THE GODFATHER Part 2 (1974) Breakdown | Ending Explained, Real-life Details, Analysis And Making Of

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welcome to the heavy spoilers show I'm your host Paul and this video we breaking down the Godfather Part Two the film is often said to be the best sequel of all time with a lot of people saying this is even better than the first every time I've watched through the trilogy though I've always preferred that one so I'm actually really interested to return to the movie Alien is something I always preferred over aliens but when breaking it down I actually edged out the ladder so yeah I'm excited to dive into it and we're going to be going over everything that you need to know about it this includes the hidden details things you might have missed and also the behind the scenes making of trivia I also want to talk about whether Freight on you as that's a big question that hangs over the movie if you dislike the video I know it was you so make sure you hit the Subscribe and leave a comment and don't forget the canoli without the way huge thank you for clicking this now let's get into Godfather Part Two electric Baloo now part two was released just 2 years after the phenomenon that was the first film this was due to some foresight by the studio who had realized quite quickly they had a hit on their hands Greenly before that even finished filming The Godfather went on to be the highest grossing movie of all time it gained several Academy Awards including best picture and best actor for Brando Godfather could definitely be seen as opening the door for the Blockbusters and it showed that Cinema could once more be a big money maker the 60s had overly inflated budgets that led to bombs and a kind of feels like history may be repeating itself now the ' 70s they turn it all around though with a Godfather sort of leading the charge followed shortly by The Exorcist jaws and then Star Wars this was a golden era for Cinema puza got to work very quickly on the story and it was initially titled the death of Michael Corone this is a title that would later be used for the part three Koda and we'll of course also be covering that too I'm actually interested to see if I like that one as well cuz every time I watched it I have felt like it's better than people give it credit for still though the death of Michael Corone that gives a thematic idea of the direction they wanted to go part two was supposed to mirror part one and while that showed the rise of the family this would show the fall at the end we leave Michael by himself which reflects where he was at the start of part one he was an outsider who had ostracized himself and he'd once more been left on his own Kay left him his brother's dead and he's left contemplating his losses as we close out the movie now one of the most unique things about the film is that it's also prequel 2 and we watch the origins of VTO call played mely by Robert dairo we see major parts of his life and learn why he became the da he does something incredibly subtle with his performance and even fleshes out certain mannerisms that bro hadn't part one in that we saw veto at the wedding clearly feeling like he was being disrespected this is something he says in the dialogue and we also see as he caresses his cheek in part two v's cheek gets pinched by fucci and he sees it as a sign of disrespect voo begins wiping his cheek and throughout the film he does it at two hour 13 it's an incredible detail that shows why dairo completely nailed it and explains why he'd go on to get the Oscar JN gazale also had a little things done to him too with him being done up to look more similar to veto this includes slicking back his hair along with a pencil mustache that the character has now the thing that everyone remembers about this movie is that Fredo betrays his brother and Michael has him killed though he admits to being a part of it many people still wonder if he wanted Michael dead brao says I was kept pretty much in the dark I didn't know all that much and you can easily see why there's that feeling of Doubt going back though there is a little clue Freight on new which is confirmed by the fact that the bedroom drapes are open this would allow the Assassins to see into the room and make it so that they had a cleaner hit knowing these drapes would have to be open meant that he knew there would be a hit because why else would people need that to happen Fredo would be one of the only people who' know the layout of the house and it also wouldn't be suspicious if he was in the bedroom though we never get it fully confirmed he'd know Michael would sleep there and he's the only person who would know the inner family plans later on he also clearly warned Johnny Ola about the head on himman Roth showing that he was indeed working against the family now playing discussed the movie on a podcast and they brought up why they think Fredo denied it they said that if you do something bad you can often lie to yourself and be like well I didn't know things were going to go that way they saw Fredo as lying to himself and being like well I knew they'd do something but didn't think he would die he's clearly in close contact with the person behind it though as around the midpoint of the movie we even see him getting a phone call fortunately for Michael L the drapes being open that's the exact thing that ends up saving his life had he not want to close them he wouldn't have spotted the assassins and then managed to get out the way there's so much stuff to go over and so many cool details and for the next part of the video I want to go through the movie scene by scene now we begin with a scene that beautifully mirrors the ending we get a closeup of Michael contemplating things before his rings then kissed as a sign of respect this clearly plays off the end of the the first film but this time we're seeing things from inside the room cutting to a chair for the title sequence these often show positions of power throughout the entire series Michael can often be caught sitting in them pondering showing how lonely life is on the throne from here we flash back to 1901 and return to a location from that very first film that is the town of Kon Sicily where we meet a young veto here we learn about his family history and also the murder of his father he disrespected the done at the time and was murdered leaving his brother to go and get revenge revenge is a theme that's Lac throughout the film with it's showing what the cost of going after it can bring there's that all saying along the lines of if you go on a quest for Revenge then dig two graves it basically means that you're always going to lose yourself which we see reflected in Michael at the end now we learned V's brother fled into the hills and he's killed as the funeral procession happens he swore to get revenge on the dawn but his efforts were cut short be's mother dies trying to kill a Dawn and this revenge is also seen in the rest of the family Michael gets Revenge by killing his brother and in the end it leaves him with nothing the only person seems to work for is vdo in the dawn but we see how this has a butterfly effect for the rest of the family so it's a very poignant way to open the movie and we follow his mother going to the dawn begging pretending that fedo is a dumb witted mute she hopes he'll spare the child however he's scared that he'll grow up and come back but the actions here ensure that that happens it's very biblical and clearly