Big Cats - Fastest Hunters of the Serengeti | Free Documentary Nature

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a savannah as old as time [Music] the messiah call this the serengeti the never-ending savannah [Music] [Music] the great migration of the wildebeests unfaltering through the ages only those who crossed have survived and those here today are a descendant of the survivors in the serengeti a love more deer than first love can flower does fate not make lovers gaze upon each other [Music] the youthful innocent days we can only look back at those days lost perhaps we can meet them again here a father a bit clumsy in expressing his affection a mother who knows only her children although overwhelmed with work my brothers and sisters i miss them dearly [Music] the last paradise on earth the serengeti but this precious land is under threat heavy rain floods the plains in the dry season [Music] whereas the scorching heat covers the planes in the rainy season what is behind these events [Music] will the wildlife of the serengeti persevere against a cruel merciless destroyer [Music] [Music] oh [Music] the prairie is empty the grass the water the wind everything has been parched even the wilder beasts have long departed one month ago mother kali gave birth to cubs alone in a crevice between rocks born in the middle of the dry season who pepo and maui are first experiencing the outer world today the savannah in the dry season is a dangerous place the hyenas target the cubs relentlessly and food is rare and insufficient where might the family be without them she cannot protect her cubs alone having not eaten for a month she is struggling to produce milk for her children the cubs due to malnutrition are already beginning to lose their fur she must hurry so the uncles are in sight she carries upepo and maui next to simba their father however he doesn't show any affection towards his youngest sons a bit like someone we all know four lions eight lionesses and with their cups they number over 20 twice more than most other prides fortunately the cubs are able to fit in well but the pressing concern remains as they all grow hungry in the dry season the dusty whirlwind continues the family are tiring from the prolonged starvation rises she must have heard something as lions have the ability to hear little things over two kilometers away warthogs not the prey they wished for but in the dry season they make do with what they're given how are these pigs so fast to hunt successfully they must remain prone as the prey approaches but the short grass in the dry season makes this difficult today they suppress their hunger as they fill their stomachs with water morning dawns on the savannah upper and maui are the first to rise they're busy playing but their mother kali's problem of feeding them remains [Music] [Music] suspicious weather is approaching though the rainy season is far from due raindrops are falling on the scorched grass since the last few years the weather of the serengeti has become abnormal [Music] early morning the lions feast on a hippo corpse they found against hunger reputation face pride nothing matters however kali turns away she is worried that old decaying food will produce bad milk for the cubs but now she can no longer provide her cups with milk leaving the cups with their father she silently trudges toward the dead she cannot watch her young suffer anymore the brothers elder watch over maui and peppo [Music] returning kali lies on her back for maui and upepo to access their food worried that the milk has been tainted by the old meat kali watches over her children in case they become sick fortunately the cubs appeared to be unaffected [Applause] [Music] have found a new playground they seem to be ignoring their mother's call the boldest beings in the world are children kali can't keep her eyes off those two very curious cubs she fears that they may fall into the mud pit but the relentless children are having fun she lifts up out of the mud pit where has maui ventured off to it's maui's turn to be rescued oh not again o pepo's running off again kali is angry from the endless hassle it seems upo has caught on as he now obediently follows his mother perhaps he knows he should be sorry papa simba plays with the cubs instead of their angry mother reaching maturity adult lions must defeat other males to rule the pride or become an outcast but it's too early to worry today simba is the leader and the cubs are still very young in the savannah every creature moves relentlessly the herb of ears travel in search of grass and water and the carnivores follows their tail [Music] the rain greets the serengeti the world glows green and tranquility covers the plains except for motto male cheetahs live alone solitude their soul family and companion in this endless plains he must rely on nothing but himself that is the life of a cheetah though kopi a rocky hill is moto's home although the lions frequently visit it provides the optimal lookout for selecting his next meal luck seems to be on his side today suddenly motor rises and sprints towards the savannah a pretty female cheetah nyota nyota is uneasy of the stranger but moto has fallen in love at first sight inconspicuously moto approaches nyota yota doesn't seem to like moto recklessly advancing towards her he can't take his eyes off her sensing herself to be taken so cheaply nyota snaps at him nyota is unaffected by moto's advances leaving his heart wounded but he has eyes on nyota and will not renounce his love he will always be by her side but why is he so sleepy what how waking up from the brief nap under the warm sunshine nyota has disappeared he feels ashamed by his lack of resolve rain is pouring down the serengeti [Music] where might you to be moto grows more desperate he must track her down before her scent is washed away by the falling rain luckily she hasn't gone too far to track her fading scent in such a heavy rain a truly devoted man yota slowly opens up to mojo now moto is no longer alone he has found someone to love and be loved by someone to share