the fifteenth day of life the chick spends most of its time caring for its own feathers and the rest is spent eating and sleeping the chick has an instinct to keep its nest clean and therefore drops its excrement over the edge to get rid of the irritating Flyers and to strengthen the relationship with its partner Spica brings a fresh large branch with its distinctive aroma to the nest this is a sign to an observer that the nest is indeed occupied heavy equipment intensive walking long stays in uncomfortable camouflage tents and special lenses were the price of admission to experience the world of the king of the air only when they feel undisturbed can their natural behavior be observed feeding time the male eagle which is 1/3 smaller than the female flies to higher hunting areas in order to satisfy the chicks ever-growing appetite. [Music] The nest of the Golden Eagles is positioned as a lower point making a purchase easy and therefore energy saving as well on the high pastures of the Alps are the tender morsels vehicles. [Music] The marbles or groundhogs. [Music] Once these animals lived on the cold grasslands of Asia. [Music] But obviously they are just as comfortable here as they are beyond the timber lines. [Music] Groundhogs are very cautious enemies and watch closely everything around them as they leave their burrows as an animal which is active during the day it cannot be off-guard. [Music] But this also means it's alertness leads it to the finest foods around only the best I'll find hubs are on the menu perhaps this is why oil made from the ground block is used for human health benefits and pain relief large reserves of fat are important for these animals so that they can withstand the long hibernation period from mid-october until April they live off of their fat groundhogs love to play around. [Music] But they never stop being attentive not for a moment even while prancing and playing because their worst enemy is the golden eagle a shrill cry warms the truth. [Music] Each one immediately seeks its button it is only the young ones who don't understand what all the fuss is for which is why they can be easy prey for the eagle but today the cry was loud enough above the pasture we discover another Eagle Nest and this one two chicks are visible quite a rare sight in recent years while natural selection mostly allows one chick to survive to adulthood this time there seems to be enough food available for two to be raised now fresh meat arrives. [Music] But here is where the sibling rivalry begins. [Music] And the adults do not intervene they allow nature to take its course the old bird viciously attacks the younger one. [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] The fight lasts for a few hours the parents still keep away. [Music] But this time the weaker bird won't be pushed out of the nest it can survive. [Music] The threatened owl takes care of its chicks it is almost impossible to film the bird in the wilderness as it is a nighttime hunter early in the morning a pair of owls kill a raven the mother flies to its nest with the heavy prey awaited impatiently by the hungry chick the meal lasts for more than an hour owls are perfect nighttime hunters ducks hares rats and especially hedgehogs and other smaller animals are featured on the menu and that they also fight with the Ravens was not known until recently the mail al often leads the raven astray in order to divert its anger the summer meanwhile has made its appearance in the mountains the rocky. Giants of the Alps are now covered with high fresh and succulent grass we're now many alpine lovers tread at one time was only water. [Music] 250 million years earlier the powers of the inner world pushed the Alps out of the flood. [Music] At that time little by little today's continents were formed the Alps were formed due to the African plate coming under the European one the Earth's crust was laid in folds the Tethys sea disappeared. [Music] Out of the volcanic minerals in sediment came these mountains. [Music] [Applause] [Music] In the short days of summer the high pastures become plush carpets for flowers this brief rich time is crowned by the blooming of the alpine rose. [Music] Who can believe that such beautiful heifer exists and who can believe that a kind of rhododendron is growing in the Alps as well beside the red carpets shines the deep blue gentian and the green of the pastures in all its color these flowers attract pollinators their protection must be secured the wonderful Turks cap Lily appeared here upon migrating from Asia. [Music] As did the Queen of the Alps da device it is always astonishing to see what spender appears on naked stone and now the beautiful day comes to an abrupt end clouds and fog are coming and the mountain winds blow within just a few hours the temperature drops by 20 degrees an outburst of winter follows. [Music] But for the sturdy inhabitants of the. Alps this is no problem. [Music] They are used to this but the messengers of autumn must nevertheless make their appearance. [Music] It is late summer and the days become clearly shorter the high pastures are still green and offer enough food for the ibex. [Music] [Music] They eat now barely without a break they must gain enough fat for the winter it could be a hard and despite this even now in the autumn hints of spring can be detected it is necessary to get into position early. [Music] The first shoe fights of the mating season are taking place. [Music] The young bucks jocelyn play with each other to demonstrate their skills. [Music] In the evening they climbed to their real home the high mountains without forgetting to show just who is the best. