The First Vampires - How Early Vampirism Impacted Theology, Philosophy & the Occult

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one would think that modernity and the enlightenment would be the great period in which all monsters Spirits devils and goblins and gods for that matter would after a millennia of their rule finally go extinct that rationalism in the new science and social emancipation would certainly spell the Doom to Superstition magic and eventually religion itself would Wither on the vine and yet it would be precisely modernity and Enlightenment values that will provide us one of the most terrifying and enduring Monsters of the Contemporary period the vampire but the vampire of today from stoker to an rice to God forbid the Twilight series is a far cry from the earliest vampire reports in history let's rewind the clocks before Carmela before vanney the vampire before Dracula before poori back to the hinge of the 18th century to explore a few of the first accounts of the Living Dead praying upon the regular living and how the vampire craze that erupted in the heart of Enlightenment Western Europe left its mark on both philosophy and theology I should also mention that Phillip over at let's talk religion and I were chatting back and forth about what we wanted to do for our kind of Halloween themed episode and independently we both lended on vampires so great minds demented minds think alike apparently so you should also make sure to go check out Philip's episode on vampires as a kind of General introduction to the topic of course I'll be doing my esoteric thing diving deep into the early history of vampires and the theological and philosophical impact they would have in the enlightenment but also I often get the question are you going to cover any Islamic mysticism here at esoterica like the Shamar the answer generally speaking is no not really and the reason why so you can check out Philip's Channel let's talk religion he covers Islamic mysticism and Islamic occultism and the Islamic occult Sciences wonderfully so if you're interested in that topic again another reason to check out Philips Channel over at let's talk religion if you're interested in Magic hermetic philosophy Alchemy cabala or the history of the occult are just strange things in history like vampires make sure to subscribe cribe and check out my other content on topics and esoterism also if you want to support my work of providing accessible scholarly and free content on topics here in esotericism for free on YouTube I'd hope you consider supporting my work on patreon with a onetime donation over at PayPal perhaps you can use the super thanks option below the video or you can pick up some of our cool black metal style merch over at the store tab but now let's turn to the origins of the vampire I'm Dr Justin Sledge and welcome to esoterica where we explore the Arcane in history philosophy and [Music] [Music] religion of course the vampire Legend was not born out of whole cloth Tales of malevolent spirits that attack the living from Beyond the Grave or frankly ancient didto those of creatures that consume the blood of the living like the ancient lamea and even revenants who were said to emerge bodily somehow from their tombs I mean even ancient Ishtar threatens to unleash the Living Dead to consume the living if she's not allowed through the gates of the underworld Tales like this are extremely ancient however none of these beings can be said to be well vampires in a strict sense even the mysterious term vampire borrowed from some very unknown Slavic Roots into French through the emology as I mentioned just remains debated to this day reveals that there probably was no singular or vampire legend that it was a cluster of folklore with regional variants abounding from the upir of the Balkans to the verus of the aan lots of species of the genus vampire and some of the Legends the vampire set to physically rise from the dead and attack the living often starting out with family members and then Fanning out through the community with those being attacked sometimes becoming vampires themselves in some narratives they even attack livestock and the people that eat that livestock become vampires the nature of those attacks vary from blood drinking as is common but but it's just as common for them to be strangled or suffocated by the vampire while sleeping in other cases The Entity is just bothersome pinching people in the night in other cases still the physical body of the vampire remains in the grave the entire time but a spectral mystical body goes out on the prow somehow mystically filling the vampire's body and even their grave with Gore though the earliest narratives about the ravenous Undead are quite different from these though just as unnerving the vampire Legion especially as it becomes increasingly cified through the 18th century went through a period of rather rapid mutation so getting back to the earliest Legends is quite difficult however some of those earliest accounts of the Restless Dead are primarily not concerned with them rising from their graves to attack the living but how they actually Rose from the grave in some sense and attacked themselves within the grave among the earliest collections of vampire accounts such as the 1679 derer hisor phop de Moro by the Theologian Philip Roar and the more famous by the Reverend Michael rof in his 1734 de masoni morum and tumulus both refer to the chewing dead the dead that chew these are detailed accounts of the recently buried gibbering scratching and grunting like pigs within their graves further and similarly disturbing are accounts in which the dead have been exed for wide range of reasons only at that time that they appear to have somehow gotten free of their burial shrouds and worse they've consumed some of those shrouds in other cases it's even more disturbing the dead have gnawed at their own arms or even partially consumed their own the they've even eaten part of their own entrails aside