The Flash: 10 Powers You Didn't Know He Has

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everybody's heard of the fastest hero alive the flash however unless you're a hardcore DC Comics fan you probably don't know about all of his powers sure he's got super speed but the flash could also chuck lightning bolts of people and is basically immortal the flash has loads of other bizarre powers as well and that's why in this video the Binger is going to cover all of his hidden powers he might go through these at a breakneck pace but we promise not to trip and stumble Bob open your rings and slip into your speed suit because we are about to cover the Flash's unknown abilities outside of running incredibly quickly the flash can apply his SuperSpeed in some more unique ways one of the more creative applications of his powers as the ability to phase through solid objects thanks to the Speed Force the supernatural energy that gives the Flash's powers he can vibrate every atom in his body at will if it can sync that vibration up with an object he can phase right through it all a kitty pryde from the x-men this makes it essentially impossible to detain the flash or restrict his movements as he can also phase through any shackles or bindings the limit to this ability is that the flash can't face through any matter with a changing vibration frequency it can also take him a while to match the vibration of a material he hasn't phased through before while this isn't one of the Flash's most offensive abilities it's certainly a handy one it also doesn't come up very much in flash stories because it makes it a bit difficult to build up tension if the flash can escape any situation at least barry allen has a solid career as an escape artist the hero thing doesn't work out the mystical speed force also grants the flash the ability to heal at a startling ly fast rate injuries that would take most people months to bounce back from take the flash only a few days to heal through this lets the flash get back on a speed and back to beating baddies faster than any other hero however this healing factor does come with quite a few drawbacks the same mechanic that let him heal super quickly also accelerate his metabolism this means the flash has to eat a lot in a single day to meet his basic caloric needs and can't get drunk similarly while his body can shake off the effects of poisons and toxins quickly the effects hit him harder in a shorter amount of time this power might be more of a hindrance in the Flash's daily life but it makes a big difference in his hero work of course the life of a hero means making plenty of sacrifices too and all things considered eating a few dozen cheeseburgers every single day is a small price to pay for superpowers also come on who doesn't wish they could pig out and not have to worry about any weak game flash can run so fast that he can outrun time itself okay as ridiculous as that sounds it's true and the flash of speed allows him to travel through time basically the Speed Force lets the flash run through time and interact with past and future versions of the world he can control where he appears in a time line with a great deal of accuracy and can return to his own time whenever he wants however his actions at other points in time will affect his own timeline and can greatly alter the world he knows this can lead to all sorts of hijinks and even the act of traveling through time can create unexpected repercussions like creating another world war or making gorillas the dominant species on the planet you know classic butterfly effect stuff but with less Ashton Kutcher the risk tied to this power stops the flash from using it often but other villains can force it out of em after all of a villain starts messing with a timeline the flash is one of the few heroes who can put a stop to their actions if people ever start to wise up to the true identity of the guy running around in the red jumpsuit the flash has a couple of ways to throw him off Barry Allen's best identity disguising trick is his ability to modulate the sound of his voice using his ability to vibrate his atoms the flash can selectively vibrate his vocal cords to alter his speaking voice this power might not come up often but it is a nice character trait that helps fill out the world of flash stories after all it's a joke at this point how people don't recognize superheroes based on their general appearance or voice for instance spider-man talks to a ton of people who know Peter Parker and they only rarely connect the two the flash explains that oversight away with his voice modulation power this makes the Flash's world feel a lot more deliberate and the smaller details of superhero life more explored the flash is still by no means a grounded character but this little bit just makes everything feel a bit more thought-out now if only we saw him use this power to do impressions that could be pretty fun much like any Dragon Ball characters as or stronger than Yan Chu the flash can move so quickly that he can create after images of himself these projects are incredibly useful in a fight can be used to confuse or distract a villain after all it's pretty hard to punch a guy where there are a bunch of transparent copies of them all talking trash granted this ability isn't the most powerful and useful to need a lot of fights but it's still an interesting one it's great for sussing out Stooges from villains oppose an actual threat and the flash looks really cool while doing it even though after image attacks are pretty played out for anyone who's watched any classic anime ok at this point you've probably figured it out the main reason after image projections made this video is so that we could talk about where the flash ranks and Dragon Ball Power Rankings TLDR the flash could beat up anyone in og dragon ball and people in early DBZ once dude start going super saiyan though the Scarlet speedster is outmatched pretty quickly much like as