The Futurama Iceberg Explained Part 2

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[Music] foreign Futurama is a show that I absolutely love and love talking about honestly it's hard to get enough I mean I've been watching Futurama for most of my life so I'll hop at just about any chance to get more into it and break it down a bit more and since I'm feeling that yearn once again let's dive back in the Futurama for a follow-up to my Futurama iceberg link to that down in the description as well as the original Iceberg chart created by Wilfred Cthulhu they make a ton of great Iceberg charts and as always there might be some spoilers ahead I mean the show's been canceled for years now so it might be hard to spoil a show like that and hey while we're here comment down below what you'd like to hear me talk about next and make sure you subscribe if you haven't already movie season retcons Futurama is a show that at times Prides itself on insane continuity and long-running callbacks and at other times it completely throws any sense of continuity right out the window this is something I talked about a bit in the previous video specifically with the Bender birth inconsistencies but this time we're specifically looking at the season that consists entirely of the Futurama movies so quick backstory Futurama got canceled more than the average show and at one point wow canceled yet again Futurama was able to live on through straight to DVD films Bender's Big Score the Beast with a billion backs Bender's game and into the wild green Yonder to be specific after these DVDs sold well enough that the show was brought back they decided to break the films up into smaller episodes that could then be run as a season in syndication because people are much less likely to sit down and watch an entire future on my film than they are to sit and watch like 3 three or four episodes but some stuff in the season made up a few drama movies actually retcon some stuff and add some wrinkles into the Raider continuity for starters let's look at Bender's Big Score in this film we're introduced to a time travel tattoo that's a paradox free time machine when Bender reads the code he's able to travel back in time and steal basically everything of value throughout all of history and simply wait for the future or current I guess if you're watching this in the year 3007 and give these long lost treasures to the scammers who've taken him over okay that already kind of opened some potential plot holes in terms of humanity but what we're going to focus on is when fry goes back to the past a version of him ends up rejoining his life right where he left off as a pizza delivery boy and eventually as a narwhal trainer but this makes things a bit strange we know that Fry's nephew is named after him specifically after he goes missing in in that man Philip J fry goes on to be the first man on Mars and is memorialized but why would his brother use that name that we specifically see he originally used because his brother was missing if he's immediately back maybe they make up and get closer but still not to mention this does thankfully mean the ending of Jurassic Bark is no longer technically Canon as this version of fry got to live with and love Seymour but let's Jump Ahead a bit in the series there's a beautiful episode in season 10 where Fry actually gets some closure with his mother where he gets to enter his mother's dream and finally say goodbye it's super heartwarming but this moment makes a little less sense when you know that there's a version of fry with her for years yes it's super beautiful still and likely incredibly cathartic for our version of Frye but it probably means a little less to his mother at the time writers phds Futurama is a smart show I mean it's dumb a lot of the time but when it comes to the science or mathematics or to be honest a lot of the jokes the show is incredibly smart and there's a pretty good reason behind that you see Futurama was probably the most educated writing staff of any show period the staff at one point included three phds seven master's degrees in more than half a century of Harvard Education but this I think makes sense for a show like Futurama despite a lot of the high Concepts that the show likes to explore everything they do is fundamentally rooted in both science and in one way or another some facet of reality so having Highly Educated people who are not just great at writing comedy but also have a great grasp on the science behind the science fiction makes the show that much better quick Easter eggs Futurama isn't unfamiliar with Easter eggs to other shows which for anyone who isn't familiar is basically a hidden item placed in a movie television show or other visual media for close Watchers Futurama likes to reference other shows that were airing around the same time or that they were fans of for instance John DiMaggio the voice of Bender was also the voice of Jake in Adventure Time so they of course had Finn and Jake show up in the episode Leela in the Jean stock as prisoners where Jake just says what time is it time for you to shut up fun but throughout the entire series there is another Easter egg that pops up from time to time that being the manholes that are seen which feature the same face as the manhole seen in the intro to the show The PJs a show that ran for three seasons from 1999 to 2001 and which just as interesting is that the PJs also made a pretty fun reference to Futurama in Season 2 Episode 16 if you pause the episode at the right time fries on a milk carton and is listed as missing this could actually have a weird implication if we think of it Beyond just a manhole the pjas could actually exist within the Futurama Universe just way back in the past alien language translations Futurama features a pretty large cast of alien species that we are introduced to throughout the show's run some better than others I mean have you seen the radiator woman from the radiator Planet pretty hot and while most of the aliens simply speak English for some reason there are different written languages that the alien Jews and what's fun is that a few of these can actually be translated into English or something similar you know other languages so far there are two confirmed translatable languages aside from the Rogue Morse code here and there like we see in the episode My Three Sons where the morse code translates to don't drink the emperor so for the first confirmed alien language known by fans and writers as alien language one or A1 it's actually just a simple substitution Cipher meaning that each letter is just replaced with a different symbol it's just a matter of figuring out what letter each symbol is supposed to mean in this series the language is referred to as alienese the second language known in the Phantom as A2 is fairly more complicated it's something no known as an auto key Cipher to decode a message the first symbol's value is translated directly into a character 0 equals a 1 equals B and so on for the remaining letters you subtract the previous symbol's numerical value if the result is less than zero you add 26 then that number is converted into a character as before which is way too smart and complicated for me in an episode commentary this language is referred to as the niblonians language fans also thought for a while that there was a third alien language in the series but that has since been disproven although that's not to say that the writers didn't create a third language for the series in a 2013 interview David X Cohen one of the executive producers for the show confirmed that a third language was