The Final Facts Part 2 - The Return of Christ 2

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Well now, in the first talk, I gave you four  signals or signs that Jesus gave us for his   return to planet earth. Now of those four I  would say that we see one and a half already,   but with the speed of world events who can  say how long it’ll take for the other two   and a half to catch up? Indeed, the world is  changing so fast that we can’t be dogmatic   about it. But a far more important question than  “When will he come,” is “Why will he come?” And   this is a very real question. There must be  some very big reason why he has to return.  On e of the surprises in the New  Testament is a verse in Hebrews,   which says, “t hat he will appear a second time  to bring salvation to those who are waiting for   him.” Now there’s a puzzle; didn’t he bring  us salvation the first time? And you notice   that he’s coming the second time not to bring  salvation to the world or to the unbeliever,   but to us who are waiting for him. The answer  is of course that we’re not saved yet. We are   being saved. Salvation is a process and there’s  one part of me that isn’t saved yet - a part   that you can see. My body’s not saved yet,  it’s still under the law of sin and death,   my body. It will die and rot, provided  he doesn’t come back in the meantime.  So why should he have to come back to complete  our salvation? Now make no mistake about it he   has done all he needs to do to obtain forgiveness  and holiness for us. He’s not got to die on a   cross again - that’s all finished with, that’s  complete. But there are some things that are not   yet complete and he’s coming back to bring total  salvation to those of us who are waiting for him.  Now here are five reasons why he is coming back  and any of them by themselves would not be I   think an adequate reason for coming. The first  is very simple: to collect us, to meet with us,   and to take us to be with him. He said, “If  it were not so I would have told you. I’m   going to prepare a place for you,” which means  that Jesus has gone back to being a carpenter,   getting the place ready for us. Do you realize  that? He is very good at making things and he’s   getting your room ready in his Father’s house.  Then he says, “I will come again and take you   to be with me that where I am you may be too.” We once took an elderly lady in a group of church   members to Israel, and she was wandering around  the Arab souk, that underground maze of little   shops that constitute the old Bazaar and she was  trying to find the post office to buy a stamp to   send a postcard to her daughter. She said to  an Arab shopkeeper, “Where is the post office   here?” The Arab shopkeeper said, “Well go down  this alleyway, look for an opening on the left,   go up some steps, go up until you come to  a fork, turn right, look out for the second   turning on the right up that alleyway.” And the  more he spoke the more bewildered she looked.  He realized that she would never be able to find  it. So he turned around, and he closed his little   shop, padlocked the shutters, and he took her by  the elbow, and he said, “I am the way.” He took   her to the post office. She was so excited when  she came back to the rest of the group she said,   “Guess what I’ve learnt this morning?” She  said, “I’ve always wondered what Jesus meant   when he said, ‘I am the way.’” But she said, “Now  I know. It means he’ll take me there, don’t need   to know the route, he’ll take me there.” That’s what Jesus is coming to do,   he’s coming to collect the Christians, which  means that if he’s coming back to planet earth,   so am I. If you belong to Christ, so are you.  Has that thought ever struck you before? That   if Jesus is coming back here, so are you. Have  you ever told your friends that - that long   after you’re dead you’re coming back to planet  earth? Not as a reincarnation, because when you   believe in reincarnation you don’t know who you’re  going to come back as - might come back as a duck,   you just don’t know. But Christians are  coming back to planet earth themselves.   They will know who they are—we’ll be back here. Do you realize it’s here that we’re going to   get our new bodies? Not up in heaven, but back  here. We’ll be raised from the dead and given   new bodies here. I can’t wait to get my new  body. Do you know how old I’ll be then? Well,   I’m in my sixties now and some days I feel it.  My children think I have one foot in the grave   and the other on a banana skin, but anyway,  here I am. But when I get my new body I’ll be   thirty-three. Because my bible says I will get  a glorious body just like his, and how old is   his? So I can’t wait to be thirty-three again. I was speaking at a funeral down in the West   Country and a lovely Christian brother had died.  