fellow Crimson hero the red tornado the flash can create a miniature cyclones and tornados the flash can rotate his arms at super speeds to create an outward spiral of air primarily the flash uses these mini cyclones to attack enemies from a distance or slow his descent if he's falling in the open air to create a larger tornado around villains the flash pretty much just runs and circles around them this creates a vortex that sucks the air out of the space inside the tornado and makes most baddies pass out from a lack of oxygen of course the flash also uses this larger tornado to negate a naturally occurring one the flash is also able to use the principles behind these abilities to create whirlpools and water spouts as well the flash doesn't usually take on foes in an aquatic setting but these powers definitely come in handy against the likes of king shark you think the Flash's ability to manipulate wind so easily would be a bigger part of his chick but there are a lot of weather themed heroes already so it's probably for the best the flash sticks to his SuperSpeed branding you know how we mentioned earlier that the flash can time travel well he can kinda use that power to create an army of himself you see the way time travel works and most flash stories is that any number of flashes can visit any point in time simultaneously so if Barry Allen realizes that he's going to be taking on a particularly tough foe like zoom future versions of himself can give a helping hand there's no limit to how many flashes can visit a single moment in time but too many existing at once could alert the time rates or other temporal Guardians of course other flash is showing up to a fight could undercut the tension of a situation which is where the show's final zoom fight went wrong still though this power is really cool man Super LP even if it is a get-out-of-jail-free card if the writers ever back themselves into a corner still the idea of a hapless villain showing up to fight the flash and finding a hundred copies of the hero is a hilarious enough to forgive any lazy writing one power that the flash definitely has but does not use too often are his buzzsaw arms by vibrating his hands at super speeds he functionally turned them into chainsaws and can use the friction they create to cut through most substances while he can already phase through most buildings this lesser-known power basically means he can rescue others from nearly any confinement as well while this power certainly has a lot of offensive potential we don't see the flash use it in fights that much that's because it wouldn't be very heroic of the flash to just chop a criminals limbs off before they even know what's going on nah that's more Batman's territory actually make that Zack Snyder's Batman Adam West would have nothing to do with memeing villains we have seen other villains like zoom and the reverse-flash use this power though so we know that the flash can do it too maybe one day we'll see a super edgy version of the flash uses was saw arms on some unsuspecting crook until then it's good knowing that he has this power under his belt that the ever really needs it so you know how sometimes the idea of passing away is personified as an actual person or figure in some cultures well some versions have their own take on the Grim Reaper however the Grim Reaper is too slow to catch most speedsters and drag them to their demise that's why there's a super fast version of death named black flash that exclusively apprehend speedsters when they perish however a speedster can just race black flash to the end of time a place where death does not exist to defeat it that's right the flash can literally outrun death which functionally makes him immortal as you'd expect the Flash's indirect immortality does not pop up very often the stakes and most flash storylines are pretty high after all it would really undercut the tension in a story if the flash could just zoom away from his own mortal coil still though the flash outrunning the personification of death is pretty metal and more or less makes him immortal now if only he could run away from the consequences of his other actions oh wait through his abilities to jump between universes and time the flash can pretty much reset the events of an entire universe the catch to the secret of power and it's a pretty major one is that he doesn't really know how the universe will change when he messes with space and time that's why he doesn't do it very often well that and because the writers behind a flash story only have him do it when the DC franchise needs a major reboot the flash is at the center of most DC franchise shifts like flashpoint and the upcoming adaptation of crisis on Infinite Earths basically whenever DC thinks their brand is stagnating they use the flash to reset the status quo and tell new stories and a new continuity which is exactly what the DC EU needs right now as most of its movies received mixed to poor reviews so not only can the flash use his powers to save his universe within a story he can save the entirety of DC Comics that easily makes him the greatest hero in the DC Universe and one of the best fourth wall breaking heroes of all time well what do you think of all the Flash's secret in lesser-known powers please let us know in the comment section while you're there also be sure to like this video and subscribe to the Binger for more we have loads more videos on your favorite heroes coming up and you're not going to want to miss a single one
Channel: Collider
Views: 995,009
Rating: 4.7161422 out of 5
Keywords: TheBinger, The Flash, The CW, DC Comics, Justice League, Barry Allen, Zoom, New 52, Time Travel, Wally West, Speed Force, Kid Flash, Sonic Punch, Flashpoint, Crisis On Infinite Earths, elseworlds, arrowverse crossover, dc movies, dc comics, dc heroes, dc villains, supergirl, superman, batman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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