The Genius of Small Hydro Turbines

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Hydropower is a great source of energy that  doesn’t suffer the same intermittency problems   as other renewables. But dams fail. A lot. About  95% of the existing hydropower systems in the   States were built before 1995, and over half  operate using equipment designed over 80 years   ago. This aging infrastructure can be not only  unreliable, but dangerous to local populations,   human and animal alike. That said, hydropower  doesn’t always have to be postcard-perfect   or 67 stories high. It actually has a lot  of room for growth…possibly by shrinking.   That’s because small hydropower (or SHP) has the  potential to literally usher in a new generation. Several companies are working toward integrating  hydroelectric turbines on a smaller scale and with   a smaller ecological footprint. Between  new designs like Vortex Hydrokinetics’   bladeless turbine and Turbulent’s snail-shaped  “fish-friendly” system (say that 10 times fast),   there’s plenty of opportunity to  take advantage of rivers without   having to worry about the safety  of ourselves or our scaly friends. So, how else can small hydro impact our  lives? And why should we give a dam(n)? I’m Matt Ferrell … welcome to Undecided.  This video is brought to you by  Eight Sleep, but more on that later. Several of you have shared with me some  exciting developments in hydro power that   looks to combine hydroelectric efficiency and  safety on a micro scale. These include the   likes of SHP bladeless turbines by Vortex  Hydro (yes, bladeless) and the company,   Turbulent. This video was also inspired by my  friend Ryan’s coverage on Vortex’s bladeless   design a few months back. He goes into detail  when explaining the engineering side of things,   so if you’re interested in the nuts and  bolts, be sure to check out his video. We’ll be diving deep into how these turbines  work…further downriver. But before we do that,   let’s talk about why there’s so much interest in  small hydro and decentralization, and what’s at   stake here. With SHP, nearby communities can  reap the benefits of electricity produced by   constantly-flowing water without the typical dam  mainstays of high velocity, high volume of flow,   and high…heights…otherwise  known as the hydraulic “head.” The hydraulic head is an important part of our  energy calculation. If you don’t know what that   is, don’t worry, I didn’t either. “Hydraulic” is  … well … related to water. “Head” is the potential   energy per unit of weight, so a higher tower has a  higher head. Potential energy is calculated using   this quantity, and the larger the drop, the more  potential energy available, as any daredevil who   rides over the edge of a waterfall will tell  you, if they can still talk after doing it. Let’s zoom out here for an example of just how  powerful these elements can be. You can’t get   a much better study of hydro anatomy than  the Itaipú Dam <--e-tay-poo-->, one of the   world’s largest. Situated on the Paraná River that  straddles the border between Brazil and Paraguay,   this massive monolith stretches on for nearly  8 kilometers (or about 5 miles). It stands at   a whopping 196 meters (643 feet) high. For  reference, if we spin our globe a bit to the   right toward the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,  we can wave to the famous statue known as Christ   the Redeemer. The Itaipú Dam is about as tall  as six and a half Christs stacked together. So, to say the dam has a huge head is a  bit of an understatement. And its flow   rate of 62,200 cubic meters per second is  equivalent to about 985,890,099 gallons a   minute. That’s 40 times the average rate  of the nearby Iguazú Falls and about oh,   you know, half a million times more than  the standard flow of a faucet in the U.S. The impressive size of these dams represents a  huge capital investment, and they only work in   certain areas. Thankfully, you don’t have to go  big or go home, dammit. With clever engineering,   SHP companies like Vortex Hydro and Turbulent have  created turbines that can make use of shorter,   slower streams of water, which means  expanded access to renewable energy   generation in a much broader spectrum of sites.  In other words, there’s no need to go chasin’   waterfalls…and more remote areas can stick to  the rivers and the lakes that they’re used to. Let’s start with the Vortex Hydro approach. Vortex  turbines are a form of hydroelectric generation   that has been around for some time. They weren’t  even invented in this century. But even though   the technology has been around for ages, it  stands to be improved with modern advancements. Vortex Hydro is a U.S.-based company that does  just that. They offer the SETUR <--see-tur-->,   a modern, bladeless turbine model that  is also a form of…vortex hydro. A team   of researchers at the Czech Technical  University, including Miroslav Sedláček   originally developed and patented this  novel design over the course of 12 years. How exactly do you turn a  hydroelectric turbine without blades? Well, before I get into that, there’s another  water based piece of technology that I’ve been   testing and using for the past year that’s really  changed how I sleep … and that’s today’s sponsor,   Eight Sleep. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone when  I say that I struggle to get a good night's   sleep every night. I either get overheated in  the middle of the night and throw off covers,   or get too cold and need to pull on an extra  cover. When I don't get consistent sleep,   I tend to get migraine headaches, which isn't  fun. I've been using Eight Sleep's Pod Cover   for a little over a year now and have seen a huge  improvement in the quality of my sleep. Our bodies   actually drop in temperature as we fall asleep,  cool down even further in REM sleep, and then   warm up as we wake. The cover tracks your sleep  stages and temperature and automatically adjusts   the temperature up ... or down ... to improve  your sleep based on your sleep stages. Yes,   it heats and cools. It’s pumping heated and  cooled water through the fitted bed pad. You   can adjust each side of the bed independently, so  your partner can have their own preferences set.   