The Glory of Wekapipo

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now usually in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure your stand it's how powerful you are and how much I thought you might be to the major antagonist or the major cast as a whole and rarely do we ever see the main cast face-off against non stand users as they would be at an obvious advantage given that non stand users can't see stands yeah there's one minor villain who just might make you blind before you have a chance to even take advantage of the fact that he can't see stands that is of course whicka pepo and his steel balls the wrecking balls [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at people is a 31 year old man who doubled as a minor antagonist and an ally over the duration of steel ball run now as I mentioned in my previous magenta magenta video wake a people's name alongside magenta magenta is a first for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure that's because their names come from a Japanese band and that Japanese band being sold out now if you want any more information on why I would recommend that you go check out my magenta magenta video and funny enough unlike magenta magenta whicka people actually relates very well to the song in which he gets his name from though I'm speaking from a very weird perspective as the song wake up people buy sold out isn't actually translated perfectly into English and some of the meaning that the song might have had might have been lost in the translation I had to do myself so roughly the song is about telling people to wake up and become the person that they truly are inside and don't let others outside your perspective control you they preach on and on about the importance of self identity and owning who you are as a person and introduce themselves with confidence and then once we begin to reach the end of the song they hammer home the message even more with lines such as nothing changed better change yourself wake up wake up getting across the idea that self-betterment is always possible and not to wallow in your past now look at people of course like most enemies turned allies is a reverse of the wake up peoples message where the song speaks about moving on and changing yourself look at people is forever stuck in his own past not allowing himself to get over the assumed death of his sister in festering rage and hatred towards the sapele family deep inside of himself when he accepts valentines orders to assassinate jairos FLE he accepts it not only because the reward of becoming a high-ranking government official something that he's always wanted as he lost all of his honour from his original country but also he would take any chance to get back in his Appel ease as they forced him out of his country which left his family named disgrace leaving the only person even cared about his sister widowed dishonored blind and worst of all alone in a country that didn't care for her basically Wicca people decided that this Appel EES were the true people who were responsible for ruining the beautiful thing that was his sister though interestingly enough even with all this hatred built up inside of Wicca beep Oh Wicca people doesn't disrespect gyro or his family steel balls which actually fits in suit with his honourable personality since he used to be a knight in all though the still doesn't change the fact that he feels the heat will without a doubt surpass gyro and his family steel balls and he does so in a very interesting way so in turn when fighting against gyro whicka people specifically targets aspects of beauty and destroys them making a so gyro couldn't create his perfect rotation this is actually a representation of the two conflicting ideals gyro tries to see the beauty in life and uses it to help those in need for Wicca people uses his skills to break and destroy things that he thinks or has been told are evil then you also have gyros issues with murdering people as even though gyro can be an [ __ ] he's a very kind hearted person who can't even bring himself to take another's life even though he was once an executioner Lucca people on the other hand is someone who cares very little about the value of human life of course being part of the elite guard for Naples meaning that he had to have served in at least a few conflicts and also moving up to the assassin work for the government we are shown that wicked people has very little trouble in taking another's life and this is all seen best through his job as a soldier his duel with his sister's husband and of course his actions against Johnny and gyro I mean destruction is literally ingrained into his abilities name wrecking ball which is an object that can only destroy this ability actually gets its name possibly from the Gracie slick song and album wrecking ball the song itself talks about taking everything that's ever Speight adore hurt you in your life and smashing it with a wrecking ball which is exactly what Wicca people does though something very interesting about his wrecking balls is that it has this special ability called left-side axis which is very interesting both in how it's drawn but also when you up from a character perspective and a functional perspective so this ability actually uses the spin to momentarily give you a stroke onto your entire left half of your body this means it takes all of your senses and cuts them off completely so wicka people must temporarily numb the right side of your brain as oddly enough the right side controls the entire left side of your body this ability is actually very interesting because the right side of the brain is also the part of the body that controls your imagination creativity and emotions where the left side is more logic based so by disabling your emotions and turning yourself into a cold logical machine of a person you feel on whole and this is reflected in Wicca pepo entirely as he's become this assassin State trying to avenge the death of his sister he is his own ability personified he is a logical thinking machine with no emotions who feels on hope though it is this cold-hearted destructive nature that ended up fighting him in the end as you see when he tried to kill the wolf with the corpse parse us to distract gyro and Johnny to sneakily hit them with his wrecking balls the attack kicked up snow and the flakes allowed gyro to