The First Things My Brother Noticed Coming To Sweden

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[Music] hey everybody welcome back to the channel today you've got two tyrones instead of one welcome back thank you thank you good to be back yeah so this is your third time in sweden right yeah correct yeah so it's been a while because the last time you visited me was before covet i think yeah yeah so we actually haven't seen each other in a year and a half which is crazy definitely one of the downsides when you live on the opposite side of the world compared to the rest of your family but i want to talk to you about like this trip back to sweden because the last time you were here was like before covet you tried to come once i remember but sweden had some weird rules that americans couldn't come in so we were so excited to see each other like six months ago couldn't even get on the flight i was like that was that was frustrating literally had booked my trip three months in advance and then i showed up to the airport bags packed i had like my code vaccine card i had a negative pcr test and then to find out that they shut off their borders 48 hours before my trip was yeah they changed the law like a week before and was like i think it was like the first day or something that the law went into effect yeah because i was traveling overnight i would have arrived on the first day it went into effect so it was just terrible timing but hey i finally made it yeah thankfully that's all behind us now but now back in sweden uh staying with me for a couple weeks what are your thoughts so far like since you've been away for so long is there something that like just stood out to you and every time i come back to the city i just fall more and more in love with it i mean and we've had this talk numerous of times about just like uh just losing myself into the city i mean just the architecture the historical background of the city is super fascinating at least from like an outsider's perspective um and yeah uh the one thing that i think that i kind of took away the most especially i don't know if it's just because of where you're located here in stockholm but is the amount of walking that we can do to pretty much get to any area of stockholm i mean we've gone pretty much to different corners but we've been traveling just by foot every single time and that's that's one it's very refreshing i mean it's really nice and you also get to see a lot of the city and things like that but that's something that you know if i go anywhere at least where i'm located in the u.s in the portland area if i go anywhere i basically need to rely on a car yeah i mean i've been living here in sweden for like five years and never had a car at all the only times i've like rented a car was when i was moving or something or if i'm with friends and we're going to a place that's a little bit more remote it can be nice to have a car but with that being said the public transportation here is really great you can get anywhere when i was living in north shopping before super easy to get around because even smaller city and stockholm it's like the perfect size luckily i live like right in the city center which makes it easy to walk 20 minutes to sutter mom 20 minutes to ulster mall i mean you don't even need public transportation where we are yeah but if we do want to take the public transportation it's just so easy yes the us we don't really have that yeah i couldn't even imagine living where we grew up in vancouver washington just the suburb of portland without a car would be like impossible you couldn't do anything you'd be stuck yeah and then that's literally i mean i think that's why it grabbed my attention so quickly being here is how easily we are able to get around just by foot or by the use of public transportation yeah um so yeah it's very refreshing to be able to actually get to do that exactly i think also when you like factor that into the cost of living like owning a car and paying for gas and transportation and insurance and all that that kind of adds up so yeah i know like stockholm on paper especially compared to like other parts of sweden they're like oh stockholm's so expensive but when you add up the fact that you don't need a car actually i think it's kind of annoying to have a car when you live in the city center because you have to worry about parking and that's an additional expense and it's always sort of crowded and things going on here so it's not a fun city to try to find parking so actually it's much more convenient to to not have a car and i think you can save a lot of money and maybe put more of that towards having a nice place but definitely if i lived like outside the city of stockholm more in the city suburbs these types of areas i think it would be nice to have a car and have that freedom i'm actually taking my swedish driver's license right now there's a huge difference like i feel like if you have a pulse you can just like sign up you start practicing with when you're in america right like it's so easy for us americans to get the driver's license yeah literally start at 15 with a parent in the car and then it's like six months of like doing that and it's like okay yeah here you go yeah i mean the the test was so easy in america and here it's like i've been driving for 10 years so i feel very very confident and comfortable driving the vehicle and not worried about like the actual driving test whatsoever but when it comes to like the written exam you have to memorize like all these like facts and figures and it's not in like the system that we use in america with like pounds and stuff so it's all kilograms centimeters which i'm used to now but still like remembering okay heavy trailer light trailer 700 kilograms 3 500 kilograms different rules regulations child's 135 centimeters versus 140 centimeters can they sit in the front seat back seat millimeters for the the wheels and tires like all these like little facts and figures like