The Germans have some cool Building Products! - The Bau Show in Munich Day 1

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hey guys this is Matt Reisinger and Jordan Smith from the build show at the bow show Munich Germany 2019 Europe's biggest construction fair we're about to walk through those doors and see what's interesting what's cool what isn't found in America let's get going [Music] okay we found a really different dude from the way we do things in America this is cool we're at James heart of Europe now this is a company called firma cell that James already bought I'm not sure how long ago six months ago and this is some of the products we saw at that Swiss house firma cell is kind of the Kleenex brand of what they're using as a a wallboard type product this is a fiber gypsum product Renae kind of explained to us what it was and then what they're using it for is all kinds of different situations where you would use kind of standard drywall on American houses but it's got much more strength much more durability and they make it in giant sizes that can kind of customize so a lot of the prefab companies here in Europe are using this because they can get it in eight foot tall boards by eighteen foot long so if you're a prefab recant the sin with no joints no seams and another really cool thing about it since it is a homogeneous product it gets all of its strength from the paper fibers acting as a composite with the paper holding together the gypsum so you don't have your strength from the paper facing like you do on a gypsum board so you can use it as flooring material here and this is something that I'd never seen before but it's really cool they're showing a detail here where you can build your floor directly up from a dirt a dirt floor so you or a slab that was really more slab you put the sand stuff that they also sell that's a interlocking levelling compound and then they show a foam and then they put the board right on top glued and stapled and then you put your finish floor on top of that yeah and then also if you're gonna do that you could do it in two layers too instead of pouring a lightweight concrete pourer like a topping slab you could do that in two layers and then look they make it prefabbed and pre ready for insulated tubing we saw that at that Swiss prefab builder and now I can see the full assembly that is really cool so we go from the subfloor they put a little insulation down they put a couple layers of this your tubing and then they're showing it here where you basically just put a kind of like a gypsum coat over top of that so you've got a full layer they're the ones who also make the lightweights and - so in their catalog here they've got a great detail for that where they're isolating from the wall they're putting that lightweight sand down and then when you put this on top you've got a great sound value between floors very cool James Hardie Europe hopefully they will bring some of this to the US - hey guys coming to you from the Rockwell booth now we know these guys we've used them a bunch in America but this is kind of fun to see this booth in Germany to show it they're doing look at this exterior cladding system it looks like it's a commercial building cladding but you've got this really thick exterior Minter wool I'm not sure what this facer is here I'm thinking this might be just a black facer so you can't see in but this is cool they've got a batten system you're gonna fasten your panels - and look they've got a clip that's not just metal all the way through it's a hybrid so you can break that thermal bridge it looks like a plastic piece that you screw into the building and then it's got this aluminum cladding with a clip system so you can attach this now this looks like at respite panel but in fact Rock will Europe looks like they're selling this thing right here called Rock panel I'm not sure exactly what this is but it looks a lot like some of the trestle panels we've seen very cool to see they've got there their entire system really you could go from the WRB in the building all the way out just in rock wall pretty cool to see all right so here's a great use for rock wool this is a pipe insulation system to where the insulation and the radiant barrier are all together in one unit and you can wrap your pipes this used to be done with asbestos because the fireproof rating asbestos obviously is not legal in the US anymore so Rockwell is a great replacement for that I really like the system okay y'all come to you from the Fisher booth I don't know this company but I was walking by and check this out this caught my eye that same wood fiber insulation on the outside it's just like our exterior insulation you can't compress it so what do you do when you want to hang something off the building later in this case in Europe I'm seeing a lot of these awnings where they hang an awning off the building so look at this clip system they've got specifically for that this allows you to sink a screw in at an angle and straight an angle in straight or cross depending on your situation so that now when you put this bracket on it's not gonna compress your exterior insulation this is really cool and they've even thought of everything check out this little 45 gauge so the guy in the field when he's screwing this in he's got a gauge and he doesn't even need to do anything special he can screw that in with that little plastic gauge this is cool I've not heard of this company