The God Kind of Love ~ Pastor Mark Hankins ~ 2.10.20

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you're further precious blood hallelujah we are redeemed by the blood of Jesus thanks your law then we have boldness in your presence because of the blood of Jesus that blood cleanses us from all sin from all unrighteousness through the blood of the everlasting covenant that you make us perfect in every good work to do your will while you work in us that which is well pleasing in your sight we thank you for that father God thank you give the Lord a shout amen praise the Lord wow what a great great song praise the Lord Trent and Cindy black wrote that song after I preached a while on who you are in Christ amen hallelujah oh you look a lot better in Christ and you do outside in me all right praise the Lord open your Bible to first Corinthians chapter 13 we're going to talk about walking in the God kind of love whew man walking in the God kind of love Amen this is the victory he meant walking in the God kind of love so if you have first Corinthians 13 this is probably the most popular chapter in literature that comes from the Bible that comes from the Bible written by the Apostle Paul which most theologians agree was not his favorite subject but it was something that he grew in and got better in and got revelation on concerning the God kind of love so if you have your Bible I'm gonna start off here in the King James Version and then we're just gonna read first verse verse 1 and he says though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and if I have not here uses the word charity but really the word charity is the word agape which is translated the God kind of love so he's not talking about natural human love natural human love turn into hatred overnight he's talking about the God kind of love and it's translated into charity because we know charity is always something that you do so what he's saying is that really the God kind of love is not passive it's always something that you do so that's why I was translated charity but really the word is agape which means that God kind of love so he says though I speak with the tongues of men angels if I do not have what love are the God kind of love I become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal though I have the gift of prophecy and I understand all mysteries and I have all knowledge and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains if I don't have the god-kind of love I am nothing all right let's try that one more time how many think we how many think he's getting pretty clear on it right now especially for people who want to be impressive and following God so he says if you have all this he said you could have the knowledge and mysteries and great knowledge and great faith and the gift of prophecy and be very impressive in your speaking ability he said but if you don't have the god-kind of love in other words he said you're nothing and one translation says you are a useless nobody so I mean like to try to avoid being a useless nobody in other words there's a lot of things that we think are super important and are we're very impressed with with other people but what he's saying is God himself is impressed with the God kind of love when it's in manifestation in our lives and we can actually grow in it so he said if I have all these things pretty impressive people he said but it doesn't impress God nothing he said you're worth it so you're nothing and then in verse 3 if I bestow all my goods to feed the poor but give my body to be burned if I don't have the god-kind of love it profits me nothing now I might help he said that as far as my personal progress in following God all the things that I could do if I'm not walking into God kind of love he said it'll profit you nothing well that gets pretty serious done cuz you sure couldn't waste a lot of time let's try that one more time I said you sure could waste a lot of time he said you just better take care of this first don't look at anybody right now I said but you should just take care of this first in other words this is our priority and so just to take our temperature to see how well we're doing at it he gives us the description of the characteristics of the God kind of love and he says this he says love suffers long so I got it in a nice meditating on this and I started reading a book by the by Henry Drummond called the greatest thing in the world now my mama was really good at walking in love and my dad was not quite as good so I can't say I didn't know about it and I knew it was important and then I had to listen to brother Hagin teach on it when it was not the subject that I wanted to hear him teach you I mean he's got a seven visions of Jesus could we deal with some of those instead of coming dealing with some of my attitudes so I've got his meaty love and then somebody gave me a little tiny book and you still get it online I think it's it's really kind of out of print but it's a lot of different people have reprinted it and so it's called the greatest thing in the world by Henry Drummond and he actually is just a study 1st Corinthians 13 and bl moody said is the greatest sermon he ever heard and he just took a study and broke down the God kind of love and so in his book he tells you exactly how the love of God operates so when somebody gave me that book it's just real simple illustration very simple and so when somebody gave it to me I was preaching out of church in Arizona probably 35 years ago and so somebody gave me the little book and it's real small little book greatest thing in the world I thought what I need to know what it is to us at all it's about first Corinthians 13 so I started reading the book and I got through the first chapter I got through the second chapter and I was in my bedroom preparing for the service that night and so when I got about second third chapter I took the little book and I said okay nobody do that and I threw it across the room and it hit the wall I said can't nobody do that I was laid in my bed the Lord said go pick the little book back up he said cuz if you can't deal with that nothing else you do is gonna work right so I went and picked it back up and then I started meditating on it when I got to the definition love suffers long first thing it says is it suffers that means it's gonna be painful I'm just not interested in painful things but if you go to the Olympics if you're a champion there's