The Gathering 2019 Patti Mansfield

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patty wrote in her diary that there was going to be a few visitors to Duquesne University shortly after she experienced being baptized in the spirit I was one of those visitors and ever since Patty and I have been good friends and co co laborers in the gospel and i just so much admire her for her fidelity to the gift to the calling to the mission that the Lord gave her she has been she set her face like flint towards the mission that God has given her as she hasn't wavered in over 50 years patty thank you yes I did write that in a notebook that we were given when we began that retreat in February of 1967 I didn't even know Ralph's last name in fact I brought that notebook with me and tonight I'm going to show it to you I just wrote visitors are coming tomorrow Curcio leaders Ralph and Steve Holy Spirit when you come to them you will come to the church and then to the world I didn't know what the gift of prophecy was but quite obviously that was a prophetic word okay everybody's hands in the air this is the way my husband al Mansfield starts every talk it's a short form of the vanie create or three powerful words like dynamite that's David's word repeat after me pray after me come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit in your in your packets that you were given when you arrived there's a prayer card that comes from our ministry on one side yeah they're both dynamite prayers on one side is the veiny create or spiritual scum creator spirit on the other side is the sequence hymn of Pentecost and if you remember nothing else of what I'm saying I would beg you to take these two prayers to the Holy Spirit which are prayers of our church and use them every day if you can't pray the whole vanie Creator spiritus you can say this let's do it again come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit amen amen the theme of this talk well Ralph gave me freedom at Ralph and Peter I had the the spirit and the bride say come the theme of this talk is going to be my secret if someone asks Mother Teresa once mother what is your secret and Mother Teresa said my secret is simple I pray my secret is simple I pray so that got me to thinking well what would my secret be and I would say my secret the message of my life is this union between the Holy Spirit and the Blessed Virgin Mary you know in our own lives I remember every a for children I remember when al spoke to one of our kids about quote the facts of life you know that talk how many of your parents grandparents many of us most of us and I remember this particular child when he was in awe you know and he named some friends of ours who had seven children he said you mean they did this seven time and my very wise husband said at least so we tell our children you know the facts of life well there are facts of life for us spiritually how did Jesus come to us how did the first evangelization take place the Holy Spirit the third person of the Blessed Trinity came to a woman a little really a teenager living in Nazareth and she was over when she said her guess she was overshadowed by his power and Jesus himself the son of God took on flesh in her womb she carried him for those nine months under her heart and when the moment was right Jesus came into this world Mary and the Holy Spirit in that wonderful mysterious union are the reason why you and I have Jesus Christ the Son of God and brothers and sisters I believe that in my own life and I'm gonna tell you a little bit about you know my own story that from the very start this union of the Holy Spirit and Our Lady has been a gift to me so often over these last 52 years I'm always giving away my age because I was 20 when the Duquesne weekend took place and now it's 52 years you add that simple mathematical factor you know how old I am from the very beginning I experienced this union I'm a cradle Catholic as we say my father and mother met working in a factory in New Jersey Purolator oil filters they were children of immigrants and so we were Catholic but no money to go to Catholic school my dad packed boxes in a factory is whole his whole working life but we were we were faithful to the Catholic faith we went to me every Sunday I had CCD classes and I remember certain moments in my life especially First Holy Communion confirmation and but I wouldn't say that I had a deep personal relationship with Jesus I knew Mary to be the mother of Jesus but there too it's not like our family prayed a family rosary but I very much wanted to go to a Catholic University and so in 1964 I started as a freshman at Duquesne University whose full title is Duquesne University of the Holy Spirit can you believe it that's run by the hole at where they used to be called the Holy Ghost fathers now they're called the spirit and father's and I felt very ignorant I knew all the other students that I was meeting were you know 12 years of Catholic education but it was during my years there that I was attracted to learn more about my faith through the example of a friend I made and brothers and sisters don't ever underestimate the power of your good example this friend would go to Mass every day she also belonged to a scripture study group called Kiro and you always wanted to know the Bible I always wanted to read the Bible I would make new year's resolutions and Lenten resolutions but you know I was never able to carry through with them but at any rate she persisted in inviting me to this Bible study and for one full year I found every creative excuse you could imagine I didn't want to lose her friendship but