A good age, but he died of a horrible disease,   which made him quite ugly to look at in the last  few months. And at the funeral I happened to say,   “Next time you see him he’ll be thirty-three.” And  his widow and daughter almost went hysterical with   joy. Afterwards I asked them why they had  that reaction. The widow said, “Well I was   going through his papers last night and I came  across a photograph of him when he was young   and handsome with thick dark hair. I said to the  photograph, “that’s how I’ll remember you darling,   not as you were at the end.’” And she said, “That  photograph was taken when he was thirty-three.”  The daughter said, “Last night I had a  dream about my daddy. We were playing at   the seaside and splashing each other in the  water and I felt so happy and suddenly woke   up and it was just a dream.” But she said, “I  realized the dream was actually a memory of a   childhood holiday.” And she said, “We were at  the seaside when I was nine years old and when   I was nine daddy was thirty-three.” So no wonder  they both reacted so joyfully to my news. You   are allowed to whisper hallelujah in this by  the way, but only if you really feel like it.  You see, we’re going to get knew bodies. Jesus  isn’t just in the business of saving souls. He’s   interested in bodies too. He’s interested in  the whole of creation, that whole creation is   groaning and travailing, waiting for me to get my  new body, because when I get my new body that’s   the signal for the whole creation to get its new  body. And all that’s going to happen back here.   This is where resurrection takes place. This is  where bodies are needed and bodies are recreated.  So that’s the first reason he’s coming back, to  meet with us and give us our new bodies—right   here on planet earth. We’re going to meet him  back here, even if we’ve died in the meanwhile.   Now the second reason why he’s coming back,  not just coming back to collect Christians,   he’s coming back to convert Jews. Now they are  still his chosen people. God hates divorce and he   hasn’t divorced Israel and one of the most amazing  mysteries that is revealed to us in scripture is   that God has a future plan for the Jewish people. What will they feel when they see Jesus of   Nazareth? Well the Bible tells us how they’ll  feel. It says they will mourn as for an only   son when they realize the tragedy of all these  centuries when they missed their own messiah.   Can you imagine it? All the suffering they’ve  been through, all the needless anguish they’ve   had—they will weep. There’s only one thing  a Jew needs to become a believer in Jesus,   and that’s to know that he’s alive. That’s  what happened to Paul on the Damascus road.  I was once preaching near Eli in Cambridge shire  and there was a Jewess in the congregation,   attractive lady of about twenty-five or twenty-six  years of age, she came to me afterwards. She said,   “Mr. Pawson, are you trying to tell me that  Jesus of Nazareth is still alive?” I said,   “That’s what I’m saying.” And she said, “Then if  he is he must be our Messiah!” You noticed the   little personal possessive pronoun “our”. “Yes, he  is Jewish, for salvation is of the Jews,” I said,   “That’s right.” She said, “How can I find out  if he’s alive?” I said, “You could try talking   to him right now.” And she did, and she did. You know within ten minutes she was teaching me   the Bible— she’d got it all except the one vital  clue. She said, “Then this, and this, and this!”   I envy the Jewish people; they’ve got it there,  except for that vital clue. What will happen when   the whole nation sees the one whom they pierced?  Jesus still loves his Jewish people - they’re   his brethren. And he’s coming back to Jerusalem,  and it must be a Jewish city when he comes back,   which has some bearing on current affairs. Third reason: He’s coming back to conquer his   enemies. Now the last time he came to Jerusalem he  came riding on a donkey, but this time he comes on   a horse—that’s a big difference. A prince of peace  uses a donkey; a man of war uses a horse. It’s   another contrast between his first visit and his  second. He comes to Jerusalem to fight and to deal   with his enemies. Now we’re told in the Bible that  history will be in the control of three people,   three persons at the end presenting a kind of  unholy trinity, a kind of substitute for Father,   Son, and Holy Spirit. In place of Father the  devil, in place of Christ the Antichrist,   in place of the Holy Spirit the false prophet.  Here we have this unholy trinity controlling the   situation and Jesus is going to deal with all  three. He’s coming to fight them and to conquer   them and to deal with them once and for all. Yes I want to shout Hallelujah! He’s going to   finish them off - that will finish off evil. So  he’s coming back to conquer the devil particularly   and he’s coming back as a lion rather than a lamb.  Mind you that word lamb is misleading. I don’t   like to talk about the lamb of God because that  makes me think of a little white cuddly woolly   thing a few weeks old, but a lamb in scripture is  always one year old with horns. It’s a male ram in   its prime. I prefer to talk of Jesus as the Ram  of God. He’s the Lion of Judah, the Ram of God,   both very strong pictures. And he’s coming back to  conquer. ‘Sing we the king who is coming to reign,   glory to Jesus the lamb that was slain.’ Evil will end, good will triumph,   which means that we are living in a moral  universe. Now that’s a very important insight.   Most people say this universe is not moral; the  wicked get away with things, good people suffer,   there’s no morality in our universe. They see evil  triumph and they see good wiped out. People say,   “This is not a moral universe.” Well we can  say this, “It is going to be, because Jesus   is coming back to deal with all evil.” Question arises, why didn’t he deal with   evil on his first trip? Why didn’t he defeat  Satan once and for all on his first trip? Why   didn’t he banish all antichrists and false  prophets on his first visit? The answer   is very simple. If Jesus had wiped out all  evil on his first visit, who would be left?   We always assume we would be. Isn’t that strange?  “Why doesn’t he come and deal with them?” - That’s   our cry. We don’t cry, “Why doesn’t he come and  deal with us? Why doesn’t he come and stop me   spoiling his world?” We never talk like that -  always think of others, isn’t that interesting?  Listen if Jesus had wiped out all evil people and  things when he came the first time you would not   have a speaker right now. I’ll tell you something  else there wouldn’t be an audience here either,   because if the Lord dealt with us as we deserve  we wouldn’t be alive today. It is in his mercy   that he came the first time to give us a chance  to be put right, before he comes to deal with   all things that are wrong. That’s why, though  the Jews expected the messiah to come once,   the great secret of the New Testament is that the  Messiah is coming twice; the first time to get us   forgiveness and holiness, and the second time to  get rid of all evil. Thank the Lord he didn’t do   it the other way round or none of us would have  a chance. That’s the great secret of the kingdom,   that the kingdom is coming in two stages. Now the next reason that he is coming:   He is coming back to judge the world. Now here is  an eye opener. God is not going to judge the human   race. He has delegated that responsibility to  his Son. It’s not before God that we shall stand,   but before his Son Jesus. Now I can think of  a very good reason why God has decided this;   if mankind stood before God on his throne  we could say, God you’re not the one who’s   able to Judge us, because you don’t know what  it’s like being a human being. You don’t know   what the pressures are like of life on earth. You  don’t know what it’s like to be tempted by Satan.   You don’t understand what it’s like to be hated.  You don’t understand what it’s like to be accused   of a crime that you never committed; you don’t  understand. But nobody will be able to talk to   the judge like that, because he does understand. He knows what it’s like to be falsely accused of   crime. He knows what it’s like to be born  illegitimate. He knows what it’s like to be   tempted in all points. He’s the one who’s going to  judge. Therefore we must say that Pontius Pilate   will one day be judged by Jesus, and Mohammed will  one day be judged by Jesus, and Buddha will one   day be judged by Jesus, and Confucius will one day  be judged by Jesus, and Gorbachev will be judged   by Jesus, Saddam Hussein will be judged by Jesus,  and David Pawson will be judged by Jesus, for we   must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ  to receive according to the things done in the   body. That’s the subject for the next talk—The day  of Judgment. But it is Jesus who judges. It’s a   very important point. Paul preaching on Mars Hill  in Athens said, “God has appointed a day whereby   he will judge the world by a man, by a man.  It’s a human being who will judge the ungodly.  I still don’t think we’ve hit the biggest reason  why he has to come back here to do this. Why   couldn’t all this happen elsewhere? Why couldn’t  it happen in the world of disembodied spirits in   Hades? Why does it have to happen here? Why  does he have to come back to planet earth?   There is a fifth reason, though I am going to  be frank and say that not all Christians would   agree with me on this fifth reason. And I haven’t  time to give you all my reasons for believing it.  Nevertheless I will just state that I believe he  is coming back to rule the world - to reign here   for a limited time. This is the most incredible  part of the story. Neither human reason nor   imagination would have guessed it, but there at  the end of the Bible we’re told that when he’s   come back, conquered his enemies, cleaned this  world up, he is then going to reign right here,   and show this world what it can  be like when Jesus is in charge.  Listen, the world has seen what it’s like  when Satan’s controlling it. The prince of   this world has had his day and I believe  that God in his amazing wisdom is going to   let this world see just what it can be like when  Jesus is running it. It’s called the millennium,   that’s a Latin word meaning a thousand years, and  that is the figure given for this reign on earth.   