Jeremiah and the Exiles, Pt. 5 (GCBI 107.01)

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let's pick up now in chapter 16 here's the most notable thing in chapter 16 and that is in the beginning as the captivity approached jeremiah was commanded he could not have a family he's forbidden to marry or to have a family it says you shall not take a wife in verse 2 for yourself or have daughters or sons in this place so I would mark next to that 1st Corinthians 7 when paul recommended that within with the oncoming of persecution sometimes it's wise not to have any kind of family and we pointed that arrow out earlier but one of the things he says is he's going to give them counsel on how to deal with people in the in the future but at the beginning his present is pretty tough I want you to notice the first half of it has to do with the current day that he's in but verses 14 to 21 deals specifically with the another return it says verse 14 therefore behold days are coming and I'd underline days are coming when it will no longer be said as the Lord lives who brought up the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt but this is what we will say as the Lord lives who brought the sons of Israel from the land of the north and from all the countries where he advantage them in other words I'm about to move forward with restoration up till now you've always talked about the God who brought you out of Egypt I'm going to be the God who brought you out of captivity in all these other lands and brought you back to the land a new restoration and he says I'm going to declare I'm going to send for many fishermen declares the Lord and they will fish for them this is the I will make you fishers of men passage of Jeremiah he says I will I will fish for them and afterwards I will send for many hunters and I will hunt from them from every mountain every hill from the clasp of the rocks there's two sides to this on the one hand it's like God will regather the Jewish people on another hand many times if you look at history the Jewish people were largely gathered by people who wanted to do them armed they came back to Israel to get away from other people so there's a lot of ways to read that verse 17 my eyes are on all their ways they are not hidden from my face nor is iniquity concealed from my eyes this is God speaking into I know who you are I see where you live I'm watching you all the time and he says I will doubly reap a iniquity and their sin because they have polluted my land they filled my inheritance with carcasses and detestable idols and then Jer Jeremiah begins to pray and this is one of those prayers with this well listen to the way he phrases Oh Lord my strength and my stronghold my refuge in the day of distress to you the nations will come do you see the millennial promise from the ends of the earth they will say our fathers have inherited nothing but falsehood futility and things of no profit down in verse 21 therefore behold I'm going to make them know this time I will make them know my power my might they will know that my name is the Lord God's great promise in the future as Jeremiah lays it out is that he's going to come in that millennial reign and people are going to come from all over the world and engage him here you know there's many opportunities to look at this in different ways but I think that that's at least as a part of it go to 17 1 to 4 I want you to see two words that you underline in verse 1 the word sin and the middle of verse 1 engraved your sin is engraved I see the indelible engraving of your sin verses 5 through 8 underline Justin verse 5 curse it is the man who trusts in mankind I don't want you to trust people they can't deliver you down in verse seven underlying blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord so there's a contrast there are people who will trust what God says and many people who will trust what man says here is God's warning it's in verse verses 9 and first half of 10 I would put a box around it the heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick who can understand it that's the question what's the answer I the LORD search the heart I test the mind god alone knows what's real in the hearts and minds of people can I just suggest to you that you may not even be conscious or aware of what's real in your own mind I you know all of us have this experience where we tell a story about our childhood so many times but that's not actually how it happened that's how we remember it then your sister says that's not what happened that's the way I remember it yeah but that's not what happened we we are our heart doesn't give automatic recall of events it gives interpretations of those events to tend to make us look good and the other person not look so good now take a look at the the proverb found in verse 11 as a partridge that hatches eggs which is not which it has not laid so is he who makes a fortune but unjustly in the midst of his days it will forsake him in the end he will be a fool what's he trying to say what's the proverb means again it's flowery flowery proverbial metaphor he says here's this bird that didn't lay this egg but it sits on top of the egg and hatches it okay and he says in that same way a person who makes a fortune on the backs of other people are hatching what was not his own in the end he'll be a fool why what happens to the bird who's sitting on the little hatchlings when the hatchlings come out yeah they get pushed off and it becomes apparent that they've been sitting on the wrong egg the point of the proverb is you're trusting the wrong thing you're sitting on the wrong egg we even call our finances a nest egg you're sitting on the wrong egg you're going to be stabilized by something and in the end you will be a fool you'll be disconnected from where the real stability comes from from verse 12 through verse 18 he tells a story of how God is going to have his throne set back in its place in the sanctuary where it belongs and he calls on God to heal him in verse 14 and save him and to be his trust his strength so that he's not going through trouble by himself there's almost a very personal sense to this and then when you get down to at verses 19 to 27 he turns his attention to one subject thus the Lord said to me go and stand in the public gate through which the kings of you to come in and go out as well in all the gates of Jerusalem and say to them listen to the word of the Lord kings of Judah and all Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem who come in through these gates thus