The Fringe Theory That Could Disprove Dark Matter | Answers With Joe

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this video is supported by brilliant org the reality we experience as humans here on planet Earth is a web of lies lies we've lived here on this globe for hundreds of thousands of years evolved into being over a billion year process shaped by the forces and conditions that are specific to this planet we are the product of the conditions of this planet so naturally we look around at our environment and we think this is natural this is normal but time and again we've been proven wrong on that we looked out into the horizon and we saw a flat world and just assumed that the earth was flat logically until Eratosthenes perd that it was round in 100 BC we saw the Sun and the moon and the stars rotating above us and came to the logical conclusion that they circled around us until 1543 when Copernicus committed heresy when we look up into the sky we see this blanket of blue that seems to just extend forever but the thickness of our atmosphere is incredibly thin it's about the thickness of the paint on the top of a globe proportionally and of that we can only survive in the lowest 10% the air pressure on this earth is very specific and it alters everything which brings me to inertia our current understanding of inertia began with Sir Isaac Newton with his first law of motion in which he stated an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and direction unless acted on by an outside force and the problem with observing inertia here on earth is that it's constantly being bombarded by some kind of outside force gravity friction air pressure all of these things they completely alter the true nature of inertia like imagine tossing a baseball up in the air and it just keeps going up and up and up forever that would be crazy but if you were in space outside the gravity well of a star or a planet that's exactly what would happen that is the true nature of inertia throughout the vast majority of the universe so today we're going to take a look at inertia and a controversial theory that might completely alter our entire understanding of the universe now Before we jump into the craziness that is quantized inertia I've got to give the standard disclaimer here I am NOT an expert in this subject I just find it interesting I'm going to explain it to the best of my understanding which is shallow at best nothing that's ever stopped me before I've done lots of videos on these kinds of topics but as my channel's gotten bigger I've felt a lot more of a responsibility to make sure I get the facts right so that's kind of why I haven't gone down this road that much lately so in an effort to be more accurate in this video I have secured the help of a fact-checker he's sitting right over there and I'm gonna be running some of this stuff by him he's gonna be keeping me honest throughout this video so you ready for this you feeling good you got got the Google up on your phone your thumbs all a loosey goosey I'm ready let's do this all right cool by the way has anybody ever told you you look exactly like a really handsome man oh yeah all the time I know me too me too so as I mentioned at the beginning of this video our understanding of inertia was first illustrated by Newton and his first law of motion but like a lot of Newton's theories he had a firm grasp on how it worked but not quite why it worked in the case of inertia he came up with a thought experiment where you take a bucket of water and you suspend it by a rope of course just hanging there still the water would be flat across the top of the bucket but if you twist it up the rope and let it go causing the bucket to spin the water would pull up on the sides of the bucket causing a concave surface to the top of the water now we all understand this in practice but why does this happen why doesn't the water just spin right along with the bucket what is this inertial force working against the water that's keeping it from spinning or take this video for example guys sitting in a spinning chair holding a spinning bicycle wheel when he turns the wheel to the side he spins counterclockwise turns it upside down he spins the other direction this is an example of the conservation of angular momentum so Newton sees this phenomenon and he asks but what is this momentum pushing against this causing it to spin in that way after all an object that's at rest will stay at rest unless it's acted on by an outside force neun suggested it was something that he called absolute space which is sort of the intrinsic quality woven into the fabric of the universe that objects move in relation to this is what causes that inertial force now this remain pretty much the accepted theory of inertia for hundreds of years until it was challenged in 1883 by Austrian physicist Ernst Mach in his book the science of mechanics he was specifically trying to explain why a gyroscope remains pointed in a fixed direction while it's spinning and what he theorized was that inertia relied on other bodies because all motion was measured as relative to other bodies in other words in a universe without any mass inertia wouldn't exist he argued that it was the mass of the universe the mass of distant stars that created the inertial frame that we measure inertia against now this became known as machs principle and while it's not all that accepted in science today it was an early influence for Einstein's general theory of relativity so far so good yeah except it's pronounced Mack Mack yeah like Mac's principle oh there you go see this is working awesome so through Einstein's theories of relativity and other refining of the ideas inertia became fairly intrinsically related to gravity in the same way that any object with mass has gravity it also has what's called inertial mass meaning the larger the object the larger the inertial mass and the more force it takes to move it from a resting position or to get it to change its speed or direction there's all kinds of fancy formulas that have nailed all this down but also just like gravity on a fundamental level we still don't quite understand the mechanics of exactly how inertia works