Now I have looked every way I can at this, there  are so many different views. There are people   who say they are premillennial, postmillennial,  amillennial. Have you heard all this? A friend of   mine said, “That is a pre-post-erous question.” Nevertheless I have to tell you that I believe   it is plainly taught in scripture that Jesus will  reign here before the end of the world and that he   will take over the thrones of the nations. Then  you will see come true that nations will learn   multilateral disarmament and “beat their swords  into plowshares and their spears into pruning   hooks.” And of course he will need a government  to help him and that is where the Bible I believe   promises that we shall reign with him. It gives  a very good reason for us coming back here too,   and getting new bodies at the same time. Now the whole thing almost defies imagination.   The early church for the first three hundred years  universally believed this and then I’m afraid   came a new idea that the church would build this  millennium before Jesus got back – a man called   Augustine set that one off. Of course in those  days it looked as if the Church was going to win:   the emperor himself had been converted,  persecution stopped, it looked as if   the Church was going to take the world over.  Well I’m afraid it no longer looks like that.  Jesus never taught us to believe that it would. He  said the wheat and the tares would grow together.   The kingdom of God’s going to get stronger,  the kingdom of Satan’s going to get stronger,   until Christ comes to deal with it, and  clears the place up. But I do believe that   before the final events, Jesus will reign  over the nations. And they will see that he   is already king of England, but they’ll see it  then. Australia will see it, America, Russia.  Can you imagine the peace and prosperity that  will come when Jesus is running this world? After   all God made this world as a present for his Son  Jesus. I can’t believe that the God who vindicates   righteousness would not vindicate his own Son  in the eyes of the world. Well I throw that out,   to me that’s the biggest reason and the one that  justifies his whole return. Without that I find   it difficult to be able to understand why it  should all have to happen back here, but if   that is the main reason for his coming, that  he is coming to restore the kingdom to Israel,   and to take over the nations of the world, and  fulfill all the promises that God has made for   this world, then it makes sense totally to  me. But I ask you to study the scripture,   you’ll hear lots of ideas there, but that’s mine.  And I ask you to come to your own convictions.  It was Hitler’s dream to have a kingdom for a  thousand years; the Third Reich was to last a   thousand years, it lasted twelve. I believe the  reich of Jesus will last a thousand years; that’s   my hope, I look forward to that. Don’t you? Isn’t  it wonderful that he will take over the nations?   No more elections - a king. See we’re made not  for democracy, we are made for a king, but of   course we can’t find the right king, that’s our  problem. And our gospel is we found the king, the   right king, the perfect king to rule the nations. Let me come then finally to the practical side.   What difference does all this make to the way we  live - from Monday to Friday or right through the   week? What difference does it actually make? Hope  is a vital dimension of human living. We can’t   live without it. Hope springs eternally in the  human breast. We have to have something in the   future to look forward to. All through the ages  men have looked forward to a golden age coming,   a utopian age, a new age coming, and it has  taken many different forms. Christians believe   in the new age, the new age of Jesus,  not the one of a syncretistic religion.  It is hope that helps you to cope with  the present. It’s your hope for what may   be ahead that enables you to live with the  pressures and the disappointments for today.   And a person who is without hope wants to  end life. Hope is absolutely essential,   and faith and love need hope to keep going, and  it’s our hope in the future that provides us with   this incentive. You see sinners tend to live in  the past, they live in their past habits - they   can’t break them. Sinners are notorious for  nostalgia, but nostalgia isn’t what it used to   be and we’re looking forward to something - much  better to look forward than to look back. You get   tired of people talking about the good old days  don’t you? “When I was a child…” I’ve got to that   age myself, but I’m looking forward you see. For the Christian the best is yet to be and   that hope has a profound affect. Let me try and  illustrate it. Supposing you moved into a house   in Ashford, just outside Ashford here, and you  learned that they’re going to make a new motor   way from the channel tunnel right through your  house. Your house is going to be demolished two   years time, you’ll be compensated, but you’ve  just bought it. Now are you going to spend   days and days rebuilding the kitchen, refitting  the bathroom? Are you going to make that your   perfect ideal home when you know it’s going to  be demolished in two years? Of course you don’t.  