I also you know I didn't want to be too holy I thought it would really cut down on my social life if I was too holy well after a full year of saying no no no she finally invited me to a picnic a Kiro picnic and I figured well there's no harm in that and when I got to the picnic and I met the boy who was the president who was al knows this already just gorgeous you know just and so I said I want you to know I was a very ordinary young woman okay it wasn't like I was ready to run off to to the convent I thought well this can't hurt me and so in my in my junior year I started going to the Kiro meetings David had been a minute a bang and had been a member of Cabrillo he had already graduated by this point but it was this scripture study group that made a retreat February 17th through 19th of 1967 we met in an upper room Chapel and each time we met we sang in the Gregorian chant melody the veiny crowd tour spirituous so the whole retreat so the veining create or spirituous and the very next thing as a retreat opened was one of our professors telling us about a woman named Mary he held up a statue of Mary where her hands were like this it's a very charismatic gesture of Prayer and he talked about Mary as being a model for us of surrender to God of obedience of docility of Prayer and so that famous Duquesne weekend which started in an upper room Chapel you know what that means started invoking with an invocation of the Holy Spirit using the veiny crotch or spiritual and a meditation on Mary so there it was that union was already there David and I happened to be in the same small discussion group and it was sometime on Saturday that David made a proposal and it was a brilliant proposal and it was his give him the credit David said you know we Catholics renew our baptismal promises every year at the at the Paschal vigil why don't we ask the priest to have a little ceremony we're at the end of this retreat where we can renew our confirmation well I thought that was a brilliant idea and when we proposed it to the to the rest about 25 students there nobody was very interested in doing that so David and I we had just met that weekend the day before we went for a walk on the grounds of the ark and the Dove and we said even if no one else here wants to do this we do we went to one of the professor's we linked our arms we said we are going to renew our conformation and he looked at us in the eyes and he said are you ready I was scared to death are you ready are you ready for what the Holy Spirit can do I didn't know if I was ready but I I just had this desire say the word I had this thirst say the word if we have desire and we have thirst for more of the Holy Spirit unfailingly the Holy Spirit's going to come to us so we linked our arms we said we were ready what happened just a few hours later and you can read it in that book as by a new Pentecost they also renewal ministries trip my testimony from Toronto last year and put it in a DVD you can get more of the story I'm not going to go into all the details now but first David and then a few hours later I alone wandered up into that Upper Room chapel and I'm going to tell you what happened to me there I had always believed in the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament but that night as I entered the chapel and knelt down I began to tremble you might see me trembling a little now I have a hereditary tremor it's not a sickness but that night I wasn't just shaking a little bit I really began to shake why was i shaking because as I looked at that little Tabernacle the Blessed Sacrament was in the tabernacle not a monstrance I began to think but God is here he's the king of kings he's the Lord of lords he's the God through whom everything came into being and he is holy and I'm not holy when we are in the presence of the of God in all of his home no one has to tell us we're not holy we know it we feel it in our flesh and as much as I was afraid as much as I wanted to run out of the chapel and get as far away from him lest he asked me to do something I didn't want to do there was in me a greater need and brothers and sisters every one of us human beings are born with this need for God with his need to surrender and so just in the quiet of my heart not out loud I I was kneeling there before the tabernacle Jesus and I said prayer was to the Father I said father I give my life to you whatever you ask of me I accept it and if it means suffering I accept that - just teach me to follow your son Jesus and to love the way Jesus loves so I was kneeling there praying that prayer in the next moment I found myself prostrate my face interestingly enough my shoes had come off in the process I've had a theologian tell me it was like Moses before the burning bush you were on holy ground and as I was lying there prostrate I felt immersed in the love of God I felt like I was swimming in the merciful love of God I remember saying to him stay stay stay don't ever leave me you know I've had occasion to tell this testimony I'm not going to say hundreds of times I'm going to say thousands of times and as I try to capture what was it I think of the prayer of san agustin where he said Oh Lord you have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they rest in you brothers and sisters I felt like I wanted to die I just wanted to die I want to just go and be with him forever and ever but what I knew then I know now the two years later here at the renewal ministries gathering that if I who am nobody special could experience the love the mercy the tenderness the goodness you my favorite that anyone across the face of the earth could so I