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squid game has taken over everything i did a video recently where i played roblox never thought in my wildest imaginations i would revert to playing roblox but squid game has made it happen it's taking over tiktok so today we're watching the best squid game tick tocks excuse this game was in london you want to play a game you could win money are you interested i shut up fam excuse me sir do you want to play a game you could with money are you interested it's just it's a simple one but it works all right here we go [Laughter] red light y'all better not be moving okay green light red light oh y'all moving terrifying all right y'all doing pretty good i'm not gonna lie green light red light oh oh you were moving no yes you were no [Laughter] red light you moving oh you shaking your head get a foot that's i it you're not talking about me don't let these pigs tails fool you y'all don't want to smoke it's quiet ain't no bad talk hey shoot them what's going on oh got him relax i was just playing y'all i was just playing that was so much effort for i don't know what this this is more terrifying than the actual show what is that face red light he starts having a [ __ ] conversation with it it's quiet ain't no bad thought hey shoot him always i showed him that was amazing that was amazing someone found the island from squid game how do you how do you know it's actually what well that's not scary bro is this a thing it's from the google earth guy as well so you know it's legit oh my god charge your phone as well reason why there's no four hundred and fifty hundred seventh slayer okay i mean that's what i expected people to wear under armour to be fair imagine if someone actually just loved the game so as soon as they see someone else get shot they don't even take it they don't even take it into account they just carry on like red light green light red light green light wait that was the wrong way around when you see ronaldo in squid game well you can i love how they even put him on like number seven that's detail they even gave him number seven wait they actually did it oh my god i thought they just it was just luck they actually put number seven over the top well played i mean it was a terrible tick tock but detail amazing the most requested vid in a long time oh here we go road man in squid game there we go what are you gonna do catch me outside how about that what the hell you just used looking at and you you got no wonder you're some small batty girl turn around and i know you've got that big nose come delicious [Music] what is this i i know okay okay it got better it got better felt like it was too obvious at the start it was this shot that got me well played everybody was playing squid game what is that what what do you mean everybody was playing squid game this [ __ ] was playing among us i was so confused that's kind of true that side of the story was better the among us side can netflix make an among us tv show that would actually be sick my friend told me to watch squid game in english so i tried it too oh god it's just weird in it if you're watching squid game dubbed you're doing everything in life wrong like i actually i don't respect you at all i'm sorry i mean if you can't read or anything then fair enough here we go another classic british squid game all right so here's the games i think they would have played if squid game had been in england wait let me get anyone what would we play i mean i personally play like tag stuck in the mud rock paper scissors maybe you have to make like a paper aeroplane and throw it i think they survived the korean squid game you there's no way you'll survive in the british version we start off with the cheeky bit of simon says and i honestly think this would be simon says obviously simon how did i not think of that's my name i got that joke the whole way through school british bulldog which is like the epitome of my childhood breakfast yeah it makes sense hide and seek and the losing team gets killed basically in round four once again they put you up against your closest game of conkers which i think is probably the most british game ever invented in round five we have a heads down thumbs up and the only people that would survive are the people that are still standing at the front and to finish off i think there'd be a game of splat but with real guns and yeah splat we're gonna take it all [ __ ] splat i've never played splat i don't think you had me until that one that was so much better than the games i said my mark oh my god that's amazing that one really pulled at the heartstrings all the others have been road men in squid game that one was like that one was a uh you know that one was a sentimental one watching a dub show be like here we go slew them slew them why'd you put this money on my plate grandma the audio sync it's your daughter's birthday today that's the grandmother i can't buy her anything but this much woman i just came into some funds and i got enough to take you to mcdonald's why does it sound like this you can get whatever you want i might have to call you back baby they only have one voice actor hold on guys back up from the mic i got your money man that seemed kind of racist would you like to play a game with me that actually sounded pretty good okay who are you [ __ ] oh my god this don't even sound like the original script oh no oh they're just gonna throw racism in like that i mean it was the point but this is what i'm talking about dub shows suck celebrities in squid game part 2 edge why is ed sheeran the little girl [Music] britney [ __ ] [Applause] nice run okay okay you're singing you are singing [Music] [Music] sprint [Music] okay did they survive that was a whole mess of everything they really got me you know they really got me with this to be continued right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was the weirdest tick tock i've seen in a long time there was just so much going on i don't know what i watched if squid game was set in the uk here we go another one you know this is bollocks honestly what did you get what what of a star [ __ ] fact is he got a star everyone look at himself i can't [ __ ] do it and it doesn't know because you're standing there with your [ __ ] gun just give me some room excuse me puppet you're outside that that woman over there she has a lighter she's cheating you're cheating what have you got an umbrella oh sorry darling but you are [ __ ] oh my god you little slag come on charlie now you're getting on yeah i could do with a glass of wine you're not amazing can i help you yeah i'm [ __ ] dude go bother go shoot something else all the time [ __ ] busy buddies i want to know if he did it can't leave a cliffhanger like that is it just me or did y'all notice that the main character fake is eating and i guess the producer didn't notice and release this cut wait let's see why i felt like that shot just wasn't meant to be used i felt like they were probably meant to cut it like there mad like for such a big show you'd think that they wouldn't make mistakes like that wasn't there like a starbucks cup in a game of thrones or something like that big companies i'm telling you everyone has to go out of sidemen when we accidentally make a small a mistake in it but these big donnies are making mistakes as well you're in squid game and they turn on the football [Music] corner [Applause] to be fair he's a liverpool fan masked man also has a class in the video they're wearing the same clothes the shape is different on the mask circle is a worker yeah what in the game what am i missing here i'm missing something very key and i don't know what it is let me know in the comments down below i'm going to read the comments let me know what the what the hell this means oh no this guy's back he's back this was terrifying this is the one from earlier okay game will now begin here we go cookie shapes y'all y'all y'all i'm are you serious we supposed to be a team and you want to die i'd rather be dead peacefully and stomach forward than to be stressed and depressed over some money i might not win don't eat that cookie charles they gonna get mad hey hey we're gonna be like this great [Laughter] [Music] i oh not chill i'm a miss char on me too you crack yo cookie you crash okay hey hey i heard that crack hey hey there's no way anyone watches it dubbed here we sir are you okay i just pissed myself yo you're out there watching it dubbed right now if you're watching this video and you're watching it dubs proof this ain't just me we all mock you can't believe he did that oh we got a cookie you get nothing for a whole year nothing nothing hasn't nothing yes nothing well how long do i have until this tick tock's over brian again my element hold on what are you doing i'm in my element go on you can't even see the crease your time's almost done how much time do i have like 15 seconds yo i really want to try it i really want to know how hard this actually is i feel like it's too obvious to do it not too obvious but i feel like it'll be too late by the time you get a squid game in real life video at this point it'll be too late or not good to be like sidemen with full guys again all right last one the only valid thing she said was to that gangster guy on their last game oh here we go that means yeah your mouth is uh moving a lot like a rats shouty thank you ah she's a good character she's a bit annoying but if she wasn't there like she she did change the game a little bit a couple times yeah i was like just shut up shanice please shut up but i thought she was she was a good character well that's it for today uh that is the squid game tick tocks that we've seen as i said uh when i did the roblox video i'm gonna try and do a part two of that very very soon probably in like two days time and yeah i'll catch you guys tomorrow for another video peace
Channel: MM7Games
Views: 920,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, simon, random, sidemen
Id: M3Ej5uAXEIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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