The Five Books of the Psalms Pt. 2 (GCBI 105.06)

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let me just give you a couple of ideas about Hebrew poetry you can stick them in as notes or not but at least you should be familiar with them one of them is there is there's a parallelism kind of poetry that is called synonymous parallelism go to say Psalm 3 verse 1 Oh Lord how my adversaries have increased many are rising up against me he's actually saying the same thing twice my adversaries increase many are rising up against me it's actually two parallel statements that say exactly the same thing you'll see a lot of those particularly in Davidic writing one of the reasons is it actually supplies some of the meter some of the beat so if you're familiar with rap I am NOT don't want to be and don't like it but if you were familiar with it you would find that there's some times they insert words just to get the beat pattern to work out right and sometimes you're going I don't know what that word has to do with it it doesn't it kept the beat pattern that's what it was for there's also another kind of parallelism this is emblematic parallelism let me say that it uses like an image in order to show what something is so for instance Psalm 23 verse one Psalm 23 begins what how the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want Psalm 23 starts with a image that everyone knew a common image to the ancient world in order to convey a specific meaning so sometimes that's emblematic let me go to a third one there's also antithetic parallelism I'm not trying to be difficult but the antithetic parallelism is basically antithetical means that it's some two pairs but one says the opposite of the other let's see if I can find one in Psalm 1 verse 6 listen to this for the Lord knows the way of the righteous but the way of the wicked shall perish it's two opposite things so this is good this one not so much this is right this way will kill you it's wrong and so you'll have the antithetical parallelism there's another form and I don't like to get too far into it just because on this path it's not important that you get you know know all the things about the background I mean one of the things that happens is the way we teach Shakespeare in this country it kills the it kills the writing you're so worried about the form you forget what it is so I don't want you to get there but I do at least want you to hear this word key a stick a key a stick or inverted parallel it is it takes words and alternates the phrases or words in consecutive lines but it moves them around so that there's a pattern to them so sometimes for instance you can have the Lord is great he's really big he his temple smells nice okay and then you can get down here and it's I smell good because I was in his temple my heart has grown big because he has he is so large the Lord is big and it sort of goes down and comes back and there's this is one of the forms of development again I'm not going to spend time with all of them but I've already mentioned some of them I've mentioned earlier in the year catalysis catalysis is when things are going down going down going down going down great example of that Jonah chapter 1 a guy who is running from God and keeps going down down down down into the ship down into the water down into the into the fish finally hits the bottom comes to himself okay that's catalysis it's kind of like something going down the sink okay so those are some of the general ideas of some poems and Hebrew poetry now what are the forms that you'll find in Psalms let me just give you a couple of the forms again you're going to be sitting here going why do I need to know this because I'm going to mention these words and I want you to not be sitting there going I wonder what he's talking about won't won't won't won't want you know I'd like you to have something to hang it on so for instance what's it a cross stick what is an acrostic poem so let's say an acrostic poem can be like this a is for Apple B is for whatever C is for whatever D is what No so it goes through and the psalm is constructed but obviously it's olive bait gimel dalet hey valve design it's not ABCD but nevertheless it's set up like an acrostic one of the big acrostics of these Psalms does anybody know where it is the big one 1:19 it's an acrostic on the meaning purpose and prominence of the Word of God and it's it's sort of in the center of the psalms is not really in the center but it's almost in the center of your Bible it's a big one it's the longest one but it's done by olive that it is a bait does it a bit of that gimel that is okay and it's set up in Accra and acrossing sometimes it's actually not an acrostic its alliteration I do alliteration when I do them a lot of times with you so I want four p's five C's two DS okay David's big on alliteration you should at least know that that's out there there's some of them that are I would say ripp repetition forms it's called inclusio but it's a repetition of forms it's a phrase that comes up over and over oh give thanks unto the Lord for he is good oh good thanks unto the Lord for he is good I'll to give thanks unto the Lord for he is good he's remembering Hebrew when you say it you mean it when you say it twice you mean it more when you say it again and say it again and say it again it's the main truth key thought or big idea behind what you're trying to say so you look for that so we saw one like Leviticus 19 i am the lord i am the lord i am the lord i am the lord i am the lord i am if i am your master then these things are true if i am your master then things are as i say they are that kind of thing let's do a little bit of authorship and you should be