The FUEHRER'S HEADQUARTERS emerges - A stroll across Hitlers Obersalzberg - Documentary

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] over salzburg from 1937 to 1938 during these years the mountain had to absorb some extremely substantial changes in just a few months reichslater martin borman transformed the former high altitude health resort into an extra extra-territorial restricted area which was also declared the firo's headquarters in the following years this documentary will show for the first time on the basis of partly previously unpublished film footage both the extensive construction work at over salzburg and landscape shots of older salzburg and the surrounding mountains [Music] whenever hitler stayed at the berghof extended walks were taken in the surrounding area every day summer and winter [Music] here is the area of today's golf course below hitler's bear golf [Music] here is the path to the muslina t house which eva braun frequently documented in her video legacy hitler's close relationship with over salzburg dates back to the early 20s whenever government business permitted hitler returned to the mountain and so it's hardly surprising that the closest leadership staff also settled here the country house of hermann goring as early as 1934 goring became reich's jagermeister the reichs forest master and the highest commissioner for nature conservation goring himself a passionate hunter had a hunting ground in the roulette a former alpine meadow area above the oversea like the over salzburg the route was declared a restricted area and in 1934 hermann goring declared it a nature reserve of special order [Music] here an old view of the bowden lien with hawkhalter and rita alpa in the background on the far left is the waltzman the greenhouses were built on borman's initiative and were intended to provide self-sufficiency for the new obersalzburg residents in the winter months however the sun only shines for a few hours on the eastern slopes of oversalzburg and the cultivation of vegetables in the greenhouses provided little harvest mainly flowers were planted which were used for decorations of the tables at the berghoff and platterhoff at easter time the annual easter egg hunt was held here for the children of uber salzburg eva braun organized this event these photos show the guest house which was located below the platter hof today the building houses the documentation over salzburg the old platterhoff as previously mentioned hitler was already at over salzburg in the early twenties here as a guest in the platterhoff then called pension moritz he met regularly with publicist dietrich eckhart the more than 20 years older eckhart was primarily important as an anti-semitic ideologue mentor and provider of ideas to hitler for this reason a room was dedicated to the poet and writer after the conversion of the pension moritz into the platter off located directly above the platter hof was the comfort a small wooden cabin where hitler wrote the second part of his book mein kampf after his imprisonment in the fortress of landsberg as early as 1936 martin borman acquired the pension moritz for the party and converted it into a 150-bet hotel for deserving foxygnosin in 1937. [Music] the conversion was carried out in several construction phases and was not completely finished until 1943. [Music] the folks hotel located in the middle of the fiera restricted area was later incorporated into the organization crafting freud which means strength through joy or kdf for short and from then on a stay there was to be affordable even for the average volkskinosen [Music] [Music] this picture shows the view from house boarman to the boldner hill above the hotel zumturkan in the middle of the picture you can see a wooden cable car support for the transport cable car for construction of the ss barracks then the hotels of durkin and behind it the berghoff [Music] [Music] the bottom station of the material ropeway was located on the killian felt near the ontario settlement in the center of the picture the freyman lien can be seen at that time the hangman of burch's gartner land lived in this over 500 year old farmhouse [Music] meanwhile construction work on the ss barracks which began in april 1937 was in full swing at times more than 2 000 workers were employed who were housed in specially set up workers barracks at boulder hill which can be seen well in the background [Music] here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for entertainment purposes a theater hall was built on the antennberg hill for the workers as already mentioned mormon wanted to realize his idea of self-sufficiency in the extra-territorial restricted area as a former farmer the idea of building an agricultural estate was quickly born below the berghoff on the site of today's golf course construction work on an estate began in 1937. at the same time the facility was also intended to serve as a model for agricultural model farms in the right in order to realize his megalomaniac idea borman pumped vast sums of rank spark into the project which however could only generate modest profits until the end [Music] the winter of 1937-38 only had a minor impact on construction work in the oversalzburg so that in a relatively short construction period and not least due to the use of an exceptionally large workforce most of barman's construction work was completed by late summer 1938 uber