The Full Agamatsu Situation (HUGE DEEPWOKEN DRAMA)

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yo what's guys and some huge deep booking drama has just happened like not even 10 minutes ago and I decide hey free bag for me so you already know we're hopping on and making a video okay so um I'm not going to lie to you guys the discordians on deep booking right now they are fuming they are they are mad right now and why exactly are they mad well they're actually mad at a YouTuber and for once guys for what that YouTuber on me super not in drama for what oh my God what kind what kind of sick twisted world are we in where I'm not actually in drama for once okay I don't know if today's April fools or what but let me just um go from the top okay so aatu was doing a stream with the rager it was a it was a Q&A stream where basically rager was in the chat and he was answering questions and um basically he was leaking a lot of stuff like by saying stuff like parasol comes to conquest by saying stuff like there are some really nice weapons coming out and I'm pretty hyped for the new element Legendary Weapons uh personally shout out to Tunes so I mean if you guys didn't like the green Flames legendary weapon just know there's more coming out right and yeah he was just doing a lot a lot of leaks some more was that Arch B is cooking up some new Origins one was actually sneaked on Twitter which he's probably talking about Hive right the void powers in the works like basically guys all this stuff right here like he said so much stuff that stuff Dev said in deepan info is just fill filled to the brim with stuff that ru has said on akamas stream cuz you know it was a developer Q&A so he leaked some stuff right so what exactly is the controversy right why why is there a huge deep Bing drama right now well this rager is actually the king of misinformation cuz the reason he's the king of of in misinformation is because he's not actually rager oh oh oh God oh God oh my God not only have like one area to walk around and talk and run around but anyways that guy on aam Matti stream wasn't actually rager aatu did a whole stream a whole Q&A with some guy pretending to be rager and people believe that this was ruzer because he had moderator in aam Matsu's uh stream chat and uh usually when someone has moderator and in the chat that probably means they're real you know that probably means they're actually who they say they are you know so there was just this fake ruer in aum's chat spearing like oh yeah there's going to be new Legendary Weapons new Origins WIS new everything knew everything yippee yippe he even said that world events was going to release at the same time as conquest and that's why Conquest is taking so long okay like you know I was in that stream and I told I told rager I told the fake rager hey slimly curse gear access rer for watching this please please give me Cur curse gear I'll I'll I'll go to my knees beg please me without curs gear me with curs gear okay anyways I I was even in that stream and I didn't really I actually thought that was a real ruer and I had moderator in aat chat so I literally checked up his channel and when you go to his channel right let me try to find him right now his name is unnamed Channel because uh right after he got caught he changed his like his his YouTube channel off of rager now it's says unnamed Channel goats of goats before literally said just rager and still making games ragua that's literally what it said and let me try to see try to see if I have a uh screenshot of that all right guys I'm looking back at my old recording and this is literally how it looked like if you were at the stream right there like literally says ragger his description is says still making games rager like it has the rager profile picture like from Game of th Thorns Thrones if I think that is I I was even subscribed to him like oh he only has two subscribers H ruer clout has fallen off huh I'm just kidding by the way but yeah this is how literally it look like but guys this guy managed to fool a matu make him which which is crazy cuz like agamasu is just like one dm away from the real rager and be like hey rager is this really you I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure actually like agamasu literally did a Q&A with rager and VC so I feel like in stream especially so I feel like he should know what his actual YouTube is but anyways how was this guy found out right how did they find out this wasn't actually RAC Gozer because a lot almost everyone I actually I wouldn't say almost everyone everyone even S4 I saw him in the Stream S4 even said what's up ragger so everybody believed this was ragger even I how's he found out well the developers let me just show you what the actual developers said crazy part is there was like another fake developer in that chat called dexis that agamasu also gave mod so there was two fake developers in the chat they gave mod to or rager and dexis both of these guys are not actually the real developers and Dex was like I am reworking Vision shaper don't worry Legion gos aren't reant I'm just not ready to reveal their Direction yet n Legion will have an origin though guys new Legion origin and then some guy at Arch Mage which did R get hacked or something is conquest and world events dropping let me see the original message okay I can't find the original M message but I'm pretty sure rager the fake rager in stream was like oh yeah conquest and world events are dropping at the same time I think rager said something about like the parasol and Conquest like the parasol mob dropping with conquest and parasol mob is is a a world event mob right so Arch said fake he was like yeah that wasn't us I don't know why AA gave the mod 85 skull reacts and then he was like the devs in aa's chat aren't us I don't know where this is but yeah you guys can see bro LOL does this make us miss info server now because their entire stuff stev said was just filled with the fake Rago like look how much information is in here about just fake stuff the fake rager said so Mike Pike was like it looked so real so none of that Conquest stuff and AR was like yeah all of it was not nonsense like nothing was true and the actual rag was like no dude that's insane also Ragu has light mode so you know Ragu on let slide if I get into Cur Geier bro hello why is this guy lowkey drippy though oh actually wait that's crazy so there was there was three actual developers in that chat and the only fake one was rager but Dex okay so this this stuff is actually real the the one from Dex but not from Rager so three developers nun's feno and were all in chat and none of them knew that the that the rager was actually fake like how mysterious is rager to where you have to play Among Us on if he's actually real or not but anyways so this actually got so bad deepen actually made an entire announcement saying this just just a reminder that any details about updates in the work will be dropped either here or on the official Twitter we don't have any presence on YouTube Tik Tok Etc so don't trust people impersonating devs on these platforms a lot of misinfo circling around so keep an eye out it's just absolutely insane and bro it's crazy to me that three developers got fooled purely because the guy was just moderator in the Stream chat so now guys because of this the discordians are angry okay let me just show you guys some examples okay did akatu scam those guys who paid him $50 for the questions for rag so guys there was like some people donating to aa's stream like $50 and they were like just asking questions to rager so rag Gozer would answer it so now they're just mad at AA for that I'm not going to lie to you guys this is not aam Mon's fault at all at all there was three other developers in that chat who actually thought that was the real rager this was just some probably some kid who had an idea and managed to pull it off cuz all all he really needed to be legi defied as the real ruzer was just the moderator role in um his stream because rager is so mysterious and he doesn't talk that much that no one really knows what his YouTube is right if you search up rager YouTube he doesn't you don't really like you don't know what his YouTube channel is so I doubt aamanu you actually knew what his YouTube channel was it would make sense for AER to have two subscribers on YouTube and yeah I think this controversy is pretty stupid but it is very funny how like one guy can just entirely make a deep booking official announcement saying don't believe what you see online okay so you guys that's the story of how one guy on deep book and with a dream with a plan managed the full the entirety of deep booking info deep booking players everyone watching the stream even me and even three developers and had an official announcement on him so make sure you guys subscribe like the video and that's really it bye guys oh
Channel: supaa
Views: 36,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cEq4MuHs9IU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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