a lot of painful things you'll go through to be a champion so the first thing he said love suffer so if you're not suffering you probably not walking in love with somebody and then he didn't just say suffers he said he suffers a long long time man and we hadn't even got to the Amplified Bible yet we're still in the King James and is current whew then it says love envies not not in competition doesn't get upset about what other people have or how they get ahead and he says and love thought is not itself is not puffed up hmm verse 5 love does not behave itself unseemly the other translate says not rude or unmannerly seeks not her own means it's not selfish what am I gonna get out of this huh he says it's not easily provoked other translation says it's not angry our harsh huh thinketh Wow well I thought at least I controlled myself for a while then it started talking about how I was thinking think of no evil and so at least I didn't say nothing he said now you're gonna have to change the way you're thinking thanks no evil dad Hagin said this definition would be if I'm thinking other people don't like me I'm thinking evil of them he said so I don't even think about whether they like me or not I just think I'm gonna love them and whatever they do that's their business I'm not in control of whether they like me or not alright let's go rejoice is not an iniquity Nikol T rejoices in the truth look at verse 8 ready bears all things believes all things hopes all things and endures all things so apparently love affects all things let's try that one more time I said this is gonna affect all things in your life it's gonna affect your believing your faith your expectation your hope come on whatever you're going through if you can grow in the God kind of love and walk in the God kind of love he said it endures all things one translation says it never looks back it never gives up so I'd like to say the god kind of love is is a it cannot be defeated let's see where I wrote it in my little book here it goes it keeps on keeping on trust God in every situation expects God to act in all circumstances and nothing can destroy it so in my book I wrote it is inexhaustible and indestructible this is some tough stuff the God kind of love amen and so all the New Testament writers are in agreement so let's look at several New Testament writers cuz we got what Jesus said about it in John 13:34 and 35 y'all ready here's what Jesus had to say about it are you ready what'd he say a new commandment because they really already had what you call the Ten Commandments they weren't doing that very well and Jesus said I but I'm gonna give you a new commandment which is the new commandment of the New Covenant and so not only did they have the Ten Commandments but they have the interpretation of those Ten Commandments with a hundred and two hundred and ten more rules to make sure you understood the ten then the Pharisees added a hundred and ten more rules Commandments Jesus said I'm just gonna give you one command they're like wow wow thank you so much but then after they read that thinking could we go back to the hundred and ten visitor he said I'm gonna give you a new commandment new covenant that you love one another as I have loved you that you also love one another whoa look at the next verse he said in by this all men will know that you are my disciples if you have all right let's try that woman buy this everybody's gonna know that you were following Jesus he said this is the one sign and we've got all the other things we come up with but jesus said by this everybody will know that you're my disciples if you have love one for another so now we've got the Apostle Paul and now we've got Jesus so turn over to first John chapter 4 verse 16 here's what first John has to say he's known as the apostle of love that means he he majored on it one way you can actually go to college and never graduate y'all know some of y'all know just keep changing your majors you become a professional student but if you ever want to graduate you got to determine what your major is y'all still here and so many times we know a lot about a lot of Christian subjects but if you ever want to graduate you're gonna have to major on the god kind of love major on that I love what I heard one preacher say what good is it if you can talk in tongues if you're mean in English so now first fourteen pulling in some mean holy people let me know God's holy but he's not me he is love so when he says in first Corinthians 14 this first part I forgot this before we go to first John he says this follow after love and desire spiritual gifts now if you have an amplified bible here's what it says follow after love and the message Bible says go after a life of love as if your life depended on it because it does alright that's good in other words an amplified I think it says he says make it your aim your goal and your great quest in other words he says make this the greatest priority in your life is to follow after love walk in love growing up make it your quest so I looked at the word quest in the dictionary and a quest is anything that occupies your full attention for at least 20 years not 20 minutes not 20 days but the next 20 years you make it your quest to grow in the god-kind of love and you're growing it best by practicing it come on if you like football they talk about the greatest players and you know what they always talk about they talk about they're there practicing how they practice the time they spend practicing basketball players my grandkids most of them love basketball and one of Max's just one championship just other they miss it but they send me the pictures so great basketball players but they study the best ones and so when they said the best ones then we take him to cease different ones so we took him to see Steph Curry a few years ago and so then they got into all the stuff Steph Curry does every day how many shots they talked about Kobe Bryant who just passed away an accident and they talked about he had get up he called it the 4 a.m. principle he said I apply the 4 a.m. principle to all my life he said I'm not any more talented than anybody else he said but I'm up at 4 a.m. and he said I'm shooting the basketball I shoot at thousands of times I've got one man for him when I shoot he throws the ball back to me I do a thousands of times he said that's the first time to the gym is it 4:00 a.m. then I used to go three to five times a day