The full duration of Tucker Interviewing Dagoth ur

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the following is an interview with the lord of the sixth house de goor this was shot during the third era of year 427 around 700 p.m. within the confines of Red Mountain the interview if you watch it is primarily about the war on the tribunal how it started what's happening and most presently how it might end one note before you watch at the beginning of the interview we asked the most obvious question why did you spread the blight across the lands of vfel why claim a land that's been plagued did you feel a threat and is that your justification and the answer we got shocked us Deo went on for a very long time probably half an hour about history of the battle between the dwr and the Battle of Red Mountain going back to the first era and honestly we thought this was a filibustering technique and we found it very annoying and interrupted him several times he also responded that he was annoyed by our Interruption but we concluded in the end that this was not a filibustering technique there was no time limit on the interview we ended it after an hour instead what you're about to see seem to us sincere whether you agree with it or not dooth believes to expose the false worship of the tribunal and destroy the ecclesiastical Authority and political power of the temple so our opinion would be to view it in a light as in sincere expression of what he thinks and with that here it is Mr de goth thank you during the second era year 882 reports of an altercation happened between you and the tribunal after this altercation you began to spread the blight and Corpus diseases by using powerful and unnatural Ash storms from Red Mountain tell me why spread something so dangerous to a land that you wish to conquer it's not like people are dying on the streets of balur are they Mr Tucker are we having a talk show or a serious conversation here's the quote thank you it's because your basic education is in history as far as I understand yes so if you don't mind I will take about 30 seconds or maybe a minute into a short reference to history for giving you a little historical background please to explain how the blight started I need to explain who the dmer were the DW also referred to as the dwarves deep elves were an ancient lost race of me who were remnants of the early Almer and lived primarily in the region of dwth myrr used the term dwr roughly translated as people of the deep the term also connoted deep delving profound and close counseled men commonly refer to them as dwarves in reference to the fables of the Giants seeing them as small the dwr were an advanced race and civilization in many respects far ahead of the other races and civilizations of their time they are well known for their skill and revolutionary developments in technology engineering crafting methods metal work stonework architecture City Planning science mathematics magic and the academic Arts the dwr are known for being the subjects of one of the greatest mysteries in all of Tamriel in 1700 during the Battle of Red Mountain for reasons still debated and under circumstances still under investigation the dmer seemingly disappeared it is still being debated who or what caused the dmer to disappear as well as whether they disappeared all at once or over a long period of time recorded history dates the beginning of the DW to the moric era though it could be said that the earliest known history of the DW was when the idra created mundas the Mortal realm and with it all of the Mortal races essays stories Legends and tales have generally described the appearance and personality of the DW race in general but not of individuals in appearance the dmer were believed to be sized similarly to the average Elf or human though occasionally likened to large children with beards other supporting evidence includes visual sculptures and Dwarven specters that roam the Halls within their ruined dwellings which indicate that the DW preferred heavy metal armors and robes most of which are made out of either armored shells of ancient mechanical men or mismatched pieces from various devices as the DW were a race of M their blood was closely related to that of the other May races in the fourth era when the last dragon born helped Septimus signis in a quest to open a dmer lockbox using dmer blood Septimus signis revealed that the blood of five M races could be collected and mixed by using an Essence extractor to produce a close enough approximation to open the lockbox similarly to the members of the sigic order the dmer race also possess the ability known as the calling to telepathically communicate with each other little is known of the history of the dwr and the origins of their civilization conflicts with other races were frequent as was infighting as such the timeline is not entirely accurate for many of these events recorded history States the beginning of the dwr to the moric era though it could be said that the earliest known history of the dwr was when the idra created Mundus the Mortal realm and with it all of the Mortal races during the dawn era lurin convinced some of the ET Ada to create a mortal realm which would be called Mundus as Mundus was forming it was revealed that many of the at Ada would be forced to give up much of their power due to this the atata met at the adamantine Tower during an event known as the convention and ultimately decided that lurin had to be punished for his trickery which was eventually carried out with the creation of Mundus some of the ET Ada went to ner to live there Magnus tore a hole into etheras which became n's son many other at Ada followed and became the magnae tearing smaller holes into etheras which became the Stars the Adra who walked on mundas specifically ner created the El no the AL no of Tamriel became the mayor and many different races of maror came about the dwr were one of the descendants of the El no at some time after their creation the tonal Architects started to research the Divine powers of the eln or the Earth Bones the dwr were devising a plan to attempt to recreate the divine power of immortality most of the dwr wished to ascend to the same level of divine power that the gods had including the capability of being Immortal by the late middle Maric era the dmer had established themselves on morrowwind and within the VY mountains a Mountain Range located between morrowwind and Skyrim the chimer had established themselves on morrowwind then known as restain the two