Now in the same way, the New Testament says,  “Seeing all these things are thus to be dissolved,   what manner of people ought you to be?” In other  words we don’t belong here, we’re just passing   through, and our hope for a new heaven and a  new earth and a mansion up there changes our   ideas about life here - you don’t get so locked  up in your house here. Because you’re not here   for ever, you only here for a short time. Abraham at the age of eighty left a two   storey brick house with central heating and  running water in the bedrooms. I know this,   archeologists have found this was the  standard of living in Ur of the Chaldees,   and Abraham left that and lived in a tent for  the rest of his life at the age of eighty. He was   quite happy because he was looking for a city  whose builder and maker was God – it made that   difference, didn’t matter so much, life here. On the other hand supposing the British Museum   got in touch with you and asked you if you  had any crafts or hobbies and you said,   “Yes, I do woodwork, or veneer or tapestry or  needlework.” And the British Museum said, “We want   a typical example of British amateur craftsmanship  for the future and we’re going to put it in the   Museum forever so that people will always be  able to see the kind of thing we did.” Now,   how much care would you take over that? That’d be  the best thing you ever made, wouldn’t it? Knowing   that it was going to be on show for as long as the  world was here - you’d really do that carefully.  Now, you see how your thinking about the future  has changed you. If your house is going to be   demolished that changes your attitude to  the house, you don’t care so much about a   leaking drain or something - well after all, why  bother, it’s going to be pulled up? But on the   other hand if you know you’re doing something  that’s going to last for a very long time and   be seen by a lot of other people you would  take far more care over it. I’m trying to get   you to realize that it’s how we think about the  future that affects how we behave in the present.  Well now, there are four things that are  profoundly affected in a believer’s life when   they realize that Jesus is coming back to planet  earth—four things and here they are. By the way, I   was expounding Matthew chapter twenty-four earlier  when I gave you the four signs. I’m now going to   talk about Matthew 25 which follows it. Having  given them the signs Jesus then said, “Now this   is how you are to be ready.” He told four parables  or stories: one about the ten virgins, one about   the talents, one about sheep and goats - to tell  us how to be ready and what a difference it makes   to realize that the master is coming back one day. Here are the four ways; four things will be   characteristic of Christians who are constantly  thinking about the return of the Lord. First,   faithful service, faithful service, because  you see when he comes back he is not so much   interested in what you’re doing when he comes back  as what you have been doing while he was away. Now   this is so important because some people panic  and they think, “My, the Lord may be coming next   Tuesday I must…” and they change their patterns of  behavior radically because they don’t want to be   found doing what they’re doing now when he comes.  But listen, Jesus does not come back and say,   “What are you doing at this moment of my  return?” He will come back and say, “What have   you been doing all the time I’ve been away?” And in each of those parables in Matthew 25   there is the phrase “a long time coming,” “the  bridegroom was a long time coming.” The real   test of whether you’re ready for his return, is  not what you do if you think he is soon coming,   but what you do if you think he’s not coming soon.  Do you follow me in that? Very, very important   point, because what he wants to find is faithful  servants. He wants to be able to say, “Well done,   even though I was a long time coming back, you  kept at it. You were faithful.” So this panic, “He   might come tonight, or he might come this week” -  that panic doesn’t usually last; when he doesn’t   come tonight or this week, it tends to die off.  The motivation is not when he comes, but what he   will say when he comes. What he wants to be able  to say is, “Well done good and faithful servant.”  D.L. Moody, the great evangelist of a bygone era,  he said this, “Ever since I heard that Jesus was   coming back to planet earth,” he said, “I have  wanted to work three times as hard.” Faithful   service is the first thing that will happen. And  when I say faithful service I am not talking about   church work. Please understand me, the idea is  around that it’s only missionaries and pastors   that are really in the service of the Lord.  