The First Step - Fez

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if you're watching this right now you're a regular and we love you okay thank you for hanging out we had an internet issue uh it's nobody's fault richard no i'm just kidding it's nobody's fault uh i was actually gonna say myself and then i was like last minute i'm gonna blame it on richard uh but yeah it's nobody's fault thank you so much for for hanging out and waiting folks uh but we are gonna be playing fez today uh a game that i think keith and i i mean you were saying it when nobody could hear us we both wanted to play for years yeah i i've always had interest in this game and for whatever reason or another every opportunity i had to play it i just never really took it and you know we've we've been having a lot of fun with these improv races and uh they're a lot lower on the stress totem pole than some of the regular content that you see here on the first step so you know it just seemed like what better time to pull out fez than right now also like improv races are just yeah they're really fun and they are a really they're even easier and easier way to get into speed running than like the way we normally do it so it does fit right in with the show uh i'm glad that when we did come back i had the the 15 seconds of music loop actually active on mine stopped now as well but yeah this is the first step everybody if you're not familiar with the show uh basically we try to show you how easy it can be to get into speed running by taking low effort routes uh into the community and stuff so things like improv races here where neither of us know anything about fez uh we have not played the game at all we don't know anything about the speed run or just the game itself um and sometimes we do it where we play the game first but we don't know anything about the speed run but today is fully improv and we're just going to try to get through it as fast we can and see who wins do you know anything about this game keys like i think it's mostly like a puzzle game but that's i think i don't know yeah so um no i know nothing i just know it's like puzzle platformer kind of deal also completely uh i don't i don't know if you pressed into entering your game before i did okay because i okay i was really confused i was looking at the stream preview and i was just like wait a minute i'm on the left side but you beat me to it so never mind wait you're on the way i know i'm confused yeah no i was look no cuz like the i also entered the game and then yeah so i was like wait a minute are the feeds swapped but no everything's fine don't worry pokes nothing's wrong don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain but um yeah so i i only know that there's platforming and it's it's puzzle based so you know in one in one method it kind of fits me better than you and another method it fits you better than me so this should be a it should be a really fun and hopefully close one yeah i i'm excited we'll see if we're able to beat the game we'll see if maybe we won't maybe we'll only just get as far as we can four hours because i don't know anything about it i think this game was just recently announced for the switch which was cool we're both playing the pc version but you know if you see what you if you like what you see as we go through this then i guess you'll be able to pick it up on the switch pretty soon if not all right and if you haven't already even though we haven't done anything with it you can always race alongside us we definitely love encouraging all of you in chat to participate and let us know how your run's going and thank you all like uh sorry that there weren't a ton of announcements about the fact that it was going to be a later show today we kind of forgot last week um to to let everybody know at the end of the show i think uh and then on twitter we just wanted to do our normal like live tweet so yeah thanks for for hanging out with us an hour later than usual uh if you're on youtube you don't even care because you're watching at gamesdonequick where there are no ad breaks and everything gets uploaded about 24 hours after it airs if you're interested in volunteering for summer games quick 2021 online which that event is going to be in july this year uh you can actually go volunteer by signing up at uh the volunteer submissions are open right now up until april 23rd and you can submit your application there and uh don't forget to tune in tomorrow at the normal time 7 pm eastern for super boss bros j-rock is going to be facing off against big cheese in a series of video game challenges uh let's go ahead and pretty much get started if you're ready keys although i guess there's i'm over start new game and i i'm concerned that we're just gonna follow a tradition yeah no i agree but there is still one more thing we gotta do i believe i am gonna i'm gonna give you a little bit of a break though because like sonic advance two's final stage is really hard and i had had experience with the sonic advance games the previous week so i think i had a slight edge so i'm gonna give you one compliment and then you give me two how about that how's that sound okay that's new so yeah so my compliment to you is that i think like you've consistently be been killing it on a lot of the games recently even the ones that like like we i don't think we've had like a blowout in a long time um and that like from at least me blowing out you like because you you like any retro game you've been destroying it so like the um you know super mario brothers all-star stuff like i was i was i had no idea what i was doing in that um but even the stuff that's just totally fresh to both of us it's been a lot of really close races so i'm gonna give you the the props that you've been you've been gaming well oh well thank you damn it now i have to give you real compliments um well um all right well the first compliment's gonna be more on the administrative side of things just you know the behind the scenes stuff when it comes to the first step um and i also kind of want to i'm gonna like selfishly like put put something on a platform real quick because i think it's an important message that everyone should absolutely get behind so my mental health hasn't been the greatest the past few weeks but um hobbs you've been an excellent uh showrunning partner when it comes to understanding what my limits have been um understanding that you know we've had the risk we had to reschedule today for example um because of stuff and you've just been overall supportive of any decisions whether it's a last-minute game change whether it's let's do it this way so it's more fair let's go ahead and reschedule it a little bit so i i couldn't ask for a better showrunning partner and i also just wanted to point that out too because i know that there's tons of people in chat that may also be having some you know mental health struggles and it's it's okay everything will work out in the end everything will be okay in the end just remember that you have people that love and care and cherish for you and that um you know tomorrow might not be easy but it'll get easier with time so uh just combination of some mental health awareness and also hobbs you're the best thanks dude that was basically two compliments at one okay i'm thinking we move on for that because that was like a good like message for the people while also complimenting me so love you buddy thank you all right i'll tell you we'll take a rock with that one okay so i'm hovering over start new game we're surely gonna i am as well we're surely gonna find another uh screen after this but let's get started with this one would you like to do the honors count us down yeah sure uh three two one go oh my god wait what what we did it can it be there wasn't another screen yes a good race i did not look at it oh i keep actually starting i'm slowing things down i thought oh good i thought they were like yeah can i play the drum set i know i know that this is like supposed to be racing but i need to know if i can play this drum set right now you don't understand everything okay i i jumped on on one drums drum okay so that doesn't have a skip cutscene option all right so no more no more hitting to start i i wouldn't be surprised if this is one of those games where you could skip cut scenes after you beat the game maybe press x to read mail dear gomez please meet me at topa village i have something very important to tell you today is special day all right now how many we're reading that out loud so i don't have to yeah yeah no prob how do we oh oh okay okay that's not the control scheme i expected but that's okay i can't wait for me to find out that because i didn't read the mail like i'm gonna be locked out how do i run i need to run hey there's not seem to be a way to run do i whoa i have no idea if i'm just oh i can climb up this what is this i found a bed uh let's go in the door i guess who's in here i have no idea what's happening i can i climb this you go miss hey what wait what why am i through the tree there are no such things as devil squares only okay what is goodbye what an interaction whoa whoa whoa oh oh i oh that's not what i thought would okay i figured out how to climb oh god i almost started falling down okay i learned i learned some things are you who i'm supposed to talk to ah i did it i made it to the top ah there you are all right i i didn't realize you could climb up the moss so it took me a while i like accidentally grabbed it so if you have controller vibration on it's going wild right now where did this cube come from oh i don't i don't like how loud it got oh oh oh no that was that was ear piercing now it's a yellow borg cube fantastic it is the board it's it's star trek i was like i don't even know what the borg is from i've not seen any amount of star trek besides like the uh more modern movie like the the remake oh okay i don't like it it needs to stop it needs to let me go yeah i know i like it this is cool though yeah this is this is pretty neat oh yeah as mentioned before the titular fist bobs and i have never played this game before so something that might not look super cool or surprising to all of you at home that it's it's going to be super cool and exciting to all of us here all two of us all right they landed on my hat but then it turned backwards as soon as it landed i don't trust this we're happy we're so happy we have a hat okay oh okay i understand yep ah i baited myself i tried hitting start again all right well that concerned me that the game crashed but i i just looked at the stream preview hobbs and you and i were like looking different directions before we started spinning like we were looking at each other um all right so that's cool here we are we have a vest now okay but i still want to be able to play the drum set come on oh let me wake up play the drums no i can't shut down the bookshelf i jumped on the drum set but didn't help i was on the bookshelf [Music] all right so i i don't know what the goal of the game is like i hope it's not like so collection based that we need a certain amount yeah i don't know what the goal is either that is something we occasionally look up for uh we have to restore the hexagon this is something we occasionally look up for games that we haven't played just so we know what like you know i should stop mashing so i can actually