putting this down on the front flap of your Psalms because you're going to want to know this there is only one Psalm and that every Hebrew school child in the Gospels would have known if you'd asked him what is the one and only Psalm that is attributed to Moshe or Moses Psalm 90 and so Psalm 90 becomes the Moses song and it's a wonderful song that says what God I may have been without a home all my life but wherever I'm with you I'm at home Lord you've been my dwelling place for all the generations and before the world was brought forth from everlasting you are God but wherever I am Lord wherever I am that's where you are and that's where I'm a home because we are together I found my way to be home that's what Moses is it's kind of ironic to me that a guy who never really had a home whose body was even argued over at the point after his death of burial I mean the guy does can we all just say that many people in the home but they at least had a place in a cemetery he didn't even have that but the one song he left behind was wherever you are God I'm a home love that okay let's go to how about David many many many many many Psalms of David let me give you I'm going to just give you a couple of them you should probably write them down mostly they're found in verse books one and two of the five books but let's say Psalm three Psalm seven Psalm 18 Psalm 34 important in Psalm 51 52 54 56 57 59 60 63 142 these are all psalms that are marked off as Psalms of David there are more but those are big and prominent and they will say love Dovie to David or of David okay there are 73 thumbs in all that we think belong to David and they have a variety of different superscriptions on them but 73 of them we think we can identify our Davidic Psalms there are two ways you can do it the easy way is if it says of David at the beginning the harder way is the vocabulary and meter of the psalm itself but it appears as though half the book is really left by the fur by the second king of Israel and the first organizer toward the temple although the temple doesn't exist until after he's gone okay there's another guy and it's not just one guy it's also the sons of a soft ASAP HS off like Psalm 50 or there's a set from Psalm 73 to 83 these are the assault assumes some 73 to 83 so Psalm 50 Psalm 73 283 these are all sums of a soft there's a couple of other guys wandering around for instance Heymann the ezra height 8 on azurite that's Psalm 88 and 89 these guys these kind of loose have a psalm here or there the one you might want to mark down is Solomon who has specifically in 72 and in 127 Psalms I want to give you some different words for what Psalms are called these are found and here's what I would do I'd put them in the front of some and then I go through the Psalms and I'd write them above the superscription okay one of them is the garden-variety term for sums it's the words were praise and it's the word mizmor um is more of David sometimes it's transliterated in your Bible sometimes it's not but usually if it says a psalm of David it's usually am is more as a song that's accompanied by something that plucks like a plucking stringed instrument fifty-seven of the Psalms are labeled as Ms Moore's it is generally not a hard-driving percussion it's not that it's generally something that leans more into country and plucky generally okay there's a second one this is the term all the way through scripture for Song sheer Shara Sharia MS song of songs the Song of Solomon sheer and it just means a song twelve of them are labeled shearing so twelve Psalms say this is a song generally speaking Shireen are more dramatic they tend to be drama they tend to be more developed on the idea they're not driven by the music they're driven by the idea so when you read Song of Songs don't expect it to have a really catchy kind of rhythm it's driven by an idea but when you see this word often it's like a musical now I'm not a big musical guy I am trying believe me I really am I just think singing in the rain just looks stupid to me but there but what happened I you know these guys all of a sudden when you're out there and you see a musical how many of you like musicals okay some of you like okay so you have people walking along the street and all of a sudden he breaks into you know you know you're beautiful and she's like I know you know it's like and they're like start singing about it you know another dancing around that's not my thing but Song of Solomon is exactly that when we do Song of Solomon I'm going to break it down not in action scenes I'm going to actually tell you the play because it's based on this dramatic but it's idea or heart driven and that's sheer Shireen okay a mosque Ile mosque heal can be I'll give you one way to spell it sometimes it's kil muscle it's actually they tend to be contemplative contemplative has this it's almost a quiet bombardment of your mind it's a quiet force to push me along I like contemplative writing it's one of the reasons I like reading Augustine's Confessions it contemplative writing but it's like read how many you've ever read aw Tozier that's contemplative okay here's the problem Tozier kills me every time I read a paragraph and it kills me for the rest of the week because I'm like a dirty filthy sinner you know it's like it's just like it's he blows up my life and so I have to only read him in doses I like Chesterton GK Chesterton because he writes now he writes in a whimsical style but his best one-liners are right in the middle of the paragraph I mean it just BAM it's like you're contemplative isn't always gentle it's powerful without being bombastic some people Donald Trump their way into you know that's bombastic it's like they say