The First Monotheistic Religion: Zoroastrianism

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in the Bible the Book of Matthew describes three wise men as visiting the newborn baby Jesus each bearing gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh they had traveled far from the East following a star to find him and their arrival and appearance is treated as a great event a validation that Jesus is a foretold Messiah after arriving so spectacularly they subsequently disappear from The Narrative as mysteriously as they had appeared these wise men are better called by their own name Magi which is even the term the writer of Matthew used they were a group so mysterious and so prevalent in the minds of the Greeks and Romans that their name became synonymous with magic hence the origin of the word while mysterious and many today the Magi were in actuality followers of the most ancient monotheistic religion curing on the systematic search for truth first started by the founder of zoroaster 1500 years before the birth of Christ and nearly 700 years before monotheism became prevalent among the Jews at least according to the rough consensus among biblical Scholars I've been able to find this sore or Austrian religion taught that saviors called South would arrive periodically to the Earth to rid the world of evil and help bring about the frasho karetti where existence would be renewed and renovated into its best state these Magi were not that unknown or mysterious to the people of the ancient world in fact they were practically famous they had risen the power as a Priestly class in the massive Persian Empire where they would learn astrology from the Babylonians they used this art to attract the stars for the prediction of the future especially the arrival of a South Shion which they used in the story of Matthew to find the foretold savior although Jesus is non-violent and sacrificial nature clearly subverted their expectation of a benevolent Warrior these Magi were only a sect or denomination of Zoroastrianism as a whole Zoroastrianism had a profound effect on Judaism and Christianity it may have even been their origin but I'll leave that for each individual viewer to decide nevertheless it is under the it came in a dynasty of Persia a period called second temple Judaism that Jewish religion began to develop strong Futures like monotheism an everlasting Battle of good versus evil and an arch nemesis of God features president Zoroastrianism centuries before yet the denomination of the Magi was one that had combined the zoroastrian religion with their existing polytheistic beliefs and the founder of the religion zoroaster was in fact named zarathustra and he deserves to be called a philosopher long before being called a prophet his ethical philosophy and rational religious teachings led to his followers creating a web of different Traditions that influenced the Jews during the second temple and perhaps even taught the Greek's philosophy at least according to Roman historians like plenty of the Elder there is some evidence of this fact the Greek word philosophy meaning roughly Brotherly Love of wisdom Bears a close resemblance with the zoroastrian name for the religion Mazi asna which in the western language means veneration of wisdom wisdom being the names are through chose for God while the most famous philosophers like Socrates Plato and Aristotle only show light zoroastrian influences earlier ones like heraclitus often show heavy influences yet who was zarathusra and what did he teach and why are so few people heard of him outside a book by Nietzsche it is unknown when zarathusha existed and wildly different estimates have been given by the ancient Greeks later zoroastrians and early Western Scholars yet unlike any other religious founder from before the modern era we have the actual words of zarthustra and a way he designed them to last forever you can pose 17 poems or songs called the gothis which take up roughly 10 000 words in English they were then memorized and carried on for over a thousand years before being written down it is in the language and content of the gothas that we are able to roughly understand when and where he lived through linguistic analysis a comparison to the Rick Veda the founding texts of Hinduism we have been able to determine it was composed roughly in eastern Iran roughly around 1500 BCE emphasis on the roughly the society in which zarathusha lived had recently split from their rigged Vedic society yet was nearly identical the gothas are also manthrous or mantras which at the time were non-riming poetry intricately crafted to contain deep thought-provoking truths they only later became known as short recitations of magical powers the idea was that a person would memorize a poem and then repeat it throughout their life over time they would continue to find deeper and deeper truths contained within the poem which has been proven by linguists like Professor Martin Schwartz composing such a complex philosophical and poetic work with strict meter likely required extensive training so it may be that he was either a priest or had been trained to be one yet what he began to teach was radically different from his current society and even from Modern versions of monotheism more so the truce and rational understanding contained are of great magnificence and deep philosophical importance to start from the beginning zarathusra understood reality to be underlied by a set of laws that dictated How the Universe worked this encompassed the cosmos the activities of the Gods and even the lives of the humans and material world a simple word was used for this Asha while this word may roughly mean truth it means truth as in the ultimate truth of all of reality this wasn't necessarily a unique idea of Zara through stress it exists in the Rick Veda and modern Hinduism as Rita and the mesoamericans may have had a somewhat similar idea even today scientists and philosophers like to talk of a similar idea often summarized as