- We've got to get to Exit Game, the Game Masters's new mask is there! - Where's Daniel?
- There he is! - Oh, oh, Daniel!
- Daniel, Daniel! Hey, there he is, hurry! - Okay. - Daniel, you escaped the GMI! - Woo, I did.
- Okay. - I ran a lot! Did you guys hack in to the database? - Yeah, yeah, no we did. We found out the Game Master's new mask is at Exit Games. We're going there right now, okay? What? - What is this doing back here? - Stop!
- Is this a joke? Why is this here?
- No no no, we destroyed that. - What? - The Reactivator!
- Oh, yeah, I do, the keys still on me. Remember what happened last time? If I scan this to get some information, this could self-destruct. - Okay, ZamFam, you guys know that that creepy doll we destroyed
after the Reactivator, but it did give us a clue last time, so maybe if we use it again,
we can just throw the doll out because it might self-destruct. - Ready?
- Okay. Creepy doll.
- Three, two, one. - Whoa! - [Doll] You'll never
find the new Game Master because you'll have to find the new mask. - New Master has a new
mask, and Game Master, what? - Game Master! Maybe the Game Master's there. We're gonna finally see
the Game Master, okay! Get the doll out, though.
- This message will self-destruct in 30 seconds.
- We got to go! - 30 seconds, 30 seconds.
- Oh, no, hurry hurry hurry!
- What, what? Where do we go, where do we go? - Here here here, Matt!
- I see a dumpster back there. - Oh, okay.
- But you got to go in reverse to see it.
- Go, go! - Hurry, hurry!
- Go, go, go! - Go, go, go! - We did it! Let's go! It's smoking, look!
- It's gone, it's gone! - Whoa, whoa, whoa, okay! - Matt, do you have your laptop? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Oh, it's in the back, it's in the back. - Let me see what kind
of information I can get. - [Rebecca] Maybe there's
something about Exit Games? We don't know where the mask
is, we need to figure that out. - [Matt] Are you in the database? - I'm in the database.
- Okay? - Guys, Mr. X's office is at Exit Game. - [Rebecca] Okay, so how do we get there? We need to get the mask. - Do you remember Area 51 when
we went through there before? - Yeah!
- That set of tunnels where I feel down?
- Yes! - Well, if we go through another route, it leads right to an
entrance into his desk. - Amazing! - It says that's the only way to get to the Game Master's mask!
- Mask! - Oh!
- Is through his office! - Okay, we've got to go to Exit Game. Got to go to Exit Game. - Make sure you are subscribed
with notifications on, give the video a thumbs up,
because we are about to go get the Game Master's new mask. There it is, let's go. - [Matt] Exit Game! - Come on. The GMI Agents are definitely inside, so we're gonna need to
use our Spy Ninja skills, and be very quiet. Okay. That's the door that leads to the... Get down, get down! - Did you finish up cerebral analysis? - Yes, we did, how are you? - It's Alice, my best friend,
I mean, ex-best friend. - A little bit better,
they've got me setup with this coffee run now. I'm kind of liking it.
- Nice, they've got me setup with
new sunglasses finally. I can show you.
- Oh you've had those forever! - I know, I have. Spectacles, I can actually
record while I press the button. - [Rebecca] Get back, get back! - Those are really cool,
takes pictures, too, right? - Yeah, takes pictures, also. You stay here long enough,
you'll get some, too, don't worry about it. - I was wondering what kind
of perks I was gonna get here. - Oh, you get a lot of perks. - We should probably get to it. - Alright.
- See you around. - See you around.
- Okay, guys, let's go. Let's get in! We've got to get to the tunnel. No, it's locked! - Do you remember the code,
do you remember the code? - The code!
- How did we get the code last time?
- ZamFam-- - I was the credentials guy.
- We trapped in there, and then, these doors.
- Oh, behind the doors? - Oh! The numbers! - This ones locked, though. - Yeah, because last time,
ZamFam, comment below if you remember, we used,
I think it was 2180. We've got to shut these
so they don't know, okay? - Good call, good call, okay. Two, one--
- The door! - [Daniel] Someone's coming in! Someone's coming in.
- What are we gonna do? - Okay, you guys hide, I'm
gonna pretend to be D2. It's the only thing we can do right now. - Okay, okay.
- Okay, yeah yeah yeah. - Okay.
- Deeper voice, deeper voice. - Oh, right right right, okay, I'm ready. Oh, Alice. - It's Agent A to you.
- Oh, right. I'm here, right?
