THE FINAL EMPIRE: Answers In 2nd Esdras: Part 2

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welcome to answers in second estrus a new series by the god culture we opened with ezra's exact prophecy of yahushua's coming in the flesh in 400 years from his time and turns out messiah came around 0 bc just before it and even by the name yahusha even exactly as ezra predicted having been able to affirm second ezra is used to interpret in the dead sea scrolls with prophecies that only originate in this book this prophecy proves to be before messiah not after and this is mega evidence that this book is inspired scripture now it's time for what ezra calls the continuation of daniel's vision of the end times in the four beasts we're going to explain that fully identify the fourth beast in that prophecy but ezra is going to take it to another level and it's amazing over these next videos you'll see for yourself we will take the the next two videos to really break this down and some may well be shocked at the perfect accuracy of this and where it leads in today's terms we can see this today folks we can see it forming we can see how it's formed before we go to second estrus though as it is the basis let's take the opening four minutes or so to really break down daniel two and seven just quick videos for you with nebuchadnezzar's statue which daniel interpreted from his dream and the four beasts of daniel these are the same empire and ezra will explain as well he saw a statue of metals representing the current and coming empire which would lead to world empire in the enlarging of japheth first it had a head of gold and that represents the gold kingdom of babylon we don't have to guess because daniel says it was the coming empire daniel could also see rising the breasts and arms of silver for medo-persia who conquered babylon and was known for its silver the belly and thighs were of brass and this is greece known for brass alloys who conquered medo-persia [Music] and finally then came the legs of iron the roman empire the iron legion who conquered greece there was no gap between these and these are clear-cut but this last one his feet are a mixture of iron rome and clay and there has been much written about this but daniel clarifies it himself we'll cover that next but can you see a pattern here based on the mapping of jubilees all of these areas are from japheth and we know the principalities involved babylon is madai with demon prince of persia ashmadai medo-persia is the same yes both sides greece is javan under the prince of grisha and the roman empire is tubal the source of prince gog's power along with the final empire as well this is all japheth's territory but we know the princes of darkness who really drive this empire and ultimately though names change this is the world empire further predicted by the prophets and in revelation so daniel effectively identifies the rising of the one world empire thou o king art a king of kings for the god of heaven hath given thee a kingdom power and strength and glory and whatsoever the children of men dwell the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand and hath made thee ruler over them all thou art this head of gold and four great beasts came up from the sea diverse one from another the first was like a lion and had eagle's wings i beheld to the wings thereof were plucked and it was lifted up from the earth and made stand upon the feet as a man and a man's heart was given to it and after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee and behold another beast a second like to a bear and it was raised up itself on one side and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it and they said thus unto it arise devour much flesh and another third kingdom of brass which shall bear rule over all the earth after this i beheld and lo another like a leopard which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl the beast had also four heads and dominion was given to it and the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron for as much as iron breaketh in pieces and some doeth all things and as iron that breaketh all these shall it break in pieces and bruise after this i saw in the night visions and behold a fourth beast dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly and it had great iron teeth it devoured and break in pieces and stamped the residue with the feet of it and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it and it had ten horns and in the latter time of their kingdom when the transgressors are calm to the full a king of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences shall stand up and in the days of these kings shall the god of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed and the kingdom shall not be left to other people but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever for as much as thou saw us that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands and that it break in pieces the iron the brass the clay the silver and the gold who is this rock that topples this final empire this is the chief cornerstone the stone the builders rejected and yes even the rock explained to peter as peter's revelation was not of himself as a rock but the rock upon which the ecclesia would be built which must be must be the chief cornerstone not peter messiah no man could possibly fulfill his mission watch peter was peter the rock for details one last thing in daniel and we will open second estrus now these empires have no gap as each conquers its predecessor and that's just fact the question remains when did the roman empire collapse into the final empire and what was it at that point and moving forward we will cover that in detail coming but let us not forget the new roman empire that was its name is recorded in history as moving to turkey by constantine about 324 a.d it matters not whether someone agrees with that or not the final empire's still