says the Lord take heed for yourself do not carry any load on the Sabbath or bring any anything in through the gates of Jerusalem I want you to notice that in verse 22 this will be a constant problem we're going to see this again at the end of israa where you see them again making their way in and out and violating the Sabbath you shall not bring a load out of your houses on Sabbath nor do any work but keep the Sabbath day holy why is that so hard for people at the time of Jeremiah when it's obvious that's been the law of God since all the way back at the time of Moses why are they stumbling over Sabbath why what would be the motivator what stops people from cordoning off time that God has told them to give to him if you work more hours you get more money that's it the point is what happens is people will start explaining to you how they need need to do this work because they can't cover their needs unless they ignore God now stop and think about what I just said and you'll see the error of it I'm not trying to tell you that you have to quit your job we'll say everyone should work on Sunday but what about every Sunday what about every opportunity you have to get together with the people of God they shut down I'm not kidding I knew a person who in every if they had a Tuesday night Bible study their boss would ask them to work Tuesday night now the boss wasn't aware of it but they're not competing against flesh and blood and I watched them you know what happens to a hot coal when you move it to the outside of the fire it turns gray and ashen you got to put it back in the fire to get it red again you need each other we all need each other we've got to be in this together we're not called to do it alone what happens is people go out and they get busy and they realize the land isn't producing and they're not getting as much so maybe if they add some extra hours but wait a minute who controls what the land produces this is why Americans would rather protest and lift placards at a political event and pray because they don't get it they honestly believe it's presidents that make policies and what they don't understand is there's a King above all Kings you're on the wrong page I'm not telling you can't protest I'm saying don't protest without prayer it's meaningless if you don't do the first thing don't do the second so ultimately the end of this ends up now there's a picture another one of those pictures we had a picture a couple of chapters ago with a belt this is a picture in chapter 18 of it says arise go down to the potter's house and I will announce my words to you I want you to go to the pottery shop stand there and I'm going to tell you what to say so I went verse three he was making something on the wheel but the vessel he was making on the clay was spoiled in the hands of the Potter so you remained it into another vessel as it pleased the Potter to make that's when the word Lord came to me can I not o house of Israel deal with you like a Potter does numbers can't to squish you and make you again that's what he did he said I he said he says at that at one moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to uproot to pull down to destroy it if that nation again against which I have spoken turns from its evil I will relent concerning the calamity even I'm perfectly open to having you come back to me but that's not what you're doing here's what I'm not going to do I'm not going to fire the pottery without remaking it while it's broke I'm not going to do that he goes down in verse 13 and he asked the question who ever heard of anything like this the version of Israel has done a most appalling thing does the snow of Lebanon forsake the rock of the open country here's what he's saying nature is reliable you can count on snow to stick to a rock how about the cold flowing water from a foreign land is it ever snatched away you can count on water going downhill you're early again when I make something it's supposed to do something but my people have forgotten me you guys are utterly unreliable I can trust nothing about what what you have become and that's the picture in the poorly made pot in eighteen and nineteen this is pot number two the sequel the exciting conclusion of the first movie as we look at another pot okay maybe not that exciting verse one this time he says go and buy a Potter's earthen jar earthenware jar take some of the elders of the people and take some of the senior priests then go out to the valley of bidden been he gnome that's the valley just outside jaffa gate which is the entrance of the potter the the potsherd gate and proclaim their the words that i tell you okay so you just listen go get a piece of pottery and get all these guys together walk them out to the edge of this gate and then I'm going to tell you what to say here are the word of the Lord o kings of Judah inhabitants of Jerusalem behold I'm about to bring a calamity upon this place verse 4 because they first taken me and have made this an alien place and it burned sacrifices in it two other gods I want you to see something the place that he's looking at is the Hinnom Valley and Jeremiah 32 that Hannah Valley is a place where the high places of toe fat were that means nothing to you but it's a place where they burned children this was a place where child sacrifice and child burning occurred the Hinnom Valley in the old testament is called guy means v-shaped valley guy Hinnom guy he Nome in the New Testament is Gehenna it's the place of the burning of the trash where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched it's the imagery for Hell in Luke's Gospel why well what happened was people will put it put up high places to toe fat burn their babies in the price of the real estate plummeted and I'm not trying to be a knight about I'm just saying that what happened is by that time it ended up being a trash dump and the places of the former representations of those gods became a place of burial and a place of burning trash that was always going the imagery of Hell indirectly came from this place this says I am going to take it out on you it says look Versailles they have built high places about to burn their sons in the fire there it is verse 7 says I'll make void the Council of Judah and Jerusalem so the major charge in chapter 19 is that they're the broken Potter's vessel was seen in that they no longer even cared for their children they were willing to sacrifice their children on false on the altars of false gods I am watching it happen in my own nation now where people will stand up and they