his meals with to have someone who is yours so this was how it feels like moto feels like he has everything he could ask for [Music] does fate not make lovers gaze upon each other moto and yota will become friends lovers and family even yotel lies down beside him despite her initial shyness this will be their first night [Music] love is in the air as the rain pours down into rainy season [Music] even moto and nyota enjoy their honeymoon so experiencing the first rain in his life he is mesmerized when the rain stops fresh grass will grow on the dampened soil attracting herbivores the season of fertility is surfacing it's only a matter of time [Music] as morning comes nyota is nowhere to be seen has it all been a dream no her scent still remains moto scouts for her scent but none of them are hers has she lost her way moto leaves markings to help nyota to find him where could nyota be she left for that reason moto grows more anxious moto hasn't found nyota but raindrops surf falling washing not only nyota's traces but moto's markings as well if the scent disappears the two might never see each other again where is nuta would she know that moto is anxiously searching for her yes after the rain the acacia forest thrives with life [Music] [Music] nyota nears to the acacia tree forest she doesn't seem to be very well she's pregnant with moto's cups for several days now moto has searched for nyota the cheetah the most vibrant of the carnivores can average 40 kilometers per day as motu had solely searched for nyota and hadn't hunted it is likely that he has walked further nyota's scent hasn't been tracked yet and the savannah is endless [Music] [Music] today without exception moto focuses on finding nyota [Music] could he see her if he climbed higher is that is that moto sprints his heart pounding [Music] at last he has found yota the face he longed to see nyotas rejects him dispassionately [Music] to depart from the male when she's pregnant and to depart from her children when they're adults that is the life of a female cheetah this is the laws of the serengeti handed down from generations above motu's presumption was right however much he pleads nyota's intention is very clear moto can do nothing but side [Music] at last moto stands up he wants to do as nyota wishes leaving her behind after moto nyotatu begins her voyage it is difficult but it must be done [Music] her pregnancy is as solemn as the lives she bears [Music] moto climbs to the highest kopi he wants to see her for as long as he can nyota turns around once more farewell motto she fades from his view growing smaller and smaller as she walks away [Music] finally the wildebeest herd has arrived after several months of absence a million wild beasts have returned from the north of the lake new lives enter into the world of the endless plains a newborn wild beast must learn to walk within five minutes as their small frail frames make them easy prey for the predators [Music] the next generation begins in the serengeti [Music] [Applause] nyota has successfully birthed their children hers and moto's children nyota has made a home by a puddle but there is a hyenas den in the neighboring area nyota hurries deep into a nearby bush hiding her babies from the hyenas [Music] foreign [Applause] herds of wildebeests and zebras dot the planes [Music] early morning mother colley prepares to hunt [Music] the children must hide themselves until she returns from the hunt in the meadows full of danger an attack is unpredictable kali and their ants advance towards the wildebeests today their biggest brother is with them the first stage of the hunt is to select the target carefully to approach them unnoticed is the second stage the third stage there's only one chance they cannot feel [Music] deeply affectionate for their family members the lions share their meal with those who hadn't participated in the hunt but for the large family a single wildebeest is far from filling especially for the adolescents however much they eat their pitless stomachs will always feel hungry the lions cannot afford to lose the precious meat to the vultures an elder brother pursues them and retrieves the remainder [Music] one at a time flowers got the savannah a plentiful season everything is in abundance rainy season has reached its peak [Music] her concern has arisen in upepo's family it's maui his throat has swelled making breathing difficult most likely from a snake bite [Music] mother kali pities maui she feels sorry that he was born in the dry season the optimum time for malnutrition which led to his now frail body the swollen neck hindering his breath mawe can't even play as he wishes the savannah has dried up again the herbivores leave the parched land and journey in search of food and water [Music] [Music] the wildebeests having searched several months for water have arrived at the grumeti river but predators are lurking in the river the hungry crocodiles have been waiting for this moment across the river lies to promise land filled with fresh grass a crossing remains a challenge [Music] [Music] nyota has lost a lot of weight between taking care of and feeding four children by herself she hasn't been able to eat properly besides in the desolate lands not a single shadow can be seen nyota hides her children behind the bushes it seems she's found a prey she sprints forward but for the rabbit too this matter is life and death though cheetahs are the fastest animal their hearts cannot bear to run more than five minutes the prey must be caught within that time [Music] how long it's been since she's eaten and yet she scans the area suppressing her hunger whilst her children feast what has she seen nyota exits the forest leaving the children behind a lion [Music] rivals over the same prey if her cubs were found they would be killed immediately nyota baits the lioness away from her cups fortunately the lioness turns the cubs having escaped her notice yota decides to move home today she and her babies escape harm but the lion needs to be lucky just once the cheetahs always [Music] upepo's family have arrived