The First Step - How To Speedrun Kingdom Hearts II Randomizer

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[Music] welcome back to the first step here on gdq hotfix everybody my name is jay hobbs and i am joined in a different camera position he's like right below me this time before the first step again like i said keys how are you doing yeah you're in the hot seat today yeah i'm very nervous so uh just just to be clear uh on what's going on today we're not doing a race which is the normal format of this we're also not doing our usual style of co-op which is another format that we do here on the first step instead we're taking a little bit of a different approach this month so anyone who saw last week's episode uh you saw that hobbs and i did a pokemon crystal rando versus a kingdom hearts 2 rando because they can be pretty equal in terms of you know distribution of everything and those are our core games those are what we are good at um but i want to learn how to do kingdom hearts randomizer and hobbs wants to learn crystal key item randomizer so what better way to take advantage of teaching not only each other how to speedrun a game but show everyone at home how easy it is to speed run then have each other coach each other throughout the process and play each other's games and then eventually take our knowledge that we learned and race it against each other towards the end of the month we are starting week two of this special month with kingdom hearts 2 with me on kingdom hearts 2 and like i said i'm nervous because we we did one which we finished very slowly to be fair uh but we also had like a really wild start really really terrible terrible slow start and we spent some time learning a trick that i might not even you know need to do today and so in comparison to my comfort level of my pokemon knowledge i'm not gonna do very hot in terms of figuring out logically what sounds good what sounds bad so hobbes is here to coach me throughout the whole thing yeah so this this should work also as a fairly like decent beginner guide if anybody out there wanted to uh try out cage to rando themselves but thought it looked a little intimidating um this should be a good sign of like hey anybody can totally do this um so like he said we did one yesterday where i was helping him i was going through the seat at the same time and uh we it took a while it took like five and a half hours so that's the time to beat today hopefully yeah which i think you're gonna do pretty easily i think you'll do well um but if you are not familiar with kingdom hearts ii randomizer we are playing this on pc and what this is is basically all of the abilities magic summons drive forms uh movement tech all of the like main things you can get in this video game the items and stuff are all shuffled up and put into random locations they can be in a random chest they can be on one of the rewards you get for leveling up or they can be on uh you know a pop-up reward from beating a boss so they're anywhere in the game what keys has to do is collect the three proofs that uh are at the bottom left kind of grayed out section of his tracker right now he has to collect all three of those beat the world that never was so he can get up to the final door the door that like leads you to all the final bosses and then he has to go beat all the final bosses um those three proofs lock that final door and if you ever need a refresher on what some of these icons mean on the screen if you look in the bottom right of the layout richard did a really good job of like adding a bunch of uh kind of like a little legend for you there so you can stay you know you can kind of get a refresher there on what some of these mean um but with that what keys is going to be doing is running around to a bunch of different worlds and trying to get some tools to make combat a lot better and then uh hopefully trying to find these proofs you'll probably also sound me that sound we hear me sound really really excited about picking up something because my knowledge of kingdom hearts is is quite low so i might see something that sounds cool to me and then you know hobbs will be like awful and i'll be like oh i imagine i'll end up doing a lot of the talking today so that keys can focus on gameplay and stuff but i'll be helping him know which worlds to go to like he said and also uh tell him when that thing he picked up is garbage that's really cool i i will do very limited talking today for the most part other than the usual you know keisa-isms of of cries of pain but there is one thing that i do have to talk about before we start and that is obs beat me last week he won the race and normally what we do to add a competitive aspect to the show is the loser of the prior week has to pay for three compliments to the winner and and tom stomped me because he had a pretty agreeable seed and really well well played overall whereas i had probably literally the worst seed i've ever seen for a crystal randomizer like everything i like the kh2 seed we had yesterday basically the crystal yeah i think it could only it could only go up from here right like it could only be positive vibes from here but i i did lose so starting off with compliment number one obs your knowledge of the game along with the seed allowed you to have a really really clean and fantastic run and what parts i was able to see whenever you know i was stuck in a battle or just trying to figure out where to go uh you played masterfully so uh just overall compliment on your ability to tackle that seed well well thank you um compliment number two less to do with the race and more to do with yesterday and today thank you for putting up with me for this i am uh my kingdom hearts experience other than the one rando that we did yesterday and the one rando we did like a year ago which i think is actually like 11 to 12 months ago like actually it was even longer than yesterday yes yeah like other than those two my experience for kingdom hearts ended with the first time i beat the english version of kingdom hearts 2 back when i was in high school yeah quite a while ago no so thanks for putting up with me and helping me get through this and teaching me some tricks too learning the trick yesterday was was kind of cool even though it took a while yeah i knew that would take we'll get into that later maybe but i knew it would take a while but i was like this is the kind of thing i know keys will love oh yeah i enjoyed it every bit and then compliment number three will actually be a real compliment for the first time in many many weeks uh this is actually gonna be a future compliment because i know that you're gonna pick up pokemon really quickly and figure out a lot of the logic really well so just future kudos to you for the good job you're going to do next week well thank you thank you uh if you're ready to get started uh let's get going yeah so it's i click new game and then beginner mode and it's ready right he's gonna be playing on beginner basically just so everybody knows most of the time you play on either beginner or critical mode for kingdom hearts two speed runs uh including randomizers beginner mode is go is like the way to start doing rando in this game there will still be lots of things that are very hard and you will still die a bunch even if you play on beginner do not start with critical mode unless you are already very experienced in this game i'm just gonna i wanted to get that out there right now um so go ahead and select it is there a menu after this or yeah there's there's two more so you can select that okay select vibration all right yeah here we go yeah all right so i guess uh count us down yeah i guess we're starting in three two one go all right this is great uh so keys is gonna be doing some stuff at the beginning here he grabs the sword it doesn't really matter this just determines the order in which you get level up rewards um but it doesn't affect your stats or anything so you just pick the closest one to you because it's all random anyways uh and then he's gonna like check some stuff he has to talk to this computer because we're here in the garden of assemblage and what this is is the it's basically our world map um normally this is where you fight a bunch of super bosses don't forget that last chest by the way yeah but go ahead and scroll through these real quick yeah i'm looking at these to know if there's anything we need to come back here and get later nope you're good all right go ahead and close that and grab that third chest um but yeah this is oh you got a keyblade all right you can check that real quick berserk no magic on that one that's funny uh thunder boost yeah i would go ahead and and keep your current one for now but you're probably gonna switch pretty quickly um all right so i wanna get rid of it yeah now you can do your stuff uh so this is the world map room basically uh normally you fight a bunch of super bosses here but instead he's gonna be able to access a bunch of different worlds from this room at the moment he's stealing all of the items from his party members and he's gonna put on a potion and two ethers i think that worked pretty well for you last time and set them to auto reload so that way they like will automatically refill in his inventory as he uses them go to 100 acre wood yeah yeah i remembered as soon as i walked by it all right so on beginner mode if you've seen a bunch of speedo into this game you might have seen like sometimes runners start with things uh start with like movement or spells or whatever on beginner mode you don't that's actually part of critical mode but uh as a result we're going to have them kind of hop around to a few different worlds and try to get some tools mostly we want to find some movement here so we're hoping we find something in one of these three chests but it's pretty unlikely and yeah you didn't get anything so no big deal um i would say let's have you go to um let's have you go to port royal next okay okay because i i'm thinking small rooms that have chests in them let's do those first while you don't have any movement and then uh yeah um he's gonna do a little bit of a shotgun approach here he's gonna kind of do a wide spread through a bunch of worlds um there are three chests in this room that he can pick up how did i talk to the cannon from there what right now you know sora is just kind of jogging we want to stop jogging pretty soon um there's yeah the third chest by it's just past the save point no no no yeah okay you're good exactly so exactly i actually did that on purpose i remember you mentioned that before yeah yeah no no actually i believe in you yeah they're taking forever yeah because it's beginner mode uh yeah you can die to this part of it as well i just hope you can leave right after you might not be able to yeah see that that part that i might have rushed uh so some of the fights in this game you can actually die to progress so it's nice to do those kinds of things while you're low level uh yes even run now back towards that archway that was in the brick wall yeah um but yeah lower level means that you're gonna be able to die faster he found some armor but we're not putting it on yet uh okay cool you can leave the world and you're also gonna see keys save pretty much whenever he leaves the world that's just because there is a non-zero chance of this game crashing uh so we just want to prevent that i would say land of dragons is your next target here we go it's on fire hobbs help grab a few chests here and steal some party member items mostly we care about the ethers but it's also good to have some extra potions for safety um and then you're just gonna grab the three chests in this room and leave and we're really just hoping we get some movement okay has five important checks yeah so if you all like oh and experience boost that's nice okay i'm gonna leave and we'll go to um let's go to halloweentown next we're gonna do that um get you start getting you something so go ahead and put on the experience boost and draw that you got as well uh and auto wisdom you might as well all right so um the kind of big thing about that report the secret answers reports are hints in this game and you can always see the most recent one that keys got at the bottom middle of the game play um like or just below the the gameplay on the layout here there's two in this room you got one more up on that hill oh is it up okay yeah to your right like that oh there it is there you go it was like covered from that angle yeah and then you were going the right way to progress uh it's really hard to remember maybe this way like no no the other way towards where the other two are okay yeah uh this is you're gonna steal jack's items get the one chest in the lab and uh then die to the next fight remember yes okay uh but yeah those reports give you hints they tell you how many important checks are in a given world um a random world uh and the important checks are things like your magic and your other reports hey fire yeah that's an important check uh your drive forms stuff like that you can see all the important checks in the bottom right through that like little rotating info box and what we're hoping for is some movement which actually aren't important checks um this one i die in yes yes i forgot to tell you to set jack to um to not attack that's okay whale hey look i'm leveling up yeah uh oh you got a magnet okay so you have a magnet and a fire now you know what it's not bad jack's weight he's gonna keep hitting stuff yeah i would still keep trying to take hits but um he's gonna keep making it hard to take enough to die um you got both the chests in that room so you can just move straight on through this room and through the next one and uh there will be three chests in the hinterlands uh so twilight town having five important checks that's a little around average uh technically a tiny bit below average i think so that means we don't need to you know prior to prioritize that world any higher than we normally would but it's normally one that you do want to go to pretty much as soon as you get final form so if we're lucky ring we'll do that book of shadows yeah nothing useful so far unfortunately aethril crystal that's okay uh and then you go through the tree and do you remember the dance call limit thing that we did before with the alternating of the triangle and the and the x oh you're gonna so you're on the correct side of the menu at least right now all right [Music] good luck me you got this so what keys is going to do is use the dance call limit which is something that uh jack has it's an ability jack has to start with um and because he took jack's ethers he'll be able to throw two ethers afterwards and get all of his mp back and then use that again when the second wave spawns so go ahead and throw both ethers and grab that chest up there while you're waiting because you got to wait for that blue mp bar and then back up a little bit more and use the limit that she'll should pull them both to you hey you're doing great and now keys is alternating between triangle and x uh you're gonna see xbox buttons on his screen but i'm gonna keep using the playstation buttons so people are just gonna uh there are three more chests in this room um yeah you did dude that was great you did that like pretty much exactly how you should do it so i feel smart [Laughter] yeah limits are super powerful and uh they keep you safe you can't be hurt during them uh go to santa's house nope into the house i mean there's candy canes so you know well that's candy cane lane okay okay wait no wait no you were in candy cane lane i don't remember where that other room is uh two more in here and then you can leave this world ross stone oblivion hey hey wait a minute i have that keyblade i will take the ten seconds to pull it out and show you yeah i didn't expect that to show up so soon let's go ahead and check it before you leave this world too okay let's see what that keyblade looks like uh i mean i know everybody just saw what it looked like in the camera oh go ahead and switch to that that's better what you got hooray high please uh go to your abilities i wasn't being super close yeah i didn't think uh all right we didn't look at donald and goofy earlier uh you're right go ahead and put jackpot on for donald that'll make more orbs and stuff spawn and put item boost on for goofy in case you give him an item later we don't want to put draw on him because then he might take your health orbs and mp orbs and stuff okay yeah even though i just saved we did some menuing so i'm gonna i'm gonna be that person all right uh next destination let's go to um the uh disney castle so it's on the opposite side of the room i tried the glide yeah glide is one of the things we're really hoping for and at least you'll get the bike and crystal fast oh god you're also probably high enough level we'll probably do pride lanes after this but we'll see uh nothing you got to worry about in this room this next room has a bunch of chests in it though oh yeah this this one yeah there's like one that's like i'm probably not doing it in the right order but like it's just all over the edges turn to turn around can i make it i don't think so turn around and go you're gonna get that one later oh you if you had a high enough jump you could i want to try one more time quick run hey it was quicker okay here's here's what you're gonna actually do keys go run into the like little house in the middle and go back in the doorway okay put it back in the doorway you came out and then go put like quick run on and then come back uh stubbornness prevails once again all right so now that he is quite kind of do a little dash forwards um so yeah you're gonna have to still hop up though yeah the enemies are gonna take your target and then you can see the other one so we haven't been doing a lot of fighting we did the one with the dance call because early on you want to just try to find some movement and the best way to do that is get a lot of movement and other tools and the best way to do this you just get a lot of chests really quickly and fights are going to be slow until you have those tools hey torn pages are good that means we can check more in 100 acre wood all right and then there's just one more chest by the one that you got quick run in look you skipped that other ledge you didn't need it i jumped nice uh and then you need to run through this hallway movement blessed day yeah and for everybody watching you can always see the current like level of movement that keys has i believe it's to the right of the hint text so it's like bottom right corner of the uh um below the gameplay uh go ahead and talk to minnie and we're gonna keep going here because uh you don't have no experience this time around so uh yeah put on that high jump and and then do the mini escort so there's a couple