The Glorious Revolution?

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace hello and welcome back to the channel if you're new here hi you are very welcome this is reading the past and I'm Dr cat as British royal dynasties go the stewards were unfortunate to say the least in particular when we think about the rebellions that emerged against their rules I mean Mary Queen of Scots was imprisoned and forcibly deposed by a collection of her Nobles in favor of the rule of her infant son James Mary's grandson Charles I would be defeated by parliamentarian forces during the English Civil War he was then put on trial for treason convicted and executed his second son would also encounter his own struggles and that is what I intend to look at today but before we jump into today's topic I want to say an absolutely massive thank you to Squarespace for sponsoring another video on this channel when it comes to building and updating and managing my website Squarespace has really made all the difference squarespace's blueprint website design tool offers a massive variety of website templates all of which are super easy to customize in every way this is due to the fluid engine website design system with this it's simply a case of dragging and dropping for even more convenience you can edit your website not only on your desktop but also on your phone I can also keep track of my website traffic through the whole bunch of useful analytics tools that Squarespace has on offer above all it's been really helpful for me to keep an eye on my mailing list emails I can make sure they've all reached their intended destination but I can also see if or indeed when they have been opened and what links in them are being clicked so if you have signed up to receive emails from me but you have yet to see any of them please have a little check to make sure those emails haven't somehow been caught up in your spam filter to build launch and manage your own website go to for a free trial and then when you're ready to launch go to reading theast to save 10% off of your first purchase of a website or a domain thanks again to Squarespace for sponsoring this video but now it's time for us to take a look at the so-called Glorious Revolution and in particular how it got to that [Music] Point our principal Focus for today is King James II of England and seventh of Scots which is what he became following his brother King Charles I second's death on the 6th of February 1685 James's coronation took place in West Min Abby on the 23rd of April 1685 however just a little over 3 years later on the 23rd of December 1688 James was forced from his throne and his country because on that date he would flee into Exile in France in this video I'm hoping to lay out some of the key factors and events that preceded and arguably resulted in this shortened rain which was Then followed by over a decade as a in Exile and subsequent and connected to this is the foundation of the Jacoby movement which would provide an alternative to successive recognized British monarchs for the better part of a century now I do intend to focus on the jackaby movement and its figurehead in a future video which I do hope you will find useful and enjoyable James was born on the 14th of October 1633 at St James's palace in London his father King Charles I had been ruling for a little over 8 years having inherited the crowns following the death of his father James the and 6th on the 27th of March 1625 the James we're looking at was the fourth child born to his parents Charles the first wife and queen Henrietta Maria had been first delivered of a short-lived son following this would come James's surviving brother Charles and his sister Mary James came next more pranes followed two of which resulted in the birth of children who would live into adulthood a relatively peaceful Early Childhood for James did give way to an adolescent at early teens that was overshadowed by challenges to his father's rule Civil War and eventually the execution of his father on the 30th of January 1649 James was just 15 when his father was beheaded on a scaffold that had been built for the purpose outside the Banting House of the Palace of whiteall James had been with his father and elder brother as hostilities between the royalist and parliamentarian forces started up he was nearly captured at the Battle of EDG Hill on the 23rd of October 1642 his Liberty would not last forever indeed in 1646 following the surrender of Oxford James was taken captive he was held with his younger siblings at this time when later on James received the news that his father had also been captured he is said to have reacted furiously he did however get the chance to meet with his father in person at this time King Charles I first reminded James of the Loyalty that he still owed to his elder brother as the rightful Future King Charles also encouraged James to find some way to join his mother and brother in safety and Exile in France as it was he would f finally mount a successful flight from England in the spring of 1648 the teenage James disguised himself in girls clothing this had been provided to him by some loyal helpers he then boarded a boat first to Tilbury before transferring onto a ship that took him to the Netherlands and the hake this brought him to the safety of the court that was being presided over by his elder sister Mary and her husband William II Prince of orange at the start of the following year James would join his mother and brother in Paris not long after he completed this journey he would learn that his father had been executed James's response to this news is however unrecorded I would imagine especially as the Commonwealth appeared to be a stable entity that the surviving stewards in Exile must have had at least some doubts that they would ever return to either their realm or the throne they also presumably would all have been acutely aware of just how devastating the loss of even part of their subject's love and loyalty could be both to their Rule and also to their lives surely early experiences like this that took place in some of James's formative years must have had an effect on the man and eventually the king that he would become while he was on the continent and in his mother henrieta Maria's company James was the recipient of her attempts to convert him to the Roman Catholic faith these attempts appear to have had little effect on James at least for the time being and this perhaps might in part be explained by the fact that James's brother Charles had instructed him to do everything he was told by their mother unless it dealt with matters of Faith additionally James's time in Exile on the continent offered him the opportunity to gain military experience on campaign with first French and then Spanish forces the death of Oliver Cromwell on the 3rd of September 1658 seems to have represented a shift in how the exiled Stewarts viewed their opportunities in the lands they had left behind the failure of an early Uprising would have surely dimmed these hopes however within months the protectorate