The final teaching on the Great Escape!

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or many of you join me to say hi to you as I really enjoy doing everyday so today is Friday and here you're coming on already thank you thank you for joining me today for this very important and powerful teaching my goodness from Bulgaria hello to you GUI hum and Pardeep hello - Heather from New Jersey and a lot - grace and Anita ah she said I'm a partner pray for me I most certainly will Lord bless sweet Anita in Jesus name and by the way if you have a special prayer request send it to my email because I'll read my emails actually regularly and and our staff looks at them - and that's pastor Benny I'd been in their org path Ben had been in der org is my email and hello to Dorothy from Oklahoma eglee Chien from Mexico Matunga from Lesotho hello to Rosie and Mandi Claudette bless you - Niecy bless you sento from South Sudan I think that's the first time I see a summary from South Sudan and please begin to share this with you with your friends let them know we're on and today's teaching is very important because I'm going to show you how to prepare for the coming of the Lord for the great catching up of the church which is almost upon us so I look to my new from India and Jen daddy bless you from Sweden hello to my cassini from South Africa and Katherine from Tampa god bless you Mika and Karina from New Jersey and they some money says pray for a promotion in my job Lord do it in Jesus wheat name ah man hello Wayne from India nyla she says pray for my situation very difficult well the Lord is able to do great things and he always does when we simply trust him dhianeila just put it in his hand you know how it says casting all our cares on him he cares for us believe me I've had some real big troubles too sometimes you don't know what to do except just the Lord I give it to you because I don't know what else to do and amazingly what you think was impossible it's fixed up real quickly sometimes but nila I will gladly pray for you of course I will hello to Daisy from India she said please pray for me I'm six months pregnant Lord in Jesus name bless you and bless that child with health in the name of Jesus amen hello to Narnia from India almaas god bless you and hello to Bhumi come what beautiful names y'all have I was tell you that hello to me arise from the palm and Lubo me around from Slovakia I was just there was such a blessed time oh that was a march right before all this stuff began happening out there anyways hello to Benjamin Bonnie and - oh ma la oh ma Lola from Nigeria and right knee god bless you and Eve I'm just still waiting for more of you to join me please share this with your with your friends let them know where we're on and I'll begin teaching in just a few moments hello to Eva and to TIA god bless you Tia thank you in hello to Shahzada Shahzad from Pakistan and rbu from Ethiopia it's amazing you're usually people are coming from all over the world right now Ruby from Houston Texas and Zulu from Zambia Lusaka I remember when I came there years ago hello - Oh mala and someone says watching from tell se Alabama sandy bless you she said she she's saying I watch every day and learn something new well thank you dear Thank You sandy hello - Farzana god bless you it says please pray for me and my marriage with Joshua Lord bless that couple in the name of Jesus amen here's Brian bless you I'm almost ready to teach you sweet people hello - good bridge you know I think you enjoy when I call your names out I'm almost sure you do I would if somebody was doing that hello to fairy bless you and Heather can you please say prayer for me I have bad lungs and please pray for low to protect me against the virus covered 19 lord I pray that you'll protect everyone from this virus in Jesus mighty name Lord and I do pray for your glory now know that you will soon just cause all this to go away but less dear Heather today touch along the Lord in the name of Jesus amen and amen hello - Mookhey made Zee from South Africa and by the way you know you who are worried about catching the virus listen to me it's all about immunity really it's about health immunity cleansiness making sure we are not near people who are ill we have to stay clean physically keep our homes clean and then we have nothing to worry about because this is as you know transmitted from people and if you're out in the Sun in the air keep your windows open the Sun coming in it'll help a lot believe me but trust the Lord some 91 is where we all abide and live remember that and it's not he who visits it's huge wells he who dwells in the secret place of the most high will abide under that blessing and under his protection rosalyn god bless you she said Benny I love you so Dara would be very honored if you could delegate my son to the Lord well I'd love to if you send me an email and telling me where and when we can do that again that's pastor Benny Benny Hinn Doyle and I do read my emails maybe you sweet people don't realize that I have a whole staff that looks at their mail response and I do some my also myself hello to Sheila from Malaysia well listen let's begin this is Joel from India New Delhi father I give you praise for your goodness your compassion and mercy lord I pray for your people now that their needs will be met in Jesus name Lord I pray for everyone right now with me and those who'll join us later lord I pray for each one of them that you'll meet needs and sir their hearts cries bless them with your power meet every need whether it be spiritual emotional physical or family trouble