reasons to do this now one is that this will not really change practically at all um this way like later if keys comes here with different stats and tools and stuff because this is a little mini game technically i think reaction boost affects it but it doesn't really matter uh so he's just gonna keep like calling minnie towards them use the fake reaction command and then call me towards him again let's go i'd say walk just like two steps less from what you've been doing this way yeah that's perfect uh and then you can walk a few more steps after normally like after you call her over okay but if she starts attacking yeah you're doing the right thing do the reaction man let's go all right you should be able to pull her past the door and that's where this there you go all right so one more of these things the other thing the other reason do this now is that uh he'll kill some of these bolt towers in the next escort and those will actually give some decent experience for the early game we already to halloween town so it's not like these are going to be like real big on experience comparatively um but they'll be fine let's go come on lady this way [Music] stop doing what you're doing [Music] yeah so when you when you do the call over reaction command uh you can run like basically as many steps as you're running before you do it um i would also throw a potion because you are pretty low you might get killed by another hit okay this way i'm just going to do it nice and wrong at this point in time because i'm scared of the big things it looks fine this way that's good so let's think about where we're going to go next so he's gonna do just a little bit more in a timeless river so that he can get like seven more chests and uh and then we'll probably have you go to pride lands after that i think i think you'll be fine you might die a time or two but it'll be okay actually you probably won't see a magnet this way and once again you got fire and then magnet so you're if you hit l1 if you just tap it you should uh see your fire and magnet in the same spot they were yesterday so you don't even have to cuss oh yeah yeah let's go all right all right got through that hey you got oh simulated twilight town has two important checks okay that's not that many so we'll probably put that off for a while we might have to do it eventually but simulated twilight town is a pretty slow world it's safe i trust nothing it's normally the world you like start the game in uh the roxas world and as such you don't you can't use a lot of your tools there and stuff you can use some though and we'll uh hopefully show that later well actually hopefully we won't have to but uh so two chess here yeah yeah you see him and then you get used to seeing mithril shard a million times oh my god ear the water yeah [Music] blessed movement yeah and you got a couple more chests and then you got the boat pete um fight or the old time speed which is uh remember this is the one that you do with like one two hits in the air instead of using finishers yes hey hi john level two you have a level two high jump you don't have to quite yeah you're right here yeah um yeah [Music] you're good i love how the the thing is punished yeah well we're not watching the cuts so ideally you want to be doing attacks in the air here so air attacks like air combos are a little faster than ground combos so that people know um oh he jumped that's what messed that one up for you there you go uh and ideally if keys were remembering he wouldn't be using finishers right now i'm the finishers are what are making him do this uh attack basically he can keep him stunned oh my god you gotta be a little faster it's okay oh my goodness this happens like early on in playing this game oh you whipped on that one hey you can go to wisdom for him wait no oh you feel no it's fine it's fine i got the puzzle piece this is going great maybe he'll hit you enough to go into wisdom form again oh my goodness at this point you might as well just use finishers on him because he's probably kind of close to that i don't know make it stop go away already ouch he's gonna run around again he just walked over that building if you get into critical health you can go into wisdom well you know you know oh wait no you can't because donald died all right you're fine his face is my mood right now it's funny because you did candy cane lane like perfectly and then you come to this yeah uh so you're gonna go straight ahead to the water waterway you have a you have a bad habit of like spinning your camera around every time you load into a room that'll get you confused think about where your forward spot is first and then then you can spin your camera around it's good for like not forgetting chess right because you look around and see them but um it's not good for remembering where to go to receive the story because for anybody who doesn't know uh most of the time if you don't know where to go in kingdom hearts too just hold forward and that'll get you most most of the way down i go back to the hill uh yes and you're gonna go back through the door to disney castle and you're just gonna leave yeah because we're done here for now no uh you could save once you're in disney castle yeah all right we're gonna move on to another world because otherwise keys would have to do the like windows mini game or not minigame the windows like fights and those aren't going to be ideal with this current tool set so might as well wait uh we're going to go two prizes oh boy so i never recommend that people who are like new to rando start here but once you start getting a little bit more comfortable with it uh this is a really good 100 acre wood has one important check that's unfortunate because those are like pretty easy to get but hopefully we'll get it quickly uh so just use a magnet on these and then just attack them instead of doing what i taught you last time [Laughter] that'll work so this is what i was gonna say about why i would not recommend starting here uh if you're new because you're actually like very under-leveled at the beginning uh the other items are maps you can just you actually don't need to i'm doing this because it's gonna bug me okay but they'll still be there if you die again even if i saved yeah unless you load your save specifically okay which you could do when you die but i would just use a magnet there you go now you can just uh jump and attack them with the square thing yeah if they ever get out [Music] yeah these can be really difficult but they are good to go to early on because uh you don't need any like any of your quick runs or glides or anything like that they don't affect this world um and you only have to get through this one fight to get every single chest in this world so it's a really good place to start as long as you can get through this fight because you have a good chance at getting a lot of like movement and tools for some of the other ones all right the way you were doing that the like infinitely stunning them with magnet by the way is is a really good like technique feel free to like do that if you run into more enemies um so i'll let you know before you leave if you're gonna miss any chests in here oh drop down to the right and when you get that one keep following that path proof hey that's one of the three things we need to uh to in order to unlock the door to the aerial dodge too nice the other exit is where the other chest is so i'll just get it [Music] yeah there you go i drive recovery that's actually nice to have in the back pocket right this one's just like run through right yeah and then there'll be three chests and pride rocks so yeah now you can see on the tracker below keys face uh there one of the proofs is highlighted um proof of non-existence doesn't unlock any other checks or anything um the other two well one of the other two does with these settings lamp hey genie okay that's genie yeah jeannie's kind of hard to use effectively if you don't know that's funny slap shot's okay but uh not really on its own uh now you just leave back out the way you come in but rafiki wait which way did i come from away there over that way yeah that's where i kept crashing yesterday uh and then you're just gonna go slightly to the left to that little like canyon yet i feel like we said the same exact sentence yesterday all right boost is not bad hey hey wow another proof um okay hey yeah so that you can see now why has six important checks you don't save we've only found five so far so hopefully we get the sixth one that was all chess okay yeah yeah you remembered all those that was good um yeah so now you can see the on uh next to pride lands like next to the the little lion symbol uh on the tracker there it says five out of six he has found five important checks and there are six total here the reason it turned blue is just it has to do with hint logic because the proofs always have to be hinted and where the hints are for the proofs also has to be hinted don't worry too much about it you could pretty much just ignore the fact that hey horizontal oh that's a really good ability yeah you can uh if you spawn any of them just use magnet or you can slap that other one like we did last time um another chest there one's going to spawn in front of this chest oh okay i slept i was slept yeah as you do more seeds you start to get used to like where spawns are and it helps a lot with uh just being able to have a magnet ready for them and stuff like that there you go uh we haven't found that sixth thing yet i'm really hoping we get it in the oasis here uh so walk through that load zone again the one you were looking at and then we'll get the chest after okay oh yeah there's like a cutscene right yeah yeah yeah now you can get the chests and talk to simba and he'll give you a pop-up and you can take his items and stuff yeah and then two more chests in here before we leave magic lock-on okay so there's one thing still left in pride lands that could be really bad i hope that uh we don't have to worry about that but we'll worry about that much later on uh go ahead and leave and let's go to agrabah but first open the menu and put on most of the things you got i'll tell you which ones not to don't put on slap shot yet definitely those two things don't put on magic lock on put on that boost and let's check i don't think you got any keyblades but let's double check the wishing land oh that's right ooh seven four it's so strong yeah well air combo plus isn't great right it's kind of a detriment but yeah good algebra uh but the two extra strength and one extra magic are is this the one that i can lose correct all right might be a little difficult since you're not at level one this time hey you hey hey you oh yeah i know it still still pretty pretty quickly a skillful ring uh nothing here [Music] and then oh my god yeah that's a bunch here but you have glide and stuff now all right so now you can start zooming or well you know kind of like mini zooming guy belt that's nice armor we might have to put there if there's one down here or not i'm just gonna go most of them are up on this level you're on now oh thunder yeah what what those are recipes for synthesis that we're not going to really worry about flashstep is a good ground-based gap closer so we'll put that on after you've checked all these and talked to aladdin oh and that's a good ability or a good accessory so go ahead and go to the palace and then you can steal all of aladdin's items put on the full balloon plus and put on flashdad all right aladdin you have a lot of ethers that pleases me yeah he has two i don't think anybody has like more than two oh yeah you got an item slot too so like you actually have three ethers now go ahead and put on the gaia belt too it's a decent piece of armor and you're not going to be dying to too many more fights all right very good and then uh just go to your door and get anything here did we oh wait yeah you got flash step you're right you're right yeah unleash that guard piercing attack all right cool yeah that's it all right cool and you can just carry on uh go back to the peddler's shop like over here no you were going the right way ah darn remember the rule of hold forward yes yes yes well you know in pokemon if you hold forward you don't make it much the red that's not right [Laughter] now you go through the door you were trying to go through [Music] all right quite a few chests in this room agribus is another really good one to go early on because it's loaded with chests in rooms that aren't very big either but the problem is that you kind of want to have a little bit of movement for this because so hard i couldn't land [Music] so i've seen some talking chat about like what's on what not no you could grab that ledge help uh i saw some talking chat about like the settings and stuff and what's on or off uh for those who know uh how h2randa works i'll say the super bosses are off but the absent silhouettes are on so no data fights no terror fight ooh i accidentally lose separate on i'm going to check real quick i might have accidentally left seth roth don't say no okay he's off he's off that would have been bad um thunder's good and it it went to the right spot because everything's in the right order is there another chest here uh i was looking around i think you got on there i just go through this door you got them all yeah go through that door two more here and you can top your health off at the same point too uh but yeah so the super bosses are off but cavern remembrance is on and apps and silhouettes are on so those are some of the hardest things we could have to do potentially [Music] uh but he won't have to fight sephiroth he won't have to like fight lingering will or the like data fights or anything like that because those are like that would have been the whole stream [Laughter] all right bunch of chests in this next room four of them now unfortunately you don't ever reflect yet we really like to see her okay all right say more things please ask and you shall receive i guess uh that one won't get automatically customized so in the next room you'll want to put that on there you go everything else you got in the perfect order to like get customized oh yeah my death perception with this was like really bad and it took me like a minute to talk to that crystal go my child now you are pretty low on health so these things actually will hurt you if you don't okay well or you could just not tell a buddha jump if you were too busy jumping yourself uh but after this minigame you are gonna like just leave this world easy oh you got comet that could potentially come in handy and you got another keyblade so we can check that too [Music] got the sleeping oh nah my usual save before everything are we leaving or am i going forward you're leaving yeah okay uh so now the next kind of thing we're hoping for is the dry form ideally let's say we go to space paranoids next that's actually let's coliseum olympus colosseum so the big lightning bolt base thing is the the circle at the end right yeah it is okay that's where we'll go after this okay all right save megara this time please yeah so in our in our practice run yesterday i walked by her and i was like what are you doing he saw a woman in distress it was like but chests but items all right so there's five in this next room and uh we're getting close to being done with our little shotgun approach here he's gonna do this like the front seven chests here um five in this room two in the next room then we'll do space paranoids and then we'll probably do like hollow bastion i would yes next porn boost isn't bad not like spectacular or anything but fibrous actually come in pretty handy later with the final form you got it good you hurt me intentional damage boost animation skills all right we don't care about auto summon and we don't care about a map so go ahead and open the menu and put on the form boost and the fire boost and damage control you might as well it's just a defensive ability and you can save leap hooray you know i want to point out it isn't even just a crash chance that makes me save this is the how i play games casually i will save you all the time because it's a casual thing yeah yeah all right so space paranoid has six chests that keys can get without doing much like doing really anything but a mini game yeah um and i guess technically too many games because this slightly counts so this will be another good place for him to hopefully find like some drive forms and stuff the next best thing for us to get would be like final form or a drive form and the ability light and darkness which would allow us to use final form uh real quick keys open that menu up again and customize tron and donald to sora attack so what this is gonna do is make it so that they the uh tron and donald won't attack any enemies they will just protect sora uh and that is in case we need to do some experience grinding here later uh you also got guards that'll be good we'll put that on after you've gotten all these chests and stuff so you might get more things magic boost is good too you got another keyblade to check another aerial touch so before going down into that uh room and doing that minigame you're going to go ahead and just check the keyblade lighten down hey just lay in darkness we got half of the things i was asking for uh don't put it on yet but we might do that soon and go to your abilities by hitting square or you can go over there all right and there was another thing wasn't there no not that maybe there wasn't okay there wasn't it was just the card okay oh yeah the aerial dodge that's what it was it upgraded your aerial dog and then drop down yep you're gonna go talk to the big computer in the middle it's that mini game with the red box remember oh god yep oh did you change goofy while i was like nope apparently you customized goofy not donald well that's okay we'll fix that after this oh shoot so follow the camera all right um i think it's that one but it might have moved around behind that thing okay i did it so go back into the uh the room you came from which will be forward and to the right and then open the menu once you're in the other room so you can customize goofy back to whatever he was on oops attack you could put away that's fine and put donald on sort of there you go listen i get them confused too you know one's a duck the other's dog it's fine and then you'll leave from the computer all right i think we're gonna go to yeah let's go to uh holla bastian we could do beast castle the um crown or is that the key okay what's the key again uh that is twilight okay i'm very knowledgeable of this game you see i mean those icons are really just picked like i don't know if those are represented representative of the world's in the game at all i think that's the remember if they're in here or not nope okay moving forward tutorial prompts