read i know we have the time okay yep okay all i saw was him saying gotta catch em all so it's really just pokemon i have one corner of a cube thing [Music] uh what about in this room okay i have two bits of cube everything's going great is what i would say if i knew where i was going oh this is so confusing open the chest i got a key keys can open it only used once okay oh oh no don't don't do this to me oh that that makes me sad um my my brain is going to melt playing this game already tell me can i please climb up there [Music] how did i get up there before wait how do i get in front what oh these perspectives are throwing me off right we got to do perspective stuff now right that's why i can't wait for i'm so confused what's the room i was just in oh i'm doing a bad job at tracking this oh [Music] i guess we'll go in here something in here there's something in here plus there's the eye thing yes all right [Music] i i'm so confused oh this is ah this game is like already breaking my brain we just started it i know so i'm missing two things uh i still only have one thing oh hey i got a second one hey he found a thing i just had to head plane now you know why i do it all the time okay i'm missing one and i'm gonna assume that that one has to do with this key where where's the key supposed to be i have three i'm so confused oh that's not a [Music] oh i died okay wait you're not tied but it wasn't like really dying oh i did it isn't this just my house it is another key that's not i didn't want a key i wanted the thing i need i i don't even know where to use this key right now oh hello oh i see i see the door now there's number four oh i needed more than four you need eight oh no yes please use the key please let the last thing be in here get in the door you goofball wait what can i put myself in the mail tube no i found a treasure map what why no i wanted no oh come on did i go in the store i don't know if i went this room i didn't yay [Music] i'm lost here where's the last one i only need one room okay so i probably haven't gone in this one i only needed one see oh i think i only need one as well are you in here please be in here i'm out of places to go oh hey [Music] where oh i i would say oh here but i could not tell you now you can something i told me now i can do something but i didn't i didn't listen to what it told me i could do [Music] um i'm just gonna guess i need to go to the top this is where i get my lead no stop celebrating just let me go where do you go no ah go i was paying attention to the instructions no the key is why why would you do that because i want to play the game okay okay you're here oh locked door i see a locked door maybe that'll help yeah get out of this map we're going lock door the door is unsealed yes i'm ready to begin my adventure yeah oh got a new map you found a treasure map oh man i really should have been reading these huh oh oh there's a world map and it it it confuses me oh i don't [Music] that doesn't really i'm sure that helps if you understand but i i don't okay [Music] look i've been in this room is this where i go where do i go oh this is so wild nope i've clearly been in this room this is so wild geez where do i go uh well i could tell you if i were a good friend uh you go to the bottom you go to the bottom the bottom yeah i know yeah yay i now have two completed cubes and i can enter this door i apparently can't drop to the bottom from there the door is unsealed am i ready to begin my adventure well yeah but as soon as i get down whoa check this place out apparently that was too big of a drop okay there we go wait that requires four that requires eight and that requires 16. why oh it's the world map oh hobbs i finally died well quote unquote died oh man this is gonna be rippy this is a bit much for me right now wait there's an inventory yeah good inventory it tells me how many cube shards i heck yeah thanks wow that didn't work i was hoping it would hmm how am i supposed to get that oh i can just jump that oh i didn't know that was how that okay i was trying to be too clever all right there's one i go in this door eight whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what what that doesn't make sense no i wasn't done oh the loading screen's terrible wait what i want to go up higher no it doesn't look like i can okay we'll go in here whoa check this place out it's another door this one ate what this is like some kind of important door place ah your fall is like so terrifying i know a warp gate oh there's warp gates inventory right i'm so utterly lost right now please don't teleport me to [Music] another okay oh man mistakes wait that's so cool though i don't know where i'm going i mean none of us do but to an alarming degree i don't know where i'm going i make that jump i can't i wish i understood the capabilities of your jump fez right whoa that took me to a much different place than i was expecting i i fell wait why did i not just like do this yeah that gets me there way faster i'm so confused i keep warping between different areas and it's it's not helping me oh oh there's a cute piece grabbing monster no no i cannot apparently can i push this no looks like it's a track though oh i got a key hey go in here now what am i not getting here i don't seem to be able to make this jump [Music] no wait you face plant after that that's funny [Music] i i'm i'm guessing a lot right now ah there we go okay okay okay we got a cube out of it at the very least i wish i understood how this map worked i feel like if i understood how the map worked that'd make all the difference in the world bomb where am i i'm scared can i reach that i i ask this already but can i hey you know what i got the job done [Music] why is it that if you fall a little too much you die here we're gonna grab this bomb drop there we're gonna place the bomb where the hell am i okay so it said there was a map gold means we found it all right i think is that what that means i think gold order means we found it all oh wait but it does not look like i found it i i don't know what i found my confusion levels are through the roof oh we're gonna go in here we'll go this direction perhaps perhaps there's things to be discovered here it's just another teleport no oh come on that did not throw as far as i thought it would wow what good does this do keys i've blown myself up like twice that one went too far um i'm um i think i duplicated the bomb there's a bomb where are you at what just happened what's going on what just happened what was that are you cheating again i'm so confused what happened i don't understand is it safe are you okay there's visually two bombs but there's really only one bomb oh i think i get it okay i got it no definitely some glitchy stuff happened there though for a bit oh no okay i did it i did it hey thank you for being back to the one bomb up he screamed as soon as i hit the bell it's funny did that do anything hello okay oh wait on is it here [Music] here here yep that sucks oh well you know i thought doing one two three four would oh i don't know all right so how's it going how many cubes do you have uh some number ow i blew myself up why is there another bomb there t you keep talking about bombs and i haven't seen i haven't seen a single big cube kind of maybe i don't know what this is like i feel like there's more relevance to the bell and it just i don't know what i found it didn't do what i wanted it to do oh is that a teleporter no wait what is this what was this i don't know i don't know anything that's going on right now a warp gate but this one doesn't work right now you have to find out first okay so i found a warp gate try it again maybe it's cause i hit the bell early and i have to like redo it there okay i don't think i've been in there oh the world is soaking there the world map rather is so confusing did that not do anything oh oh i'm so lost the world after so confusing yeah i kind of gave up on it not gonna lie okay i don't think i've been in this spot where is this taking me shoot still more here i think oh hey i see a bell i got a big cube now hooray that's three big cubes for me what well three total we had two already it's a bell i rang the bell before i read what it said uh-oh what the [Music] um did i break okay no it just buffered every single one ah no if you fall in the water you don't get worked back to the top no i gotta climb the whole thing again because i don't know what the bell means what the excuse me pick up the thing why why do i keep doing this there just turn yeah just turn it left again i didn't need to okay but why though how am i supposed to move that why is there a reason i need to ring the spell what the all right if there's one thing that i learned i'll just reload it no big deal reload i excited the area no i accident entered it wasn't it wasn't a real reload oh oh wait wait wait i see i i see bring me back down wait what do you see what do you see tell me nothing no tell me nothing at all does it involve the bell no oh god no fall animation makes me feel so bad every time okay i think i think i got this [Music] is that not what's on the screen hello they're wrong mean oh here maybe it's like that because it pushes away what the what but oh i did too many way too many way too many touches oh oh i think i understand now and i hate it thanks thanks game oh i didn't mean to do no i did so many are these just like qr codes or something like what are they i i give up on the bell i thought i had figured it out oh definitely not done here i'm stuck how do you how do you pick it up when it's on top is there a way i don't get it is there a way hello no don't it huh i thought i had figured it out i thought i was so smart i did not figure it out hey what let's jump there we go all right we'll reload the area again whatever it is oh hey yeah we completed the cube found four cubes where does this go maybe there's probably more there tetris richard i'm tapping you in oh no did you figure out the bell thing no no i did not can i like push these oh i can i'm i'm stuck in tetris land right now i don't like it pick it up stack it up is there a way to get them all on the same plane what i have to push them off how how does that perspective make sense what the i can pick it up [Music] okay oh i think i figured out tetris maybe well you have found your first anti-cube what and what did you do i found an anti-cube don't ask me how i'm just confused now do i need to reload this ring position dude this this area is not being kind to me nope there's more in here there's not more in here i guess okay [Music] why do i need an anti-cue make that jump okay i did i bet there's still more up here all right this is this is not going well for for me um i can throw that i this is melting my brain and i'm not understanding oh no i'm behind don't yeah i don't do that um like i get what i'm supposed to do but like uh everything's wrong everything's wrong everything's wrong i can just make that jump okay like how do i how do i remove a piece from the top doesn't feel like there's a way that was close i just have to push things around i guess how do i uh what do you want oh god uh i guess just jump okay we'll just jump hey wait there's still a cube here there actually or is it lying to me all right well it sounds like your tetris went way better than my tetris because i'm still stuck here uh i just made the tetris