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Somebody please get this silverfish off of my head. That's much better -. Thank you guys! IT'S BACK PLEASE-. (DERP SSUNDEE SPEAK UP DARNIT!) What's going on guys SSundee here and this week of murder run is a special one Crainer So so as you guys know we have four different heads every week that a modeler has made for us We haven't seen any of these except for Crainer who has seen the one he's wearing, Crainer come on out come Can I come out? look at this come on out dude. Look at him! That is so good. He is an actual silver fish so this theme of murder run is minecraft themed Crainer is a silver fish, so lets do this. There's a get if you still enjoy this series keep up the support hit the like (HIT IT, HIT IT NOW) But double its get to eight likes crazy think you think we can likes nine friend. You're pushing it right here portion it Also hit the subscribe button if you're new around here, and yeah, okay? So this round there's three new traps Two traps for the survivor one trap for the killer the two for the survivor are this one here It's lightning like a camera you place down a camera and it scans for You Crainer No way you guys got security We got cameras And we also have a flashbang which if we get a snowball if we hit you with it it blinds you And then the new trap for you crainer, it's the floor is lava If we stand still for too long you gain vision of us Let's do this did Maddlin ticked Thea didn't you just step on a stick yesterday? Hey, how are you gonna move around a lot? She actually stepped on the stick yesterday Crainer so I think what I'm getting through this time against Crainer. I'm just gonna spam a bunch of flash banks What these do is they stun him and Blind him for a certain amount of time look at this I got 12 so far. Uh uh 16 oh my god, I can I get I got a stack and a quarter Got 20 flash banks. Crainer Will not see a thing let's do this all right I'm coming through the portals everybody there. Okay. Yeah, okay? Oh look at this math. It's like It's a village with a nether fortress and a mansion This is gonna be good crater senses your round of being the killer I got something special for you Okay, you are not gonna. You are not gonna see a thing ever so we're all Steve We all have the stage skin where the normal Steve skin whenever we wear the armor and crater is a crater turn around you cheater hacker All right, everybody's ready. It's odd. Kid okay. What your crappy Where's everybody at I see somebody who? Where is everybody Kate move oh he used the florist So we have to move every so often or he'll gain vision of us who everybody move everybody move I Won't flashback you forever crater, I won't fight you forever Do you stay alive, okay? Okay That was the best joke I've ever seen in my life right are you are getting rekt by Tia? She needs to stick more sticks in her foot Crater you're not supposed to you you're not supposed to dig through the map crater. What is this? Visible trap Hold shift hold Shift yeah, yeah, you need to move. No you need to move Was Awesome Tia that is that is some good Jukes well played all right tier So who did you pick as your Minecraft murderer ready? Oh, you're Good did you just say you're a happy little killer dragon greater. She says she's the happiest dragon I've ever seen We automate their murder Okay crater we got to think of a good strategy. She duped you so hard so you have to do courage You're heard. You got to do this So I actually want to see what this camera does scans for the killer and makes them glow if they're detected I Don't know I want to test. I'm gonna get one of those I want to see what it does so we have four stacks left we had also Madeline won last week So she has two extra stacks of nether stars. It should be interesting I'm trying to think what else I could get yeah, I guess we'll get Armour and maybe some glow trips I'm not sure. I hope I hope this camera is good. I don't know let's get some more traps Let's do this. I ender get happy little ender dragon turn around Why are you such a Nootropic camera, what do you think it does? To put the camera down Okay, okay, okay, I'm gonna do a decoy redo decoy I know how to decoy jk jk jk okay That kid Oh, no she use the floor is lava. Look look. She's spotted because of the camera Died from damage See I switched places with me. No wait you pony trap pony trap activated. So you guys have a pony get on your pony Traitor traitor traitor She is owning today Maddie Maddie you need to move you need to move you can see you need see oh my goodness You need to move Madeline Holy crafty what happened to you you're joking people you're killing people That have magic powers All right Madeline you were the last one alive, it's your turn to be the killer let's do this What did you pick this time go ahead? the Christmas oh I don't know if you're a creeper. Are you peeing? What are you doing? So you're the creeper oh my gosh that looks so good Okay, see Fox and many