of Oliver's son Richard Cromwell had utterly Fallen apart in May 1660 James accompanied his brother Charles as he sailed for England to make ready for his coronation the internum was over the restoration was underway at around the time that Charles's restoration to the throne would have looked like a nearly foregone conclusion if not probably a little before James had informed his brother of his desire to marry at first Charles refused after all considering the changes that were a foot James's marriage would soon become a matter of State important to the succession and a potentially valuable diplomatic tool James may have met an Hyde for the first time in 1656 when she accompanied his sister Mary when Mary visited her brothers an Hyde's father had been Charles the first leading advisor during the Civil War after the roest defeat he then joined the court of his former master's son Charles sir Edward Hyde's wife and children did not join him at this time instead they stayed in the low countries which put Anne in the ideal location to be chosen by Mary as someone who would serve with prominence in her household by 1659 Mary was receiving regular visits from her brothers herself James was courting Anne during these visits Anne would find soon enough that she was preg and Charles would eventually Grant permission for James and an to marry privately on the 3rd of September 1660 Anne gave birth to a son named Charles perhaps for his uncle and King on the 22nd of October 1660 so fairly close to that marriage pressure was put on Anne on her family and on James to announce an's claims that James was the father of the child and also that they were legally married Charles II stepped in he denounced these objections and stood firmly by the legality of this marriage an and James's first son lived for just a few months they would however go on to have more children indeed there would be eight children born to this couple in total of which only two would live past infancy they had two daughters Mary born in 16 62 and Anne born in 1665 Charles II had Married 2 years after his brother he had married Katherine of banza the Roman Catholic daughter of the king of Portugal Katherine's Faith was one of the things that made this marriage unpopular at least at first over time she would win the love of her subjects however while her husband would father a number of children none of Katherine's pregnancies would go to turn or result in a live birth as each year passed without the arrival of a legitimate Heir for the king it became increasingly evident that the crown would likely pass to Charles's brother James and to his heirs increasingly though that realization was being appraised with some concern this concern emerged on account of the faith or perhaps the suspected faith of those involved at some point in the late 1660s or early 6 1970s the precise date is unknown it seems that both James and his wife Anne became convinced that Roman Catholicism provided the only way to Salvation when Anne died in 1671 James ensured that his wife's religious conversion was respected in 1686 he would even publish her reasons for converting as for James he began refusing to take communion in the Church of England during 1672 the following year 1673 saw the passing of the test act this made it illegal for quote popish recusants to occupy certain important offices as a result of this James swiftly resigned from his post as Lord High Admiral also in 1673 on the 30th of September James remarried his new bride was a devout Roman Catholic Mary of Moda King Charles II did not support his brother's religious conversion but he did permit this second marriage to take place the king took a special interest in the upbringing of his nieces he ensured that whatever their father and stepmother might believe indeed whatever their mother might have believed before her death Mary and Anne would be raised resolutely in the Church of England on the 4th of November 1677 Charles II gave Mary away at her wedding it was he who had arranged this marriage and his niece's groom was his nephew his sister Mary's son William William was the Protestant Prince of orange James was apparently not happy about this marriage for his daughter but seems to have realized he had little choice but to defer to the king his brother in this case his willingness to give in on this matter would however not be replicated in relation to his own faith and its practice he was seemingly absolutely steadfast in his devotion so steadfast in fact that some who thought they might one day be his subjects were growing concerned in 1678 Titus oats alleged there was a quote popish plot to assassinate Charles II so that James could succeed him on the throne some of Oats Confederates even claimed that James himself was involved in this plot against his brother these allegations fueled the exclusion crisis as it came to be known where members of parliament sought to find some legal way to prevent James from ever claiming the throne Charles found himself under increasing pressure to remove his brother from the line of succession some would advise James that he must renounce the Roman Catholic faith in the hopes that the situation might be calmed James refused and so at the start of 1679 King Charles II ordered his brother James to leave England as the political threat posed by his faith and also his place in the succession had not abated if anything it was getting worse James stayed in Brussels until the September of that year at that point news reached James that his brother was dangerously ill and so he sped back to England Charles had recovered by the time James arrived and so he promptly sent his brother away again this time up to Edinburgh and James would remain there for the majority of the period between October 1679 and March 1682 by this point the unrest had calmed at least to a degree but there would be many in the English Parliament whose relationship with James had been irreversibly strained many others had come to actively like him and in fact dreaded the very thought of him as their King James for his part viewed the parliamentarian moves against him as evidence of a continuing Republican sentiment that same sentiment that had killed his father James thought that his faith was simply being used as an excuse for those who just did not want a king however the worst fears on each side seem to have been unrealized following the death of King Charles II and the accession of his brother on the 6th of February 1685 he was if anything popular at least at the start his coronation in Westminster Abbey on the 23rd of April 1685 did however not include the usual communion on account of him being a Roman Catholic quite how a church of England which has the Monarch as its head could have survived long term when that Monarch in fact held a spiritual allegiance to the pope as head of the church is quite the conundrum James was suspicious of the English Parliament fearing they might seek to place restrictions on his Revenue in order to keep him in line these suspicions though proed to be just that