got to my feet there were maybe three other young people in the chapel I said something like jesus is alive where God is real or I pray this happens to you ran down got the chaplain poured out my story he told me that David had been into the chapel before me listen brothers and sisters the Lord's ear is attentive to prayer when David when David made that proposal when nobody else was interested when I said I want to do it too when we linked our arms when we said even if no one else wants this we to this renewal of confirmation God you know the scripture says the eyes of the lord roaming the whole earth looking for those who would serve him whole heartedly today during these days we're together the eyes of the lord are roaming over us and over our brothers and sisters who are watching by live streaming and he's looking for those who would serve him unreservedly wholeheartedly well the rest of the story is word of mouth you know maybe was maybe early March that Ralph and Steve and Jim and Cherry Hill read oh they're more about their visit and I can remember Ralph you were concerned about one of your sisters and I had just discovered Romans eight I'd never read the Bible before but after I was baptized in the spirit I couldn't put it down and so here I am sitting with evangelist Ralph Martin counseling him from the Word of God in fact Ralph you said I said you know it says right here in Romans 8 that for those who love God he makes everything work together for the good some I'm preaching to him about this we're sitting on a little couch and at one point you looked at me and you said what am i doing you're a baby Christian what am i doing taking advice from you [Applause] well why did God give us this grace of baptism the spirit at this time because we need it for such a time as this and you know my favorite definition of baptism in the spirit which is is found in all four Gospels you know John the Baptist said i baptize you with water but one is coming after me who will baptize you in LA and in fire the Holy Spirit and in fire so it's not the creation of people who are Catholic Charismatic some fringe group no it's in all four Gospels in the Acts of the Apostles my favorite definition of what his baptism the Spirit is found in Romans 5:5 and it st. Paul writes this the love of God has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit it's the love of God it's the love of God and you know why did I when I was kneeling in that Chapel little just turn 20 why did I say and if it means suffering I accept that - I think it was the Holy Spirit forming that prayer in me and brow as ralph was giving that magnificent talk left last night it was like a washing and the word wasn't it a washing and the truth not easy to listen to not easy to look at those images was it but that's part and parcel of the gospel and Ralph I don't know if I've ever shared there may be once I shared it publicly over all these years as you were preaching last night about our sacrifice our sacrifice being necessary for the spread of the gospel for the spread of this wonderful work of the Holy Spirit I was remembering in the earliest days days months years of this outpouring of the Holy Spirit to sum the spirit I would say one of these wonderful gatherings lots and lots of people music fabulous hands in the air singing in tongues worshiping God joy joy joy and I would feel like Jesus would come to me put his arm around me and say get on your knees get on your knees this joy is not for you for others to have this joy someone must pay the price and you know it wasn't a heavy word it wasn't something that made me afraid or or or resistant because as he came to me he had his arm around me and it cemented our intimacy intimacy as I have read the Saints as I've read the history of revival movements in other other denominations there is this fellowship in the sufferings of Jesus it's for us to be like him now he knows how weak we are I want to read to you there are two scriptures that have marked my life the first scripture was given to me the night I was baptized in the Holy Spirit they shoot us off to bed help me with my time honey they shoot us off to bed and something my husband's heard my testimony so many times and sometimes afterwards they'll give me a little critique and so I'd rather I'd rather you know it's like the suffering now rather than later Ralph I'd rather have him give me some help now with my time then tell me up in the room you know it took too long on that point honey okay when I got up to my room that night I was so excited I couldn't think about going to sleep my body was on fire fire I didn't know what the anointing of the Holy Spirit was I thought maybe my hands had fallen asleep or something that I was on fire so I picked up the Bible I opened it just at random and this is the passage my eyes fell upon Luke 1 starting with verse 47 verse 46 and Mary said my soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior for he has regarded the lowest state of his handmaid and behold henceforth all generations will call me blessed for God who is mighty has done great things from me and holy is his name in His mercy is from age to age on those who fear Him the whole of Mary's beautiful magnificat was there brothers and sisters that was one of the first ways that the Lord was showing me that what had happened to me in that Upper Room Chapel this outpouring of the love God into my heart that I had received it like this in union with this woman who was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit so that Jesus could take on flesh in her and be given to us the night that I prayed