civilizations had very different societies and cultures these differences as well as disputes over territory and resources caused conflicts between the two civilizations the earliest dwr Freehold colonies date from the late meic era sometime after 1 e221 the dmer discovered a new raw mineral while mining in FAL jom din more commonly known as black reach they named this new mineral ethereum an alliance was formed between black reach arkans Ral bthar manul and barar zel now known as deep folk crossing the responsibilities of this project were spread between the cities aranam served as the main command center and the primary research facility while raldbthar which was the primary source of ethereum was given the role of dealing with mining operations maol was used as a storage site and it is unknown what role barar zel was assigned the ethereum Forge was constructed deep beneath the city of Beal where the Ethereal artifacts would be constructed under precisely controlled conditions in a short amount of time each of the four city states that were a part of the project eventually attempted to take control of the forge themselves which evidently led to a civil war erupting at the core of the dwr civilization known as the ethereum wars decades ped as the war raged throughout Scot Skyrim and over time the war had begun to weaken the dmer city states in Skyrim and was enough to their empire eventually High King Geller of Skyrim decided that it was time to crush the weakened DW city states and led his armies across Skyrim in a campaign of Rapid dominance he and his armies spread across Skyrim Conquering the land and taking over many DW cities in only 3 years a century later around 1 324 the dmer regained their foothold in Skyrim and would eventually reclaim and reunite most of the cities and territory they had previously lost during the war with no evidence to support otherwise it is assumed that the project itself was abandoned the risks being far too great during the war of the CAG in the early first era the snow elves cousins to the DW were being beaten by The ataran Who had by that time launched a war against them after the night of Tears the battle of the mo ring was the turning point for the Nords during that war who began to achieve more victories against them the remaining snow elves were forced into hiding many seeking help and refuge among the dwr the dmer would agree to their request but only if the snow elves complied in consuming a toxic fungus eventually the dmer betrayed and Enslaved the snow elves indirectly causing the Devolution of the Falmer over many decades however at some point the Falmer rose up against the dmer in Revolt resulting in the war of the CAG which ended when the entire dmer race mysteriously vanished there was constant feuding and conflict between the kimer and dmer mostly over issues of religion magic and enchantment practices and other cultural differences this continued until the creation of the First Council in 1 e416 the First Council was the first Pand dunare governing body and was created when the dmer and chimer United to expel the Nords from morrowwind however the roran clan refused to make peace with the chimer their patriarch instead through his ceremonial Warhammer voland drung across Tamriel proclaiming that his clan would settle where it landed they eventually settled in modern-day hammerfell later the home of the red guards on the journey to modern-day hammerfell they encountered a powerful Mage known as shalidor who fought against them this would come to be known as the Battle of roren shador King roren was said to have used his shield spell breaker during the battle the First Council was hugely successful and both civilizations benefited from the alliance the combined military strength of the chimer and the dwr successfully removed the Nords from morrowwind the chimer and dmer armies annihilated the Nordic forces leaving them humbled as they left morrowwind according to Legend after Lorin tricked or convinced the aidra to create the Mortal realm they tore out his Divine heart and threw it down to ner to be hidden forever tensions had begun to flare between the kimer and dwr once again when kranak the chief tonal archit of the DW prompted the discovery of a mythological artifact known as the heart of lurin deep within the mountain when the chimer heard of this they believed the dmer were mocking their cultural beliefs as a result the Second Battle of Red Mountain erupted in 1700 kagano devised a set of tools Sunder Keening and wraith guard to manipulate the heart to instill Divinity in his people in order to make them immortal however the spell seems to have backfired causing all known dmer to vanish in a manner similar to a dragon break since 1700 no word has been heard of the dwr with the notable exception of yagrum bagarn who resided in the corprusarium of Tere apparently he was absent from the Mortal plane at the time of The Disappearance visiting an alternate Dimension his 3,000 years of exploration and 500 years of Investigation have yielded no indication of the presence of his people on Mundus or any other plane of existence currently known during tyers septums Conquest in 2864 the emperor took an interest in dwr artifacts in an attempt to understand the inner workings of the remains of the Race's work septum ordered Amiel richon to commence research on the DW Machinery at stros Makai richon appointed Erasmo an elderly bosmer to research the observatory and animatronics within when richon attempted to escape the island from the Restless League Uprising he used a working dmer Airship to fly off however Cyrus managed to climb onto the Airship and destroyed it cutting the fragile cloth keeping it afloat during this time some people were convinced that the secrets of the dmer would soon be mastered and that their technology would be integrated into modern-day use predictions included inventions of personal flying machines and new steam powered appliances so you're saying the dwarfs disappeared because of a kronx tools I mean with all due respect Mr Deo what does this have to do with the blight that you're spreading to the population of vvardenfell I will get to that part in a moment I understand that my history lesson may be a bit boring but I will get to the crucial point now as I mentioned about the dwr they were a freethinking and reclusive Elven race who lived in Tamriel mostly in morrowwind during the moric era and the first era they were in general a very Advanced and Powerful civilization dmer Society