but I would definitely check them out if you've got a situation like this on a project very cool let's keep you on and see what else we see check out this door lock hardware this is by e key and it's a thumb scanner built onto the pull handle so you scan your thumb it unlocks and you open it up so here in Europe's they don't use a central air handling system for their heat they use radiant heat with either radiators on the wall or radiant heat from the floor now the way they power those isn't hydro carbon either they use wood chips this is like a Trager grill if you're familiar with that it pushes the wood chips into your boiler it heats the water and sends it through the house but this guy here is a way of getting those wood chips to your boiler it's like a pool cleaner it goes through with these brushes sucking these pellets up into this hose and sending it over to your boiler so you just fill this up I don't know maybe once a season and then it just sits here and sucks it all the way down to the bottom okay guys company from the sigue booth now we saw a lot of their products and we were in Switzerland but this is a great mock-up because it really shows European construction and how they use all their products check this out number one the first thing you notice the windows here in Europe generally are not flange windows like we have in the US this is usually an inset mount and they're showing this as if it was block construction right here which is very typical around here so you're screwing it in through the jams on this window and then you're taping it to get a nice air seal and a water seal on the outside interesting detail we see a lot here in Europe they don't allow any weeps at the sill I'm not sure how I feel about that for an American detail but they seem to really rely on these really high quality windows and also we haven't seen anything without a giant overhang on it so that is interesting now this is cool you see a lot of tapes that have these holes in it why is that it's so that if you're going to plaster over there or stucco over this if it's on the inside of the outside it's gonna bite on that air sealing in water sealing tape and now when you cover over this with a with a masonry product it's gonna hold in and lock that tape in so it's gonna be a lifetime product another cool thing you see a lot here in Europe is this gootecks board this is a fiber board insulation we're gonna go see those guys in a little bit here at the show but come on on the inside of this building another detail we see all the time in Europe is this plywood on the insider OSB on the inside now I build a Benson wood house a couple years ago and Ted Benson has adopted that for his houses I think that's a great detail I wonderful start seeing more of that in the States we get great shear value we can tape everything so we've got great air tightness it's also gonna act as a vapor control layer right because OSB is very low perm so we're not getting a lot of moisture permeating through there and if you want to hang a picture you can put a picture anywhere on this wall okay couple more air soothing details this is one that I see a lot in Europe they seem to be really good at this we're air sealing where the base wall meets the foundation or meets whatever I also have a couple of really Google products including a new one this fence from 330 gray which is meant to seal this area and they've got a I don't know what this liquid is called but it's part of their system where you can actually caulk this these fasteners down so now this is totally air sealed at this base wall and that's typically a very leaky area now one spend too much time on it on the my Rex system but basically this is an air sealing and vapor barrier system with all the tapes everything has been really well thought out and they've got a great C Academy so to speak at their corporate office plus they've got all their sales reps trained as trainers so if you if you can find a sigue guy in your area they'll give you all the training or girl they'll give you all that training so good booth here at sigue ok so it's not necessarily residential construction but I saw a bunch of shiny metal pieces and I thought it was cool these are expansion joint covers open they're made out of aluminum they're extruded and then they're machined and what's neat about them is they have a waterproof layer as well so you bolt these onto your expansion joint and it allows the concrete to move back and forth especially for like a car park but because it's got the rubber membrane and gaskets in there it prevents water from running inside and allows the building to breathe okay so something we're seeing a bunch here at the show but I'm having a hard time communicating with Germans on this is aerated concrete block this is what it looks like here it looks like a regular block but this is a lightweight block and if you look at the cutaway section on here see these dark stones this is basically something that's gonna provide quite a bit of insulation value there's also a lot of air in these blocks and they've also got some rock wool mineral insulation in there they've got on all kinds of different profiles but this is the second booth we've seen and I'm having a hard time figuring out all the details but it looks like these have a pretty good insulation value for construction up to five storeys tall I think they're doing this a lot in Europe I've not seen it in the States