achieve a golden ratio and through that a perfect spin which in turn defeated Wicca people though only through his defeat at the hand of multiple miracles does he learn that the man he was just trying to kill actually not only helped his sister when she was injured but also learned that his sister was still alive and her blindness was actually a blessing in disguise as it kept her out of the danger of assassination these back-to-back revelations actually strike home with wicked people he learns that sometimes a pursue negative can turn out to be a positive and it's all a matter of perspective thus Wicca people swear 'he's the aid gyro and johnny in protecting lucy and steven steel with his life but he also refuses to attack the President of the United States as he is a man of his word and has already sworn himself to the United States and shall not break that vow though much like the vow he made to his sister on the day of his duel that he would return to her look at people shatters his vow to the United States in order to protect Diego but more importantly in order to protect Lucy steel and even though wicked people found himself repeating the same mistake that he made that fateful day that got him kicked out of his country in that moment he found himself in true peace he knew he could never see his sister again and he was already happy knowing that she was healthy and alive in her country so he made himself the enemy of another country yet again defending what he called the greater good this is the path that he chooses this is the life that he chooses to live he was a noble knight right up until the end of his life and he regretted nothing as he was completely annihilated except for maybe pulling Diego through that flag now a short-lived as wicked people was given that he existed for a whole 19 chapters out of the 95 chapters of Steel well run he still existed for a year and a half and is probably one of the most well written and well handled characters in steel ball run because not only do we get a solid motivation for everything that he does he's also just a subtle nod to a phantom blood character and our Lord and dier as they both are introduced with an invincible technique they both attack the lead hero both have strong personal connections to the sapele of their series they join the group later and then are annihilated by deal but more importantly he isn't just a callback like some other characters in steel ball run our he's a serious reflection of what djaro could have become and is a perfect rival to Jarrow in just about every way even Wicca people's character design as a whole matches this conflict his outfit is a mix of casual and business which fits his past as a soldier along with his grid or graph based hairstyle which shows his inability to think creatively and his serious business attitude or even his design that is found alongside all of his outfits of two colliding steel balls which represent the two steel balls of the Naples nation the soldiers balls in Isabella's balls as when he was a knight of the state the balls stood side-by-side but in his exile the balls are now colliding showing conflict alongside that is another small detail about his character design which is when we capito is performing a noble action his design is without a mustache as when he is defending his sisters honor he is clean-shaven or after his exile he turns down a dark path and becomes unkept and grows a mustache only to be saved and become clean-shaven again which harkens back to Iraqis original fears when it comes to mustaches and characters as they would normally design for villains though one of my favorite things about wicked people is that he's actually able to hold his own in a stand battle without being able to see stands himself so wicked people doesn't have a stand so he cannot see stands this is shown multiple times in many different scenes like with him referring to magenta magenta stand as just a defensive pose and him being unable to defend himself from d4c when he tries to assault the president yet even given this whole situation he nearly defeated Shiro and Johnny on his own completely disabled a whole squad of police officers defeated the ultimate defense that was magenta magenta twentieth century boy and of course he scored at least two funny Valentine kills and I honestly feel like wicked people could be one of the most powerful characters not only in steel ball run but in Joe Joe alone I wonder how powerful he could have gotten if he actually unlocked his own wait a second Shiro mentioned that the ballbreaker technique was the science specifically for soldiers back in the day specifically soldiers on horseback who used steel balls with the pepo is a knight it's specifically a knight of the kingdom of Naples so he would be a soldier for them and he did use the spin so if we could pipo got on a horse could he use the perfect rotation could he use ballbreaker what would that even look like [Music] or hell if what could people was able to get ahold of the corpse parts and was able to unlock his stand through his wrecking ball so much like gyro did through his steel balls then he'd have a very powerful stand on his hands let's see if I call gyro stand heartbreaker then of course Wicca people stand would have to be communication breakdown I imagine the ability would function much like wrecking balls dead already but he's also able to completely disrupt the brain signals in someone's body god I'd pay [ __ ] money to have a little comic of a rematch with gyro and heartbreaker versus wicked people and communication breakdown that'd be so [ __ ] cool and well anyways if you enjoyed this video and liked to see more videos like it in the future I have a patreon at slash money not the bad guy and if you want to completely wreck your balls so hard that you lose access to the left half of your body I recommend heading on over to Funimation comm / / / human at our boring world over the country for dirty drugs doesn't exist and pick yourself up a blu-ray copy of shimoneta and rekt the [ __ ] out of your life
Channel: Meti『Not The Bad Guy』
Views: 298,492
Rating: 4.9558935 out of 5
Keywords: Wekapipo, JoJo, Part 7, Steel Ball Run, JoJo Part 7, SBR, Wake Up People, Soul'd Out, Wrecking Ball
Id: odi8LkRFgKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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