The God Who Sees

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Haggar was a single mother she was abandoned by the family she belonged to and they're in the wilderness with her son alone with very little provision she was wondering she was questioning does anyone, care she's crying in the desert she's lost in her despair she thinks nobody loves her Hagar thinks nobody's there, but God says, I will be a ring of fire around her and I will be the glory in her midst and the power of my presence will bring her to her knees and I will lift her up again, for I'm the God who sees I'm the God who see then He speaks in gentle whispers and he softly calls her name she feels His arms enfold her, as He holds her and she'll never be the same cause I'm a God who never changes and my promises are true and when this world deserts you this is what I'll do and then there was another woman named Ruth she was from the land of Moab and she was met with grief and heartache and she was a widow, and she lived with her mother-in-law who was also a widow and now it was time to move on but Ruth had never been to Bethlehem she had never tasted of the house of bread but now she had heard an inner invitation to come and taste and see and so she vowed herself to her mother-in-law and said where you go I will go where you lie I will lie where you die I will die and she begins a journey to the promised land she's traveling through the desert and she's leaving her dispair she's hoping for a future praying God will lead her there and He says I will put a ring around your finger and, I will bless a child within your womb and the Savior will be born through you to free the world from sin and He'll make all things new for you and love you back to life again, again and then, from Ruth who gave birth to a son Obon, who gave birth to a son, Jesse, who gave birth to a son named David now this same once shepherd boy, mighty warrior, anointed king, is alone terrified in the darkness he's hiding in the desert he's battling dispair David thinks his life is over, it's over and God, he doesn't care but God says I will be the rock of your salvation I'll hold you up by the strength of my right hand and the power of my spirit will free you from all fear in the hour of your deepest need you'll find that I am near, I am here cause I will be a ring of fire around you and I will be the glory in your midst and the power of my presence will bring you to your knees and I will lift you up again for I'm the God who sees and then, from the line of David, finally, Jesus the Messiah, the Anointed One Yeshua, the Christ born in the same house of bread to be the bread of life in the town of Bethlehem and he would grow and he would be called the Son of God he would be called Emmanuel God with us and he would heal and he would reveal and then he had an encounter with the woman named Mary of Magdala who was plagued by demons tormented by evil spirits and Jesus set her free and Mary followed Him, she listened at His feet, she served Him and she loved Him oh, how she loved Him but then she watched as they nailed Him to the cross and as they place His body in the tomb in that moment her hope died, it died she's crying in the garden she's broken in dispair she's searching for her Savior but body isn't there then He says, "Mary" Glory, Glory, Glory Hallelujah I will be the glory in your midst and every knee will bow to me and every tongue confess yes all the world will worship me in all my holiness I will be a ring of fire around you and I will be the glory in your midst and the power of my presence will bring you to your knees and I will lift you up again for I'm the God who sees, who sees I'm the God Who Sees I'm the God Who Sees I see you, I'm the God who see you in your wilderness sees you in your brokeness when you're feeling lonely I'm the God Who Sees in the desert places in your empty spaces I'm the God who sees I'm, nearly than you dare believe here in the very air you breath I'm the God who sees You. you
Channel: The Rock, The Road, and The Rabbi Foundation
Views: 6,146,274
Rating: 4.9405022 out of 5
Keywords: Kathie Lee Gifford, Nicole C. Mullen, The God Who Sees
Id: sz81dIfwf4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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