piece i did too on the top platform i did too okay i don't know you did it you did it in a way because it's a three by three and you just did it in a way where all four sides lined up and every time i try i'd do terrible yep i think that is what happened what happens if i move you saved myself back is that it that all i have to do [Music] make it no i didn't make it please say i figured this out i want out of here i did it it took so long give me my auntie cube i'm so mad i don't know what an anti-cube is but it's mine now now where the hell am i going cube get all right oh i don't know what to do here where am i going oh oh okay okay i see i see it i rather you not [Music] oh i see a bomb okay is this the face i only see one no okay wow i have found so many keys and so few doors wait this one's still not gold but that one's now gold so maybe i'm so sorry you fall oh yeah oh god it's alarming isn't it maybe there's water there was not water down there he struggles and it makes me sad [Music] oh there's the door okay okay oh yeah wait what hey i don't know if i was done with that area hey wait wait fine hey listen hey look listen yeah i see you back there do that by going to here and going over here what does this mean oh okay i still don't really know what it meant but we in there have i been here i feel like i've been here does this lead me to no i hate the doors that take you to a different part of the map i'm not done go back we're not done go back yeah that's pretty much exactly what i just did if i do this oh wait i'm a genius watch this i'm so smart no i'm not yes i am no i'm not oh that was dumb [Music] oh hey [Music] oh i see we now jump for it got it all right okay up here i see big cube over there there's nothing else right around here don't see anything jump jump oh no i'm so sorry actually and his name's not even fez is it wasn't it like gomez nope it's fez okay we have we have decided before i go there i'm just gonna go over here i know real quick i knew i should check this place out i want this chest oh something's prevented me from changing my perspective in this area [Music] so are we just like is there an end goal to this game or are we just trying to see who can get the most number of cubes yes okay sounds good all i'm doing is dying hobbs poor fez oh wait i could have done that the whole time all i'm doing is being a dum-dum and killing fez poor fez can i do something about this i can't wait for people to be mad at me for calling him fez i got all of that for a key happening now the color's changing while i'm holding square why why is that an option changing and i was holding square literally if he just falls a tiny bit he dies scam good where's the door that i hated so this is what i need oh no no oh no i ruined it okay no we're fine wow that's weird the totem is weird [Music] anything else in here i totem there's a four no there's bits or bits is there a door really that doesn't make sense to my brain what did i just do okay well i have to turn it over to there ah the hell oh the fez wait what no wait huh got it [Music] okay so is there another will it show oh no it was just showing that there was a bit left okay and i just gotta find a door here i found a transition on complete [Music] accident all right you know i'm starting to see how you can utilize some speed tech here i'm just not good at it right it's kind of where i have oh hey there's a door that but my brain no comprehend what that do oh god it's in another tetris room [Music] [Music] ah [Music] so we need that [Music] go put this there [Music] this one like that's a jump i cannot make but i desperately want to try to make it anyway [Music] we make these this one there [Music] this one goes here i make that and oh there you are it's like where's the other one [Music] look i'm not gonna make any of those jumps toss it yeah okay i'm the worst human being hey i found a big cube i now have four wait what did that do wait i feel gypped where in the world what does this mean what's that open the door maybe that opened the door i probably opened this door what is this oh the spec where i was maybe it was the other door i don't understa what what is this what are you there we go there's my auntie cube how many okay if there's no actual like good end to this game keys how many points are anti-cubes worth compared to regular cubes i don't know do you have two or something i have two uh well i how many regular cubes you have uh six and two bits six six you are crushing me okay okay so you know it's dumb because up was how that worked but i pressed up to begin with and it didn't work how do i get back there okay wait does this i know i found a warp gate was it that no that's a small where am i supposed to go i want to understand this map and i don't oh it's a bummer that i got a backtrack so i'm not gonna remember how to get back to some places okay i don't remember how to do any of this the map confuses me here okay all right well i killed fez again how dare you my boy oh the warped [Music] i've been here already oh yeah this is okay i know where i'm at i don't want to be here i don't think i do i don't understand took me back here again what but i found a different key wait is that a door okay so i i didn't do that full path that's a door there's so many things that's a door so many things kind of need to go back there right i can go to other places ridiculous this world map [Music] okay where does this one take me again nope nope nope go back mushrooms oops didn't mean to fall well you know what let's just go in the store cause we clearly haven't been in it before uh something i could use a key on perfect open open says me no it's open sesame nope open says me okay i see a dora can use a key on so let's do that no quit copying me yay i have another big cube i did it hurray [Music] oh don't faze i'm so sorry another key it's a treasure map i i don't really know what the maps do yet i guess oh this is scary oh this is scary oh i hate this oh no no no no no no no no no no what's this oh secret door secretary oh no they've introduced cycles i found a treasure map i don't even think we're no fez i don't even think we're in the same spot but we're like getting similar no more results here ah black holes black holes what wait what yeah we are not in the same spot how i fell more here there's not more i subway i could just fall down on each one of these but i guess not wait how do i i do anything okay [Music] there we go how do i get up here oh oh wait no yeah that doesn't know what's that point in this room wait this isn't the same place as before where am i what is this what in the world why is this here i am so confused how do i get higher hey i'm also confused whoa whoa why why's why is this here what is what is this where am i i i just want to get up to the top of this area why can't i get to the top all right we're playing castlevania i'm going down the ladder into the water that didn't work how do i get to the top here it says that there's still bits oh yeah [Music] ah dang it wait is that supposed to be a piplup i don't understand how i get higher here i don't like the fact that it's head turns with me i could do without that uh i might just bounce out of here because i don't see how to get any higher music got scary i don't like it oh this wasn't how you leave how do you leave oh it's over here okay okay there's still some other just to go from here oh i'm almost an idiot almost almost maybe i am an idiot maybe i don't i don't know how do i what am i not seeing why am i what am i blind to how do we get over there jump it nope oh but i didn't die okay there's definitely a door here oh door whoa whoa whoa my game just lagged oh that was that was not okay i am not okay with that that was no oh oh no um i'm apparently oh i see i see this i saw it i saw it do it again again yeah yeah subtle game i'm gonna need something like oh i don't know a crate uh stay on that lower platform [Music] yeah that's what happened to me yeah exactly okay so i can definitely get to the crate from here all right get this this aha hey another cube in the bag you're doing so well okay chest what do you got another key oh there's another chest over there though i get there maybe that's what i need the button for kobe i did it oh that opened a different thing you did it you found a secret passage go in here go here here where'd all the music go i'm digging the music hey it came back right when i asked probably don't wait enough for that yep toss it a yoshi you yoshid yep i made it work i yoshi'd myself where am i this is probably not the right way to do this i was really hoping one of those ways would get me there faster before i go grab it we're gonna get this wait i ended up back here no no kobe oh not even close still not close nope i will toss this crate onto this button there we go oh more secrets i'm so lost what am i not oh i didn't notice that hey great what is this oh oh no oh no no no no there's so many yeah this isn't going to get confusing what is even the end goal what's the what's the point wait ah another cube okay you're destroying me how many do you have i that's not the right button that's not also not the right i have five i have eight and two aunties yeah that's way better than me i think it's because i finally kind of figured out that the doors don't like like if you see a wooden door it means you haven't been there what hey okay so there's still another path that way that might be the warp or something i i get back over there there's still so many things i have like not completed in the rooms and whatnot hey whatever you're doing you're you're winning here you are that mucho and the lead so keep doing what you're doing and i need to figure out oh where okay we're gonna go back in here see where this goes what am i not understanding here why can't you jump higher why aren't you luigi okay this was here hey we have four keeps for this door now let's just go in there i finally figured it out and i killed fez there i have six big cubes now okay so this took me over here and there's a bunch of side things here okay what's actually in this room oh god it's a lot bigger than i thought all right let's just run across here if there's one here nope we just go in another door immediately like no there's bits here it says how do i use the treasure maps how is that helpful these treasure maps are enough they're not helpful i almost doesn't know where it's talking about oh god what's going here my chair it rolled back and it won't roll back forward and i look really stupid right now so what what is this room it has nothing in it get me out on this one it's in here um dot thank you all that was there i guess that just aired the people were worshipping the great owl i don't think there's anything else in this area i don't think i'm so lost and confused okay there's probably way more to this area i just i'm not seeing it does this kill fez [Laughter] that's how could you that kills fez what excuse me oh no not fez man this room's just full of dots bye fez well uh want to remind everybody we do take breaks on the show about once an hour so we are pretty close to that gomez watch out black holes black holes are bad it was gomez i only know fez do i do i touch the black hole do i not believe them i shouldn't have done that oh yeah i really shouldn't have they were lying okay um did i go in this store