based on myths with VTO being snuck out of Kone to come back years later it's a into Tales like Moses and Perseus where the child escapes and comes back down the line when he returns they do some really clever stuff with the set as in the wide shots we can see a giant cacti if you go back to the start of the movie you'll notice it was much smaller when he was a kid anyways the forces's search for veto we see as he's smuggled out of Corone we get a shot of the square as he's taken out with this Square being the same one from part one there Michael was fleeing coron to escape assassination Raz Vio leaving it for the same reason according to America we see the statue of which is obviously a monument of the quintessential scene for arriving in New York we see a ship is named the mulu which translates to mean Fearless I think it's pronounced that way it's Pro it's probably not you've corrected me already I know you have when he's inspected an X is put upon him and Frank rer on Reddit broke down what all of these codes meant an X high up at the front side of the right shoulder meant that the person had mental defects an X further down on the right shoulder meant disease or deformity an X within a circle means some definite disease which is what V gets and this is why he's quar qued carrying small pox he's forced to go into a cell until a disease passes other ones such as B meant back problems with h meaning H problems and PG meaning pregnancy arriving in the country with nothing this is your quintessential immigrant story and we see as he goes from Rags into riches we then get what I think is an outstanding shot and can catch V looking at the Statue of Liberty however he's viewing it from behind bars showing that the true idea of the American dream is always going to be away from him this is something that plays throughout his life with veto even starting office trying to be an upstanding citizen being behind bars of course represents being a criminal and veto becomes an outstanding one in the country so we had the shut of the Statue of Liberty surmising wealth and opportunity but the only way he can achieve it through doing nefarious things this is something later brought up by Michael to the senator who says they're all part of the same corrupt organization it builds off the back of the first film in which he to told Kay that she was naive for thinking Senators didn't have people killed senators and president don't have men killed who's being naive K this idea of a character looking through glass over a body of water is also echoed at the end when Michael has Fredo killed he stands out watching over the lake with the frames of the window also creating bosss this idea of having a family and going legit is as unattainable as the American dreamers foro these are two incredibly powerful moments and it basically sums up the connection between the characters according to the communion of Anthony we also see something that we touched upon last time that is the relationship between the mafia and the church as these are men of God and yet they're still murderers in their mind though they're just being businessmen and Vito even said this during the first film I mean we're not murdering in spite of what this Undertaker now this idea of mirroring is carried on in the next scene where we see cars parked up outside the gates akin to how the cars were at the wedding in the first film we also have a big potty scene but whereas there the da was agreeing to request here Michael shutting them down and just saying no this idea of a dark reflection is also highlighted when we see Connie there she was getting married but here she's divorcing her second husband and is getting taken for all she's got by a gold digger she doesn't see her kids is one week late at the party and is clearly acting like a rebellious teen and lashing out at Michael she's doing whatever she can to stand up to him because she still hasn't forgiven him for what happened to Carlo however what she doesn't want to give up the allowance and she knows that she needs Michael to help un her lifestyle so she acts rebellious in whatever way she can which for her means going off with this guy on a cruise the were deleted scenes that were not filmed of her on this trip and she'd eventually learn that Michael had cut off her money she was embarrassed and the guy ended up leaving her with her having to go back to Michael with her tail between her legs from here we're also introduced to senator Pat grey and also see him with his wife which kind of plays into things later on he was closely based on senator Pat McCarron who was known for his Crackdown on gangsters the main Las Vegas Airport also carries his name and here he's potentially out for r venge on M green there are also theories that he was based on JFK who was a Senator before becoming the president this is a copy of Kennedy's Book Profiles In Charge which can be seen in Michael's office following this moment in the original script Hagen was going to gain his support by helping to pay off his very expensive gambling debt yeah though it's far more nefarious with him waking up with more than a dead horse in his bed he has a prostitute beside him and I was wondering if this was a dead horse the first time but then dead horse the second time it's a bit embarrassing even giving you that theory but it shows how things are much darker than the first time they even strangled her using his tie and there was clearly no messing about when it came to setting him up now in the first film veto wanted Michael to be a senator as this would be a person that could really pull the strings but when it was your time that the Jo would be the one that all the strings Joe's at senators were seen as the ones in charge which I think is why Michael's so adamant to stand up to him he's trying to extort him and he admits that he's squeezing him he says he despises all the way that they pose themselves and the dishonesty that his entire family carries the senator can't see the fault in his own and even though he's taking bribes and cheating on his wife he's holier than that guy is happy to even go to the parties and put on a show but in the back we See's just as dirty I love the way he points a model cannon at Michael and it foreshadows the danger that the DA's going to be in outside we also see Frank meeting Fredo with the two being suspected of being rats a little not to this is given when he conducts the band and they play pop go the [Music] weasel rank ends up being a weasel and his death could be seen as him being popped he mentions Clement's death which we learn was seemingly down to a heart attack Richard s castalano played him in the first film with a younger version being here on flashbacks originally the Frank Paul was going to be clemenza with it being him who is going to testify against the family calano apparently wanted a much larger salary though and to be able to writ his lines so they swapped him around for Michael vazo who actually got an Oscar nomination for the role now whether this happened or not has been disputed with several people saying castalano refused to gain the50s Copa wanted for the pot this is all on IMDb trivia with lots of accounts saying what happened apparently the weight refusal was down to health reasons with him having lost weight since that first film so Copa apparently created another character rather than dealing with the thing clemenza but like I said we get a younger version played by Bruno Kirby he