- But, you're here early. I guess that works. They said that your cerebral
analysis was wearing off. I mean, you did help Matt and Rebecca escape last time, didn't you? - Maybe. - They really need to get you in there. You're starting to lose
it just a little bit. They might trust you. I don't. I'm watching you, D2. You're so weird. - [Matt] It worked, it worked! - What? - That was really bad-- - Coast is clear.
- Okay, she's gone, okay. - We haven't seen Alice since
Guess Who? in real life. She is a full-on GMI Agent now. Okay, let's get in.
- I'm gonna take the camera, okay.
- Okay, it was-- - [Both] Two, one, eight, zero. - Nice!
- It worked. ZamFam, you remember this was the Area 51. This is the tunnel! - Right.
- Oh, oh! We're locked in again.
- Locked in? - That's okay.
- I mean, we've got to be in here anyways, right? - [Daniel] Wait, do
you want to make noise, do you want to make noise?
- I don't know why I did that, I'm sorry, guys. - Okay.
- Okay, so, okay, okay, alright, let me get this out all the way. - [Daniel] Wait, last time, we went left, but it looks like with
schematics, I think we go right! - Right to Mr. X's? - [Daniel] But, be careful,
remember I fell last time. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, through the hole. We're gonna go right. - [Daniel] Okay, be careful, that's where I fell.
- Oh, my gosh, there's a hole. - Yeah, you need both hands. Go for it, Rebecca, go. - Okay.
- Yeah, just keep on going! - Got it!
- Reach, reach, woo! That was close, don't want to fall again. Matt, take the camera out of my hands. - Okay, go Daniel. - Oh, okay, oh oh oh,
wow, okay, here we go. - Alright, Matt, come on, come right.
- Coming through! Where are you? Oh, okay, yeah, it's a right. Go right into Mr. X's office.
- Okay. - [Matt] Here we go. - Whose coming?
- What? - Hello? Yeah. I saw Rebecca, Daniel,
and Matt on my spectacles. Yes, of course, there in here. I'm on my way, I need to go find them. Alright, thanks. - They know we're here. That means we need to get
into Mr. X's office fast! Come on!
- Come on. - Whoa! Guys, guys, come on! It's tight, Daniel, there. Whoa, this is crazy! Here.
- Okay. - Here, you've got it, Matt, come on! It's tight. - Yeah.
- Little tunnel, woo. - So this must be Mr. X's office. - They don't know that we're
in here, but they might soon. - I mean, they know we're here. They just don't know we
actually made it in here. This is crazy!
- Okay, look around! - Need to explore.
- We need to explore! We need to try to find
the Game Master's mask. Matt, Daniel, Guess Who?
- Guess Who? - This is the game that
we played in real life when I competed again the GMI, and they tried to take
over my YouTube channel, but we won! - Look what I found! - [Daniel] Oh, the scanner! - I know! Oh, oh, oh. - Guys, okay.
- Wait, this is rolling, guys. We're on camera.
- They might know we're here. There's a giant clock right here. - [Daniel] Giant clock. - Mr. X's desk, look what it has. - The Game Master mask.
- The Game Master's old mask. - Okay, should we open it? Should we open it, Daniel? - [Daniel] I don't trust, well, what do you think?
- I think I should, I think we should!
- What if it, hold on, oh oh oh.
- How do you do it? - We should open it, guys!
- Guys, I don't know if we should.
- What if it's rigged? What if it's got an alarm on it? - Yeah, true!
- It's worth the risk, though. This is the mask! - That's not his mask.
- This is not the mask, this is the old mask, right?
- This is the old mask! - How do you know that? - Do you remember? I picked up those images
on the new Game Master mask on the data, and it didn't
look like this old mask. - Yes, I don't take
this was the real mask, but you know what? This is the mask when they were pretending to be the real Game Master.
- Okay, there should be no alarm then, 'cause
this isn't the real mask. - Do you want to try?
- Three, two, one, and, ah! Yes! Look at this! I'm the Game Master! - My lip gloss, and there are these-- - Beakers?
- Beakers with a mixture. Look, it's like they were
testing my lip gloss. - Do you remember at the Last
to Leave the Pool Challenge? Agent R didn't want to
lip gloss, he was like, "Ah, get it away from me!"
- Yeah, they got so weird! ZamFam, you guys remember
when I put my lip gloss on, they didn't want anything. Maybe they're testing it for something? - [Matt] Yeah, what are
those beakers there for? - I don't know. Comment below what you think
they're doing with my lip gloss or why they don't want it. - And why is there so much stuff
from England, like, the UK? - Maybe Mr. X is from the UK! Let's split up, let's explore. But Daniel, there's a typewriter here-- - [Daniel] Remember the
typewriter from the Toy Bunkers? Maybe they were typing something? - Oh, I don't remember what we typed in. It was just a bunch of different words.