where do you change the oil where are you this where are you that it's like we never had any of that before no not american i know i remember when you first mentioned that you had to like memorize like the weight of like trailers and things that you can haul never heard of that never seen that on a driver's test but i think it it's easier in the u.s because you need to have a card to get around yeah they need to make the requirements probably easier because if you don't have a license like i have a lot of friends that are like my age 27. and they don't even have their driver's licenses yeah they're just like one of our friends julia that we were hanging out with the other day so she's 30 years old doesn't have a driver's license yeah i mean i feel like all those figures and stuff like the trailers and stuff if you are to do that in the us like there's special licenses for that like you have your commercial driver's license and things like that where you can operate you know bigger vehicles but for just a common everyday just car user like i don't know what i need to know yeah the weight for what i can haul in the trailer exactly it's crazy too because like with an american license you take one test it doesn't matter what kind of car you drive and it works for any kind of car like automatic or manual doesn't matter so i took my driving test with an automatic car and i'm allowed to drive manual cars if i want in the us and i've actually driven manual cars in sweden i'm not very good at it but i can do it i just like we never really do that in the us because most of the cars are automatic so it's kind of funny because i was allowed to drive in sweden with my american license my first year while i was here so when i was together with lynn i was driving us around places even though she had her license too it was like not a big issue for me to just be driving so used to it and then after a year it's like oh i'm not allowed to drive in sweden anymore i have to take this other license so it's like wait this system is so good and it's even more complicated now yeah after you've already been doing it exactly so imagine like failing the driver's license test and it's like i've already been driving for 10 years you're a smart guy i got this app on my phone like studying a little bit every day so all right what are some other things that you've noticed um yeah so the second thing that i think uh and this is another one we mentioned is the style here in stockholm how well-dressed everyone is yeah i mean i feel very out of place sometimes just in like a t-shirt and jeans when i'm going around but i mean like that's very casual but i mean it's it's very business attire oriented or i mean even like the casual dress here is still a bit more like proper and i mean with for a lack of a better word fancy almost yeah i would say one thing too to go along with that is because the temperatures get a lot colder here and you have more four seasons people are just used to wearing different layers and different types of clothes like we were hanging out with our friend from australia the other day and he was just like yeah i was basically wearing tank top and shorts every day because it's like 30 degrees almost year round and like even in the coldest winter days maybe it will get down on the low end like 10 degrees so he barely owns any pairs of pants yeah living his life he said he didn't even own a coat like yeah yeah he's like i had to come here it's like i got some thin like gym tops and yeah when you can wear shorts every day you don't have the same sort of motivation to dress well and same like i had a friend here from hawaii and she was saying that like people just walk around like without a shirt on because you're like living on the beach and people just don't have any sense of style then she came here and she's like wow everybody's dressed so nicely and she liked it because she was just used to seeing the guys with like shirtless or flip-flops or shirts with like different shorts that like didn't match or anything so i think because it's colder here like you have more accessories you have different things because if you're wearing like a ski jacket with one color and like different it's just gonna look really really bad so you have to put in some sort of effort if you're like yeah definitely um i think with that being said too is the amount of options and like the fashion sense that especially like from a guy's perspective like um more i think it's just generic though here within europe i think europe has a really good sense of style and fashion um and so you see that more often than you would back in the states yeah i mean i think like especially maybe it's just because i work in like the gym industry so i'm surrounded by people wearing just you know casual gym wear all the time but even when you go out into the streets of like portland things like that the style is drastically different i think it's a lot more casual you know a lot of like baggy sweatpants joggers things like that it's a little bit more sporty where here it's it just seems it's it's a bit more professional yeah um and it's it's nice it's nice to see that i think one thing's that one of the things that swedish people do really well is they stick to the basics and they do a really good job at sticking to the basics in like yeah whatever you're not going to see people going crazy with their style with like super bright colors or like super like eye catching pieces as often in sweden but like also like as you're a personal trainer as well in the us and we noticed like the swedish personal trainers with their clients they're like they're doing exercises that are like buy the book basic fundamentals yeah but it was never anything that was just like eye-catching where you're like wow that looks different that looks crazy yeah i feel like that just could be maybe like in general like swedish people are really good at what they do but they stick to like basic things that work