ow um but yeah in any case we we take breaks about once an hour uh because we want to show everybody you don't have to do speedruns all in one sitting when you're getting started you can absolutely just kind of learn things at your own pace oh yeah this is the room that garbage um and you know if you only got a little bit of time after work or school or whatever you totally still learn how to speed run and uh as such i think we're about at that point keys uh are you good for a break yeah my brain could use it yeah me too all right uh let's stop that in three two one pause i'm definitely not gonna fall into the abyss and uh we'll be back in a few everybody uh yeah just give us a few minutes we'll see in a few and welcome back everybody from that break once again we're really appreciative that you stick through it uh if you are subbed you get to hear awesome music picked by a dj richard himself if not um you know the the ad revenue does help go towards funding these hotfix shows such as super boss bros tomorrow which is uh 7 pm eastern it'll have jay rock facing off against big cheese not small cheese but big cheese large cheese wambo cheese and a series of video game challenges um speaking about video games in general we all know that sgdq is coming up soon hdq 2021 online has volunteer submissions open right now until april 23rd so be sure to go to to find out how to submit your volunteer application to help with the event and you know while you're on the website you can also go to hotfix if you want to find out more information about other hotfix shows there's more that exist beyond us and they're typically 99.99 better at playing their games than we are so yeah probably not wrong but uh i think i'm ready to continue to be lost same all right so uh let's uh let's get lost again in three two one go all right oh i did not remember this is where i stopped oh i hate everything where am i what everything is scary oh i have enough of that door i guess i don't think i wanted the drop but i accidentally dropped i don't think i wanted to though but it's okay look look at me climbing this area at the speed of sound like oh okay i was so confused for a second i was like did the game in a like with no textures or something what happens if i wait wait is it gonna is it gonna work me back and i'm gonna miss out on the thing i'm trying to climb up to do things don't don't do the thing that i think i just did please no oh please i just i didn't even think about it no i don't want to be here take me back it's such a slow transition there's black holes everywhere world's falling apart okay uh let's check this one i'm getting like these side rooms have had oh no fuzz oh this one i can actually turn things i love his little i'm about to fall off a ledge animation it's so good i did all that for one piece yay i now have seven big boys oh hey there's the door right here you have seven big ones yes okay you're only one behind me i have eight what this this probably means something what is this this also probably means something there's nothing i don't like the fact that the big skull follows me that makes me nervous secret secret what's up with all the tetris wait what that's the secret oh hearing the bill i'm a monster what is in here just make the jump i don't get it what there is there is a treasure map matter in here i don't understand how to read these what is this me does that not mean anything are they all supposed to be oh there's one up there what is this what is this no why didn't you jump oh my goodness i need to stop killing fez i don't understand what to do can i grab the apple it says there's still more in here though i need to know this is where i give keys all the time back because i'm just gonna sit again no cause i'm just gonna keep murdering fez stop it go mad stop can i sit in the teacher's chair maybe where the heck what about in the drawer is there anything in the drawer no it's his flailing of his arms when he falls yeah i don't get it these these all must mean something yay i got a nega cube i don't know progress like this looks like a like a weird world map right like my brain i don't know where i'm at anymore is this going to take me back to d-hub take me back to the hub please hey it's the hub perfect hey what up what do i do here i i can't figure maybe if i match it enough whoa that like tricked my brain made me start thinking it was going the other direction whoa okay i i guess i'm leaving i don't know what's in there oh hey it's the weird big owl thing again that owl thing no not that although i still don't know what the hell you're talking about but um what is that creepy mcgee where what am i let's start here uh okay where do we go probably more doors here right one more what was the point in this room i mean there's stuff on the walls i guess one looks like two people trying to tame an angry dog with arrows one appears to be four people who arrowed the dog that's not good and then whatever that is a jack-in-the-box oh ah yeah give me more little cubes stop doing that um oh did you ever figure out the bell no okay good did you figure out the best the god no okay all right go in this room finally wait what i just get a cube randomly what you like i'll take it i'm not gonna complain about that no oh we got another big cube okay all right i guess that one secret's just gonna be it's just gone forever for me that's the logo of the game devs right i think that is there anything to do with this tower no all right back we go oh that was probably about to kill what the thank you what was that if i go ah i found a room that's literally space and it sucks you in there's also still a secret here um wait this section like there's no other that's to here now oh wait yes there is i see this door which i don't have enough for what the faster oh i'm done oh boy do i i gotta go back here again oh man okay i guess i gotta find more here where am i oh faz that's dead as dead is there any other doors to open here i don't think so all right i don't like this place we're leaving where did this go oh no it's back at the bell i don't want to be back at the bell i'll go in this one this'll do a door somewhere this door it's raining in this world oh my god what is this all right we're playing ghost runner now let's go what the heck what is up with this place what i'm so confused hey there you go eight big ones like maybe the bell will lower the water if i can figure out the trick with the bell are you all the are you back at the bell why is it all glitchy now why are there black holes oh i think i found the room with the maps i think i'm confused i don't understand anything what are we supposed to do there's a door over here we haven't entered that door yet go go go go go go this could be good be good for us what's up with the black holes man why are there black holes over here all right now how do we get this stupid bell why don't i understand it there's a u an equals a an arrow and a four and a four and i thought it was like okay if you can figure out the bell then you know you're you're better off than i two [Music] three four but that wasn't it hey what's that what the what's the point get me out of here fall thank you maybe it's like this one wait what would be the no that's deeper wait wait what i don't understand this hair it's like this one then this one and this one and this one [Music] no i don't get you how cow treasure map tell me something i don't understand i don't understand what i kind of want to just do the bell for like 10 minutes to see if i could fix it right i don't get it why does it have so many uh there's another way there's another door why is there black holes in this area now what happens if you go into a black hole that's not i was gonna say try it help oops i really feel like there's a way to like drain the water or something how have i not been to this area yet that's impressive i don't know what to do big mood do i have a key i don't have a key but there's a door here oh come on i have a key where okay i need to find my way back to that how do i get back to that not this one look it's down here who's at the top it was probably at the top okay come on to the top here still have no idea what to do with the pool oh no oh i really hate that if you fall in the water it saves you from certain death because i would rather be way back up i gotta climb again okay come on what what is what is the point okay we're climbing faster this time i think i need a key wait i didn't even check i should have seen if that was the right one i think like this was the right way this was not the right way i'm finding areas i haven't seen yet i wish i were where was the oh cause i need to be back here oh i'm dumb i'm real dumb take me to the water oh that wasn't water oh oh that was brutal okay oh that one i failed too much anyways oh come on how do i do this belt oh oh oh how do i do the bell i want to know all right was this the right way clearly not oh boy where the heck now let's climb up first okay oh it's a big cube we need to go back to this room how do i get the big cube now i need to get to that room means it's going to be on this how do i get to you [Laughter] no that's gonna go the wrong way wait is it like looping but there is still more there so you know what let's go in here oh right because this is the tower i can't climb oh now it's glitchy here too now there's black hole here yay i have nine big ones what you caught up i'm making progress hey wait what hey what no what why did it i mean i still have two anti-big ones so do i what we're tied [Music] i don't know how do you climb the lighthouse i said i don't know i'm trying to figure that out everything's horrible [Music] where does this take me back to oh back the other way [Music] okay what's over here who's this way that goes to just one of the painting rooms but why are there black holes here help me i also still really want to know what's up with this stupid monolith thing out here [Music] hey can i just like sit there like maybe i just gotta go stand still where does this go this is probably not what i'm supposed to do i'm in a mine but i must know okay this is definitely not what i do i need a bomb there's a bomb that's [Music] convenient [Music] geez i'm broken right i've been broken at least you understand the map barely maybe that's more than me [Music] all right making progress through the minds how are you making progress i'm throwing bombs at stuff that was so long ago oh okay no this is where i needed to go different yes there's there's more here there's a secret in this room itself and also there's like a bunch of rooms to find it's timed that's dirty what is this [Music] what the heck is that close enough [Music] cute it worked oh i got the bomb glitch i understand things have changed but i don't know why why why why fazner oh that didn't count because i uh i'm dumb oh no oh no don't don't form don't forget no no no no no no i goofed trying not to get hurt by it there we go okay found a new door fine what it's been a while uh-huh yeah i got a tenth biggen oh oh i see one no how do i get to you well this isn't fair you can't just taunt me like that what it gave up does a screen transition help or hurt me in that case i don't actually know oh there's another big one i i know ten ten no i just i also have ten what am i talking about yeah what are you talking about oh i should