did not encourage the use of Technology over magic but the general view of their society was that Magic was unimportant and pointless so much so that most other races thought them mockers and profaners of the div the dwr have been called an evil race as according to many scholars the dwr were feared by the dunmer Nords and redguards they encountered or thought cruel on the other hand the dmer people have also been called a noble and honorable race with legends that tell of their heroic Deeds of honor and Glory few written works have describe the appearance personality or achievements of individual dwr most knowledge of the dwr regards the race as a whole in addition it is unclear whether the DW were a single United Empire or a group of related Clans the DW seemed to have revered the Pursuits of logic and Science in contrast to other myrr races an individual whose career was in philosophy mathematics science Metallurgy or architecture would likely have been elevated to the highest most respected and most prestigious of position in DW Society those who studied and reasoned would have reached a position that would have equaled clergy in a more mystically inclined culture this idea is supported by a fragment of dwemeris text recovered from kand and translated by dwr scholar Fenway Galen who believes it to be associated with the roran clan while some Scholars interpret those words as evidence to support that the dmer may have worshiped Mundus theway galain hypothesizes that the dwemeris quotes are related to society and civil matters there are several known ranks in DW Society including high priest General Lord counselor and protector a major rank in DW Society was that of tonal architect or Mage crafter usually crafters and Mage Engineers tonal Architects specialized in Magic Technologies and devices and were LED in their Studies by a Chief tonal architect both the DW's language and writing system is referred to as dwemeris the language utilized many Z's and D's in its form the writing system was composed of and written as the DW's own form of runes and glyphs aesthetically similar to that of the dric alphabet yet it was heavily based on the Alm language some forms of dwemeris have been seen in the form of prefixes and suffixes of notable dwr names of various historical terms such as volen meaning hammer and Fel meaning city giving volen Fel city of the hammer the Warhammer voland drung has had its name translated into Hammer of Might by DW Scholars and translators the nation of hammerfell attributed its name to the Warhammer voland drung as dwr and hammerfell lore history held that the chieftain of the roran clan decided to move his people to a new location so he threw that very Warhammer from morrowwind and would move to wherever it ended up this was at the site of the city of volenfell in hammerfell hence the two locations names the name FAL zardin based on observations of dous texts and inscriptions on tablets and walls in an unknown DW city has been revealed to be the DW name for black reach there is no known story behind the DW's disassociation with the Almer and other myrr races as their society contained very few similarities with the other myrrh races other than some political and legal principles and aspects of their language and writing system the dwr were also far different from any other race on Tamriel some Scholars have stated that the dwr preferred the use of machines and tools to the use of magic while there is some evidence to suggest that the dwr also used magic some non-s scholar early sources suggest that the dwarves didn't believe in magic at all the precise nature of dmer religion and worship is unknown but one could name their religion negali lithic refus atronic World Naval ginis ul3 however it is recorded that they scorned the dra the nine divines and essentially all of the Gods and attempted to defy them with their values of reason and Logic the DW people apparent ly believed that their power rivaled the gods a claim which many scholars agree may have led to their demise some even going so far as to call them Blasphemous the dmer challenged the power and superiority of the ET Ada the aidra and dra questioned their Authority and traveled from Mundus into the outer Realms of etherious and Oblivion in their underground sanctuaries the Dwemer studied powerful magical relics and researched powers that they believed could rival the gods themselves the dwma religion if there was one at all has been said to be one of the most complex and difficult puzzles of DW culture dwarves were known to have created and manufactured on a vast scale thousands of mechanical apparatuses of varying complexity most of which were constructed within the city of nchardak a large military production Center these constructs are referred to as animunculi or or simply automatons who were known to cause Havoc when Unleashed against enemies on the battlefield completely obliterating enemy forces several types were found within ancient DW ruins the most simple being that of an arachnid designed to ward off trespassers most automatons contained a soul gem sometimes more than one according to research done by famed scholar celmo and Sula trebatius which were still theories the Soul Gems were believed to be what powered these machines it may have also acted as a source of power for the boiler due to the extreme energy held within it in some automatons such as the Dwarven spider Guardian the Soul Gems may have acted as a source of destruction magic being able to attack Intruders with lightning bolts they appeared to allow the spiders to function besides their internal Steam Power Systems electrical systems and work working gears and cogs the other types of animunculi that were encountered included ballistas centurions and spheres they were capable of receiving interpreting and responding to the actions of people around them due to the excellent work produced by dmer Engineers animunculi Were Somehow linked to their place of origin and would immediately lose power and shut down if removed from the vicinity it was possible that anamul were capable of reconstructing and repowering themselves to go back to protecting their former Master's denisons Dwarven military equipment was effective and resilient to the effects of time their weapons were powerful and their armors strong Dwarven swords were effective at breaking through light armors this was due to the venerability and sharpness of tempered Dwarven Metal and owed less to the double-edged design Dwarven armors were capable