but I have her to talked about this looks like something we should do some research on hey this is something that's cool we've seen this a bunch over the bow show this happens to be noes camp these are some really pretty clay tiles but look at this one matte finish I like that that would go nice on a awesome roof wouldn't it and then they also have an integrated photovoltaic cell into the tile so from the ground you still see the end of the each tile NESC the gap between each one but then the the PV just disappears your solo just solar disappears on the roof I like that okay this is something I've never seen before check out this robot running the ceiling right here this is meant to show you how this robot could actually pinch in all that PEX tubing that's going on the radiant but here's what caught my attention they're talking about radiant cooling here so this isn't just heating this is cooling tiles are gonna put on the ceiling and I asked them how much of this do you do is this common in Europe he said oh yeah very common we probably install 30,000 square meters in Austria a year where this company is based but check this out - they've got a ceiling tile for radiant cooling this is the great in a commercial space you've got these perforated tiles and then behind it it's ready to go for your heating or cooling radiant cooling pretty cool to see that this is kind of cool a difference between the national builder show which of course we're going to in Las Vegas next month and this show in Munich of course this one happens only every other year but look at this behind me we got all these people over here hanging out of this booth and at a bunch of the booths we see deals happening have you seen that Jordan yeah yeah you'll just see the rep with the customer and they're all around having their cappuccino and they're setting their delivery schedules and their orders for the next year and that's pretty cool pretty different than what we are used to seeing at trade shows in the States okay we're at the schlock Minh Paul wrote on booth by the way it's 11:00 a.m. they're already getting the beers going at the bar behind me but this is something we've seen all over Europe well I shouldn't say that I hadn't been all over Europe I was in Switzerland last week and I saw this everywhere this is a clay block they don't seem to have any cinder block or concrete block here so this is like a fired clay block in fact they call it red block and this is their s9 which has a volcanic rock kind of looks like a you know a loose insulation in the pores and we've seen I don't know at least a half dozen manufacturers that have a version of this this I believe is how they build it all over Europe because he mentioned this will last a long time I said how long he said at least several hundred years this is how they build over here what a cool system that they've insulated it now I wish I could translate that you values I've seen you values on here but I honestly don't know how they translate back into our values or you value like what we would call so maybe before the trips over I can figure that out alright we've seen all kinds of clay tiles around and I thought this was until I hit it this is a metal tile this is the build cop booth cool display look this panel right here is all one panel or this one is right here so you've got a batten system which I love seeing the Europeans do everywhere and then this panel screws right on there it looks from five feet away you cannot tell this is metal and when you get up on it the only way you can tell is actually by tapping on it that is pretty awesome I like that I wonder why they do that though I mean they they seem like their buildings are made for a clay tile however if your weight was too much maybe this is a retrofit maybe this is new construction but cool to see it in metal speaking of roof tiles were ever hit though Wiener burger booth check this out of course they have some cool roof tiles but I have never seen these in a building before vertically oriented looks like a porcelain tile blew really cool designs I bet these are crazy expensive but think how long that would last on the outside of a building if you had a rain screen some good exterior insulation supposedly there wind and hail and fireproof oh that is really cool I like that okay y'all we're at the rot check Schieffer booth and check this out we just hit a slate roof back in Texas we installed it the traditional way which is nailing at the top but this is a clip system check this out this clip goes on an aluminum system here so we've got a bat and we've got our WB WR be back there and they've even got a pv integrated system but this was what's cool about it if you broke one which we found out not too long ago in our Hale testing the slate actually can break when you've got hail hitting it you could replace a field panel that is cool now if this one was broken you could actually hit it out with a hammer and pop a new one in or if you bang it up that slate tile is gonna pop out so this is a pretty awesome you've got a slate that's gonna be around for a couple hundred years but if you need to replace a tile it's doable Jordan I are hanging out at the Cosentino booth now you probably know them from their brand Silestone I put that in my own kitchen years ago a beautiful quartz countertop material that really started the craze in America they've got a relatively new product that you may not know about this has