and now that you have uh you have magnet and thunder you don't have uh finishing plus yet so you can't do the like big magnet thunder combo we were doing before very well um but you could still just use a lot of like thunder and magnet if the enemies get too spread out okay fine fine goofy we also don't have a lot of money yet so definitely don't spam ethers at this point two important checks and we got both of them go up there i was trying to do that okay this one so aggrava is done we're never going back there this one and then over here yeah he's getting it going here you remember because this is the one i yelled at you the most about then was there a chest in here no okay [Music] and then over here yeah another keyblade but we'll worry about that after bailey and then over here yeah there you go okay two more keyblades we'll check them both after this fight so this shouldn't be too bad you should be able to just like let's see what are your stats like you have better magic right now so uh yeah probably just lock onto things with r1 and then use thunder um you are about to run out okay that's fine you know what it's okay watch this i'll just uh i'll just jump in the air yep well you have flashed up now too so you have a small like ground-based gap closer so it's not the worst to also do ground combos at this point just don't die to those things you know if they prompt their uh their reaction [Music] this is embarrassing you know what my magic's almost back yeah here we go immediately use a fire on nobody let's see that was good it's on accident i figured [Music] yeah locking on is a big thing about this game that's like sometimes it's really easy to kind of forget to do it a lot of the time and it uh it helps to do it a lot uh the only time you sometimes don't want to lock on is really when you're using magnet there are other times but like that's the main one because sometimes you want the magnet to be directly above your head since the enemies are going to come towards you but that is kind of more situational i would say there you go hooray i didn't die which is much better than i expected man if we get a third proof this is going to be a weird scene like if we get a third proof pretty quick um all right so go ahead and turn around and come right back in because we're just gonna go do hall of action now it wasn't taking my triangle i guess we should open your menu and check those keyblades you got so two six reaction boots what's the rumbling rose four five um go ahead and put on rumbling rose [Music] because okay that gives you one more magic well no i changed my mind uh put on the uh the other the panda flame there you go cause we're just gonna go all magic i'm a wizard hobbs yeah exactly uh so they both had reaction boosts which will make it whenever you use reaction commands they'll deal more damage am i going back to the house or am i going through this okay i remember right and you leave you just go the same way that you did last time [Music] i need to emphasize folks even though i'm definitely not doing like the greatest this is infinitely better than what i was doing it was faster than last time all right whatever you can take the stairs that's fine i didn't know if there's a chest in the corner oh that's fair that's fair and tony hawk yeah sora hawks pro skater there's two chests here i think right uh three three other one that's like the one right now and then the one underneath yeah yes the most fitting trophy for how i can't get off this freaking ledge so let's see we're gonna get all the chests here we'll probably just do beast castle after all this uh fire okay more saves always all right it's a beast no no no sorry that was my bad i was thinking aloud for chat but i uh i definitely misled you on wait come on no watch watch this okay i'm smart it should not have warped you to merlin's house there that's like that's a bug in the game [Music] okay don't go that way though you're going the wrong way damn it look how dumb i am this way yeah why don't you just follow the road that's fine you just follow the path yeah no i'm just i'm i'm thinking about what i did wrong okay like you had the chance to do like a like a pokemon hopped off a ledge uh hold left yeah yeah hug the left wall until you get two chests that's the other one and then go around this corner and you'll see a third and then follow this path but turn left when you get to a fort no no nope follow the path you just walked up turn left there you go [Music] better than yesterday there's leaves now uh they're through there yeah through that way and then there's the chest before you talk to leon then you talk to the wall then you talk to the computer protect a lot of inanimate objects in this game i made that joke yesterday but not necessarily no you didn't talk to leon oh you do occasionally talk to animate objects too and the wall okay then the computer and then you turn right and go grab that chest and then we'll leave the world please master master form uh no no no not not through that doorway you're gonna go like keep going down the path right right yeah because there's a thing here yeah yeah all right so master form so now you can do core skip all right so we can't do it yet but uh so go to the keyhole go to twilight town oh no sorry beast castle that's where we're going [Music] oh so you're on lower ground just walk up a little bit yeah i i had faith okay my faith was misplaced but i had it uh so for this one go ahead and let them hit you and let me see how much damage they do yeah that's gonna suck just uh use a bunch of magnets and hit things [Music] maybe go into master form too just for fun because master form if you do a lot of attacks will uh it does a bunch of hits and these fights that he can die in also uh end based on number of hits yeah wow that was actually really fast uh so leave the world now so that way you can keep your drive [Music] uh whenever in this game whenever you go to leave the world or you go into a room where your party members are taken out of your party uh like your party changes basically so that includes rooms where it explicitly changes and you get it oh i remember not thinking about this place you go go back you were looking at the right way um no no like the big door at the end okay you're going outside to the courtyard to get all three right because there's three chests yeah whenever you walk into a room where your party members are kind of like walking around uh if you are in a dry form or you have a summon out it'll forcibly stop you from being in that state all right which is good because that's the one you know how to use i want to go back in right yeah okay and then i go follow the carpet and go up the the right side yep i'm trying so hard hey you're getting pretty far but in the end oh no auto master okay that's useless to us because you have a manifestation [Music] and there's two chests here hey big boy and ether excellent always good to get more of those we would love to get a money pouch and then you just go straight across to the other side yeah [Music] all right ignore that chest for now yeah there was one right next to you but that's okay you can get it on your way back through reflect uh hey no there's another one back there oh did i miss it yeah you left it one on the other side oh i see it i see it okay ah premium mushroom hook a right here one there yeah and then you can go talk to the wardrobe so our our hints haven't been helping us that much which is not unlike the hints so that's fine [Music] nice he's doing some minor optimization here there's a period of waiting you have to do every time you push this wardrobe so he's grabbing the chest while waiting cut down a little bit on that you know unused time hooray nice so you got a new keyblade you can hit start and uh check that and then let's go to the abilities as well because i honestly don't remember if you got something else uh nope that's not good check the one on master form though no no like okay it's a 1 3 with empty rage that's not very good switch master forms to uh uh switch it to the reaction the rumbling rose yeah i'll just do that and then go to your um go to your yeah this that's fine scroll down i don't think you got anything i just wanted to double check nope go to the stock items uh or your stock of items and go ahead and use all the power boosts and a magic boost defense piece of snake so you can just yeah all right we did it nice yeah yeah let's do this fight so at the beginning of the fight summon chicken little uh because chicken little will help bring distant enemies like sucked in and stun them give me strength and what i do from here just uh you're gonna attack the door chicken little is mostly there just to prevent those gargoyles from killing you and yeah you can use like thunder on the door and stuff that's good nice all right and you attack the little orb that spits out yeah no [Music] all right out of mp another round on the door chicken little killed the gargoyles for you so that's going it's great pretty fine again i believe in there we you nice all right all right that went well so you're gonna hold forward because there's no chest in the room you're in two in the next room and then you'll come back and like do the mini game and stuff oh no please not not the smithsonian if you can one cycle the minigame it'll be so much time saved from the last siege did nobody guard mithril i'm saving it's it's been a good five minutes six six minutes see look at that i'm i'm overdue how do i just go climb up and go talk to cogsworth there you go so yeah this is a spot where like keys has chicken little summoned but when he walks in this next room donald and goofy are gonna be walking around on their own so it takes it gets rid of chicken little and gives him all of his drive back so it's five max drive [Music] this will do the gauge oh are you not mashing triangle when you walk up to that thing uh am i supposed to i mean you don't like have to but uh you might want to just hit it a few times at least yeah i think it might help miss pots come faster uh grab the two chests here before you get the next unless you were you want to play it safe but nope i believe yeah i think you got that hey uh the world that never was two's not too many that's not too concerning but we probably are gonna do that next i was gonna i'm safe you won cycled you have no idea he's just saved like three minutes you have no idea oh chess there you go and there's one here as well before you go into the next door the genuine spooky yeah it's pretty weak all right and then you're just gonna use thunder on beast a bunch if he gets close to you you use reflect but i think he'll go down in like two or three thumbs up oh well he got close yep three thunders and mash and you see that chest in the background there so grab that and then you can save and leave the world reflect if he gets close he gets close immediately hey buddy i'm i'm not confident myself please give me your potions hey that's fair it's never a bad idea to like have more potions in stock early on hey potions all right let's save and leave we'll go to the world there never was next uh because you know how to do the quick run thing that one is which one again uh the one directly left of beast castle yeah there you go remember the middle yeah oh yeah the jimmy e world one yeah yeah [Music] all right so next room has four chests in it and then keys is going to teach you all how to fight roxas without dying right right keys right wait i have that equipped yeah quick run remember it's just this oh yeah a little dash thing oh i literally just mash right at an angle and mash well you gotta dodge you gotta like do the reflect and combo at the beginning remember and then do uh and then dodge vortex hey we have both experience boosts that's actually really nice that that might kind of inform our routing for the next little bit oh okay it's reflect and then reflect at the beginning and then you're gonna do a combo and then you're just gonna dodge for a while uh-oh okay so let me explain what happened hobbs the button layout still messes with me well that's fine uh i don't remember which chest was which though it doesn't matter i think experience piece is the third one like i think it's the one in the distance there but i don't remember what the fourth one was okay so reflect and then combo and then what uh and then you just run away from him and dodge four attacks or attacks all right all right you got this i keep pushing dodge instead of attack yep i noticed if that happens you can just start dodging okay we know we can skip the fourth chest yes just get the other three the other three were all decent enough don't worry gang i'm teaching you how to not do this so you don't follow my mistakes well so the the thing is here keys you technically could just dodge five attacks at the beginning and not even like reflect the one or anything but that reflect helps you deal some damage the combo helps you deal some damage yeah so if you mess up the combo then just start dodging his attacks i'm not going to mess up this time i just want you know that sandy isn't chat judging you because i also taught sandy how to do this yeah all right now run around run away i am don't forget you have like ariel dodge and glide that's two right yep okay what do i do after the fourth uh he'll come in close and you're going to pause buffer that that thing on the command menu it's great his keyblades land on the ground okay that's fine let him land and lock on and then you're gonna do a ground combo all right now quick run up next to him you did it all right now you're gonna mash for two minutes you're just gonna do this for two minutes i'll tell you when it's been two minutes and it gives me the perfect opportunity to remind everybody that uh we take breaks roughly every hour or so on this broadcast uh we like to just promote some wellness you know it's oh you guard it yeah make sure you're continuing to hold forward uh my fingers slipped uh like we we like to continue to like promote wellness and stuff and uh you know tell everybody you should get up for stretch breaks get some water and whatnot so we take breaks every uh you know hour roughly and uh it also is a kind of an old a nod to the way speedruns used to be uh which is that you know a long time ago people kind of did them all segmented they just kept recording segments until they got a really good one and then they stitched them all together um they would do those in different chunks they wouldn't like do it all at once now speedruns have kind of moved more towards real-time attacks where you're doing it all as a you know in real time uh but if you don't have a lot of time in your day like if you are a busy person you've only got an hour or so after school or work or whatever you got going on in your life then you can totally learn and do speed runs in chunks until you get you know naturally better at them and you'll have what the beauty is as you get better at them they take you less time so you can find more opportunities to fit them in um so like that is that like it genuinely is a really great way to to get into speedrunning if you are somebody who's not a lot of free time we're also living proof of the more you do it the faster you go because our practices go infinitely slower than what you see on the show yeah uh so you're about like 15 seconds or so away and then uh you're gonna use thunder because what's happening right now is we don't have scans so keys is has maybe already gotten the boss to to one hp but to be safe we go for two minutes and uh this attack will not kill the boss so go ahead and use thunder now yeah nice so he's gonna get three checks from this we're gonna go ahead and like grab all the chests here in the world than ever was before going to the break um all the ones like up to sigmar because we're not doing this ap mithril all right three chests in this room uh turn around and go the opposite side of the stairs but yeah that uh that roxas cheese like anybody can do that get a quick run and just go mess with it you'll you'll die a few times early on uh but once you get used to it you just dodge him there's two more in this room hey dodger yeah you have two of those now but we're not gonna put them on [Music] hello and then two more in this room if you get surrounded by uh by the little tetris block thingies then reflect oh oh they'll just hit you the joys of beginner mode this is why i tell people definitely don't start on crit actually you're in perfect experience boost range so run into the middle of this room and use a magnet okay well now use a reflect because you're slow okay well it's fine this is all fine this is all fine yeah okay it's not fine anymore i lied [Music] okay this time you won't be experienced we've seen but that's okay we didn't equip the second one yet anyways oh well now your experience boosting yeah so get them all caught in a magnet and then attack start attacking uh you ran out of mps that's okay i'm out of here okay you don't want to do it all right that would give you a lot of experience though well we'll worry about it later it's too late okay yeah grab that chest go and save and then we're gonna go to break there so give us countdown quick all right uh three two one go all right we're gonna go to break everybody we'll be back in a few minutes don't go anywhere we will be right back with more cage to rando learning for keys you're doing great keys so far like seriously bye you know normally we we say hey who's gonna say stuff first you or me and uh we didn't do that this break so uh hello folks we're we're not prepared at all but you know what i was like surely he'll just start talking and that'll be fine yeah you know i did start talking eventually but yeah okay uh welcome back everyone thanks for sticking around through the break um i'm here doing my technically my third but we're just going to say a second uh second ever uh kingdom hearts 2 rando with hobbs is my coach here for the first step taking kind of a different format compared to what we normally do we normally do improv or semi-improv races against each other or do co-op together i guess this is technically a co-op thing but uh i'm not experienced with kingdom hearts at all bob's very much is so hobbes is my guru for this and you say i'm doing okay so i'm i'm i'm trusting you here i'm i'm ready to get into it right away but before we get into it i really really want ice cream so can we go to twilight town next oh that's great that's exactly where i was thinking we should go next keys wait we'd have an original thought all in your honor where we should go there's actually yes yes very very good in other news before we get started uh i want to let everybody know that we actually have a new youtube channel for gdq uh that involves short highlight videos from every show we do and uh from the