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what are we gay man [ __ ] boy you're a don't catch I win another YouTube video man I know I don't make a lot of videos cuz I am kind of busy all the time I'm an AIT and I got a studying six I'm in a hard class now and I got the night class so I go to class Mike I got information at 3:30 go eat and then right after we eat we were to school and all guys going to 11:30 I don't give a small rooms like 12:30 sorry I'm gonna be these guys are going a week and on weekends I'll just be trying to catch up on sleep so I'm gonna start trying to make more videos for y'all today as you can tell what a title I'm doing it up ain't no burning fell in love with the money can you laugh not funny [ __ ] off like gun me making moves when it's sunny make the moves in the night on your [ __ ] with the pipe set she comes alright see you tonight when they get the job done but what I got now so way better and that's one lucky boost now useful don't wear now they're Nike they feel like Mass Pelosi was a really comfortable they cost a lot but they're worth it these are terrible you get two pairs of these butter with don't appear that I never warned you to herbaceous right now they give you two peers over one period of whole time busy training because I broke oh man and stuff and so I left him at home for like memories and stuff for my family so they can keep on playing forever there's like Walmart military stuff so I've only got one pair with me right now elevators back at home and these are the summer boots these are some of those steps again and then you get your two pairs on booze make it one prayer winter boots I've never worried yet I still haven't wore these I just think they're super ugly big and they're terrible so I didn't mean it warm but where I've been hasn't been that close to where these haven't even snow here yes so I'm over sonorities but they're warm these are winter boots you gave if you go to basic training a coat you need to wear or like just keep them just in case good like it's gonna get cold eventually but I never wear them because they're not even confident don't look comfortable go in there way to be they give you like a whole size bigger with these so yeah this is terrible nice big bag you get too big those are the big ever gotten like they fit a lot of stuff in here that's like these on the way so spacious potatoes so yeah that's you could take green bag you get to it oh so you need one black one for like your heisting and stuff but I sent down with my family I don't know why they kept it if we're like too funny into space I need to wrote the [ __ ] stories I need it anyways finger writes in excellent you get this way your basic training is where you're a ensues you don't a issues art it's like the dress uniform I'll put a picture if you don't know what she's like this is for when it's cold in which is usually go army summers army service in the front yeah yeah it's cool like I wanted to wear it I just think is cool is like a fresco they go through MCS I don't you pretty cool we want the way that basic but they said it wasn't Clara not to wear so we didn't that's a pretty nice coat make sure you keep everything the issue mmm a PC of course because you got em PC everywhere you go and make sure you limpio stuff I basically I've never wear his hat but I'll labeled it because he still stuff a better trainer they still my best friend because like say like they lose a shirt and a new one and they'll get in trouble if they're out of uniform so they're still yours so they may say they can be uniform so my for you on lodging stuff make sure you leave all your stuff but you get two of these I mean you're safe no I haven't worried you know for the same hasn't mr Turner I don't worry I like kind of do like this - it's my like a baseball cap kinda like that suppose I'll just splatter cost this is the basic trainer this is the hatch you get you get to it is I've worn the same once it's basic but this was pretty cool I like new start wearing this one cuz like looks more new what other one is like super old but anyways you get that then you get a break this is not the brain where I'm uh it's not to drain it I want my graduate debris out when I graduate is in my locker this is doing one that I found I've been training his brand-new somebody left you from a previous cycle so I took it just the same size as my so why not say it's a free burrito so my leptin so I took you so yeah that's the break and this of course you get one of these when you graduate you know so I've sought a sharpshooter that's the Sharpshooter that's the UM ribbon you get for graduating basic and I have to give us somewhere so this is the ribbon undergraduate he has he I need to put that on there so I can face up and then I get one other thing for when I graduate sucking face book so yeah just a bit me you get for graduate at t it's the river for a julienne basin so is the issue one of these they Taylor you like to get you fit in everything for it it's the best I had a good time like I was so excited to get this and I was excited to wear it and when I got to where I was like super