from the horrible possibility of premature burial these texts are theologically worrisome a sign of the debates that are going to rage through the 18th century about the nature of vampires and their frankly theological implications note both of these texts were prepared by preachers ministers and theologians with their Chief issue here being the premature resurrection of the dead the dead aren't supposed to come back inside of their graves at least not not yet of course the Bible has instances in which the dead are physically returned to life but the general theological consensus of that time and now among Catholics was that such an event will occur only at the end of time at the final day of judgment thus the physical Return of the Dead is a theological problem not not just a it's not just like a monster problem it's worse than a monster problem of course Demons of course demons could be generating these sounds to frighten the living but the physical Resurrection remains alarming as only God Almighty has the power to physically Resurrect The Dead not even Satan himself has that power not even necromancy in some sense according to strict Catholic theology has that power and these mutilations within the grave are by no means demonic illusion and were numerously attested to from a range of frankly bewildered though reliable sources now most of these early texts adopt a kind of religious naturalism this would be a period that would really flower in the 18th century and aspects of this grave chewing could be Supernatural or demonically compelled the Dreadful sounds heard within the graves that could be demons but these theologians very nearly unanimously reject the full physical resurrection of the Dead within their graves that's just a bridge too far theologically rather most of the mutilations are attributed to insect and Vermin predation upon the body however raft doeses leave open a stranger much stranger possibility that is that death itself is a transitional cycle from a sense of being maximally alive physically mentally and spiritually alive through successive stages of death where the last vestage of life is a kind of purely vegetable existence this quy life at the border of a more absolute sense of death might explain the dead escaping from their burial shrouds and even some of the ravenous Behavior within the graves here religious naturalism and some quasi paracelsian alchemical theories of life and post-life are being Undead are brought to bear on those that naw within their graves R would have revise and expand and even translate his book over the years and it would go on to become extremely popular one of the most popular collections of early vampire narratives thus setting the stage for the vampire craze of the 1730s but to understand that we have to explore some of the earliest other vampire cases of that period some even gathered and published by Red though I will say he also says what happens why can we explain why other people people are harmed by these vampires and he gives the most interesting and elaborate theory of the idea that somehow the imagination of the people that are experiencing the gnawing sounds within the grave that the imagination is infected by this fear by these emanations coming out of the grave and that these can cause widespread shared delusions of seeing the dead roaming around so it's a kind of infection but not an infection of vampirism as as we'll see later but a kind of infection coming from the grave into the imagination of all those involved and this explains kind of the mass hysteria about why people would see the Dead returning to them and harming them and throttling them in the night it's an infection but an infection at the level of the imagination however by even the mid 17th century the very earliest Tales from Eastern Europe the Balkans and Southeastern Europe of the Dead returning to harm the living were already beginning to trickle into Western European records indeed such Legends were probably frankly centuries old by the time they were written down in the official records and entered into Western Europe I'm sure these Tales were circulating for centuries maybe even a millennium among the earliest of these Tales was a Croatian account of yor gando who perished by some disease in 1656 only to rise from his grave to torment the living for 14 years for 14 years they put up with this although in that text he's referred to as a strigon rather than a vampire something like a wizard with no reference to him consuming blood or the contagious vampirism that we'll see in later accounts he would eventually be exercised on a couple of occasions and you know beheaded his body however was strangely undecayed and filled with blood it let out a shrink when he was finally punctured and many of these elements would become canonical to the vampire narrative as it would be more fully fleshed out in the 18 Century though he was able to physically assault people including his former wife it appears that the attacks were spectral rather than purely physical after a physical Resurrection his grave site being undisturbed before his destruction in the account a similar even earlier account emerged from cesia where following the cover up of her husband's suicide the improperly buried man returns in spectral form but mostly just to bother people I'm not kidding he tries to strangle people but mostly manages just to like pinch them and he blows wind in their faces to to bother them however the ghost does appear more and more frequently even appearing in the daytime which is not really a thing you're supposed to do as a ghost and he's especially troubling to the cobbler's family and suspecting that he didn't just die of a stroke as his wife had been telling everybody the local Family actually convinces the authorities to exume him now 8 months after his death this well-attended spectacle a lot of the town's people The prominent towns people showed up and they were met with a swollen corpse blown up like a drum