The Five Books of the Psalms, Pt. 3 (GCBI 105.06)

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take your Bible and turn for a moment to the Psalms this is how you understand the Psalms and I'm not going to do all of it right now I'm going to do some of it now but it's going to help you to at least touch it I figured I'd take out a little bit of this and it was going to be easy a little bit easier work what what I want you to understand is you have a hundred and fifty popular hot hits from the ancient period and in fact some of them may even go together so you probably have fewer than that some of these were broken up after the fact I want you to remember that when you deal with the Psalms they are not a book there are five books of the Psalms and that the five books themselves are actually marked out in your Bible so let's take a look first of all Psalms comes from the or the term Salter comes from the Septuagint that comes from the Greek word the Hebrew word kattiline it's literally just pouring myself out so this is the the pour out your heart book some of the Psalms some of the tylium are tepee load heavy loads are prayers let me just say this make a note somewhere at the beginning of Psalms that the Hebrew numbering system for the Psalms is different than the English numbering in other words you may read a commentary and it says Psalm 72 and you look up Psalm 72 and that's not it and it's because they're using the Hebrew Edition which is not numbered the same way not every sum has the same language in it but many of the Psalms will start and the same in the same way many of the superscriptions are verse 1 in the Hebrew or superscription in the English is to tell you what the sound of it is like who wrote it and what kind of tempo is used in it it's a technical thing now for your sake I'm not going to explain to you everything about how to pick pick this out this is a one-year program you want to spend a year in Psalms I'll show you how the Hebrew of Psalms works okay but it would take us a year to figure out the Hebrew in Psalms so let me just show you how some one works go to someone and what I want you to see is that this is a song and I want you to see the brakes in the rear brakes in the refrain a refrain is a a chorus the chorus of Psalm one is verse six put a box around it so let me show you the stanzas of Psalm one verse one is a stanza so go to at the bottom of verse one put a line between just above number two second standard is verses two and three third stanza is verses 4 and 5 stanza is like ok let me show you you sing here's what you sing when you sing the psalm how blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked nor stand in the path of sinners nor sit in the seat of scoffers verse 6 for the Lord knows the way of the righteous but the way of the wicked will will perish 2nd verse but his delight is in the law of the Lord in his law he meditates day and night he will be like a tree planted firmly by the streams of water which yielded his fruits in this season it's leaf does not wither and whatever he does he prospers for the Lord knows the way of the righteous but the way of the wicked shall perish the wicked are not so but they are like chaff which the wind drives away therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment nor the sinners in the Assembly of the righteous for the Lord knows the way of the righteous but the way of the wicked will perish do you see it that's how the song is sung now some of you are going to be troubled by verses 2 and 3 because there's so much longer but they're not in Hebrew the problem is it wasn't written in English and when you translate poetry from one language to another it doesn't fit in the same rhythm or rhyme so what I want you to see is its first one six two three six four five six that's how it goes okay do you believe it's all the Hebrew I can do any of them in Hebrew but I just have that in my Hebrew Bible with me the singer oh yeah sure there this is yeah they're used extensively in song you know I know a lot of different additions to them in Hebrew if you're interested in them I can get you a couple of them that are in that are Hebrew sung if you wanted to hear what they sound like and I don't mind doing I don't mind reading them too I'm not gonna sing them T in Hebrew but I'll mind reading them to you in Hebrew but I gotta have my Hebrew Bible with may just not have it with me today I want you to notice something about this this Psalm did we do anything with this Psalm earlier okay so you already then have negative choices what you choose not to do in verse 1 followed by God knows righteous and God knows wicked and that's how it comes out and then in verses 2 & 3 positive choices right see if the negatives in verse 1 the positives in verse 2 and 3 is the results and you have results and then finally in 4 & 5 he goes and he explains to you the life of the wicked so you have the this this song of worship how blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked stand in the path of sinners sit in the seat of scoffers and we did this when we went through it earlier this year so I'm not going to take the time to do it now do you at least understand how it operates okay suffice it to say then book 1 by the way for chapters 1 through 41 or Psalm 1 through 41 book one is largely compiled by David most of these Psalms will be from about 1000 BC and it will be the earliest book of worship not all of them some of them may have been inserted later but for the most part most of this is about is at the time of David in Psalm 2 I want you to see the world's perspective in something first I want to give you the stanzas as they are the verses as they are okay the first verse if vs. is is what we would call verse 1 2 & 3 line second four five and six line third