tough words and they say that's how it ought to be that's not contemplative contemplative would be the quieter person who rolls out big ideas okay and that's what I want you to get that for me is is really what am i feel is now there's also something called a myth Tom Beck Tom we looked at the other day can anybody remember what it was one of the big uses of it is a suspense it's not always suspense it can be an epigram it can be a pissy saying but the general way it's used in music you know it's a word that's used a lot of different ways and the root meaning is disputed and we're not really even sure where the root word comes from but bottom line is modern Hebrew understands this to be more of a an epigram or a poem with pithy sayings in the an ancient language my professors leaned towards something that was more suspenseful something that was building something that had a climactic moment in it something that was almost like it's complicated for those of you who know music it's Russian okay if you know anything Akatsuki never did anything in a small way can I just say it that way if it's Russian it's like by the end the poor guy who's directing he needs to lie down for a while okay it's just that kind of big thing and and and some of that I think is you see this building and building and building until suddenly he's furiously go you know and there's this moment okay now what's interesting is that in Hebrew the term Fela is the term either for rest break or climax now those are two very opposite ideas but it means you bring it to a point either a quiet point or a dramatic point but it you bring it to a point and that's what Fela is so sometimes we'll say rest other times it's crescendo out the Yazoo I just made that up okay now there's also a typical five Psalms along with Habakkuk three are called Tessy law it not to be confused test the law tefillah is its prayer if the words a general Hebrew word for prayer a prayer and the last term and there's five of these the last one is the general catch-all term kattiline which is the word praise it's found in Psalm 145 if you're looking for it it appears to be a later word it's it's found only written out in what appears to be a latter form everything I just told you is subject to debate we there's a lot of stuff about poetry we just can't grab so I don't want you to go well you know dr. Randy said it's this way I'll give you the best I can my poetry in English is terrible like roses are red you know I think you're neat I said I'm not I'm no good at this okay let's get some let's get some musical terminology and I need to give you some musical terms so that and you know what I would do with these I'd write them down then I go through the book superscriptions and I would fill them in because it will pay off I promise you five years from now somebody says let's have a Bible say we're doing Psalm whatever you open it up and if you've got all those words all broken out you will know more about that song before you read its first word you will already be on the page of this is who wrote it this is what it's about this is the sound of it this is the instrument as for you're going to have a lot of knowledge about it and does that make all the difference in your theology probably not but remember part of music isn't about the cognitive response it's about the emotional response I don't listen to music all the time so I can some help mathematically work it out sometimes I do but I'm weird that way I times just need the settling of soul let me give you a couple of terms for these because these are helpful to me and I keep them written in my Bible lamento seoc l'm NSA office to the chief musician and it will be it will say chief musician and none of these are going to be correctly spelled in english because when you put them into English it's whatever it sounds like hence my office in Jerusalem used to be on Lincoln because if you spell Li ncol N it's Lincoln in Hebrew there is no such thing as word letters that don't have sound okay if it's there you say it so everything phonetic which is why my children growing up in Jerusalem spell the way they do in English phonics really works well though okay to the chief musician is a disputed term but to me you'll find it like in 50 different but like if you go to song some man training where where did we see it we just saw it yesterday we just saw it it is set okay 59 okay I knew it was fifty something I just couldn't think of it we just we had just looked at it alright generally speaking it may be that some of them are tail Jesus you're my king hail Jesus you're my king it's it's a guy leading and then the people responding the choir director maybe it may tell you that to give you a sense that it's a back and forth thing you have to remember you're in a written culture no matter what people do to criticize your generation you can tell them this and it's true you write more than any generation that's ever been on the earth most of it's nonsensical tweets but you write more than any generation has ever been on the earth most people never looked at writing imagine what your day would be like if you extracted all writing first of all your email just went away so your life just got better Facebook gone now all you have are the pictures so you can see puppies all day long puppies kittens you know because political stuff won't work without words you know a picture of the president doing this just doesn't convey anything you know it's like boy he's getting great I mean that would be the whole the whole subject would be Wow have you seen how gray he's getting up it wouldn't be about substance at all think about what happens to your life when it's no longer words now to