My wife is absolutely loving our Eight Sleep Pod.  I've seen a huge improvement in how I'm sleeping   each night and miss it when I’m traveling and  staying in hotels. Use the promo code and link   in the description to get one today. I highly  recommend it. Thanks to Eight Sleep and all of   you for supporting the channel. So how exactly do  you turn a hydroelectric turbine without blades? With the power of Charybdis <--ka-rib-dis-->.  If that’s Greek to you, let’s frame it in terms   of the ultimate metaphor for Archimedian  mathematics: personal hygiene. You know the   fun little whirlpools that we witness  every time we drain a bathtub? Well,   in this case, it was whirlpools found along  the Vltava River in Prague that initially   inspired Sedláček to study vortexes  in hopes of harnessing their energy. So, imagine what would happen if you  stuck a rotor (stay with me here) in   these swirling waves. It would  pretty much look like this... Now that we’ve got the ball rolling…we  can talk about the rolling fluid turbine,   as the SETUR was initially called. Basically,  flowing water sets the rotor into two types of   motion — it rolls around the inside of the  stator, and the rotor itself is rotating,   cranking the generator. It’s almost like a  basketball rolling around the inside of the hoop:   the basketball is sliding around the hoop  as well as rotating around its center.   Water flowing through the shape of the gap  between the rotor and stator causes a vortex   that will continuously make the entire rotor  roll along the edge of the stator. However,   it’s the rotation of the rotor itself that  cranks the generator. Rotation-ception! Another aspect of the SETUR that makes it really  stand out — besides its lack of blades — is   that it’s not your typical micro-hydro system. It  doesn’t need a dam, though you can incorporate it   in a water body that already has one. It doesn’t  divert from its source, though you can route water   to it through piping. Instead, it works below the  surface of your channel of choice to create its   vortex. As a reminder, if you want to learn  more about the engineering behind the SETUR,   I highly recommend Ryan’s video. The inventors  also published a theoretical analysis on their   design in 2022, because like all physics, there’s  still a sense of mystery to it. The SETUR comes in two models: the SETUR-M,  which is rated for 500 W (with a 750 W maximum),   and the SETUR-L, rated for 5 kW (with  a 7.5 kW maximum). With the former,   you can expect to produce anywhere from 4,380  kWh to 6,570 kWh per year. With the latter,   you can churn out between 43,800  kWh and 65,700 kWh per year. The larger SETUR produces more than enough power  in a year to cover the electricity consumption of   the average U.S. home, which amounted to roughly  10,791 kWh in 2022. But it’s important to note   here that those of us in the US tend to use a lot  more electricity than other parts of the world,   and one of the primary conveniences of SHP  is its ability to easily extend to regions   without grid access. In other words, well-sited  SETUR turbines can mean more bang for your buck. And the SETUR definitely isn’t picky. The smaller  of the two models can submerge to depths of up to   50 meters (164 feet), with the larger able to  operate fully submerged in 20 meters (about 66   feet) of water. The turbine needs a minimum head  of only 1 meter (just over 3 feet) to function,   and it can also perform in water bodies with  flows as low as 2 liters per second. You can   toss a SETUR into rivers and irrigation  canals just like other SHP systems. It   also has marine applications, allowing you  to harness energy from ocean currents and   tidal streams. On top of all that, the  turbines can be arranged into an array While this is an exciting development, the SETUR’s  flexibility isn’t infinite. Though its models can   make use of low-flow, low-head environments in  ways that previously weren’t possible with hydro,   you can’t stick these things everywhere. They  won’t operate below freezing temperatures,   and their official manual recommends  ice-plugging screens to protect them   under these conditions. That’s one point for dams,   which instead rely on reservoirs that are often  deep enough to avoid winter work stoppages. Then there’s of course the perils of sharing  the river with natural debris and of course,   fish. It doesn’t seem that the SETUR has  built-in safeguards against these — rather,   the manuals suggest using intake screens  and limiting the amount of water that   flows through the system in order to protect  wildlife and the device itself. Even though a   SETUR system probably has a significantly lower  environmental impact than a traditional dam,   it still has the potential to negatively affect  flora and fauna both in and out of the water. How can we take small hydro a step  further in the name of protecting   wildlife? Turbulent is one company aiming  to answer that question. Based in Belgium,   Turbulent markets its submersible vortex turbine  as an eco- and fish-friendly form of hydropower.   It also happens to look like a snail when viewed  from above. Or a whistle. Or maybe a noisemaker.   