and i think when it comes to style that's like so simple because oftentimes the basics is just what looks good whereas americans are like more likely to go crazy in one direction or the other in a lot of aspects and sometimes it can look really good and sometimes it can be a nightmare do you think like kind of tying back to that do you feel like uh americans feel like the need to almost like stand out sometimes i would say like swedish people are just like less likely to want to stand out like a perfect example i was playing soccer with this new soccer team that i've joined and i didn't know the system like you're supposed to grab your jersey at the game whatever number you choose the coach writes it down so you're on the roster so they know who's got what so you can change numbers every game basically yeah so i didn't know this so i was one of the last people to get my jersey and i go there's only like two jerseys left or three jerseys left and one of them was number 10 which is like a super popular number for for like football soccer players and i'm going why i'll take this why did nobody take ten like in the u.s this would be like the first number to go right yeah and i asked them people in there i was like how come nobody took ten they're like oh we don't wanna stand out we don't wanna draw attention to ourselves right we're like we don't want the other team to be like oh this guy is good or he thinks too highly of himself i'm like what a different mindset because in the u.s everybody's like fighting over there yeah you show up 30 minutes early just so you can grab that ten jersey exactly and here's like wait it's still here as well of course i'm gonna take it so it's just like nobody wants to stand out same thing if there's like if you're at a party or something and you're all eating food and there's just a little bit of food left nobody wants to take that last piece of food where in america they're like screw it i'm gonna take it out i'm asking them did you want that so it's like almost like they're very polite and in the way where they don't want to draw unnecessary attention to themselves and i feel like i kind of like living in this culture as well where nobody's like taking up the spotlight too much everybody's sort of like relax and call me and it creates this sort of like sense of like politeness and calmness throughout the society which can be really refreshing because nobody's gonna be like annoying you in the in the same kind of way or just like less so i would say compared to other countries where like i just spent some time in spain in the winter for example and people are more loud and partying and not to say that people are disrespectful there but you know it's just a different culture and people are more likely to stand out there yeah i can see that yeah i think definitely too in america there's like this competitive environment i mean i think it ties back to like the capitalistic outlook of like trying to create something unique different from the rest so it's almost like what separates you from all the other brands or all the other companies or all the other styles is i mean taking those maybe bigger and bolder risks because that's what's gonna that's what's gonna stand out compared to all the rest right so it could just be that that's like a sense that's just kind of captivated a society of like being unique and being different a way to stand out um and yeah it's it's interesting yeah kind of having that mentality because i've made some videos about this before but they have this concept of like yante lagen which is like this this it's an old danish uh rule of like or or like a standard to a code to live by basically and the whole purpose of like yonte lagan it's more of like the older generation that kind of might have been affected by this more people in this generation might not experience it as much but like it's still sort of a prevalent like thing throughout society and the whole basic idea behind the login is like not to stand out not to think you're like anything special just like go with the flow go with the crowd don't don't like bother anyone else just like be humble so you see this with like swedish actors when they go abroad and they win awards or like they win an oscar and they're like kind of afraid to like display their oscar in their home because they're like i don't want oh this this this whole thing like that that's that's not a big deal right so it's like a completely different mindset whereas like americans they want that attention and like would be displaying it maybe more yeah more openly and of course this is going to vary from from person to person but i think this sort of like is more of a vibe with like my mindset as well and i noticed that also in like the dating culture here like people date like so subtly here like like the flirting it just kind of like flies under the radar because in that same way like people aren't grabbing attention like guys aren't doing like over-the-top things to get girls attention which i think some girls kind of like appreciate that like they're not getting approached by guys all the time like trying different things um and maybe some girls they maybe some girls want more attention and then they go abroad they're like this is great you know like the cutest girls that go to america and then all of a sudden like everybody's paying a ton of attention to them yeah it is different so maybe for for like you coming in uh from from the us for example like if you were to go up to a swedish girl on the street here they're not used to like guys going up to them so foreigners are like how do i like flirt with the swedish girls or like make it happen with the swedish girls and i would say like on the one hand you're sort of at an advantage because nobody else is going up to them you can go up to somebody start a conversation and they'll be like a little bit more open and receptive to it because they're not used to it right yeah in a way yeah i think