have read that forever ago that would have been really useful you wait where does this door go if it's already is that really the door i came in i didn't feel like i climbed that high but maybe i did there's nothing down here oh there's more now there was a big cubicle on top [Music] wait it stops me here [Music] hey but how could this be looping i saw the thing at the top oh that was the same big cube i landed on it i see i understand now okay uh so there's a small gate but there's also a secret still here where's the secret oh [Music] you know that's way easier to grab that way [Music] oops shoot where's the secret [Music] well it's not the mushrooms i'm so bad at this how i i don't understand where there's a secret here uh i i give up on that that's not where i expect that to take me oh no okay it didn't okay not close enough do i even want to be back here i don't think i do want to be back here i need to get back over there dang why'd i take that gate hey where'd that door come from i don't remember that door i've been in here look i have not been in here no it's getting dumber and dumber okay how am i supposed to do this it keeps breaking in a funny way am i gone i don't think i've been here [Laughter] oh yeah okay [Music] okay this is a new place it's a new place all right i'm at a new place oh i thought because it was like this i thought it was gonna be a totem room lock door not that i know much about this game anyway but i think i softlocked are you serious i'm i'm gonna reload the area hope for the best ah this is timed [Music] okay that ain't good wait on it's it's all broken wait what i don't under what what'd you do i don't know do you need to relaunch your game i don't know what open the chest what's the choice deserve this big cube but i got it another treasure map that i won't understand great what's this one look like yep don't get it i'm so confused i'm so confused with these treasure maps dude i don't i don't see how they're treasure maps at all [Music] i got everything in here i have okay so let's go back out the other way i don't really know what to do right now other than revisit areas and try to yeah that's kind of where i'm at okay what is this what is this tell me about it tell me about it tell me about this thing i wonder what this is you suck you are not helpful i'm sorry that i clipped my microphone i'm mad it did not want to help me there where do i go all right now i'm gonna take my i go up here i'm gonna take my newfound knowledge of this game i.e none and go back to this area and see see if things are improved can i climb in the window please let me break in oh wait no just go in here okay this is worthless wait what what is in here there's a way through here somehow oh what if oh right all right here's the plan because now that i'm smarter and wiser and more handsome than i was 10 minutes ago when i picked this up i've never actually tried what do i do in here really all right you know being smarter and wiser and more handsome is really really good i found a secret passage i think it's my first one ever this is great for you isn't it it's great i have no idea what to do in here it says there's still another path i'm just the smartest i don't i don't know what to do why are there cycles why are there cycles i don't want cycles i don't know what to do i don't understand this game makes me feel dumb take are you in a room with some ladders no but i had a i had a crate and i jumped did every second you know a smartphone do this there we go that's what a smart person would do do it again there you go how hard was that stephen dumbass okay wait go up i go in the door i i don't understand i don't understand what was up with that stupid room [Music] yeah yeah making progress did i find like a new hub world or something why is this this one's been such a big spinny thing where am i everything is great everything is i'm in a different room i was in a different room there what everything is great what happened everything is great eh well that's a whiff well i'm in a different environment i don't know why i'll take it okay is that a wumbo cube [Music] i now have 12 big cubes and then two anti-cubes tell me about the stupid owl owls creep you out yeah okay fine i haven't even seen an owl how have you they're everywhere what owl what what owl are you possibly talking about i don't know what to tell you man they're everywhere i i don't believe you is that all that's here or is there a secret yeah of course there's a secret oh who could have guessed a secret with the owl what owl jump on i'm back at the bell finally i'm gonna i'm gonna make this work i'm gonna brute force it the owl keeps looking at me is there a way to get it to stop looking at me hey is the owl the piplup yes oh yeah i've seen yelp maybe did you figure out the secret of the owl i there's a secret well it says on the world map there's a secret and it keeps you i don't understand the world map i tried to explain it to you but i also don't understand it that well so it didn't go very well what is up with this thing that goes back the other way i want to figure out this freaking bell man what is the secret of the owl i must uncover the secret of the owl i've been here oh hey yeah using what you taught me i know that i've gotten everything here i'm literally just like maybe if i just get the owl to spin its head enough it'll unscrew the head from the stone body uh i don't know i'm leaving i'm not i don't know i'm not understanding this okay so there's another thing where does it tell you about the bell i had nothing to tell me about it i still don't know what's about it and i started to fall oh fair perfect i still don't know what's up with the belt oh no i uh i fell in the water that's so much worse than dying oh i got another cube i managed to get enough bits uh how do i get higher where am i i'm how do i get higher up oh that's the door oh oh i saw oh what what nothing nothing nothing did you see how to solve the bell that's him no god i wish keys you know if i find out how to solve that bell i'm gonna be bragging for days jump please okay behold warp gate pick a destination and press up okay we'll worry about that there's bits to be had like a twitch streamer oh wait wait a minute wait a minute am i still short a key i am i need a key oh man i couldn't climb the lighthouse before now i really can't it's just black holes yeah yeah i don't know how to climb the lighthouse either don't worry i'll i'll solve it for us okay good when you do can you tell me absolutely there's still more bits in the other place oh i know i said i was going to help solve it no you said you were going to solve it unequivocally oh yeah um so i i found a solution already what it's leaving yeah i was gonna say wait a minute that sounded like a setup i'll get up to that wait for this okay yeah why is there black holes everywhere oh hello i need a certain number okay there's a key door all right that's my last key i changed perspectives into a black hole there's so many doors there's so many doors oh no oh they're so i'm gonna be here forever there's something to go i didn't know i know the mushrooms were oh that's cool okay oh this is not good scooby are they at least actually linked they're not even linked properly are you in the the door hell wait what is this did you know there are red cubes what i found a red cube no i didn't know there were red cubes it doesn't even show up in my collection what was the point how do i prove i have it what is this is it an artifact go to the artifacts tab how do you go to the artifact yeah it's an artifact i got an artifact what yeah what is that yeah so i automatically win right no i think i do that might be the the cube of death human death i'm so confused they all go to different places [Music] no wait wasn't i just here i was i don't i don't want to be here i'm just i'm just literally literally going through here why does this look familiar too wait a minute wait this kind of looks like this hold on is that relevant okay like that might be relevant yeah this looks like this this looks like this okay okay okay i think i understand i understand i probably don't probably wrong but ah okay here like this one one's crying more than the other is that how i lower the water what if i vomit is it here okay well there was that was that looked like it had c but this was also a red door one there and then over here maybe what is it why don't i understand oh yeah i thought i had it i thought i had it what i thought i had it there's also this why is that that's the same symbol on the i i feel like that's how i it's the same symbol from the thing and so and this other one is the same but just rotated so maybe there's more of this maybe it's like numbers wait does that cage have anything to do with anything ah hell ah hell wait what is that maybe it's i feel like it might be numbers like i was kind of trying to force okay so then like that would be like take me to another one maybe maybe i need more of these i don't know what that is i'm going to leave this area i'm sad wait [Music] i think i don't have enough apps or something i don't know there's probably more i want it but but this is right there but but but why hey i got another one but why go [Music] all right what's in here another map oh yeah okay okay yeah yeah that's totally like it number thing so i need one more of these probably keys did you figure out the lighthouse or the bell yet no did you no did you figure out how to lower the water yet no why are we so dumb why are we bad oops oh where am i going no i don't want to be here just realize where i'm at no cool okay that's everything in here shoot gotta go back ah sorry okay i have no business being here ever got it okay so there's another door from here probably there's another way from here there's a ghost you're a ghost that's just me i think i don't even know i go in here i can go in here okay okay now that okay this is the one i saw from here before now that i understand how the map works because i figured it out all on my own uh-huh yeah definitely no help from anybody no no help at all i i don't believe in backseat gaming i'm going back the other way um how many cubes do i have do i have 16 yet no i wonder if your red cube counts as a cube he's i know that sounded dumb but what i meant was yeah no i no i i get what you were getting at and i guarantee you probably not cause why would it it's an artifact hobbs it's not a cube hey there's something here oh here's the what is it okay i was like there's gotta be one more door here hey oh i overshot the easy jump did all the [Music] hard oh there's the door there do i take the door do i keep going yeah let's take the door we'll probably have to come back whole area ended up being a gigantic side path or bits what that's what this is what am i supposed to do okay big cube no how many you had i think that's thirteen i want a big cube i also want to know where the hell i'm going i don't know where the small gate goes and i'm not sure i want to take it [Music] yeah i don't think i want to take this where am i going they would show me where it's gonna go then i would take it but i don't think it's gonna show me we're gonna go back back to where i was [Music] i just want to figure out i want to figure out this place let me figure it out please says i'm missing stuff i'm at the lighthouse again got another cute