will tell you it is my unmitigated right to kill a child that was in conveniently conceived now when you get down to chapter 20 another person is introduced into the text his name is Asher and he's a false speaker he he's a priest he's a chief officer in the house of the Lord he's a bigwig and verse 2 says that he had Jeremiah the Prophet beaten and put him in stocks in the upper at the Upper Benjamin gate and then later on the next day he released Jeremiah and you would have thought Jeremiah settled down he didn't Jeremiah said in verse three Fisher is not the name of the Lord has called you but rather mug or miss Aviv's McCormick's Abid means terror on every side and he's not talking about the fact that he beat him it says thus says the Lord behold I'm going to make you a terror to yourself and to all your friends while your eyes look on and they will fall by the sword of their enemies so I will give over all Judah into the hand of the king of Babylon he will carry them away his exiled to Babylon and he will slay them with the sword he said you know what you can beat on me if you want but I know where you're going I know what's about to happen to you and you can be as snotty as you want because you are going to watch your friends be butchered in front of you and the ends with pie sure all over six who live in your house will go into captivity you're done now what's interesting is it's followed in verses 7 to 18 the rest of the chapter with a an incredible deep moaning woe is me this is depressed jeremiah okay we tune in now to find the weeping prophet sitting depressed this is what he says lord you deceived me and i was deceived you've overcome me and prevailed I have become a laughingstock all day long everybody mocks me and here's what you're going to read me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me it's so sad and the end of the chapter is to say get a clue big guy but you know what I love I love that God included his moaning you know why because I've done this and some of you there is a message in 21 and the message is his message for Zedekiah Dedic I remember 'he's the one who will watch his children be executed and have his eyeballs put out so his ending spot isn't real good before that happened while he still could see and while I still had children the word Lord came to Jeremiah from the from the Lord when King Zedekiah sent him to pressure the son of malkia and to define as a pond Yahoo the priest the son of Massa is a messiah saying please inquire the Lord on our behalf for Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon is warring against us perhaps the Lord will deal with us according to all his wonderful acts so the enemy will withdrawal from us hey these are the foxhole believers they're the ones who they'd anytime for God until now their surrounding then they go God I'm getting you my heart I'm giving my soul I'm going to sing songs I'm going to learn the guitar I'm going to do it all and Jeremiah said Jeremiah said to them you shal say to Zedekiah the following thing thus says the Lord God of Israel I'm about to turn back the weapons of war which are in your hands with which you were warring against the king of Babylon the Chaldeans who are besieging you outside their wall I will gather them into the center of the city I myself will war against you and even with an outstretched hand and a mighty arm even in anger and wrath and great indignation in other words you're cooked stick a thermometer in it you're already done he says in no uncertain terms in verse 7 I will give over Zedekiah king of Judah and his servants and the people even those who survive in this city from the pestilence sword famine and the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon into the hand of their foes into the hand of those who seek their lives and will strike them down with the edge of the sword in other words it's over you will lose you need to plan on captivity Zedekiah because it's over god did doesn't always send friendly happy messages sometimes what he says is it's over I keep running into people who when God says that they need to know Jesus while they're alive or they will be lost in a crisis eternity somehow they have in their mind that they're only somewhat lost and somehow they'll get another chance that is not a god thing it sounds like a god thing it sounds compassionate it sounds loving it's a lie the last thing you want to do is tell somebody they have more time than they really have that is not loving it's terrible and so 21 just lays it out he says at the end of 21 behold I am against you verse 13 ovalle dweller a rock rocky plain declares the Lord you men who say who will come down against us who will enter into our habitations I will punish you according to the results of your deeds it's interesting he God lays it out and he says it's over now I'm pushing fast because I want to get to a certain point by lunch but just look very closely at 22 in the beginning the Lord says go down to the house of the king of Judah and there speak this word hear the word of the Lord verse 2 king of Judah who sits on David's throne there's three do justice do righteousness deliver the one who has been robbed from the power of his oppressor do not mistreat or do violence to the stranger orphan and Widow so first stop oppressing people and allowing people to be a press second look at the weak people in your society stand up for them third do not shed innocent blood in this place these are the things that the Lord hates the inequity the injustice the shedding of blood and verse four says if you men will indeed perform this thing then Kings will enter the gates of the house sitting in David's place all I'm asking you to do is soften your heart to my word and execute exactly what I'm telling you to do and you'll have a king sitting on the throne but verse five if you will not obey these words I swear by myself declares the Lord which is by the way the highest thing against we're against that this house will become a desolation and then he then he stops he says this is what the Lord says concerning you kings of Judah you are abundant you're like Gilead to me that's the word of for an abundance you like the summit of Lebanon you most assuredly I will make you like a wilderness so you have been abundant I'm going to make you desolate he says I will set apart destroyers against you with with each with his weapons and they will cut down your choice of Cedars I'm going to strip you of your ability to stand up and fight many nations verse 8 will pass by the city and