that's funny um i mean being a single male as soon as i got here you know i'm on like the dating apps and things like that and i thought it was really funny uh on like the hinge profile where you can set like prompts and things it says like best way to ask me out a lot of the girls there just have just asked and like you don't see them in the us what do they say in the u.s oh gosh i don't think people fill out that prompt like don't ask me but i just thought that was so interesting it's like oh okay like yeah well here we go have you tried it not yet all right it's coming stay tuned well we'll see if that works maybe that's just something they say and then you never yeah it could be yeah why don't you tell us one more thing that you notice is like sort of a big difference between where we're from in the us and and being here in sweden yeah i'd say probably the third thing for me uh would probably be the difference in just like the sporting environment like the professionalism of like the different clubs um i mean being a soccer player i've had the opportunity to play with some soccer club since i've been here which has been a great experience um but i i think what really sets you know european sports away from the us is just like this um culmination and uh this cohesive unit between like the different leagues um i noticed like the club that i played with which was in the fourth fourth division yeah it's called division two in sweden but it's division two for football in sweden is actually like division four i mean it's it was so professional i mean you had cameras out at the training sessions to record the team throughout the sessions uh the technical ability of the players was extremely high compared to what we see back in the us i mean it i really felt like i was part of a professional team i mean the players were wearing like the heart rate monitor bands i mean everything when you show up to the field was already set up with the different stations and things like that and that's i mean having played for an ncaa school for four years in college it was not even at that level of professionalism i mean so it was really cool to see and i mean this was a younger team of players that still have the ambitions to go on and play at the higher level so i mean you can see why europe is known for you know producing the next top talent in world football is because the amount of attention and professionalism that they get from such a young early age i mean just carries with them to set them up for success for the rest of their career yeah and it's really interesting because i noticed like swedish companies and sports teams they're they're not afraid to purchase software and purchase equipment that's really gonna like help them be their best whereas maybe other countries they're not always on the cutting edge i feel like sweden's a pretty modern country they like to be on the forefront of what's going on and and my day job i'm working with software for sports clubs and a lot of our biggest clients are in sweden because they want to have access to the top software to develop and we saw that with the team that you're trying out for yeah they're using our software 360 player they're using vo cameras to film all their training sessions and everything so they can analyze all the footage and everything like that and they've got heart rate monitors like you were saying and and this is like the fourth highest level in sweden yeah and i mean to kind of touch with that as well is i mean you look at like the training facilities and things like that um it's it's more than you know just just one sport so to speak i mean like the club that we were at they had an entire basketball court a paddle court i mean a full track for athletics with you know long distance jumping things like that where it was it was so cool to see that within this one sporting club you had so many different you know facets of what you can train what you can practice um and yeah it was really really cool to see every time i come back to europe that's one of the things that really grabs my attention i mean is how sport-minded the people are here and one thing that's cool is that the league system in sweden and europe in general is you have promotion and relegation so the top teams in swedish leagues that finish first or maybe the second place or there's a playoff sometimes for the second place they'll go up a league and vice versa if you're finishing at the bottom you're going down and i think that leads to like a much more competitive and fun environment because you have something to work towards whereas like you're playing in a league in the us like you win the league every year it doesn't matter because you're not going to play against better teams 100 and i think i mean that that competitive kind of cauldron that competitive environment that it incorporates into a season right if you're the last place team in the us you're like ah well we can try again next year you know get our chance at all these other teams you know in just a matter of time but i mean here if you're fighting for like a relegation battle or a promotion battle it just puts that much more um importance on the game that you're playing and i like that i mean it also gives teams in lower leagues that opportunity to see their club grow or you know to move on and take on bigger and better challenges so it's just once again that cohesive kind of you know mentality of like okay you have something to actually play for something to fight for so exactly all right guys with that we're going to wrap this video up we got some more videos coming with my brother and if you want to see the first ever video of him in sweden with me check out this video right here wow some time ago all right see you guys in the next one bye
Channel: Stefan Thyron
Views: 113,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8_wZmM2YGOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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