created but never actually made its way into the show because while the language was more cryptographically secure it was far too complex to be used as the show typically uses alien languages as background jokes Bender's actual most used word in the season 2 episode War is the H word Bender has a bomb placed inside of him that unknown to him will explode when Bender says a certain word but how can the Earth government make sure that he'll say a certain word well obviously they've set it up so that the bomb will go off when Bender says his most commonly said word which in order are [Music] yours up pimp mobile bite my shiny daffodil and of course ass we don't have long which makes sense when you know Bender though the bomb is eventually changed so that it'll explode when he says his at least commonly said work because they couldn't fully remove or Defuse The Bomb that word being antiquing by the way but what about Benner's actual most frequently used word is it actually ass well actually someone set up a program that'll go through the infosphere the Futurama Wiki go through the transcripts for each episode available and calculate Bender's most used words though this person does admit that there are a few problems with this mainly the movies being counted twice because of that whole thing where they're split in episodes as well as a few episodes not being available at the time but still this is a fairly good representation of what Bender's most frequent words actually are so without further Ado Bender's actual top 10 most frequently used words 10. now nine yeah eight up seven Bender six like five one four hey three just two oh one my with ass actually coming in at number 45 on the list anti-aging radiation so despite the show running for 14 years in years actually passing in the show the characters themselves don't really seem to age despite them pretty consistently saying the current year and time being an integral part of the Show's actual plot why is this well there's a couple different possibilities the first being that hey it's a cartoon get over it the second being that because the life expectancy in the future is so much higher than it is today the characters are aging we just really aren't seeing it because they can live to be like 200 years old I mean the professor's parents are still alive and when they aren't in The Matrix they're still able to get around by themselves that's insane third is that the Planet Express Ship actually produces a very specific type of radiation anti-aging radiation it wouldn't be the strangest thing in the show I mean there's a whole magical Fountain of Aging that ages people and the ship itself runs entirely on dark matter which we really don't have a solid idea how something like that would work not to mention the ship itself is special in that it doesn't move itself it moves the universe around it and we've seen how much radiation fry is able to take and withstand pretty easily just from a few seconds from the ship's thrusters plus he gets fantastic looking hair hey when you look this good you don't have to know anything video game Easter egg so Easter eggs are something I've already talked about the show not being afraid to roll with but this time we're talking about an Easter egg hidden in a video game that took 17 years to figure out how to actually pull off they knew about the Easter eggs existence because they were able to look at the game's code they could see the Easter egg hidden behind a wall in the hall between the balcony and the TV room but they couldn't figure out how to actually activate the Easter egg within the game itself there was an entire Community actually working on it but eventually the code was cracked and it actually took a good bit of time and effort to figure out the exact set of hyper-specific steps that were actually required let's go through them pick up the hammer break open Leela's Locker for the key card get two dollars from The Boiler Room destroy the fire extinguisher be careful not to pick up the fire extinguisher itself the Easter egg is unavailable with the fire extinguisher has already been picked up open the drawer in the lab the Easter egg is unavailable if the lab drawer is already opened collect four more dollars upstairs the Easter egg is unavailable with exactly seven cash Collectibles haven't been collected yet destroy the TV in the room upstairs then you should hear a sound go back to the short hallway where you came from one second later the wall of that hallway should open up to reveal the Easter egg in the Easter egg you're rewarded with is an actual Easter egg when you can hit with a hammer it makes noise fun Australian man so this is a reference to the Australian man who shows up in a few different episodes of the series a character who probably has some of the worst luck in the entirety of the universe every time the character shows up he's being held as a slave every single time first in how Hermes requisitioned his Groove Back Where not only is he a slave on the planet Hermes goes on vacation to but after Hermes gets the slave Planet running more efficiently he becomes the lone slave for the entire planet he then later shows up in a pharaoh to remember again as a slave the same with uh this episode finally he shows back up in the Beast with the billion backs but this time instead of being taken as a slave he along with everyone else is attacked and taken in by the gentacles that's the story of the Australian man the unluckiest man in the universe who finds himself captive on several different planets throughout the Galaxy how fry being his own grandfather affects his own family so fry going back in time to do the nasty in the Pasty is a pivotal plot point in the show and actually causes fry to lack the Delta brainwave in save the universe that's actually why Nibbler pushed fry into the cryogenic tube and preserved him for the future where Fry's lack of brainwave could stop the brain spawn but how exactly would Fry's past Lovin have affected him outside of just the delta waves while this goes pretty beyond just being inbred or anything like that in fact in theory he would be infinitely inbred it's actually something of an inbreeding Paradox because fry's's own grandfather he's passing down his genes to himself but that means that Fry's already inbred which would just double the amount of interbreeding and so on and so forth it would just in theory get worse and worse this ends up being the quadrature of the parabola but without the initial term so each grandparent makes up one-third of the genetic makeup of fry in tactic quickly there's a portion of fry in his immediate relatives that's not related to any other human lineage it just pops up with fry and then passes on to his father and what's also weird to think about is how his father is technically 50 fry and 25 percent himself like Fry's father is also his own grandfather which kind of just makes the whole problem weirder and more difficult to keep track of a really strange situation [Music] and that's where we'll end this video for now if you like this video comment down below if you'd like to see me do more content like it follow me on Twitter at 10K build to stay up to date on everything I'm working on and of course make sure you subscribe for all your entertainment related content [Music]
Channel: 10K Productions
Views: 73,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: futurama, fry, iceberg, leela, explained, bender, 10k, 10k productions, theory, theories
Id: McVgYkOnS0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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