seven eight nine line you sort of feel something like a pattern here fourth 10 10 11 12 but go to the end of 12 and put a box around how blessed are all who take refuge in him put a box around how blessed are all who take refuge in him that's the chorus and I want you to break this into two parts make it a choral piece and have a group of people singing 1 2 3 end of 12 how blessed are all who take refuge in him 4 5 6 and 2 12 how blessed are all who take refuge in him 7 8 9 and 2 12 how blessed are those who take refuge in him 10 11 12 how blessed are those who take refuge in him that's the song that's how it's sung ok the markings in the Hebrew text are helpful to help you understand how the song works now break it down with me in verses and let's see if we can quickly ascertain what the verses are about in verse 1 do you see the world's perception this is the way the world sees something or the way you see something in them from the world's perspective why are the nations in an uproar and the people devising a vain thing the kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed saying let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their cords from us and what are you seeing next good ok now stop and ask yourself what is that what did you just read here's what I see why are the people in an uproar and the people devising that this is to meditate or to growl okay the word dog all is the word to meditate or grow the people meditating or ruminating over empty things things that mean nothing the kings of the earth take their stand that is kings and trench themselves rulers are entrenching themselves against God and people are increasingly starting universities and talking about how God doesn't exist why are people banking on there is no purpose we all got here randomly there's no meaning to life why are they putting all their trust in vain empty things why our political leaders putting all their weight behind entrenching themselves in something that is empty why do rulers counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed why do they come together to try and destroy any vestige of God being God and God's people being God's people why are they saying things like their restraints are the problem look at verse 3 the writer of the psalm says that the world looks at the believer and their God as though we are stopping them from doing what they want to do they're the restraints we put on them are the problem so when you take a stand and you walk according to God's Word unbelieving people in your life will be offended at you because your rules make them look like they're doing wrong he's saying whenever you feel that when you feel like the world is ganging up and beating down your beliefs what's the answer it comes from the course yeah you don't take refuge in your arguments about him you take refuge in him that's what he's trying to say I find believers that try to apologetically argue their way out of it don't take your refuge in the argument take your refuge in the Lord that makes sense you understand what he's feeling so people are going he isn't so the the choirs over here singing going people are just dumping on us trying to throw away our God they hate us and and then the chorus is over here then take your refuge in him that's where you're going to find it in it great I mean I like the way it's different than just reading the psalm it has it has the zipping this to it ok let's go to the second verse because the second verse is God's view this is God's view of the same situation he who sits in the heavens laughs the Lord scoffs at them then he will speak to them in his anger and terrify them in his fury saying but as for me I have installed my king upon zion zion my holy mountain in other words the people are aging and the universities vote that there's no God and God goes okay I don't really care I don't cease being God because you don't think I am is is that really so there's one quintillion stars I'm hanging the whole thing together in incredible precision and your answer is it all just got there and there's no meaning and you don't really know but you're sure that I'm not here seriously that's your answer to the whole thing okay because here's what I want you to know I have a people I know them they know me you couldn't tell me I'm not God I'm really okay with that I have a people I planted them on Mount Zion and I planted a king there I know that I have a people and people are blessed if they take their refuge in him okay go to the third verse this is God's man's perspective this is not the world it's not God it's godly people okay I will surely tell of the decree of the Lord he said to me you are my son today I have begotten you ask of me and I will surely give the nation's as your inheritance and the very ends of the earth as your possession you shall break them with a rod of iron you shall shatter them like earthenware so here's what he says he says god man's perspective is I know a relationship with God I know it began I know when God said you're my son I know it happened in my life and I know that God holds the power to shatter all of the powers of the earth what's the answer to this the refrain take your refuge in him you'll be blessed and then you end up with God's warning at the end of the verses verses 10 11 12 this is God's warning here's the here ative now therefore o Kings show discernment take warning o judges of the earth worship the Lord with reverence and rejoice with trembling do homage to the son that he not become angry and you perish in the way for his wrath may soon be Kingdom kindled in other words he says you all might want to think very carefully o earth about who you're kicking around you might want to know rulers of the earth and judges of the earth that you need to worship the Lord and