or finance in the name of Jesus we give you the praise Lord and God's people said amen well we are very near what I call the Great Escape and the reason I said it to you is because like I've been telling you you have to look at the Word of God and current events mostly in Israel mostly in Israel because it's word is that is the voice of the prophetic because whatever happens in Israel affects the whole world affects the church especially so when things happen in in Israel they kind of help us know what time is it let me give you an example in 1948 the Jewish people were restored to their homeland after 2,000 years the prophets have foretold that they would come back speak in the same language they left with that's in Jeremiah 31 now think about the people coming back not after 2 years or 200 years after 2,000 years speaking the same language they left with unheard of what people do know on earth that kept a language alive for that long after being scattered because without a language there's no nation without a language there's no people it's what ties it's what keeps people together so God said I'm gonna bring you back to your homeland after being scattered in 70 AD while Rome destroyed Jerusalem and the temple and so forth and the people of Israel were scattered shortly thereafter to the world and you think they would have been you know they would have mixed with other nations and disappeared as many nations have I mean where are the Babylonians that are gone the Moabites the ancient Egyptians gone because God says I will make an end of all nations but I will not make an end of these as the Lord so here is this nation Israel coming back to the land miraculously unbelievably fulfilling every detail of what the prophets had foretold if you look at Isaiah 43 it's so detailed it's almost Stanek what God gives specifics in Isaiah 43 of how he he'll bring them from the west from the east from the north and the south even saying I'll say to the north give him up meaning there's there's bondage which exactly is what happened so that happening in 48 the minute the people of Israel came back in 48 the prophetic came alive all over the world it was after 48 that the u.s. became a superpower China became a superpower Russia became the Soviet Union and great superpower the British Empire collapsed and was no longer a superpower changes began happening on the globe very quickly with technology agriculture education science all that just changed 48 now the next year that we saw change this was 1967 when the Jewish people took Jerusalem fulfilling Luke 21 when the Lord says it'll be trodden by the Gentiles and then it'll be given to its people which happened in 1967 I was 14 years old when that happened I'll never forget when when the announcement came on radio that Jerusalem now is in the hands of the Jewish people my father who wasn't even a believer we were Greek Orthodox very devout Greek Orthodox he walks into the house never in my life do I remember my father uttering such words he said he said now Jesus will return like we were all stunned my father never even mentioned the Lord nobody talked about Jesus in our home we were devout Julio authorized but we weren't very free talking about God you know we went to church on Sunday was in Greek nobody knew what the police was saying anyways then Christmas and Easter there was about it and for my father to walk in and say those words was like I still remember that as long as I live he said now Jesus will come back Wow because he must have known something about the Bible that I have found out over over the years thank God that with the restoration of Jerusalem it speeded things up and the minute eg the city of Jerusalem was restored to its people what what what happened in the church the charismatic movement happened that same year same month in not rodham think about that two Catholic priests walking around in a conference in Notre Dame and one and they have no water no running water and these Catholic Charismatic s-- who had just been filled with the Holy Spirit said let's pray that we had water and an old well came back to life this happened here in the United States Wow that's what began what we call the charismatic renewal and then it just fire caught all over the world what happened in the world technology when sky high and man and man went to the moon in 1969 and so much what happened to 1973 another key year in Israel called the Yom Kippur War when the Egyptians and the Syrians attacked Israel and Israel was caught off guard almost lost the war and if it wasn't for God it day they would they would not have survived it well anyways what happened in the church the birth of Christian TV that exact year almost to the same month if you can believe it TBN was born in 1973 the same time almost on the same month almost as the Yom Kippur War accident no way what happened in the world more changes with technology and changes on earth politically in total now the next event which we're still waiting for what is the next big event in Israel I think it's the Ezekiel 38 war when the Ezekiel 38 war will happen it has to happen because it's biblical and there's a you know the Gog and Magog war will also have when a thousand years after the millennium but it's a whole different war altogether given the same name a reason fault is is because the Gog and Magog war of Ezekiel it'll be fought it will take months before we they they see victory and it involves many armies and Israel will bury the dead and so forth it's all looking for dead bones everywhere the Gog and Magog war of Revelation will be they'll be defeated