ended up Dunning a fast suit for his final scene to show the character's white game at this point we also meet Johnny Ola and Rocco with a lad of these playing with an orange in our first breakdown we discussed how orange was thought to foreshadowed death with a color appearing right before somebody died that was eventually debunk though with him saying that they use them to brighten up the dark scenes however I wonder if it was purposely put in here as a reaction to that and either way I still think it's worth discussing Rocco brings one in before they try and kill Michael which could reflect how his dad bought oranges before the attempt on his life D eats one before being killed and Vito buys one before carrying it out Lassie Michael eats one when he's planning on killing Roth and outside we see a fire blazing brightly orange which is when the plan starts to go down a bit of a reach that afredo ends up pulling his wife off another dude and she says that she did it because that's a real man he cuz he's a real man even has to get someone else to handle her up and again it adds into his insecurities and why he feels worthless now inside Frankie finally gets to talk to Michael and they bring up what's happened with clemenza promising the Roso Brothers three territories this has led to a conflict between them and Frankie Frankie took them over and now they want what they were told leading to a gang war between the two sides the rotos and Frankie are all based on real life figures with a ging being a real life event that was between the Gallow brothers and the proasis those similar things happened to what goes down in the movie lowering Larry Gallow to a B for a sit down the propis attempted to Gat him however just like the movie a policeman wanted in and caught the crime which destroyed the assassination attempt Michael refuses to kill the rosados because they're under the protection of Heyman Roth he wants to keep things business and not burst a Heyman Michael has it all on his shoulders and that was very much the case with alucino to for the first film he was paid just 35 Grand and didn't really get pushed much in the marketing yeah though he's making half a million along with getting a cut of the gross he was promised a number of things as well and told that he get some creative input on the script Pino has promised he'd get to do a Brando and wear old age makeup to play in older Vision this sort of is touched upon in that final shot without taking place further down the line than what happens in most of the movie told he get to our old AG makeup that comes in the scene at the end which takes place in 1968 was going to have Michael looking over where Fredo die thinking about how his life had turned out his son Anthony would then show up and tell him he hated him and wasn't going to follow in his footsteps the pair were going to have a massive argument with a conversation turning to Fredo Michael was going to say that he drowned in the lake which as we know that was a [ __ ] lie that was a [ __ ] lie this would be similar to the end of the first film in which he lied to Kay about what happened with Carlo whereas she believed him or at least wanted to remain in the LIE Anthony said that he was going to leave the family what you're not my dad this would be the final nail in the coffin for the character with him losing it all in the end I think that would have been an amazing way to end it but unfortunately they cut it from the film I think there was a real reluctance on couplers part and initially he didn't want to do the movie that was shared by Brando as well who immediately rejected returning even for a minor role at the end during his Oscar win Sashi and Little Feather had collected it which caused a lot of controversy at the time she delivered a speech about the mistreatment of Native Americans which kicked up a storm that year at the awards par Mana came out and distanced themselves publicly which is something that really annoyed Brando K also thought a sequel was stupid and at the time they were seen as inferior now playing pointed out that this was the first film film ever to get a part two to it with numbers rarely being added onto titles normally you'd have things like son of Kong and even stuff like the dollar Trilogy doesn't have numerals so Copler didn't want to do it and he eventually put forward a little known director at the time that was none other than Martin scor sayy who was just coming off the back of mean street he didn't want to do it though and felt like it was too much pressure which is also something that dairo sheded as well now playing brought up how both of them were unknown with the Godfather being the biggest movie of all time though we think of scori and dairo as Legends at the time the pair hadn't made their names yet now playing pointed out that dairo was basically taking the pot away from the biggest actor in the world who just won the Oscar in that Year's best picture so lots of pressure but Copler came back because he's the kind of guy who wants to rise to a challenge he wanted to prove he could not only make a good sequel but along with that also make a good prequel now playing also stated he felt like people left with the wrong message with Paul one after a screening that rubbed him the wrong way he said he saw people cheering when the door slammed in Kay's face and that they'd seen life in the mafia as being something glamorous nowadays it's kind of a cliche to have the fall of a mafioso character within a movie but just viewed on its own that movie doesn't fully do it so he wanted to tear down all the glory and as the thanks for returning he was given full creative control that came with twice the budget of the first one and you can see a lot of that creative control cuz half the movie in Sicilian now coblo was known for being experimental with that first cut apparently being a nightmare test screening said there were constant Cuts back and forth between the past and present with some Outlet labeling it a disaster apparently George Lucas told him he couldn't make a prequel in a sequel and that he had to dump one of the movies they shot so much it was 6 and 1 half hours meaning that he could have had two movies if he wanted these longer Legacy Cuts can be watched as one thing and there's even chronological versions of the movie available still though I think Copa pulls it off again painting out the story of The Godfather again that title really makes it question whether it's about veto or Michael both get their moment to shine and yeah it adds so much to both characters now as the party starts to wind down we see Michael and Kay dancing the pair are having another baby which Kay wants to be the next chapter of their life she still has reservations with him breaking his promise in 5 years the cor on family will be completely legitimate that was 7 years ago so yeah it's been 2 years over when he promised and she's starting to have doubts in the end we discover that she had an abortion because she won't bring another coron into the world I think this along with the Fredo thing is the thing that people remember most about this movie abortion is obviously still a big topic today and looking at the time this was a big move for the movie Roby Wade had just passed the year before and this was something that made them change the script according to imbb trivia originally Kay was going to have a miscarriage which was also going to be a big blow for Michael however Talia shy suggested