in tongues for the day that I prayed in tongues for the first time because I didn't receive the gift of tongue I didn't even I didn't even believe in that it was a French major I was working hard to learn a language him but you know people are coming into tongues and I'm thinking but that's not fair why should they be able to pray in a language when I've got a study and I was sitting next to this man David Mannion in one of our early prayer meetings just in a private home and David starts praying in French I had just met him so I didn't know so I said to him entrance David I didn't know you spoke French he said I don't speak French Latin and German I think you told me I studied Latin in German I see you were just praying in France she says really what was I saying so I said well you were praising God for the streams of living water what does that mean Holy Spirit there is a river that makes glad the City of God streams of living water he was also praising the Lord for the kindness of the divine child simplicity humility well let me tell you that got my attention David's praying in French and so I started to be hungry to have desire say it just to have thirst say it to have this charism so I would say to the Lord my lord if praying in tongues would help me to praise you when I don't have the words then I want it I want it I want it you hear me I want it I want it I want I hope that that's starting to happen in you brothers and sisters starting last night with Raph say oh that seems so high for me that seems so lofty that seems that identification with the sufferings of Jesus it feels like it's beyond me but I wanted I want to want it so one morning I woke up and there was a clicking in my throat but I didn't know how it was maybe it's a gift of tongues I better cut class if I go to class cuz I thought it would just if I go to class and it starts bursting out of mine now they're gonna think I'm crazy so I went to an oratory a little prayer room up above the to the chapel on the campus of Duquesne was just a crucifix there I knelt down I looked at Jesus on the cross and I said Lord I am NOT getting off my knees until I pray in tongues and then I did this you know the scripture says open your mouth and I will fill it I didn't know how to yield to tongues tonight we're going to tell you if you want this gift if you desire it if you're hungry and thirsty for it for me the most valuable charismatic gift and I've experienced many many of them over 52 years I didn't have anybody to tell me that you have to speak out anyway so I just waited with my mouth open and finally when it started it was like this oh no I majored in French because of the beauty of the language now I'm gonna have this ugly daughter oh well when I finally yielded brothers and sisters my hands went up like this I was singing the most beautiful melody I was singing words what language I don't know but in my heart I knew exactly what I was saying to know what I was saying my soul magnifies the Lord my spirit rejoices in God my Savior because he's looked on his servant her nothingness henceforth all generations will call me blessed why because God who is I mighty has done great things and holy is his name so this identification with our Lady in being overshadowed by the Holy Spirit was cemented so Luke 1 the other passage and this is getting into something so very important not for you so much this morning to understand here but to appropriate here to appropriate here in your hearts I was thinking of little Terez you know at the end of her story of a soul her autobiography she says Oh Lord you know I wish I could tell all little Souls how could you I wish and then she says but it doesn't matter where there I tell them or someone else and I've been saying oh dear Lord I want everyone at the renewal ministries gathering I want everyone listening and watching livestream I want everyone in the whole world to know about this marriage of the Holy Spirit and the Blessed Virgin Mary so that in their lives there can be a taking on flesh of the Son of God and in their lives there can be a bringing for of the Son of God any evangelization the other passage that's been very key in my life and it was mentioned last night in the Stations of the Cross is John 19 and I remember on one of my first visits to Rome when st. John Paul the second was still alive his catechesis for that particular Wednesday audience was on this passage from John 19 and you're going to think I'm very very proud but I thought he's doing it for me alone he just he just died for me he got it just for me John 19 but standing by the cross of Jesus where his mother and his mother's sister Mary the wife of Clopas and Mary Magdalene when Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing near he said to his mother woman behold your son then he said to the disciple behold your mother and from that hour the disciple took her into his home now we're very familiar with this but brothers and sisters in the same way that this grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit has given us I want you to remember these words and intense personal relationship with God say it intense personal relationship with God okay this isn't that what happened to us in Baptist in the spirit if there's anyone here who's not yet Baptist baptized in the spirit tonight's your night tonight's your night if you have desire if you have hunger if you have thirst even those of you watching by TV or renewal ministries produced this wonderful life in the spirit seminar and how many of you have used that in your in your homes pick it up here it's just two DVDs and it has all