main events and stuff soon eventually uh so if you want to go to youtube and search for gdq's summer best segments that is the name of the new channel so you can subscribe over there and find highlights of all the hotfix shows if you can't you know sit down and watch a three to four hour vod or whatever um and also gdp office is looking for more shows so if you think you have a good idea for a hotfix show and you want to be a show runner um that is somebody who like kind of takes care of all the organizational work and uh hosts the show then please uh email hotfix with your idea and like you know a basic kind of premise of what an example show would look like you can ask you know you can find more information on twitter and you can also ask questions on twitter or via the email as well uh so yeah go ahead and count us in and let's get going keys all right we're starting up again in three two one go and it was really simple because they're hovering over garden yup all right now twilight town the you i did it [Laughter] all right so the one downside of coming to twilight town is that uh you have to do the entire first visit uh before you can leave um you can't leave from a save point before that point because at this point in the game normally you wouldn't have access to the gummy ship yet like you could just you couldn't leave i'm going to open your menu keys because we've got that keyblade to check shadow archive plus is going to be a better accessory as well whoa that's vanilla combo boost that's funny uh don't put it on though uh what switch your accessories um to the shadow archive plus it's basically the same thing as full bloom plus but for magic and then go to abilities we had a bunch of abilities to put onto did we now oh yeah we do you want to put on slide dash or oh you did put on horizontal slash earlier okay uh move down and you're gonna put on experience boost second one and it and mp rage and that was all the things ah ah i respond i guess also you should go to donald's abilities because he has fantasia we can put that on him too yeah there we go it gives you access to the comment limit in case you need it i'm gonna figure this out nope i'm not gonna figure it's fine when that now that you're here this is fine just go straight across it's just oh sorry turn to the right there's a cut scene so it's different than it used to be there didn't used to be a cutscene there so that you would be facing differently uh so now you're in the tram common go ahead and get this chest and the one up on the right and then go into the woods [Music] there's three in here yeah and i definitely missed one but that's okay and this is where i live east castle has three important checks all right we got all three of them these castle's done you don't have to fight zaldan hey space paranoid has two important checks uh we have not gotten either of those okay you might be able to grab that green roof yeah you can get the chest there and jump to the roof opposite and to the left to get a chest there and then kind of turn to the right near those boxes on the ground and get the one over there what with the who 180 from where you're looking well you know i see this one okay that's fine basically between those two roofs yeah yeah you see it now hey money hey finally okay now go to the shop i don't remember which of these is the item shop but uh one of these three this one that one that might be sexist yeah it's the i think it might be [Music] maybe these are all closed don't worry about it we'll do the shop later all right uh so there's one more chest before you go out there oh yeah we going to four no no you're going back out the way you were about to okay [Music] all right now you're going to shop oh sure just buy uh like 30 ethers 31 ethers done money pouches give you 5 000 money in rando they do nothing really in in the casual game [Music] all right now go ahead and go into master form here and uh attack much stuff i just realized we have access to final form so we should have done that beforehand but oh well yeah because this is a really good place to level final form each of the dry forms level up in different methods um or with like different yeah with different methods master form you have to collect drive orbs which none of these enemies are dropping uh final form needs to kill nobodies for experience and this station fight has a bunch of nobodies that spawn for quite a while and they're all pretty weak so you can get a lot of hits in uh and get a lot of experience on final form if you have final unlocked which we just haven't good you have magnera that's actually really nice hopefully we get a finishing plus soon uh because then you could do magnera into thunder which would also be very helpful for uh space paranoid's experience boosting [Music] all right so there's only two more things here which is a little unfortunate guys yeah yeah uh this is on pc to answer the question in chat [Music] negative comma okay good if we get a second one of those that means that marluxia won't be as big of a concern nice see i didn't even have to tell you what to do on that one i i saw they were wimps so i just assumed i'm gonna be honest that's that's how i thought about that one [Music] i'm really wishing i had told you to get final form first i kind of forgot but hey trinity limit that's good it's a good ability we'll want to put on at some point yeah we don't have wisdom or valor form to level here and you don't have a drive converter ability because if you did you could level a master form so it's just unfortunate we're not gonna really be able to get any dry form leveling done while we're going through this tower so it's just kind of like wasted time to a degree um but we can't leave so we have to do it okay goofy's helping please [Music] i'm sorry to notice a nasty habit now that you brought it up i'm just looking for chests yeah there's none until you get into the room with yensid that's why i was kind of referring to this as like almost wasted time to a degree nice i like the stand still and just use magnet strat yep it's especially good in like rooms that are smaller than this and stuff [Music] hello friends goodbye friends [Music] all right talk to him you remember to jump on the table that's good everything else is bad uh it's you're right and then i talked to the middle one yeah [Music] and now i have a new outfit supposedly well yeah you would but yeah don't worry about it you go the door all right so we didn't really get much out of twilight town uh let's go horse final form i think go ahead and yeah just go through there i think that'll be the next best move yeah so go to halloweentown what the heck i couldn't see the pumpkin uh and then change your your keyblade to the one that had light and darkness uh-huh and that's gonna make it so that every time keys goes uh go into that room yeah yeah every time keys goes into a drive form while in combat uh except for some special circumstances he'll go into either anti-form or final form so yeah you can go in once before you close the door okay now go through the door you didn't get final form first try this time so and i turn around keep doing that yeah yeah let's go there you go so this room that he's the reason we're doing this here is because like the room back there is one where your party members are walking around so you went you actually went into master form which means you didn't wait long enough yeah you just weren't quite in combat yet according to the game there nice all right so now that he has unlocked final form uh he actually has it available to him so i would just leave all i heard is save and switch my keyblade yeah switch your keyboard back definitely the bond of flame let's check what the final one is just hover over it frontier of ultima uh that's fine enough for now you can leave that there um go to your abilities i think there was something i think i remember something showing up trinity limit yeah what's that limit yeah scroll down more just to be safe there's a negative combo yeah we don't want that on yet blizzard boost that's good you can put that on you don't have a blizzard but you know yeah yeah yeah but for later uh and then close good all right back to saving go ahead and let's go back to twilight town now [Music] i remembered you did good job buddy and then uh you're gonna go forward and then hang a right past once you're through that archway and before you will go into the next load zone you're gonna go into final form there you go and then you're gonna use jump magnet or just use fire to take out most enemies here but jump magnets are going to be a little bit safer and actually probably faster with your current skill set and then you can like jump magnet and then like attack them or use fire that big guy is the real scary one you definitely you should throw an ether now so now that you have uh you had gotten a money pouch you can be liberal with your ethers where the heck did he go uh okay good he died right before he was about to do an attack probably would have killed you all right we got final form to level three i didn't see anything good really popping on oh my thing's gone yeah you can just use magnet now okay and uh go ahead and use trinity limit if that doesn't kill you oh a triangle on them quick quick you're running out of square square it's way too long that's fine you ran out of limit gage i i didn't let's try the let's try fires i thought the jump magnets would honestly be better there um but we'll try with fire so just go into final form and uh just use l1 and circle a lot reflect that and i don't slow i gotta give that kind of instruction a little earlier don't forget to use reflect if you're getting combos don't mind me no no everything's good everything's good nice okay you can also thunder them if you want to stay further away okay good calculated that got scary but we're fine uh so go to the left this is one of the few times you don't want to go forward from where no left this left yeah you're left well left from where you faced at the beginning but you turned your camera to the right so then go all the way up [Music] [Music] you're gonna come back in again it's prepping me for the skip hops oh man yeah i mean we might do that soon honestly we don't really have very many leads to go on right now uh uh go through the five door five yep and then this is where you kind of navigate around down here for a bit and grab some chests how's this one and then you go straight across through the window grab that and then you drop down through the other window grab the one down here and then kind of straight across from that chest up there yeah you got it and you're gonna go through uh two [Music] i wish we would get second chance or once more those would be some nice things to show up right now especially second chance i'd make it a lot easier to do the experience boost because we're i'm thinking we're going to get you set up to do an experience boost here [Music] which is why we're in twilight town 3 because it's a pretty good spot for it there's also two more important checks here so uh there's one higher up there wow okay there you go and then across the roof to the right well that's fine you're about to get one there too hey what like on the ground there it's fine there's no good way to explain where the chests are here really am i blind uh it's to the right of where the tram is right now oh uh and then in the back alley so it's like turn where the door won the the number one door is turning right before going in it and then turn left ah yes there you go and then go back out through the number one door [Music] and you're gonna take this to the next the number two door and then you're gonna go to the number four door and uh the next fight will be a little difficult but i'm hoping it'll be okay i agree he's chicken little yeah we'll use chicken little on it that'll make it better uh so go to the woods woods is over this direction and then you're gonna go across the woods and before you walk into the next load zone summon chicken little yeah okay so now you're gonna use chicken little to helpfully to hopefully stun the enemies if uh if the enemies are ever close to you and they're not getting like pulled in and stunned then you just walk away a little bit like you just did right there that was perfect um and once chicken little pulls him in just use magnet and thunder okay yeah and don't forget to throw ethers there we go magnet is really good on the 60fps versions of this game especially because a lot of things will like hit hit them uh hit enemies in and out of the magnets quite a bit yeah and you just want chicken little to keep doing doing that whistling thing basically all right that's your last ether so just keep that in mind nice explosion on level 20. that's really nice that would have been nice for this fight if it had happened all right uh you're going to be out of mp but that's okay let chicken little pull them in so they don't like kill you and then just physical combos okay that's not doing too much damage should be fine hi mickey's here yeah you just noticed on the third and final wave it's not really the last wave because they kind of keep spawning here for a bit but it's the last type of enemy all right yeah you're doing good at like just getting through this fight your mp's almost back too so you can use thunders on the last enemy surprised he survived that many with dirty magic maybe mickey was letting me down that whole time [Music] uh so your drive gauge is pretty low so go through this door and then go up the stairs to the left and go through the left door before getting any chests because we need to try to save your drive here and in that room there's a save point go ahead and leave the world and that way we keep your drive then you can come back in and go grab the chests in the mansion all right hopefully we find the two last important checks here and i'm really i think drive forms would be really useful to find right now [Music] that'd be the main thing [Music] now you got the fake proof the winner's proof uh there's eight uh you want to go to the other room on the ground floor uh yeah that door [Music] all right i'm kind of being the the coach for keys today for anybody's joining us late glide max limit form hey there's the drive form limit forms is good that means we can potentially go to a simulated twilight town at some point oh boy [Music] over here yeah chester okay and stitch that's perfect stitch is really great get in the door so now we just need a uh [Music] uh to talk to to pence and pick the middle option we just need a finishing plus to show up and then we can do some this is where i jump in the laser and jump out again yep all right i'm in the laser i did it remembrance crystal i'm in the laser i did it uh so i was gonna have you go ahead and save and leave i was gonna have you experience boost here but now i'm hoping i'm gonna get a little greedy and hope that we can get a finishing plus because uh go ahead and check your keyblades you got a new one there uh item boost okay it's it's not good uh it go to your abilities though because you have uh put on retaliating slash that'll make it so that if you're ever falling you can hit like square if you've been hit and you're like falling slowly to the ground you can hit square to cancel the fall explosion good magic based finisher uh scroll down more drive boost and that's it for now but go to your items and go to stock and let's see if you have any more boost to put on yeah defense boosts an ap boost let's do those okay uh so go back to hollabaston so the crown damn it [Laughter] uh and then go through that doorway because you got the membership card back there so this is going to unlock a chest for you humble plus okay no good that's that's fine uh leave and don't leave the world though because you're gonna go do the next fight and you're gonna use final form on it and a bunch of fires until the big red enemy spawns and then kill the red enemy with anything but fire so you can use magnet to stun him or you can like just kill him with thunder or whatever that's thunder yeah the main reason for fire by the way is because like it hits a bunch of it hits a wide area and it uses less mp um than like thunder does don't mind me just gliding all right do you recognize where we are wait am i doing this do you know what we're gonna do next oh no oh no all right but first we're going to level masterform uh so go in there we're going to level in there and you're going to get the first few chests first oh no yeah you won't go master form until you're in the next room so that's fine oh no hey you so you said you wanted to do it i know but that was a blue chest on the ground i was brown chess i forgot i only know one thing about this area now so if anyone doesn't know this is cavern of remembrance this is a post-game area added into final mix uh we're gonna often refer to it as core as well um because it's cor cavern of remembrance and the reason keys is panicking a little bit is that i taught him a skip and he did it exactly one time well he did it successfully exactly one time so we're going to see if he can do it two times all right that's all we got pages out of it that's good i should have saw the chess yep that was all of them in there and then you get two more in here before you go into master form uh but the other thing we could do here besides getting a bunch of chests and doing that skip is also a level master form so check your keyblades real quick before you go into master form let's see if you have any that have jackpot i don't remember no okay oh check that fatal crest though it has air combo boost uh it's not great but put it on a master form and then uh take the one that was the rumbling rose that was on that and put it on final form okay yeah okay so i i mastered and hit the orb things right yep yeah we're gonna have you level master first uh so master form as i mentioned before levels up based on collecting dry orbs hey you got a thunder out of it so now we have thundara um and we can get master form up to level five so you're gonna do that so keys is checking the he's getting a bunch of orbs out of those a bunch of drivers out of those things you should just take an intentional death oh i mean you can get it but it won't get you to five and then you have to die to respawn these so then you won't get the ones that you just picked up like they won't count towards anything uh okay unless you walk back into the other room before dying hey buddy so yeah he's gonna take an intentional death here to respawn those orbs uh when those bats kind of like scream at you like that you can walk into them to take a lot of damage too oh there we go and now he's going to go back through the door and get those two orbs again and those might get you to five if not the uh then you'll get that one that you traveled