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m i was asked to share about the gift of obedience i was ordained 1998 and two years after the ordination i heard that i will be assigned in the seminary nobody likes to be assigned in the seminary after learning i went to my spiritual director the late father ben carlos and father ben simply said okay so year 2000 i started my responsibility in the seminary and after 15 years the vicar for clergy called that was 2015 m and may of 2015 i got an appointment that i will be the new parish priest of holy cross parish and jay perisic i cannot deny my excitement i called the former parish priest and i asked can i visit the parish and father jason the guerta was kind enough to say simba need not want but need 3s i need space i need silence and i need sleep mahalaka and space maybe because i am an introverted person i need space and i need silence and i need sleep sobbing in bed [Music] [Music] and he was kind enough to say shiggy chiggy um extra room for possible guests and in june sometime late june i attended the clergy retreat clergy trip and in rome i was blessed i was given a chance to attend the clergy retreat and rome and lo and behold june 27 2015 i got a long distance call from the cardinal of course i cannot drop the call is the cardinal and when i answered the call immediately i said your eminence i am in rome distance then there was a dead silence because honestly i was a little bit agitated and disappointed not with the cardinal but whoever the priest is june 28 his eminence called again and said father dave in here instead of holy cross my immediate response was you have my obedience your eminence still i was able to say be assured of my obedience and the appointment was changed it's supposed to be effective july 1. on june 29 [Music] i got a new appointment that i will be the new parish priest of santa maria bereti blessings for being the new paris priest of holy cross that is our mouse i promise obedience to my ordinary ordaining prelate into his successor kaya talking about obedience honestly it is easier said than done it is easier said but let me quote from some words from the saints let me begin by from the author of the imitation of christ thomas campus sabinya it is much safer to obey than to burn it is much safer to be than to burn but we all know that based on experience it is always easy to obey the things you are called to do if you like it m and when you talk about obedience it is not about how you feel but what is what is something out to be done saint ignatius said it is not hard to obey when you love whom you be it is not hard to be when you love whom you be uh it gives joy every time i do it can you imagine m foreign it is so easy to obey when you are in love balagam halabayo is foreign faustina of the divine mercy one time said in one of her dialogue with jesus jesus said you know that you give greater glory by a single act of obedience than by long prayers and multiplication that we give glory to god in a single act of obedience than a long prayer and fortification we can always pretend in our prayers we can always babble our prayers our no being us we can always pretend that we love what we do and we say so time 25 years what it is for 25 years foreign we want to give god or we want to give glory to god do not forget that a single act of obedience give glory to god compared to a long prayer and fortification hello sabine saint francis desales obedience is a virtue of so excellent a nature that our lord jesus pleased to mark its observance upon the whole course of his life and what is that i have come not to do my will but of what my heavenly father i have not come to do my will but of what my heavenly father the will of his heavenly father god cannot contradict himself saint thomas said you can never be wrong in obedience do not forget that you can never be wrong in obedience you can never be wrong in obeying god it doesn't mean what god was asking is easy regardless regardless of what god is asking from you you can never be wrong in obedience many times i have been saying this that our common mistakes our mistake in life is to do the right thing and yet it is not what god wants us to do when peter declared that you are the messiah god said the keys of heaven will be given unto you what you bound here on earth will be bound in heaven peter on a simon at that time he was still simon throw the nets and caught several number of fish from now on you'll be fisher of man namath fishing we will go with you and by the way the same story the same story they went fishing and caught nothing all night long and jesus from the shore shouted them in again jesus said throw your nets to the right in the same story peter was reminded the first time experience that the net was full of fish this time 153 they are so particular with numbers and every hebrew alphabet has a corresponding number and you can google this the word ani elohim am god if you total the corresponding numbers from the lepers ani elohim it will give you a total of 153 but what is wrong or perhaps what are we missing in this story sina bianca and andrews from now on you will be fisher of from now on you will be fisher of man you know that i am a licensed mechanical engineer and i have my own ptr number and every time i sign na pagandalino 500 pesos one thousand three thousand five thousand ism ptr number but i remember this story mechanical engineering it's so easy to go back it is so easy to move up and i can always justify and i can always say to god lord but i did not i did not go back i hold on to the promises of i don't want to commit the mistakes of doing the right thing and yet it is not what god wants me to do you can never be wrong in obeying god look at mary of course you know the story of mary the fiat of mary being done to me according to your word 19 m how can this be and i want you to remember this picture picture this in your mind our lady pointing her fingers to jesus looking at you looking at your eyes telling you do whatever it tells you not only in good times but only but also in bad times especially this time of condemning do whatever it tells you why you can never be wrong in obeying gods in season and out of season against saint francis this alice upset this obedience is a consecration of the heart obedience is a consecration of the heart chastity is the consecration of the body poverty of all worldly goods is the consecration of what you have to the love and service of god obedience is the consecration of the hearts you know my late spiritual director father ben carlos inculcated this in my mind the moment the priest breaks his bowels of obedience the rest follows the moment a priest breaks his bow of obedience the moment he disobey his bishop his bow of chastity his vow of poverty battles today as we celebrate the face or the memorial of our lady of sorrows hindi madeline sundinandos when the rich young man asks what should i do to enter eternal life can you submit a news you honor your mother and father you will not kill you you do not commit adultery you do not steal you do not bear false witness you shall not forbid your neighbor's wife you shall not commit thy neighbor's foods i have done this since my youth you can easily brag sell what you have give it to the poor and follow me is story that that i was a victim of a stabbing case in morita in 1981 i survived god has given me a new life and my older brother have asked what do you plan to do will you enter the seminary will you become a priest immediately i said why should i should i i finished my course i took the board exam i passed the board exam i worked for 10 years and when i was already in gains it was the time when god asked the question and told me to enter the seminary of course my first question was why foreign in the twilight of your life when you bend your knees before god will not ask the question how much money you have where have you been the question will be in everything that you do how much love you have given how much love you have given me foreign foreign please forgive them please forgive them she was holy and jews do not fall into the sins of compliance that you do the things you are doing because you are complying do not fall into the evil of compliance because compliance is more evil than disobedience compliance is more evil disobedience please please do things out of love perhaps in closing and closing allow me to remind you our dear mother butler that you are not defined by the things you do you are not defined by the things you do mother butler is defined by who you are it is what is in your heart an obedient heart a heart that loves a heart that gears a heart that is there not for the sake of order but the heart that is dedicated in service and in love or god the church might fail to give you the other don't worry don't worry there was a time in my priesthood i was falsely accused by a brother priest i was so angry now simply said don't worry don't worry allow time to tell i'm sure but what have i learned is every day every day every time i try to open my door every day during those times i have to say this mahal kita foreign the game of obedience is simply a manifestation of love foreign is foreign m [Music] my
Channel: Fr. Dave Concepcion, EVERYTHING IS GRACE
Views: 129,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fr dave concepcion, sta maria goretti parish, everything is grace, sta maria goretti-fb live, RECOLLECTION, THE GIFT OF OBEDIENCE
Id: 8j1dFrbiYTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 53sec (2633 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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