the laws of the universe yet zarathusra understood this order of existence as Asha is perhaps best described as entirely holy good this may have been prevalent in theory as well yet unlike anyone else he couldn't accept this wholeheartedly he saw the priests of his time supporting evil and destructive princes who would oppress their citizens and raid innocent neighboring tribes he also heard many stories expressing the cruelty of the Gods of his Society Gods who were purported to be benevolent shining beings who ruled existence in the sky and sustained the order of existence for the priests and princes to rule beneath on Earth yet these gods were vindictive and selfish and caused Great harm amongst each other one only needs to read Greek mythology to get a decent idea of his grievances against them moreover they also supported the rulers of a society who caused massive destruction violence oppression and raiding I like to imagine that at some point in his Priestly training zarathustra came to realize the society he lived in and perhaps a World At Large was infested with the great evil and he turned against it abandoning his Priestly training to discover the truth and to discover whether the order of existence which was supposedly all good could really allow such a reality it is hard to say exactly what happened next in the hundreds of hours I've spent in the gothas have not given me a good answer either Zar through sure had some sort of divine revelation or he spent this time formulating his philosophy the reason it is hard to say is because our thrusher is not clear in Poetic repetition he describes this Turning Point as when he approached me with good thinking and when he talks about Lord wisdom his name for God he often describes visions of the creation of existence yet good thinking which I'll describe later is a very intellectual process so perhaps it is a metaphor for understanding the truth of reality yazar thusher left his vague and in the spirit of manthros perhaps one day I'll become clear to some student I think it is more likely he had some sort of Revelation a revelation would show him the true ethical nature of reality a revelation which showed him the end for all of reality and a revelation that showed him there was one creator of everything that being the maker of the world the father of the order of existence the establisher of good thinking Lord wisdom and zarathustra's mind Lord wisdom or Mazda Hora was the Holy good creator of the order of existence through which reality would progressively Advance towards its best state yet this had not happened yet and reality was full of evil the priests and princes still existed and they wrought destruction in the name of their gods in a more General sense the world was full of unethical short-sighted people whose self-interest held back the world from reaching perfection how could this be the case if the order of existence as well as Lord wisdom are all good well the answer is actually simple if you're outside of an abrahamic belief system the idea that Lord wisdom is all-powerful is never even considered neither by zarathustra nor by later priests wisdom is the creator of everything good and beautiful and meant to be enjoyed but not all-powerful to quote the great scholar of Zoroastrianism KD Irani evil cannot be destroyed by command is intrinsic to the nature of reality in zarathustra's thought being the creator of Asha in all existence is enough for wisdom yet by his own wisdom Zar through sure did not leave it at that Asha the order of existence is fundamentally opposed by a concept called druge a unique invention of zarathustra as was Lord wisdom druge is often described as the lie and by this we may be tempted to see the struggle between Asha and druge as that of the truth versus a lie while that is not an inaccurate way to view it we must remember these concepts of truth and lie are very different from our own jurge is really best translated as the deceit or the deception the latter of which is my go-to when I am translating the gothis as Asha is best described as the order of existence many I describe this too think that druge is then disorder or chaos but that is not true in the slightest the deception is in a sense the false order of existence or the many false orders we construct to understand and justify our reality but it is more than that as a whole it is an umbrella term for anything that isn't from the holy good order of existence it is a source of all evil where it comes from isn't said but the very fact of his existence mandates that Asha hasn't been fully actualized for all of reality and I believe that is in essence what it really is much like dark is the absence of light the deception is the absence of the totality of the order of existence the existence of the deception is entirely reliant on the order of existence not being fully realized why this is and why the order of existence wasn't fully actualized at the beginning of creation isn't told to us I think this is because Zara through sure knows for certain this is the true nature of reality but perhaps he doesn't know exactly why he does discuss this as an immutable fact yet my curiosity has led me to two main theories the first is that there was a disconnect between Lord wisdom's envisionment of how the laws of existence would blossom into a perfect reality and how it actually became on the Act of Creation this Echoes our own experiences on the fundamental disconnect between our minds and reality perhaps then there was enough small imperfections for Asha to not be fully realized immediately which led to the existence of the deception through which US humans are then responsible to choose between the two this has certainly been the traditional interpretation but I have another one and while I tend to favor it both are very robust the universe may yet still be in the Act of Creation one which will end when existence is made best the deception is then just where the Act of Creation is not yet finished