to because that'll probably get you to five maybe not actually yeah never mind you're gonna need to take one more death abuse stop attacking aerial recovery is a good ability though we can swap your retaliating slash to that in a little bit enemies hey buddy there you go i believe in you i believe in you oh my god it's like halo all over again please i like how somebody said there goes the deathless run somebody wasn't here earlier but i haven't died yet what are you talking about yeah nobody fought roxas definitely not i should have died in an elevator to some dragoons definitely not all right now those two orbs should definitely get you to five from here and if they don't then the the third one absolutely will all right third one it is the third one will and which is fine because you want to leave any ways to get out of master form uh so the other thing to note about the randomizer is when you generate the seed okay uh yeah when you generate a seed for the randomizer you remember to attack nice you can change the leveling of the drive forms so that they like level a little faster and stuff and uh that is pretty much what everybody in the community does for some of the drive forms so master form is leveling about three times faster than it normally would all right and then you know what to do from here man this is all you buddy all right all right let's see oh my god i'm scared so keys is gonna do an out-of-bound skip and it may take a few attempts here folks but i think it's worth it come on all right so he does a little set up here yeah to hopefully grab this ledge from out of bounds there you go okay okay okay i'm memorizing re-memorizing the buttons in my head um you have a slightly higher aerial dodge than before so that's going to help a little bit oh do another do another uh light thunder 80 first try all right all right that was not at all how i taught you to do it but it worked all right no open that open that go back uh break that break that thing in the wall yeah hey you'll want to use thunders probably although you're almost out of mp so well cause you need mp in the next room anyway all right all right i feel cool first try that's awesome man [Laughter] that's not how we we chalked it up but you know and then i said the locker room stand to the left and then use a bunch of fires stand like between the the first two things here yeah yeah perfect there you go that's how it was supposed to go last time we're just doing two of them and they so what that did was allow keys to get to this part of core without doing the first fight uh and then it's by the chest oh uh let's go again so you aerial dodge up over that little bit and then uh use fire until you get up near the top and then you revert and you double jump with circle [Laughter] i was i was remember okay so let me explain what just happened i was trying to get like [Laughter] i was trying to get the buttons like figured out and i accidentally all right so let's just uh no no so hit start hit start uh you have a high drive recovery i think that's what we're gonna have to do here go to items and this is so like go to your items and go to stock you have a high drive recovery this is so dumb let's not talk about another drive recovery too so okay okay so it's do that and then fires and then revert and then like fire until you're all the way at the top and then and then revert yeah to kind of stall yourself a little bit if you want and then uh and then aerial dodge after you revert and you should grab the ledge it attacked you hit you hit x it attacked yeah you hit the wrong button well okay so now you got to go build some drive because uh unfortunately there's no way for you to take a death abuse in this room that would be the other way of doing it i guess we could have had you save after you open the shortcut too and then uh then we wouldn't have to build drive you would just have to load the game but that's fine just build uh drop down use all your mp on magnets it attacks i didn't want it to attack actually you have oh you have limit uh yeah go ahead and just attack them you gotta you might as well at this point you're out of mp but if your mp comes back we can uh try to do that magnet limit uh trinity limit thing that we did before to something i'm so bummed i must have like mashed it when i yeah it's really easy to accidentally hit the reverse thing twice yeah i think that's what i did yeah well okay what we'll do this time is so drop down there and go to where the car spawns which is by the the chest the second chest uh to the left a little bit no no that's the first chest the other one i heard a car uh yeah it normally spawns right where you are i don't know why it's not right now but use a a magnet and uh what you're going to do is prep it hit left and prep trinity in the limit menu donald died help you know remember how we did the like magnet and then you trinity didn't hit triangle uh i do not it like didn't work that well because the enemies were too weak that's why i was hoping the car would spawn ouch yeah this area is hard uh worst case we could just leave and go do something else and come back here to do the rest of the skit once you have drive is that way where where next okay uh then let's go to 100 acre wood because you have a torn page you actually have two torn pages we don't have great at least why did i fail that skin but i got the other one i mean you failed that part last time too it was you just were able to build your drive a little bit faster all right so check the chest and then we're going to go ahead and do the mini game that jackpot would have helped us a lot with grinding masterform yeah you're going to do the mini game here and this minigame everybody is about to be super sped up because lorando makes it go twice as fast since it's boring thank goodness how long was it like 116 you want me to go to the middle or something yeah uh two two yeah so i'm to think aloud about our next options i think we're going to do this and the next horn page you could do like port royal or uh land of dragons um could go try to finish pride lands it wouldn't be ideal could do simulated twilight town but i don't know if we want to do that yet you let it's not going to advance until you pick them up yet i'm thinking port royal might be a decent play after this we just don't have like really much to go off of with the hints you found a good chunk of hints they just haven't been that useful all right get all three laundry well well at this point just do the mini game you can come back well that happened yeah we'll come back in for those two yeah i'm chests port royals first move better better chase the hints and simulated twilight town but i don't like that play because the the goal the next goal really is get strong enough to go beat zig bar and the rest of the world that ever was i didn't push the button oh my buy everything oh my teddy bear yeah the next real main thing we should do is just get you strong enough to get through the world than ever was and then do the world that never was because there's two things in there um but the way to do that is to experience boost in either space paranoids or in uh twilight and to do it in twilight town we need uh we need um draw your drive back we don't technically need finishing plus in space paranoid but it'll be much faster and much easier with it why are these mini games so hard for you [Laughter] all right so grab the two chests in the garden but one's in the garden the others like just outside of the garden am i born literally you're going to each part of the garden but the part that has it yeah there you go hey drive converter and jackpot two things that would have made leveling master form nicer we're in here in hundred acre wood i mean of course all right let's uh yeah let's go to port royal i'm still hoping we can get away with uh yeah you want to have blizzard but that's fine you have double thunder am i going the boat you're going across that bridge and then you're just going to use like magnet and thunder on the next fight uh uh yeah i'm really hoping we can get away with getting a finishing plus before going to space paranoids all right easy also just a warning for everybody whenever keys is using like magnet um in the pc version the sound effects get real loud sometimes so uh if a lot of things die at once it will get loud and there's nothing we can do about it just a warning wasn't this way this way well you just walked by a chest that was that way wait did i though yeah yeah you did oh okay and then you break that's kind of nice break that wall making sure you're paying attention yep i gotcha i'm on the same page right then you're going to talk to talk to will and bloom whatever he has to keep a potion maybe he'll throw it on you later all right left always left yeah and then you can fight this one out it's magnet and thunder that's everything you can just lock on jack did all the work apparently if there's only like one enemy you're probably better off just locking on and using thunder most of the time than using a magnet unless it's a dangerous enemy and then two in this next room oh okay ow here's not super useful but it will be useful for fighting zigbar uh just to get rid of all your mp alright so now this is the one minute timed fight so you just want to kill as many pirates as you can for them you can just use thunder because they'll all die in one thunder i wouldn't bother with the magnet you can also reflect if you're about to get shot or whatever and y'all run out yeah the reaction will also keep you safe from the shots and then yeah just pick up the mp bubbles and stuff in between your thunders so that way you don't have to throw ethers hopefully ouch hey you have mp rage so every time you get hurt you're actually healing mp so you know it's fine you're just doing all that intentionally yeah and actually if you get below half health you'll be experienced boosting so you know indeed all things that you are definitely thinking about ah i was greedy all right no sorry turn around left always left always left uh fight this one out don't forget to lock on you have magic lock-on which we could like put on which would automatically make your magic target enemies but it's not good for magnet because magnet's the one where sometimes you don't want to lock on but for thunder you pretty much can always lock on especially if the enemy is further away like that that was perfect watch your mp i would throw anything okay you know sometimes you push the wrong button you can't touch them if they're in the shadows out of shadow thank you didn't you watch the movie come on you know nice look at that bomb that bomb that was getting thrown right at your face yeah you know what jack no if the potion is gone now yeah he probably used it uh nothing in here no no just walk out you did a little bit oh no oh i lost this one the first time hopefully no barrels blow up on you go the good thing is that you've really gotten into the habit of not you know attacking every enemy that's in front of you and just running past stuff for the most part that's something that a lot of people have to break that habit when they're getting into random and we have your drive back to three so that's good that means we can get it all the way back to full at any point if we want but you're probably just gonna get it back on from beating barbosa anyways oh no uh so the one that isn't exploded just past this yeah and use magnet on it it'll blow up immediately all right yeah when we came here before i don't think you had magnet last time three in this room and then you're gonna go fight barbosa and you're gonna do the same thing you did last time remind me what i did last time all right you're gonna you're gonna kill the heartless that's making the room dark you're gonna make sure barbosa gets out of the shadows and then you're gonna spam thunder on him and throw an ether whenever you're almost out of mp and you're just going to keep spamming thunder off oh right now we could have done one more thunder with that empty just for reference there you go now you can throw another ether okay at this point actually do a magnet on him and then thunder he takes a bunch of hits in a row from magna thunder but he'll also retaliate right after and we don't have scans so it was i didn't know how like when to do that all right uh so now you have your drive back so you can go back to twilight or i mean to uh holo bastion and do the thing i remembered yay all right if i don't mash revert this time it's honestly a really easy thing to do i i think i struggled with that a lot when i was learning you skip which is a similar technique oh i think if you had done a full high jump i think you kind of cut it short yeah there you go all right attempt all right 50. the second half of this skip let's see once again we should have saved so that way you know um so this this hey just barely so now that he's done both of those parts of the skip uh he has skipped two fights to like hard fights in this area um and oh i see that also like all the enemies won't spawn so you can get every chest but one in this section first that's a good ability that's that one that when you jump in the air uh you were going the right way i'm supposed to land like that piston right basically just past the piston okay just pull that thing all the way around the corner oh you're up on the higher ground that's fine that's fine you're fine yeah well you know this is not as precise as you're thinking it is there you go see there's the chest and then you just follow up that path yeah all right the other great thing about doing this uh this whole like month that we've been doing is i get like to learn just how much keys doesn't watch my stream what [Laughter] to know that he doesn't know the past or all these it's great yeah that's that's why this is about sylvia all right remember to do this thing uh quick run into it drop below it and then use aerial dodge and uh reflect at the top of your aerial dodge oh you tried a couple times you have a better aerial dodge than last time so this shouldn't be too bad uh throw an ether or use a tent oh you have another item slot we should put a an ether on at some point okay so you're dropping down a little too far okay perfect that was great so this is a room that would normally have a fight in it a very difficult one like a very annoying one and it doesn't because he did that skip earlier and this room normally has a bunch of enemies and some steam and stuff and it's really awful but uh he doesn't have to worry about it because he did he learned the out of bounds skip i still can't believe you got that first try and then messed up the other part of it yeah messed up the easiest part yeah like i'm not shocked you messed up the other part because it's it's easy to mess up i'm shocked that you messed that up but got the other part first the first part first try you're doing good on remember over there yeah but you want to get on that piston for added height okay yep hug left basically close all right and then you can turn around say hi to the people that are stranded over there like goofy where donald go yeah [Laughter] i go to the door now yeah yeah poor goofy i didn't actually see you got the chest in the room with the the aerial dodge thing right i think you did yeah you did don't worry about it okay i'm sure and then now what so drop down go down there so there's one more chest in this room um everybody but there is an uh an invisible wall so no no drop down into that hole yeah so this is the room wait before you drop anymore just turn around make sure you got the chest like go in the room room are you telling me to go in the room i think maybe that chest oh wait this is not the same spot i thought it was oh we're on the other side of the wall duh go to go to the other side of that uh that yeah that thing i was like why where's the chest i just want to make 100 sure okay you got it i see it open so now you can drop more um but when you drop down this next part go no done not that way oh my god okay yeah you're fine i remembered i remembered i just was looking the wrong way worst case if you started the fight you just would have had to die it's not that bad come back i was like so disoriented when we were in that one room because i'd never have to like approach it from that angle uh drop down and then you're good you just walk back out where the heck out the the yeah that's the tunnel the big dark scary place i'm done here right yep you're done all right bye core uh i don't think we're gonna go further in hollabaston right now so we're just gonna have you go to [Music] my core go to [Music] land of dragons i guess yeah there's still more in hollabaston but let's let's approach that a little bit later all right so you know how to you know how to handle these fights by now i'm back here yeah you've got a really strong magic stat for this is a first visit so this is like one of the very early worlds you do in the game and at this point you are way over leveled for it what no i'm perfectly leveled [Music] uh don't forget to get the two chests in here i'd get a magnet up so that's it's fine though you're almost done with this uh just for chat's sake though a common like thing like a a good tip for if you're getting into doing kingdom hearts 2 randomizer is to use your ethers before you fully run out of mp um if you use your ether wall you have any amount of a blue mp bar the ether will completely restore your mp to full it'll completely fill the bar if you use it uh when you have a pink mp bar it'll only do like half um unless you have an item boost as i run that out again yeah that's why i'm like giving keith's crap about it sometimes all right chase down that enemy this mission is all about just remember like memorizing where the spawns are so yeah your best friend here is just locking on running around and locking on nice they're not being super bad trolls for you right now now ideally you would be leveling like wisdom or valor form while you're here as well because the drive forms can have randomized checks on them but you don't have either of those forms into wisdom form is by getting low health and the enemies here are not going to be able to deal a ton of damage to you to get into low health so i don't remember what to do from here uh straight ahead from where you spawned so that yeah that way the checkpoint yep and then straight into this thing then you gotta get through the rocks and then there'll be four chests [Music] okay okay you know what that's fine i don't think that's gonna work out how you think it will never mind it it completely did it it worked out exactly how you thought it would that's not fair i'm mad [Laughter] man where is a finishing plus there's three of them in the game why can we not find a single one of them because it's me i didn't even i forgot you got a