so you see all the trophies but you ain't there when they're having to practice so if you're gonna get good at walking in love you're gonna have to show up for practice and you're gonna get plenty of practice you won't even have to leave Church tonight before you get some practice and when some bad stuff happens come on and you feel like you're right and the other person is wrong and the Lord said to me this is a good chance for you to practice go ahead and practice because if you're walking love God said I'll fight your battle for you so I learned from dad Hagin Hagin said I'm gonna walk in love whether anybody else does or not so what do you saying sometimes people study the God kind of love just enough to recognize when other people are not doing it I preached it for like three months at my church and somebody came he said pastor I just won't tell you so in the church they're not walking in love I said and you're the ones supposed to report right I said if you were you wouldn't notice so if you learn it just enough to point out where other people are not doing it y'all still here you learn it just enough say well ain't no you got to decide I'm gonna do it if nobody else does it in the house I'm gonna walk in love because this God kind of love never fails that means it's gonna winds gonna come out on top if I walk in love whoa first John 4:16 ternal there real quickly here's what we're looking at he says and we have known first John 4:16 unless so much there but we just cover some of this we have known and believed the love that God hath towards us first of all I said we know about it then we believe it I believe God loves you how much does he love you really first Corinthians 13 is the description of how much he loves you and I don't know about you but with some of us he'd been suffering a long time don't look at anybody right now but God been putting up with some of us a long time I mean glad he's patient with you I mean think you could show that to somebody else so he says we have known about it and we believe we believe in the love that God has towards us God he is love he that dwells in love dwells in God and God dwells in him in other words to 12 in the God kind of love he said it's the 12 in God and God dwells in you our dad Hagin says this way a step our love is a step out of God and the devil will attack you there he said if you step out of love you better get back in as fast as you can he said because you're getting off on the devil's territory and that's here where he will attack you get back in love as fast as you can you know what don't even take you that long to do it amen actually jesus said when you stand praying let's try these in other words you can't stand there for 20 years you can't say well they hurt me it's gonna take me a long time to get over that it's gonna take you back as long as it takes you to forgive let's try this side over here I didn't go over too good oh you might need a refund from your offering listen so he said when you stand praying he said forgive if you have all against any he said for your forgiveness comes from your heavenly Father you've been forgiven he said if you have aught against any I so I told the Lord I said lord I don't have aught against many but I can't say I don't have aught against any he said any alt will keep your I'm moving faith from working appropriately y'all still in there so I went to dad Higgins meeting many times the last time we heard him right before you went to be with the Lord he taught him walking in love which is really one of my my moments of memories because I was preaching at the camp mean I was sitting on the front and he's talking about walking in love I have no idea why he stood in front of me for so long my wife might didn't anyway so he he's there talking he tells us the stories over and over wonderful story and so I'm examining myself you know and then he had left his notes up on that Coliseum way up on the top and he had a few pages a yellow page he had written a few notes on he said mark he said brother Hugh younger than I am run up there so here's 86 I think that time so I ran up there got his nose brought it back down and he finished preaching about walking in love and so he said concerning walking in love he said though the pastor's wife remember the story you just tell us they are the greatest stories the pastor's wife that he said we know we passed from death to life because we love one another and he who hates his brother is a murderer and a murderer does not have eternal life in him first John three 14 15 so he says one of the way you know that you're saved he said as you love your brother and he said if you hate your brother you're a murderer hmm Wow you know you see that in the paper all the time you see some murderer in there somebody went and killed a few people well you don't have to kill somebody literally to be a murderer you can just hate somebody and with your words and your rejection you might be listed as a murder your picture might be up somewhere that he said you're a murderer and so now you got to judge yourself if you hate somebody so he was preaching there and the pastor's wife she said you got me all confused she said you said I'm not even saved if I if I hate somebody he said well she said he said what's your problem she said I hate my mother-in-law well they'd had some conflicts over the years and she said and you say that I don't have eternal life if I hate somebody she said I hate my mother-in-law he said she said and I'll tell you this well I'm a Christian I've been saved she said I got filled with the Holy Ghost talking other tongues you know and and he said she went through her whole history brother Hagin said I don't care how long have you been in church I don't care any churches you built if you hate your mother-in-law you're a murderer oh man so she said well what's the matter he said well look at me and say I hate my mother-in-law so she looked at him and said I hate my mother-in-law he said what happened on the inside of you he said something scratching down there he said that's your heart that's your spirit because really you don't hate your mother-in-law you just got those feelings in your flesh and the love of God on the inside of you don't even agree with how you feel right now so really you don't hate her you actually love her he said well what am I supposed to do he said act like you would if you did love her because you do so she said all