the teachings that you need plus a prayer session but David and I live but that's what baptism in the spirit has done for us hasn't it it's given us an intense personal relationship with God we know that the father not as a judge not as a severe harsh overbearing no as a bah daddy dear daddy we know Jesus not just as an historical figure but as our Lord my lord my Savior my friend my pride groom my lover his word coming alive and we've known the Holy Spirit not as a dove flying around out there a tongue of fire as a personal advocate I remember saying to one of our sons when he was going to be confirmed Peter Peter the Holy Spirit will be like your lawyer you don't have to pay any money he's your advocate this this fella now works in the US Attorney's Office he's he's a he's a lawyer three of our four kids are lawyers an intense personal relationship well brothers and sisters do you know what God wills and I say this with utter confidence God wills that every single Beloved Disciple has an intense personal relationship with Mary with Mary in 1997 st. John Paul the second was doing catechesis on our lady and I don't know perhaps you already know this but maybe some of you listening don't he loved his parents very much he loved his mother he lost his mother when he was just a little guy I don't know 9 10 something like that and it was a tremendous dis loss but he was close to Mary he was close to Mary but as time went on he began to question in fact I'm saying this especially because if there's anyone here and in a group this size there usually are who might have a question in your mind about how Mary fits into your spiritual life it's like once we meet Jesus the living Jesus and we're filled with His Holy Spirit we don't want anything or anyone to eclipse the centrality of the person of Jesus in our life you know who had this problem Carol like to you uh Saint John Paul the second he writes and he tells about how at a certain point he just wasn't sure he he he wasn't sure if he should back away from that deep personal relationship he had with Mary as a child especially in the loss of his own mom but then he discovered a little book and the name of the book is true devotion to Mary by st. Louis agreeing on de Montfort and he said he was where on pole was working in the salt mines at that time and he describes how he brought that little book with him back and forth the salt lines so that the cover actually became ruined in some way by you know by what was out there in in the environment but as he read true devotion to Mary by this Saint st. Louis de Montfort mo NT fo RT s we've never heard of him he said the language was archaic but the message was powerful that rather than obscuring our relationship with Jesus as our Lord that giving ourselves over to Mary was going to enhance our relationship with Jesus the Lord that rather than being an obstacle Our Lady was going to be an avenue and Avenue a short quick simple powerful and at that point John Carroll wati wa entrusted himself consecrated himself his whole life to Jesus through Mary his motto as a bishop is taken from the act of consecration written by st. Louis de Montfort and there's just it's a long prayer but there's one phrase in it in Latin it is this todas to us mari a totally yours Mary now when he was elected pope i remember reading that john paul ii said and this is for us right now at this day and time john paul ii said in light of the seriousness of the times in which we live i can do nothing better than to repeat my motto I am all yours Mary I am all yours oh that's me I was looking for a lady but I was looking for Our Lady of Guadalupe I am all yours Mary you know I see this Our Lady of Guadalupe Ralph you had Our Lady of Perpetual Help up there you know that our Lady of Lourdes Our Lady of Fatima I remember one of our one of our kids we were at a Mara Dominican place with lots of different images of Marion so al and I said well let's take the kids on a little Marion pilgrimage right on these grounds we go to our you know we go to Our Lady of Guadalupe we say a Hail Mary we go to Our Lady of Lourdes we say a Hail Mary because you know by about the fourth Mary we visited our oldest son Mark said to his dad which our lady is our lady which our lady is our lady she's come to us in so many in so many ways well I have I have observed that either Mary meets us at the cross suffering in our own life or if she meets us somewhere else in a joy or an experience you know where she will bring us unfailingly to the foot of the cross of Jesus why because this is the place of grace this is where the blood and water flowed this is where with his dying breath Jesus gave her to us and us to her how can we live the message that Ralph just proclaimed last night we surely can't do it on our own strength that we're too weak we're we're too weak we can't do it you know I have an ingrown toenail right now and I'm complaining to al about it all the time I don't want you to think oh you know she she knelt out and she said you know I have to be no no no we're so weak but Jesus knows where we he knows of what we're made the scripture says he wouldn't entrust himself to man because he knew what was in man's heart and woman's heart and so with his dying breath and when we know the way in which Jesus died the difficulty of just taking a breath the difficulty of speaking a word so that I don't know if you've been I'm sure many of you have been with someone while they are dying we had the privilege of being with my mother as she was dying what was on the Heart of Jesus as he was dying now that his mother be cared for physically because