the final empire we just believe that is when it began and we'll support that that's when he infused the catholic religion which was not practicing the bible religion at all even at that time even from its inception and we will deal with that in our next book in fact instead that's being infused with government with the empire it's now a religious empire which would become called the holy roman empire it's no longer just the roman empire now this was the beginning of the final empire set up in turkey which was what well that's where the seat of satan is revelation 2 13 and where the synagogue of satan operated at that time according to messiah revelation 2 9 and 3 9 now we do not believe it waited until 476 a.d or whatever as the moving of its capitals was the change to a new empire period which now infused government and religion even deeper and attacked the actual biblical ecclesia the seven ecclesias of turkey now ezra is going to define the dynamic of this final empire including its principality as an empire which hides its power until the end in letting its lesser powers appear to lead but they're only part of the body and the body is much larger however it is one empire and has lasted since then and will until the end though it takes different forms in appearance and ezra exposes this in detail one last thing in daniel though is its uh interpretation of the final empire the feat of iron which is rome and i think pretty much most scholars if not all are on board with that mixed with myrie clay now we've seen a lot of speculation what could the myrial be i can't imagine oh wow well let's just read daniel 2 43 and whereas thou saws the feet and toes part of potter's clay and part of iron these are the feet mixed with iron and clay it's roam still they aren't still there it's the empire of iron but it's mixed with something else the kingdom shall be divided they will be and it is and it has been and ezra will explain this division in detail which is more an appearance than anything else in fact it's being directed from a voice within will cover but there shall be in it to the strength of iron for as much as thou saw us the iron mixed with miry clay so we don't really need a scholar here the prophet daniel tells us what he meant by this myri clay and iron and man have we heard so much speculation on this from the pulpit over the years now and as the toes of the feet were part of iron and part of clay so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly broken again ezra will explain exactly what this means and whereas thou sawest iron with miry clay they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men now wait a minute how do you mix seeds think about that because that's what it's saying how do you mingle one seed with another which is a different seed only if you have two different species of sort right now they whoever they are mingle or mix their seed with the seed of men meaning they are not men and we've covered this in in part and that is not their typical seed they're not men who are they then well they are the genesis 6 nephilim of sort same mixing going on here but now into the leadership of this final empire this is not me speaking nope they make their own claims the royal bloodlines claim rule by blood as many claim the blood of the gods essentially well what gods who are they talking about well for instance clovis maravinian is known to claim that he's from the blood of poseidon well that's one of the fallen angels one of the watchers who fathered the ten giant priest kings of atlantis in that legend in fact what he's doing is he's claiming he's from the giants that ruin the earth who led atlantis that's who he's saying he is probably maybe he doesn't realize it though he probably did they tell us they hail from nephilim bloodlines even it's right there but they shall not cleave one to another even as iron is not mixed with clay again as ezra will actually expound on this and in the days of these kings shall the god of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed now don't forget in all of these first videos we are unveiling this final empire this is not a negative story in the end for yahushua triumphs in the end and believers will be raised up and reign with him but we should understand what day in which we live now we are ready to start second estrus which we will begin this week to lay foundation and then explain over the next weeks because this is important by the end of this portion of this series you will know whom the final empire is and how it operates daniel goes pretty far but wait till you see ezra's eagle empire vision the continuation of daniel's vision this week we read the passage with a little interjection then we will interpret the big picture then we will hone in on the final three heads that are mentioned here by ezra and their ends the lion who destroys this empire at that point we will go into the dead sea scrolls and cover passages which date this book prior to messiah with this exact prophecy in 100 or so bc as it is used to interpret at least two fragments we'll show you who are these powers we will especially focus on the three heads of the eagle who are the power as well as the voice from within and even we'll talk about the two opposing feathers as we go through you will know and this is going to be good turn your second estrus to chapter 11 the vision of the eagle then i saw a dream and behold there came up from the sea an eagle the beast that rises from the sea revelation 13 1 we just saw it in daniel as well which had 12 feathered wings and three heads and i saw and behold she spread her wings over all the earth and all the winds of the air blew on her and were gathered together now a large portion of the earth is subdued under her power remember that and i beheld and out of her feathers there grew other contrary feathers will cover and they became little feathers and small they are contrary or