at the saranera river [Music] but the river is already visibly shallow [Music] everyone is exhausted but the mother and ants prepare for a hunt for the family mother kali hides behind the bushes and waits quietly but as anti suddenly leaps into the herd the zebras all flee in fright they should have waited for the right time but greed has overwhelmed them but they cannot repeat another fruitless day they must catch whatever they can luckily they have caught a gazelle [Music] because of the lack of food a fight has broken out [Music] as the dry season drags on the atmosphere becomes more and more tense once noted for their inter-family bond the hungry lions brawl over a single bite of food [Music] upeppo's family have decided not to follow the disappeared wildebeests but to follow the herd of buffalo it is a tough tiring journey traveling at times 10 kilometers a day [Music] mawes condition from the snake bite worsens he's lost an eye and fur is beginning to fall in some places it is a result of the long arduous journey with no end in sight but for the other family member to survive mourning must be left behind they must move on maui falls farther and farther behind if he cannot follow his family he will starve kali glances back but maui can't be seen it's painful to watch but nothing can be done [Music] they must continue for the rest of the family [Music] mawe lays down on the coarse ground the assurance of family and comfort of his mother distances further [Music] papa simba glances at mawa's empty presence [Music] [Music] after maui's departure papa simba also frequently falls behind [Music] opel's family had felt the loss of young maui together losing another would be too much to bear after a week they have located the buffalo herd a buffalo weighing more than one ton looks like an impossible target but the lions have no other choice but to catch it by any means for a buffalo hunt the lionesses strength are not enough so today the role of the young male is crucial the hunt has begun mother kali leads the prey towards the hiding family in order to successfully take down the buffalo they must paralyze it by attacking the spine after a 30-minute struggle the buffalo falls in a world where to spare is to die where only the strong survive empathy is a luxury moto has traveled far away the lake has dried completely and no signs of life can be seen [Music] moto once again lives in solitude he drinks alone walks alone just like before he met nuta [Music] [Music] it has been six months since they last met [Music] and he doesn't even know of his four children when yota got pregnant she had said that it was her destiny that she had to leave although he had left for her he cannot move on that easily he believes that one day fate will bring them together again even today he's calls nyota's name [Music] uppos family has found a new shelter in the kopi with a brilliant view now the exhausting journey is over prey are littered in front of them since several years ago the serengeti is gradually growing warmer even the lions the king of the savanna are not able to endure such heat as temperatures steadily rise the lions become warier kali digs a hole in the mud and sticks her head inside to escape the heat although lions prefer cleanliness they are left with no choice in this heat in the rainy season it should rain daily but there has been no rain for a week [Music] as a new morning dawns nyota and her children start an early day it's the perfect weather for hunting however an unwelcome guest arrives nyota baits the lion away from the children the children should be safe now oh dear what is happening the children are approaching the lion instead of hiding there are the reinforcements to defend their mother the children do not back off against the lion eventually nyota and her four children have driven the lion away these children they have truly matured they have truly grown and now protecting their own mother however this means that the time for independence grows near now shall we begin the hunt nyota and the children begin to run targeting a large wilder beast [Music] the wildebeest is holding out with all it's got for its life but the children are not about to give up they are able to enjoy a plentiful meal thanks to the children if nyota had been alone she may have lost it that afternoon dark clouds cover the sky and darkness covers the flames this sudden streak of rain seems abnormal though during the season rain is frequent and heavy heavy rain at midday is uncommon the serengeti of today is different from the serengeti of nyota's days both dry and wet season unrecognizable from the past coupled with a reduction in prey have created greater conflict with their competitors the lions the is still younglings in yota's eyes could she really send them away to the unfamiliar savannah though the scorching heat has ended heavy rain pours down unexpectedly papa simba is alone separated from the rest he has fallen behind due to injured leg uppoo's family in the past year has traveled an astounding 240 kilometers simba understands that with his injured leg he can no longer protect his family he too had a prime once a handsome young sturdy lion a happy father protector of the family guardian of the pride now he has laid down everything for his family as he stands here alone [Music] simba's final farewell echoes deeply through the planes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: Free Documentary - Nature
Views: 2,066,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), nature documentary, wildlife documentary, lions, lion documentary, tigers, tiger documentary, Leopards, Leopard documentary, Jaguars, Jaguar documentary, big cats, apex predators, wildlife predators, big, Cheetah, Cheetah Documentary, Cheetah Fastest Hunters in Africa, Free Documentary Nature, Serengti, Africa, Tanzania, National Park, Wildlife Refuge, Climate Change
Id: mJfb7NhHYaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 43sec (3043 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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