small and large imperfections which will be smoothed over in the end [Music] in both of these accounts this ethical nature of reality is never made as a deliberate test for humans to choose between good versus evil and Lord wisdom is never seen as allowing the deception or evil to exist that sort of abrahamic thinking is foreignism and does not really belong in a discussion of zoroastrian philosophy this understanding of zarathushra is an absolute first in recorded history never has a single prophetic figure emerged with the distinct religious vision some may perhaps argue that the Egyptian pharaoh akhanaden in the 1300s BCE could have possibly come before but his religious Vision didn't last after his death and we only have a rough estimate for when zarathustra lived after this Revelation Zara thrushra then began to see the priests and princes of his society as being followers of the deception for lack of a better term he saw them as all having created their own conception of the order of existence a conception which allowed them to grow rich and famous off of Oppression and destruction a conception from which the gods were born from as Arthur sure himself describes it it is in the subtlety that zarathusha realized that gods were creations of man not literally schemed out in some dark room but born out of the world view of people deceived by the deception as you can imagine no one wanted to hear this and however such Revelations got out in the open because zarathu shouldn't be cast out he described it as such what land should I flee to where shall I go they exclude me from my family and from my clan the community I associated with has not satisfied me he was cast out from his community and forced to live alone with only a few draft animals he describes in brief moments being denied shelter in the freezing cold yet he endured and continued to craft his philosophy and teachings eventually a local ruler named vishtaspa inspired by the spirit of right-mindedness took Zar through Stratton and gave him patronage it was in the court of this Prince that zarathustra to finish his philosophy whether this philosophy was just his own ideas or the full interpretation of his previous vision is up for the viewer to decide either way it was here he crafted the gothis or as he would have described it weaved his songs the Lord wisdom his daughter poor chista who he deeply loved also got married during this time for which he compose a lovely gotha to celebrate her wedding in the end he chose this gotha to be the final one a small look into the life of this humble Mantra maker this is all we can know Azar thustria's personal life from his own brief mentionings of it I think he intended his work to be immortalized and only one at his most intense emotional experiences to be remembered in subtle references by those who would learn and repeat his message he didn't want to take away from the importance of his own teachings as agathas are passed on from father to daughter mother to son that was all that remained of his life many Legends were told about him hundreds and thousands of years later but none of these I find to be based in fact zarathusha intended himself to be remembered by his message and anything about him I haven't been able to glean from his own words has likely been lost to time yet his message goes far beyond just Asha and druge and while I will attempt to present the rest of his teachings it is a very complex philosophy that was crafted to hold layers upon layers of deep meaning I have always found the concept of emergence to be very helpful when trying to understand the philosophy of zarathushra in physics as well as science in general emergence is when a system or entity arises out from a lower entity containing properties unique to itself yet derived from properties of that lower system ignoring this definitional gobbledygook an example from physics is that the law is determining the interaction of atoms emerge from the laws of quantum physics then the laws determining molecules emerge which leads to small noticeable objects to planets and solar systems to galaxies and so on each emerging from one another this idea is also expressed in how each type of scientific field emerges from the other physics leads to chemistry to biology to psychology and so on [Music] in the gothas the first emergence from the fundamentals of Asha and druge is the option or Pathway to follow one or the other as reality consists of endless individual entities whether they be living creatures or inanimate objects they all in Broad Strokes have Pathways laid out in front of them these being whether they will advance the order of existence or struggle against its fulfillment of course this may sound like I am giving agency to rocks floating around in space but that isn't the case these Pathways or perhaps vectors for development arise from the fundamental aspects of existence and nothing is free from engaging within them the words are through sure chose for these vectors of moral option is a term called mind you the last hard word to translate in the context of his time Amani was an outward mental force that one would adopt by their own life actions where it would then make up one's Behavior it doesn't necessarily have agency it more so exists as an outside option for one's mentality I assume this word had a broad usage at his time but the concern here is with the two fundamental ones now there are two original mentalities that our twins renowned to be in conflict in both mind and word in action these two are the more good and the bad in between these two the beneficent rightly choose not the malicious we should then understand these two mentalities as emergent from Asha and is opposite which is definitely hinted at in multiple places but the subtlety in which he describes them gives us another example of emergence that is good and bad good versus evil if we understand the twin mind used to be future Pathways of moral action then the actual action taken would then