Plague Inc | Infect the World with "Your Mom" Parasite

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hey hey what's going on d'oeuvre Sunday my mom thinks I'm ugly I'm sorry too sorry to hear that hey what's going on guys zombie here and welcome back to add some more demented gameplay called plank where we destroy the entire world with diseases and sickness oh dear Lord Anna if you remember when we left off we were playing the fungus and we killed the entire world with a fungus called Bieber yeah needless to say everybody caught the Bieber fever and it unlocked the parasite which the parasite I believe is harder than the fungus and to give you guys some perspective on how disgusting this game is the definition of parasite is a living organism inside of another living organism and feeding off of that organism so like if a worm were to enter my eyeball that worm would be a parasite bumping a plague dink but anyways this time we're gonna play the parasite like I said on normal mode and after your lord why why do I name my plagues like this okay let's delete that and what do I want to name this plague actually I got an idea let's uh let's ask derp ssundee why oh gosh let me go get him hold on I think they're sundaes coming oh this is gonna be good hey I was busy doing other thing now dude I understand that but okay check this out so I'm playing plague dink right now you remember that and I'm making a parasite you you know what a parasite is right of course I know what a parasite is you think I'm stupid no of course I don't think you're stupid but okay so if you were to name a parasite that was gonna eliminate the entire world what would you name it um probably my mom because she's a jerk so you would name the parasite your mom can you at least tell us what your mom did to you I don't want to talk about it just leave me alone my why well there you have it oh good lord your mom we have a parasite called your mom let's go ahead and enter the game start it let's see where we want to start your mom and of course dudes once again I hope you guys are still enjoying this series and again I understand this is not a Minecraft video but I give this game a chance and you know what if you actually enjoy this video you know hit that like button down below if not ignore this video don't leave a bunch of hate they be nice ok so ok so where do we want to start this play again I'm thinking maybe China since there's a crap ton of people in China we okay the parasite in China or India um probably try to yeah let's do shine ax let's start the plague off in China there we go uh your mom begins in China your mom has infected the first human oh good lord please don't show this video to your mom alright so here's the deal with the parasite a parasite type disease type your mom is a para so good lord a parasitic lifestyle prevents the player from getting DNA points by infecting people if you remember as the fungus and the the virus whenever you infect people you get more DNA points the only way to get DNA points is by the bubbles so it makes it a crap-ton harder but um check this out one of the ability ability of the parasite check this out parasite becomes more in tune with host making it less likely to be noticed so I can evolve symbiosis one and make my parasite your mom harder to become noticeable so uh yeah I have a plan for the parasite hopefully this works alright so there's another bubble so we have 30 3dn 834 DNA points okay let's go to disease symptoms and here's the dawn in the previous episodes I never mutated the symptoms but since I have this ability of symbiosis I'm gonna try to spread the disease with a coughing if you look at the infectivity on the bottom it increases the infectivity coughing does so let's give it coughing oh what is this me look how much the infectivity goes up with sneezing okay let's evolve sneezing and what is this okay let's evolve this with pneumonia because you see pneumonia gives more infective 'ti but doesn't affect lethality so they might not pick up on it okay let's evolve that look at this yeah you have successfully evolved your mom oh good lord okay let's keep popping these bubbles there's currently 20 31 people infected let's see how this starts infecting people with sneezing coughing and pneumonia look at this it's starting to spread 4000 people infected look at this all this is going good okay your mom infects thousands oh good lord okay let's go to disease let's go to transmission let's give it air and water so it becomes more infected and the infectivity goes up is there anything else over here in the symptoms I can give it yeah let's give it nausea and vomiting look on what's the infectivity goes up with vomiting our moms are making us fun oh good lord okay so vomiting look at the infectivity and then let's go to abilities and let's give symbiosis one I'm like I said symbiosis makes it a lot harder for for the doctors to pick up on the parasite so let's evolve that now let's see I must give it cold resistance one let's see how this starts to infect things we're currently at 8,000 people infected a quarter of a million people are infected with your mom that can't be good so Pakistan and China are the two infected countries all right I'm waiting on to see if a boat or an airplane leaves that's infected Oh in India look at this it look at all of these countries your mom is spreading everywhere oh this is awesome your mom infecting more countries yes I just saw that we have 3.5 million people infected oh this is awesome uh and nobody has even come close to expecting that a parasite is loose oh there goes a boat and a plate look there goes a boat what we just got Saudi Arabia okay there goes a boat where's the boat going where is it going look it's going to South America oh it's going to southern Mexico there we go that is so sick onto more boats are leaving more infections than HIV oh good lord that's disgusting look at all these boats leaving there's another one going to Australia okay so this strategy of evolving symptoms on the parasite is working out really well all right so let's evolve a heat resistant and now let's evolve drug-resistant and of course what drug resistance does is in wealthier countries it spreads faster okay look at China China is getting out overtake and buy your mom oh no dudes check this out new minor disease spreading in a normal checkup a doctor in China found a new disease which has been named your mom it appears to be mostly harmless okay dang it okay so they're not working on a cure yet they just know about your mother okay um how do I handle this how many countries are left oh good lord there's still a crap-ton of healthy countries left oh no China is starting to work on a cure dang it okay let's do this let's let's do a symbiosis and symbiosis 3 let's see what the cure is at okay so the cure is still 10 years away okay this is fine 1.3 billion people are infected we just got to start infecting other countries ah dudes check it out America has been infected ah dag markings aren't resilient to your mom only to Bieber okay how many people are left only 1.5 billion let's check the kill cage that cure is still in ten years we're still fine we're greater than ten years rather Canada