obviously once he left and once he got on the road Mary couldn't even get in to talk to him when he was on the road remember I said Lord your mother and your brothers are outside waiting for you and what does Jesus say usher her right in I've heard father cantle amazed to say if it were us mothers I hope that we are waiting I'm the mother you know he's my boy huh no she's waiting outside and what does Jesus say Who my mother and who are my brothers those who do the will of my father in heaven our mother and sister and brother to me so Mary was already being cared for but jesus knew that for us beloved disciples to walk the path of the cross for each of us we would need a mother we would need her and in 1997 I was telling you john paul ii was doing his catechesis on our lady and our mutual friend of ours father george Kousuke very wonderful wonderful priest brazilian priest who was an expert in divine mercy he sent me this in April of 1997 that the catechesis of our Holy Father john paul ii and this is what he says many beautiful things in fact i'd love to send it to renewal ministry so you can read the whole thing this is what he wrote jesus' words behold your son effect bring about what they express making Mary the mother of John and of all the disciples destined to receive the gift of divine grace on the cross Jesus did not proclaim Mary's Universal motherhood formally but he established a concrete maternal relationship between her and the Beloved Disciple remember the words I said to you intense and intense personal relationship those are the words of st. John Paul the second in the Lord's choice we can see his concern that this motherhood the motherhood of Mary should not be interpreted in a vague way but should point to Mary's intense personal relationship with individual Christians that means you that means every human being on the face of the earth one of my kids my youngest son Patrick when he was in kindergarten made me a Mother's Day apron you know they did it in class it was one of those white canvas aprons and then he had dipped his hand in all different color ink so Patrick's hands were in different color ink all over me and then his name Patrick and when I gave a talk like this many years ago because I've been I've been speaking on this topic from the beginning I wore the apron that was what I wore in fact I was thinking of bringing it here I wore the apron and what I said to the people there about a thousand people in that workshop I said to them Mary the mother of Jesus knows your name she knows your handprint she knows everything about you she knows what keeps you up at night and here's here's a lovely thought Mary doesn't sleep isn't that wonderful Mirek Mary she never sleeps 24/7 there in in in Jerusalem there's a church dedicated to the Dormition of Mary the falling asleep of Mary and in the Crypt I don't know if you've ever been in the Crypt there's a a unique statue of Our Lady and if she's not like this she's not like this she's lying down on her back she's lying down she fell asleep and when I saw it for the first time I think I said to Al that's the last rest that she's ever gotten because you know we read the scripture Jesus lives forever to make intercession for us well guess what Mary lives forever to make intercession for us so I can go to sleep because the mother of Jesus is awake when I've entrusted something to her she's before the throne of her son 24/7 making intercession for her children you know the words of Jesus from the cross are very precise Jesus did not say behold your model he said behold your mother you see all Christians all believers whether they're Catholic or not can look to Mary as a model just like we say remember the bracelets people are wearing what would Jesus do WWJD well we could say well what would Mary do well let's we go through the scripture she was there at every important moment in the life of Jesus well like in the Annunciation we would say yes and so on but Jesus didn't want her to be for you and me simply a model of how to follow the Lord he wanted her to be a mother a mama a living person with whom we could have an intense personal relationship do you remember last night Ralph said it's about relationship it's about relationship baptism the Holy Spirit it's about relationship with a BA with Jesus no one can say Jesus is Lord except by the power of the Holy Spirit with the Holy Spirit Himself well what do we need for this new evangelization the same thing that gave us our first evangelization the Holy Spirit and don't miss this grace of baptism the spirit if you've already been baptized in spirit as I have been for over 52 years tonight today there is more there's more there's more intense personal relationship with the Holy Spirit but do you know what else we need do you know what else you need and intense personal relationship with the woman the gift and the woman a marriage a marriage now I'm going to tell you something very personal you won't tell anybody huh and I don't think I've ever shared this publicly and I do a lot of public speaking I remember visiting st. Joseph daddy very close to where we you know we lost our home in Katrina so we we live a little distance outside of New Orleans and there's a wonderful Benedictine abbey and I had a spiritual father who was a Benedict and we both did father Andrew Becnel was a saint and I was kneeling in the Abbey Church I don't often hear the Lord speak to me a lot of people you know someone told me recently Lord speaking to me all the time well he's silent to me a lot of the time it's just the way it is when he wants to speak he speaks but I remember