right I'm gonna act like I would if I did and she started you know going out of her way to act like she loved her mother-in-law and then she found out you know she's not a bad person at all invited her over to eat well during that meeting they called dad hanging up this same woman and she had a little one of her daughter's a beautiful little girl and that had seizures and had epilepsy some of the worst cases and so they'd been to the doctors they said just nothing we can do about it so she's having a seizure and and they called dad Hagin said is there any way you come by and pray for our daughter so he said all right he's on the way to church his town so he just stopped in there and he's gonna go in there to pray for the daughter so when he went in there he said the Lord said to him don't pray for the child don't touch the child say to the mother say to the mother mother say mother say to Satan I'm walking in love now take your hands off my child he said when she said because he hadn't touched the child when she said Satan I'm walking in love now take your hands off my child he said that seizure immediately stopped and the child was healed that moment and the seizures never came back again the reservoir I'm walking in love now in other words she hadn't been walking in love just a few days before but she just made a few adjustments come on sometimes just a few adjustments to walk in love I'm walking in love now and I choose to forgive because the love of God is in my heart by the Holy Ghost and that loves on the inside of me and I'm gonna let it dominate me I'm not gonna let bitterness and unforgiveness dominate me I'm not gonna live my life mad at other people I'm gonna walk in the God kind of love he said that love makes you more than a conqueror well in my testimony I went to all the meetings and I'm doing my best to live by faith and and blessed but I kind of hid a place spiritually where I wasn't growing and the blessing wasn't flowing so I went to hear brother Hagin I heard different sermons but that particular night and that big Coliseum he said I want you to turn your Bible John 13:34 35 oh here we go again cuz I've heard it before now we're gonna hear it again I said Lord I came all this way I want to hear something about visions of Jesus and angels and we're going to John 13:34 and we're going to first Corinthians 13 come on so he taught the same stuff I'm telling you it's real quiet during the whole sermon not a lot of shouting and running during these kind of messages he went through all the different things about walking in love and about walking in forgiveness hey man then I'm sitting in the minister section and at the end he said now if some of you hadn't been walking in love and you're gonna make the adjustment tonight and you're gonna forgive others he said I want you to stand up and I'm sitting I said I'm a pastor I'm not gonna stand up I'm in the minister section I'm not gonna stand up I don't have to stand up I can sit down here and just take care of it here when I'm sitting down besides that I want everybody to wonder who I'm thinking about so I'm just sitting right here he said I said if you need to forgive somebody I want you to stand up oh I just stood up I thought this is killing me right now he said now repeat after me I'm gonna walk in love with anybody else does and I'm gonna freely forgive those who've done me wrong or mistreated me I just let it go I freely forgive them I've been forgiven and I'm gonna walk in love so we went through the whole confession he said now let's just thank the Lord that moment the glory of God come you can't have the glory if you're not walking in the god-kind of the glory of God hit me the presence of God listen and what I had struggled with financially even though I might either even though I'm a giver when I struggle with financially when I got home within thirty days I was totally out of debt in 30 days time do you know how expensive it is to hold a grudge do you know how expensive it is to hold unforgiveness in your heart well years ago I had a I had a preacher say something about me you know I don't know what the deal is with me but that's just something that I just don't like and I'm pretty much gonna let you know I don't like if you want to talk about it let's just talk well he said so I said I'm gonna let him know and then you know the devil's know make sure you hear it if somebody says something about you cuz you always got a repeater somewhere so I said I'm gonna let him have it and the Lord said you're gonna forgive him right now and you're gonna drop it and don't want you to ever repeat it they went all right I'll drop it right now that same preacher called me up and asked me to preach at his church on Sunday just a few weeks later I never said a word about it act like we were best friends he gave me a check for $50,000 for one Sunday the Lord said would you rather have the fifty thousand or would you rather tell somebody else I said I just take the fifty thousand come on get down off your our say I'd rather have a blessing of the Lord I freely I said I'd rather have a blessing of the Lord I freely forgive and sometimes you say well I just can't forgive yeah you can't the love of God's in you you can forgive Luke chapter 17 where where Jesus talked about forgiveness and so Peter wanted to talk to him about it so Peter says Lord how oft are we gonna have to do this cuz I kind of like to know just I can kind of figure it I'm willing to forgive but you know let's just do me once but you mess with me twice and we finished so Peter said well let me suggest seven times how's that sound Lord sounds pretty generous to me jesus said now seventy times seven in a day 490 times how many y'all are counting up how many times you forgiving him already no 490 times in one day Wow and he wouldn't tell you to do something that he wouldn't do for you whoa let me know he's had to kick in that forgiveness a lot in one day for some of us come on you're forgiven not only forgiven he forgets you ever did anything wrong that's the god kind of love I said that's the God kind of love that's what makes Christianity different is the God kind of love praise the Lord so here's what Jesus said in Luke 17 we know mark 11:23 say to the mountain but in Luke 17 Jesus said how many times forgive and he said seventy times seven and Peter said increase our faith let's keep going so so Jesus instead of using mountain in that verse he says