The Four Must Have Pedals And Why.

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guys it's 5:00 on Friday I'm going to ask her a question this week today's this week's today's question which was this week's question was essentially about pedals so what I did is I just wanted to explain real fast for pedals that I think you absolutely should have and why okay ready first pedal the wah pedal you need a wah pedal first of all I have a saying and it goes like this you're not a guitar player into you own a while pedal you're really not a guitar player do you sell a wah pedal and you're really really not a guitar player do you buy that same wall pedal back again the reason is is we've all experienced this you get a while you don't use it you get rid of it but here's the deal Y waz always come back in the gear here's my clean sound and a little wall always kind of like this kind of a cool effect right you don't use it for solos you always kind of use it my high recommendation is the mini wah because I've owned a couple and this is the one I can't keep coming back to but a wall is always a kind of an essential lead playing sound plus you can always get other tones out of it by cocking the wall in different positions and getting different set sounds next the most famous pedal probably in history the ibanez tube screamer now the tube screamer is really important was two things first of all on this amp I'm running clean with a little reverb this is my clean and if I you on this I get the ultimate kind of like bluesy tone just right that's the game drive all the way down or all the way up if you go down the other thing it's really good for is this if I turn it off and I'm given an amp like let's say this amp and I got some distorted I could juice it to the stratosphere with a little bit more I'm actually running this into the other the most common used for a to streamers situation like this I'm using the amps distortion and I do like a bend on a solo like kick this on now he says like NAS on a car right you get the kind of great essential pedal for everybody to pretty much own there's different versions you pick the vision in your life but at least you know where we're going with this right first I kind of a wah now an overdrive next is a modulation effect modulation effects are on choruses splendors and phasers I pick phaser and here's watch here is here is my clean sound here's the clean sound I'm going to go ahead and basically put it straight up in the air and using that I can get kind of like a what I call fake chorus effect for most people if they heard me playing this at a gig or situation they would think they were hearing chorus and I cranked it to 10 which by the way you can do all this with your foot because it has a rubber rubber pad on it if I go to the basically 210 I get the rabble rouser Duane any kind I don't know why I'm doing that the idea I use it believe it or not in the bare minimum position and I get this kind of sound as like the other thing I love about is you put overdrive into it and you get this now what's great about that is now if I put it in front of the store should always use the distortion on the amp I get the same kind of effect but a little bit a little bit different attack line right so it's good both ways basically we'll take it over drive before and after it it's very Universal fun effect do you need a phaser no but think about you need a modulation right last but not least delay why delay because this amp has reverb which is nice but if an amp didn't have a reverb let's say you got this situation going you have an amp no overdrive no reverb you could essentially use this as your overdrive and this is reverb now it's a delay but again you can make the delay short and get kind of like a you know a reverb II kind of effect out of it you can adjust it right kind of more that rockabilly tone but of course I like it cuz you get this kind of like put a little overdrive in front of that for a solo and your downfall of this situation is of course if you run the delay into the distortion of the amp you get it over the top delay that's not very pleasing to most people right with a note in the background note is so loud but sometimes if you're using for a solo I'll stack this into this into that take it this kind of like just over the top it's crazy and fun essentially what what I'm doing here with these pedals is saying that I can play any situation with these pedals now if you really want to make it fun I always say use a wild-card pedal in other words use four core pedals and then one cuddle that is a wild card you change it out if you feel it's how you get inspired changing a pedal it's very inexpensive way to change tone or give yourself a new idea so you can always change it out you might want to go with a more aggressive overdrive for one situation over another these pedals are essentially what I've decided are the core pedals that I think most people should need some kind of a wall effect for leads or whatever it is some kind of overdrive definitely some kind of a modulation effect and then a delay if you don't you like delay you can use a reverb pedal you see how you can interject this stuff and a really good the other last idea is this if you don't think you ever use a wall using two OverDrive's a hollow gain one like this one and then a high gain one that's a nice way to get like a two-channel am kind of failed bob alright guys thanks for your time know your gear
Channel: Phillip McKnight
Views: 916,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ibanez, mxr, dunlop, crybaby, acid reflux, phaser, evh, mesa boogie, fender, pedal board, guitar, pedals, tube screamer, mini wah, phase 90, delay, chorus, overdrive. Boost, Blues
Id: ErAfb46WtYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2015
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