The Giant Rescue - My Magic Pet Morphle | Cartoons For Kids | Morphle TV | Mila & Morphle

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how about a little story before bed once upon a time in a kingdom far away lived a brave King and his beautiful daughter but then a giant climbed the tower to her bedroom window and kidnapped the princess [Music] what kidnap King for once but who's going to save the kingdom of course well fine the giant kidnapped the king and ran off with need to stop mortal morph into a suit of armor but the giant is getting away hmm there's a magic Wow okay so what's so magical about it monster oh wait sorry everyone we were stealing your stuff while you were busy and then we saw this pretty rainbow we don't want to be bad anymore oh all right but how will you find the king nah the Giant is long gone hmm you could ask the dragon yeah the dragon should know no you have to find the giant this story is about a giant take my horse to visit the dragon blood thank you very much Oh fine but do you even know where the dragon lives Wow / of course [Music] [Applause] are you sure you want to go in it sounds scary the princess couldn't see anything it was way too dark in the Dragon's cave so she decided to go out and find the giant [Music] okay okay nice trick so you probably want to know where the giant lives you should go to the mountain next-door really the mountain where the witch lives so we visit her first okay oh no [Music] here's the witch go ask her we are looking for the giant can you help us find him yes I definitely know where he lives take a few steps back my dear a little more please [Music] ah yes the Giant's Castle and there's the giant he is so big and scary you need to save me princess but you'll have to defeat me first I guess with that the story is done you really think so well I can tell you another one tomorrow but now it's time to sleep in your sleep you will be able to dream up any story you like let's go on a great adventure let's go get some ice cream mortal into a five [Music] jaimé learned more for these two monkeys got away again and need to get back to the zoo as soon as possible could you take us there ah sure more fool more into a bigger buzz [Music] thank you so much more for than us and you two need to get back to your rock very quickly ice cream now yeah Mila morville Sara and I are late for basketball practice can you please drive us there please okay let's go more food you're exactly on time thanks two more full Thank You more full yeah thank you [Music] scream child hi your kids what the kind of flavor can I get to you today hmm I think I would neither morph oh there you are telepaths has the magic pet fluke and needs to be taken to the hospital can you take us there we'll get some ice cream afterwards for sure okay let's go okay I'll see you soon why did you take us here moon Warfel as the hospital moved that must mean telefax teleported us here when he's mean ah the vet must be because of the magic Pet flu I'm sorry Warfel okay we need to get to the hospital quickly [Music] telepaths must have wanted to go to a warm place but not to a hospital definitely no hospital here I've never heard of a hospital underwater there is no hospital here but the tree that carries the fuzzy fruit is growing in the jungle and fuzzy fruit is known to cure magic pet flu I think I see it [Applause] [Music] and dr. Abraham hello there can I help you with something telefax has the magic head flu and need some fuzzy fruit to cure him I think papa jungle can help with that right it was very lucky to find you in the jungle dr. Abraham the jungle ha ha this is the garden papa jungle Maine right behind the hospital I guess you brought us to the hospital after all telefax oh I'm not sure they were here this is an object swapper it can swap the locations of objects like this [Music] that's amazing this is going to make my work so much easier it was actually quite a challenge to create such a fine piece of work we need to get our hands on that sample you wanna die people make our work much easier - I made you wouldn't believe it I couldn't even reach let's give this little thingy a test run as you can probably imagine oh dear we need to catch them more fool move into a race car [Music] hey you're this little button says random press it's time [Music] water door Wow if you swap anything [Music] by [Music] whew let's get back to the city quickly [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] haven't you had enough yet [Music] Oh watch this so unlucky what are the odds great work you guys I think that zapper could make my work much easier [Music] we're playing space pirate adventures but something's wrong hmm let's have a look every time we're about to get the treasure that happens oh I see what the problem is it seems to have a bug a bug is a small mistake in the game that prevents you from finishing this level I know how to fix it you and mortal have to go inside the game and defeat the bug if you go stand over and see her here I'll make sure you'll end up in the game [Music] good luck I think we need to go over there that's where the end of the level is [Music] must be the buzz mournful and what catches bugs muffle morph into a spider [Music] you two did very well you caught the dog and finished the level bandits you will not get away from us [Music] we'll see about that grab that mouthful [Music] look at it go to the monster trust more [Music] 400 backup yarn [Music] [Music] well meal and Morpho I have to say