of withstanding incredibly heavy blows and taking on the most powerful of arrows this was due to the fact that the dwarves were an Empire civilization and culture built almost exclusively underground so the DW race itself was naturally accustomed to the aspects of living underground just like Dwarven swords and other weapons the effectiveness of Dwarven armor was more of a testament to Great Metallurgy skills rather than armor smithing skills when a dvin dagger was compared to an Elven dagger it was clear that most dmer weapon Smiths relied almost exclusively on creating quality crafting materials first and allowed the final forms of those materials to stem from the concept that the weon was intended to kill people dmer armies also experimented with the use of crossbows though boughs were additionally used crossbows were technologically advanced various dmer Engineers Drew up several schematics for crossbows including a standard and enhanced version schematics were also drawn up for explosive bolts to be used alongside the standard bolt of which three known variants have been identified an exploding Firebolt exploding ice bolt and an exploding shock during their existence the dmer constructed many devices and machines one of the Creations they built was a monstrous Golem called numidium also known as The Brass God numidium was designed to help them gain the divine power of immortality and transcend NN also known as the Mortal realm three powerful tools were designed to help the tonal Architects tap into and draw power directly from the heart these three tools included Keening Sunder and wraith guard wraith guard was designed to protect the wearer from the potentially dangerous effects when experimenting with the heart of Lorin Sunder was designed to extract the specific amount and quality of divine power when working on the heart Keening was designed to focus and attune the divine power being extracted from the heart other machines created were the dwma convectors highly Advanced machines that were developed and used to alter any Soul Gem and transform it into a warped soul gem one such device they created was a control Cube which was designed and used to control specific constructs and maintain them the DW of nchardak notably used many of these cubes to maintain their City by controlling the various Power Systems that kept the city stable and to control the power system which supplied power to the reading room as they would no doubt want to keep their massive expansive librar safe from Outsiders another piece of technology the dmer constructed were tonal resonators they were used as openers of doors and checkpoint markers between passageways and still function in modern days two devices the dmer created were Attunement spheres and Dwarven mechanisms which were devices designed and used to open the entrance to Black reach the two devices directly interacted with one another by placing an Attunement Sphere into a Dwarven mechanism the entrance to blackre would be unlocked however the Pinnacle of their genius was the creation of a device called a lexicon which allowed them to read an elder scroll without going mad or BL mind as well as acting as a portable information repository being able to store vast amounts of knowledge within the device as such combinations of machinery and Magic were trademarks of the dmer during the dawn era the dmer attempted to reach the state of immortality up to the point of their disappearance they researched the fall of the earth bones and were essentially trying to reverse the effects for themselves to create immortality from the deaths of the earth bones the DW were trying to defy the gods while also attempting to recreate their powers the book Divine metaphysics explained how the dmer tried to forge a new God an numidium using kagrenac's tools and the sacred tones on the heart of lurin it was unfashionable among the dwr to view their Spirits as synthetic constructs three four or 40 creational gradients below the Divine the dmer were however not unified in their thinking some opposed the research on the eln earth bones and the idea that the DW race should be immortal the ones who opposed this believed that using the power lorin's heart was an unjustifiable risk later during the Battle of Red Mountain Chief tonal architect kagak made one last shot at succeeding in bringing immortality to his people and in doing so caused their entire people to disappear it is unknown whether he succeeded or failed though the ancient tales of the dwr book series is fictional and regarded by many scholars as mislabeling the dmer the story Azura and the Box tells of a DW scholar who did not believe in the gods and religion in Azura and the Box nilar met with his old friend athenic during their visit together and chillbar told athenic that he intended to discover the nature of divine power AIC protested but from the ties of a great friendship he reluctantly agreed to help his friend athenic summoned Aura and when Azura appeared she spoke to him Azura athenic and nilar discussed what might have been in the closed box that athenic students brought in Azora said that there was a red petal flower in the box but when enchilar opened the box he revealed to everybody in the room that the box was empty when Azura was about to leave she made a look that only athenic saw and then she left for athenic he could not speak and was trembling that night in chilar who did not believe that the existence and power of the Gods was legitimate was found dead right but you you mentioned kagak as the reason to why the dwarfs disappeared why did he use the tools what would cause him to use it you see Mr Tucker if you let me get to the reason why I will explain L as I mentioned earlier this was due to the Battle of Red Mountain prior to the war the chimer and DW had United under nvar to drive out the Nords from resan during the Nordic war of succession this marked the founding of the great houses which one source divides into Orthodox and secular with houses dress PLU indoril reran and house telani comprise the former and house dooth and house dwr comprise the latter several accounts attribute the war to simple cultural differences between the dwr and the chimer that were too great to allow for peace the event that began the march to war was the discovery by house de goth that the dmer had discovered the heart of loran beneath Red Mountain this led to heated negotiations between narvar and dumac dwarf King upon being told by Azora that the dmer were building a new God Under