peas Hashtag teal farter Maddy Pierre Why do we do this all the time Sleep on the couch tonight, that's for sure is this true. This is true, so I think the first thing I'm gonna get we're gonna get armor and I have an idea for this round remember last round whatever I jump to my death I have an idea Hold on hold on let me grab this I'm gonna grab armor, so I can't get one shot But we're gonna use the rest of these nether stars for this over here We're gonna get a bunch of these recalls which you guys remember What these do it teleports me back five seconds so check this out? Here's what we're gonna Do we're gonna go up to the nether fortress? Whenever we're getting chased. I'm gonna jump off and teleport back up before I hit the ground and die Hopefully this works. I think Tia did this against crater as well. It worked really well. Let's see how this does all right your Creepy creeper turn to turn around turn around your creepy creeper Natalie stopping it chica creepy creeper Okay, go hide. I have a strategy for this run. I have a strategy for this run at a better work. Okay, okay? It's I'm Kim. Oh. Yeah, what the crap you doing here go away She used to check now, I'm frozen staring at in oh you see No, I use the recall thing so it should have put me back on top what greater nice Wait so Madeline you did the murderous warp to get where Tia was You hacker Madeline's a hacker how did I die though? Nice nice fridge nice free strainer Crater what you have to do is you have to jump into the water in the crops Oh What the crap what hashtag I am the worst hider 2017 I am I am terrible at hiding Dude I jumped off and tried to use the recall, but then I died I Will take my revenge are you guys ready I think The most mysterious and creepy character of them all Hold on hold on come back I'm the most beautiful thing in the world. Okay. Okay, ready the most creepy and mysterious creature in Minecraft okay, give me your souls I Am the herobrine give me your soul Okay, I do my traits, I'm gonna do my traits. I'm muting go away go away. Don't listen my strategies listen my strategies So I think what I'm gonna do this time The sense that odd nether fortress is so high off the ground I can do this super saiyan Powerup, which allows me to fly I think that'll be really good I'll buy two of these so that I can fly up there faster and if they try to Juke me and go down and then teleport back up I can just fly right back up and get them that could be good, so I'm gonna get trap wreckers Just in case they use any traps on me while they're trying to Juke me I can turn into Super Saiyan and then wreck all the traps around me. I'm gonna try to think I have a stack I have almost two stacks left I mean I guess I can get two of these murderous warps you guys remember this it swaps my place with one of the hydras places That might come in handy. I'm not sure we'll test this let's get in a call. Let's do this. Can we kill take everyone's souls? Even English all right you guys ready, I will take all of your souls Now I'm not looking I promise well, I mean we go through this every week. I'm an f5 It's I'm kid. Let's see this three two one go. Okay, okay, okay? Where are you guys? Go trap trigger or the prep dead that moves it who did it show yourself? He's going up the stairs Oh, you know. Oh, you have a cold trap dang it Where are you guys you not up here? Wait stop yelling Anymore yes nowhere art wait hold on. I'm going super saiyan Super Saiyan again Hello tell Me. Where are you guys give me your souls? Where are you got hanging out with friends wait hanging out with people? Why did you say that are you talking about where is she? Where is she she said she was hanging out with friends. Okay? Where is she where is she? Crater, where are you? Reiter Reiter, don't you study I Will get you I am super sad Now where's Madeleine I got an idea Are you super saiyan? battlin fall to your death That's it. Let's head back to the lobby. Let's see who did that the quickest that was good I liked that was good all right So we have everybody we have the silverfish herobrine creeper and ender dragon show us who's the winner who's the best killer in 3? 2 1 Is that the first time she has ever won crater Crater Greater all I'm gonna say is you and I both did slower than Madeleine into you What's going on with ICU? I don't know If you have enjoyed this video of course hit the like button down below also Hit the subscribe button let us know down in the comments if you do subscribe and yes Do not try this at home
Channel: SSundee
Views: 2,563,464
Rating: 4.933671 out of 5
Keywords: ssundee, minecraft, Herobrine, Ender Dragon, Silver Fish, Murder Run, Horror, Scary, Movie, Hide and Seek, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, Lucky Blocks, app, minecraft funny, minecraft minigame, shopping, Lucky, Lucky Block, Challenge, Kid Friendly, Creeper
Id: a1LuALwgPXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2017
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