she should have an abortion instead as thematically it was going to hurt Michael even more apparently Francis thanked her for this by giving her an extra scene where she begged Michael to forgive Fredo symbolically it also shows K stop believing and that she knows that Michael is never going to change both him and Vito have the chance to go legit which is presented to them at several points in the movie Michael lies to himself and says he's doing it for his family but I think we all know that he doesn't want to stop every time they have a chance to get away from it both go after the power play instead power is addictive and they won't give it up and it's something that's run through both Father and Son the K boarding their son means she's breaking the ccle which would also be enforced by Anthony stepping away it's something that's a big blow of the character and it all comes full circle from the conversation here and that night the hit is done on Michael with him managing to dive out the way you can even see them shooting the mirror and I wondered if this Drew their fire because they didn't realize still though we know someone let them in which we can see by the fact the gates are open both assassins are killed and there's the potential that Rocco was involved too as Michael specifically tells him to bring them in alive keep them alive we'll try melive Rocko like Fredo would have had access to the house and potentially he's one of the people that opened up the drapes he was supposed to be guarding over Michael and it's kind of like paie in the first movie now I have a the Rocko news days were numbered and in the end this is why he's the one who kills Roth he's the one who suggests doing this and it comes right as Michael let takeen go he finds out he's got another offer in fires him which seems like Michael may be the bad guy here you have to wonder though why he's getting rid of people he trusts and I think that shows what the strategy is he's keeping his enemies close and planning to send people away while the trusted ones are out of H's way that's why he lets Fredo stay at home Raz Hagen send all the way to Vegas Rocco may have realized that his time's up and that could be why volunteers to kill Roth we hear how difficult this job's going to be when Hagen talks about it being an impossible mission a mission impossible if you will mik that's impossible it would be like trying to kill the president there's no way we can get to him Rocko knows it's a oneway trip and yet he still does it even though he's a top guy as Hagen says Roth will be dead in 6 months anyway and I don't know why they didn't wait it out I believe though that he feels he Dishonored the family and sees this as doing right by Michael this is something that's shared by Frankie who to takes an honorable death even though he's in prison there also might be the fear of what could happen to Rocco's family and this may be the only way to keep them safe now Hagen going to Vegas was something we were originally going to explore with the skting scenes of him manhandling Casino he was also going to have an affair with Sunny's Widow but all of these scenes were cut out of the movie The Book also explains that Michael was jealous of Tom's influence over his father with this being a factor as to why he sh him out after the assassination attempt we then cut to Michael tucking in his son and then get a mirror of this happening with fedo Michael says he's going to go away and Anthony asks him if he can help him we have the father's influence seeping into the Sun but Anthony in the end was going to go a different way still though it's 1917 in New York City well well we're not in New York City which is quite a big time Jump originally we were going to get more of his backstory and see his lowly life in New York he was going to help build a Subway and we'd also have scenes of him dating Camila they was going to nearly sign up to fight in World War I but he ended up going against this this in a way is an opposite to Michael who of course ended up signing up for World War II you see the makings of this and that dinner scene at the end which we'll talk about later on in the video anyway the idea of the Statue of Liberty being a beacon of transformation is shown in the next scene when voo goes to a show Don fucci ends up standing up in front of it and again it shows how crime stands in the shadow of the monument bonucci was based on ignazio Lupo who was known as Lup the wolf labeled the black hand this was actually an extortion method used at the time the play itself is a literally St from Copo with it being written by his grandfather Francisco this was a big hit in 1903 with him adding it in as a tribute to his pops ao's mate is there to just show off his girl but we see backstage with a dawn he's not willing to stand up for her holding her hostage for money we seees he backs away while veto stands there fascinated by him Al this guy's played by Frank saaro who I'm sure you'll know from lots of other gangster films he actually stood in the crowd when Sunny beat up car in part one so yeah you ruined a Copler you broke the continuity anyway the character is called jenko which is what veto later calls his all of all company then I clemenza throws him a bag of guns and he goes back and forth over whether he should look after them it's sort of a moral quandry that we can all ask ourselves and I honestly don't know whether I would do it on one hand it could send him to jail but snitches get stitches and end up in ditches you will send up making friends and this Choice sends him down a certain path this comes at the perfect time too as the next day he gets fired from his job fui wants his nephew to work there and thus vdo's got to go however there's an extra side to this as fucci wants him there so he can keep an eye on the register he wants to know that he isn't getting ripped off un thus he's putting an eyes in the air in every sing department meeting clemenza the next day he's then embroiled in committing his first crime this involves stealing a rug which initially seems like a gift from the character clemenza plays along like he's breaking into a friends and it kind of shows the two sides of the mafia they're going under the guise of friendship and kindness but actually ripping people off lamenzo almost even shoots a policeman which as we know is a real no no when it comes to attracting attention Sunny is put on the rug and then he starts to scream which I felt this like is this showing that he's a hot I kind of feel like it's a bloody Anakin Skywalker Darth beta poster you know what I mean anyway back with Michael we see Johnny Ola acting as a girl between Forman Roth and the [ __ ] wearing an all orange suit along with a hat you could think this might signal death at this point we meet hman watching American football this was a real game against USC and Notre Dame with a former beating the ladder by seven points not massively up on my sport you know I'm not Sports spoilers so let me know below if this is wrong but from what I gather the pair are big rivals so this could be adding to the scene of how this is played out like a game between two sites hman was based off the mob staya lansi who was a member of the Jewish mob brought someone who though close to the family was a bit of an outcast because he wasn't Sicilian a Hyman's played by the legendary Lee Strasburg who was seen as a God in the acting world not only did he create the actor's studio but he was also seen