salzburg was unrecognizable most of the old thiefs were bought up or their owners were forcibly expropriated the farms then torn down a land register entry from 1945 shows the following ownership shares of over salzburg more than ten thousand hectares fall to mormon or the party eight hectares to adolf hitler privately and the comparatively small area of one hectare to here mangoring the berghof was now also ready to increase security the entire area was declared a respargabit a fewer secure zone and guarded accordingly access was only possible with an authorization permit from then on hitler had a prestigious house at his disposal which he used to receive diplomats and state guests but groups of hitler youth and the bdm were also invited as here [Music] hitler's personal photographer einrich hoffman here on the left in the picture next to martin borman knew how to skillfully stage the idyllic mountain scenery and the nazi propaganda presented the people with numerous pictures and photo albums with titles such as hitler away from everyday life and hitler as no one knows him here is another picture with hoffman and next to him dr fritz toat the general inspector for german infrastructure reichsleiter bormann can be seen in the center of the picture [Music] in 1938 and 39 hermann goring also had his country house enlarged and extended in three stages however not nearly as elaborate as borman did in the summer of 1939 a swimming pool was added the echo beetle on which goring's house stood was henceforth called goring hill [Music] at the foot of goring hill goring's accident office was built in 1939 in the background the residential buildings for the employees of the oversalzburg administration the killstein bridge and also gutsoff bridge were elaborate projects the arches cast from concrete were covered with natural stone the difficulty was that both bridges were located on inclines and were also sloped thus the stone masons had to adjust every single stone the dulsten winkel road had been built as an access road for the killstein project the access road was initially via rossfield high ring road after just a couple of miles the route branches off to the right in the direction of kirsten the route continues past the former keel arms [Music] due to the steep terrain the last section was laid out in serpentines and leads up to the bus turnaround plate about 125 meters below killstein house the ss barracks were almost completed by now here the paving work on the parade ground on the eastern side of the building complex a service car hall was set up for the fuhrer's drive crew next to it i.e here on the left in the picture was the driver's residence the construction work for this turned out to be extraordinarily difficult since the terrain had to be excavated to a depth of 22 yards on the slope side more than 5 000 cubic yards of excavated material had to be removed for the building's foundation the entrance portal of the team building was decorated with a relief by the sculptor arnold brecker here the artist at the last work on his sculpture in 1939 a large part of the barracks complex was completed here the topping out ceremony for the parade ground [Music] in 1938 construction work on the agriculture estate was in full swing bowman had the gustav extended again and again and new buildings were added however borman's agricultural research facility was not completed until 1941. the entire area comprised about 200 hectares of meadow and arable land which however was not very productive due to its altitude the yields of the hufflinger breeding the pig breeding and also the dairy farming could not generate the required maintenance costs even the apple juice press to which a lot of apples were bought could not change this the estate complex also included apiaries water works buildings a blacksmith shop and various other buildings from 1942 onward the estate was profitable but without taking into account the enormous construction costs during the bombings in 1945 the manor was only slightly damaged and is still one of the few buildings from the nazi period that has been preserved [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] finally a flight over the fuhrer's headquarters [Music] the most impressive building on the oversalzburg is undoubtedly the eagles nest whose construction history and use is described in a detailed documentation which you can also see on our channel [Music] below us the delson vehicle road which at that time was one of the most important feeder roads to the killstein [Music] project in the center of the picture the theater hall below left the manor house on the lower left the house beckstein then the berghoff above it the square building arrangement of the ss barracks with the workers barracks the transformation of a mountain under the swastika [Music] you
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Keywords: obersalzberg documentary, documentary history, history documentary, THE FUEHRER'S HEADQUARTERS, obersalzberg restricted area, stroll across obersalzberg, building on the obersalzberg, obersalzberg history, obersalzberg, obersalzberg berghof, buildings on the obersalzberg, platterhof, full documentary, adolf hitler, joseph goebbels, eagles nest germany, ww2 documentary 2020, berghof obersalzberg, ww2 documentary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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