excited for you make sure you see Alicia sharpshooter or expert because that marks the badge to you sorry for the game well yeah so like this man this is my favorite uniform every day this it's like some soup pants for when it's cold you get these their soup and there's regular soap pants for when it's cold yeah you get the waffle these will over to soaks they're like waffle material and they keep heating it they're super super super cool so make sure it's cold when you were teasing that you're not gonna be active if you're active with these oh let me burn it up of course you get the teeth the sanity's or whatever all no color in your fifties or under you like you know you wear these under your jacket they give you a bunch of these so this is just more they give you this is the top for the bottoms this is the sub top this is a Content layer so you put this on your skin and then you will put this over top of you then put the waffle on top of that now have to show you let me know if you want me to get ready with me how have you ready for my days in the military how I will get dressed in uniform just leave me like if I get 15 lines or more I don't get ready with me how I get dressed like how I put stuff on did you have to be uniform on time oh yeah that's the soap top this is the walk waffle top looks good we get this this goes over everything you gotta took the collar down cut your collar can be sown when you wear this you should not even though people should not even know that that's only I should be hitting on in your post of Utah yeah but the super warm I wear it every day good it'd be close enough and I got to my class you know get closer at night so where's everyday super support our like weird is like like even if I wasn't in uniform I wear does it feels like there's that one time I got some of the most warm gear of course you get this I don't worry yet because I just they give you four of them you get 40s how about I wore two since basic until like two weeks ago I start know until I last week I start wearing my thermal how we're saying to OCP he's doing basic and he I'd seems like the last week Network mother I still have one brand new have one you just like are you just too are you gonna wear low CPU I wear it OCPD outfit I'll be I don't watch it like it's still smoke I don't do nothing and basic you gotta watch it because I'm they're more active like you're doing going outside don't push it but making you do stupid stuff eating it's hot like you just be doing stuff so you're active or swing and he starts thinking but AIT I'll just go to school like I don't know where else to pee for a week straight and not watch it so I watched where one what I was clean then when I watched a long word that was keep rotating so I just wear my spelling where am I one of my new ones like last week disgusted forget it gonna do something so I'm a little weird the year forties the pants is are inside like the pants aren't here they're on a hanger to the top and a bottom but and if you think you gonna get the size that you need a basic just eyeball it and just store your size and if you like oh it's not fit they don't care servings are you ready in the military dog tags of course you can sometimes yeah but I don't know if I want to put those on take them off right here you get this fleece coat it's like please a super warm this goes on the outside of your OCP outfit your army operational combat but OCP or burnished little compact pattern but it's also can be called a Cu Army Combat Uniform yeah you put this over top just super one super super boy we were just when it gets cold it's like this is the only water source you can use in basic training and AIT is fair in uniform like I'm tired wearing this man drink out of it no more I just hate wearing it what basic it was cool stomach like you have it on for so long a shorter story like I hate this thing yeah but it's cool you get the job done FAC you always gonna be gone and runny water so we got the job but I'm tired of wearing it bro can you get this it's like a wet weather top or when it's raining it you got to keep it look gun to your own they make you keep a hook gone so you're on what's the name camel pack they make you keep going there just in case it starts raining uh put that on yes for the rain we use cooler this is just a water source anyways about this video thanks for watching make sure to LIKE comment subscribe and let me know so long necks I'm not making a lot of army videos there's I don't want to Army post I can't leave so it's not much I can do like this is the best I can do for right now cuz I can't really be creative and where I'm at I'm in right now because like I'm an alt you can't do can't leave just real so unless you all let me know who told me to do more about the army I can do a get ready with me on how I get ready for my date I like your dress however my uniform I said it man like comment subscribe I'm out
Channel: Wink TV
Views: 13,019
Rating: 4.9032965 out of 5
Id: x4JxIslwGbo
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Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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