bit blessing here except there's another door hey dory there you are okay what's that safe and mean oh i got enough bits full cube i have 16 cubes oh oh good good work now we go up here we get 17 cube why don't i have a key [Music] all right let's take this gate i don't know which room that's going to take us back to but what is expected of me okay so now that i'm here i guess i'm just gonna warp back to that other place so many more pads though from here i feel like i'm probably just gonna need more cubes i don't want to go straight to 3-16 door well i'm happy for you that you're making progress are you i'm just kidding i'm happy for you that you're making progress you'd be happier if i found out the secret of the bell and told you wouldn't lost i don't know where to go now as now oh he lived all right hey it's skull island okay let's go here all right let's oh no this is skull island i was wrong this one is scott where does this go i already got everything here man let me get over here make this jump oh no can't make that jump i can make this one they all facing the same right now [Music] i'm so surprised oh there's another one up here that's fine hmm oh i did everything here oh no doing oh why is everything black holy yeah it's just it's such the perfect animation for that noise you know like it just makes you want to do that every time antique wow you're making so much more progress than me now yeah but this is what happened before right and then you just found the path or whatever and then caught up like really fast i don't know if i'm really finding any paths right now got to be honest all right get to that okay um all right so i don't think i'm gonna find that just yet i guess i'm not gonna find that just yet or that cause i need another map [Music] so i guess i go to the 16 branch now yeah i think i'm just gonna go to the 16 branch now let's take this back then eat yep what do i do okay so i need to go back to that i feel like there's got to be a way to like drain the water or something right doesn't it feel like it do i i did like there should i would imagine there's a way right like it seems like there might be what does all right 16 door let's go okay there's people here there's a lot of people here people yeah i forgot that they had existed looks like we have our break coming up within the next five minutes hello friendly reminder we take breaks for a handful of reasons one of them being we want to show everyone at home that you don't have to do your first speed runs in one sitting you can always just do them in segments and uh learn bit by bit and also the commercials help us fund these hotfix shows so if you sit through the commercials you help us out if you don't want to sit through commercials and you want to listen to music instead provided by dj richard then you could always use a prime gaming sub on us to get a free sub or just drop a standard sub i'm lost they don't they don't speak the same language they're not helping me okay i looked over because i wanted to see what the hell you were talking about where are you it's yet another door 32-door oh [Laughter] [Music] owl why are you here here they all will see their apogee what's this real time what where what the how did i miss this is this a key please give me a key i need a key parliament no it's a treasure map no i just wanted now you feel my pain that's everything in this room too what a scam come on come on come on sorry you should be [Music] wait there's more to this area where was all of this earlier this is me [Music] open square dot u line c square [Music] what other thing is it like dimensions what are you talking about are you well second dimension third dimension fourth dimension i think what are you talking about [Music] i don't know i don't know either you're confusing me and scaring me all at once [Music] oh that's a cute there a little piece somewhere too i thought i just saw it [Music] i've had a big cube yours i don't know what it seems so important this seems so important hey keys what do we think about taking pictures of rooms that seem really important yeah go ahead no no no i'm not going to i don't i don't it's fine we got it it's fine it's just clearly it's square you see arrow clearly yeah now you see me now you don't john cena what okay go in here i found i don't know what this stuff is hey i got a key i want a key i don't know what's going on with this all right let me know when you're ready for a break but i just had a major breakthrough potentially maybe i don't know i don't know okay okay let's uh i i guess i guess yeah i guess what's with the qr code that is definitely okay i'm taking a screenshot of that one i'm looking it up in the break and i will show you if it's anything that is definitely just a qr code as qr codes apparently okay silly let's go ahead and take a break all right i paused okay me too that was definitely just a qr code all right we're gonna take a break everybody we'll be back in a few minutes bye see ya welcome back folks to the first step here on gdq hotfix uh i tried to get i tried to read the qr code i couldn't it did nothing would read it i'm going on help and options and i'm getting no help i feel like i would have to like like redraw the qr code on graph paper or something in any case quickly just want to remind folks that uh those subs do help us out a lot i know i saw at least one or two uh before the break so we do really appreciate it if you're enjoying this show consider doing that or just consider sharing it with a friend uh because we love getting to hear you know more people who have found speedrunning because of the show it's really cool so uh if you've got a friend who you think might be interested in speedrunning hey let them know about the show uh don't forget as well that we got plenty of other great shows on gdq hotfix all week long and you can find more information about them at hotfix and from uh from there you can also potentially submit runs to any of the shows that have open submissions because some of them do so if you are already a speedrunner and you want to submit a showcase run to one of the other shows then consider doing that with that i think i'm pretty much good to go if you are keys i guessed three two one go oh makes me sad i unpaused and immediately just flew to the ground oh man it makes me sad that i couldn't get it to read the qr code i probably would have to like recreate it ugh whatever we're leaving that room um oh my god oh there's a door go indoors let's go in every door oh i just big brained on accident yes hey got another key enough bits the heck why am i behind the weird like behind the step here you wonder what this is i wonder too no it says there's a secret in here no why did i look at the map [Music] well i'm definitely in a new area ever i want to go back way to get that chest i see what's going on with that wall that i can only like barely see for a moment how do i do we get like a super jump later or something what's up with this wall i'll see it for like a split second fine i guess i'm just leaving um okay there should be at least one more door here oh but there's the 32 door so that's probably just that okay i'm alive uh i don't think i've gone to the top yet though so let's go to the top and what the heck yeah there's a bit at the top got it is there anything else up here doesn't seem like it well i don't know oh this is like a i think it's a warp portal that's under construction well that's a bummer because i really wish it were open now what the hell is this place all right it's fine yeah where was that one room i made a cube oh i can i can do the 16q place now yay you know okay our little navi friend said that's the six you can open the last door at least i think it's the last door that makes me uncomfortable it's not no don't don't say such horrible things all right i just want to get this in my brain again real quick yeah so this is either like one two three i feel like it's first dimension second dimension third dimension fourth dimension or or like zero dimension first dimension second dimension third dimension what are you talking about it makes sense to me okay i hear you babbling nonsense over there it's like zero one two three well i did not explore that place at all already in a different place i'll go back to the bell back to the belt wait what's this this this is some kind of number thing right all numbers so yeah u is one c is two that is three or [Music] make that three that would be four that would also be four oh that's three oh no i don't get this oh i'll get this part there's other symbols what are the other symbols what are the other symbols there's backwards ones brain no work i don't get it all right well let's leave this area i definitely don't fully get it oh man okay is this room at least done now the like portal room yes okay that takes me not to there heck did i do oh no where is that where is this hey another big cube let's get out of here oh oh okay sorry i go what is that what is this so confusing you know half the time the music starts playing in this game i think i'm playing minecraft all right where's the bill over there i have theories so you get to the what what is the purpose of this no that's how you get here there's still a chest there though oh how do i get to the eyepiece on top jump it nope wait maybe i should check this door first spell no this is tower all i see is pieces and like a red dot that's blinking i don't know what that's supposed to tell me that's not bell either where's bell where's bell that's a beast there's belle huh let's see if i can put my newfound knowledge or misreading of the thing to the test oh there's a door here too but it must need to be open from the other side i didn't need to make that jump okay so so i think that's one two three four is that what i was trying before i don't think it is that's not it what how is that not it's so bad um i don't understand anything this game is this game is too big brain for my smooth brain it is i feel like the fact that it got darker is unrelated i don't i thought i understood but i don't i thought i understood this was okay this was definitely the third dimension symbol for like two squares this was the line this didn't have a symbol there but it's two lines i get up here the first time and this didn't have one but it's four dots no no my brain was so big stupid black hole i can i can still do this right really why why am i dumb why don't i understand i'm literally just staring at the stupid bell all right because that was like the symbol with the square that was the one with the two squares although i think it was aiming in different direction might have been the line oh this is the tetris room except worse but there wasn't a double there wasn't an equal sign but if that's two lines then like a line is one dimensional it should be one and that would be two lines so it's two and then that's this was 3d that should be three and then this is 40 i don't know [Music] maybe this is two two dimensions that's actually four this is [Music] [Laughter] what about going into this hour we just allowed google damn it i can't figure this out why am i so dumb oh all right how do we this was a line this was two lights this is four lines well no this was like eight lines this is four dots i don't even know what's going land on top of this good enough get me up here what happens