The Fourth Wise Man | The Skit Guys
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: The Skit Guys
Views: 116,583
Rating: 4.870647 out of 5
Keywords: Skit Guys, skitguys, Christian, Humor, Comedy, Church, christian skit, christian skits, the skit guys, skit, guys, christian skits and dramas, christian skit funny, christian skits funny, funny christian skit, funny christian skits, church, bible, skit guys fourth wise man, skit guys Christmas, fourth wise man, fourth wiseman, 4th wise man, 4th wiseman, christmas skit guys, fourth wise man skit guys, 4th wise man skit guys, christian comedy, christian comedian, christian humor
Id: 5Ya1GArvE_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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