revere him and rejoice with trembling before him you're not as strong as you think you are you're not as powerful as you think you are and then it says do homage to the son that he that he not become angry in other words the children of God you need to revere as well you need to honor them as well later on this becomes the prophecy of Jesus himself but for now if you read it you would understand it to say you need to not only treat Revere God you need to revere his sons you need to take care of them for if you beat up on the sons of the Lord you get the Lord angry and you don't know what the Lord will do by the way if you want to be blessed take your refuge in him I think it's a great story I think it's got four good stanzas and all of them have really good sayings I don't really know what you can do with this in terms of teaching but I do know what I do with this in terms of my life I know that when I get overtaken by the world and how things are looking I have to remember that my peace doesn't come from my searing wit and my ability to argue with people in the world my peace comes from one thing my I just go back to him Lord you're good to me you love me you take care of me and you know exactly what I need any questions about that one I'm just going to keep going until you tell me you can't handle it anymore and you've got your eyeballs fall out or okay we couch out your right eye or whatever i box off the chorus and i can't always get the chorus I can usually can get the chorus but I can't always do it I can tell you that there are some words in the text that that are helpful to do some things with yeah we assume that they may have been a psalm of David but the front end is lost so we don't know exactly by the way we know that some Psalms we wonder if they're not supposed to be put together and the reason is that the cadence is exactly the same the meter is exactly the same the number of syllables is exactly the same in this case one and two are very different right under psalm 3 I would do second Samuel 13 to 15 because I think that's where it falls in his life second Samuel 13 to 15 by the way I just do 2s when I do mine I do 1s 2s 1 K 2 K it's an easy way to do it 13 to 15 okay now we start into actually taking apart the superscriptions this a psalm of David is the word mizmor get used to it you're going to see this one a lot is more am is more of David it's a word that tells you what the sound of the psalm is and I'm going to do that later because for right now I just want to get through a certain part of this inside the text in verses 1 and 2 do you see at the end of verse 2 is the word Sayla Sayla means pause it sometimes means musical interlude that is let the guitar riff take off for a minute while the band stands there and looks at them or whatever okay there's a little riff thing that goes on there or it can be a pause of also it becomes silent or in some cases very few cases but in some cases there can be a crescendo there so you can actually build all the way up to there and then there's like a break if you've ever seen the Hallelujah Chorus before they get to the last Hal that's a Sayla crescendo and what you don't want to do is sing during the rest okay because somebody always ruins the whole doggone thing you've got 250 people out there and one tenor to ha you knows it's really dead anyway yes how I know all right so I want you to see this Ayla actually in this case as a break it's a rest it's a it's a pause so the first stanza of Psalm 3 by the way how do I know it's second samuel 13 to 15 because that's when David fled from Absalom the son okay so that's how I know so all I'm doing is putting the story back in there okay look at look what it says verses 1 & 2 that first stanza verses 3 through 6 is the second stanza seems really awkward but it's not verse 7 is the third stanza put a box around 8 that's the that's the chorus and it's also a doxology a doxology is a chorus that is sung in praise to God before verse 1 as well as at the end so let me read for you psalm 3 the way it would be if you were reading it not yet singing it okay this is Psalm 3 the way it begins salvation belongs to the Lord your blessing be upon your people o Lord how my adversaries have increased many are rising up against me many are saying of my soul there is no deliverance for him in God rest salvation belongs to the Lord your blessing be upon your people but you O Lord are a shield about me my glory and the one who lifts my head I was crying to the Lord with my voice and he answered me from his holy mountain I lay down and slept I awoke for the Lord sustains me I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people who set themselves against me round about salvation belongs to the Lord your blessing be upon your people a member seven arise oh Lord save me oh my god for you have smitten all my enemies on the cheek you have shattered their teeth the teeth of the wicked salvation belongs to the Lord your blessing be upon your people this one is laid out in a way that is contemplative it is quiet and it's designed really to be a an emotional song but I want you to notice it doesn't start off with all how my adversaries have increased that's the English version the way it starts off is salvation belongs to the Lord it sounds better when you actually put it in the order that it goes in you know what I mean when you start up let's let us read the Word of God oh how bad it's getting you know that's not the way to begin it now look at the look at the way the psalm was broken down in verses 1 & 2 I want to use their view the other guys view okay Oh Lord how my adversaries have increased that is my enemy's numbers growing many are rising against me many are saying of my soul there's no deliverance for him and got people around me say it's over for