The Four Fundamental Forces - And Maybe a Fifth? | Answers With Joe

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humans tend to just accept the world as we see it you know the sky is blue waters wet but at some point there was somebody that was the first person to drop something and say now why does that go down the first known explanation for gravity was created by Aristotle who believed that objects just fell to their natural place he envisioned a series of concentric spheres with the earth in the center followed by water and then air and then fire because fire rises and of course he believed that the earth is the center of the universe so like most things Aristotle got that totally wrong Galileo came in later improved the objects of different mass fall at the same rate which established a constant acceleration for gravity but it took Isaac Newton in the late 1600s to describe gravity and mathematical terms that show that it wasn't just a downward force but an attractive force between objects of mass and the more mass the more force you have so the nine Stein put a tweak on it with his Theory relativity saying that the force of gravity is actually a curving a space-time around an object with mass so instead of being pulled down by gravity you're actually being pushed down by a curvature in space-time finally Peter Higgs put a mechanism to gravity which brought us closer than ever before to understanding how gravity works in relation to the other fundamental forces of nature but recently there's been a possible discovery of a fifth fundamental force one that would make us have to rethink everything we know about the nature of the universe billion Avante s can you elaborate on the fundamental forces of nature they're saying there's a newly discovered one this question was asked on my fifty question lightning round video and it was one of a handful of questions that was just too big for that particular video so you got a video and truth be told this is some dense stuff that would require several videos to fully explain it all so I'm just going to do kind of a high level overview and put some links in the description so you guys can go down that rabbit hole yourselves so to talk about the four fundamental forces we kind of have to step back a bit and talk about the standard model of particle physics because it's hard to understand what these forces do if you don't understand what these forces are acting on now this gets pretty complicated but it's also very basic when I say basic I mean this is base level stuff this is the smallest units of matter and energy in the universe and it might not make any sense it might be totally weird but this is what makes the reality that you it's every day possible alright so growing up we all learned about atoms and how they're structured with the protons and the neutrons and the electrons and they look like this when actually they look like this but in our never-ending quest to find the fundamental building blocks of nature we took these atoms and we smash them together and all this crap came flying out of it and after studying that crap we came up with this the standard model of particle physics briefly the standard model consists of leptons quarks and bosons and the fundamental forces that guide the interactions between these particles are gravity electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces so the protons and neutrons we've all heard about are classified as head runs meaning they contain three quarks each crack open a proton you'll find three quarks two up quarks and one down quark giving the protons positive charge similarly a neutron will have two down quarks and one up quark giving it a very slightly negative though mostly neutral charge there are four other types of quarks top/bottom charm and strange but they decay very quickly are only part of very high energy interactions most of the quarks that exist in protons and neutrons are the up and down quarks electrons and neutrinos are types of leptons these are very low mass particles they electron negatively charged and the Torino is lacking a charge they also come in different flavors as they're known including tau and nuan flavors so letdowns and quarks actually form the building blocks of atoms so they actually have their own designation which are called fermions the gauge bosons are going to call force carriers they're called that because they carried the fundamental forces just as fermions are the smallest possible units of matter gauge bosons are the smallest possible units of force the one you're most familiar with is the photon and that carries the electromagnetic force this is a little packet of energy that we perceive is life but when it interacts with an atom it can cause an electron to jump up into a higher energy shell and it can also make a proton sort of dance around the nucleus in an energy excited state that will be important later on the WZ gauge bosons carry the weak nuclear force and this is actually pretty cool remember how protons and neutrons are made up of up and down quarks well the weak nuclear force carried by the wnz boson can actually flip a core from up to down which can make a proton into a neutron and an atom with a different number of protons becomes a different element this is radioactive decay in fact this is the process that turns a carbon-14 atom into a nitrogen 14 atom which is how we do carbon dating Bo now speaking of those protons have you ever wondered how to positively charged protons can be sitting right next to each other in the nucleus of an atom why aren't they flying apart don't positively charged particles repel each other like positive ends of the magnets well they should so why don't think that's the strong nuclear force the strong nuclear force holds the nucleus and well everything in the universe together and there's a reason why it's called the strong force it's ridiculously strong in fact this is why things get all exploded when you split an atom and the way it works is it's weird I mentioned earlier that leptons come in different flavors well quarks can come in different colors they aren't really colors of course but this is the best way to describe how they work in each hedron again that's a proton in a neutron they have three quarks and those quarks come in three different quantum states red blue and green now much like in order to get white light you have to shine red blue and green light together to get that white light in order for a head run to be stable it has to have a red blue and a green quark this is a principle called quantum chromodynamics now if everything was a normal physical thing in the quantum world everything would be hunky-dory right you'd have