second glide in like twilight town or something so at least your glide is a little bit better now nice so at least in the next uh in the cave fight you'll be able to use limit form and uh limit form instead of spells you have different limits you can use and it levels up it gets one experience every time you do the finisher of a limit so go into the drive form at the beginning of this fight um the only one that will be available to you and then use l1 circle and start mashing triangle okay nope the dry form well you know it's it is confusing because they called it limit form yeah and there are limits in the skin oh you you don't have four sorry okay that actually was good then that you used all your mp like that once you get to four drive uh then you can go into limit form okay now you can okay so limit getter colon and what match triangle okay well you wasted well you know okay well you didn't get any levels on limit form but it's fine you'll get another chance in a little bit you're gonna be stuck to dodge rolling for now because you're in this form but you don't want to revert so you're just going to drill up the mountain a little bit there'll be a couple more chests in the next room we should check that keyblade soon we can do it right before the summit fight cause there's a menu then go on up and then it'll put you into a menu and when it does go check the uh keyblade you got you got ultima but the keyblades are randomized everybody so ultima doesn't necessarily mean it's good oh it's the other negative combo that's that's a bummer for later check guardian soul yeah it's also not good i don't think so go to your abilities there were a couple things you should turn on um vicinity break is good take off retaliating slash put on magnet burst put on uh aerial recovery and put on i think you have drive converter and jackpot and damage drive put all those on form boost and combination boost put those on too uh and don't put the mp json but put the defender on okay cool you're good okay you know what just because oh yeah do that and also go to your go to sora's items and make sure your last thing is a uh your last item is an ether or the high potion like change it to an ether there we go oh i don't want the this thing no they're fine but you want them off for a zig bar strat later and then they'll forget to take them off what am i doing i'm going to limit for them oh well okay and then do l1 make up for last step okay so now what you're gonna do throw an ether and very quickly do the same l1 circle thing okay so uh i forgot that i should have had you at full mp to do that but throw another ether and then throw another ether and do that again because you did it right it was just a bad instruction oh well well well well triangle well okay throw two ethers and then use more come on now what okay all right i think you got one maybe two limit form experience in here it's better than nothing you got it to level two i don't remember what i saw on it but there was something yeah i saw a disaster this is what i saw you can check on your tracker what's under what do you have under dry forms right now uh which is the star in the top right uh i'm blind not gonna worry about it but okay don't worry about it it's fine this way uh yeah keep going that way we're gonna go all the way and do shan you uh we could do shin no no we're not gonna do shane you skip without you having practiced it that would be that would not go well uh go to that save point leave the world and then come back [Music] i was cured thank you chat i knew i saw an important check on it i just couldn't remember because it was so insignificant okay okay so now you're gonna go follow the like basic path that you followed at the beginning of this world but when you get to the checkpoint uh you're gonna turn right instead of going straight across i blind there you go [Music] oh well i guess you don't turn right because they spawn you looking straight i was even paying attention yeah that's that's my bad all right you know how to do this fight all right just like all the others or mulan can do most of the work for you that works too oh okay those enemies are actually uh immune to electricity so they're immune to lightning thunder that's the name of the spell yeah so now you're gonna go do a boss fight oh i mean this one i would say basically just go into final wait swap mulan in your party which you can do in from the command menu and then go into final form and just like use fire on him like two fires at a time or something that might work wait sweetheart there you go uh into final form now final form and then fire yeah just use like two fires at a time okay it doesn't work on him so whatever just whale on him like with fire and electricity okay you know no that's fine you did a lot of damage we can't see it but you did oh the gates are dying oh no go quickly save the gates quickly get ready for that oh that was close i forgot that's that's mulan's job normally is to protect the gates but we took her out i just wanted you to use final just to like deal a bunch of damage all at once okay now what you know actually we're pretty close to a break anyway so this might be a good oh are we yeah we are this is probably a good spot to take a break so yeah three two one pause uh we'll we're gonna go to break everybody um and then when we come back we're gonna keep exploring worlds we might just go do some experience boosting without looking for a finishing plus uh because it's starting to take forever for it to show up and uh hopefully soon we'll get to the world than ever was because our last proof might be sitting there and regardless like we want to see keys fight some of those harder bosses right keys yeah yeah yeah that's yeah all right thanks for watching we'll be back in a few minutes and welcome back everybody from the break once again we appreciate you sticking through it uh we're gonna go through a couple of announcements real quick before we pick up again um just a friendly reminder if you're watching on youtube um a couple of things one you can always watch us live every thursday 7 p.m eastern 4 p.m pacific hang out here on slash games and quick and also whether you're on youtube or you're watching us live right now go to youtube at some point in time and check out our new channel it's a gdq some of best segments which is pretty much i'm going to call it the official gdq highlight channel because it's pretty much exactly what it is it's going to take exactly what it is yeah it's going to take highlights from all your favorite hotfix shows and eventually in the future mainline gdq events and put them into bite-sized little morsels because all of us have like little literally zero attention span it feels like um and uh on the topic of hotfix in general hotfix is looking for more shows so if you want to be a showrunner here on games on quick email hotfix with your idea and then you can check out our twitter which is gamesonquick for more information and you know ask any pertinent questions to it and just as a friendly reminder to everyone that agdq 2022 is online and it's going to be taking place uh from january 9th to january 16th um submissions for both runners and volunteers volunteers what am i saying here i will be open on the 24th of september which that's my dad's birthday so happy birthday dad uh volunteerers volunteers you know you could have just put nests on it but but you know what that's the keys are on the way all right yeah let's just start please yeah and also by the way for anybody who doesn't know we have ads turned off for subscribers so if you want to subscribe to the games the quick channel you get access to all the emotes and everything and you also get ad-free viewing uh and it helps support hotfix a lot it helps us out um so it is a great way to to support us directly um but also we're just happy to have you here and watching so thank you all for being here and for sharing it with your friends and stuff if you think they'd like it and uh yeah i'm good to go all right uh starting in three two one go where the hell am i going yeah that's a good question uh we had a break to think about this yeah we did i should have uh let's go to twilight town yeah no let's go to twilight town i think what we're gonna do is um is just we're gonna experience boost in twilight town instead of what i was hoping to do so uh go to the room like not the room you're heading towards you are going to eventually go back there but spike yesterday brought up a better way of like doing this on beginners so i'm going to the mansion library yep okay uh go into final form before you move and go into the like kind of the center of the room and take a big hit there it is now get hit a little bit more because you're still not under half health okay okay there you go so now just use a bunch of fire reflect if you get scared um to take out the enemies we're not doing quite as completely yeah this is still fun um just throw an ether if your mp gets too low like now while you're in final form you have this thing called auto assault too when you do certain actions like gliding or using ethers you're i'm just pausing real quick because it's slightly different than what we did so yeah so jump up onto the stairs and more enemies will spawn there still not the jump button listen up there yeah and then uh you're low you're getting low on drive so just you would you would go up and reflect those two as they attack but you're running out so just get in there okay uh you're gonna have to do all that again but now you know what to do okay um go into final four yep yep walk out of the room and come back now you know yep nope yep yep no no you want to take a big hit from that enemy hurt me friend hurt me again friend that'll do all right yeah now you can just start using firearms so the reason we're doing this is keys has two experience boost abilities equipped and uh if you're below half health that means that he will get uh double the experience for the first one and triple if he has two of them on a triple experience so that'll get him levels and there can be randomized checks on levels but also it will help level up his final form to five which could also have randomized check on it uh yes go back and so now this time it's not going to respawn those yet so just go do it on the samurais like we were doing before i know my health came back yeah yeah yeah your health comes i meant like get hit by the samurai your health comes back when you get uh when you go into a drive form okay there you go so this is not only getting keys stronger uh so that he'll be able to take on some you know harder bosses and stuff but it's also checking anything that is on the level ups and it's uh getting him ex like final form checks as well we already got the level four we'll get to level five soon enough so now the dragoon room will have respawned and you can reflect his first attack that you were getting hit by before there you go now you can use fire hey you got a blizzard on levels there's there's a dusk in the corner there okay oh what the well whale yeah it's important to take care of each uh of all the enemies in a spawn first because well you need to get to have health now so you know hey buddy there you go yeah now you can get on the stairs and spawn four enemies and then when you go up to the top reflect and the dragoons will try to attack you they're gonna drop down and get out and uh refill your drive there all right um let's do one more round of that [Music] hurt me please we're hoping to get your strength a little bit me please hurt me harder please hello thank you so unfortunately the we can't get final form any higher because the uh the highest you can level your drive forms is uh based on how many drive forms you have and he only has three drive forms right now so we can only get it to level five if he had six he could get to level six or sorry if he had four dry forms he could get a level six if he had all five he could get it to level seven um so we're not getting quite as much effectiveness out of this anymore but he's still getting stats he's still getting checks on levels there you go they all died back you could thunder into so you don't have to fall down there uh go out the door there's you have enough form to kill like just a couple enemies in this next room so fire okay after this one i would leave there you go and then go ahead and leave the world i think we're done doing this um i think we're just gonna have you go to to the world than ever was now the heart the middle one yeah yeah as soon as you set the middle when i fell i'm so upset yeah uh so we're gonna set keys up to do zigbar now so uh open your nope no no no no we got we got some work to do in your menu first and you want to do it in the previous room because otherwise it won't save it when you die okay there you go previous room it's what we call a room save when you like do a menu and then walk through a room transition uh okay so put high potions on donald and goofy but do not set them to uh auto reload all right um set sora's items to uh just actually you're probably fine i'm beginner just change your potion to a high potion and set that one to auto reload probably um change your keyblade let's look for your highest strength keyblade five five seven that one's for perfect the aircraft plus seven one yeah wishing light uh and then for final form we need we're gonna change that keyblade too tight as well important to use that on ap boost definitely uh so we want ideally a high strength one or a form boost one or ideally both oh wait no we have berserk charge on a keyblade don't we well we also have this horn booster strength we might do that but look around do we have berserk charge on a keyblade yeah you have to do kingdom key okay um actually you're going to need to do kingdom key on sora and put the seven strength one on final form so swap [Music] uh kingdom key and where which english i think yeah all right so now go to your abilities and let's make sure magnet burst is not on which it is okay uh scroll down more just checking some stuff keep going down i guess you could put the air combo pluses on hit go up a little bit put on two air combo pluses uh okay uh now hit start go to uh actually go go to your customize in the menu uh let's put um [Music] something put cure on a button think of what button you would want cure on uh you know what it's gonna be magnet for now okay cool uh so close the menu go to the shop real quick and uh do the synthesis option just so we can get some elixirs and mega elixirs cool uh go ahead and close out of that i don't think we need to buy anything else and uh so the way that's gonna work go ahead and go into the next room uh is you're gonna do the you remember how zigbar does like three shots and then he reloads yes so you're gonna do that same thing until he changes the room but when he changes the room this time you're gonna cure you're gonna jump and attack him once and then you're gonna spam square all right and you're gonna mash square until he breaks out like until he is no longer stunned and then you're gonna go into final form and then you're gonna cure and you're just gonna mash attack like the a button okay so what was i supposed to do with the three attacks was that reflecting that's just yeah you can reflect or you can run around to dodge them like you can apply or whatever reattacks he'll reload yep punish him when he reloads punish him when he reloads by regular attack yep yeah just do some regular attacks and then once he changes the room get rid of all your mp which is why you're gonna cure and then you can uh use horizontal slash which you have to jump and attack him once and then you can start spamming square to use horizontally yeah you won't be able to do it right now because you don't have a master or anything but like yeah but then nightmash then you match yeah you do one attack and you match square and you're just gonna match square until he kind of breaks out on you because he probably will all right let's give this a shot and if you die we'll switch to 30 fps but we'll try it on 60. [Music] you're just gonna need to dodge the attacks or guard them don't forget to lock on to him as he teleports all right i think you're a little slow yeah you're a little slow to punish that one so what do you think okay okay you change the room uh-huh so you're gonna jump and attack and then square as soon as he reloads which he'll do after this shot so i'm so far away yeah you were oh okay you got him so just match square until he breaks out and when he does go into final form okay now cure and then start attacking him all right dodges attacks now until he reloads well you know i'm just attacking him anyway apparently okay there you go now mash really hard so what this is for everybody in chat this is a berserk charge uh stun lock that we're doing on here berserk charge makes it so that nice good job [Music] good job dude first shot on zigbar uh so zigbar is generally like one of the harder bosses in a randomizer harder than most of the final bosses and stuff hey land of dragons has two important things okay so there's still one thing there uh so go ahead and go forward although switch your keyblade back now to uh whatever we had it on before died or flame oh yeah magic actually slot switch it to the one that's on final for him right now because you're going to be using more physical attacks yeah and you can put the bond of flame on final form or something or oblivion yeah put oblivion on final form okay do i want to add any of this yeah cause i hit on full blue plus yeah uh and not gonna keep the items still yeah they can keep the items that's fine okay uh you can yeah leave everything as it is right now okay even cure uh oh switch cure back that's a good call no no okay there cool uh but yeah so what that was was berserk charge makes it so that you never use a finisher while you're in the mp charge state while your mp bar is pink and uh certain attacks like horizontal slash or final forms attacks if you mash them out quickly enough uh and really there's a timing to it for horizontal slash but i always just mash they can stun lock certain bosses and zigbar is one of them so that is the way that i always do that zig bar fight even on critical mode especially on critical mode so it's a really good way to do it if you're having trouble with that fight you need quite a few things to make it happen but i'd like to save yeah so now you're gonna fight the luxor the card dude oh yeah we'll leave it on 60fps this time because we didn't teach you the other thing anyways hey you remembered hey you didn't get jumped you didn't get the thing attacking you you're doing so good i don't know what to do from here once we finally go back to normal okay cool you dodge that uh yeah just just fight him you have a lot of stats at this point yeah