been on the market since 2013 it's called decked on and it has a lot of similar properties to a porcelain tile but check this out Jordan tell us how it's made all right so it's a really cool product you can think of it sort of like a ceramic porcelain manufacturing plant they have a huge slab format that they do and they use 25,000 tons of pressure to push this down this is all-natural stone material like you find on the ground but then it's centered it's sent through ovens and it all bakes and melts together so it's a solid through surface stone very impervious to heat and decay and UV one of the drawbacks though from the way that it's made is this decoration on the front this coloring on the front is just a printed image on the front it doesn't match it all the way through but all your properties are all the way through yeah and they've since then done some really cool things like look at this tile edge you know this has a really cool face but the edge they put some flakes or I don't know what in there but it looks like a solid stone and if you look at these prints over here I thought this is a marble display as we were walking by and granted you cannot tell that's not marble and granite however here's the thing you know as a builder over the years I've had so many issues with marble because it's easily chips and your red wine is gonna soak in if you leave it in there for more than 30 seconds on the countertop this is totally impervious this is gonna take over the world one of these days one of the things from a fabrication standpoint if you're thinking about doing this although they match that edge if this was a thin countertop I think I'd be fine with just leaving it as it is if you're wanting to do a waterfall you will have to miter your corners so keep that in mind when you're doing this you're not going to be able just to terminate your end horizontally and then have your other one come up vertically to it you will have to miter those back to make a nice corner and then it just showcases your craftsmanship too so it'll look really cool cool stuff man I didn't honestly didn't expect to see this at the Cosentino booth I'm much more familiar with Silestone this deck tom is a cool material all right so do you want us build exterior steps for landscaping but you don't want to have to put all the substrate in this is a really cool system here it's blocks and each block is a step and you can change both your length of your tread and it looks like a set height but it's very easy to install you fill all of these boxes here with sand and then you put your next one on fill it with sand next and keep going up the slope really good way of doing exterior steps yeah that's interesting Jordan they have this one with tile where they've got it filled with concrete or mortar it looks like an ABS plastic and you can see as you get your set then you screw it to lock it in place once this gets filled and leveled and set and there's no UV hitting this you know I walked by it and then I actually walked back because I thought that's a pretty cool system I've never seen anything like this and they're showing you how you could do with wood treads with stone tops or tile tops that's pretty interesting they said this one would be one I'd like to see in America all right so we're here at a sound isolation booth and they've got a super cool vibrating example here if I pull this down to the resonant frequency of my liquid in a bowl you'll start seeing the waves the standing waves there now each one of these Peaks you see that the peaks aren't moving each one of the peaks are at the high pressure part of the pressure wave and then each one of the valleys is at the low pressure mat standing so in a room you've all done it to where you've been yelling in a room in a and it starts echoing but if you go up or down and pitch it stops echoing this is the same thing but what's cool about this is once you've determined your resonant frequency of the room you can select the the density and the thickness of a foam rubber foam isolation board that you can get your whole room to be floating like over here so in a studio space you're wanting to keep the the floor from transmitting any of the sound if you're if I have this microphone on a stand and I'm singing some Britney Spears in a truck or a train goes by outside that sounds gonna go through the earth and up into my building I don't care how much wall sound isolation I have it's not going to come through the wall it will come through the floor so you isolate it here with these isolation foam rubber products they also have stuff for the top and bottom of your walls and there's just a ton of stuff that can get into a sound isolation cool booth maybe more for commercial but still the more you know right the build show coming to you from the bow show and Munich Germany 250,000 people supposedly attended and these two dudes are whipped we have a lot of fun today a lot of good content but we couldn't fit it all just in this video so stay tuned for more from the bow show see you next time on the build show [Music]
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 662,302
Rating: 4.793529 out of 5
Keywords: the bau germany, construction trade show, matt risinger, jordan smith build show, the build show with matt risinger, build show, build network, buildshow network
Id: 1GLCeE5JgA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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