a proton with red blue and agreeing we're all good that'd be it but of course the quantum world doesn't work like that these quarks exist in probability stage which means that they change their colors all the bloody time luckily there's this ridiculously strong nuclear force at work it's being carried by a ridiculously strong glue on get it cuz it glues everything together huh this is the glue on is kind of like a hot potato that gets bounced from one court to another constantly changing their colors to maintain this stable chromodynamic state so that's how it holds the head runs together but it actually is so strong that it bleeds outside the hedron and gets picked up by something called a PI on which is made up of a pair of a quark and an antiquark now those decay almost immediately in nanoseconds right but that's in that time it takes the glue on from one hand drawn to another and binds them together that's what holds the nucleus together I guess that makes sense now the last force I'm going to talk about is the one that I started this video with it's the first force we were ever aware of and it's still the most mysterious one out there and that's gravity now according to the standard model of particle physics gravity should have its own force carrier particle which would be called a graviton but here's the thing about gravitons they're still just theoretical they've never been found now what has been found and is so far the closest we've come to really understanding how gravity works is the Higgs boson the Higgs boson is a fundamental particle of the higgs field which interacts with other particles to give them mass one of the best explanations I've heard to describe how the Higgs field works is to imagine a crowded nightclub the people in the nightclub represent the Higgs field so if jay-z were to walk in the door all those people would crowd around him they would interact with him very heavily and it would take him a really long time to get through the crowd and get to the bar but if you or I or any other yoku walked in and nobody would really pay that much attention to it so we could walk straight through the crowd with very little interaction and go straight up and get a drink it's the interaction with the crowd that makes jay-z have a lot of mass and it's the lack of interaction that makes you or i fairly massless that by the way is why photons travel at the speed of light because they're massless so they don't react in any way to the Higgs field the Higgs boson was officially discovered at the Large Hadron Collider in 2013 but it was first proposed by Peter Higgs back in the 1960s by the way that discovery 1 Peter Higgs the Nobel Prize for Physics and he's still out there doing his thing in 87 years old good show old chap so the way they discovered this was there were two different teams at CERN that we're working independently and totally blind to each other and they were colliding particles over and over again thousands of times looking for a statistical bump in this particular energy level where the Higgs had been predicted and both of these teams found anomalies in between 125 126 Giga electron volts which is exactly where the Higgs had been predicted their research showed a statistical significance of 5 sigma which means the probability of this happening purely by chance was 1 in 3 million ok so that's where we are right now if your brain is still in your head I'm going to keep going and explain why a team of researchers believes they may have found a new particle in Y if they did it might be one of the biggest discoveries we've made so far so a team of researchers in Hungary we're studying beryllium 8 atoms when they found a surge of energy that was happening at an alarmingly consistent rate okay so remember I said earlier that protons can be hit with energy and go into an excited state well when that happens it eventually has to settle down and in order to do that it has to expel that energy in some way so sometimes I can pop out as a photon sometimes it comes out as a particle antiparticle pair and beryllium eight atoms they often come out as a electron-positron pair and it can happen at several different energy levels well the team in Hungary noticed in excess and their energies at 17 mega electron volts this basically means that a particle is being created at 17 mega electron volts and then was quickly decaying and it's happening so regularly that it was given at 6.8 Sigma statistical significance and remember the Higgs boson only had a 5 so no particle was discovered that's cool but why is that such a big deal well because of some quantum measurements and things like ISO spin and spin parity they had to conclude that it was what was called a spin 1 gauge boson and if you are paying attention earlier gauge bosons are force carriers so if we discovered a new gauge boson we discovered a new fundamental force fundamental force that operates at a very low energy level which is something that you think we would have found by now unless if the force interacts very weakly with regular matter and is dark - electromagnetism it could have been there this whole time and we just never would have seen it which is starting to sound a lot like dark matter and this is not to say that we discovered dark matter it could also be a type of force that works as a go-between between regular matter and dark matter obviously a lot more testing needs to be done but this is a super exciting discovery that could lead to a whole new understanding of our universe and the forces that guided now I'm just going to say this right now I left a lot of stuff out of this video and I'm sure I got something wrong so a lot of you out there smarter than me if I got something wrong please politely correct me in the comments below and I will feature that in a new video in the future if your mind was blown in this video please give it a like share or subscribe because I come back with videos just like this every Monday thanks a lot for watching I want to give a special shout out to my patrons on patreon for their support for this channel I couldn't do it without you and you guys go out and have an eye-opening week and I'll see you next time love you guys take care
Channel: Joe Scott
Views: 328,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Answers With Joe, CERN, Standard Model of Particle Physics, Aristotle, Galileo, Einstein, Peter Higgs, Higgs Boson, Particle Physics, the four fundamental forces, Leptons, Hadrons, Bosons, Pions, Protons, Neutrons, Gluons, Gravity, Electromagnetism, Strong nuclear force, Weak nuclear force
Id: T_9nfzqlikg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2016
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