the Mountain narvar and the tribunal issued an ultimatum to the dwr to stop work on their new God or face destruction dumac ignorant of the work kagak had done on the heart refused and so the chimer and dmer went to war during the battle there was a major standoff at the chamber where the heart of Lorin was kept one tale claims nvar the tribunal and me snuck into the chamber where the heart of lurin was kept and confront dumac and kagak some people also claimed that wolfarth rode the kajit hero drosera up the Red Mountain itself to strike at the heart of the chimere in the chamber wolfarth had obtained the heart but needed time to acclimate to its power during this time he and I faced nvar and his two companions alandro Sul and dumac dwarf King and was said to have fell in this fight in the ensuing battle dumac is killed although precisely who killed dumac is uncertain some sources claim narvar others wolfarth and yet others a kajit called drozer sources are similarly unclear as to whether nvar was killed during the battle died from his wounds after the battle or was murdered by the tribunal and wolfarth if he had been at the battle at all either died at the Hart's chamber after being weakened by dumac and slained by indoril nvar or blasted away into ashes by Vic if VOR and Deo LED his army into a trap however that the DW disappeared during the battle this is either because kagrenac turned his tools on the heart or because Azura told nvar and the tribunal how to use the tools to banish the dmer house Deo was also destroyed either in this battle or in its immediate aftermath after the battle the Red Mountain erupts and the eruption became known as year of winter in summer by the Nords or son's death by the kajit and Imperials some also say it was caused by the defeat of the god maok the precise date for this event is disputed following the destruction of house de goth and the dwr the First Council is reformed into the grand Council which comprises only the Victorious great houses the tribunal recovered kagrenac's tools and at some point used them to become Gods the chimer were changed into the dunmer after the battle although sources differ on when this occurred some say it was a curse from Azura made immediately after the battle to punish the Tribunal for their murder of nvar others claim it was done to punish their use of the tools years later so you're saying is that the tools were used by the tribunal to become Gods from what I understand the book called War of the First Council suggests a battle between the houses took place and you were defeated you see Mr Tucker the war of the First Council was written by an imperial scholar called agria Filius this is based on various Imperial and dunmer sources and written for Godless beings like you the book on the war of the first Council suggests that a religious conflict between the secular dunmer houses dwr and dagoth and the Orthodox dunmer houses indoril reran dress halalu and telani the First Council was the first Pand dunmer governing body which collapsed over disputes about sorceries and enchantments practiced by the Dwemer and declared profane by the other houses the secular houses less numerous but politically and magically more advanced and aided by Nord and orc Clans drawn by promise of land and booty initially campaigned with great success in the north of morrowwind and occupied much of the land now comprising reran venell and telani District the Orthodox houses widely dispersed and poorly organized suffered defeat after defeat until narvar was made general of all house troops and levies narvar secured the aid of nomad Barb Barbarian tribesmen and contrived to force a major battle at the secular stronghold of Red Mountain on venell the secular forces were outmaneuvered and defeated with the help of ashlander Scouts and the survivors forced to take refuge in the Dwemer stronghold at Red Mountain after a brief Siege treason permitted nvar and his troops to enter the stronghold where the secular leaders were slain and nvar mortally wounded General Slaughter followed and houses dmer and dooth were exterminated narvar died shortly thereafter of his wounds three of nar's Associates among the Orthodox houses vivec almalexia and sasil succeeded to control of the recreated First Council renamed the grand Council of morrowwind and went on to become the god Kings and Immortal rulers of morrowwind known as the tribunal or alivi as you can see the book merely skim over the events that unfolded and gives a brief Summit on what took place on Red Mountain again Mr Tucker if you kindly let me finish I will explain what really happened during the assault on Red Mountain the dmer were well defended by their Fortress at Red Mountain but nar's cunning Drew most of dmac's armies out into the field and pinned them there while nvar me and a small group of companions could make their way into the heart chamber by secret means there nvar met dumac the dwarf King and they both collapsed from Grievous wounds and draining Magics with dumac fallen and threatened by me and others kagak turned his tools upon the heart and nvar said he saw kagrenac and all his Dwemer companions at once disappear from the world in that instant dwr everywhere disappeared Without a Trace but kagrenac's tools remained I seized them and carried them to n saying that fool kagak has destroyed his own people with these things we should destroy them right away lest they fall into the wrong hands but nvar was resolved to confer with his Queen and his generals who had foreseen that this war would come and whose Council he would not ignore again I will ask the tribunal what we shall do with them for they have had wisdom in the past that I had not stay here until I return so narvar told me to protect the tools in the heart chamber until he returned then nvar returned to the tribunal who waited on the slopes of Red Mountain and he told them what transpired under Red Mountain what narvar had said was that the DW had used special tools to turn their people into Immortals and that the heart of lurin held wondrous Powers I believe that the DW were were destroyed not made Immortal after hearing nvar the tribunal gave their counsel as he requested proposing we should preserve these tools in trust for the welfare of the kimer people and who knows perhaps the dmer are not gone forever but merely transported to some distant realm from which they may someday return to threaten our security once again therefore we need to keep these tools to study them and their principles