they'll say where's the Lord done to this great city then they will answer because they took their covenant there's something I want you to know about this jeremiah says to jerusalem that people are going to come and look at your aslam ago what happened to these people but later on in seventeen and eighteen of Revelation I've mark revelation seventeen eighteen this is going to turn over when God's people are on the ropes God is going to bring down the world system of Babylon in an hour and people are going to look back at it and say what happened that mighty Babylon fell it's the reverse of this so this one is all about my people when you don't stand up and do right the world will look at you and go what happened to them in revelation 17 and 18 one of the world system is under attack and God takes it down then all the world will look at it and say look what happened to us it's all falling apart and the people that know God will look at them and see what God has done to them it's the reverse as we close off to go to lunch I just want you to look at the second half of 22 that's as far as I need to get and that will put us right on track to where we need to be five minutes from now okay watch this in verse 10 it says do not wait for the dead or mourn for him but weep continually for those who go who goes away for he he never returns or will see his native land I'm going to take away the kept captives I want you to weep not for the dead but for those who go away and lose their home and then he says thus says the Lord in regard to shall him by the way you know who shall amidst Jehovah has and it says the son of Josiah king of Judah who became king in the place of Josiah after his father was killed by Necco and it says he went forth and he will never return there you remember that after Josiah there's another removal the removal of Jehovah's or Shalom is a removal that there's actually six oh six and 597 and 586 the middle one happens as a result of this so he says I'm just tell them he's not coming back and in verse 12 but in the place where they led him captive there he will die and not see his land again so God gives a word jehovah's you've been taken captive you're going away you're never coming back why what were the enumerated sins of Judah that got God upset in verse 13 woe to him who builds his house without righteousness and his upper rooms without justice luxury built on the backs of other people inequitable luxury who uses his neighbor's service services without pay he cheats people who does not give him his wages who says I will build myself a rooming house house with spacious upper rooms and cut out its windows paddling it with cedar and painting in bright red extravagance so here it is cheating to gain extravagance and he goes do not become a king because you are competing and see competing in cedar but did not your father eat and drink and do justice and righteousness and it was well with him he says did you not see Halle has that Josiah did right and God blessed him people are going to look at the blessing of believers and try to imitate it through trickery and he says I'm going to use that against you the rest of this passage is about God looking down on Kings like Jehoiakim or Jehoiakim in verse 18 and saying there's no respect there they don't long to respect you've forgotten me all these things that they have done wrong now that brings you to a big messianic passage and chapter 22 ends with this kind of down beat that Jehoiakim I have had such judgment against your people but verse 24 says as I live declares the Lord even though Kanaya the son of Jehoiakim of judah were a signet ring on my right hand yet i will pull you off you're not going to be blessed and but there is a future blessing for the people after twenty three verses one through eight is the great solution of the coming of Messiah chapter 23 is a messianic passage and there are not if this is not like isaiah where you have many many messianic passages there are some allusions but this one's a very chapter 23 verses 1 through 8 sets up the true prophet the true Shepherd the true branch the one that will come as messiah and then he picks up basically false prophets and pushes forward through much of the rest of the chapter with the false in chapter 23 he opens with woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the Sheep of my pasture he says in verse 3 I myself noticed that my self is capitalized because the the translator knows that he's speaking in first person I myself will gather the remnant of the flock out of all the countries so there's a regather and then it says I will also raise up Shepherds over them and they will tend them but then down below it talks about one Shepherd in verse five behold the days are coming and often he says that about end time events and he says when I will raise up for David a righteous branch and he will reign as king and act wisely and do justice and righteousness in the land in his days Judah will be saved Israel will dwell securely and this is his name by which he will be called Yahweh nisi or the Lord our righteousness and here's the thing when you look at the passage he says I'm going to do this personally I'm going to do this at the end times I'm going to do this as king I'm going to do this instability that can't be the first coming of Jesus that's not what he did he did not come and make reign as king and have that set up with that kind of stability here's what what I do know he he promised to do that in the future and when he promised to do it in the future he he would set up an abundant Kingdom I would probably say somewhere like Ezekiel 34 and some of those blessings that go with it would fit into here next to verse five I would say that Ezekiel 37 and the reuniting of the northern and southern tribes together goes along with that all of this and then go down to verse eight and it says as the Lord lives who brought up and led back the descendants of the household of Israel from the Northland and from all the countries where I where I had driven them then they will live on their own soil so it's clear that there's an end a during that the land is very much a part of this this isn't just well spiritually they'll come back and spiritually there'll be a revival but that the Jewish people will be in their land and that the the descendants of the household of Israel will return you could make that the earlier coming but it doesn't fit what it says about him reigning as king that has not happened so those days still look like they're forward I would make