instantly by fire from heaven nobody will be fighting God will destroy them so big difference with these two wars so the war of GAE of Gog and Magog has to happen if you if you read Ezekiel 37 it's the restoration of Israel as a nation the dry bones coming together flesh coming upon them that happened already in 48 completely the nation came back from the dead literally from the Holocaust from the ashes of our half of the of the concentration camps and also it's and so forth so when when you think about what it says in Ezekiel 37 that is the restoration of Israel but the one portion that has not yet been fulfilled is where well he says come or winds and the wind comes into this army of people who were still dead because what he saw his bone come back to bone and the flesh come back on them but they were still dead then God says prophesy to the wind that will happen when Israel will be born again when they meet Messiah so that third part of the prophecy hasn't happened yet but Ezekiel 38 has got to happen and 39 because that's the defeat of these nations that's what will cause the world to cry for a man of peace which will be the Antichrist and that will fulfill one more thing because it says that their antichrist will will be in the temple claiming he is God well how can a temple be built in Jerusalem with the presence each situation implies but at this point the war of Ezekiel 38 will change conditions on earth what Israel will win the war against its enemies and then have the power to establish and build a temple without opposition that's what's gonna happen by the way with the help because those first three and a half years called the tribulation are gonna be a time of peace by the way where this man will be men apiece Antichrist will be gone by that but he will come change times and bring peace people say who's like him and they gonna start worshipping him why would the world worship a man who's an evil man in their eyes he'll be a wonderful man nobody ever came at him like you said it's all deception because when the Antichrist comes on the scene he will not be seen as some satanic guy he'll be seen as this a wonderful peacemaker brought prosperity to the world and unity to the nations after that horrible war no bono nobody wants war again and it will be nuclear no doubt it will be nuclear but that so he comes on the scene bringing peace he will help the Jews build their temple because Jesus said in John he said when one another come you will accept him when a false Shepherd come you will accept him you're rejecting me the Good Shepherd but there'll be another one who'll be false and you'll accept him that's in the Gospel of John so they're gonna accept Antichrist and believe a lie according to Isaiah because he will make a covenant with them and break it halfway I'll teach on that someday on the Antichrist because the the Antichrist will make a covenant with Israel according to the prophet Isaiah the temple will be rebuilt with no opposition from the Palestinians or the Adams because at that time Israel will be seen as a great power on earth that has defeated Russia Iran Turkey on and on without the help of the United States by the way because God would intervene for them that's when everything would be just fine but then three and a half years later everything goes crazy because when they say peace peace it's a sudden destruction when Antichrist invades Israel and then the the Jews flee to what is known today as Jordan yeah Salah which of course many many of us believe it's injured it's inside Jordan anyways and the Lord will deal with them and two-thirds of them will reject him even when he deals with them according to the minor prophets but 1/3 will accept him as Messiah then he will return and his people of course would be blessed and flourish and more and multiply but this is for later me for me to talk about much nearer knock knock but the Antichrist is going to invade Israel I'll never forget one time I told King Abdullah of Jordan as said you are mentioned in the Bible he said where I said Isaiah 16 and I read him that he was so touched by that I said God when I usually one day to protect the Jews from from the Antichrist and he was stunned when I told them that anyways now here is what is gonna happen today we are waiting for the Ezekiel 38 war before the rapture I think it's gonna happen within the next five years maybe seven years I don't think that'd be long because things already are heating up over there I was talking to a man called Mordecai kadar Mordecai kadar is a brilliant mind I was talking to him a few months ago in Israel in fact I taped a program with him and he showed me evidence because this this man is like the brain when it comes to terrorism and what's happening in the Middle East and he's always on al-jazeera and CNN and here and there people have him on Fox because it's such a great mind you've probably seen him he's a wonderful friend to me and he was showing me documents of the plan of Turkey to form an alignment with the Russians and the Iranians to invade Israel and liberate Jerusalem it what he says well of course that's the Ezekiel 38 war and he did not know it's all in the Bible I came so I got so excited I said wait a minute more than hi do you know that that's all in the Bible he said where he had never read the Bible that dear man he's Jewish never never read the Bible he's fluent in Arabic the guy is incredible anyways so here you see it that's right there he was quite amazed when I showed him all in the Book of Ezekiel what he was showing me on paper was already in the Bible now what