- Yeah! - There's nothing there.
- It doesn't really move. - Look at the clock, guys! What does this do? Does this move? Oh, it does, it does! This could be a little
sensor, what is this? - These are all clues leading to the UK. - Yeah.
- Daniel, what does this remind you of, ZamFam? There were different things, right? There was The Event,
and then there was what at the recording studio, ZamFam? - E2?
- E2! Maybe this had something to do with it. Maybe Mr. X had something to do with E2! The Battle Royale with the Game Master--
- Two, one. - All of that was during E2. - [Matt] Oh! - What if Mr. X was the
mastermind behind E2? - Oh! Whoa, where's Matt? Matt? Matt? - Guys, guys?
- Matt! - What's going on?
- Matt, where are you? - How did you get back there? - [Matt] I don't know! - Did you touch the clock at all? - [Matt] Yeah, I was moving
the dials, I don't know! - Okay, so maybe it was the clock. ZamFam, did you see what happened to him? - [Daniel] Well, I'm seeing some numbers when you spin the dial. - You'll never believe what's in this room I'm in the middle of a super
secret spy hacker room! The same suit that the GMI wear. Whoa, what is this? I don't know what this does. Two, one. What? - ZamFam, can you comment
MI 6, and remember that? Maybe this is something
that we're gonna need. Okay, Matt, where did you turn it to? - [Matt] I don't remember,
guys, I'm on the other side of the clock! - [Daniel] Matt, what do you see? - So much stuff over here, guys. - Okay, so I'll just keep trying. There's a nine here. Someone's coming!
- What, what? - We got to go, hide.
- Hide, hide, hide. - We got to hide.
- Hide there, hide there, I'll be over here. Hide, hide, Rebecca, hurry, hurry, hurry. - Okay!
- They're coming in, hold on! - Mr. X is a little moodier than usual. - I know, but all we're
supposed to do is put that on-- - Wait, were you in here?
- I wasn't in here. He's gonna freak out--
- He's gonna freak out-- - We need to just like, fix it all. I'm gonna--
- Just put it on his desk, I'm gonna just fix it. I'll fix this stuff a little bit. - Just leave that there.
- Perfect, that's fine. - He probably opened that for a reason. - You should--
- Sam, Sam-- - [Agents] Did the wall just sneeze? - Do you think this place is haunted? - No, .
- Okay, I mean, I think we should just go check on-- - But is it above Mr. X to do that? - I don't know, I just need to get out of here.
- Three, two, one. - We need to go!
- Go go go go, yeah yeah yeah! - [Agent S] Right, I'm gonna go. - Hooty hoo! - Matt, hooty hoo!
- Hooty hoo! - Oh, my gosh, we were hiding. The Agents came in, they
dropped off something. - Good thinking, Matt.
- Yep, bears. - I think we have a clue! They left a file! We're gonna take them. So, Matt, what else did you do in here? - I didn't do that much. I was just playing with the clock. I saw something on a painting,
and I just touched it, and then I went back to the clock-- - Painting? The painting, the British
painting of the queen? - Yeah, the queen!
- Okay? - [Daniel] There's a lock on it, Rebecca. - Oh, there's a lock, you're right. - Did you figure it out?
- No, what about here? Oh! - You got it, you got it.
- It worked! Matt!
- Looks, guys. - Oh, my.
- Whoa! - So, what did you find in here, Matt? - Okay, look it, there's
a GMI outfit here. - [Daniel] Whoa! - It's like one of their
outfits, maybe we can get it on, and then we can be a GMI Agent. - There's spy gadgets,
look: a phone, a pen. - Look at this up here.
- Oh, a watch, ninja gadgets. - A fake shoe! - A microchip in their shoe.
- Oh yeah! - The GMI mask. - Whoa!
- Stop talking! - Stop.
- Man! - Sorry, I just found it in here. - Matt, are you kidding me?
- I don't know, it was just sitting there.
- You guys, we need to focus. We need to get the Game Master's mask, and the Game Master, the real
Game Master, might be in here! - The only other thing I did, I found, was this thing right here. I thought it was binoculars. - [Daniel] Did you see anything in it? - No, it just kind of give me a shock. - That's weird.
- Yeah. - [Daniel] Rebecca, you want to try it? - Sure? Ow! - Exactly, see that, it's
like a shock, it's the worst. - It's like a shock on your head.
- It's like the Operation game, almost.
- But I didn't see anything in it.