you would say to the sick of mine tree be plucked up by the roots and it would obey you so I was reading the commentary years ago and it said when Jesus used the word sick of my entry he said he never used a word without a meaning and he said when he said sick of my entry be plucked up by the roots and so somebody said if you're sick of yours I'm sick of mine so we got a sick of mine tree the roots so it gave the five characteristics of a sick of mantri maybe Trender can help me so I wrote it down five characteristics of the sick of Mount Airy you say be plucked up by the root and here's what it said number one the sick of mine tree grows in the driest desert areas because the area is so dry it has a very deep root system the fruit of a sick of mine tree is so bitter it is only eaten by poor people and the fruit is pollinated by the Stinger of a wasp and the wood of a sick of mine tree is used for caskets so when Jesus said you tell that sick of mine tree get plucked up by the roots and if you don't the root system will defile your life in so many areas that you don't even understand it will affect your soul it'll affect your family it'll affect your future if you allow that unforgiveness and that root of bitterness to grow in your life but he said you can command it to be removed come on you're not helpless in this situation say yeah I just can't happen yeah you can't happen plucked up by the roots and he said and if you don't deal with it it can cause you bitter fruit and the wood for your casket Oh y'all still with me so when he said when you stand praying forgive he's simply saying wow look at what God has forgiven you look at how he's forgiving you look at how many times he's forgiven you and yet somebody does two or three things and you just say I never letting them forget that he says you can forgive while you're standing there I freely forgive so I made the adjustment anybody won't know what happened when I made the adjustment man the blessing of the Lord did you know it will even affect your health whoa how many y'all happy already I turn to first Peter 4:8 first Peter for you to praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord first Peter 4:8 wasn't expecting a lot of shouting so it's alright 1st Peter 4:8 so we've got who we've got Jesus we've got John we've got Paul now let's see if Peter has the same thing about it 1st Peter 4:8 Peter says 1st Peter 4:8 he says and above all things and above all things and above all things and above all things and above all things you said well you don't know my something my favorite subject they don't matter you better make it your favorite subject tonight above all things I said above all feet above all things have fervent the God kind of love have fervent love among yourselves for the God kind of love with what cover a multitude of sins oh there's a big cover-up going on right now in other words you're not trying to expose what's wrong with somebody else come on your adjustment is to take care of what you're dealing with yourself amen so he says the god kind of love is not talking about an exposing what's wrong with everybody else well now let me tell you about my mama my mama is real good at this because there's four preachers in the family we all come home for Thanksgiving Christmas and so we all sit around the table well we know preachers from all the east coast of West Coast all around the world so we sit at the table and sure enough one of the preachers did something oh there's always a preacher that does something and if you I mean so it's always some preacher did something or didn't do something always something going on and so some preachers name come up at the table and some of the brothers you know and start talking well people feed on that they like it like this you hear her they want to know the details about it coming together so we're sitting at the table and whoever's name could be somebody in the church either plenty of problems in the church no perfect people in the church if you want to see the list of some of the most imperfect people read Hebrews 11 I asked the Lord why he had to tell all of their faults and failures I told her oh if I was you I would have edited the Bible I wouldn't want everybody to know what David did he said I went ahead and told the whole story he said because 2,000 years later there's gonna be somebody that failed and made a mistake and it fell dare to have faith in God I pull their life up out of that and I make their life significant so we're talking here's what my mama did she did this every time she was saying a little song that we learned in children's church and we would sing this song here's a song very simple it goes like this help me try let's talk about Jesus more more so where's the table still talking about this other guy are these people so my mama start singing let's talk about Jesus alright well I was singing so if you didn't stop talking about somebody negative if you're talking negative then she turned it up louder she goes let's talk about Jesus and she would get louder until you shut up I'm tired of talking about what's wrong with everybody and I want to talk about Jesus if you don't mind me talking about Jesus so when my mama got to be 80 something she ended up kind of in a wheelchair a little bit and she'd walked I'm still in a wheelchair so my mom's sisters daughter came over which we helped raise because she had gone through a divorce and and now she's gonna be with the Lord and so my mom's sister had some business and stuff she's pretty successful but she just liked to drink drink at the most unusual times and just show up drunk it's the funniest thing until she was in the street without her clothes on then that was fun now we're not talking about some ignoramus here we're talking about somebody that's an executive for for a corporation but on the weekends she called three hotel everybody's name anyway so so her daughter came over and she started talking about her mother which was my mother's sister and because of my mother's sister's problems then my family raised her daughters so she wants to tell my mom was wrong with her sister which happens to be her mama we've had this discussion before but I guess it never gets old when you really want to talk about somebody so mama sit in a wheelchair my sister's there they drive big Mercedes got lots of fancy stuff won't tell you too much more about my family but anyway says that's a fancy stuff so