nothing nothing one two three four five six one two i don't get it i don't understand i don't know where to go i don't know what to do i don't know what to do all right i give up on this room entirely i've been to so many places what do i do i don't know i don't know i don't know what to do i ate a black hole again my brain is broken oh i'm back at the observatory place no i just want out of here they're a quick warp home i'd like to go home please wait i know i've been here before but i somehow don't recognize where i'm at let's see if this is the lighthouse i don't think it is though i think it's gonna be your mouth it hurts every time this is belle i am so cruel and merciless towards pets how did i even get the lighthouse [Music] oh i think lighthouse was like this door black hole how do i get out of here nope this wasn't lighthouse i definitely don't need to be here where was lighthouse uh yes get me out of here is this this is the way back home i can open the other door i'm fine with that i don't want to be here anymore oh there's lighthouse oh if anyone hears the dog barking it's because one of the roommates came home so sorry ahead of time let's try to come back to lighthouse i guess why are we i'm like i'm so like defeated right now hobbs like i just looked at it i know it's the stream preview and like i'm so sunken into my chair i know i'm so confused i'm almost thinking we like start like allowing a hint or something so that this isn't completely stupid to watch oh i'm sure people love seeing how stupid we are it's okay hey is this the city up there bob's i made it to the city great for you how do i get to the top of the lighthouse it's like two hours ago i've gone nowhere how do i get up here i don't i don't get it whoa huh wait it's not even glitchy here right now wasn't it glitchy the last time i was here [Music] i don't know what to do what are you saying what are these moon runes they're speaking oh right just wait until you find the dimensions i don't know what to do it's so heartbreaking every time how how can i still be this lost in this room there must be more here oh no how many is that 32 cubes yeah i told you hobbs this is why i'm saying we might want to allow a hint hobbs i told you there were 32. i tried to warn you i tried to war hobbs i am okay with allowing some hints from chad or google or something if you want there's so there's 32 cubes so many cubes i'm at 17. i am at 19 if you count the antiques you're winning congratulations is this where we call it 19 cubes is that the name yeah 16 cube race that's an original number [Music] you did it good job i want to get it but like i i'm so baffled right now how about we race to see who solves the bell first you don't understand i sat there for so long i sat there first i gotta keep i can go back to the one place what does any of this mean for you uh where do i go next where do i get stuck next how could this happen to us okay um can i how do i reach the top oh over there i guess i'm stuck i'm not stuck you're right in here couldn't figure out how to get all the way is this an incomplete warp cube yes okay i don't understand what you're saying i never went in the store how did i never go in the store no finding thing cut it out give me one more cube to make it a 20 cube raise ah yes this is my throne i understand now yes you found the i'm the king yes where does that go hey i found a chest if you have the fourth map i'm gonna be so happy even though i'm not gonna be able to read it properly oh it does it has another map oh my goodness i don't know what that direction means everything's just coming up hobbs no it's not this was a line this was a square this was two squares and this is just a load of garbage oh is this a qr code i don't believe you hold on hold on uh i couldn't get it to work i'm gonna try oh man i mean i have all four pieces now but i don't know what order to do nope doesn't work i told you boy how do we do the staircells keys i don't know what are you saying you naruto knockoffs what are you speaking i'm taking a picture regardless wow i didn't end up taking one i mean i did of the qr code but not if the listen we're desperate right now okay [Music] like hold on anything else like is that a qr code and so it begins [Laughter] the same the same madness the people are in the way i can't take a picture of it exactly this is stupid i need like graphing paper that's what i was saying man how do i get them out of the way phew you don't go i found another cube keys i made it to 20. good job i don't want to work back i want to go back to the other place [Applause] i fell what is this what am i missing in the throne room what do you mean i'm missing something i don't know i didn't figure that one out either i don't believe you i gotta go back to the throne room okay no this isn't where i wanted to go where am i this isn't where i wanted to go this isn't a throne room this is a classroom yeah if you found them he had keys there we go now i found the exit okay back out of here back to the previous one because there's some way to get to that chest somehow what does that mean i know those are on the bell you understand now yes my child you're beginning to believe and now you understand why i want a hint i can't figure it out fez is so bored right now gomez whatever they're so bored right now that he's sleeping on top of the desk while i'm staring at this is this the moment that might be the room i'm in this might be the room i'm in is that i might have gotten it in the chest that was here okay well now that's just me what what wrong bobs i was too cool for school and now i regret it this seems like the room i'm in right oh is this not it look big tree small tree oh oh is it from this angle i think it's from this angle oh right duh no and i took pictures you listen i'm now staring at the walls still trying to figure out what the heck how is this not it so clearly that's 1d 2d 3d [Laughter] how do i get this what i'm trying so hard all right where's the throne room so i can try to figure out what's going on there because i got nothing else everything's horrible i don't understand this isn't the throne room at all i don't understand how to do this why would it tell me about this that's not the throne how did i not remember where the throne room was i don't know how i did that uh whatever did you did you win i got an antique oh nice how do i get down for me [Laughter] that good i've killed him so many times [Music] boy that's not the right orientation this is the right one jump oh that still didn't make it oh no oh does the back of the throne mean anything cause i don't understand anymore wait i don't know how to get out of here he put me on the thing okay i'll take it i don't know why it put me there this isn't even the same orientation that i had before with it how do i get out of here no but there's there's a thing out there there's a thing there okay i made it out i see thing it makes me think there's thing where's thing i need to get back to the the room that i needed the maps for how do i get back to room i need maps for that's not where i want to go although that one has a warp in it so oh no i got the hiccups maybe leave from here i was there where'd all the music go mine just came back it wasn't here i already did this not the right place is we go back here now i gotta find my way to the room i needed maps for which i think means going in here but we'll double check on that okay so that was like over here right yeah yeah yep okay what is that okay we're back um find our way back to that no not well this might be the right orientation could be this room i'm staring at these pictures so hard trying to figure out what the heck i told you um i'm back up i guess i'm gonna go up here on am i on to something yet hold on one two three i'll just to go one two i want to go to skull island three four i wish you the best of luck i sincerely do because i've keys there where was the other where were the other doors wait one two three four five one up there no ah oh no i knew they weren't vibe here was the door that's not the right way either how did i get to this room i can't figure it out how did i get to that room it's not it's not the owl although you know what let's let's give the owl a shot maybe what about the other symbols hold on one two three ah okay screw the owl uh we're gonna go back how do i get to the door that leads me to the map room remember [Laughter] oops okay it wasn't down there right that's where i was right double checking yeah it's not down there definitely check that way i hope chad's enjoying this please say your insurance uh our rate has our cube acquisition rate has slowed way down how many are you at you're at 20 uh 17 normal four ante 21. yeah i'm at 17. wait i have that key oh go back i can finally do so i forgot i got the key go go do a thing that you haven't been able to do go open the door forward progress i just want to go back to that one don't you dare only be like a map [Laughter] [Music] it's a map hey where does this go that correct yes that's finally correct okay oh well all that he did was get me a piece of a map and a tiny cube so i'm not the happiest boy okay that's the wrong way i'm still just staring at these pictures hoping that something comes to me about here don't have a door no there's a way to go up here my kingdom i understand that's the way it came in right oh no this is the door okay okay is that figure this out i appreciate that i know where that is i know where that is that's important progress that's good that's two that's three and maybe that's four let's just hope for that so we need to find that room this room yeah it's not this one this one i think it's this no wait what which of these is it i don't think i'm going the right way i'm going the wrong way damn it has to be this one yeah this doesn't have all the right spots why are there black holes this doesn't have all the right spots though oh i was i needed to go further down i'm dumb yes this is the right one okay go in there and this should be this one wait this is the bell i don't want to be here however since i'm here anyway go here oh no that's not a good sign that's not a good sign okay so this wasn't first then [Music] all right not a good picture maybe this one's first okay so that symbol how many times do i see that in the pictures one two three four five six did that count for anything i don't know i gotta see if the other symbols are there opps this is hell this one then this one we're back here not this is that one even on here one here this is like going backwards or something this is weird i don't think this is right i don't get it you know what i'm not going to spend forever on this bell i don't think what i was looking at is right we're just going to leave now spend longer on it no well it's a great time it's fun go down to here why not do it isn't the oh worst i don't what am i doing wrong where is the keys i don't i don't know like i really think we should just allow it from chat or something like chat just tells us both how to do the bell or both how to do this room i'm in or something which room are you in is that door hell doors yeah mom dad am i there yet did i go the wrong way again i sure did i i don't know i don't i don't know i i haven't made any progress in the past few days endless loop i know i feel like i haven't either i don't know what to