so inertia kind of tends to find its way into all the efforts to combine quantum and relativistic physics you know the theory of everything the way to kind of explain gravity on a quantum level which brings me to quantized inertia quantized inertia also known as a modified inertia from a Hubble scale Casimir effect was proposed in 2007 by physicist Mike McCullough from Plymouth University Qi which is much easier to say it's sort of a modified theory of relativity that uses quantum vacuum fluctuations to explain inertia now we've talked about the quantum vacuum before and the way that empty space is not really empty it's actually filled with quantum fields that correspond to the different particles in the standard model and in these fields is a constant frothing up of virtual particles [Music] virtual particles are anti particle particle pairs that pop up out of nowhere and then recombine to continue with equilibrium of the quantum vacuum so a vacuum in this sense is not like it's devoid of air it means that the quantum fields are at their lowest possible energy state but even in this lowest energy State you still have this frothing up of virtual particles all the time and this weird little quirk of space-time forms the basis of a lot of what we're going to be talking about here now the late great Stephen Hawking proposed the type of radiation that can come out of this quantum vacuum this became known as Hawking radiation so the event horizon of a black hole as we all know is a point in space beyond which no energy or matter can escape it's a bad place to be so at Hawking theorized was that right there at the edge of the event horizon these virtual particles anti particle particle pairs are popping up and recombining just like everywhere else in the universe but because of that horizon line and the black holes voracious appetite invariably one of these particle pairs are one part of the particle pair gets sucked into the black hole and the other one flies away now in normal conditions this flyaway particle would just recombine with its corresponding anti particle and return to equilibrium but since the corresponding particle got devoured by the black hole this now flies away as electromagnetic radiation and that's Hawking radiation and this is not theoretical they've observed this right yeah they observed it in 2010 cool so taking this idea of Hawking radiation there is another type of radiation created by a different kind of horizon that's been proposed this is called Unruh radiation all right so this starts to get a little bit more theoretical but the idea is that any object that's accelerating through space-time creates a horizon I need to explain what horizon is a horizon is a point in space beyond which information can't travel an event horizon of a black hole is the ultimate example of this but on the quantum level any object accelerating through space-time can create a similar horizon this is called a Rindler horizon by the way the Rindler horizon gets super complicated I'm not going to touch it with a ten-foot pole here but I'll put links that get more into the weeds on it the description below but for our purposes right now just know that this is a real thing this is not theoretical okay so back to Unruh radiation in the mid seventies a team of physicists including Stephen fooling Paul Davies and Bill Unruh theorized that this Rindler horizon could create a type of radiation that became known as filling Davies Unruh radiation eventually that just got shortened to Unruh radiation bill got lucky with that one so just like the event horizon of a black hole can split up virtual particle pairs and create Hawking radiation a Rindler horizon caused by an object accelerating through space-time can do the same thing and produce Unruh radiation I think I got that right did I get that right huh oh yeah yeah okay well anyway under irradiation is still a little bit theoretical it's never really been observed but it does provide the basis for Qi okay so we've got an accelerating object creating a horizon and throwing off under irradiation the way we turn this into inertia is with the Casimir effect the Casimir effect was first proposed back in the 1940s by Dutch physicist Hendrik Casimir and it was actually observed for the first time in 1996 this is for real the idea is pretty simple really take two plates two very clean flat plates and you put them very very close to each other like microns apart and what happens is it creates an attractive force that pulls the two plates together because the space between those plates doesn't give enough room for those virtual particles we were just talking about to pop up and appear so there's more dense virtual particles on the outside than on the inside this creates a force that pushes those two plates together and the Casimir effect is also explained through wavelengths because these virtual particles appear in all kinds of different wavelengths the longer wavelengths get disallowed in that tiny little space and these interrupted wavelengths serve as an attractive force that pulls the two plates together all right about that yeah so let's put all this together and see how this creates quantized inertia an accelerating object creates this Rindler horizon which throws off Unruh radiation now the space between the accelerating object and the horizon is very small and in that space the Casimir effect takes over meaning the radiation in front of the object gets disallowed and the radiation behind the object is more dense than the radiation in front of it this pulls the object toward the horizon in front of it providing the force that we experience as inertia now to be clear quantized inertia is considered a fringe theory throughout most of the physics community so while Mike McCullough does have plenty of books and articles and papers and videos on the subject and they get really detailed he's got equations and back all this up and I'll put as much of that down in the description as I can this is still based off of theoretical stuff like Unruh radiation so skeptical minds should prevail here now what it does have going for it is it removes the necessity for dark matter and dark energy