but oddly without the typical stench of death though many of the things we're going to hear now are telltale signs of decomposition but they were rather extraordinary to late 17th century eyes apparently this is things like the growth of nails and the beard the Shaving away of the outer layers of the flesh the appearance of a new rudish flesh there's even a mole on his toe that was shaped like a rose that apparently wasn't there when he was buried the limbs were still attached to the body and there was no sign of rigor mortise of course this is all to be expected of a buried corpse a deeply buried corpse especially one interred during the freezing months of winter and exhumed in April well the exhumation didn't exactly help matters it actually made things worse and even placing the corpse beneath the local Gallows probably as a kind of symbolic postmortem execution that just made him angrier make me angry too execute me when I'm dead so they finally did the rational thing they exed him cut him into pieces cremated him and distributed the body distributed the ashes so that people wouldn't collect it to do sorcery the rational thing to do I mean he didn't even really want to be alive during life so I guess they gave him kind of what he wanted at any rate the ghost didn't bother anyone ever again here again it's not quite a vampire as we might recognize the attacks are spectral they don't include blood consumption but those elements weren't long in coming let get to those in just a minute however what is key is the apparent Supernatural preservation of the corpse this is going to be a Lynch pin issue in Vampire narratives and of course the destruction of the corpse as a means to stop the spectral attacks even the rapacious nature of the Cobblers attacks on his wife points to the ravenous sexuality of the vampire as the leg develops and especially as it gets into the 19th and 20th centuries but the vampire as we best know them was just about to appear oddly enough it would be a political piece that would open the gates for the vampire to enter into the wider Western World concluded in 1718 the piece of pitz wood brought parts of Serbia and vakia out of Ottoman domain and into the power of Austria the military forces sent to occupy the newly acquired territory began sending back reports of locals exhuming and destroying the bodies of the Dead who they alleged were attacking them following their deaths this was alarming to the local Austrian authorities with these regions now open to the West such strange accounts of the Living Dead were translated from official military reports to Medical journals and then they were published as Sensational articles in circulation among the fashionable French journals of the salon and everybody at that Salon was talking about vampires by the mid 18th century an early such military account is the 1725 case of Peter plitz Well Peter dies as is prev vampire custom only to appear again to various family members By Night strangling them and drinking their blood and within a week nine people people had died all apparently suffering from a brief 24-hour illness following the vampiric attack by Peter the local population implored the new Imperial provisor to exume the body and to look for telltale signs of vampirism this was not their first rodeo a custom that we're told actually went all the way back to the period of the Ottoman administration of the region it appeared that the Ottomans they were fine with people hunting vampires despite some protests you know digging people up and cutting their head off and driving staks to their hearts it's a common Motif in these vampire stories that the sort of the idea of the rational person giving in the superstitious barbaric crowds and sure enough they dug the body up and it was found to be undecomposed with skin hair and nails grown freshly along with blood liquid blood fresh blood in his mouth satisfied that Peter had become a vampire and was responsible for all these deaths the villagers well they drove steak through his heart and fresh blood gushed out of his body there's even oblique reference in the story that his corpse had an erection which is also sometimes part of what happens when you're decomposing again pointing to the rapacious element of vampirism the idea of this death erection really troubled people the body was staked it was then burned and the official reports make sure to deny any personal responsibility on behalf of the provisor he doesn't want any part in this nonsense but he does ask to please inform him if we made any mistakes in the matter it's a lovely bureaucratic flourish to cap off a rather extraordinary tale frankly while the attacks again here remain spectral in this account Peter never seems to come out of his grave to attack people all the other principal elements of vampirism are certainly present and this tail might be one of the first recognizably modern vampire accounts however it wouldn't become the most notable that honor was going to be given to Arnold and Paul first published in 1732 too again emerging from the world of the military bureaucracy along with a strong adjunct of the medical Gaye looking at you Fuko the original German reads is oddly matter of fact considering what are sensibly the facts of the case the text now known as visum at repertum seen and discovered as indicated by the affidavit like conclusion opens with the soon to become vampire already knowing his fate strangely he's already been infected with vampirism fearing himself infected as I mentioned arnard actually has attempts to solve this he consumes Earth from another vampire's grave he smears himself in vampiric blood in an attempt to end his vexations however he falls off a hay wagon he breaks his neck the former Soldier is then buried and he's doomed to join the Restless Dead immediately following his bury Paul would go on to directly kill four people but because he had also predated upon livestock to drink their blood he had infected numerous other