do i feel like maybe the last break is when we utilize some help how are you gonna get there [Music] where's the room i'm looking for i'm so lost like do you have any viable paths forward right now i do not i have one thing i can do oh i'm in the room i have one thing i can do and then after that i have nothing if i'm understanding this right [Music] now one with no bottom left corner which should be this door i don't understand oops i don't understand i don't get it like it seems like this is here seems like it's this get it is it like this perspective it is no because this was line and this was this was a square this i don't have symbol for i don't have i don't know i don't know what is crap geez i'm about to forfeit the weak to you like i don't know what to do i'm trying to figure this out i legit don't know where to go to actually make progress is it only that but how do i reach them like i said my brain is broken wait what i uh you can do that do what my brain is broken this game has broken me so then that means there's a this is not a race anymore this is this is not a race i'm staring at a map geez what i got a cube i made progress what an anti-cube or yes okay i don't know what to do anymore i'll be honest dude i just i legit have no idea what to do i i think i did all i could do at this point in time should we just get like a hint on the bell that's the most progress that i've made in the past 35 minutes wait you got the bell no i got the the invisible platform to the chest oh yeah that was me too that was the last thing i like knew that i i finally realized all right i need to i need to check something real quick before i tell you something just hold on just hold on i'm checking something i'll answer you in a sec is it okay okay so the the platform thing did you just guess or did you know what you were doing i like went down so that i grabbed it from the front i didn't guess it was a treasure map did you know you can flip treasure maps backwards yeah okay i didn't remember to do it though okay that's fair that's a fair point now what were you asking again what was the question should we get a hint on the map room or the door room or the bell or the lighthouse or something i think we should just get a hint period or we could just call it done we're getting demolished the game's winning yeah i don't know what to do at this point like okay you know what chat start throwing hints and the one that is mentioned the most is the one that richard's gonna tell us yeah i was gonna say why don't we just let chet give hints and richard will just give them to us [Music] oh oh richard says go to the waterfall all right i'm going to the waterfall there's a waterfall i do remember a waterfall and i can't believe i did not try to see if there was a door behind the waterfall because now it just seems so obvious the problem is where was the waterfall that's my problem right now i just i need to chase it man i know it's real yes but wait unless it mean yeah maybe this is the one maybe that's the waterfall wait i literally saw where i was going i'm stupid all right well welcome to the bell again i'm still staring at these pictures just wondering if there's anything i could do it seems like it's dimensions doesn't it doesn't seem like it's first i don't think it's dimensions i think we're just dumb i feel like it's zero first second third dimension but it doesn't help me because that there's no the four dot symbol isn't in and neither is the double line all right let me go chase a waterfall um i'm at the waterfall which i knew about i knew about this before but it wouldn't it didn't work for me it's the lighthouse no where's the waterfall like like that's not wonderful what am i supposed to do that wonderful i was here before i knew about the waterfall i just can't figure it out we we suck it's okay keys a part of speed running i finally figured out how to spin this a part of speed running it's been what is getting help from the community when you can't figure out how to do tricks spin what community no like spin us need to get to still i'm aware but you're my community right now what did you spin what i didn't spin anything i thought you just said spin yeah i said i figured out how to spin us getting a hint into being related to the show been here before i have why am i here i can see it me in the door it won't they won't let me in the door that's what i'm saying i tried earlier do we need to blow it up maybe we gotta blow it up we gotta blow it up ah i'm about to just go stick to the rivers in the lakes that i'm used to and by that i mean kingdom hearts too [Laughter] randomized ow that didn't work hey richard said just go to the waterfall area not the waterfall itself but like this is just telling me to go to this like monolith thing but i don't remember anything happening with the monolith thing i was in here before wasn't i i was i don't know what it's telling me to do about the monolith there's a door this symbol yeah thing above it yeah i'm confused too i grabbed this good it's not just me whoa well what did he do it i talked to the owl who cares about the owl i just said the one is many and then it flew off with the noise wait this is now faded although that might just be because it's becoming lighter it might have only been showing up at night it's not well no now how does that how does that open because it looks like a door how does that open i think there's so many different it doesn't bomb right oh come on i want to bomb the door behind the waterfall but i can't like get a bomb over there like why is it i don't understand how to get in this door behind the waterfall what is lead me in yeah i'm hoping richard will just give us hints in our production chat what if like what if i do like this this is how you drain the water or something this and ha nope okay i also talked to the owl and i don't understand what just happened oh i feel like that might have to do with the owl room but why won't you why why are we so dumb i don't know here right yeah really nope i'm clicking on that i see spoilers from richard and i'm clicking you're clicking on them okay i'll click on it too but i know that first one it's right there i see it that doesn't tell you and i've already been checking for unplayed areas on the map this is not terrible maybe we sent them here too soon oh thanks a lot oh was that really not it i thought for sure that was gonna be it okay explore more is not a hint i don't know who said that but that is not a hint we this is the one time in like ever that we're actually saying hey backseat gamers and you're saying explore more my game's been loading for the past like 30 seconds really yeah i i'm still in waterfall land i don't know what to do look this door thing or this symbol thing is well i guess while i'm stuck in infinite load land i'm just gonna go ahead and look at those pictures i took again see if they shock my my brain into thinking this thing is lighting up but i don't know what to do with it because i already tried blowing up this wall and it didn't blow up i'm staring at the pictures hogs and i'm still getting a whole lot of nope look the store is all lit up at night what they're relying on the maps too much maps are good all right can someone give me a hint on what the hell to do with this i might have to restart my game yeah i've been i've been loading for like a minute and a half now okay yeah we it's about time for us to take a break anyway so why don't we just do that while you're fixing your game sure thing i hate everything this is terrible all right uh we're gonna take a quick break everybody we'll be back in a few three two one pause yeah let me pause hops it's not like i was doing anything but i'm standing mashing up in front of the wall oh we'll be back in a bit everybody seeing a few welcome back everybody we've come up with a solution for our little conundrum of not only not finishing this game but uh uh having absolutely no end goal for us and by we i mean me and by me i mean it's gonna be a great idea and i didn't even tell hobbs i'm not even gonna talk about announcements we're just going to get straight to the point chat i'm looking at you i'm looking at the camera this is what's going to happen this is what's going to decide who's going to win this race besides the game because the game is clearly won someone in chat tell us how to do the damn bell right now we're going to race for the bell and see who beats it first oh you're probably already at the bell no i am not i'm still at the waterfall room give us the solution please get back it's not that way which way is it are you moving right now yeah i thought i thought you were saying go oh no i was still talking so someone give me the solution tell him the wrong one tell him the wrong one what do you think tell me the wrong way i'm still in the waterfall room i i left the waterfall room what i just did because you started yelling at me i didn't i just started trying to get out of this i don't care someone give me the solution that's the that's the lighthouse where's the bed i can't figure out how to get out of the water there's the bell somewhere in chat give me the answer one four six ten what the hell does that mean there that's all we get that's all we get is one four six ten fine whoever figures it out first wins okay how do i get to the bell room that's the lighthouse where's the bell go go go what you found oh i see it i see the bell go go go go go go go wait what wait i lost the numbers chat moved oh no one four six ten one four six ten okay one four five six oh my god no okay i hit it like 30 times apparently if you mash it just registers everything oh yeah oh it does oh i found that out the very first time oh no um okay let's okay it's a three not a four okay one one four six ten one four six ten that would be probably the ten this would probably be the one okay this better be the ten four [Music] didn't work ops it didn't work i did it in the wrong order okay let's do one let's do um um um um i accidentally did like 11 or 12. the sixth maybe i don't know [Music] and then you'll be 10. what if you want i didn't [Music] i just picked an order it was one three six ten it wasn't even one four six ten you didn't even do it right we're done i'll hit this even how are we supposed to figure that out i'm looking keys pictures i'm looking at my pictures i'm telling you those are dimensions i guarantee those are dimensions it's zero first second third dimension which probably means that you have to raise things to the power but i don't understand how mean anything you told me the wrong numbers those i i mentioned someone corrected the four into a three we're done we're gonna zoom out you're gonna have we're gonna metroid prime next week okay we'll see you all next week i'm done i don't know what to say uh tune in tomorrow at 7 p.m eastern super boss bros yes and and this weekend uh sonic at the side quest what what picture teaches which one it's zero one two three that's what the picture is it's gotta be i don't know what how that means we bye just cut us off richard you
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 14,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games
Id: iFLtCc9fEyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 35sec (11735 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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