those millennial statements much of the rest of the passage is basically that the priests and prophets of Judah were wicked and the divine vengeance was hanging over top of them and the people that they shouldn't listen to false promises that they should face the ruin and understand it's going to happen there is a there is profit to understanding that judgment was coming down on them and so basically when you get to all starting in verse nine all the way to verse 40 he he levels against them don't believe the message of those who say we won't be judged if I had anything to put a buck besides besides the second half of chapter 23 don't believe the false message of deliverance we will face deportation and then you get to a picture in chapter 24 and this is a picture that is going to be a little bit strange it's a picture of your it's better if you go to Avalon it's better if you go to Babylon here's why I say that it says Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had carried away captive jeconiah some of you holy I seen king of Judah and the officials of Judah with the craftsmen and Smith's from Jerusalem had brought them to Babylon the Lord showed me behold two baskets of figs set before the Temple of the Lord one basket had very good figs like first ripe figs the other basket had very bad figs like they could not be eaten due to rottenness then they said to me what do you see Jeremiah my said figs good figs very good bad figs very bad which cannot be eaten due to rotten us the Lord said to me thus says the Lord God of Israel like these good figs so I will regard as good the captives of Judah whom I sent out of this place into the land of the Chaldeans so the ones going out were the good figs I will give them a heart to know me for I am the Lord and they will be my people and I will be their God for they will return to me with their whole heart the promise is I'm going to take them out but sometime later we gather them and I'm going to restore their heart you're going to see more about this in Jeremiah 31 but the important thing to see here is the good ones are not the ones you would think are good they're being deported but there's some good things going to come out of the deportation that are hard to understand can anybody tell me some good things that came from the Babylonian deportation Daniel himself was a blessing but also look at what he was what's the first six chapters about shining a light in dark place they brought blessing to Babylon Nebuchadnezzar learned the meaning of dreams because of Daniel good things happened because they went into captivity and in fact one of the biggest blessings of the captivity and I'd put it next to there is Ezekiel's message that the temple wasn't what they thought it was that God said you see a temple I see bugs and nastiness in the spear a world crawling all over that place you see it as something like wow this is the Temple of Solomon you know it's a building and it looks cool but I got to tell you there's a lot of nasty stuff going on there so sort of the underbelly was exposed by Ezekiel and that's going to be one of the important features of Ezekiel so that comes out of the captivity he says the bad figs verse 8 which cannot be eaten due to rottenness indeed thus says the Lord I will abandon Zedekiah king of Judah and his officials and the remnant of Jerusalem who will remain in this land and the ones who dwell in the land of Egypt and he will be one of those who dwell in the land of Egypt because Jeremiah will be whisked away to Egypt it says I will make them a terror and an evil for all the kingdoms of the earth reproach a taunt a curse in other words if they stay here they're leaving the their possessing the temple but when they go away they will be such a rottenness about them that everybody's going to go look at what happened to those guys better to get out now and be taken away and experience some of the blessing of encountering Ezekiel and Daniel than to stay there and have the rottenness played out over time that's where he's going now we're in a section of the book here where all of this is sort of the captivity channel I mean he's talking about here chapter 24 here's the remarkable statement captivity is good for you who would think that well he's trying to give them a little bit of a silver lining of how it's good and honestly in chapter 25 word comes to Jeremiah that in the fourth year of Yehovah came the first year of Nebuchadnezzar that because Judah has not hearkened to the Prophet it will be captive for a specific period of time here's what's important put a box around 25:11 and then make a note next to it with big stars seventy years the whole land will be a desolation and a horror and these nations will serve the K of Babylon how long 70 years why is that passage so significant you're going to come back to Daniel and he's going to go I was reading in Jeremiah that it was supposed to be seventy years long the reason that Jeremiah are the reason that Daniel in Daniel 9 knew that God wanted to move them back in 70 years was he said a says in Daniel 9 in the beginning of the chapter I was reading in Jeremiah and that's how I knew so there's a continuity of biblical thought from this verse over into the Book of Daniel and one of the most important things is that after 70 years the king of Babylon would himself be punished and all the nations would become judged by God and it's interesting go all the way down to 25 verse 30 God says to Jeremiah therefore you shall prophesy against them all these words and you shall say to them the Lord will roar from on high and utter his voice from the holy habitation he will roar mightily against his fold he will shout like those who tread the grapes against the inhabitants of the earth a clamor has come to the end of the earth because the Lord has a controversy with the nation's he's entering into judgment with all flesh as for the wicked he has given them to the sword declares the Lord thus says the Lord of hosts behold evil is going forth from nation to nation a great storm is being stirred up from the remotest parts of the earth God is promising that there's going to be a vast powerful International tribulation in the future and then it says those slain by the Lord on that day will be from one end of the earth to the other they will not be lamented gathered or buried they will be like dung on the face of the ground you know Revelation 16 talks about the gap of gathering 16:16 in the valley of Megiddo and in chapter 19 it describes this event where the bodies are strewn