you make my life very easy life would be easy - if we had more --fill last time I think we could be the mayor if we had more food know we could be Kings yours Kings you could tell more for to morph into anything we want yeah that would be the life the next subject paying tribute is the former mayor I offer you my golden chain my Kings Martha north into a monkey and bring me that chain will you is that all I expected more Oh take this puppy as well I like it okay you're done oh thank you Martha morphs into a big lion and walk us around town when I grow up I want to be a king - dream on kid [Music] Oh will you look at that it's Mila go away Mila nobody likes you yeah Mila stop blocking the road or I'm going to have to take you to jail and I'm here to stop you so what are you going to do with this bracelet from Professor Rashid I'll be able to morph as well all right that's it [Music] maker stock powerful [Music] into a t-rex your are you okay yeah but I had the strangest dream me too Marvel was our friend but didn't either came and they got really big Stein I don't want to be king anymore me neither yawn thank you so much for taking care of these scary animals while the zoo is under construction no problem at all Kenneth they're not so scary once you get to know them [Music] [Applause] engage go ahead mortal see they already feel at home they got completely mad barky you can't keep scary animals in a backyard and they're far too dangerous I guess they're going to have to learn it the hard way [Music] what's going on here why are you fighting [Music] alright then [Music] [Music] Hey quit that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to bring the animals here daddy huh maybe you're right if they behave bad again we'll have to bring them back to zookeeper Kenneth let's give them some food maybe they'll calm down what are you going to do silly animals [Music] [Music] no no yeah Mikey wait for me barking we have to save him more fold or into a helicopter [Music] okay poured into a truck with the cage Morpho [Music] why do you keep doing bad things because they're very bad animals victory years my stop me have you been teasing them all this time there's so what they're scary animals [Music] look at this that's great joy I can't get into a helicopter that way you won't get stuck in the bushes thank you going on the trip today I'll tell you when we get back morphic can you help me out okay now I was working on fixing this hole in the road when our painter just drove into it I was just driving and all of a sudden my steering wheel was gone and I drove straight into this home and now I can't get out anymore [Music] more fool no the control wheel of my plane isn't here either where could it have gone [Music] Marfa Marfa [Music] oh no it's the baby we're not just the bad it's we're the steering wheel back gasps oh no without my steering wheel I can't steer and we'll hit a tree for sure I don't want to get stuck in plans again [Music] [Music] no more poll the bandits stole our steering wheel we need your help yeah that's not working anymore you help me again more fall did you help other people as well more fool that's alright Warfel they are very sweet line [Music] and you found my planes control wheel great [Music] it was a bit chilly up there but I've never seen the city from up there I've got so much inspiration for my next painting [Applause] I'm really tired more full ma'fucker can you help me get up to our bed more full [Music] do you need some help daddy morpho can morph into all sorts of tools that would be great who building the sheds a lot of work what into a hammer wow this looks great Norville it's a little small though don't worry we can make it bigger right Norville okay then I will start painting the inside ah this is perfect time for a little break hmm let's add another story Norville that way daddy has even more space [Music] hey Neela what are you doing we're building a shed it's going to be the best ever if it's going to be the best shed ever it needs a slide into balcony you're right [Music] [Music] and a lookout tower for if there are pirates a sling would be nice and a clubhouse hmm I think it needs to be higher but we have used up all the woods let's get some more rifle boys into a duck truck [Music] [Applause] more pool more into a locking machine and cut those trees [Music] [Applause] let's bring them back to the shed [Music] [Applause] okay mournful now build the shed as high as you can make it [Music] [Applause] that's more like it [Music] ever hmm it still feels like something's missing daddy do you think you should get me down from here cool ah of course we forgot to build a ladder don't worry daddy we're on the job normal let's go get some more boy no don't leave me alone Lila Warfel are you still there [Music]
Channel: Morphle TV
Views: 331,972
Rating: 3.7547932 out of 5
Keywords: videos for kids, kids videos, wheels on the bus, bus videos for kids, morphle, my magic pet morphle, superhero, scary animals, super hero video for kids, super hero, kids, vehicle, vehicles for kids, compilation, children, toddler, preschool, animation, trucks, cartoon, vehicles, english, cute, cartoons for children, toy, kids tv, for kids, baby, kids video, learning, fun, learn, magic, hero, animals, dinosaurs, super, icecream, monster, jail, police car
Id: NNbyBGJe9fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 41sec (2081 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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