be good or evil of course this isn't wholly binary and the subtlety of the differing terms used to describe them we can understand good and evil exist on a spectrum while these two mentalities don't have exact names given by zarathustra in later times they came to be known as spintomainu and angermine you but by and large both from Asha versus druge and from the struggle of the twin mind use there's a concept of good versus evil emerge yet this isn't some Everlasting struggle with no end where good and evil are matched in strength in fact neither good nor evil are fundamental at all instead they have Arisen from the uncertainty of whether the order of existence will be wholly realized there in fact lies in asymmetry between good and evil an idea never forgotten by zoroastrians if you haven't noticed it already this is because good comes from the very laws of the universe the underlying order which makes things tick but evil only comes from it's not yet being realized this is what good and evil truly are in the mind of zarathusha [Music] we can also understand that good inevitably will overcome evil because evil is only the absence of good druge the absence of Asha and certainly the order of existence will inevitably be fully realized even if it requires us humans intervene from this true nature of good we can understand the world view of later zoroastrians they viewed the natural world as being fundamentally good and worth being enjoyed worldly pleasures without overindulgence and without harm to others were seen as the order of existence being fulfilled in certain areas so creating seeking and enjoying the good were in fact religious actions asceticism was looked down upon as foolish in the pursuit of happiness and the embracing of the material world as good were of the utmost value we can even see this in many of the Persian kings often inscribing A variation of this phrase a great God is a horror Mazda who created this Earth who created Yonder Sky who created man who created happiness for man as the Persian Empire was zoroastrian many of the Kings often exhibited a strong understanding of ethical Behavior despite what ancient Greek propaganda from a two-sided War would lead one to belief they rarely engaged in slavery they viewed women as equal allowing them to work in and own businesses and work in construction for Equal Pay they also respected every religion and they venerated and promoted the multi-ethnic nature of their empire when Cyrus the Great established the Empire he honored the local gods and freed the people from their bonds and allowed local rulers to rule Underneath Him He also spoke of how he treated civilians honorably and established his Empire with peace when possible I took up my lordly Abode in the Royal Palace amidst rejoicing and happiness my vast Army marched into Babylon in peace I did not permit anyone to frighten the people of Sumer in akkad I sought the welfare of the city of Babylon in all its sacred Sinners I relieved their weariness and freed them from their service Marduk the great Lord rejoiced over my Deeds we see here he respected the beliefs and religion of the Babylonians and he did the same with the Jews who in the book of Isaiah even praised him as a messiah for freeing them from the Babylonian captivity in pain to rebuild their Temple [Music] while we shouldn't see the Persians as perfect we can understand they at least had a strong understanding of zarathustra's conception of Good and Evil but they would stray from it as they deem necessary as the later kings were off to do yet they still hung onto that moral imperative of perfecting the world the natural world was also seen as sacred Zoroastrianism has frequently been described as a first environmental religion and this is hard to argue against from surviving accounts the Persians would build their cities away from Rivers so as not to pollute them with waste they would often Place their debt in predetermined areas where the animals would Feast on them giving back to the Earth this is likely because they saw the natural world as Asha already being realized and harming and polluting the Earth would be working against it they also built very many walled Gardens called paradisis where we get our word Paradise the story of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon was that it was built for a median princess the means being cousins of the Persians and zoroastrians it was said she missed the gardens in her Homeland so much the Babylonian King made a magnificent Garden to ease her homesickness the Persian kings would later build these all over the place even bragging about how good at gardening they were it seems these Paradise Gardens were an attempt to create heaven on Earth in essence and to demonstrate they were dedicated to advancing the order of existence foreign while the twin mentalities exist for all of reality it is only humans that have the ability to choose in the history of the universe humans are unique as they have thinking and reasoning abilities it is this ability that is Central to engaging in zarathusa's teachings and dictates the central religious obligation of anyone who would call themselves zoroastrian outside of Lord wisdom in Asha this is the most venerated term in the gothas it is called good thinking or the good mind we must understand that there are no prescriptions in zarathustra's thought there is no list of Rights and Wrongs in fact such a thing would be contrary to his teachings this is because Asha must be discovered and searched after as far as I am able and strong long will I search in quest of Asha this sentiment is echoed often and is enshrined in the very understanding of the good mind good thinking is an active process of trying to understand the order of existence and what it would look like it feels fulfilled either an individual circumstances or as a whole this often can look like a scientific process or a philosophical pondering we often use good thinking when we are trying to improve a situation