as the father of method acting in America rubbing shoulders with people like stanislavski he's had a major influence in Hollywood ever since the beginning he's someone who told both Niro and Pacino with him having major performances on stage before becoming a teacher this was his first film which Pacino coaxed him into and I kind of think that you can see the nerves it's could have been something that destroyed his legacy and he gives a quite reserved performance that makes him seem sweet I do Wonder though if that's all on purpose with him basically being a cunning old man later on Michael says been dying of the same heart attack for 20 years which could show how smart that he is a lot of the criticisms have seen about this movie say they don't know why Michael needed to kill him this led to the death of Rocco and they could have potentially just waited for him to die however the illness could be faked so that people don't think that he's worth killing it's pointless risking murdering someone when you think they're going to die but I think Michael sees through this disguise Strasburg did get a Best Supporting Actor nomination as well so he definitely made his Mark in his debut film Michael's playing a really clever game and he tells rothy thinks Frankie tried to kill him he then tells Frankie that he thinks it was Roth and this entire movie he's sniffing out the rat both video Michael are going up against the big Dons and they both have competition who want power over them Roth doesn't object to Frank being killed and this shows that he might be happy that he takes the fall also I know he's called Panton jelly I just worry that I'm going to pronounce it so I've been calling him Frank but yeah from here on out we'll call him pant and jelly anyway Frank travels back home which we learn is where voo used to live Michael's waiting for him in the old study which is where his dad carried out his business it's clear that he dominates the room and even sits down in the chair like he still owns place it shows he still retains Dominion overall and even places he's Left Behind he still has control of cutting to Fredo getting a call from John Ola he does say that he doesn't want to talk to him I don't want to talk to you does make me wonder like it maybe Fredo didn't know because he does say that they lied to him you guys lied to me so like I don't know maybe he didn't know but it's clear that he still wanted to screw over Michael the only way to replace Michael would have been to get rid of him so yeah I still feel like he would have known deep down anyway we then see them attempt to kill Frankie which is when the officer ends up walking in given a lucky Ceno this happened in real life 2o which was also seen as a sign of disrespect now one thing that a lot of people are confused about is what exactly is going on here to break it down to its most basic Point Michael wasn't behind it to me at least throughout the movie he says that he didn't order the hit and judging by the way he questions the others I certainly believe him however I think things weren't meant to go smoothly either and Frankie was actually supposed to get away this would then be something that makes him turn against Michael and this is why the Assassin says Michael says hello Michael isn't exactly the kind of guiv calling card and every other hit in every of the film doesn't have his name attached hman doesn't even know whether he killed Mo green or not and every single Target gets a hit without warning obviously I'd love to hear your thoughts on it below as I think it's something you can really take either way what it does do though is make Frankie turn snitch but luckily for Michael he gets some senators in his pocket that's scene with Pat Happ now we even see one of Michael's Heavies standing in the bathroom door Hagen gives him a nod like come on mate don't make it obvious and yeah I believe that this is all set up by him now I have seen people argue that this wasn't done by Michael either and that it just happened to be a stroke of good luck well not for the girl anyway but there are some suspicions that he knew he was a hypocrite who indulged in some seedy stuff people like that are always easy to Blackmail so maybe they just waited for the right opportunity either way though it gets him in their pockets and we then see as Michael heads out to Cuba ah just rocking uh my holiday hat cut a holiday haircut as well you know had to sharpen up for this part of the video cuz it's one of the big parts that people talk about for this movie now whenever I've brought up this film to people who love it more than part one they say the Cuban influences are what really hits at home happening over the revolution this acts as somewhat of a history lesson things like the golden telephone happen in real life with it now existing in Havana's Museum of the Revolution made to symbolize wealth power and connectivity it was presented as a gift from America this was due to them being allowed to increase their rates in Cuba but as this was going on there was civil unrest in the cities a golden telephones absolutely pointless and while people order it there's inequality in the country these corrupt mobsters and politicians are here to cve up Cuba which we see symbolically in the cake cutting scene presented with a literal map of the country himman slices into it and then divies it between the heads the revolution that brings them all down now even though the figures believe that they're Untouchable well that is all except for Michael who's the only one who realizes the rebels will win Roth BOS they'll have a real partnership with the government for once but as we know Batista wouldn't last long he was hosted on New Year's Eve which we see going down in the movie at the end of the day it acts as a metaphor for an organization being torn down because it's racked with greed and Corruption this is too reflected in the family with the call owns tearing each other apart I have to say when thinking about it it made me appreciate the movie more and it's here where some big bomb shells go down inviting Fredo Michael is trying to catch him out too H in Ro Johnny no I never met them this is later backed up by Johnny Ola who too makes it seem like he doesn't know Fredo you don't know my brother Fredo do you Johnny Johnny Fredo we never met Fredo in the end gets drunk and plays his hand because he slips up revealing that he knows Johnny Ola and Roth hey Freddie fredd where did you find this place Johnny ol told me about this place he brought me here I didn't believe it but seeing is believing huh old man Roth had never come here but old Johnny knows these places like the back of his hand now outside I feel Fredo's conscience gets the better of him and he says that he doesn't feel part of the family Mama used to tease me she'd say you don't belong to me you were left on the doorstep by gypsies it's clear he just feels completely alien to them and even says he feels like he was just left on the doorstep seconds later he says I was mad at you but then quickly the subject changes I think it's clear though he was just about to admit it to Michael which Michael also clearly picks up on knowing he can sniff out the rap by seeing what happens Michael tells Fredo he's going to have Hyman Roth killed later on when his assassin goes to do it we see armed guards moving through the party these end up shooting him as he goes to kill Roth with it being a very clear tip off the only people who know about