The Funniest Gunslinger: Brett Favre "In Their Own Words"

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the whole time the game start to come true and then some I always dreamed of playing pro football I never dreamed of winning the Super Ball I could sure use a hot dog with chili you think God never farted and we got a dandy [Applause] I'd like to think I'm pretty exciting and I'd like to thank I put on a show this is the best thing that's happened in Greenville [Music] gotta love it can you believe it Passport we're in Hancock County which is the county right next to Louisiana and this is called rotten bayou I was born and raised right here it was like a wonderful place to grow up [Music] ever since I can I can remember dreaming and I dreamed of either being a major league baseball player or an NFL football player and and I envisioned playing with the Dallas Cowboys at the New Orleans Saints I can think of watching games on Sunday and then going out after the game and playing in the yard with my brothers and and imitating Archie Manning the Roger Staubach [Music] [Music] it was funny because I'd always dreamt of playing in a Super Bowl in New Orleans and my first Super Bowl was in New Orleans [Music] so it kind of happened the way I dreamed it Oh stroke here they come he's got time [Music] my dad was a was a high school football coach well before I was born I was always a manager a ball boy waterboy whatever so that was all I knew I was pretty mischievous and when we were little while my dad was practicing after school we would go sneak into the cafeteria and steal milk we'd sneak in the locker would still Gatorade but we'd still as jocks and socks all this stuff because we wanted to be like the grown-ups I wish I could go back and play Little League just think you can go back this size and play fifth and sixth grade line up at tailback my first football game my first play I was a receiver actually not a quarterback jumped up caught the ball fell on the ball and then I started crying told my dad I didn't want to play that position esra savoring it's tough so I ended up playing quarterback and I scored a touchdown when I did my pants was pulled down and at that time I was wearing underwear not a jock and so everyone got to see a full moon how first game ever a fifth-grade Jamboree three touchdowns running I got an endzone the guy pulled my pants down pretty funny now is pretty embarrassing back then my dad was my coach I had an opportunity to play for him as did my my other two brothers I think it was fun other guys seem to think that that he was too hard on me or this or that but I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for him and and the style of coaching he he gave me he was a little tough on me but it was what I wanted to do when I woke up every morning football was in my mind when I went to sleep every night that's what I thought about [Applause] [Music] like I used to be 838 power pitchers of playing high school and I was a lead blocker we didn't throw the ball very much as a as a hospital football team so I my dad to fight recruiters to come take a look at me [Applause] Southern Mississippi two days before then signing day gave me a call and said the guy that they had wanted backed out and went to school in Florida but now they had opening for me [Music] you know small school we had a good schedule playing Alabama Auburn Georgia those type of schools so they miss put a freshman at quarterback Brett Pham and fast show some cool on this one finding Chris McGee for the touchdown [Music] [Applause] it was July 14th of 1990 was going into what I'd hope to be you know like the Heisman Trophy senior season and was hoping and that would propel me into to the NFL I was coming home I was actually coming here there's a sharp curve probably was going faster than I should have been but you know I'd done that a million times and caught the shoulder of the of the dirt and just lost control and tried to pull it back on the road when I did and went off the other side flipped three times and hit a pine tree I came away with 30 inches of intestines being removed fractured vertebrae in my back and numerous cuts and bruises they said well why don't you just take a redshirt year and just sit out and come back the following year I said well you know this is supposed to be my year and I'm I think if I can come back and prove to everyone that if I can play after everything that's happened then I can play anytime and they said well it won't be done I mean you're just in too bad a shape [Applause] so I proved them all and came back and played we played Alabama that day and beat him [Applause] selected favor quarterback Southern Mississippi going through some of the ups and downs it was something special I was pretty excited about it I was 20 years old I had all this money and a lot of time I had friends from high school who lived there my brother was living with me we wouldn't play golf every day and we went out at night now showed up for meetings and did everything I was asked to do but there was no interest there I was never really given a chance other than playing a little bit preseason he throw spirals we're gonna have a damn party Mississippi you're not gonna play tonight I tell you what we got to have two plane wrecks the poor quarterbacks go down and you're it the old saying opposite attracts that's true me and Jerry were too much like Atlanta wasn't big enough for the two of us and obviously he had a lot more power than I had so I was going and he stayed I was pretty excited about it I thought that it would give me an opportunity to play it's funny because I said we're world is Green Bay I knew it was somewhere north and I had no clue where I couldn't point to it on a map and I knew that was cold I was just like I can't believe he plans cold weather hands the frozen your hands are four feet frozen yeah well well you're up there real cold just think of me I'll be right by that heater over there okay [Music] there was a third game of the year playing Cincinnati Don Makowski was a starter and Mackowski is down at her t max he is hurting somehow he got his leg twisted and he is hurting and the trainer's are out there now I came in and I