do we do we have to prepare were almost out of time Saints remember what I told you yesterday the last generation began according to the scripture Matthew 24:32 the last generation began with the restoration of Israel Israel is the fig tree never forget that and I gave you all those scriptures already and I'll repeat them to you if you wish one more time just in case Hosea 9:10 Joel 1:7 says Israel as if it is the victory so the Lord said when you see this this victory put on leaves you know it's almost there Genesis 15 verse 13 to 16 clearly state that a generation is a hundred years I already proved that to you you can go back and watch yesterday and the day before therefore we only have 28 years left before the end I'm not setting dates I'm not saying when Jesus is coming days and hours we can do that but I've been telling you we are children of the day not children of the night okay we are children of the light right so we ought to know the seasons we're living in so we are going to see things accelerate very quickly now with all that's happening on earth the new laws that will put me put in place so the nation's want to protect themselves from any more covert 19:00 stuff later in the future an even worse so new laws will be put into place no doubt in my mind the world will never be the same again guaranteed right now coming out here and the you asked from the people in their homes and their you know nervously trying to do it very slow how do they get the businesses open and the economy is moving but right now there's a lot of changes a lot of changes will come but what are we to do I'm gonna that's why we are talking today but I showed you yesterday very clearly we will not go through the tribulation why well the genesis 7 1 God protected Noah from the flood Genesis 18 I gave you all that already Genesis 18 23 to 32 Abraham says to God will you destroy Sodom and Gomorrah have this 10 he went from fifty to ten God says I won't do it and Abraham said something powerful it's not like you to destroy the righteous with the wicked it's all there so we know that God will not destroy the righteous would do with the wicked in Genesis 19 verse 22 the angel says to lot he grabs him by the end he says let's go he says I cannot destroy til you're out I cannot destroy til you're gone that's proof remember what it says I gave you that also in Isaiah 26 verse 19 through 21 it talks about the resurrection of the Lord and the Saints fulfilled in Matthew 27 then it says this come my people enter thou into your chambers till indignation be over past that's in verse 20 that's the rapture come my people enter into your chamber till judgment is over past and then he explains that the indignation in verse 21 behold the Lord comes out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth not the church for their iniquity the earth also shall disclose or blood and no more coverall a meaning no no graves to bury the dead so many will die well if we look at the book of Revelation it talks but when Antichrist appears war shows up and after war famine and after famine death that's the four horsemen Antichrist on a white horse with a bowl bow is a sign of wickedness red horse war then famine then death millions will die in the very first part of the Great Tribulation remember the first three years everything is fine first the last three and a half years when they say peace peace then sudden destruction sudden destruction millions will die well God will not allow us to go through that and it says so and I in Isaiah 26 19 right through 21 very very very clearly and remember what I said we are not appointed to wrath first Thessalonians chapter 5 9 and 10 the old will not allow us to be punished revelation 3:10 and 11 i obscured all the soldier I don't want to go back and reread it it says I will keep you from the hour of temptation that will come upon the whole world if you keep my word of patience if you keep my word God says if you do what I'm telling you we're not gonna go through the tribulation or Great Tribulation Exodus 11 God protected Israel from the place of Egypt he will do it again the church will be protected we are raptured now let's go through let's go through 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 because I think it's in it's important that we see that right now all right 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto Him that's rapture that ye be not soon shaken in mind or 'but or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as the day of Christ is at hand let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition now I believe this falling away is a future falling away even though we've seen falling away in the past why do I believe that because it ties with the word end and that man of sin be revealed so it's gonna happen at the same time as Antichrist is coming on the scene I believe many who call themselves Christians will not be able to reject the mark of the beast I believe many of them will accept Antichrist as some kind of Savior that's when the falling away is gonna happen now I'm gonna say something I'm gonna say something we you know what let me finish this first I'm gonna say what I'm gonna say because I think it's important that you at this verse for who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God that's in the second half of the Great Tribulation oh that's worshipped so that he as God sits in the temple which has to be built again and it will be built after the Ezekiel 38 war no doubt showing himself that he's God and let me add something to you you know that everything is ready for the