him he's in trouble but remember salvation belongs to the law rescue belongs to the Lord your blessing be upon your people you Lord verses 3 through 6 this is my hope you Lord our shield around me my glory the lifter of my head I was crying to the Lord with my voice I want you to see you're my protection in verse 3 you're my weight second half of verse 3 you're my hope the one who lifts my head you're my hope you're my listener I cry to you he answered me from his holy mountain you're my listener I lay down and I slept I awoke Lord sustains me I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people you're the one who makes me brave I'm only brave because of you you know you hear songs you know you lift me up kind of songs some songs that are usually about couples this is the sound of that song but it's about the Lord you raise me up so that I can be strong but it's God he's talking about and in verse 7 he ends up with the works rise o Lord save me oh my god for you of smitten all my enemies on the cheek your work has been done against my enemies you've shattered the teeth of the wicked in other words you corrected them and you and you stood against them and defeated them because rescue belongs to the Lord you get a sort of a sense of it anyway okay in Psalm for this is another important word and you're going to use it many times every time you see the words choir director it's the it's the word la or to lament it seoc laments f means that this is a chief musician let me say it this way this is the person that does you know hail Jesus you're my king lgt irmak he's the one who stands up as the soloist and the others respond to him does that make sense okay so he's every time you see lament itself you're looking for something that has a single soloist that speaks outwards and then others follow them it's not around it's one person with a choral behind them does that make sense l'm NSF and this one is on Negi note negging or stringed instruments so when you have a stringed instrument how health brash is that it's not if these are trumpets it's it's in your face but this is not so stringed instruments often have more of a lilt in the background I'm not a musician it's but it's a softer background sound it's a mizmor it's a contemplative sum so this should be something slower quieter this should be something with a background of strings but it has a single voice that sings and then a choral behind them that's the sound of it okay I want you to circle at the end of verse to say 'la at the end of verse four Sayla put a box around verse eight we are not sure if Oliver Sater just a second half but put a box around verse eight in peace I will both lie down and sleep for you alone O Lord make me to dwell in safety in my Bible I have only for you or for you alone O Lord make me to lie down and set the sink your dwelling safety that might be the chorus or it may be the whole verse we it's very difficult to tell because they're actually the cadence is identical you can't see it I mean toward just the last phrase but we'll go with whichever okay so when you sing this one it's one two it's end of the stanza one two eight three four eight five six seven eight now why is five six seven longer this is a song that builds in length I don't know if we I don't know enough about music to know if we have these in modern songs but it's like a single length than a chorus a single length then of course a double length than a chorus that's how it's more like more or less like a ballad and as a ballad song think boy I don't even who's who sings ballads now I don't even know you know s me I'm still back with Bob Dylan so what do I know and he never did finish a word you can't really tell what he's trying to say all the great bands were you know pretty much stoned to the point where they don't know what they were saying anyway half the time here seriously Houston listen to the words three people in other words actually pick out entirely different sentence because you can enjoy yeah yeah yeah like sorry I had to get that in there okay so psalm 4 we know is during a time of distress I know that because in verse one you've relieved me in my distress so this one might also be from 2nd Samuel 13 to 15 this may be from a collection or a song sheet of David on the run from Absalom we don't know for sure the chorus put a box around verse 3 the box around verse 3 the chorus is in the morning O Lord you will hear my voice in the morning I will order my prayer to you and eagerly watch and you've got to love this song this is laments AF so it is a single voice of soloist followed by a backup choir alpha netilat for a flute accompaniment so it has a higher more Peppard more light think light and happier sound in the background and it's a mizmor which means it's not the guys not doing emo scream oh it's he's coming out and doing something that's ballad like it's more contemplative by the way there are emo scream of psalms yeah they really are yeah there are some that are just absolutely outlandish ly loud when it says bang on the loud cymbals that's a dead giveaway that it's supposed to be a loud Psalm not everything here was supposed to be you have to remember that not everybody has the same love language and not everybody has the same worship language some of you need certain kinds of quiet contemplation to feel like you worshipped other people I mean yeah da is a word for worship if people aren't doing this they don't feel like their worships if you go to Africa with me I could take you to central Africa and I can tell you that in central Africa if you haven't banged on a drum you didn't worship and those are sister churches of ours which i think is hilarious because they come to ours they bring the Africans here the first thing that after explain to them as this is a worship