she starts in on my mama's sister her mama well my mom is 80 something years old so my mama starts singing let's talk about King of Kings she singing is my aunt looked at my sister and she thinks my mama has lost her mother so she says to my sister and she goes my mom's name Thelma you don't know many families he she said vamo she go see he's kind of starting to lose it my sister says no she just don't like what you see come on you can contaminate a whole household in the atmosphere and everything well you're talking hatred and what's wrong with everybody my mama said let's talk about Jesus he's the king of King he's the Lord of Lord let's talk about Jesus come on is his laws that changed our lives so next time you're talking to somebody at church and somebody's negative behavior comes up and people stay on it awhile I dare you let's talk about just just keep singing if they keep talking about that person you go let's talk about you let me finish up with this go back first we're in the surgery now finish up it is so the love of God in us nine characteristics of the god kind of love and that love is in us that's how we know we're safe it's in your spirit it's in your heart and it's the first evidence that you're saved in your child of God it's a God kind of love amen and because it is a fruit of the Spirit you can actually grow in it that means you can get better at it amen and so Henry Drummond said here's the nine characteristics of the god kind of love number one patience come on just me in traffic listen if people died if what I said about them in my car you idiot get out the road who taught you how to drive get off the phone what do I know let me ever talk to people while you drive and some people wonder why God has not promoted them faster we have won those four four wheelers you know color side by side and it'll go pretty fast so my granddaughter you know all the grandkids grow up and so they wanted to drive and so we let them once they learn how to drive and so my granddaughter said she wasn't ready to drive so she said poppy take me take me Oh No side by side let's go I said alright I said you you drive but I won't control the accelerator and the brake I'll poppy let me do it all no but I will let you drive so sit here money so they got steering wheel and I got the Hillary as a turn turn it hit the treat then you what they tell me go faster poppy go faster I said if you would steer better I would go faster so many times we were telling the Lord Laura I'm ready to go faster the Lord said if I took you any faster you and hit a tree already so I'm gonna go ahead and slow down on you alright let me give you the exam but I'm ready here patience kindness kindness generosity generosity humility always watch out for people who tell you how humble they are the guy in the church one the most humble man in the church so they gave him a pin they had to take it away from him because he started wearing it so we got humility then we've got courtesy courtesy was just simply good manners come on you everyone tell somebody if I ever teach you any manners just regular manners so he says that's love in little things and he said if you walked in love you could fit in with the highest parts of society and the lowest parts courtesy unselfishness the next one his good temper our good disposition now sometimes you do need to say something but you need to examine if you need to say it that way let's go over that one more time I mean how many ever knew you need to say something but you need to hold on to that awhile till you can say it a little different I love this little quote here they asked a doctor and the physician and he said that he said the the greatest the best medicine for humans is love someone asked him what if it does not work he smiled he said increased the dose whoo our Henry Drummond said the god kind of love is the greatest secret of personal influence he said if we are to influence others and lead others nothing is more powerful than the god kind of love I can tell you this my dad for deacons had to get me out of jail when I was 17 years old thank God for His mercy I was 17 years my dad had a 55 Chevy did some bad stuff end up in jail call my momma from the jail I said mom come get me out of jail she's aware yes so I'm a County Jail I said coming at me she said well you know it's Wednesday night she did she said we got church tonight so just prop up your feet stay a while all right well that midnight afterwards my dad and four deacons showed up all right so I'm in the elevator with my dad and four deacons I had a 55 Chevy I never saw that Chevy again to this day I don't know what happened to that car well in the elevator and those deacons are staring at me I'm 17 and I'm standard and I could see the look on their face like a real disappointment you're a failure and I'm like and you I will burn your house down tonight you stinking hypocrite come on we got some rebellion problems here and in the elevator was one man one deacon that had just gotten saved and filled with the Holy Spirit and before that had been one of the meanest men in town just a mean cousin but man he got safe and the love of God and those other guys stared at me and that one dick and he put his hand on my shoulder and he said Maura you gonna be all right I'm 67 years old and to this day it still goes all over me when I say what he told me because I didn't think I was gonna be all right but only one in the elevator talk to me in the god-kind of love only one in other words it gave me hope for myself the god kind of love in those words when people feel like a failure words of faith and hope and love he says a good tempered godless countless sincerity and I'm gonna read this last of all in the Amplified Bible y'all ready for this and then I'll be finished the God kind of love everybody I'm gonna grow a man and here's all dad Hagin said to do about it he said number one he's renew your mind in it renew your mind in it that means he said your mind don't stay renewed anymore your hair stays calm your teeth brushed in other words you won't grow in and if you don't take it serious never knew your mind so every day we just take the scriptures out he said go over to almost continually and you know I mean I don't see how you could be any worse than I could have been I mean I'm not telling you this because I'm good at it so I started renewing my mind he said I should renew your mind there come a time you'll get