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just saw [Music] yly he said someone is watching dude I I I not I was so low yo Grim e Ai and the are you fighting yeah yeah um Grand skewer you're a bum you're an actual bum you're on your own by the way that's fine I [Music] got right he just Grand skewed me again what you're so weird bro come here [Music] bro he's just [Music] [Music] running okay now I'm fighting a different guy and I'm down a bar um one of my build I'm what the is going on now come down here bro I'll be there soon they're both running Grand [Music] skewer other bnes right here now I'm fighting three Threshers four Threshers what is going on [Music] oh my God wait I'm fighting the threr Army trying to get there dude what is this I at Miner Landing this is so [Music] bad I'm down to two bars but I think I can confidently say I can kill one of them if I get them like out by myself you're going to have to stall for like a good minute and a [Music] half what the he's an assassin [Music] build you guys are fighting at the gate he's trying to GR me where are you at I'm driving now I couldn't get any other B you couldn't C my is not [Music] they're both running this weird [Music] [Music] build if vo wasn't so buggy i' you couldn't come with a what what happened to the comway build again it's not available I void I void walk why is it not it may be in the death you could have definitely got it up by now what is going [Music] on I'm running I'm at the Lord's Grove thing yeah I know I'm running D I'm running where you at I'm gliding to you right now gliding from where uh from the the jump up things I'm going to be at the main gate I'm about to be at the main gate I'm about to be at the owl spawn yeah yeah yeah I'm I'm about to be [Music] right I'm towards the quest right now I just popped Bell by [Music] accident you mov [Music] anything I'm at Tes you better bring your ass in here he just gr secured me perfect to me yes sir he just Sparks me I'm here I'm here I'm half a bar run I hear that yes sir he's running he's so bad he's so bad yeah they're teamed they're team they're teamed really yes I've I've been fighting to him this whole time he's running I'm healing right now they're low they're low One chasing trying to get off [Music] this gu literally just running from [Music] me wait mine's running for me now I'm no I'm cooked I'm dead what I just got Grand J off the side the thing now my guy is running and I and I got TV back I'm going to I put a guild base down all right I just got off the D I'm coming this youa guy lagged out there's a guy going in right [Music] now there a random guy just blooded he's in in what's his name uh what's it call eon it's not him I'll kill him now they're fighting oh yeah yeah a spear guy found the spear [Music] guy H die oh people actually fight bro found a CH player he said two bans this guy's running mine's dead my guy's running I'm about don't don't G me yet yeah you hold him the guy call me a loser exploiter where you at where you at I got to run you up top he's going to try he offing me on me I dodged it how are you going to call I just I hit him with a combo and come here come here come here come here come get this goup so you can get your bount reset yeah I have to hit hereit on the ground [Music] go he just ran up the wall Lord's gr wall I can't get up [Music] there I said X exploer yeah he shot on exploer for hitting him with a [Music] [Music] combo are you gliding is that me but no I'm [Music] in I think it's the same guy it is the same guy I wonder um how this guy plans to get me banned who Theon guy who's using GR [Music] [Music] [Music] I got assassin again the spear guy is here bro where you at I'm like how far uh this guy's already healing bro [Music] run almost [Music] there to pop off when now [Music] can you pop com me by the way I'm about to die yeah come here come here br I'm [Music] dead you not [Music] yeah I'll be able to pop in like 5 Seconds oh one Reaper Reaper get it the track star though I'm about to try and take him in com way I he he up I can't I got him I'm on him I hit him he dropped him I got the [Music] guy I was about to call me you hit me though nice got him yes sir sorry now you're on step [Music] bu he said clipped who's hacking what I'm trying to figure out oh know he's actually [Music] stupid can't make it up there or can who's boost boost boost boost boost boost boost com well bro we're not going to be able to get him oh what the hell oh God is gr scared me off the map I'm half a bar did you even make it to me I'm back now you want me to go to you he's saying I'm flying oh the C BL I can't I can't I'm healing I'm I'm at the bottom of the map you're good I can I can just call me out I need now this guy's on [Music] me wait I'm 2v dude I'm fighting three now where are you where are you I'm fighting two I'm fighting two it's it's the guy gri up at the front like the bottom I'm can't help fight this guy [Music] keep flying keep coping [Music] bro you're on the biggest track star buil of all time and you still can't get away you're not getting away from the fraud allegations my boy [Music] my guy's healing I think I just the [Music] D I'm killing mine this guy's [Music] AFK you Reaper yeah I reapered him I don't know if he dced or what are you all the way at the bottom I'm all the way at the bottom that guy track started back up I don't know where I see him I see him there sorry I don't care got a cornball bro I'm trying to run tell coming go this way I'm going to try to predict him I'm going to go out what the got a king thr from me now now bro what the he's running the quest I know he's running to the door door [Music] yeah just saw y fly does he not know what Kami is wait does he not know what Kam is oh my God this is actually hilarious yeah you thing right yes this guy might be the biggest dumb Dum of all [Music] time me from the gun me when cway is like chasing down this guy where you at now I'm going up I'm inway I hear him he's up [Music] top it right is at the very top yeah I hear him can you walk through it can you walk into the thing I'm up top he's climbing up [Music] top you want him oh I see him I see him he's on the side of [Music] it wait yeah did you put a down there yeah no I just put a GU Hall down somewhere he's on a combat now I he's [Music] not maybe he is I don't know oh he's up top on you right above you right above you I'm going to walk for them I'm On [Music] Top OD ball [Music] what's his name uh 3D blender blender [Music] going to predict him again tell me where he going he said someone watching fing him you're running again someone just subscribed [Music] I'm find this guy's brother-in-law buddy said blender on YT dude there's no way is a YouTuber actually thinking we're flying bro where I'm trying to find his is YouTube bro when did you when did you fly uh I don't know I used a flame leap combo on him I hit him with flame leap and the Crystal impale yeah I hit him with that that's not flying are you dumb and then I also I've been chasing him with com the whole time me when me when uh Kam me when [Music] [Music] Kam oh profits cloak dude I I I not I was so low the first time I was literally one person like one person I don't know how low exactly I got got here at the right time I was like so low bro I was fighting two I'm about to just make that video right now now it's an experience bro I'm just about to make a video right now
Channel: DimerDillon
Views: 51,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, dimerdillon, thedimer, dimer, roblox youtuber, roblox youtube, deepwoken, dweep, deep pvp, pvp, pvp deepwoken, hacker, hackr, depths, depwoken
Id: Nt16afKgwA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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