across the ground and the birds pick over them that's revelation 19 the first 10 verses so when you're looking at the passage it says a well you Shepherds verse 34 and cry wallow and ashes you masters of the flock you will fall like a choice vessel and goes describes how negative that whole tribulation scene will be all right pick up 26 unless you have questions I'm going to keep keep flying for the goal here in 26 word comes to Jeremiah in the beginning of reign of Jehoiakim or holy Hakeem Jeremiah makes a call for repentance in the court of the temple he outlines it and it says stand in the court verse 2 of the Lord's house speak to the cities of Judah who have come to worship in the Lord's house all the words that I have commanded you to speak do not omit a word he says I want you to tell them exactly what I told you to tell them he goes on in verse 3 maybe they'll listen verse 4 you will say to them that says the Lord if you will not listen to me and walk in my law which I have set before you to listen to the words of my servants the prophets whom I have seen been sending to you again and again but you have not listened then I will make this house like sheilo I will strip where the tabernacle wasn't she lo I'll strip the Temple in Jerusalem it's going to look like a ruin just like the tabernacle looks like a room right in the middle of the passage as a result of his open obedience to God and his affront to the people they plot against him again this is the second time you see a plot and this sign somebody read verses 7 through 10 the priests of the prophets and all the people heard Jeremiah steely words in the hospital ward when Jeremiah centers speaking all of the Lord had commanded him to speak to all the people increase in the prophets and all the people paid some saying you must die why have you prophesied the name of the Lord thing is how could you like to load his city will be desolate without houses and all the people gathered about Jeremiah and the house awards and the officials do the first things they came up to the King's house to the house reward satin the entrance of the new gate of the ward house okay why did they try to kill him look at him - the god I'm so upset in saying that for a long time what was it the temple he spoke against the temple so here's what I want you to see he spoke against the temple that's a precedent for Ezekiel who spoke against the temple in very very clear ways when we study Ezekiel you'll see it and who else spoke against the temple and got arrested Jesus Jesus was arrested and one of the primary reasons he was they laid hands on him was because he said destroy this temple and in three days I will rebuild it and you know John goes on to say he spoke this of the temple of his body but the important thing for you to understand is he spoke against the temple and that was the thing that would get under the skin of Jewish leadership faster than anything else he he's been telling the city is going to be destroyed nobody said anything about that as soon as he gets up and says the temple is going to be destroyed now they're arresting him and they're going to get rid of him right or at least they're going to plot to do so get down to verse 16 because when it actually comes due for him to be manhandled it says the officials and all the people said to the priests and the prophets know death sentence for this man for he has spoken to us in the name of the Lord our God so some supporters brought relief for Jeremiah so that he was not killed it says that Micah of Marussia prophesied in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah that's the that's Mike as the author of Micah so put down next to it you know this is Micah the prophet it's interesting because the Hebrew is quoted verbatim from Micah 3:12 thus says the Lord of Hosts Zion will be plowed as the field in Jerusalem will become ruins and the mountain of the house as the high places of the forest the point is that some of the elders in the land pointed back to the Book of Micah that happened earlier when is Micah contemporary - not the time of Jeremiah when if one was Micah Micah was part of a triad Isaiah Hosea Micah rough date yeah it's a 720 that will be Hezekiah time of Hezekiah this is much later so here's the point even though this is the 500s and that was the 700s why is Micah inserted in verse 18 here here's the thing these officials said don't kill him because we already have in the Hebrew Scriptures prophecies just like that why does that verse help me because it shows you that by the time of Jeremiah Micah was already considered a prophet of old and he was being quoted as the Bible that's going to be important does everybody get the point of that that if Micah 3 is quoted as the word of God in Jeremiah it means the two hundred years after Micah they've already published it circulated it believed it was the Word of God in other words it's not like the time of Jesus that they decided what was the Word of God in the Old Testament they knew it all along they had had pieces of it already and we have we have jewelry that has it on there there's a guy who was buried in Quetta a gnome in Jerusalem when they found the jewelry on the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face to shine upon you and it was on jewelry they have all these critical scholars making it like ah you know the Bible came together very late now it didn't every indication is that it came together much earlier Zion will be plough the field Jerusalem will become as ruins that's Micah 3:12 but it's also said here just to say what he's saying has been said before remember that when you're talking about Judaism where come to the Jewish people a lot of their reasoning is based on what the fathers said it's we're here because we stand on the shoulders of our fathers that went before us he goes on the rest of the chapter in chapter 26 it's all about this house is going to be like she Lo and and he's protected because I've become the son of shaphan and the other prophet Uriah prophesied and and and what's interesting Araya another prophet Uriah prophesized against the city and he flees to Egypt but he's brought back and he's slain so if you go to the end of chapter 26 there's a story about a man by the name of Uriah verse 20 you can circle his name and he prophesied against the city in verse 20 but he ran to Egypt verse 21 he fled and went to Egypt but they brought him back and it says in verse 23 you ride they brought arrived from Egypt and and led him to King Jehoiakim who slew him with a sword and cast