some practice he said then just determine I'm a walk in love whether anybody else does or not oh that's reading the Amplified Bible he said the god kind of love endures long is patient and kind and I wrote on here it's not in a hurry love never is hidden be as falls over with jealousy it is not boastful or vainglorious it does not display yourself heartily it is not conceited arrogance lady with pride it is not rude or unmannerly does not act unbecomingly love God's loving us does not insist on its own rights or its own way for it is not self-seeking it is not touchy what fretful resentful takes no account of the evil done - it pays no attention to a suffered Rome you suppose no he said you're supposed to act like you're walking in love okay he said if you'll do it I'll fight that battle for you does not rejoice it injustice to see other people go wrong or unrighteousness rejoices when riding truth prevail bears up under anything and everything that comes some people say well I've had this I'm putting up with it long enough I put up with it no more I'm glad God never said that about you he's ever ready to believe the best of ever person hopes are faithless under all circumstances endures everything without weakening love never fails our love is the greatest secret to success no corporation in the world would reject anybody with those characteristics you would make that company a success that's the love of God I love you that's the love it's hit you that's the way God loves you and that love in you and you can love others that way and you can even tell the devil take your hands off of my life I'm walking in love now and the Bible says perfect love casts out all fear that means you could be afraid of nothing when you're perfected in the God kind of love hallelujah hallelujah lift up your voice and let's just thank the Lord thank you Lord your great love the way that you loved her you helped us to grow your spirit the Holy Ghost living in us in the card catalog Oh Lord real purpose in our heart we'll make it our quest our great name our goal is to grow in to walk in whenever we step out of love we'll jump right back in as fast as we keep and we'll freely forgive others we'll even forgive ourselves we receive forgiveness because this is the way God loves us thank you Father we receive your love we receive your forgiveness will grow in love and will grow spiritually and you take us faster to our destination as we grow in the god cantaloupe and you'll protect us and surround us the love of God wheat well in that love and the atmosphere of our house the atmosphere of our our friends and the atmosphere of our mind the love of God will prevail the love of God will prevail will not look around and judge others whether they're doing it or not will just say I'm gonna walk in love whether anybody else does come on everybody I'm gonna walk in love whether anybody else doesn't know come on believe God could fight your battle for you come on dad Hayes at any time you're feeling mistreated he said you know the devil's work the devil bring up how somebody mistreated you we had a big situation not too long ago both somebody clearly clearly robbed me of thousands of dollars I'm like I will not tolerate that I will beat their head I knew the person said I will beat you [Music] you think you can just walk away laughing you're wrong absolutely wrong why I let them have anybody won't know how to do after the Lord's did not call them back I will not call them back [Music] I said I want you to know I'm sorry for what I said in the way I said it and I'm sure I forgive you if I never see that money God will take care of me he has taken care of me with and I want you to know I'm letting it go right now and I said furthermore I do not tolerate that kind of behavior out of me they said what I said I do not tolerate that out of me I'm tired of that now look in there and said I'm tired of your attitude and you gonna straighten it up right now if I won't know what happened man the Lord blessed me so much the Lord said you think that'll take care of it for you yes it it take care how do you think God can make it up to you but it looks like somebody's getting the best of you come on nobody can get the best of you do you know if you'll walk in hallelujah hallelujah now anybody here tonight you're kinda like me of that Hagin me and you said I need to make some adjustments by walking in love and I know what they are love our forgiveness and you just want to stand up just right now and just say that's me and I I'm gonna make the adjust to stand up on your feet I've had people tell me and say I think you saved our marriage I said I didn't save it God saved it amen and I make an adjustment first place to practice is at the house whew man and a church anywhere let's lift their hands up right now everybody say father God thank you for the blood of Jesus and you cleanse me and you've forgiven me and you wash away my sin and tonight I'm making adjustment I freely forgive others I'm gonna walk in love whether anybody else does or not and I'm gonna have your love and your presence in my house and I'm gonna have joy and I'm gonna have peace and I freely forgive others I freely forgive them and I'm gonna walk in love and I'm gonna grow in love and every day I'll renew my mind then I'll practice my behavior and my words and when I step out of love I'll repent I'll jump right back in real fast and now I say devil take your hands off my family take your hands off my body and off of my mind and off of my money I'm walking in love now I'm walking in love now and victory is mine well give the Lord a shout hallelujah [Music] [Applause] Oh hallelujah glory to God hallelujah glory to God you may be seated amen man I was just sitting down there saying when y'all everybody was doing confessor then I just said miracles glory to God released in this place hallelujah say it again I'm walking into God kind of love I don't Laura text me or ment lean over me during the thing she said do you see preaching that because you asked them to maybe he was gonna preach it anyway but you just get to walking in this and you realize love is the greatest thing of all you know it's the greatest of all and you know I just text Laura wrote something down and said if you get you love right your faith will work easy yeah it's powerful anyway well we want to have our Usher's come on down a man we want to receive a final offering tonight for the Hankins