so that we may be safe in future generations and though nvar voiced his grave misgivings he was willing to be ruled by our Council under one condition that we all together should swear a solemn oath upon Azura that the tools would never be used in the profane manner that the Dwemer had intended we all readily agreed and swore solemn Oaths at nar's dictation so they all fed narvar back into Red Mountain and and met with me I refused to hand over the tools as I did not trust the tribunal to handle such power I had just witnessed an entire race disappear before my eyes so I wanted to secure these tools for myself then narvar and our guard resorted to force to secure the tools somehow I and my retainers escaped but the tribunal managed to gained the tools and delivered them to sasil for study and safekeeping for some years years they all kept the Oaths and swore to Aura with nvar but during that time in secret sasil must have studied the tools and divine their Mysteries now you might be wondering how I've managed to obtain the information on what transpired between the tribunal and Aura a sleeper agent informed me malor omain confronted vivec with the ashlander regarding the Battle of Red Mountain and with Prophecies of the Narine returning anywh who the tribunal all assumed that a vision of a new world of peace with Justice and honor for Nobles and health and prosperity for the commoners with the tribunal as Immortal patrons and guides and dedicating ourselves to this vision of a better world they all made a pilgrimage to Red Mountain and transformed ourselves with the power of kagan's tools and no sooner than they all had completed the rituals and begun to discover our Newfound Powers the dra Lord Azura appeared and cursed them for our foresworn Oaths by her powers of Prophecy she assured us that her Champion nvar true to his oath would return to punish us for our pery and to make sure such profane knowledge might never again be used to Mock and defy the will of the Gods but sasil said to her the old gods are cruel and arbitrary and distant from the hopes and fears of myrrh your age is passed we are the new Gods born of the Flesh and wise and caring of the needs of our people spare us your threats and chiding in constant Spirit we are bold and fresh and will not fear you in that moment all kimer were changed into dunmer and their skins turned Ashen and our eyes into fire of course the tribunal only knew at that time that this had happened to them but Aur said this is not my Act act but your act you have chosen your fate and the fate of your people and all the dunmer shall share your fate from now to the end of time you think yourselves Gods but you are blind and all is darkness and Aura left them alone in darkness and now the tribunal would have to put on a brave faces and become the gods of the new world of their dreams and the new world we shaped was glorious and generous and the worship ship of the dunmer fervent and grateful the dunmer were at first afraid of their new faces but sasil spoke to them saying that it was not a curse but a blessing a sign of their changed natures and sign of the special favor they might enjoy as new May no longer barbarians trembling before ghosts and spirits but civilized myrrh speaking directly to their Immortal friends and patrons the three faces of the tribunal and we were all inspired by soas speech and vision and took heart and over time we crafted the customs and institutions of a just and honorable society and the land of resan knew Millennia of Peace equity and prosperity unknown to other Savage races but beneath Red Mountain I had survived and even as the light of the Bold New World shined ever more brightly beneath Red Mountain the powers gathered a darkness that was close kin to the bright light that sasil coaxed from the heart of lurin with the tools of kagak as my power grew the false gods fought it and crafted walls to confine my Powers but they could destroy it for the source of the darkness was the same source as the source of their own divine inspiration and in these latter days of morrowwind reduced to a subjugated province of the Western Empire as the glory of the temple Fades and the dark Tide Rises From red Mountain we are reminded of Azora and her promised Champions return we have waited blind and in darkness mere Shadows drained of our Ardent Vision in shame of our Folly in fear of our judgment and in Hope of our deliverance we do not know if the Outlander claiming to fulfill the Prophecies of the Narine is our old companion nvar reborn or a pawn of the Emperor or a cat ball of aura or some simple twist of fate so if what you're saying is true then the reason why almalexia sasil and vivec won't do anything to stop you is because the powers they obtain from krx tools and the Heart of lurin is the same powers that you're using now I understand why you want to defeat the tribunal but why Mr Deo do the people need to suffer with the blight disease that you're spreading the dunmer except Ed their fate and began to worship the three as their new Gods adding them to their traditions of worshiping ancestors forming the new tribunal Temple the three founded New cities after their own names to act as their capitals Vivic city was in venell the largest island in morrowwind as their power grew the tribunal learned how to undo the curse on themselves enabling them to appear chimer again if they wished Viv himself chose to embrace both who he was and who he had become deciding to appear half chimer and half dunmer from their Inception as deities the tribunal flourished and exhibited great power and heroism but it was vivec who flourished the most distinguishing himself as an Unstoppable force of Nature and a shrewd commander in what became called the four score war which began in 1 e284 and didn't end until 1 29 20 he was almost single-handedly responsible for deliberating the deao victory for the dunmer with nothing but diplomatic prowess while signing the servant truce in Kyer suvio in cadil early in the second era he rose the sea to drive out the second akaviri invasion it is worth mentioning the tribunal also thwarted the first akaviri Invasion he also had an unmatched understanding of history and even predicted the rise of General tulos which inevitably lead to his ceasing of hostile relations with cidel and forming an alliance with the Empire shortly after the second aaviri invasion in 2582 canun chadala a false Narine attempted to steal vivec's power through sasil staff sunara which Gravely weakened Vic