people with vampirism and directly they ate some of the Flesh of those animals in all more than 20 people would directly or indirectly die from his allege vampiric Rampage before after 40 days following his burial he was exhumed again undecayed covered in fresh blood with new skin and Nails the vampire was Stak through the heart causing him to audibly groan and bleed copiously before his remains were cremated that detail of him groaning is not actually attested to by the people that were there they weren't there for several years later but it's made it into the literature of course with vampirism being pestilential 13 other people would also be exhumed and inspected by medical professionals of which many people were found to be vampires and were similarly dealt with from children to the elderly they went through Coffin by coffin looking for vampires however others would be normally decomposed while like I said others like the 60-year-old Mela who were found in life to be thin she was thin and her life was now found to be plumply engorged with blood though forensic analysis of the Dead said that she was patient zero of the second wave of the infection having been the first to have eaten of the sheep infected by Paul this document is aside from the tale told also made all the more credible all the more credible by the people that read it and the signatures attached to it no less than five military and medical officers attest to the truth of all these events though many of them actually happened many years prior to their arrival so there's that regardless the affidavit likee bureaucratic nature of the document had the power to attest to the veracity of all of these events thus cementing this account in the in the veracity of the vampire Legend again with nearly all of the elements of the lore functioning in this text for the first time with a special emphasis on the epidemiological the medical nature of vampirism and the change of the appearance of the undead with the rudish complexion of the undead the vampire as opposed to the typical power of the inomed what's rather outstanding about these earliest accounts of vampire lore is just how different how different they are when compared to later 19th century narratives much less contemporary narratives with their damn sparkling rather than well-dressed handsome Aristocrats we have peasants most attacks are formed through spectral mystical bodies rather than physically resurrecting and walking around throttling strangulation is just as common if not more common than blood drinking as the means of violence committed by the vampires and they're absent in much of the way of things like shape shifting turning into a bat or a wolf or fog or any other Supernatural Powers we don't see them much in that way here and rather than the lean pale vampire we have like asatu they're plump zaf and they're rudish red with Gore that consume which is consumed at a distance through some weird occult means which is somehow even stranger them drinking blood from your neck or your chest for that matter of course very many other vampire elements are perfectly here in the lore especially the postmortem diagnosis of vampirism the reking through staking and cremation and the epidemiological character of vampirism as a kind of disease further the accounts are already themselves knocking at the door of theological polymics as if the vampires were inverse christs the consumption of blood the eating of bread made from vampire blood or Graven Earth the 40 days that Paul was in the Earth the resurrection of the vampire after their death the seeming prolonged afterlife maybe eternal life given to them much of which was gained through a relatively sinful life or at least a sinful departure like suicide for instance from this world and even the mockery of the incorruption of the Saints in Catholic tradition at least as these creatures gorg themselves with blood in their graves it wasn't only monstrous many such monsters and specters abounded but it was the very concept of the vampire as a theological and philosophically abhorent matter that such creatures could exist at all an outrage against especially Catholic Christianity and the naturalism of the Enlightenment I mean these creatures are miraculous that shouldn't be happening in the naturalism theories either the vampire wasn't only an attack on the peasants of Eastern Europe at the edges of what was Europe at that time it was also an attack at the very jugular of 18th century Catholicism and rational naturalism so both Catholics and naturalists had to become vampire Hunters as I mentioned a bit ago as early as romt and others the central problem was the degree to which those that chewed in their tombs and eventually the existence of vampires properly was a theological problem for the Catholics the central issue was to what degree were they alive in their tombs and out prowling about Central to that issue was both the seeming Resurrection from the dead as I mentioned but also their existence is a kind of mockery of cathol theology vampires They Were Somehow antichrists anti- priests and anti-s Saints all at once so that wasn't going to stand though I should mention for the Orthodox the old incorruptibility thing was fine excommunicated people according to their theology didn't Decay further 18th century Catholicism was undergoing a rather radical shift to naturalism increasingly embracing elements of positivism especially in the evaluation of Miracles even one of the great miracle debunkers would he would would eventually become Pope thus the seeming novel existence of vampires was an undeniable test case for this rather modern theological stance could Catholic theology weather the problem of vampires while conclusions varied among theologians and several including again a Once and Future Pope as I mentioned would address the topic of vampires the emerging position was that their physical Resurrection simply it didn't occur they were not physically coming back from the