is infected so many so many countries are being infected us check abilities okay so we pretty much got it just wait now well let's see how this goes I saw were coming up on two billion people this is spreading so fast how many countries are left let's see how many countries are left okay so not as many oh this is awesome I have never used this strategy before where you are you infect people with symptoms and look at the severity the severity is on zero because of this symbiosis of dudes we found a strategy this is awesome okay let's keep watching i 3.6 billion look at this okay let's check the stats all right so there's three six seven countries that aren't infected that's it oh where are they at though Morocco Spain where are all these let's see where these are at I so it looks like Morocco is down here in the hot areas apparently your mom doesn't like the heat so so let's up the ability of heat resistance - okay let's see how this goes let's see let's see if Morocco gets taken over now okay there we go it's working the the hot cut projectile-vomiting symptom combo coughing and vomiting are causing the infected to projectile vomit increasing the infectivity of your mom oh that is disgusting does that actually increase look at the infectivity so people are throwing up all over each other because of your mother so there's three countries left where is Algeria at oh okay there's Algeria right next to Morocco so once again Morocco is the last country that needs to be infected why the freak through all of these plagues hate Morocco Oh dude so check this out I get it with this symbiosis ability whenever whenever this parasite Otto evolves its symptoms it doesn't affect the severity so they don't know it's even there like this here the hemophilia it's just evolved and didn't increase the severity so your mom can evolve and nobody will know that is so good to know five point five billion people are infected and they literally have no clue all of them are vomiting they're projectile vomiting they're crapping all over themselves and they have no clue why oh there we go we finally got Morocco okay that took forever okay so all of the countries are now infected we're just waiting on it to spread wait have it how the heck did they find out they're working on a cure let's see how long okay three years uh 2019 okay so we have three years a whole good Lord how did they find out about our moms oh gosh okay so America America is going down go down marker okay I don't really want to use my DNA points so we still have three years before they find a cure come on five percent done Canada freakin Canada I don't have time for this we are literally waiting on Canada now that's it like America is one it's pretty much yeah 100% your mom needs to evolve to kill yes I understand this we're just waiting on Canada now and then we can unleash the freakin moms what your mom placed on watchlist dang it okay there's two years until a cure okay Canada I am NOT gonna wait any longer I will not wait much longer this is getting ridiculous oh great now Russia's leading global cure effort freaking Canada man hurry up okay now these blue Plains are going to start flying around okay get that and I need to pop these blue bubbles to slow down the cure the cure is at 13% we have a year a year until the cure is finished Canada hurry the Freak oh come on Canada 15% done with the cure and I still got to kill everybody come on oh there we go there are no healthy people left in the world okay so there's 16 percent done with the cure there's a year I have a year to AB unleash the moms okay let's go to disease let's go to symptoms and of course let's go to immune suppression and let's go to total organ failure your moms are going to destroy the organs oh gosh okay total organ failure ah let's go to diarrhea and then dysentery look at the lethality look at the lower right hand corner at the lethality oh this is insane what is this uh internal hemorrhaging oh god it sounds horrible let's do it okay so the lethality is halfway full and we have three DNA points left all right let's see how fast your mom takes over the world okay so there's 849 dead if you look in the the bottom at the bottom and we're still getting DNA 11,000 first death in Australia look how fast this is taking over 25 42 million 56 million killed more than black death oh good gosh let's go to world okay so there's gonna be a cure in 118 days not if I have anything to do with that let's go to symptoms let's go to insomnia so people can't sleep okay did that 110 days let's pop that bubble let's get more DNA 25 for sake of bleach come on come on kill more than Spanish flu okay that's good ha what's the cure 91 days killed more than smallpox oh this is getting intense 84 days come on guys us como como symptom mutated okay that's good um 82 days for the Cure we have 23 DNA okay let's pop that blue bubble global research focused on care ah this sucks okay we have 33 DNA the cures had 34% 2 billion people are dead ok let's go to disease let's go to symptoms what's give your mom causes insanity right let's give it sanity uh and that'll that'll make it harder to cure ok let's see what the cure is that now 131 days ok so it's going up 3 billion people are dead I saw a three point three point three billion people half of the world is now dead this is so demented okay four billion let's see the cure yes it's the cure going up okay so at 206 let's see if it goes up to 21 yes okay Norway isn't Anarchy due to your mom that is I don't even care about your blue bubbles send blue bubbles everywhere I don't freaking care one point seven billion people left in the world and they are all infected with your mom and the countdown begins under a million people left look at six and I said your mom is your your mom to eradicate humans your mom had destroyed the world despite the world's best efforts the last few humans lie dying in holes with no chance of survival good lord your mom is ruthless five four four hundred thousand three hundred thousand two hundred thousand one hundred thousand oh this is it's a hundred under 100 thousand twenty thousand seventeen we got another bubble thanks for the bubble I appreciate that seven thousand people left I wonder who's the last person two thousand people eight hundred three hundred oh good gosh and there it is dudes your mom has taken over the world alright so there we go let's put this let's put this on Twitter again alright anyways dudes I'm gonna go ahead and wrap up this video if you guys want me to play the next disease which is the prion right here which I unlocked let me know either hit that like button down below or tell me to destroy the world with prion oh gosh anyways hope you have enjoyed hit that subscribe button if you're new to my channel and I'll talk to you dus next time
Channel: SSundee
Views: 2,506,942
Rating: 4.9087214 out of 5
Keywords: SSundee, Plague Inc, Funny, Lol, Comedy, virus, plague evolved, brutal, neurax worm, game, evolved, ios, panda, gameplay, human race, play, necroa virus, music, ndemic creations, watching, leave, ios games, ipod touch, Parasite
Id: sO62pzRiTeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2015
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