the vestage and sarin a champion of Aura Rose to Vic's Aid and defeated chodala one rare example of Azura showing Vic the tribunal at all favor though it was only to protect venell however before it could be recovered both sasil staff and the drained energy of Vic were seized by clavicus vile's trusted minion barbas who had disguised himself as vivi's high priest Arch Canan tarvas and now planned to use vivi's power to enter the Clockwork City unable to stop vile due to his weakened state Bardow fell ever closer to Vivic City threatening the eruption of Red Mountain luckily the vestage in sarin had remained and helped to still weak Vivic to foil vile's plots eventually restoring Vivic to full strength sometime after the rise of the tribunal sasil constructed the Clockwork City to serve several purposes he saw the creation of the Adra n as wholly flawed and desired to perfect it it was mean to be the Redemption of Tamriel that it would unify competing forces and destroy the diadra his vision of a self-contained world made of brass and machinary was to the say the least incredibly ambitious and he used highly Advanced methods to see it through he created the celestial Drome a massive glass globe that surrounded the entire realm and could be perceived as a sky by its inhabitants capable of mimicking day night cycles with rotating girders installed to allow for the proper topography to form in order to sustain life he created the halls of Regulation to make a breathable atmosphere drinkable water and the ideal humidity temperature wind currents and more to create sustain and preserve life much of soil's inspiration stems from the Dwemer and their influence to his work is rumored to be traceable even as far back as their disappearance most f famous among these influences was soil's Research into tonal architecture he refined it much further than even kagak had been capable of creating items based on their research such as Forks that could be used as divining rods he also dove into the world of constructs tinkering in ways beyond the most talented individuals he created humanoid automatons known as fotms that work to maintain the Clockwork City the early prototypes more closely resembl Dwarven automatons constructed from both dmer and Clockwork Parts ultimately his style became his own and the city's structures vegetation and Wildlife are all mechanical constructs of his own design he eventually created half organic machines called fabricants which would become the first step sasil took into combining engineering and nature sasil experimented endlessly with soul gems to the point he eventually became entirely dissatisfied with them constantly seeking new power sources for his Creations one such invention was the Animus geode but their uses were limited with fotms he came up with the Animo core a brass vessel that still used a soul gem but in a much different way eventually his tinkering with soul gems led sasil to be the first to reverse engineer black soul gems as a means of understanding eternal life he used aging Temple Saints felms Ms and lothus as test subjects transferring their souls into black soul gems and placing them in ftem bodies unfortunately all test subjects though their souls survived the process they inevitably went completely insane which led the study of black soul gems to become banned by the Clockwork Apostles at some point towards the end of the first era sasil spent some time on arum even teaching many of the new sigic Mages of that time period while there he did more studying of DW creations and made improvements on his Clockwork Creations he left some behind on arum after her Ascension almalexia wielded her divine power for the protection and benefit of the dunmer for thousands of years where sasil preferred to remain aloof sticking to his Clockwork ambition s Vic and almalexia preferred to pursue the betterment of their people taking very active roles in leading their people her acts of amazing kindness are countless it is said the blessing of almalexia held extraordinary powers such as protecting a person from the effects of Corpus St felms was said to have been inspired by almalexia's voice that he heard in his head the hands of almalexia her personal guard are believed to have been among the greatest warriors in all of Tamriel like Vic she wrote extensively though she mostly stuck to Children's fables and other works meant to nurture the morality of her people rather than the cerebral spiritual guidance of Vic writings in the early second era almalexia fought alongside wolfarth repelling the second aaviri invasion led by adum deer Kamal the actual Target of the invasion is unclear some suggest the Kamal were invading Northeast Skyrim While others propose it was actually Morrow wind they were targeting wolfheart's involvement specifically his alliance with the tribunal is equally unclear considering prior to this event he was one of the tribunal's greatest enemies joran the scald King refutes this that wolfarth fought uneasily alongside the tribunal that he had been summoned by the greay Beards however it also contradicts the defeat of the Kamal that it was the combined might of Skyrim and the tribunal that repelled the akaviri defeating them at last in stonefalls while the tribunal claims it was vivec himself Who Rose the sea to swallow the Kamal saving the tired still fighting Nordic dunmer and Argonian forces forces jorun the scald King doesn't even acknowledge and yet mysterious akavir claims dear Kamal himself was actually defeated at Red Mountain following the second akaviri invasion almalexia was a strong supporter of the ibben har pact it was she Who convinced all the great houses well with the exception of house telani to join The Pact during the Alliance War of 2582 desan was threatened by the malborn cult who sought to topple the tribunal and reinstate the worship of D they were led by magistrix uril Vox who was once a handmaiden of almalexia who turned against the Lady of Mercy following her own son's execution but she ultimately failed to bring down almalexia much less the rest of the tribunal the tribunal would know a short term of Peace before 2882 until I returned to Red Mountain I had formed a unique connection to the heart of Lorin and become the false dreamer later in the same year Al Alexia sasil and Vic made their annual return to Red Mountain a process they disguised as a pilgrimage but was actually their way to get to the heart of lurin to restore their Divine Powers with kagrenac's tools I was careful not be