we notice something is flawed that Asha has not yet been realized so we then imagine what it would look like if it was good thinking is a broad concept yet is part of what allows Arthur's teachings to be so Timeless to those that wish to follow the teachings of Zara thrushra this becomes a moral imperative one that supersedes any religious or cultural Authority if we begin to accept anything without thinking we are opening ourselves up to the deception yet this good thinking isn't just to protect us but to improve the world some religious people may find this unattractive as everything becomes uncertain yet that is the very nature of existence as Asha hasn't been fulfilled the deception often looks like Asha so we must use our minds to parse through the two and to imagine what the future of the order of existence being totally fulfilled would look like in our Modern Age the importance of good thinking is much greater than in the past as we have used our thinking both good bad and in between to understand to a much higher degree the order of existence or laws of science if you will we have been able to create massive scientific wonders we have produced medicines skyscrapers rocket ships movies games nuclear reactors and more yet we have also engaged in wars that have killed millions of people we have created a worldwide system that exploits poorer countries and we have created a social and economic system that has left many people unhappy and even mentally ill as we have so much Mastery over the order of existence we have so much potential to fulfill it or to let our good Minds fall short and allow their deception to flourish by denying the ultimate ethical nature of the universe we can do this by letting science inform our thinking when necessary as it along with philosophy history and other modes of factual learning are our best attempts at understanding the truth yet while many see science as inherently non-moral Czar through show tells us that the laws of science Asha and his understanding is wholly good when fully realized yet when looking at it in pieces one can either bring it closer to its inevitable good end or to not fully grasp it and in turn bring about the deception and in turn violence destruction and oppression this is why Zara through stress teachings are anti-prescriptive reality is constantly changing and progressing in the context of one generation changes Asha can never be fully understood by one person or group while there's ultimately only one Asha one truly good and evil none of us will be able to ultimately know what they are we are all on a journey of Discovery through the use of our good Minds yet using the good mind like this would be exhausting if we did it constantly and there must be more zarathushra tells us that Lord wisdom has seven aspects or traits which constitute his person and which also exists in humans more or less develop the first of these traits is in fact good thinking yet the whole list gives an in-depth system to Aid Mankind and the Perfections of themselves in the world in total the actualization of the order of existence the next is right-mindedness this is the Instinct within that inspires us to do what is right without thinking often colloquially mentioned as a spirit of right-mindedness this is something that zarathustra says must grow within us he often opines that he wishes it to spread amongst the people if this has been developed well within us we then are inspired to help to love and to improve and we notice wrong there's a sort of benevolence and progressively expanding nature to it as well there is Asha itself often called in this context the best Asha here we can understand it as the realization of the order of existence within oneself this touches every single one of the seven aspects but also other areas like our physical and mental health our hobbies and trades as well need to be affected by Asha because not only will they affect good in the world but they'll also be their best possible versions it is important to realize that every good action needs to be weighed against the good of the individual self-sacrifice and selflessness are not typically praise and Zoroastrianism and usually only when there is no other option it is Asha that reminds us we are a part of a whole and that our own good is just as important as others yet Asha must be worked toward within our own societies this leads us to the good rule or the role to be chosen often paired with Asha and good thinking in the gothas which are the ways we work towards accomplishing this the good rule is mainly our own societies whether we have autocrats or elected representatives in the end it is humans making decisions to roll over us and they must use their good thinking to understand how Asha be best realized in their society yet the rule to be chosen is more than just rulership as members of societies we are responsible to use our mind to evaluate whether our societies benefit everyone or whether they oppress or harm people the good rule can be applied to areas lower than society as well even down to our own minds hence one's own personal good rule would be the one in which they are free from subconscious influences hurting them and hindering their good mind while this is not how we think of mental health it is in a sense how Zar through sure likely viewed it we also have spin to mind you or the benevolent mentality this is the good of the two twin mind use but it also exists as something we hold within ourselves this benevolent mentality encompasses all of our actions and behaviors as a whole and is a sort of way of being we should seek to cultivate within ourselves this is the creative force that enables us to progress reality to its ideal existence and it is also how czarthrusha describes Lord wisdom as creating existence finally we have the pair of wholeness and immortality these are seen as the end of life rewards one may receive for living a good beneficial life they also are something one cultivates throughout