service but they only have drums in the very back and they only use them during part of the service really yeah this is like foreign it's one of those foreign American people things because to them man you got to get an hour's worth of drum and before you even get started on worship God got it even in awake until an hour which hours worth of the drums so I need you to see that there's a lot of difference this is the reason why Americans fought worship wars and they were totally totally bogus the problem with Americans is they don't go places if enough of them won other places they would realize that people worship completely differently in different areas of the world why because the culture is different the way they think is different okay let's come back to this one so this particular one is one two three one two it stands the one chorus three four five three so four and five is the second stanza six seven three eight nine three ten eleven three but the last three has twelve at the end so the end of the song is not a chorus it's actually verse twelve okay so let me just let me do it do it for you okay so so you go give ear to my words O Lord consider my groaning heed the sound of my cry for help for Mikey my king and my god for to you I pray in the morning O Lord you will hear my voice in the morning I will order my prayer to you and eagerly watch for you are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness no evil dwells with you the boastful shall not stand before your eyes you hate all who do iniquity in the morning O Lord you will hear my voice voice in the morning I will order my prayer to you and eagerly watch you destroy those who speak falsehood the Lord of cours the man of bloodshed and deceit but as for me by your abundant loving-kindness I will enter your house at your holy temple I will bow in reverence to you in the morning Oh Lord you will hear my voice in the morning I will order my prayer to you and eagerly watch Oh Lord lead me in your righteousness because of my foes make your way straight before me there is nothing reliable in what they say their inward part is destruction itself their throat is an open grave they flatter with their tongue in the morning Oh Lord you will hear my voice in the morning I will order my prayer to you and eagerly watch hold them guilty oh God by their own devices let them fall in the multitude of their transgressions thrust them out for they are rebellious against you but let all who take refuge refuge in you be glad let them sing for joy and you may shelter them that those who love your name may exalt in you in the morning Oh Lord you will hear my voice in the morning I will eagerly I will order my prayer to you and eagerly watch for it is to you who it is you who blesses the righteous man Oh Lord you surround him with favor as with a shield that's how it ends okay so it's a little different in that it doesn't end on a chorus it ends on verse 12 as best we can tell now I'm grossly summarizing a very complicated subject and there's lots of people that will weigh in and say well I think actually you can find guys who wrote their whole doctoral dissertation on whether or not it ends on verse 12 okay seriously so I'm going to give you a consensus opinion I'm not going to give you not every Hebrew scholar in the world is going to agree with that I'm just going to give you the big swipe it frankly it's not that terribly important to you as long as you get a sense of the Psalms some of them changed dramatically based on where that chorus fits in in the collection of the Psalms God decided that he wanted certain kinds of patterns for our worship to be recorded for us so in essence he wasn't that worried about whether or not you did it according to the same music or he would have left that in place but he did want the kind of songs recorded so that we would have some idea in each generation and in each language as we learn to worship Him what should worship be like so worship isn't always singing it isn't even always verbal but when it is singing and it is verbal can I just tell you my heart's cries that it should sound like that one of the things I love I say a lot of things about the current generation that are not complimentary but the one that I absolutely love is I believe that there's a better view of worship right now among many young people than there was for many many years some hymns are phenomenally wonderful How Great Thou art you can't sing How Great Thou art and not walk away feeling like there was worship in it but what a wonderful thing in my life has been wrought when Jesus came into my heart is not about him it's about me it's a song about me how is that worship now I'm not suggesting to you it's a terrible song I'm just simply saying it doesn't do anything on my worship meter my sense of being drawn to God is not drawn over a happy oh I'm so happy so very happy I got the love of Jesus in my heart doesn't really hit me anywhere seriously now maybe it does for a child maybe it's for some other purpose so rather thing I don't use these things in a caustic way to try and tell people they're wrong the way they're worshipping I just try to say David doesn't have slap-happy songs he has songs that are serious about the issues of his heart honest praise isn't about happy moments it's about you being real with God so that although this is the words of people expressed to God their God breathed words people showing the model of worship that's my long answer to your short question [Music] I don't have flame-brain you
Channel: One Hour. One Book.
Views: 2,947
Rating: 4.6190476 out of 5
Keywords: GCBI, Dr. Randy Smith, Bible teaching, Bible class, Hebrew, Greek
Id: MfIjMD0_A2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2017
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