McCullough argues that while this works in tandem with relativistic physics it also explains a lot of things that relativistic physics can't explain things like the rotation of galaxies and this is where the idea of dark matter first took shape is when they notice that the rotation that galaxies didn't match the amount of mass that's actually in the galaxy it actually required a lot more mass than we were actually observing this was also true for galaxy clusters and superclusters so it was surmise that there must be some matter out there that doesn't interact with light and doesn't interact with other matter in the way we normally associate and this became known as dark matter now McCulloch claims when you plug Qi equations into these same situations the motions of the galaxies and the galaxy clusters make perfect sense without the need for some kind of exotic matter that we've never been able to find in fact there are some observed phenomena in globular clusters and binary star systems called wide binaries that seem to not work with dark matter theory but do work with Qi and he also believes that Qi explains the accelerated expansion of the universe without using dark energy how am i doing so far yeah now proponents also say that Qi explains other phenomena that we've seen including the Pioneer and flyby anomalies the pioneer anomaly refers to the Pioneer 10 and 11 missions which did sort of a tour through the solar system before the Voyager missions a few years later but what happened was when it flew by some of the planets it actually accelerated a lot faster than the scientists were expecting now these have been explained as the venting of thermal radiation from the radioisotope thermoelectric generator but Qi proponents say that this explains that as well but most controversial EQI is often used to explain the phenomena that we've seen in resonant cavity thrusters like the M drive now McCulloch is often stated if we understand the true nature of inertia we should be able to manipulate it this is analogous to saying that we can manipulate gravity or mass itself such an ability would give us propellant 'less drives that would allow us to fly through the universe at incredible speeds all kinds of sci-fi stuff comes from this like anti-gravity drives in fact DARPA thought it was so worth studying that they put 1.3 million dollars to fund a four year study into Qi and horizon drives so with any luck Qi could go from the realm of pseudoscience into the world of legitimate science so we'll see how'd I do dude dude are you playing a game no you're playing bricks and balls aren't you dude this level sucks did you hear anything I said I think you lost me at Stephen Hawking awesome well it looks like you guys once again are gonna have to be my fact-checker so if there's anything that I got wrong if you understand this stuff better than I do let me know down in the comments below and let me know what you think is this just a bunch of pseudoscience gobbledygook or could this be the beginning of us having a whole new understanding of the universe it's only one of those two things people let me know what you think in the comments so once again this is a very high-level overview of this topic if you want to get more into the weeds and the technical stuff I'll put some links down in the description below and if you are at my level or maybe I lost you along the way one way that you could maybe get caught up and understand this a little bit better it's to go to brilliant don't work brilliant is a learning platform that teaches you how to think like a scientist instead of just asking you to rote memorize a whole bunch of stuff from a fire hose of information they teach you how to figure this stuff out on your own so it makes the most sense to you and you can apply it to other things too if the topic in this video piqued your interest you might want to start with the astronomy course from there you can move on to the gravitational physics course and from there maybe the special relativity course and from there you could rule the universe you can sign up for an account at brilliant org slash answers with Joe and get free access to their weekly puzzles and brainteasers and stuff like that if you want to take things a bit further and sign up for the premium subscription that gives you access to all their courses the first 200 people that sign up from this video will get 20% off your subscription for life it's called brilliant for a reason so go see for yourself brilliant org slash sandwiches with Joe links down the description big thanks to brilliant for sponsoring this video and a huge thank you to the answer files on patreon that are supporting this channel creating great community and keeping me honest so a lot better than my fact checker here are some of the new people that are joined I want to murder their names real quick we got Matthew Jackson Daniel Llewellyn Michael Hardy claw deep inky William stout Joseph Fraser Dana Rose Brian Jensen Brandon Kerr Jen Johansen jokin Jacobson Russ Henderson Shane Miller Pat Brad George Koshi Jeffrey mccurdy Jaden gate anger ins seminar I didn't comb burger can air Evans Lars one shirt Gale Hildebrandt will and Billy Pope thank you guys so much if you would like to join them and get early access to videos and access to me and to our discord channel we're doing all kinds of cool stuff you can go to Joe I'd also like to thank my fact-checker over here for being totally useless you're fired by the way yes oh sorry I just beat the level what do you say t-shirts available at the store it answers with joe calm slash shirts thanks again for watching you guys go out now and have an eye-opening rest of the week and I'll see you on Monday love you guys take care bye shut up
Channel: Joe Scott
Views: 802,920
Rating: 4.8762746 out of 5
Keywords: answers with joe, quantized inertia, inertia, sir isaac newton, unruh effect, hawking radiation, black holes, event horizon, casimir effect, virtual particles, quantum field theory, mike Mculloch, stephen hawking, em drive, DARPA, dark matter, dark energy
Id: uhNrgUJArjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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