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] And higher up in the rocks bike awaits for its second chick to take its maiden flight we wait for days as well a sign pulls us out of the lethargy of waiting the mother begins her flying animation she demonstrates her flying skills in sales upward in the wind along the rocky wall the flapping of the Young Eagles wings is already strong enough to allow it to fly but he is still afraid of falling now Micah has a trick in store for the young one with full power she kills a shammy kid and flies with it past the nest the young bird had almost no food during the difficult training time. [Music] He is very hungry and now has to watch a tasty treat flying by the young Eagle cannot tolerate the temptation any longer he wants nothing else but food but the mother lays down the chamois kid nearly 100 metres away from the young pound her little eagle was flying. [Music] [Applause] It's first landing is a bit rough but before long his instinct will kick in and teach him to learn the flying technique from his mother the well-chosen site and the quality of the eagle nests proved invaluable because the Golden Eagles have chicks at best every two years a completely installed home is available for others as well it is used by a family of. Falcons in the interim empted eagle nests are also research areas for our biologists and Dre's my alpha yes hi privy to the Madison the game developer in three links came in spoke as acid Ashley demonstrating his agility he masters the extreme Heights to reach the nest. [Music] Now it can be seen just how big the nest is thousands of flights were necessary to build this paradise andreas collects all that he can find the findings could provide explanations about the feeding and living habits of the Prague birds he presents his findings in front of the mountain out so it was no need to send testing winding host and habit leaks out himself evading from Buddhism. Cayuga they're from or la version if kill our body I'm get wet medium to keifa fixed assemblies from an event in pink no phone on planes Riga Donnie will come be able funny name thumps OH - off letter someone over a say owning a sharp Foley it if they of Emma Ross long just long home don't let us no doubt the Eagle family had enough food meanwhile autumn has painted its colors on the Alps. [Music] A melancholic silence embraces the forests and lakes. [Music] Baike will still be together with her son and she will likely teach him many things. [Music] As an almond children lost their little rabbit and it enjoys its freedom but it has already been spotted by the. Golden Eagle without a sound it lifts its wings to plunge down on its victim. [Music] And fast it seemed as if the little rabbit would escape but then it happens claws as sharp as a knife stab the victim. [Music] Proudly the young eagle snags its prey. [Music] Death came to the rabbit quickly boo painlessly the method was taught the young Eagle by its mother. [Music] She knows that soon a young WOM will have to face the rough life between these grand rocks. [Music] A helpless chick turned into a fine golden eagle over the past six months the mentoring is over and baikin knows that separation is near a son must find his own hunting territory and she also knows that they will never meet each other again this is a rule of life for the golden eagle. [Music] At the beginning of the 20th century the golden eagle was nearly extinct the spread of bad tales and stories' legitimized the efforts of hunters and trophy collectors the bird were said to have stolen children murdered sheep. [Music] Such stories were enough to fuel the rapid extermination of the birds fortunately information campaigns brought about change today the biggest bird of prey in the. Alps is protected and its population has grown with the change of the seasons bolon in the Bavarian car vandal and north and Tyrol 150 Golden Eagles exist here they can circle the skies again in one of the last paradises of the world the Alps. [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Free Documentary - Nature
Views: 350,655
Rating: 4.6796913 out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), nature documentary, golden eagle, eagles, eagle documentary, alps, Alps Documentary, Mountains, Wildlife, Wildlife Documentary, Birds of Prey, Birds of Prey Documentary, Wild Animals, Wild Animals Documentary, Bird documentary, golden eagle vs marmot, raptor, birds, bird documentary, eagle, Free Documentary Nature
Id: hjT4wMkjfwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 33sec (2973 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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