The Genius Reason Dogs Pee On Things

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dogs love weird things like sniffing other dogs butts your dirty socks and shoes and lifting their leg to pee on things but there are actually scientific reasons for why they love these strange things and in this video you'll learn the truth about them but first here's the cutest weird things dogs love we all know dogs like their ear scratched but there's another spot that's not quite as popularized that is of course their booty many dogs go nuts when we scratch their butts and there's actually a scientific reason why they they love it so much there are a lot of nerve endings back there so it feels good for them plus it's hard for them to reach they can't scratch that area themselves so they're often thankful when we do it for them but although it's cute when your dog enjoys some booty pets it could also be a warning sign if they're asking for scratches back there too often or if you notice a funky smell or redness around their butt then you might want to talk to your vet and make sure they don't have allergies or something else wrong back there but it's not only their own butts they love dogs love sniffing other dogs butts and weirdly enough it's actually one of the most important behaviors that they do one reason dogs sniff each other's butts is to see if the other dog is a good fit for a mate so no butt sniffing would lead to no more mating which would mean no more puppies and a world with no puppies is a world not worth living in dogs are social animals like us humans and sniffing each other's butts is how they communicate who they are and what's going on in their lives instead of long boring small talk that people have they get all of that out of the way by sniffing each other's hormones and pheromones which are mostly secreted from glands around their butts and this system honestly sounds way more efficient than our way of getting to know each other right okay enough about all the butt stuff let's get back to another cute and funny thing dogs love to do sometimes dogs get that look in their eye and you know it's about to go down they explode and a burst of energy and run in circles jumping on and over furniture or around and around in the backyard scientists called this explosion a frenetic random activity period or frap for short but we Basic dog parents lovingly call these the Zoomies they're totally normal for dogs especially younger dogs although old dogs can bust out in the Zoomies every now and then too and as you can probably guess just by watching them they usually happen when a dog has too much pent up energy but here's something you might not know it's not only built up physical energy that can cause these too much mental energy like if they haven't challenged their brains all day or nervous energy like if they're getting out of the bathtub can also trigger the Zoomies but whatever the cause when they happen give your dog a safe space to zoom and get out of the way now is this the only weird things dogs love to do when they get excited of course not but before we get into it here's a quick reminder to subscribe to Doggy digs so you never miss any of our future doggy videos next on the list is probably the funniest weird thing dogs love to do chase their own Tails but why do they love this so much well with puppies they might be wondering what this long furry thing following them is so they try to grab it you also could be accidentally training them to do it if every time they chase your tails you stop and give them your undivided attention which is really what they want more than anything then you could be positively reinforcing them to chase their tails but just like the booty scratches although it's cute and funny there's a chance it could be a sign that something is wrong if they're excessively chasing their tail or biting at it then you might want to go to the vet and see if there's a met reason they're going to town back there but although too much chewing of their tails could be a warning sign here are two weird treats that are great for them to chew first up is dried fish skins these smell so bad my wife made us put a towel on the floor because she didn't want it to get on the carpet but these strange treats are actually good for dogs there are a lot of omega-3 fatty acids and dried fish skins which help keep their coat looking shiny and their joints feeling good plus most companies don't add any extra fish fillers or chemicals to their fish skins next is the most unexpected hard chew cheese I know cheese doesn't really make for a good chew toy since it's so soft right well we're not talking about floppy American cheese squares we're talking about Himalayan Yak chews these treats are made by boiling yak and cow milk and then drying the leftovers for several weeks to create a hard chew most dogs love chewing these allnatural treats and they'll keep them entertained for a while as they slowly gnaw them down but although yak cheese and fish Skins are good for dogs this next weird thing dogs love to put in their mouth is definitely not and that is other dogs poop puppies are especially notorious for eating poop and as you probably assumed it's an easy way for their little underdeveloped immune systems to catch a disease but believe it or not there's a time when it's actually a good thing that dogs eat poop when Mama dogs give birth their puppies aren't very mobile they can only army crawl a few feet so naturally they poop in the nest now mama dog want to keep their nest clean and they don't always have a mop or paper towel handy so they have to clean up by eating their puppy poop the things mamas do for their little ones right and speaking of poop not only do some dogs love eating it but they also love rolling in it especially other animals poop it's disgusting to us but for dogs it's like the coolest thing ever since smell is such a big part of how they communicate rolling and poop is a way that they let other dogs know where they've been and what they've been up to plus it can also act like cam FL as they try to change their scent now eating and rolling and poop is gross but this next thing dogs love is actually really cute in a weird awkward way when you have a dog you're never alone they're by your side for moments when you're happy upset or when you just need a hug of course they're