dead their apparent postmortem endurance was a natural effect of decomposition and any spectral effects were either ultimately delusional or demonic vandalism maybe the demons could prevent them from decaying at some rate but they didn't come back from the dead as for the Protestants if you're wondering this vampire craze was basically a non-issue it was all born of popish or Eastern Orthodox Superstition intermixed with a bunch of old peasant paganism the Protestant did didn't ever take any of this Terri ly seriously in fact Protestants just mock the Catholics for taking any of this into consideration in books the fact that for the Protestants the idea that Catholics writing books about vampires was further proof of the stupidity of papistry the philosophers too also were perplexed by the matter of the vampires the Cambridge platonist especially more took the resurrection of the vampire as actually lending possibility to strain survivals of the Soul after normal death he accepted the possibility they were coming back from the dead physically indeed some of the final vestages of historical paracelsian actually lent their theories and not a little Occult Philosophy to explaining the sudden appearance of the vampires during The Craze of the 1730s in fact voler voler that voler even seems to knowe perhaps in frustration that all anybody talked about in the 1730s was vampires so goth clubs meet 1730s Vampire Salon discussion scene in general there were very active debates about the nature of Life at this time from the radical me mechanists people like the postc carians with their sort of ghost in the machine Theory to various vitalist and even more occult theories still exactly what life was and when did it end was interesting at this time it's interesting in our time are viruses alive for the post cartisian the vampire might be a test case as if they held that human beings were different from other creatures and that they were machine bodies driven by conscious Souls we're machine bodies driven by conscious Souls located infamously in our pineal gland that's where your soul is according to the carians were the vampires human were they driven by thought and will or were they mere mechanism driven like Animals by their insatiable drive for blood simply motivated willful shells of former human beings one might even imagine a movie in which some cartisian set out from France into the Wilds of vakia to capture a vampire and then run tests on it to see if they can prove their philosophical convictions whether they're really animals or humans or Andy you watching this this is a good I think it's a good Aton Shay film other philosophical positions held that the physical body of the resurrected vampire must be linked to the mystical body that roams about attacking the living and somehow remotely draining their blood even spreading their vampirism through some means of epidemic this was a strange idea how did they get the blood in their graves but if one adopted a purely naturalistic Theory what explains the resurrection of these creatures how could they come back to life after being dead how could they be trapped in those tombs and still roam about and if one rejects this then how do you explain all the scores of apparently trustworthy reports flooding into Western Europe from the 1720s through the 1750s with germ Theory more than a century away Alchemy not yet extinct in the new science and its infancy with radical opinions abounding about what could be going on here the first major task of the Enlightenment if you believe this one of the first major tasks of the nent Enlightenment was to deal with of all things the emergence of the vampire and its philosophical implications for everything from the Cambridge platonists over there in England early modern ult philosophers the sort of early emergence of Neo occultism and the Twilight of paracelsian ism to the radical positivists and the mechanists everybody had a dog in this fight a vampire in this fight one even gets a taste of a firsthand report on the topic as the botanist Deo looks down his nose at the Islanders of mikonos as they seek to seek out and destroy a dangerous though not blood sucking Southern European species of vampire the violas his eyewitness account of the dissection of this creature makes for wonderful gruesome reading but definitely not at all for the squeamish by around 1720 what began as bureaucratic military reports on recently occupied lands had become a topic of near Universal interest through Europe the vampire had really arrived in Earnest what developed was a feedback loop local military reports got the interest of regional doctors those lured reports inspired conversations when published in fashion able Salon journals which prompted further investigation those investigations of course discovered more vampires and this feedback loop in various places through Europe reports of Eastern vampirism exploded through the 1750s well after the military occupation of the region ended in 1738 or so the vampire was simply here to stay of course this logic is so structurally similar to the witch hunts with credulous in investigators and righteous vampire Hunters next to the further credulous armchair theologians and philosophers way off over there in France it's not hard to think of the vampire craze as a mutation of the witch craze you had a preconceived notion of witches you went and found them through torturing people you had a preconceived notion of vampires you found them once you exume Graves and don't really understand what's going on in germ Theory and decomposition recall that executions for witchcraft were still occurring in the late 18th century with even a few spirous cases in the early 19th century Prussia they overlap in some sense the witch craze and the vampire craze and in this way I suspect that the witch and the vampire share some deep structural relation sociologically they certainly were in the minds of the people at this time think of the witch as causing