their own life yet they give us a glimpse of what the afterlife will be like and after a life in which everything is made whole complete and lasts forever with these seven aspects we have a brief glimpse of the full ethical system zarathustra gave toward achieving good and resisting the deception of choosing evil yet what is the afterlife like does one have to believe in God to enter will those who don't believe in God or happen to like the same gender as their own be sent to some sort of hell while heaven and hell are not in Zoroastrianism or as our thurster's teachings the general idea of a good and bad afterlife based on one's behavior is a zoroastrian invention what they are exactly is hard to say and Zara thrusher only gives us vague metaphors but sarthusha describes the afterlife as the ultimate compensation for one's behavior in life seen as whether one was a follower of Asha or a follower of the deception this applies to all people for all time regardless of their knowledge or belief it does not require one to choose to believe in God or Lord wisdom it only measures one's ethical behavior in life regardless of their Creed moreover sansara Thruster is against prescriptions our understanding of Good and Evil over time allows us to discover whether the LGBT or other historically maligned people would get into heaven for lack of a better term in this current age only a severe lack of good thinking would cause someone to say the LGBT would not get into heaven this sort of thinking is not popular with religious authorities but to be a zoroastrian one must approach every matter this way anything less would be from the deception rather than from the order of existence concerning the final end for the ethical person zarathusha describes it as a House of song The House of the good mind in other places he refers to it as the happiness mixed within the stars and later zoroastrians even described it as the endless lights Paradise I don't think zarathustra knew for certain yet the metaphors he gave Show how he thought of it the final end for the unethical is described as a House of the worst mind but I feel Zar throughsha describes it best and a warning given to a group of young adults at a wedding party these things are exactly true men exactly women there is a follower of the deception when you see someone prospering from the deception foul food shall be for these people as they cry well and that happiness has been lost to the unethical who violate the order of existence while I feel I have barely scratched the surface there is one more thing I wish to impart and that is of the final end there is no great battle of Armageddon no climatic fight between the forces of Good and Evil instead zarathusha tells us that in the end existence will be made new made fresh it will be renovated all these are different ways of understanding karetti the final in for existence yet this is not when Lord wisdom finally comes down slays the evil mentality and establishes his Reign it is instead when ashes fully realize perhaps by the aid of mankind for all of existence says we live in the first existence the one created at the beginning yet within lies the potential for the best existence the one in which the order of existence has been actualized completely to do this we each must attain the seven aspects of Lord wisdom for ourselves and use our good thinking to fully comprehend the order of existence once this has been done in our current existence has been renewed then we'll all live in the best existence both individually and collectively although Zoroastrianism was nearly brought to extinction by the rise of Islam this concept still exists today in a New Year's celebration of Iran the festival naurus meaning new day was originally a zoroastrian holiday in which they treated the coming of spring as a vignette of the ultimate coming renewal of which they all were working toward day by day the festival was never forgotten by the people even though the teachings of zarathustra were and they carried it on today it is celebrated by over a hundred million people every year just a small example of the vast amount of legacies left by this ancient thinker philosopher and teacher I hope you have enjoyed this video is one of the products of my hundreds of hours of research into the gothis of zarathustra and zoroastianism in general if you'd like to see more videos on this topic or just by me in general please subscribe so I can gauge the demand besides this video I have currently been learning the language of the gothas and translating them all translations of Zara thurso in this video were either done by me or adapted by me from Dr Stanley Enzo to be more accurate with key terms although the islamization of Persia slash Iran led to Zoroastrianism no longer being one of the world's largest religions it was never fully extinguished and has carried on into this present day there are currently roughly two hundred thousand officials or austrians although there may be many more among the Kurds living in Iraq as well as Iranians in general Who hide it due to the fear of persecution or even execution as converting from Islam when born into it is heavily punished in certain countries it is very true you don't need to believe in a horror Mazda to get into heaven and in the yazna ceremony the righteous religions of the world are praised if you would like to learn more I have linked multiple resources as well as a place to reach out if you're interested in the religion I will also put some further reading although much of it is academic sources that may require hunting down PDFs I hope I brought you wisdom my friend Hashem [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Ashemvidam
Views: 45,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zoroastrianism, Religion, religious studies
Id: si95MBdUm7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 48sec (2268 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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