the plan of Michael Fredo and the Hitman so it quickly becomes obvious exactly who tipped him off it's not like they randomly stumbled across it they marched through the party and then up to his room so they had to know it was going to go down and this clearly shows that it was Fredo who leaked it now according to an trivia Copler and PUO went back and forth over whether to kill Fredo with the ladder saying that he should be kept alive he fell like it was irredeemable for Michael and also hey the guy the guy invented the character and and just didn't think it was right in the end though the pair came to a compromise and agreed that Michael would wait until her mother was dead now more clues come when Michael goes go to Hyman's room and the pair discussed their deal Michael didn't originally bring the money but he's had Fredo come in to keep up the illusion Hyman says my 6 cense tells me your brother Fredo brought a bag full of money obviously this guy is in psychic so I feel like this is an indicator that Fredo tipped him off he asks who had Frank killed and Michael says he didn't give the goahead again indicating that he wasn't the one behind it thus I think Frankie was left alive so it would create another enemy for Michael it's here where Roth also plays his hand and gives away why he hates Michael talking about M green it's clear he thinks he was a great man and he says that no one knows who gave the order it's clear though that he knows it was Michael and though he says he let it go it's very clear he hasn't M green was someone he looked up to and he might have even seen him as a son Mo was Jewish as well so he may have found some kinship but seeing him get killed showed they were just seen as Outsiders it's a great speech by Strasberg with a lot of subtexts and it starts to fill in the blanks about what's going on at the club we also see the senator coming in with his arms around two women showing the hypocrisy that exists within the character Fredo says the truth in the penny drops for Michael which is when we see him give the all clear giving an not to his bodyguard he then goes and kills Ola before them making the play later on with Roth the character was never given a name in the movie with him simply being listed as Michael's bodyguard however the script reveals he's called beteta but I kind of like that we never hear his name he's a mysterious figure who wears all black and he's kind of like the personification of death he moves silently carries out orders without question and I don't even think he has any lines in the film I've seeing the guards March through the party makes Michael realized freedo tip them off and this is when he tells him I know it was you Fredo you broke my heart it's one of the most iconic moments in cinema history with Michael giving Fredo the kiss of death although he won't get his revenge here he's pretty much laid the seeds and we see how Fredo never really trusts him outside Michael even tries to get him in his car with him trying to reassure him that he's still his brother I wouldn't go in mate you know you know what happened to Carlo fro come with me you're still my brother now the president's just stepped down and everyone's rushing out as we see the Revolution start in the background you can hear the song right of spring which was composed by OS Stravinsky being said to be a piece of redefined classical music it was designed with no real order meant to evoke emotion this piece was about a pagan society that committed sacrificial rituals as they believed it would allow them to to survive the air that's something you see here with a new year being brought with a wave of Destruction traveling home Michael asks what his son was bought for Christmas and this is so he can pretend he was the one who got it it shows that he always puts business above everything else and won't be there when his family really need him this is ham at home by Hagen telling him Kay had a miscarriage which is something that he really should have been there for dealing with the loss of a child is sort of reflected in veto who's seeing baby Fredo battling with pneumonia I know Fredo doesn't die but you know being a parent myself you worry quite a lot and I can instantly feel the pain that both characters are going through this pneumonia is also something that was discussed in the first book and it described Fredo as being a very sickly child outside video is held up by the dawn who I love popping up randomly in the car you can also see Francis Ford Copa for a split second which happens when he's reflected in the car window courau you mate and fi says he heard they took $600 worth of dresses which was the equivalent of a year salary back then AO you also meet a young tessio who was a big character in part one he appears at the end which has the mic call backs as he joins them for dinner in that family flashback we were also going to see veto meeting a young version of Wrath but these scenes ended up on The Cutting Room floor telling his friend to underpay fucci he says I'm making off V don't refuse ah he said it he said it standing up to fucci he tries to offer him some work but V now wants the whole pie that cheek rub clearly rubs in the wrong way and he ends up killing the character sto walking him through the streets we see a church parade and also a puppet show Venza walking away from it saying it's too violent with these two elements showing the hypocrisy of the mafioso you might also notice that he has a scar on his neck which was going to be explained in a deleted scene that showed him getting jumped by some cids and then having it slay which explains how he got it kind of glad they cut it though cuz he massively hams it up and stumbles through the street [Music] [Applause] his death scene as well it has him just standing in a doorway shaking for 30 seconds it always kills me that just it's a tongue hanging out and I say that though but you will be missed fucci Robert and hero was actually the one who suggested wrapping the gun in a towel because it would work as a makeshift silencer that earlier scene would also show he didn't have any muscle and thus moves like this could be pulled off without retribution dismantling the gun and then sitting back down with his family he tells baby Michael that he loves him very much now at this point we get the intermission which closes out this half of the movie at this point we see Michael return home and on his Gates we can see a sign for ADT ADT is the security firm that's now looking after the home normally mik could have members of the team doing it but getting Outsider shows the lack of trust in the family returning home the place feels vacant and though he sees Kay he doesn't go and talk to her I think for him business is easy whereas it's the matters of the heart that he finds most difficult cing to the Senate hearing this is a big part of the movie that sees the mafia being questioned by the government on the commentary Kela revealed this is based off the Josie vashi hearings with him being a gigantic mobster at the time Rod shorman also plays a senator with him being a legendary figure in Hollywood going to his mother Michael asks what his father would have done done and we return to veto now getting oranges as a sign of respect this calls back to the first film as that he bought oranges as well and it's clear that he's known for doing this in the neighborhood rocking his pencil mustache he's now more kin to how we know vdo dairo apparently debated