the chief musician then is since I came and I want to worship but I don't know the words and we don't have PowerPoint you got to tell me the words then I'll respond and it's a great way to give people the ability children one of the ways you teach them music is its teacher teacher teacher student student student teacher teacher teacher students that's the way you do it and there's a lot of that okay there's another set and I will tell you'll find this in psalm 42 a bunch of the 40s 40 to 44 to 49 these are Benet cora the sons of korah the psalms of the sons of korah and they're these were musical performers that came and did when you see psalms of the sons of korah think soloist Andrea Bocelli doesn't need you to sing along okay is what I'm saying so these are guys who come out and they hit you hard and there are ten of these and I think that they're kind of interesting but there's some of them appear to have more than one author but it's usually one singer so like Psalm 88 looks like there's more than one author but there's a single singer okay let me give you a couple or okay one of them Negi notes Nega notes is like psalm for psalm 6 Nega note is these are stringed instruments these are instruments so when I say this is for Strings Negi knows it's for strings what does that tell you about it sound it it tends to be melodic soothing I find brass to be to put me on edge I like chamber music as its strings brassy music moves me out too I'm not just I'm just telling you about me I don't know if that works for you I'm not a big John Philip Sousa don't understand you know guys that's just not i don't relax to a marching band and unfortunately a lot of the experience a lot of american kids have with music is brass and marching band music and then they go off and have a garage band yeah which sounds everybody just noxious nevermind so the point is that that it's not it's not smooth it's not it's not gentle let me give you another one there's one particular woodwind that is scheme' neat shamone a is 8 chemin 8 is probably like an 8 it's either an eight-string lute or it is a an 8 buttoned flute it's one of the two okay so it can be a type of stringed instrument or it can be a woodwind instrument it's something with eight there's another one and we're almost done I one of my personal favorites take your Bible go to Psalm 8 I love this one now when you get to the beginning of Psalm 8 it only really helps if you ever watch TV land reruns of Lucy if you've never seen Lucy reruns you're going to be lost on this one did anyone see Lucy stomping grapes did you ever see the Lucy stomping grapes episode okay it is a classic okay she gets in this tub and you know you stomp grapes with bare feet the reason you stomp grapes with bare feet is you're trying to break the skin and the meat of the of the grape but not the seed if you break the seed you've heard of a dry wine right a dry wine has a bitter tannins and often they come from the skins being left in there or the seed breaking and so what you want is you want the juice that comes from the meat but you don't want to break the scene you want to choose whether or not the seeds going back in or is going to add to the taste it depends on what you're making so you get into this tub you fill up the tub with the grapes and then you get in there and you have to walk around well the problem is in the particular episode you know if you know anything about Lucille Ball she would do things in a big way another bombastic kind of person you know but she would do this and she's like falling all over you're not supposed to sit down in it there are parts of your Anatomy that should never touch the juice okay and so what you're supposed to do is you're supposed to walk around in it well in the antiquity they would have a rope that hung down in the center of the VAT and you would hang on the rope and shred the the grapes into wine and so --get eat either means and something like an instrument came from gasps like God of the Philistines or for the shredding of the winepress I think it means for the trading of the winepress there are three of them Psalm 8 Psalm 81 Psalm 84 Psalm 8 Psalm 81 Psalm 84 that is to be sung to the stomping of the grapes now there are some songs that come out of the revivalist era of Christianity that is familiar to the world war ii veterans and they're like onward Christian soldiers marching guns to it that has the sound of this okay when you go to Jerusalem with me you'll go to the western wall and you will see people Dobbin accord Abba ting they're doing this and that means and since you pray out loud and from a book you never make up your prayers you read them and you sing them you're just praying and I can jump in everybody on verse 2 and the guy next door comes in it goes of them the number and jumps right in where he is it's a way of getting everybody on beat it's reason people used to stand up and do this you know yeah that kind of thing to the congregation so you'll see some of those that show up remember that the term Sayla means either climax or or rest but it means a point of reaching a point and I think I have given you enough before we actually study individual Psalms themselves okay you get the sense that there's five books you get the sense that they have different sounds and the superscriptions are that are the key to them [Music] I don't have blame you [Music] I don't have flame thank you
Channel: One Hour. One Book.
Views: 3,393
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Keywords: GCBI, Dr. Randy Smith, Bible teaching, Bible class, Hebrew, Greek
Id: IEBJsfYlXjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2017
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