drove down 17 3 I played horrible I was fumbling I had dropped interceptions everything every time I drop back I was just kind of it was like a Chinese fire drill and then the end of the game might call some basic plays and he kept repeating them and it worked [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] his extraordinary it was unbelievable especially for my first game first admit I didn't really know what was going on and I did a great first year finishing the top five in the NFL in passing and went to the Pro Bowl all these things took me by storm and I knew going into my second year how tough it was going to be and no one else realized that except for Coach Holman and we sat down he said look it's it's not going to be as easy as it was it wasn't my stats wasn't as good as the first sheen everyone thought I was going down [Applause] hey will you settle down please stitch settle down nice and easy settle down okay I wasn't doubting my abilities I was just wondering if the people around they were doubting all right yeah no more RocketBallz please I was teamed up now I know I know there's been some fullbacks you're struggling it and haven't been pulled and has never played again Steve [Applause] wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute but wait a minute but you know what he's got to know he's not here okay Mike was somewhat impatient and understandably so he had left Joe Montana and Steve Young and they did it basically you know the right way all the time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well I mean I was still learning not only the terminology but the reeds and had to play while learning you see that he didn't even think about throwing the double cap I asked him when he comes over here okay just just think about throwing the double cat yeah you just like salt real hard even explain how hard that playbook was we open up the game with 51 X spot flanker cross read last slot what do you expect on the first snap of coverage why'd you think ok if they push too hard now to Robert we come back to the tight end right they hug this up we'll go back to the back side give it tight and every chance on that don't come off too early don't see any ghosts out there though let the receiver make the play about 2000 plays that's a lot west right slot to get all go then we're gonna line up so low right 2201 ready Mike was tough on me but he was fair [Music] the coaches that he hired from me couldn't have been better mooch Andy Marty this great guys work for I mean I can tell you numerous times that not only Andy mooch Marty those guys always would would take a lot of the heat for me the formation he covered for me probably Mike new 2min he's you know he's no fool but somebody had to get yelled at fortunately was in most of the time here at Farm straight back in the pocket here they come he just gets rid of it to the corner do you feel like you got it beat take your corner he's running with you like he'll square [Music] [Music] earlier my career you don't have any footage of me suggesting something him saying hey don't make it happen you know he would've said hey I'm not gonna get [Music] 25 years since the Packers have been to the playoffs I mean all of a sudden we go on a regular basis [Music] the best thing that's happened in Greenville it's been 25 years okay it for 25 years congratulations to each and every one of you we here yearning year out where players and coaches don't get along a change of scenery for the player of the coach will work wonders I never had to worry about that there was always a peaceful environment yeah you got your buddy from time to time but there's nothing wrong with that it made me a better player [Music] every guy approaches a game differently some banging their heads against the locker some are quiet they hide before a game some have to get their six hours before can't eat well I could sure use a hot dog or chili I'll walk on the gravel I know when we started playing the game or leading up to the rim practice I like to joke around have guys feel like [Music] you think god never farted i wanna get freaky with i think every player needs music Jakaya you know get you going before game before the game all the time they'll play this man right here lawrence welk plays pretty paper pretty ribbon of blue it's always a good one to get fired up too I mean it's all about having fun anyway if you play tight makes you lose focus and forget things if you just play loose like you're doing the backyard that's what got you there Keith Jackson just the other morning at breakfast said Tracy Rocco's houses mama bought out fifteen flapjacks he said mama took my father then plug together coach Homer it's only if I if I did anymore so $5,000 fine so obviously I just kind of run to the cylons Nell tackle small sidelines maybe I just scared that I hurt either one of our guys are myself Oh bring out a girl now you know you're bad when you get escorted out in your woman now we've got some pushing and shoving one as well somebody got in Brett's face on that but Breck run doesn't back down from anybody [Music] [Applause] and I won't go into a games let me start a fight today but if someone puts it around and starts talking a little smack and I'm gonna talk about it with my dad coaching football and being around my two brothers and always competing against each other none of us ever wanted to be the one to give in we never would would hold up the white flag and that's the way I play football that urge to go out and play better than everyone else regardless of the situation we're ahead if we're behind I don't play the game any differently now I don't look at it as okay I'm going through this game everything's gonna be perfect if I get rushed I'll just throw it away and you make most of your big plays when you leave the park [Music] I'm not the perfect pocket passer who came out of college molded for the NFL [Applause] I'll make a lot of things happen whether it's throwing the ball on your hands touch heads up veteran play by brett farr palma back people [Applause] walking whatever it takes I'm willing to do that to win I'll tell you what Brett Farve is the creative quarterback he just creates plays when I was playing