- Okay, guys, I have a crazy idea. Okay, so this is a retina
scanner maybe, right? - [Both] Right. - Okay, but you have to
be in the GMI to use it. - [Both] Right. - Okay, but I might be in the GMI. I mean, D2's in the--
- You're not in the GMI! - Daniel!
- D2 is in the GMI. - Oh, you're clones!
- And it's you clone, so you've got--
- Might have the some eyes! - Might have the same eyes.
- Oh, here. - Okay, here.
- Okay, ZamFam, let me know if
you think this will work. It's worth a shot. I mean, we need to get
the Game Master's mask so we can find the Game Master, the real Game Master.
- You don't have that much time! - Here we go.
- Okay. - Retina scanner, three, two, one. Whoa! - What happened?
- No way! - What?
- Daniel, you did it! - I did it.
- Your eyes! - My eyes are D2's eyes!
- What? Look, it's another secret tunnel, come on! - [Matt] Okay! - Tunnel time, tunnel time, whoa, Area 51! - What, what?
- I don't know. - Matt, come on.
- Oh, sorry. - Come on.
- That's not it. ♪ Tunnel time, tunnel time ♪
- What is this song you guys are singing?
- Ow! It's called "Tunnel Time", Daniel! - [Rebecca] You guys! - What is it?
- Whoa! Whoa whoa whoa, be careful,
be careful, stay back. - Whoa whoa whoa, Bec, wait wait wait! - [Rebecca] There's lasers! This is like a maze, okay?
- There something in the middle right there, you see that? - Yeah!
- It's protected by those lasers! - [Rebecca] And look,
there's like, a computer! - [Daniel] Oh, way over there, yeah! - Okay, what's the plan? - We need to get through, and
we need to see what's in that. - [Matt] What if there's
something in that file? - You're right, you're
right, you're right, okay. ZamFam, you guys--
- Whoa-oh, Matt, be careful. - Whoa!
- We were in this costume during the video with the creepy doll! - What?
- Oh! Do you think this is the creepy doll? ZamFam, you guys said that
there was a camera in the doll. This might be right, you might
be right if you guessed that. What is that, Daniel? - [Daniel] You know what
this kind of looks like? - What?
- What is it? - [Daniel] I sort of looks like the images I pulled up from the data, the mask! The Game Master's mask.
- The Game Master's mask? - But it's all scribbled out.
- Yeah, why would somebody scribble it out? - I wonder, okay.
- Maybe it's Mr. X! - Whoa!
- No! - This is us, where are we in this? We were filming something,
I mean, the camera's there. Who took this?
- Yeah, who was watching us? - Oh, this is creepy! - [Daniel] That's the
Battle Royale from E2! - E2!
- Oh! Oh, that's the Game Master,
when his mask split, in the red hood.
- Matt, careful! - I know.
- What are you looking around for? - Look, you guys, if this
is the same shot as before, this is the Game Master.
- With his mask on. What are these? - It looks like he's in
a prison, or something. Oh, FunBox!
- That is FunBox! - This is us, someone was
watching us when we were filming. - [Daniel] The other photo,
you think the Game Master is in a prison? - The doll said, "To
get to the Game Master, you need to get the mask." What if the Game Master is here? - Oh.
- What? I think these lasers
are here for a reason, they're protecting something. There's a lot of them right there. - Yeah, these green lasers.
- And they don't want us to get over to the other side. So, what do we do? We go to the other side!
- Right right, good call. - Okay, what happens? We might activate the alarm if we-- - [Daniel] Careful, careful of your legs! - Okay, look, Matt, you
think I can get through? - [Daniel] Oh, my god, careful, Rebecca. Hug that wall, hug it! - Gymnastics! - Okay.
- Yeah. - Did that work?
- You made it! - [Daniel] Okay, Matt, how
are we gonna get through? - If I just go down on the ground-- - You're gonna roll?
- I'm gonna roll. - Oh, yeah, Matt, just stay flat! Be careful, be careful. There, stay under. You got it. Okay, be careful of the green ones! - [Daniel] Oh, my gosh, you're so close! Straight, just go straight. - Okay, okay, whoa! Daniel, camera! - Oh, my gosh, there's so many lasers! Wait, maybe I can roll. - [Rebecca] You got it, you got it, you got it!
- Yes, yes, oh! Whoa, Daniel, you got it!
- Okay, yes! - Okay, guys, we're through.
- Okay, we're in. - [Matt] What's the plan? - If I can hack the computer,
I can turn off these lasers. We can see what's being protected. - Let me see. - [Matt] What is it? - You guys, I think it's
the Game Master's mask! - [Men] Whoa! - So, Daniel, if you can
shut the lasers down, we might be able to get
inside this, and get the mask. You're good.