rebuilding of the temple today in Jerusalem there I've met with the rabbi's who have built everything as it was according to Scripture I've seen it with my own eyes even the garments of the priests are ready there's a place called the temple Institute in Jerusalem you need to visit when you go back there you sell out of that already ready and they'll show you things right in the old city of Jerusalem so the temple they're eager to build the their temple but they can't right now because of the Palestinian the mosque of Omar all that stuff remember you're not that when I was with you I told you these things and now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed or what is restraining him from being revealed in his time for the mystery of iniquity or hidden truth of iniquity the word iniquity here means lawlessness for the mystery of lawlessness doth already work it's already working in this world but he who now letteth will let but he usually the one restraining until he be taken out of the way that's the Holy Spirit but the Holy Spirit is within the church so that the church must be out of the way and then that wicked one shall be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth shall destroy with the brightness of his coming even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie now I'm gonna finish still just three more verses because I've gotta say something that they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness they're gonna accept Antichrist but we are bound to give thanks always to God for you brother in the level of the Lord because God had from the beginning before the world began chosen you to salvation that's the elect through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth we're unto he called you by our gospel so there are many who say they're believers but they're not the elect because here you have people who are chosen and you have a group that will fall away because he said they'll be first a falling away but after the falling away he says I want to read that again but we are bound verse 13 to give thanks always that are for you the lover of the Lord because from the beginning God has chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit we are kept set by the power of God and in verse 17 it says comfort your hearts and and be established and every good word and work so you got two groups of people those who will fall away and those who are called to salvation remember Ephesians one chosen in him before the foundation of the world those that are predestined cannot fall that's another matter okay I absolutely believe in predestination there's no other answer if you look at the Bible no other answer I have preached the gospel to millions of people since I was 21 years of age and I can tell you I have watched people stare at me when I give clear-cut instructions on what the gospel is you might as well be talking to this plant right here yet others who were sitting next to them were convicted by the Spirit and receive Jesus and I've always been troubled how come this person received in this one you might as we'll be talking to a wall because it's the Holy Spirit to convict the sinner not us it's God who draws them what what did Jesus say no man can come on unless the father draws iam our job is to preach our job is not to convict or to draw them those who are called who are the called will be convicted and come to the cross so there's a lot of people today who say well I'm a Christian all who just prayed the prayer of salvation because they just don't want to burn in hell that's not that that's not a good reason to get saved when people say well I you know I just don't want to go to hell my answer is Jesus is it's not for escape we receive him because we love him we want to know him we want to follow him we want to serve Him we want to die for him when I give him our lives and I mean die for him I you know die to the things of the world because he said take up your cross and follow me that's death but there are people who say well I'm a Christian I'm going to heaven but they live like Devils don't they don't even read the Bible they don't even know the Lord's word you cannot survive the coming days if the word of God is not in you if Jesus is not close like this because you have drawn to him really close cleaving unto the Lord with all your might everything in you wants him everything in you loves him everything in you follows him you're willing to give up everything to follow the Lord normal family job whatever leave everything behind and follow him but there are people who are not like that a couple tongues speaking supposedly after 40 years in a Pentecostal church in Illinois walked out of the church one day cussing and saying it's all a lie and then they became atheists what they ever saved I don't think so were they ever called I don't think so how can you mean Jesus face to face and never walk away it doesn't compute so the Bible says there'll be a falling away and after this falling away then let me just read that one more time because I think it's so important because I was gonna say something earlier for the mystery of what let me just go back here okay verse three there'll be a falling away and then that man of sin be revealed so it's gonna happen at the same time Antichrist shows up a man of peace people don't follow him say well I'm gonna believe in him they're gonna accept the mark of the beast believe me but now here's what I'm gonna say I believe that we will recognize who he is before the rapture he will not be in power yet but I think we the church will be here to