The Flash & The Future of DC Studios

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look full context you guys already know that I thought this movie stood no chance the famous adage of too many cooks in the kitchen is usually always true so when a movie has been passed through two changes in studio Executives four directors multiple script alterations and a lead that is problematic to say the least well you and I could see the riding on the wall that this isn't going to be pretty however I think this movie is far from the show people are making it out to be it does have some glaring issues those will soon discuss but I can't help myself by saying I really liked quite a lot of this movie specifically how it ended I'm not talking about Barry's Arc that I'll soon get to also how it sets the stage for the new DC movies to come so let's talk about that okay let's run yeah through my quick thoughts on the movie before jumping into the meat of this video where the DC Universe can go next so a big talking point a lot of people have on this movie is the VFX on the whole I thought they were fine I will say that I don't understand Hollywood's obsession with showing her speed time aka the point of view of the Speedster I still think Makari is the best translation to screen we've seen of a Speedster the rest just seem to be taking notes from Quicksilver and abused the time dilation Motif speaking of the VFX I noticed a ton of uncanny valley moments moments where the computer generated faces felt mildly off-putting initially it started with baby faces in the opening action scene but that extended upon the cameos later on in the film why they were made to be that hard to look at is beyond me I thought the Scorpion King was beyond this I thought the mandalorians showed that we can do this a combination of having a double CG Recreation with deep fake technology is what created a convincing Luke Skywalker so it would have been nice to have seen that here speaking of cameos I just think it's unfortunate that this movie came out at the time that it did coming out right off to spartavus another multiversal movie that weaves its cameos its multiversal characters into the story perfectly only shines a light on this movie and how one note these appearances feel in comparison I've always wanted to see Nicholas Cage's Superman lives after learning about how interesting and Gothic and terrifying it would have been it's always been on my mind when people talk about scrap superhero movies movies that never happened but men not in this context not cheaply stitched onto the climax of a completely different character's movie now it sounds like I'm being kind of sour towards this movie but I think these are all completely Fair criticisms I think it's also fair to say that this movie rewards DC fans rewards flash fans by adapting one of the best Flash stories ever written Jeff John's Flashpoint combining it with the existing DC EU Cannon to tell its own story a mix of the two now this is great nor provided you've never read Flashpoint but if you have then the Beats of this movie can be forecasted a mile away reveals emotional twists and changes and trajectory for our characters easily predicted making for a really passive viewing experience Yep this is the moment where we free the malinara super person this is where Barry recreates the experiment with two attempts this is where things go violently wrong and Barry must go back in time to undo the changes he made I guess the only flavor to counter this predictability is seeing how those beats bounce off existing DC Cannon what does Keaton's Batman think of Zod what would happen if Zod won however this elseworld story only works provided you have Nostalgia for these characters for these worlds lines don't work if you don't care you want to get nuts let's get nuts what are you on about doesn't even make sense in the context of the movie let alone your audience actually understanding the reference anyway my point is there's little reason to care I myself love DC I really do and because of that love I have actively disliked the snyderverse the Grim take on these hopeful icons so I have no Nostalgia for Man of Steel no care in seeing Barry try and save it or an alternate version of it so what we have here is a passive viewing experience due to my perceived knowledge of how this movie will play out a level of predictability that takes me out of the movie and a passive viewing experience due to my lack of care in a universe that is trying to be saved the combination of these two takes me out of the movie so when Barry is saying goodbye to his mother in the climax of the movie whilst I was moved it was only due to the performance of the pair in that scene not how the movie had built towards that scene because they didn't the scene made a bang it was touching but it was an empty gun it wasn't loaded it was a bang without the impact and that's why the climax didn't feel nearly as emotionally enveloping as it could this some typical movie problems things like the pacing feeling off mostly the abrupt end that isn't to say that the movie isn't structured well either the First Act is actually really decent and I think it's at its strongest in app too where it falls flat for me is the third act and how Barry's Arc is undercut by him continuing to meddle with time and quitting his father from jail I don't know just seems kind of redundant to go on this Arc of accepting the past and learning to be better in the future only to repeat the same mistake moments later essentially rendering the lesson is Arc pointless anyways you've heard the same issues from other craters cameos that serve little to no purpose