for these meetings came prepared too so if you need an envelope for your giving lift your hand the ushers will be happy to serve you with one and they're gonna put up the text to give you can also go on melody church calm and do that it just takes a moment if you haven't done online giving I'll tell you if you're so er online giving and text to give is the greatest thing that's ever been invented I love it cuz I don't carry I don't generally carry cash I don't have a half the time I don't have my wallet with me but uh man you set up that on time get online giving we got online giving set up with the several ministries and I'm if I'm at a meeting I go to I don't have my wallet in my car and I go in and plug it in I was like oh I'm already signed up I just give whatever I want even then I don't tell my wife and then later she said why did you give that you didn't tell yeah glory to God love is not a sideshow amen it's the main course and I think you know just for me personally when you realize how tough sometimes it's tougher oh you I thought man it people I know some of y'all I thought it to be a while back I think man I wish she could have preached it on faith or in Christ sir but see that's something you want you're looking for something for we're looking for stuff for ourselves but sometimes we've got to grow up meat the vegetables they men you got to grow up and say I got to learn how to let something flow through me I can't a lot of the body of crisis give me give me give me and there's nothing wrong we need to hear teaching on faith and you know in Christ and I'm all for that I wish we could have another five days meetings and listen to all that but I thought just on this last night you know we need love we need to we need to grow and love amen praise the Lord well everybody anybody ready to sew tonight amen I've got a saw about three hands so thank you all for being generous to nothing phrase the Lord will hold up your offer name em to the Lord father we just release our faith come on let's release our faith in our seed glory to God we release our faith right now as we release Lord our precious seed into this good soul to this we receive the word that's been sowed into our hearts now we return back and lord we sow of our finances into this good ground this good ministry we release our faith right now and we release our seed into the hankins in the name of Jesus we just received Lord God thank you for a bountiful harvest from the seed sown in Jesus name everybody said amen you may receive the offering praise the Lord yeah one time the Lord said this to me he said you get some places because you trust me and you get other places because I trust you it's good I like that God is good a man we were uh well they're taking up the offering you know Laura and I we've been married I think going how long we've been married baby 20 years or 19 years we're going on 19 years this may it changes every year but the first few years we were married you know I'd just graduate from Ram I thought I was a love expert and then I would learn I were married on our honeymoon on the second or third day of our honeymoon I realize I'm not the expert I thought I was in love I said we can't even get by that into the past the week of the honeymoon is supposed to be just honey on the honeymoon but we got into the bees nest on the on the honeymoon and I thought good lord so we ended up getting in a disagreement about something and Laura's wondering what I'm about to say she's lucky let's talk about Jesus but you know those first few years you know I grew a lot in love I grew a lot in love and then there came a time where I wasn't doing so hot you know and then Laura carried me with her love and that powerful but now we're both walking in love and that good that's what makes the I don't know I don't care what Oprah says man if you don't walk into God kind of love your marriage you're saying going to work I don't know how these folks out there in the world do it I think they're lying they're doing some other thing we're gonna get out of here before it gets ugly in there you gotta get that drinking music going then we'll be drinking all night amen stand up on your feet praise the Lord I'll tell you if you didn't act on that word tonight I'm gonna pray over you right now that you don't make it that you don't you're gonna be just miserable until you ain't gonna sleep you got to get it right Amen you got to you got to get that stuff off you man I tell you it's like a thousand pound weight lifts off you when you you just forgive and you realize one of the greatest things you realize you cannot control people yo oh here's a big one you go ahead and love and forgive someone and don't expect nothing in return because they the way you forgive them may not be the way they act towards you but guess what you just say I love them and I'm just gonna move forward amen I bless you tonight thank you for being such a blessing it give it up for the Hankins amen what a powerful lot of meetings make sure to go out and get all the remaining stuff they have out there on the product table 50% off get it they're the best resources you'll find get them and listen to them daily I love you and I bless you amen [Applause] see you Wednesday so that others around you have the opportunity to hear the message of the god kind of love it's such an exciting message but it's so life-changing is so vital to the body of Christ that we walk and God's kind of love if you'd like to partner with us financially and specifically give toward the Hinkins meetings you can either do give two ways you can go to our website and click give at the bottom of the page you can set up a one-time gift and you can allocate for guest speaker or you can text seven seven nine seven seven to melody Church we are so excited that you decided to join us tonight if by chance you just clicked on and you didn't see the whole service we encourage you go ahead and watch from the beginning because there was powerful stuff that was released to the body of Christ tonight have a great week and we'll see you Sunday be blessed
Channel: Melody Church
Views: 2,216
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: mark hankins, melody, melody church, hankins, brother hagin, kenneth hagin
Id: MKU4Mf2qZ2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 44sec (4364 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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