recognize the system and possibly the individual I could be wrong I could be wrong if I am right it explains this verse that the falling away will come when the world becomes a place of such peace and perfection everything is going great and they are asking you to do certain things are completely against the Word of God they're already talking about mandatory vaccinations they're already talking about some computerized chip in your finger that the world they can track you I already talked about that so we're not far from that day not me I will never accept anything in my skin no way Jose as they say I will not lose my relationship with the Lord for anything humanity will force on me never never I would rather be dead then disobey my Redeemer and many of you feel the same way so what do we do to prepare alright well that's what we've been talking about what we do to prepare ladies and gentlemen I think it's quite simple luke 21:36 number one Jesus made it very very clear to us and I want to give you these scriptures one more time because I think it's so important Monta cool may drop y'all back in t-money and I'll tell you what also I think we need to pray in tongues today more than ever building up ourselves and the Holy Ghost like Jude says watch ye therefore and pray always that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of man the most important thing you can do right now is prayer but prayer is impossible without no in the world Madame Jeon Jin goo Yong was one of the greatest Saints had ever lived in France she talks about how only as to you you fill your life with the word can prayer be born which is really very biblical that's John 15 verse 7 if my word abides in you you will ask if my word abides in you you will ask so in the Psalms we have the key here given to us in the Psalms I want to read this to you because I think is so vital we know what brings forth prayer blessed first one blessed are the undefiled in the way who walk in the law of the Lord blessed are they that keep his testimony and that seek him with the whole heart hold it you cannot seek him till you keep his testimonies no reader again blessed are the undefiled in the way blessed are the undefiled in the way who walk in the law of the Lord blessed are they that keep his testimonies and seek him well you can't seek him till his testimonies are in you quite simple it's the Word of God that gives you power to live holy they also do no iniquity they walk in his ways so it's the word God's Word is the key to survival it's the key to survival you have to know the mind of God or otherwise you will fall but the true church knows what I'm saying and the true church will do it that's number one the second thing that we have to do it is in in first John 2:28 these are simple keys we don't you know nothing complicated God doesn't make things complicated and now little children abide in him when he shall appear we may have confidence and not be ashamed at his coming so number one let his word abide in you and the second key abide in him well I can't abide in him if his word is not abiding in me so it's quite clear that these are simple keys I'm giving you what do I do to prepare I have to allow his word to abide in me if my word abides in you you will ask number two I have to abide in him fellowship with the holy spirit practicing the presence of God daily daily because he said to us clearly daily in Luke 21 daily always always now something else and again you remember what I said to you yesterday you can lose everything by foolish living everything we can we can gain so much with God and one day I lose it all and lose our rewards by foolish living because in second John in 2nd John verse 8 is what it says to us and I've got a I've got to give you this because that is will keep you and the true believer knows what I'm talking about look to yourselves that we lose not those things which we have wrought but that we receive a full reward so the second thing we have to do is abide in the Lord and the third thing we have we have to remember we have to remember don't lose it don't lose what what what the rewards are coming because some will be saved as by fire look I don't want to get to heaven and and and find out that I've lost rewards I want to I want to keep what belongs to me in glory Paul says I have fought a good fight I've kept the faith therefore a crime is awaiting me who wants to get to heaven and not be trusted yeah Revelation chapter 3 here's what the Word of God says revelation 3 and I'm going to read for you verse 11 very quickly here before I say bye to you because I'm almost done behold I come quickly hold that fast which thou has that no man take your crown so it this is serious business now you remember in 1st Corinthians 3:13 in 1st Corinthians 3:13 Paul the Apostle talked about that we will be tried every one of us will stand before the judgement seat every man's work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare it because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is because every one of us has to stand before the judgment seat the judgment seat means we will be judged it won't be an easy moment if you have blown it so if any man's work abide which he has built thereupon he shall receive a reward but if any man's work shall be burned he shall suffer loss but he himself shall be saved yet so as by fire so what are we to do let the Word of God abide in you number to abide in him and remember you can lose rewards but I'm gonna give you a third one before we say goodbye but don't forget what Paul wrote in 1st Corinthians 9:27 I put my body