once when I had really the voice of the Lord speaking to me I said to him where have you been and how long have you staying well I remember kneeling in the abbey church and it was almost like I could hear Jesus doing this and this is what he said to me patty you have so much to learn about humility but don't worry my mother will teach you don't worry my mother will teach you now remember going to father Andrew in one of our many you know visits and I said to him father I feel like I'm so full of self love and he nodded I remember saying to him I remember saying to him you could have waited a moment you could have waited a moment before and I said it's really serious he had had a French background I'm more top I'm will pop love for oneself he said it is serious it is serious in Louis de Montfort I remember reading this and it stayed with me self-love sets itself up imperceptibly as the end of all our actions oh that's very self love love for oneself sets itself up imperceptibly as the end of all our actions do you mean somebody like like me standing up here talking to you about these holy topics can have self-love motivating me you betcha of course people who write books you know I remember hearing father can tell amazed to say when he was preaching about humility you know if my book it was this Bible not this if let me take one of my books so that's that's better if my book in my hand that I labored over it's a heavy book I wrote it by the way girls I'm saying this for you in obedience to my husband I did not want to write this book he made me write it he said this is the this is church history it has to be written it's not just my story it's full of testimonies of people who were baptized in the Holy Spirit while I was doing this addition I cried I knew I cried why was I crying because of the action the sovereign action of the Holy Spirit in this time why because the times demanded the times demanded father father in Euro said if my book that I labored over in my hand becomes a source of personal pride personal satisfaction then it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks about me the Lord can see he can see what's in my heart so brothers and sisters how can we endure suffering in our own life but also how can we utilize the gifts of the Spirit the charisms so that they glorify God and not us are you with me there was a prophetic word Ralph put it in his newsletter and I think within the last year given by our dear father Michael Scanlon was a man on whom the Holy Spirit rushed rushed and in that prophetic word the Lord said for it called for purity purification and then there's this frightening word in the prophecy that's where the Lord said there will be casualties in this battle there will be casualties and brothers and sisters there have been casualties people with strong charismatic if it's a preaching of healing of charismatic ministry and they're no longer with us or they were pulled out of ministry at some point it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God Roth kept saying last night this is serious this is serious we need the Holy Spirit with all the power of the charismatic gifts every last one of them the action God can do more in a moment of Holy Spirit activity than in a lifetime of wouldn't of good efforts of human work in an instant the Holy Spirit but we need the mother we need the mother we need this union I'm gonna tell you again something very personal I know you're gonna tell people so I'm not going to say give Jesus I was going through a real struggle it had to do with relationships I felt very very abandoned very misunderstood very bla bla bla bla bla and my mother who with whom I had a very close relationship was visiting we hadn't never lived in the same town so she was visiting and I was pouring out my heart to my mother pouring out my heart and I remember we were walking to the car and I said sure you know Mom the way I'm reacting to this suffering it almost leaves me feeling like I must not love Jesus because if I really love Jesus I wouldn't be reacting this way and I opened the car door she got in and she looked up at me very sweetly and she said Oh sweetheart it's not that you don't love Jesus you do love Jesus it's just you still love yourself so much that's mom i I remember listen I remember closing the door I had the keys in my hand I walked around to my side and I was thinking only my mother could get away with that now why because it was the truth and here's Mary now it was the truth but it was the truth given with so much sweetness so much love so much understanding it was a hard truth but it entered look like the sword it entered not with condemnation not with sorrow but with liberation with with life are you with me with life do we need a mother oh we need a mother and you know Ralph I didn't know that Ralph had written this book praise the Lord about our Lady that's in your packets this little book my whole heart is in this book because the way the Lord has given me to express this mystery of Mary is they're just little simple stories little stories like my you know for many years I didn't want to entrust myself consecrate myself formally to Our Lady because they wanted you to pray the rosary every day and I couldn't pray the rosary every day I'm not gonna ask for a show of hands but I know you're out there I want you to I try to but and then I found out that st. Therese of Lisieux who is a doctor of the church she struggled with the rosary too I said ok well if it actually prayed it she said at one point she'd rather wear a hair shirt doctor of the church little Terez huh so if you're in that