if you just keep using explosions it's fine just reflect if like the cards get in your face or whatever [Music] unfortunately you don't have finishing plus so you can't do like the big loop anyways i lost what are you all right so after this one he'll attack right away he won't like stagger when you hit him you literally told me that i still went for it i mean it's fine it's fine to go for it i just was letting you know at a certain point in this fight i'm going to tell you to pause okay and i just be ready for it how's all right we're gonna try to skip his dm okay i don't know okay so he might do it immediately so we might be too late okay when you un-pause you're gonna get hit left on the command menu left up to get to the limit and then you're gonna spam confirm to do the limit and then that'll stun lock him go ahead and just try to do that part we'll see if we got it okay pause okay so after you unpause you're gonna mash triangle okay and you'll probably need to do two rounds of it because i think we have combination boost on so basically sora is gonna back up and then charge through through the boss you're gonna be mashing triangles so he's gonna start attacking again and then he's gonna back up and charge through the boss and you're gonna keep matching triangle because he's gonna do it one more time after he's done with that you need to mash into limit form so the way you're gonna do that is while you're mashing triangle like that and you don't need to match like super hard or anything just be tapping it you're going to hit left to switch your command back to the drive and up and yep exactly and you're going to be just trying to match that as soon as you have control of sora basically okay so when you unpause here just focus on mashing triangle and while you're doing that switch your command menu towards the drive okay okay perfect keep matching triangle you're gonna do it one more time all right so now get ready to start mashing for the drive okay pause you're doing great perfect you're doing great you're doing great seriously okay okay okay winnie as soon as luxor hits the ground all right yes i want you to do one ground combo and once you do the ground combo you're gonna do you're gonna finish it with a zantetsuken which is basically a big dash through the enemy kind of like how trinity limit just looked sure and then you need to do l1 and triangle oh l and triangle to do that as right after a ground combo okay so let luxert hit the ground do a ground combo and then l1 triangle oh well oh he's low enough health just do l1 and x oh well i did that there you go you did it you skipped his dm that was great dude i didn't think he was gonna be low enough all right cool that's that was the way literally too low enough to change his uh pacing that was awesome man that that is that is a go back speed run trick uh you can leave now yeah take take off uh oh we don't have peter pan uh you'll be able to fight psyx it's fine take off uh high jump because it'll just help you against psychs in case you do air combos that's great man so that that trinity like whenever you are alone with sora that trinity limit into a drive limit form drive combo is like really good at doing a bunch of damage to bosses without letting them attack you uh so go ahead and go i i think i remember this one i think well we had peter pan for this one we don't this time okay never mind so if if we could do double negative combo then we would do that because it would be easy but unfortunately it's on two different keyblades so we can't do that uh so what you're gonna do is you remember the beginning where you gotta like guard or reflect and uh yeah and grab his thing and then use it on him yep there you go go grab that thing run away a little bit get back in your room okay pause real quick so you're going to run up next to him and reflect that part's going to be the same that's what we did yesterday and then what i want you to do is just do a full ground combo okay uh and then do a second one like you'll get launched back by your finisher once you do two of them he's gonna try to attack you again so i just want you to reflect like three times in a row as he starts dashing at you okay so you're gonna run up to him you're gonna reflect and then you can do two ground combos all right now start reflecting uh uh you just had to do three in a row otherwise that was good ouch ah three in a row might not work very well with this okay pause he's about to dash at you okay okay what i want you to try to do okay this is gonna be kind of hard to do quickly uh shoot uh actually yeah reflect once uh-huh and then go into final form okay all right your cursor might be on limit so just be a little careful when you go to select the form okay all right i'm hoping he's gonna dash at you okay he didn't dash so just don't don't go into final yet [Music] actually go into final and then just you need to pop him back out of this berserk mode just like you did at the beginning of the fight and then we'll pause [Music] [Applause] so for chat pause buffering in kingdom hearts is a fantastic opportunity to think help help don't forget you can reflect or use like a potion all right so you're gonna have to grab one of those things to them oh you caught him good good good pause so you're gonna run up next to him uh-huh and you're gonna use two fires two five let your combo reset so you know just wait a little bit and then use two fires again and you're just gonna do that over and over again and i'm hoping he's gonna die before you run out of finals okay oh uh he attacked once yeah reflect them and then you can do it yeah yeah good job you're doing stressful than it was yesterday yeah we don't have peter pan you're doing great oh man i tried to teach you the luxury thing yesterday but uh unfortunately you got dmd before we could do it all right awesome dude okay progress a lot of this is a first attempt for me by the way folks like we're not i'm learning stuff like right now which is kind of the point of the whole stream but yeah keep keep going up the the room and stuff here you'll you can put high jump on when you get the auto menu here with riku and instead of taking riku's items give riku all ethers and set them to auto reload yeah there you go okay so now put on high jump for sora and at this point go ahead and take the those high potions back off of donald and goofy if they have any left because otherwise those might ruin things later they have one each okay there we go [Music] all right keep moving up and then there's four chests in the next room go ahead and summon stitch so stitch will protect you from a lot of projectile attacks it'll just make it easier for you to get these chests see like he just deflected that oh there's peter pan that's peter pan right past the the fight you needed peter pan rude that's okay i think we can use him on marluxia if we have to do marlene's show so that's that's good one more chest on the platform you're on yeah [Music] all right all right now you're going into this next yeah chunk here uh so this is gonna be the next boss and you're gonna do that building thing and remember you want to use the third building reaction command here because it'll do the most damage it's going to put the thing on you yeah um you got to get up close to the building but at the so this fight's going to be a lot of just reflecting for you and then like trying to do ground combos on him and uh after a little bit i'm gonna tell you to pause and we're gonna do the same thing we did on luxur i nice with your stats it's gonna be like three combos all right so he's stunned right now he's letting you go hit him yeah i would get down off the steps that's a good idea all right just uh get i would say stay like a medium distance away from him and reflect his uh kind of does that two-swipe attack just reflect a couple times all right he's doing a multi-swipe so you can just kind of try to back up nice whenever you land that reflect on him try to follow up with a ground combo that was good spacing but bad timings a little earlier unfortunately all right now he's doing a long combo there you go oh wow okay never mind you did a ton of damage we don't get to skip the second building that's fine oh wow your reflex did a ton of damage i was hoping you would get one more ground combo in before we did it but that's fine here's what you're gonna do though after this reaction command happens lock on and then do trinity limit so the other side of the menu there you go while you're still in midair this should kill him unless it whips and don't put the mesh triangle yeah nice i get it my life alert won't stop help how's it feel to do all of the world that never was and only die to roxas i don't think you died to any of the other bosses good job i never died to rock so what are you talking about all right go ahead and leave and uh at this point let's go do um i don't know what are you feeling we could do simulated twilight town we could do uh space paranoids but we'd be kind of giving up the grind spot but that's fine really there's the one check in pride lands there's the pride lands check yeah why don't we do pride lands sure we don't have good options anymore we just have bad ones and other bad ones you know what i don't care if we already know what it is that's bugging the crap out of me but okay where do i go from here uh so just run all the way out of this room you're gonna run back to pride rock yeah or it puts you at pride rock and then uh yeah go in there you're gonna have a fight okay pause real quick goofy might mess this up but i'm hoping he won't uh so he will what yeah he probably will but we'll see what i want you to do is to lock on immediately and use a magnet okay and then don't do anything else just go stand underneath the magnet and let the magnet completely disappear all right and then pause again okay so goofy might have moved one of them out of the way but i'm hoping not uh you're gonna probably want to just move to tilt the camera like down so you can see a little bit better but they're gonna back up and then they're gonna come run at you and when they come run at you do a reflect and just stand still okay and then they're gonna keep doing that over and over again oh yeah no it got messed up well you got it on two of them see two of them are dead now so go for the last one uh you can just use thunder on him or i can just attack him like a kitty cat okay you know what probably like one or two more thunderstorms yeah there you go yeah so you used that on the the other two but goofy hit that one so it changed the strap we were supposed to send a sword attack but i always forget to do it um so go up straight up from the yeah remember where you're facing is usually the way to go i know but i haven't been here before so i was looking for chest oh fair enough no you got every chest in this world all right okay all right what do i do against him use just uh like at the beginning just kind of attack him or use a bunch of thunder on him um but once he starts hopping around a lot more and like using fire and stuff just use a lot of reflect on him yeah so he's going to hop around a lot more now so just start using reflect good job on the ether ouch that did massive damage to him though that was good just get up like close to him lose her butt basically [Music] he's immune to thunder now so at this point it's just reflect and uh other spells if you want he's gonna dm here so he's invulnerable so you just reflect to stay alive yeah whenever he comes charging at you there you go okay so now you can hit him with thunder again thing again all right so once this ends which it's going to do soon use the wildcat limit oh what go to the limit go to wildcat use it well you know i'd love to oh my god you have to hit counter and then mash accent triangle and lock on this should kill him yeah there you go we could have done that before the last dm but i wasn't sure and uh i i didn't explain it before but dm means this desperation move for chat it's basically hearing bm if you want to get the last check which means you're going to do ground shaker which is funny but whatever this is not the the like speed run correct play to do but i don't care we're i'm fine with it go into the pride rock there you're the king's den yeah [Music] uh so yeah dm means desperation move it's when a boss turns invulnerable and does this like big attack usually when they're pretty low on health and so we do a lot of like work to try to skip those turn left the one time i actually start going straight before you leave here turn left again like right before the exit and go into that little room and talk to rafiki if it's on ground shaker this is the biggest brain play ever so now you're gonna leave this room and then go back out away from pride rock yep and then you're going to charge through and go to the right like that yep skeleton bing the elephant graveyard yeah and now you're gonna fight the hyenas but there's only one of them because rando nerfed this fight because it was really boring uh so just use thunder on him come back here [Music] he'll probably hear the next thunder anyways quickly oh no he didn't sleep oh what you're dead this time no get over here nerd you can jump and attack and then use the square attack too you need to but now you gotta chase them down or throw two eithers oh my god yeah you're probably better off throwing two ethers to be honest nope i refuse yeah i saw that coming you're not dead uh he's probably one health you probably i don't think that attack can quite kill him so just do like a regular combo now get back here at this point it would only be one ether get back here there you go t ether free oh man all right so in this menu i want you to change your keyblade to kingdom key oh and you have another accessory slot but i don't think we have an accessory to put there um that was it oh metal but oh cosmic carts when do we get that put cosmic cards on all right that's cool that's better than shadow archive and full bloom plus kind of because gives you two of each step okay now what three of one uh i think you go out there now yeah and you're gonna fight ground shaker all right oh no oh yeah yeah you gotta go to the through the canyon and go back to the oasis oh no you were going around [Music] you're gonna go you remember what we did in the first visit where you went through a bunch of rooms all the way to the oasis yeah uh you're gonna go all the way back there again but this time you already got all the chests so i can start explaining while you're moving through this how you're gonna fight ground shaker okay uh so ground shakers is really big boss uh and at the beginning it's going to do a big reaction command so you're just going to mash triangle for a while but once you knock it down you're going to use a cure and you're going to target one of the eyes and you're going to jump and attack the eye and then hit match square and you're going to keep matching square because your mp's gone so you're going to be in berserk charge state so you're going to be able to just keep matching square until he kind of gets up and gets away from you at that point he'll be at one health but you can't take him out from the eyes so then we'll talk about that part after we'll talk about the next part after right go back out again yep yeah now now it'll be in the fight you're a very large thing yeah so remember the beginning is basically just going to be reaction command so you can just start mashing triangle yeah for anybody who thought you needed to time these nope she just smashed it's over all right cure uh oh shoot lock onto the other outlet unlock on and then lock on and then you had it there you go jump attack square quick yeah you did a good amount of damage i don't know if you got him to one one hp it's real slow so pause oh well i mean it's fine just pause now oh he might have i think he's going to shake you off yeah go ahead not in pause i think he's going to shake you off yeah yeah unfortunate okay you're gonna have to go ahead and yeah just start doing the square thing to make sure he's at one hp hello maybe you can get up on him right now yeah uh use the wildcat limit again [Applause] unlock on after you start it uh and you're gonna uh yeah he started a new thing never mind just hit stop you're gonna have to do this reaction command again yeah once this reaction command is done i need you to throw two ethers or maybe one at that point but whatever it takes to get your mp back off this fight can be a little like annoying okay yeah it's just gonna be one e3 okay now uh so use you just wait because i mean you can go go attack him but i don't think you can kill him right now just don't use the square attack she's a regular yeah he's at one health i'm like pretty sure so unlock on or it probably did that for you all right so now use the wildcat limit and you're going to use whichever one moves sora i don't know if it's extra triangle to keep going up oh uh wait uh it's supposed to go up i honestly like never oh there it goes now it's ending up well all right well that didn't work i yelled uh just get up go in front of him then yeah or there you go i honestly don't do the wildcat strat so i don't know how this hurts it's supposed to be good just attacking one hit or one combo should kill him oh throw an ether you're in berserk charge i messed up oh god oh god throw another one no you're good uh just combo no you're finisher whiffed use wildcat quick i can't oh dang he might let you back on yeah so once he shows up again up here use wildcat we'll just do it that way and just smash x and drive them you should die there it is okay all right it was a magnet so that wasn't worth it all right well that was a big waste of time but you wanted to do pride lands so hey we did pride lands yeah i'm throwing you under the bus all right uh let's go let's go do holla bastian i think that's right the king completed yeah go to uh the crown of course switch your keyblade back as well to the whichever one it was that had like seven strength and stuff yeah this one uh yeah and then just uh go to the left you know i did my camera thing again so i'm gonna assume this is the left yes and then uh just use magnet and thunders on the next fight nice you're learning not to like just spam magnet if they're not weak like too weak all right yay now and don't walk forward at the beginning of this turn around every now and then i get it i was waiting it hadn't happened yet this stream i figured you were gonna do that this time go through there oh you were going the right way oh now we're going back to the room you just had the fight in basically and then on the left side there go through that hole and get two chests all right and then you're gonna go through and you're gonna fight demix and uh yeah um just use the [Music] the dance call rc's not dance call but