whether to grow one but after a coin flip he decided to go with it he spent four months learning to speak Sicilian and really sunk into the role later on when he returns to callone he also wore a similar Dental Appliance to what Brando had last time now he's truly become the dawn and we see him helping out a woman who's being evicted from her home this is Anita Columbo who is the grandmother of Sunny's wife Sandra after being disrespected by the landlord VTO rubs his cheek again carrying on the mannerisms to show how he feels as the pair are talking a passerby says hello which is something kop plout was apparently Furious about this was Carmelo Russo who was supposed to be an extra and he'd been instructed to simply walk by however dairo convinced him to keep it in the edit because it showed the respect that the locals had for veto shutting him down the landlord ends up returning after learning who he is there is a lay of Comedy added into him turning into a coward as they purposely locked the door so he can't get in or out they placed a nail into it which you can see Frank SEO putting in right after he opens it up this was Kept Secret from Leopold or Tracey who who was a big comedic actor at the time sorry for butchering your name there and but Copo wanted to see him improvise his way through the scene and we see the Panic as he tries to open the door to get out that and then then the chair bit where he sits down and asks if he can sit it adds so much into the performance going on here the jeno sign is then raised and this scene cements what's going to happen to Builder's Empire cutting to Michael at the Senate we see as Pat says some of his best friends are italian-americans it's a far cry from what he said at the start and shows how those in power can be turned however he leaves before Michael's testimony showing how he constantly fears being associated with the [ __ ] he's got the power to distance himself though which is something Fredo doesn't have the luxury of Michael confronts him and we then get an incredible scene played out by Cazale I brought this up in our last breakdown but all five films he start in before his death they ended up getting nominated for best picture the guy really knocks it home with his performance and you kind of just feel sorry for him and he's painted out as a pathetic part of the family in the end he even failed in betrayal and Michael telling him he's nothing is completely gut-wrenching the next day Frankie starts to testify but we see how he changes his tune his brothers brought in alongside Michael which makes him turn the hearings to a joke now you might wonder why it is that this happens with it being in place for a number of different reasons firstly it's a reminder of where Frankie came from and how they do things back home Frankie's brothers are Dawn and him snitching would shame his family and break the code of emirata omara I think it's pronounced anyway this is why Hagen leans over and says his family's honor intact as it reminds him of exactly where he came from secondly it shows that Michael wasn't behind the headit which is what deluded Frankie into testifying knowing he didn't do it is why he backpedals in the end because he's realized the truth thirdly I think it just shows that though Frank's safe the mafia can always get his family they brought his brother all the way out from Sicily and it highlights that they can get his family anywhere later on when Hagen visits him he makes sure his family's looked after and this is all agreed to if he takes himself out so yeah that's what this all boils down to with him turning the hearing to a FSE you can also catch Harry Dean standing there which was a really nice surprise as a completely loved the actor and forgot that he was in it thematically it also shows the two brothers won't dishonor each other which is Su at Fredo and Michael are now dealing with Frank dies with honor Ras Fredo doesn't and Frank kept his family together Ras Fredo took them apart you could also see Michael being someone who did that too as his beef with Fredo is what made him act with dishonor K can't stand to be with him anymore and he tells her in plain facts that he won't let her take the kids he tries to bargain with her and says that he'll change but she's been through it enough to know that he won't admitting that she's had an abortion we then see as it completely destroys him shut out the family we then see her getting scared out by Connie around the 3-hour six Mark she wants her to be gone before Michael comes but he arrives just as she's leaving in the end she gets the door slammed in her face echoing the ending of that very first film K's always going to be shut out no matter what and it's a really tragic Arc for the character until part three should have just ended it here mate but we we'll leave that for now I'm back in coio and we see veto arriving and he presents a Statue of Liberty model as a gift this builds off the back of everything before and showcases that he's living that Twisted American Dream here we also see Don tomasino which is the man who kept Michael safe in the first film Sunny pretends to fight with him and yeah I write how every scene that sunny in as a kid he has some like I'm going to beat you up he's a little hotthead it's a nice setup sort of thing now turning to the place that set him off on this cause we see is veto gets revenge and finally kills the dawn cing him up this is a very poetic killing because it's something his mother also to tried to do he could have easily have gone in and shot him but the knife was the weapon she had so that's what he uses here they also present him with a jenko olive oil box which is something that we saw in the first film we learned that the dawn had exported the olive oil from his village and then veto would sell it in America VTO is obviously going to take over the operation and not only did he take his life but he also took his business the square returns in a poetic final shot and we see the family wave goodbye with beo waving Michael I was wondering if this played off the idea of a puppet with with a strings of manipulation being Lac throughout the series his control is what led Michael down the path and we cut of the present to see that his mother's died Fredo's future assassin greets him as he walks off and we know that he was instructed earlier to take him out when she was dead I don't want anything to happen to him while my mother's Alive Now Connie begs Michael to forgive her brother and it echoes the fate of her husband he to betrayed the family and it shows how con is completely looked over in the end she's his last surviving sibling but he's killed people that she loves twice now she says that she hated him for many years and did things to herself to hurt him in some way he still overlooks this though and does the thing that will break her heart leaving him without her in the end too I think that would have been a great way to end her character but yeah she comes back for part three which we'll talk about next time now Michael and Fredo hug it out and though it seems genuine it gives a Sly look that that fucker's got to go having a meeting with Hagen he brings up how getting wroth would be like trying to kill the president which Michael quickly rebuffs he says that if history is told us anything it's that you can kill anyone with JFK happening shortly after this well like in in terms of when the movie itself takes place there were suspicions that the mob were