category don't be afraid don't be afraid you know I like to say to people because remembering the early days of my motherhood I remember crouching down with the little little one-year-old just starting to walk and saying come on come on you can do it little baby steps little baby steps in the direction of the mother bring her more joy you know one of my other kids would run you know some of them now running marathons that's wonderful but those first steps brothers and sisters if you don't have an intense with Mary I've good news for you today's your day today is your day can our lady rush to you if you didn't have a good relationship with your own mom it's gonna be my one of my last stories when I was giving this talk about our lady wearing the apron you remember there were a thousand people there when I finished people were coming up to see me as I hope some of you will I love to meet meet people and greet people and so people were around me and I was trying I was listening to somebody here and I was trying to give them the benefit of an intense personal relationship with me not because I'm anything special but this was Mother Teresa's and message you know to to look at people so I was looking at this person but in my spirit by a charismatic gift of Revelation sometimes called word of knowledge I knew that there was someone behind me who had no arms so when this person finished I turned around and there was a man who was perfectly formed and he said to me you know Patti I was listening to you talk about Mary the mother of Jesus and that she used to be our mother in a personal way but I don't think this can ever happen for me because when my mother was pregnant for me she took some very strong drugs and the doctors told her that I would be born with no and even though once I was born I was fine I always felt that my mother rejected me that in my mother's mind I was deformed he said is there any hope that I could have a personal relationship with meri as my mother all brothers and sisters what do you think I put my hands on those arms and I said to him his name is Joseph Joseph absolutely Our Lady is running to you faster than to anyone else you need a mother and Mary I don't remember if I gave him this prayer but if there's anybody in that category I'm gonna give you a real short phrase to say Mary show me you are my mother it's from the Floss primarily the prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Mary show me that you are my mother I brought some gifts with me I'm about to end I brought some gifts with me one of them is that prayer card with the veiny crayon or sequence in the Pentecost come Holy Spirit the other is I just thought of it yesterday I want to bring these good people a miraculous medal why because it's called the miraculous medal it's a medal of the Immaculate Conception this is the one-one-one revelation route that al said is not in your new little booklet that you talked about Lauridsen Fatima and so but the revelation of Our Lady at rue de Bock - st. Catherine Laboure where she said get a medal medal of the Immaculate Conception and those who wear it especially around the round the neck will receive great graces well 12 years after that there was a an unbelieving Jew named Alphonse Radice Bone we had a Catholic friend he was visiting Rome and this Catholic friend gave him a miraculous medal and it gave him the prayer to our lady by Saint Bernard remember almost gracious Virgin Mary the men and he said to this Alphonse that radish bone I want you to take a test carry this metal with you and say this prayer every day and so Alphonse took it why to make fun of these superstitious stupid Catholics who think that some little piece of metal and some little prayer is going to do anything well Alphonse enters the church of st. Andre Andre Adel ferrate with a friend just to look at the art the route the church goes dark a light is shining over the slight side altar and there she is her hands weren't like this one hand was open the other with her fingers she was pointing down Alphonse dropped to his knees and in an instant he was so inundated with grace the plaque that's there said Alphonse Radice bone obstinate Jew fell to his knees fell to his knees and rose to his feet a Christian he understood everything about the Catholic faith he begged for baptism 10 days later he was baptized and brothers and sisters I believe you know for the Lord to come again we need to convert we need the veil to be lifted from the Jews how we need the gospel preached to every creature we need to be unified as Christians I believe that the Holy Spirit and the Blessed Virgin Mary and do it and they can do it easily and well let's stand to our feet at the book table where I'm going to go right after this right where my books are there is a basket and in there are miraculous medals they've already been blessed take only one please take only one please not because it's a piece of metal but because you have a living mother not just a model you have a mother and through receiving this miraculous metal I'm praying that the miracle of an intense personal relationship with the mother of God will be yours amen Thank You patty you
Channel: Renewal Ministries
Views: 5,997
Rating: 4.8344827 out of 5
Keywords: Christianity, Jesus, Christ, Evangelism, Mission, Spirituality, Evangelization, Religion, Catholic, Church, God, Trinity, charismatic renewal catholic, baptism in the holy spirit testimony
Id: dkaKkPMYNFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 18sec (3678 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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