his body into the burial place of the common people so it's not looking good for the prophets who are agreeing with Jeremiah Jeremiah lived but another guy did exactly what he did and ran and still died for it so let's just say that they're becoming more and more and more pronounced with how negative they're being toward what God is saying twenty-seven word word comes to Jeremiah again during the reign of Jehoiakim or Joachim the Lord told him to put bands and yokes on his neck and to send them to neighboring countries who want Judah to join in a war with Babylon now here's the point verse 6 of chapter 27 I have given all these lands into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon what he's trying to say is submit to Babylon because I'm behind the king of Babylon this is a strange thing for antiquity do you remember we talked about this earlier how when one one Kingdom fought another Kingdom the god of this kingdom was thought to have overthrown the god of that kingdom this is weird this is the Jewish reckoning that the God of the Hebrews is for the Babylonians against the Hebrews and that's weird right but but that's what God says verse 14 I want you to mark off do not listen to the words of the prophets who speak to you saying you will not serve the king of Babylon for they prophesy a lie put prophesy a lie to you I have not sent them God makes it very clear through Jeremiah you are going down Babylon is going to win and I'm behind it it's not that the Babylonian God Marduk is going to take me to task and beat me I'm behind them that's a very strange thing now as an example of the false prophets that are running around prophesying you'll read in verse 28 or chapter 28 one of those prophets this is a prophecy by hanya it says now in the same year in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah in the fourth year in the fifth month Kanani of the son of Azur the prophet who was from Gibeon spoke to me in the house of the Lord in the presence of the priests and all the people saying thus says the Lord of hosts the God of Israel I have broken the yoke of the king of Babylon within two years I am going to bring back to this place all the vessels of the Lord's house which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took away from this place and carry to Babylon this by the way what you're reading right now is entirely fabricated God said none of it it is not true he's making it up verse three verse four I'm going to bring back to this place Jack and I are the son of Jehovah is that had already been prophesied by Jeremiah as the opposite he's not coming back king of Judah and all the axles of Judah who went to Babylon declares the Lord for I will break the yoke of the king of Babylon so when Aniyah comes out with this bold prophecy I'm going to wipe up to king of babylon and everybody's coming back and the stuff they took from the temple how many of you think hanya was an incredibly popular prophet when he prophesied that verse five then the prophet jeremiah spoke to the prophet Ananya in the presence of the priests and in the presence of all the people were standing in the house of the lord now fine okay we'll see prophet Jeremiah said amen may the Lord do so may the Lord conform your will confirm your words which you have prophesied to bring back to vessels the Lord's house and all the exile from Babylon to this place yet here now this word which I'm about to speak in your hearing and in the hearing of all the people the prophets who were before me and before you from ancient times prophesied against many lands and against great kingdoms of war and calamity and pestilence the prophet who prophesied the peace when the word of the prophet comes to pass then the prophet will be known as as one of them the Lord is truly sent Ananya the Prophet took the yoke from the neck of Jeremiah the Prophet and he broke it now here's what you see he fabricated prophecy then Jeremiah did not dispute with him he said may it be as you've said from your mouth to God's ear great I got this yoke on my back and you might have noticed it God told me to put it there and I mean it comes and breaks it standing in direct opposition of what God told Jeremiah to do so he's doubling back and making up his own word and now he's breaking what God has told Jeremiah to do and 19 spoke in the presence of all the people thus says the Lord even so I will break within two years the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon you know what he just did he took a symbol that God made and changed its meaning to his own prophecy now I gotta tell you that's when God spoke up Jeremiah really didn't care that he was saying the opposite thing he wasn't all galled he was hoping maybe it was true but then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah after Hanani the Prophet had broken the yoke off the neck of the Prophet Jeremiah you see the problem you step in you took my symbol that I instructed my guy to do you broke it and you said something else with it go and speak to nunya say this that says the Lord you have broken the yokes of wood but you have made instead of them yokes of iron for thus says the Lord of hosts the God of Israel I have put a yoke of iron on the neck of all these nations that they may serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon fine fine you broke my wood I'm going to make it iron you broke what was breakable I'm going to make it unbreakable he says in 16 thus says the Lord behold I am about to remove you from the face of the earth this year you're going to die because you have counseled rebellion against the Lord how did he counsel rebellion against the Lord he broke the symbolism that God gave and decided to read this God has a special place in his heart that engulfed by people who grabbed Bible verses and twist their meaning this is something that he does not tolerate well so all the people that are out there they're going to watch their their daytime television talk show hosts that's going to quote the Bible and compassion to do things the Bible says don't do God has a special design on this inany of the Prophet died in the same year the seventh month so obviously it's a he got out of the idea that he had to live long enough to see if the prophecy worked he said it was going to happen in two years he died in one so when they all figured out he was wrong he was already dead and that's why he tells you that detail now before you I'm going to give you a break in just a minute but I want you to I want you to get to 29 because there's something