also there when you don't really want them to be like when you're in the bathroom they don't know boundaries or personal space like we do all they know is that they love you and they want to be around you well and they like the smell of you more on this later in the bathroom there's a lot of you smells and they enjoy basking in it but this isn't the only weird smell dogs like you might find your dog sleeping on your shoes or stealing your dirty socks or underwear like in the bathroom your dirty shoes and laundry smell extra you but if you find your dog stealing your dirty laundry and getting you to chase them they're probably doing it because they want your attention another sign that they love you but even though you may think your dog loves you if your dog is anything like mine once you give them this next week your treat they'll be so focused on it it's like you don't even exist you probably know these as Bully Sticks on the packaging the ingredients say beef pizzle but don't let the sneaky wording fool you Bully Sticks are actually dried bull penises disgusting I know but there is good news bull pizzle is usually the only ingredient in Bully Sticks many Brands sell Bully Sticks made from grass-fed beef with no added hormones chemicals soy or corn or any of the other other stuff you don't want to give your dog and on top of that chewing releases hormones that make dogs feel good it's a great way for them to get their chewing fix in and help them not have the desire to chew up your shoes and Furniture so does this mean Bully Sticks are the perfect toy not necessarily since they are made of bull penis they can get a little smelly as they get covered in slobber as I'm sure you can imagine and on a more serious note as your dog gnaws the bully stick down it'll get smaller and smaller and become more of a choking hazard now this next weird thing dogs love to do is one of the most frequent things we see them doing peeing on things however most people don't know the whole truth about what's going on here it's common knowledge that dogs do this to mark their territory and communicate with other dogs it lets them share who they are how they're doing and when they were there when dogs lift their legs to pee on things like trees or fire hydrants it spreads their pee more and puts it at nose level so it's easier for other dogs to sniff but there's a hidden message here how high the Pee goes is a subtle sign of how big the dog is if a dog passes by and notices pee at the top of a fire hydrant they might think wao that's a big dog so what do they do in response well for some dogs especially little dogs it's a challenge to pee even higher here's a quote from a scientist from Cornell who did a study about dogs lifting their legs to pee small adult male dogs May Place urine marks higher relative to their own body size than larger adult male dogs to exist exaggerate their competitive ability so pretty much little dogs are trying to scare the big dogs away with their impressive pea height and make them appear bigger than they actually are now before we get to the weirdest thing dogs love here's a counterintuitive thing dogs love to do one of the cutest things they do is cuddle with a toy or parade around and show off a toy that they're so proud of but with many dogs that toy only lasts 5 minutes because as much as dogs love their toys they often love destroying them even more but why do do they do this why would they destroy something that they love it often comes down to one or more of these three reasons first it's fun it's kind of like solving a puzzle for them they see a weak spot in the toy or they're trying to get to the squeaker and with each biter tug they make a little progress this scenario could be especially true for dogs with high prey drive and toys with squeakers in them eventually you're left with stuffing all over the floor in a proud new owner of a surgically removed squeaker it could also be a habit puppies like to tear everything up with their teeth and if when your dog was a pup you laughed or gave them attention for tearing up a toy then you might have accidentally encouraged them to continue to destroy their toys then again they just might be bored if they're not getting enough mental and physical exercise then tearing up their favorite toy might be their only outlet for all that pent up energy to help my dog not destroy his favorite toys we have a little toy B where we keep his fragile plush toys we only give one to him when we can watch him on the other hand he always has a couple of durable chew toys laying around the house that he can go to town on to F get's bored these are great because we don't need to worry about him tearing them up or swallowing little pieces of fluff but now for the weirdest thing dogs love it's their favorite thing in the world even though it doesn't speak the same language as them occasionally feeds them dinner a whole 2 minutes late and smells a little funky sometimes yep it's you for 30,000 years or so humans and dogs have been partners and best friends one study found that when dogs smell their human the reward center of their brain lights up more than any other smell and another study found that when dogs gaze into their owner's eyes the love hormone oxytocin increases by 130% but when you think about it what's not to love about us we feed them we give them toys we give them belly rubs and we plan our entire lives around making them happy but even with all that effort we give they still pay us back way more than we deserve just by loving us and speaking of of loving us if you want to see how to get your dog to love you more watch 12 scientific ways to get your dog to love you the most next
Channel: Doggy Digs
Views: 2,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dog, puppy, golden retriever, Labrador, German shepherd, French bulldog, bulldog, English bulldog, Australian shepherd, boxer, Rottweiler, jack Russell terrier, beagle, poodle, corgi, Great Dane, spaniel, dog training, puppy training, good dog, good puppy, doggy digs, things dogs love, dog love, bully stick, bull penis, bully sticks, Himalayan yak chews, zoomies, dog treats, dog toys, dog chews, chew toy, dog chew toy, dog lift leg to pee, dog peeing on things, dog lift leg
Id: HtfLdYqy-5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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