pestilence and the vampire causing pestilence I think what happens here is you people traded the witch for the vampire these early military medical reports reprinted and learned journals and fashionable journals as I mentioned would reach their culmination in ket's Treatise on the apparitions of spirits and the vampires or revenants of Hungary Moravia Etc first published in 1746 but heavily updated in several editions especially the vampire editions he really really updated the vampire editions here's a copy I have that's actually going to be for sale in my um new catalog in some sense this is the definitive textbook on vampires of the period the entire second half of the book is dedicated to vampires and it's actually just one of the best collections of ghost stories as well the whole first Parts about ghosts and magic and demonic possessions and demons and things fantastic the priest scholar comt is at least in the first edition more open to the possibility of the reality of vampires as a kind of divine punishment but as more reports come in he becomes increasingly unconvinced and eventually rejects them as theologically impossible God is Not punishing people with this at any rate however as he gets on um later he wrestles really with the range of possibilities concerning vampire accounts and I would say that he struggles between a profound skepticism of this is possible to really being sympathetic to the accounts at his hand he really takes them as seriously as possible voler mocks him for this this dialectic creates a real tension in his work reading making it read as much of a dissertation frankly as a kind of mystery novel with the more horrible potential outcomes the the reality of the Living Dead a lot rests on this book theologically philosophically monological it's no wonder the book went into why editions it was widely popular it went into numerous editions and was translated into several languages including English you can get the great English translation of 1850 the wide Wren of this work was further cemented the vampire and his dissertation became the foundation for the industry of vampire fiction that would emerge starting in the early 19th century of course including Dracula stoker certainly read this book at least in the English translation of course the vampire would not only be the last monster of the Enlightenment in modernity that's probably biological chemical and Atomic Warfare nor even the most dangerous but in some sense being the first Monster of this period it's no wonder that such creatures have had such enduring power and Imagination art literature film lifestyle frankly the vampires here to stay the best and most accessible recent history of vampires is Nick groom's work which is vouched for by Ronald Hutton so if you're around here you know about Ronald Hutton he's the goat and that's a gold seal around here for sure so pick up Grooms work if you want to check out some of the earliest vampire accounts in Translation the absolute best test there is Barber's vampires burial and death though I have to admit to you some of the sections are at all not for the squeamish if you're not a fan of body haror you might want want to read that one the bibliography however is just great for just primary sources around vampire literature although you need to learn to read some other languages speaking of which if you read German you can access many of the original documents in their original German in stum and vus Van and vampirin if you again if you really want to get into the bureaucratic nature of those early military reports then they really they hit different and the original German of course call Mets on the apparation of spirits and vampires remains an absolute classic if you can get a reprint make sure to get the Expanded Edition like this or later 1750s editions in French or if you get the English edition you can get the translation of 1850 that's the more complete edition it's just an occult classic and you need to have it on your shelf it's far better frankly than monteu Summers books on vampires Summers just leans very heavily on CET so just go back to KET all the go Monte Summers books are quaint and wonderful and their own creepy a little weird way I only wish for myself there were a solid collection of the early vampire tracks and critical additions to my knowledge ROMs on the chewing dead doesn't have a modern academic Edition it may not even have an modern Edition at all which if I'm correct that's a real pity I doubt I'm done with vampires I'm sure I'm going to be interested in coming back to the more deep more esoteric elements of how vampirism affected Theology and philosophy at this time and it gets us right up to the limit of where esoterica focuses right up the limit around the turn of the 1800s so in that way it's kind of a wonderful book in for the channel in a general way though we we make four Rays we make we make four Rays into the 19th and 20th Century from time to time around here but there's just something about reading like how in ket's book He's just wrestling so much with the Vampire as an issue of philosophical spiritual technological people forget Dracula it's a highly technological book if you read that text all that technology there is brand new blood transfusions and the cinematograph and the uh the whx cylinder recorders that the doctor Dr Seward uses to record it's more science fiction as it is horror so at any rate I'm sure I'll be coming back to the vampire in due time and again if you want a copy of this wonderful text by KT this is a 18th century Edition 1746 if I remember correctly I'll be having it in my uh winter catalog for sale but more on the vampire soon until then I'm Dr Justin Sledge and thank you for watching esoterica where we explore the Arcane in history philosophy and religion
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Length: 39min 23sec (2363 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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