touch football growing up and we'd be out in the yard playing they'd be ten guys wide open but I'd always said the guy was covered that was the hard one to do and that's kind of got me in trouble today the guy looks kind of wide open down the middle but but I know it's a tough pass I'll try to make it [Music] I don't want to settle for a two-yard game I want to throw a touchdown pass every time I touch the ball hey let's go where every drop we got to think that way we really got to think that one farthest back in a pocket farm looking as he runs to the left out throw sign on that field [Music] [Music] I want to make plays that nobody else can make and I'll do it on the good side and on the bad side well loans I'm doing more on the good side they'll let me pluck the measure of a great quarterback it's not gonna make touchdown fast you throw I'm not shorted you so far how many people love you it's what are you doing in crunch time [Applause] this whole game sometimes we forget it's all about going through the playoffs winning Super Bowl you think of the great quarterbacks which ones who have done it we've gotten through the big games and it performed in the big game [Applause] Panthers and the prize is the Super Bowl the winner today seeks warm weather in New Orleans two weeks down the road [Applause] here's Brett Favre back to throw he looks a lot of time going to the end zone start celebrating [Music] to the city of New Orleans [Music] and I thank everyone who is familiar with Green Bay football in some way or another thinks they know the tradition so when I went to ask that you were Green Bay football bard star Vince Lombardi [Music] well we finally come full cycle the Green Bay Packers are back in the Super Bowl after an absence of 29 years today it's the Packers and the New England Patriots and the Packers trying to stay unbeaten in Super Bowl here is the second down and nine Brett Favre appears to be changing plays at the line of scrimmage two wide receivers wide Chmura is the tight end to the right of that goes Brett the throw here they come he's got [Music] [Applause] you know I just lost him when I look back at it now it's kind of embarrassing because I said that's not me I was so happy I mean you can't believe how happy excited I was I mean it was like I threw it I knew it I took off nobody called it I took him home off and just whatnot so there was ever a time when I was gonna throw one out of the dome that's what it was gonna be and I did I hit him right on stride it was a touchdown second play of the game it was something special because the big plays coming this time he's going to go on to catch water runner the Panthers have the lead [Applause] Green Bay the two running backs are Elevens and Bennett here is a play-action fake by Brett barney trophy is coming home [Applause] and you said one of these days I'm going to win one of these Super Bowls and you did it today and this has got to make you feel like you're on top of the world even though you are the MVP in the league but thanks Terry I tell you I want to thank our fans first of all thank to seenu [Applause] we put forth a lot of effort and went through a lot of tough times our team you got stuck with us we want to thank all of you thank you either a full month in here and go homeless out left when the Superbowl one I get ready for what's coming up in the next couple of years maybe we go back to Super Bowl maybe were unlucky enough to lose one [Applause] [Music] [Music] came down to 25 30 yards away from tying the ballgame I'm sure everyone our Cylon was like he'll do something he'll make a play and we're gonna win this ballgame and that's the way I felt I had no doubts going into the last throw of the game I would win that ballgame kinda shows you human kind of shows that don't wait till end of the game to win it once it was a great feeling it wasn't the greatest feeling of my life as well as the losing the Superbowl it's not the worst feeling I've ever had throughout my career and throughout my life bad things have happened along with good things and you know I take them both in stride [Music] the whole cliche view here all the time he wouldn't want me to play I'd always heard that too and I never thought I'd have to deal with it and I said in my room at night and I said Here I am having to deal with this and I never that's the call you never want to hear [Applause] bar takes looks to throw guns the left side of the end zone could be thrown in one spot in the entire [Music] it is he rain goes deep down the middle going for Walker leaping I knew my dad would want me to play and you know I love him so much and love this game and it's just it's it's meant a great deal to me to my dad to my family and and I didn't expect this type of performance but I know he was watching tonight [Applause] something crazy happened and it worked out the green baize Phaedra our game was pretty much doing all the sitting there was just a wild rule they just kind of continued and I guess that was as Arizona I've gotten close [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's unbelievable feeling to see our fans and employers everyone just kind of seize the moment [Applause] something to do what just happened in there thank you [Music] my emotions right now I'm numb be honest with you I mean I have I've cried many tears as I possibly could cry I've been around people who have lost a family member or lost someone close to them and they say that person's they're watching or he you know the Angels whatever I would say two weeks God didn't really believe in that but I think we'd better start believing something I know that the country in some respects was pulling for us I mean I missed my dad and will always miss him and that was a shock not only to me but to a lot of people you know I've dealt with it the best way I know how and that's that's the play football and played out at a high level and I knew over time it would feel a little bit better but I'm still reminded of it every day it's never gonna go away not that you you want it to [Music] yeah what we fail to realize sometimes as adults playing in this sport is that it still is a sport it's a kids game and we're fortunate enough to to make a lot