whatever it is wild dance rc's on these things so you just hit it once so that it changes and then yeah just do that until you get to about 30 forms and then pause at least these are the most more interesting fights for uh learning like for the stream and stuff you got to hit them to prompt the thing to change yeah all right go ahead and pause okay so you're gonna use the trinity limit uh and where you're standing now is good to just use the triangle part of it this triangle and then after the triangle part you're gonna walk up closer to them and use the square part okay and then after you've done both of those you want to mash either triangle or square to use the finisher okay so you're going to limit trinity that's common that's fine all right just do do a comment ring the at the bottom okay all right so now it's whale on him i'm not gonna honestly the comet rain got rid of the clones pretty well it just didn't deal as much damage to him so it still did most of what the trinity limit was going to do anyways [Music] you can basically get two ground combos in before he attacks if uh if the combos are stunning no i don't like it saying that i would like it if you stopped existing please probably die pretty soon try thundering him you might be close to that ouch oh my god oh my god i can't i can't get out uh yeah don't be afraid to throw a potion if you need to oh match triangle oh oh nevermind you got him oh that was the proof we're good hooray all right now you get to do final fights without second chance or once more who needs them yeah who needs them all right so normally you would be locked in here but just turn around yeah and leave uh normally you'd be locked into like doing the final fantasy fights but rando adds a checkpoint there so that way you don't have to fight demix every time if you die to the final fantasy fights [Music] all right so yeah you're just going back to that save point leaving and going back to the world that never was all right we're in go mode cause you're plenty strong for this i would say the one thing is i would uh i would change your uh i would equip the magnum burst stability that i had to take off before uh and take off auto wisdom it's like yeah just take it off you don't need it all right i wonder are you checking your stock might as well ap boost for those abilities you're not going to put on yeah exactly i mean you could put on the mp haste abilities if you want now might as well yes yeah and you can put on counter guard but it probably won't do much for you oh actually put on magic lock on i'll teach you a really fun thing oh great uh take off the air combo pluses as well i think you have like two of those on yeah okay which one's the world that never was again uh the middle one the heart right oh it's because it was purple it was confusing all right go up to the door [Music] the big door literally just a gigantic door it's like a piece for the whole game and everything okay so start gliding forward in this section and when a building when a wall a building's about to hit you reflect oh ah too late that's fine very minor optimization and honestly just more fun than anything let's go in the next section though you should just take the first uh reaction command that you can dude you've been killing it since we came back from this last break hey i pressed the thingy i want a refund thank you there you go if you have a fast enough glide it's actually faster to skip by a lot of those but you need like a level three glide to do it with the damage piece or level four glide to do it without uh just use magnets unfortunately magic lock-on is gonna move your magnet a little bit hopefully riku should toss you ethers or he just won't uh on the second platform try to space out your magnets a bit more you could be using less mp there we go now he threw you in ether riku is what i like to call budget stitch because stitch refills your mp and uh if you give riku a bunch of ethers then he'll eventually refill your mp [Music] all right so use magnet on the door and then just uh attack it and if you do any air combos you want to do like two square presses in your combo after you do an attack but that's more of a general tip we you didn't get horizontal slash yesterday so we didn't get to go over that and then don't forget like magnet's still gonna be good you now have explosion and uh also you have a pretty good strength stat too so like magnet to pull enemies together and then you can either follow up with thunder or you can just follow up with physical attacks both are good options i would actually say summon chicken little right now [Music] because chicken little probably help you more on the next wave yep because now he'll bring the enemies all to you so you can just magnet and then like explosion or uh or just use the thunders like you are like you're doing great ouch building hurt i think that was actually the assassin that hit you the the enemy there you go now you pull them both in all right uh i would dismiss chicken little that building okay i was like that building might hit you but it's beginner mode so it won't kill you so you're fine all right i can proceed and you don't have a finishing plus which sucks for this fight but just try to reflect when it seems like you're gonna get hit like when he raises one of his hands generally oh that was close you were a little early on that timing but there you go you got that one so we we can't see it because we don't have scan but your reflect and your explosion are doing massive damage down he's probably almost dead like probably one more reflector explosion we'll kill him okay it was one of each [Music] all right now you don't have to do the dragon xemnas boss because it gets removed in rando thankfully you don't have to do blue eyes white dragon yeah i know how much you like yu-gi-oh for ben memories yeah yeah no no i don't know about that one anymore chief nice good reflect that's good reaction all right so when he does that vertical hit that means he's going to be knocking you back like this that's good and you had the right instinct there because for the snowflake skip you're going to do that later uh you do it after these rc's you do that uh aerial dodge into glide so i'm gonna tell everybody for chat there's a move the boss uses where he spawns a bunch of snowflakes that oh you weren't holding forward okay so this move here keys was trying to skip it he was close and he'll probably get it on the next round um eureka will heal you don't worry about healing just land and he should heal you maybe don't okay uh you can skip that big snowflake attack and hopefully keys will do on the next one if after the building rc you do an aerial dodge and glide oh this is the yeah yeah you're doing that much damage [Music] so these you want to drop but i didn't tell you that last time so that's my bed but you're fine yeah just find another building that's static out there all right this time just make sure you're holding forward you can start holding it like now even and then when you do it you should get that skip oh magic lock on strap pause pause i totally forgot thank you adam adam adam's helping me okay okay okay this is why we had you put that on all right you're gonna do something really fun okay unpause hit left and then pause again okay what you're gonna do okay is uh you're going to un-pause and prep your limit to the trinity limit but don't use it yet just make sure it hovers over it okay and then hit circle and unpause again all right we're already kind of close to him so we're not gonna get the full effect on this out of this but this is great all right so when you unpause again you're gonna use a thunder which is l1 and square okay yep you're gonna use the thunder and immediately after the thunder you're gonna hit up and mash x so that you use the trinity okay this is on pause so right now as soon as you unpause yep yeah mass triangle to do the trinity limit you warp right to them hey [Applause] that's great all right so you may die at the beginning of this one you may want to take an intentional death because you don't have any mp right now um so you can't reflect this attack at the beginning but you could also just mash triangle to reversal it's up to you like oh he threw an ether on you so now you can just reversal and throw some reflects in no you know yeah you might die it's fine okay so at the beginning just mash out or reflect and uh once you get there one reflect triangle twice reflect triangle twice like just do that cadence perfect oh so okay that was really good though just do like basically just do that again anger and hate are supreme this is great we're not seeing it unfortunately like for chat but you're you dealt a bunch of damage with a lot of those uh [Music] reflects so he'll come down close to you just give him a second there you go oh he didn't reflect fast enough darn yeah you were still getting stunned i think hate are supreme but you've got this opening like working pretty well for you um so to say for chat not all of these reflects are dealing damage uh xemnas has himself and a clone and the clone doesn't take damage uh but for learning purposes it's way easier to just do this cadence of reflect and reversal twice uh but when you start to optimize it you wanna like you just do reflex when it matters for damage it's okay i don't know what to do here there's more so whenever he comes up close you can reflect uh like i would say you basically just want to let him attack you like that and you just reflect a couple times right we'll do in a moment there you go and then you now you have a laser face so you knew how to handle this last time you just do reflex stand still and just uh reflect each thing okay he's eating damage from those reflects when it when you do them and now try doing uh oh okay there he's i was like we might be able to get dome skip but uh that last reflected it i was gonna have you go into um session but yeah you know you know what to do here you smash x and triangle so gg dude from here you're good yay and richard knows where time is so we don't even have to call it yay much faster than the last one yeah i don't think we can do a swag finish well okay here's how here's how you can do a swag all right but you'll have to be fast all right hit left uh after this or just hit left now you can take it a little bit i don't know if it switched to it or not it didn't it didn't okay uh so what you're gonna do is you're going to try to do the same uh trinity strat so you're going to do l1 and circle this time you're going to use fire and then hit left up x up x all right because you you're gonna get to the limit menu and then you're gonna use the trinity limit instead of the session limit so it's just left up x up x okay break it down yeah do a fire first got to be fast we'll see if it works so fire and then you may kill him fire and then do that as fast as you can fire left off xfx okay well you know as soon as i can actually do something here yep right now basically hey you did it you did it hey [Laughter] that was great dude [Laughter] you got the swag finish and all man gg hooray uh probably skip yeah that was the only cutscene yeah you could have left the first two but that's fine [Laughter] awesome job dude let me see what the 250 457. wait a second three yeah you were waiting for the last time it's almost that's almost half the time yeah that was fantastic all right so now you've done you got a couple cage two randos under your belt you got some tips uh we we didn't even get to go into like a ton of combat tips because you ended up with like magnet and thunder in and magic seeds in a lot of them uh but like you know that chicken little is used to pull enemies in um to kind of stun them and bring them closer stitch projects you protects you from projectiles yep and he also refills your mp um if he's being nice uh you know how to like stun lock the psyx boss with peter pan we didn't get to show it today but uh that is actually a strat you can use on a few different bosses so that's the kind of thing that like could work you know how to use final form and use like the fires every now and then um like i can i can core skip you know how to core skit which is better than a lot of people who do rando [Laughter] but that was that was awesome and i i didn't even get to really explain what happened with the big uh the trinity magic lock-on strat that we did on armored zemness 2. but basically with magic lock-on is an ability so that whenever you use magic if there's an enemy anywhere in the same room as you it will use that magic on the enemy even if you're not in range to lock onto them so it effectively puts your target on that enemy for a little bit of time and so you use the trinity right after while you still have your target on that enemy to snap yourself to him and it completely closes that big gap instead of you having to glide so that's why i literally like zoomed over to him that's why you warped and it's the same way that you you swag killed xemnas at the end um otherwise normally you would have had to make sure that you locked onto him or been in auto lock-on range so yeah that was that was great i hope people learned some things if they were interested in kate sherando i hope people enjoyed that uh how did you feel about it keys i felt a lot better today than i did yesterday overall in terms of like what i did i definitely felt more nervous though because i like me personally as a runner and i've brought this up with uh with the show and with some of the runs i've done on a mainline events before my memory is like really bad so like i always have to rely on notes and i was talking to you about this before we started the show i didn't take the notes that i should have with so like you know big emphasis point even if you have really good memory notes are always a good thing so you always have a reference point so i was nervous starting this because i was trying to like you know run all the scenarios in my head like what do i remember what don't i remember but a lot of it came together a lot better than i expected there are a lot of things that i did first try that i didn't first try yesterday and it just felt it felt nice i saw the progress yeah your world that never was especially was great man like you died on roxas like what one time two times something like that and then everything else was first try even though we didn't have peter pan you didn't have combo master this time uh like that was all super great you got dm skip on luxard with me just trying to like explain it step by step that was super cool that was like my favorite part of the whole thing honestly so that was fun to coach i'm i was really happy to like see you pull a lot of stuff off uh and next week i i'm excited to be in the hot seat myself as you get to coach me and crystal and tell me all all your secrets at how you win so many randoms oh my gosh yeah yeah so next week folks i will be in the coach seat i will be teaching hobbs how to do crystal key item randomizer um if you haven't seen a crystal key item randomizer before there's a couple of places you can check them out you can check out the two races that hobbs and i have done where he's done kingdom hearts rando and i've done pokemon crystal rando just so you can watch both them at the same time and kind of see what's going on um and we tried to explain our decision making as we were doing those races and um there's also just a lot of different key item randomizer videos for pokemon crystal that you can find on youtube if you want to kind of check it out and see what it's going to be about uh it's it's a little less information to take in than kingdom hearts and kingdom hearts is just a much bigger and like a much more vast game there's also a lot of execution in kingdom hearts right because pokemon is turn-based like yeah i i can always be waiting and if i don't know what move to use or something there's no fear of me about to like die yes for you we have to do a lot of pause buffering stuff together and the advantage of that for you too and you'll find this out really quickly is and you knew this already but just kind of for folks at home because it's a turn-based game that gives you a lot of time to really discuss oh so what's my next move after i finish these three fights that i have no choice but to do so i'll have like three to five minutes to think about what's the next best check i can do what's the next best location so there's going to be a lot of a lot of thinking in terms of location to go and a lot less in terms of the execution but it's still going to be roughly around the same time so it's going to be a nice little balance and yeah it's going to be fun to trade places on this and i'm kind of excited to uh to show you key item random because you already have pokemon knowledge so i don't have to teach you a lot of the basics whereas this you literally had to tell me this button does this you're going to be constantly reminding me about type uh effectivenesses though because some everything that's represented by purple in those games is just like they all mix in my brain yeah i remember which one's weak to which yeah tune in next week folks for that uh same place same time as always 7 p.m eastern 4 pm pacific thursday here on the games on quick channel uh hobbs and i at some point time will go through a little co-op thing kind of like what we did for this uh i'm i'm probably just guessing next wednesday just same time as usual with us yeah unless we end up with something earlier so yeah follow us on twitch he's keyser on twitch.tv96 and i found out the other day if you google jhobs like the first three things are my my twitter my twitch and like page so there's your easy way of following me uh if you want to see us like do this stuff and also i do a lot of kht randalls on my on my own time as well and i'm gonna try to convince keys to do more so i mean i'm gonna have to do at least two more so i can feel comfortable because remember folks this is all accumulating to the the fourth episode of this month where i will be on kingdom hearts and hobbs will be on pokemon and we'll do our usual race except in complete reverse so i need to be i need to be better prepared for sure uh as good as i felt about this especially since this is my second time through i can definitely tell that i want to go through it more just so i can feel even more comfortable and i'm looking forward to that all right well follow us on youtube and twitch and all that stuff and we'll see you all next week bye everybody bye everyone
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 80,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games, Speedrun
Id: tYU1IhNlY3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 14sec (11714 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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