- There's no lasers over here now. - ZamFam, we need your help right now. If we get this mask, we might be able to find the real Game Master. He has been missing for a long time, he might be coming back today. This is crazy! - [Matt] There's a big screen right here. There's a bunch of spy
gadgets on the wall! - There's all these colors,
what do you think this is for? It's blue, green, and red. Maybe we have to push them? We can't activate a laser,
or the GMI's gonna know we're inside right now. - Oh, Daniel!
- I'm hacking in! - [Matt] You're hacking in, okay? - Look, there's a box.
- I'm in, I'm in, I think I can shut down the lasers. - Yes!
- Okay, three-- - [All] Two, one! - Lasers now. - Oh, okay! We need to get the mask out,
I don't know how to do it! Daniel, is there anything else you can do? - Okay, hold on, hold on one sec, hold on. Oh, this might work, here we go. Wait, there it goes, there it goes, guys! - It's coming up! Whoa! We did it, ZamFam! Should I take it out?
- Yeah! - Got it, let me be really careful. This is the Game Master's mask. Now that we have this, we
can find the Game Master, we can give him back his new mask! We have to figure out where he is. Daniel, is there anything else? - Pulling something up.
- Okay. - I think I can move it
to this big screen, okay? It looks like schematics. Okay, hold on one second, there it goes. - [Rebecca] Oh! - It looks like hand-drawn schematics. - Look, there's a X, that
could be where we are. - [Daniel] Oh, you're right! - So, it says-- - If we're here, that's the computer bay where we're sitting right now.
- Yeah. Then there's something on this
wall, this is how we escape! - [Daniel] We've go to get through there. - [Rebecca] It's this,
but it's locked, yeah. - Look at this, so it looks like there's some sort of weird spiral-- - Spiral thing--
- And you're in another room, but you go around this little
hallway, look what that says! - GM!
- Holding, GM Holding! Doesn't that look like a prison? - Game Master, this all makes sense! The clue, the doll clue, where it's like, when we find the mask, we'll be able to find the Game Master.
- Oh! - [Matt] The Game Master's in prison! - The Game Master's in
prison here in this location! - [Matt] This is like the
Prison Break Challenge! - We need to figure out how to
unlock that door right there, that secret hidden door.
- Okay, let me look, I mean, maybe the schematics
have some sort of clue, or, what?
- Look, do you see that? It says red, green, and blue. Matt, when we were searching here, there's red, green, and blue. It looks like there nine,
there's nine of these on each. Do you think if we all
push the right color at the same time, do you
think that could work? - Let's give it a shot! - Okay, Matt, do red, I'll
do green, Daniel, do blue! What does the screen say? - I disconnected my phone, but
I sent the schematics here. - Okay, good.
- Okay, okay. - [Daniel] I have to be
left middle for the blue. - Okay.
- Okay. - [Daniel] The bottom middle for green. - Green, okay. - Matt is, it looks like you're top right. - Top right! Smash a thumbs up for good luck so we can get to the Game
Master and rescue him. Are you guys ready?
- Ready! - I hope this works. - [All] Three, two, one! Oh! - It opened.
- Okay. Oh, oh, papers.
- Backpack! - The papers.
- The papers. - [Matt] Daniel, can you get the papers? Got my backpack? - Done.
- Change, here you go. - [Daniel] Done. - And I have the Game Master's mask. It's a tunnel.
- Is it? Daniel!
- Guys, this is a tunnel. - Rebecca's gone! She's down, we go to go down, okay? You ready?
- Yeah, go get her! - Alright, good luck, Matt! - Alright, thanks, Daniel.
- I'll see you down there. - My backpack, my backpack, ugh! - [Daniel] Ow! - Oh, sorry, Daniel!
- You hit me with your backpack! - Matt!
- Matt, you okay? - Yeah, I got it, I got it, man. - [Daniel] We got to
get to the Game Master, he's right around the corner! Whoa! - No, no!
- Whoa! - Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt!
- No, Rebecca, no! Guys, it hit something, I hit something!
- The Sleep Cloud Sensor! - Run, run!
- Turn it off, turn it off! - Go, go! Go, go, go! - Rebecca!
- Close the door, close the door, close
the door, keep them in! - Game Master!
- Whoa! - [Rebecca] Game Master! - Is it him?
- Hey! It's the Game Master, you guys! - How do you know it's him? - It has to be, I mean--
- Rebecca, he's reaching out his hand.
- The mask, the mask! He needs his mask! Okay, I think I can get
it through the bars, but the door's locked! Whoa, the Game Master's new mask! - [Game Master] It's
good to see you again. It's been a while since E2. - E2? It's the real Game Master!