as it was he was treated to the same financial terms as his brother had been however there would be problems soon enough within months of his excession James was faced with two rebellions that he had to put down in the west country of England his brother Charles II's Son by Lucy Walter who was James Duke of Monmouth rose up against his uncle's rule Monmouth termed that rule a usurpation from him meanwhile from Scotland archal Campbell Earl of aril also rose up both of these rebellions were successfully and fairly swiftly suppressed the ring leaders were executed James hoped that he could see the Anglican Faith joined by the Roman Catholic faith as twin equal established religions of England that the prohibitions on Roman Catholics playing a role in the life and the running of the nation might be overturned he would attempt to bring this to fruition at various points throughout his Reign he wished for example to see the test act the thing that had removed him from office during his brother's Reign repealed and so James issued his Declarations of Indulgence in both 1687 and 1688 these decorations mirrored those that were attempted and ultimately abandoned by his brother during his Reign James was less willing than Charles to back down he wanted religious toleration he wanted to suspend the penal laws against Roman Catholics and also against Protestant Des centers he insisted that his declaration should be read in all churches from the pulpit seven prominent churchmen refused they did more than this they put together a petition signed it and had it published saying they should not be forced to read this in their churches and so James ordered them to be tried for seditious Lial the churchmen were acquitted on these charges on the 30th of June 1688 this acquittal came just days after the birth of the son to the King and his wife James Francis Edward Stewart which I'm aware is basically four first names was born on the 10th of June 1688 after nearly 15 years in this second marriage King James II had a legitimate male Heir on account of male preference primogeniture this baby boy jumped ahead of his Elder half sisters in the line of succession those Elder half sisters were by this point both in their 20s and married because an had married Prince George of Denmark in 1683 for those Nobles and politicians who could at least for a Time grudgingly tolerate the rule of the Roman Catholic James safe in the knowledge that his rule would almost certainly be followed by one of his Protestant daughters and their presumed HS this birth was a massive blow because now a Roman Catholic succession was firmly in the offing to make matters worse it seemed that James saw the birth as evidence of Divine Providence a sign that God was on his side that God supported his Roman Catholic faith and the changes he wished to make in his Nation James was willing to generate a sufficient glut of peers so that he could pack Parliament with individuals who would smooth the way for his preferred legal changes to pass swiftly rumors started to do the rounds these rumors were apparently heavily supported by James's daughters Mary and Anne and the rumors were that Mary of moda's pregnancy and birth were in some way questionable there was even a story that in order to fool the 40 witnesses to this birth another woman's baby had been smuggled into the Queen's bed inside a warming pan now having seen a warming pan that means this was either a very tiny baby or an almost comically large warming pan in any case a letter dated to the 30th of June 1688 which was the same day that those churchmen had been acquitted on that charge of seditious liel this letter signed by six Nobles and a bishop individuals remembered by his history as the quote Immortal seven formerly invited William of Orange to invade and remove James II from the throne the king aware of this coming threat and recognizing its magnitude attempted now to offer concessions to anglicans and to the Church of England this was all however apparently too little too late James's son-in-law and nephew William landed in tbay on on the 5th of November 1688 before the end of that month James had sent his wife and son away to France and to safety William would take London without a fight on the 18th of December 1688 his father-in-law and Uncle managed to or perhaps was permitted to slip from his Dutch guards in order to escape to join his wife Mary and his son Little James in France on the 23rd of December James made landfall in France on Christmas Day William and Mary were crowned in a joint coronation on the 11th of April 1689 their Revolution was already being referred to as glorious by this point indeed that term was officially attached to it from the January of 1689 but why was it So Glorious well in the speed of Williams success the efficacy of his invasion there were those who saw evidence of divine intervention much has also been made of the fact that this was a quote bloodless Revolution which it was if you are prepared to ignore the resultant Bloodshed and extreme loss of life that this revolution generated in Ireland additionally as James II and his son also James were still alive and since they and those who supported them believe that they and their Hees were the rightful rulers of Britain the question or rather challenge regarding rightful rule is something that will continue to emerge sometimes violently the Latin for James is Jacobus and it's from this that the Jacobite movement Drew its name but as I said at the start that is a topic for a future video so what do you think of the Glorious evolution of the moments the events that led up to it was this avoidable and if so what would have been required for events to have played out differently than they did perhaps though you think it was unavoidable and if so I would love to know why as always I'm looking forward to reading your conversations in the comments section underneath this video I would also love it if you could pop an emoji or a social glyph in the comments too because that will boost the engagement and the more video gets the more YouTube claim they share it out and that will help to grow this community as we've been talking about the Glorious Revolution maybe we should think about battle emojis or maybe kingy emojis I'm looking forward to seeing what you will pick you can find me Elsewhere on social media I will leave links to the other place you can find me on the internet in my description box please do follow me over on some of all of those so we can continue this conversation and and start some others I do hope you enjoyed this video and found it useful if you did please share it with your friends if you like the channel let your pals know about it you can 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Channel: Reading the Past
Views: 11,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tudor, Jacobean, Elizabethan, Education, Literature, Culture, History, Early Modern, Renaissance
Id: 4yu7YT4jwVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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