and VFX that were hard to look at however I still found some enjoyment here it was fun for what it was the dialogue was Snappy and pretty funny I really like younger Barry's roommates I don't know that scene just worked for me oh and I completely forgot about Batman and Supergirl Supergirl to me was mint she stood on her own and had a nice little Arc for what was given due to the limited focus on her as a character as for Keaton he was just fun to watch his action was Snappy and completely on the money almost filling arkham-esque in his approach to takedowns and combat as for the flash I think Ezra acted the hell out of this movie playing off himself really well something I could imagine is really hard to do it was nice seeing him mature his sense of responsibility with his power set in as he sees a reflection of his irresponsibility a literal younger and more immature version of himself with said Powers it provided a nice contrast of the two only highlighting his development growing Beyond his selfishness this leads Barry to make the decision to go back on his change to let his mother die in a meta-textual way you could say Barry letting go of his mother letting her die is also a response to DC fans having to let go of the snyderabus as we'll soon talk about so where does this movie leave us well Barry goes back on his action to save his mother having matured past his selfish desires Henry Allen has proven innocent and Barry is met by George Clooney so yeah looks like the Barry narazides in the Clooney verse man I'm just waiting for the sequel where flash has nipples on his suit anyway way we have to ask the obvious question what does this mean personally I think in the wake of Ezra's actions this is Gunn's way of leaving Ezra out of the future DC movies to come popping him to the side in the Clooney verse I think they've sent Ezra's flash to this universe they don't have to think about him so that they can start fresh in Superman Legacy the first true DCU movie to take place in a fresh new universe I think this was a swan song for the DC EU or even DC movies in general a celebration of what has come before only for us now to look ahead at what will soon come whilst James Gunn has made no explicit plans for the Flash in his new DC Universe I think it would be a huge disservice to these new movies if the Flash and his corner of DC wasn't a part of it I think the studio has placed themselves in a great position to introduce us to a series of new faces a new universe with new actors and actresses embodying these Heroes and to me the same goes for the flash I would love to see a Flash movie that embodies what I like about the flash a Barry Allen that acts like Gary and not but one that is kind of cheesy and corny in a dad joke kind of way just a Flash movie that serves every character and not just Barry makes Iris an important part of Barry's life not just a girl that he fancies makes his job a real job and not just a pit stop between heroics a movie with a story that actually circles back and cleans up plot threads like who killed Nora I'd love a movie that makes a point with his journey not undercutting it by having him repeat the same mistake moments later am I being kind of passive aggressive right now I don't know bossley's are all really fair criticisms of the Flash's story I still can't help myself I still really dug parts of this movie I think the center of this movie is not Keaton's Batman or even the plot revolving around zon but the dynamic between Barry and Nora debating heart of this is in their interactions it's what kept me engaged admits the crammed cameos and wonky VFX a story of her mother and son and what that son would do for her it's just upsetting that such little time is spent on what is meant to be the emotional Court two minutes of screen time at the start and the end just doesn't cut it the emotion of this just feels Hollow Ezra killed this role and his career am I right sure his Barry is more Bart than Barry but he still acted the out of this movie do I think Ezra deserves to be sidelined in the Clooney verse to give us room for a new Flash in this new universe we're going to be getting yes yes I do I still think Ezra is a shitty person and no matter how good his performance was it wasn't going to save him no amount of Studio us looking at the premiere will save his career I think DC needs to start fresh start clean have no carryovers from the pre-existing Cannon a new Superman a new Batman a new Flash I want to see DC align itself with the hope and iconic nature it's known for and just like the message of this movie I think we need to leave some things in the past for DC's future to remain bright it has to leave the DC EU behind all right guys that's all from me now my next video will be my X-Men pitch so get ready for that the people that are making this video come alive is my Illuminati patreon subscribers without you guys I wouldn't have the time to do a project like this so I just want to say thank you specifically to Daniel Julian Christos a dude from perfect screen spark David Draco lidge Alexis Lance Holland James William Carson Braden Michael Ziggy and Jacob you guys are the real ones love you to bits thank you so much with that being said you guys know what to do SUB like all that sort of jazz I've actually been posting on Tech talk a lot recently so if you want to check that out you can follow me at the superframe with that being said I will see you guys in the next video ciao [Music] thank you [Music]
Views: 16,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0lDhuO-LyeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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