there that you need to see this is a game-changer of the Old Testament it's in verses 4 through 7 put a box around it it's huge I mentioned this to you the other day when we were looking at the introduction up till now in the scriptures God had never told them how to live outside the Land of Israel they didn't know now they're being carted off they're being taken away and because they're being taken away into captivity how are they supposed to live should they go and become a subversive movement of rebellion should they fight the Babylonians well clearly that's not going to work should they begin holding prayer meetings for the downfall of the politician they hate now it says these are the words of the letter that's of the letter which Jeremiah the Prophet sent from Jerusalem to the elders of the Exile underline that letters were going back and forth between Jerusalem and Babylon and Daniel was familiar with Jeremiah because they were being counseled by Jeremiah from Jerusalem chapter 29 is huge because it tells us that there's a connection between Jerusalem jewelry and Babylonian jewelry but that's not all look what it says it says in verse 3 the letter was sent by the hand of Ella saw the son of shaphan and gonorrhoea the son of Hilkiah whom Zedekiah king of judah sent it to Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon this is what the letter said the counsel of God concerning how to live in the pagan land that sets up Daniel one one where they get dropped into pagan you okay this is how you live it says that says the Lord of Hosts God of Israel to all the exile whom I've sent into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon Babylon number one build houses and live in them number two plant gardens and eat their produce number three take wives and become fathers of sons and daughters and take wives for your sons and give your daughters to husbands that they may bear sons and daughters and multiply their and do not decrease he's not saying marry into the Babylonians he's saying there's plenty of you there you guys marry each other's children and do not decrease in number in other words ice-t-- I told Jeremiah not to build a family as the persecution came on and the deportation came on now you're deported get back to the fruitful and multiply thing get right back to it how do you act in captivity you keep on keeping on and then he says seek the welfare of the city that I have sent you into exile that is shocking it literally says open your eyes to the reality that you are outside of the land and I want you to seek blessing for the Gentile City and the Gentile rulers pray to the Lord on its behalf for in its welfare you will have welfare this is huge because they had no clue that God was actually using Gentiles and they could pray for Gentile this is the basis of what goes on in synagogues around the world today as people pray for the government that's over them by the way we got everything in the function of the local church in the first century from the synagogue so when Paul tells us to pray for those who have rule over us there's this is the beginning of a Romans 13 okay there's this is the first time it just hadn't happened before you didn't have people in Jerusalem praying for the you know praying that the local would somehow come to know the Lord God they didn't see the mission that they had to attract people toward God so God seeded them out into that place and then had them pray keep reading thus says the Lord of hosts verse 8 the God of Israel do not let your prophets who are in your midst or your divin errs deceive you do not listen to the dreams which they dream for they prophesied falsely to you in my name I have not sent them declares the Lord for thus says the Lord when seventy years have been completed for Babylon I will visit you and fulfill my good word to you to bring you back to this place again MUC next to a Daniel chapter 9 and see that this is part of what Daniel was looking for this is obviously what he understood 70 years and I will bring you back he's sitting there gone hey man it's been 68 and I don't see anybody packing and I - praying I fasted and prayed Daniel says verse 11 I know the plan I have for you declares the Lord plans for your welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all of your heart some of you are just now for the first time registering these wonderful verses that have been talked over so many other people in other circumstances just remember if you want the promises you also want the problems okay God didn't say blanket I know the plans I have for all of you to do good and not calamity he said they're in captivity they're in calamity I have a future for you you know we think of it we and it's all real positive to make all these personal lives but you know obviously if you're a Jim Elliott and you're sitting there being surrounded by the Alka Indians you can't start quoting I know the plans I have in you and it's not going to be calamity you're going to die that day they're going to eat you okay so let's not plan on making everybody be able to take from these verses be careful be careful for verses without context is it true to say God has a plan for you yes is it true that ultimately that plan will be good because it will tell his story yes but don't turn it into therefore I will get an a on the test I will get the better job and my skin will clear up no okay it doesn't work that way and people pilfer the verses and hanging on their wall and act like data they don't understand the people who said that we're sitting in captivity at the time okay then you will call upon me and you'll come and pray what I love is verse 14 says I will be found by you declares the Lord I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I've driven you I will bring you back to the place where you where I've sent you into exile because you have said the Lord has raised up profits for us in Babylon and here's the thing he steps back and he tells them what a wonderful thing is going to happen submit to Babylon understand that you belong there and what I really want you to do is understand there will be a speedy end to this captivity [Music] I don't have we pray to you [Music]
Channel: One Hour. One Book.
Views: 5,602
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: GCBI, Dr. Randy Smith, Bible teaching, Bible class, Hebrew, Greek
Id: -vCwm23mdq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 39sec (3579 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2017
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