of money doing it so I try to treat it as that sport sometimes we get caught up in the contract aspect of it or you know how many commercials can I do it instead of just enjoying the fact that you're playing once again let's have a little fun I'll give it in the end zone earlier hey I'm just a big kid at heart you guys have a challenge how you doing kid has a suit what times you cook it 4 o'clock ok get up super shoo good Chris you got a dandy brewing hey you got any left-handed footballs let's get a little break for Mike Sherman here let's get a little sugar bear on three look at thanks back there sugar bear on three one two - playing the game period Hey look at the Snyder he looks like The Hunchback from Notre Dame huazi white shoes moto [Applause] I'm gonna have fun along the way otherwise you make it too hard on yourself and your teammates look at that forest run that boss you as a running food my heads getting bigger these has to get smaller shut up may and some tight pants you got on Bubba today we're gonna give in from yeah we need to fire him I got some advice he'll take two weeks off then quit if you're prepared and ready to play you let it all go have fun relaxed anything like would do if he knew I had a dip right now [Applause] Ice Capades I asked Marty if he'd let me call the plays in the dug those guys including Mike they would laugh and sometimes cringe how far was that Mile Run was about a mile but they knew I was prepared as well as I could be I was gonna give away more than hundred percent and so it was like ok joking around and you know maybe this is a serious time but that's his way of playing the game to me that's the only way to play it if you're not prepared you're not gonna joke around let's go out play our game now let's go yep cabbage on three one two three yeah I don't say it too often that actually goes back to a guy by the name of Ronny gay bear everyone Gulf Coast of Mississippi knows Ronnie everybody rode his bike everywhere and his saying was either yep soybeans or yep cabbage they still have no clue what it means of course I don't either [Music] twelves Eric a total of seven days which was a long time and I'd never been overseas before a lot of fun it was a total different culture than what I was used to [Music] japanese girls they took them supposedly the best receiver in Japan they said my throat like you would in the game everyone in the crowd actually had a good time was laughing they didn't speak English for the most part but they were excited about the NFL being promoted well I'll do one personation she stood see a team I said John Elway normal money Steve younger sighs warms up Steve Young you're warming up Tata [Applause] [Applause] that's Abby's car I don't know any doctor can office here [Applause] [Music] there's mr. Miyagi I feel the same on the board I did like cried a kid but I was a little bit surprised that he was at one of our games and I was even more surprised he just walked up on the sidelines and starts talking to me okay how about mr. Miyagi coming up talking to me oh thank you I think he'd been drinking a little bit I love to play the game of football because I think it's the ultimate team sport unlike an individual sport you have to allow them and friends in order to win a ballgame [Music] so it's not a one-man game and to me there's nothing better than to play a sport with with 50 guys Big Daddy big bubbly Leroy do you want you want call it you want me to call it you want to call it thank you football is a great way to learn from your mistake [Applause] I can't go this far we throw I was trying to put it here but I will you learn a lot about life through football because you learn to rely on each other you also learn to lead so now we got to get it started right now right now [Music] [Applause] you'll learn that you have to take the initiative in football otherwise you're gonna get you [Applause] [Music] hey it wasn't nothing to grab onta was it the rewards out of football is much greater than the downs there's been gained by lost that I look back on today and thank God that I had a chance to play [Music] [Applause] you have to go through the bottom sometimes to get to the top it is a to the NFC Championship game I don't think there's a more exciting thing to do than the throw a touchdown or to score a touchdown so hard not only to get on the field and to touch the football and run it or throw it but to get into the endzone to me it's just it's it's like kid the hole-in-one in golf no I sweat it rarely happens to have that opportunity to do it I don't think there's anything back in the pocket here they come there it goes to the endzone touchdown [Applause] that's unbelievable I you can't do nothing about that man to hear things like this to hear people say you know I would pay X amount of money to go watch brett farr play it may be good it may be bad but i love to watch him play that's the way I play the game I got thing in this bar about Hill but I will give you everything I got and I will compete to the end I think people appreciate that can't say how thankful I am for all the success I've had my dreams have come true and then some I mean I always dreamed of playing pro football and never dreamed of winning the MVP I never dreamed of winning the Super Bowl to play with such great players and be coached by great coaches it's a dream come true [Music] go straight back in a fire you got to get rid of the wall they got rid of it I heard you retiring and the paper this one you give us a half anyway I've talked to my wife about it so many times that the day I wake up and it's not as fun as it used to be then that's the day I retire because right now still felt like that fifth grade kid who was scored in touchdown [Music] and until that day happens I'm just gonna keep playing it as long as my body will hold up I'll keep enjoying it [Music] this is the best thing that's happened in green been alive you
Channel: NFL Films
Views: 236,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NFL, Football, NFL Films, American Football
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 45sec (2625 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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