That is fostered by the fact that we stick   missionaries’ photographs up in the porch and  we make so much of this that people have got   this order of priorities: missionaries are  the best servants of God, pastors second   best and evangelists, doctors and nurses come a  good third and fourth, maybe teachers fifth, taxi   drivers fifty-fifth—you know? Computer operators,  way down. Nothing could be further from the truth.  Listen, missionaries and pastors will be made  redundant in heaven. Have you ever thought of   that? They’ll have to retrain; they’ll have to  be rehabilitated. Listen, when I say faithful   service I’m talking about your daily work, because  there will be jobs for us in the future and those   jobs are directly related to how we do our job  here, whatever that job is. The Lord is more   interested in how you work than what your job  is. Did you know that? Billy Graham’s wife put   above the kitchen sink a notice, Divine service is  held here three times every day. She understood.  Listen, whatever your job, faithful service is  doing that job well. There’s a surgeon in Pekin   in China, she was the chief surgeon in a hospital  there, and she became a Christian and she was   sacked. The result was, she is now given the  job of cleaning out the toilets, but she says,   “I’ll clean the toilets as if Jesus is going to  sit on them.” She is in full-time Christian work.   Never say, “I’m in a secular job,” nothing  is secular except sin… faithful service.  Number two, global evangelism. You see Jesus  left us a job to do and it’s not complete.   He said , “The gospel must be preached to all  nations, then shall the end come. Go and make   disciples of all ethnic groups, go and preach  the gospel to every creature.” Now we’re a   long way off that, we’re getting nearer to  it, and the year two thousand is reminding   many Christians that there’s an unfinished task  of evangelizing the world. The more you think   about the Lord’s return the more you will want  to be involved in some way in global evangelism.  Thirdly: social reform. Now this may come as  a surprise to you, but those who think most   about the return of the Lord and the new world  that’s coming are actually those who want to   make this world better. Now that may sound  as if it doesn’t work, but in fact it does.   If you go to Piccadilly Circus you’ll see an  aluminum statue of an angel in the middle,   it’s called “Eros” - that is a terrible name for  it. It should be called “Agape”, because that   is a memorial to Anthony Ashley-Cooper the Earl  of Shaftesbury. Lord Shaftesbury worked all his   life to get children out of the factories and to  introduce proper working hours and living wages.   He fought for that on this ground, every letter  he ever wrote to a politician or anyone else he   wrote at the top of the letter “even so come Lord  Jesus”, that was the motivation. He wanted to make   this world the best place he could make it because  he believed Jesus was coming. Social reform is one   of the fruits of a vivid sense of Jesus’ return. And finally, personal holiness, because the New   Testament says, “Whoever has this hope of him  appearing purifies himself, because we know that   when he appears we shall be like him, for we shall  see him as he is.” Or to put it another way I was   speaking in a day school to some children and a  little boy asked, “Why wasn’t Jesus married?” I   said, “It’s alright; he’s going to be.” And the  headmaster in his office afterwards said to me,   “What was that you talked about Jesus getting  married?” He said, “I’ve never heard that   before.” “Well”, I said, “the whole Bible is a  courtship and it finishes with a wedding and they   get married and live happily ever afterwards.” We’re the Bride of Christ, but what bride didn’t   want her complexion to be perfect? What  Bride didn’t want a white dress – the most   beautiful white dress she could get? Now  we’re told at the end of the Bible about   this wedding and we’re told the bride has made  herself ready, she’s wearing fine white linen,   which are the righteous deeds of the saints.  We’re getting ready for the wedding. The more   you realize you’re the Bride of Christ and you’re  heading for that wedding, the more personal   holiness will become an ambition in your life. Well my time is gone, so let me, having criticized   Saint Augustine once in this talk, go back to  him and quote him with something that I think   is absolutely right. He said this, “He who  loves the coming of the Lord is not he who   affirms it is far off nor he who says it is  near, but rather he who whether it be far or   near awaits it with sincere faith, steadfast hope  and fervent love.” That’s how to be ready. Amen.
Channel: David Pawson - Official
Views: 61,540
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Keywords: Christianity Religion, David Pawson, The Bible Religious Text
Id: uSAebhTZFnU
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Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2014
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