under subjection lest after I have preached to others I myself be a castaway I be rejected in other words but I keep under my body though the word keep is I discipline my body and bring it into subjection lest that by any means when i have preached to others i myself should be a castaway now i'm going to give you a third key and then i'm going to pray with you and this simple three keys in the scriptures okay now the word of god is very clear in verse 24 of jude now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise God Our Saviour be glory and Majesty Dominion and power both now and ever I cannot keep myself even if I do what I just told you I cannot let the word abide in me nor do I have the power or knowledge how to abide in the Lord so the third key is vital and I want you to hear this Jesus said I am the vine you are the branches without me you can do nothing the third thing I have to do is lose myself in him lose my life in his life that I no longer live my life that I let him live his life and all I furnish is my life all I furnish is my vessel so frankly surrender completely and totally to the Lamb of glory surrender is one of the keys of victory complete surrender to the Son of God because we cannot do it on our own I can read the word I can cause the word to abide in my heart but can I really cause the world to live in me on my own will normal power no can I really abide in Jesus in my own ability no so what did I do I surrender I'm crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i I live but not I Christ liveth in me and the life that I live now in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God thinking about these words that's a mingling that's a complete surrender of one's life up to the Lord I'm crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i Christ Li within me and the life I live in the flesh I can live it on my own I live it by the faith that he gives me the one who died for me the one who loved me and dad for me so getting ready is really simple it's time to die stomp to that of the flesh died to the world died to television died to earthly books died too early magazines died to family commitments died to everything it's time to give it all up and say Lord I want to live for you I'm gonna live in you and you in me and I want nothing more I don't want to be connected to things and people even family members who will distract me from you know that's the key I pray God will bring you to that place that you'll find peace and joy in the Holy Ghost can I pray for you father bring them there in Jesus sweet name bring them to that beautiful place of peace tranquility living that life of a true Christian no more struggles no more fighting no more War no more fighting against sin no more fighting the influence of the world living a life of holiness an absolute peace in the Holy Love in the name of Jesus Morini every one of us to that place Lord if any man will come after me who said let him deny himself carries cross daily not weekly daily and follow me that's Lord your world and that's the only way we know to be ready for that glorious day we'll give you the praise a man and a man I just really feel the anointing I just feel their Nanak I'm gonna ask doctor and what your life would you stretch your hands towards me as I'm stretching my Dorji anoint everyone of them send a fresh anointing wonderful Jesus empower their life with a blessed new anointing that they will live the Christian life as they ought to pleasing aunty in Jesus name now Lord meet every need whatever that need is give them peace about the troubles and Lord give them just a blessed miracle they're looking for but especially I known them for this time with a new anointing in Jesus name a man oh this has been so wonderful today it's time to give it's time to sow seed so we can protect our tomorrow financially you can give now to the Lord's work those of you who love Him you'll you'll have no problems giving to him I don't have to force you or twist your arm or have to talk to you about it I think you all know that giving is just our nature it's what we Christians do when you love you give because love is giving and giving is loving so since we love Jesus let's give him our best our best honor the Lord with your substance and the firstfruits of all your increase social your barns be filled with plenty and thy presses will burst out with new wine that's what the Word of God says in proverbs 3 wood to honor him if we love Him we will honor him so will you now give to his work the best you have the amount doesn't matter it's what the heart is what it's all it's all about the heart so give to the Lord today and sow your seed Benny Hinn ministries you can do it right now online or you can text it vhm 4 5 7 7 7 BHM 4 5 7 7 7 or go to our homepage Benny Hinn dollar world you can do it on the platform you're watching me on if you cannot just go to our homepage our website then in Darwin do today much love to you and were about to release the Institute and those of you that have shown interest you are about to receive an email from us to join very exciting days ahead love you much bye-bye you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 22,836
Rating: 4.8912621 out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, This Is Your Day, Benny Hinn, Manna From Heaven, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, prayer, World Healing Center Church
Id: 96T11QO8QUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 47sec (3467 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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