The golden ratio. You could probably develop  a personality quiz based on what you see here: Any way you interpret its design, Turbulent’s  smallest version of its turbine only needs a   head of 1.5 meters (or about 5 feet) and a  flow of 1.5 cubic meters per second (or 53   cubic feet per second). As a result,  Turbulent’s scalability definitely   opens up a lot of possibilities. And like  other diversionary hydro systems, Turbulent   setups involve directing flowing water through  a channel to its turbine, no reservoir required. So, how much power are we talking about? Here’s  how the specs shake out. Of course, you’ve got to   fit the turbine to the job. Turbulent offers  multiple impeller dimensions to size turbine   setups in line with the dimensions of the site  at hand. Currently, its power outputs range from   15 to 70 kW. It’s worth noting here that you can  also string together multiple Turbulent turbines   along the same body of water. And remember, we’re  talking about a near-continuous energy source.   Rivers aren’t as capricious as the wind, and don’t  shut down for the night the way solar panels do. In fact, Turbulent claims that a micro power  plant based on its tech can boast up to a   90% plant factor, also known as a capacity  factor. Capacity factor basically boils down   to the difference between what’s planned and what  actually happens — just measured in electricity.   It’s a comparison of a power plant’s actual  production versus its potential production,   based on how long it’s up and running. For  reference, solar’s capacity factor varies,   but on average it tends to lie somewhere  between 10 and 30 percent. On a global level,   utility scale solar’s capacity factor  averaged out to about 17% in 2022. And   while that sounds like a big negative, it’s  still a massive amount of power produced. That isn’t to say that Turbulent turbines are  intermittency-proof. The company itself notes that   seasonality is still a concern. Water height is,  well…fluid. It ebbs and flows along with rain and   heat. This means that in hotter summers, you might  have a thinner stream that leaves you producing   less energy. Then there’s the problem of winter.  Turbulent has added a rubber coating on their   turbines that act as a defense against ice. If  the water freezes, it expands against the rubber,   squishing it without damaging the components.  The ice simply stops power generation. So,   the design can’t completely defeat intermittency,  but it does extend the life of the turbine. With this in mind, you might be wondering: Why  bother with multiple mini-plants when you could   pool your resources into one macro-plant?  Generally speaking, as factors like flow and   head scale up, so does the amount of electricity  generated…but so do the dangers involved. Going   back to the Itaipú Dam for a sec, this risk-reward  ratio is very plain. Between its 20 turbines at   700 MW each, its max production capacity tops  out at 14,000 MW, or 14 GW. Those specs provide   enough to cover around 90% of Paraguay’s  electricity consumption and 15% of Brazil’s. At the same time, 13 years passed from  the start of construction to the start   of operations. By Itaipú’s completion, the  project had destroyed the Guaíra Falls and   consequently set off an influx of more than 30  invasive species between the regions that they   had previously separated. On top of this, the  governments of Brazil and Paraguay ultimately   displaced at least 65,000 people in  their joint effort to establish the dam. Meanwhile, it took the Turbulent team less than  a day to install a 13 kW turbine in the Ayung   River of Bali, Indonesia. The turbine  supplies power to the adjacent Green School,   serving over 700 students and staff. Better  yet, the setup doesn’t impact the ability of   fish to move freely, and the river’s natural  flow is left undisturbed. That’s just one of   many examples of Turbulent projects you can find  all over the map, from the Philippines to Chile. Thinking smaller rather than bigger also means  avoiding the compounding environmental damage   that manifests _after_ the dust has settled.  Remember how I mentioned dam failures earlier?   Since recordkeeping began, an average of 10 dam  failures occur in a given year in the U.S. Most   of these happen at smaller sites, which thankfully  limits the toll. But when things at a major dam go   awry, it can cost human lives, require extensive  evacuations, and devastate surrounding ecosystems. Overall, large dams can only be located in  specific places and can drastically affect   the ecosystem. However, they generate a lot of  power, are less influenced by seasonal variations   and are generally low maintenance, long-lasting  installations. SHPs are more flexible in terms of   installation locations, since they don’t require  as much hydraulic head, and are easier on the   environment. It’s good for the consumer and  local power generation or off-grid needs too. As of 2019, small hydropower systems (that is,  hydro rated for less than 10 MW) had a global   installed capacity of about 78 GW, according  to the United Nations Industrial Development   Organization. That’s quite a ways behind wind and  solar. Small hydro is meant to work in tandem with   other renewables, though, and there’s certainly no  shortage of locations available for it to expand. But what do you think about  decentralized and small hydro?   Jump into the comments and let me  know. I’ll see you in the next one.
Channel: Undecided with Matt Ferrell
Views: 570,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bladeless turbine, bladeless vortex, bladeless vortex turbine, energy, francis turbine, hydro, hydro plant, hydro turbine, hydro turbine generator, hydropower, turbine, undecided, undecided with matt ferrell, vortex turbine
Id: KEsrAmM07fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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