discovered by the tribunal and upon the almi's arrival I ambushed them I and my heartwhite ash vampires repelled the tribunal and eventually expelled them from Red Mountain my turn and subsequent weakening of the almi due to being unable to restore their power came a crucial moment in morn's history tyers septum had only just risen and his rapidly expanding Empire was already decades in the making and despite the daunting task of taking on the tribunal he desperately needed the ebony and his dream of a fully United Tamriel had him finally set his sights on morrowwind initial skirmishes were only between the Empire and the forces of a few of the great houses but Mutual reservations grew between the alivi and septum both of whom were reluctant to face each other many of the dunmer felt betrayed by their gods for reaching peace with their enemies and allowing Outlanders to enter and I took advantage of The Descent and persuaded many to my cause eventually Alexia and sasil withdrew leaving Vic to stand alone against me Vic's only thing supporting the ghost fence which was a huge barrier of pure Magicka erected around Red Mountain to keep me at Bay an effort which taxed his already draining power to the point he could no longer even leave his own palace with Vic struggling to maintain the barrier and the others out of the conflict I was free to finish the construction of akulakhan my end goal in all of this Mr Tucker is expose the false worship of the tribunal and destroy the EES eesi astical Authority and political power of the temple and extrap all remaining individuals of inferior and Mongrel races from morrowwind I understand your frustration on why you wish to see the eradication of the tribunal but spreading this blight across the land doesn't help your cause I understand your concerns Mr Tucker but this is all planned to stop the Narine prophecy to come true after the corruption of the tribunal by the heart of Lorin and the death of the great kimer Champion indoril nvar the dric prince Aura swore that she would use her powers over Dawn and Dusk to resurrect narvar and make things right once more the tribunal dismissed this Proclamation saying that they were now more powerful and influential than the dri princes and that their time as gods to the people of morrowwind had come to a close even as Azura cursed the kimer and changed them into the dunmer the realization of this Proclamation was known as the Narine prophecy and it came to pass at the end of the third era as the Varden Fel crisis prior to its fulfillment the Narine prophecy was denounced as heresy by the tribunal and those groups that believed in them ashlanders dissident priests and some others were heavily persecuted occasionally a potential candidate would appear and until recently each one had met an un ly end through a variety of means and circumstances according to the prophecy a prisoner born on a certain day to uncertain parents would be sent under guard to Morrow wind would overcome numerous trials and eventually unite The Province and cast down the tribunal as false gods the gender and race of Narine was and remains unknown though it is well known that they would not be a native of morrowwind this this was the most widely known part of the prophecy the remaining parts are detailed in the work seven visions of seven Trials of the Incarnate speaking of how things will end what do you think the end goal is Mr Deo do you feel as the divine plan that was put in place will end of the tribunal and the end of you this of course is a prophecy I do not know but anything can happen Mr Tucker if the gods are able to change a race of people's skin to a complete completely different color then I am not compelled to think their divine plan will be carried out but as mentioned earlier Narine prophecy is a taboo among the tribunal so in some way an enemy of my enemy is my friend the new Narine would have to survive the plagued lands that I created avoid been jailed or killed by the ordinators that guard Vic and to make it to the depths of Red Mountain with the tools that my best men guard I feel this will be a lot to accomplish by one mirr if the tribunal Gods cannot reach me then how can a mere Godless being able to beat me the gods themselves must fall from the heavens in order to deal with us all Against All Odds I would feel pity for such a person to be born into a world where one false word to be uttered from your lips would spell your death to overcome such a feat the Gods would have to send their very best but in the meantime I will carry out my plan to destroy the temple and to remove all foreign powers from these lands so no matter what happens you will continue your campaign against the tribunal to push out the Imperials and to continue to recruit more people into your ranks and regarding the Narine prophecy you feel to put it bluntly it is what it is would that be an accurate assessment that's somewhat accurate Mr Tucker but my plans and Ambitions are forever changing who knows what my next step will be but forget about me I want to ask have you had an interview with Vic or any of the other tribunal members I am currently trying to get an interview with the war poet but as you know he likes to keep to himself I also wanted to ask Mr de goth would you ever consider peace talks with the tribunal the problems with having discussions of Peace would go against every they've spent centuries building their image of being the perfect gods for the lands would be tarnished and would weaken their Divine status among the common folk as mentioned earlier people are losing their faiths in them due to allowing foreigners to roam these precious lands to have these talks would also mean that the tribunal would have to expose themselves as the false gods that they are but in the meantime I will wait for the return of the of arim is that all you wanted to ask yes that's everything thank you Mr [Music] Deo
Channel: My Two Pence
Views: 363,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Squidward meme, Squidward, spongebob, spongebob meme, morrowind meme, elderscrolls meme, meme elderscrolls, Morrowind, elderscrolls morrowind, elderscrolls, mytwopence, elderscrolls funny, elderscrolls funny memes, elderscrolls memes, morrowind memes, skyrim, Oblivion, eldercrolls vs meme, tucker, interview, dagoth ur, full interview, two hours, 2 hours
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 5sec (3665 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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