involved in that and they gave a n to this with what happens with Roth killed in a similar way to Lee Harvey oswal this Echoes his death at the hands of Jack Ruby Ruby was thought to have Mafia connections tying this all together the hits start to go down with this getting a charge that's very similar to what happened in part one kind of sad seeing Fredo talking to Anthony and bragging about the time he caught a fish he boasts that nobody else could catch one which I think basically sums up his life he's been desperately trying to be good at something and his death on the lake fishing all ties back into that this poetic nature is also carried out with Frankie who sees his death like an old Roman assassin he remarks that the coron were like the old Roman Empire to which Hagen says it once was I often think about the Roman Empire and that of course crumbled from within with this being how the corons fall apart too in his passing goodbye Tom calls him Frankie five Angels which I believe a clue for the end of the first film this highlights he planned out the death of the five family heads which is why Michael trusted him so much he even had him living in his own house and yeah it's a great goodbye for the character Fredo's death then segs into the DA's birthday with sunny introducing Carlo to the family this just so happens to be the same day as the P Harbor attacks with Michael and enlisting in the war this is the first thing that pushes him away from the family and in the end we see him left on his own it depicts the loneliness in solitude he'll have from his family which is also shared in that very final shot it also highlights how ruthless he is as he has several of the people here killed car tessio Fredo are all wiped out and Hagen's kicked out the family Sunny dies and as we said with Connie I always feel like she was going to leave after Fredo's death this being a flashback is also important as it's technically carrying on vdo's story this being his birthday has symbolic meaning as it shows all of the things that came from his life Sunny basically says that his dad thinks it's stupid fighting for a stranger and this is when Michael says he's enlisting Sunny makes it clear it's going to break his father's heart and it sums up what his life's led into he built a family where his favorite son would hurt him and destroy the family along with his legacy while they go off to sing Happy Birthday he remains behind away from them all remembering him and his father on the train we close out with an older Michael remembering the past there's so much that you can read into in this moment and I think he's probably thinking about what he lost it sums up the individual versus the family with Michael symbolizing the former Tom told him that beo had big plans for Michael's future but he retorted by saying it was his future this embodies him viewing himself off on his own while the rest of the family are more like a collective everyone in the family from when he took over has only been allowed to exist on his terms Connie and Kay were controlled as was Fredo and even Hagen's life was shut down too in trying to hold things the way that he wanted it sifted through his hands and he's lost everything he had beo did it for the good of the family whereas I feel with Michael that he did it for himself now it is clear that Michael regrets being alone which we can actually see by a little detail on his hand you might notice that he's still wearing his wedding ring which I think shows he never got over K he sat there unable to let go that feeling of love that's what was most important to him but now he's completely lost it I feel like this perfectly calls back to that first film as she was who he was with before he rejoined the family Kay was the last tie to life outside the mob and in many ways he still holds on to that love this shot is also ju toos to his father who did the exact opposite to what he did voo started off alone when he came to New York which was summed up perfectly in that Statue of Liberty shot he built an Empire by making friends and allies and in the end he was surrounded by his family you go back to that first film and building friendships and allies that's basically what the opening is about Michael on the other hand you know he did the exact opposite and he told people no when they made requests he got rid of people and even killed some of the family which now leads to him sitting here alone this is why this shot means so much and it's perfect to have him here just sitting on his own it closes out the movie in the perfect way and genuinely gave me goosebumps when watching it for this retread have to say I've love going back through this retread um you know if this last bit seems like it might have just been inserted last minute that's because it was cuz I realized I hadn't talked about the wedding ring which going back to it was an insane thing to miss however it perfectly sums up everything about the character and him sitting there still wearing it you know there's so much meaning to it now as I mentioned in the past you know I didn't feel like this lived up to the first one and though I still prefer that going back through this I had a much more appreciative mindset towards it I would personally say it's a complete Masterpiece and it would of course go on to kill it at the Oscars it's listed on so many outlets as one of the greatest films ever made and going back through this I can certainly see why I've loved doing this journey and if you've enjoyed it as well then please hit the thumbs up and thanks for all your support if you want to join the channel and see videos like this early then make sure you click that join Button as for 99 cents a month you'll get early access to our breakdowns and help these to get made basically if you want to get some heavy spoilers merch we've also got our t-shirt line located below the video that will let you pick up all kinds of tops like our Theory time one house of dragon stuff Marvel te and more we drop new designs on there all the time too so definitely keep an eye out and thanks for your support now if you want some else to watch you got a breakdown on the first film so definitely head over there right after this we've also done a massive in-depth one on June part two and if you love that movie yeah we've got some stuff for you in there it's the longest breakdown we've ever done on a film and yeah so proud of myself for going through it long inside the book a bit bit exhausting but I think you guys are going to like it so yeah thank you for watching this and I've got one for you there too without the way without the way I've been your host Paul you've been the best and I'll see you next time take care peace
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 103,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the godfather, the godfather part 2, the godfather part 2 breakdown, the godfather part 2 analysis, movies, movie breakdown, film analysis, easter eggs, Hidden Details, the godfather part 2 ending explained, hidden details, things you missed, the godfather part 2 movie details, the godfather part 2 movie breakdown, the godfather part 2 explained, the godfather part 2 movie reaction, the godfather part 2 movie easter eggs, ending explained, francise ford, francis ford coppola
Id: _kR2-WeQ2Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 41sec (3101 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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