against the body but bear in mind still of the same body get that this is still the same empire regardless of the antithesis set within which is exactly how the elite system operates today and they've told us such we have much history recording that tactic but her heads were at rest the head in the middle was greater than the other yet it rested with the rest so here the heads await their unveiling they are hidden powers but they are heads they are the true powers this is an empire which hides its power now that's important to understand and this will really become clear this is so everyone attacks the smaller powers it's actually very brilliant and not the root ones moreover i beheld and lo the eagle flew with her feathers and rained upon the earth and over them that dwelt therein this is a worldwide empire and i saw that all things under heaven were subject unto her and no man spoke against her no not one creature upon earth this is because they don't see the full body they only see the little powers who rise to rule and they do not connect them because it is an unthinkable evil the series will connect this and know you'll never see this in modern what they call history verse seven and i beheld and lo the eagle rose up hurt upon her talents and spoke to her feathers saying watch not all at once now everyone doesn't rule at the same time in this empire but it shifts and cycles very interesting sleep everyone in his own place and watch by course so they have courses in other words they take turns ruling in appearance but this is still the same body all these governments and empires are the same daniel cannot be wrong and there is not a day in between the roman empire and this final one which includes rome now but let the heads be preserved for the last see the true leadership in this empire is preserved or hidden until the end this is incredibly fitting of all prophecy on this topic really and i beheld and lo the voice went not out of her heads but from the middle of her body oh wait a minute if the voice doesn't come from the heads from your mouth hmm those are the true leaders in power in government power but that means there is a power even behind all of this and it is within the body now what power possesses the body and is not a head nor a wing nor a feather nor talents we call that a demon it's a principality who does the bible say this is in the last days well it's not satan though it's his number one satan doesn't actually possess people when the bible says that satan means adversary it's talking about demon uh in all cases but it's the same aim they work together they have their infrastructure in their system specifically though this is the principality gog of magog verse 11. and i numbered her contrary feathers and behold there were eight of them eight governments that appear to be the antithesis or enemy of this empire this is well recorded in history and you will see but it's still the same body don't forget that all of this is a puppet show when you think of it there's one puppet master he's that voice in the center of the body gog of mega now and i looked and behold on the right side there arose one feather and rained over all the earth just a feather not a head yet still they aren't awakened they're still asleep not truly significant but it ruled the earth not necessarily every person none of these mean every person even the beast doesn't rule every person understand that so but a large portion of the earth that's all this is saying these are worldwide empires that doesn't mean they're in every country they're not of course not even the final empire even at the very very height of its power at the very very end when the beast rules he still doesn't rule everyone ever again this is just a feather so we know in comparison it will not compare to the heads when they awaken and that will be a power that will be truly evil and incredibly powerful you'll see and so it was that when it rained the end of it came and the place thereof appeared no more so the next following stood up and reigned and had a great time had a great time indeed understand these empires are within the last empire it's all one they are feathers but still part of the same body they weren't removed history is rarely viewed this way yet we all should be connecting things this is all one and it happened that when it rained the end of it came also like as the first so that it appeared no more understand these empires rain then disappear however you will still find these countries in history the countries continue but you will not find them as empires they don't have the world power that they once did they've disappeared from power on the world seeing the world stage they are not gone gone yet but we'll get there too then came their voice unto it and said hear you that is born rule over the earth so long this i say unto you before you begin to appear no more now this is that same voice from the inside it's gog of magog the prince demon he's controlling even the downfall of these empires understand that this is all a part of the plan to foster the very end times in the end and the rise of the three heads as they finally awakened later there shall none after you attain unto your time so this one was large neither unto the half thereof so he doesn't want anyone flashing too much power see that's kind of what he's saying here because it would give him away his doctrine is to hide the true power so the world doesn't notice until the end when it is too late then arose the third and reigned as the other before and appeared no more also disappeared again still there but the power disappeared it's not an empire anymore so it went with all the rest one after another as that everyone reigned and then appeared no more a lot of empires or ruling governments all cycling through the same body remember that as they were all one empire then i beheld and low in the process of time the feathers that followed stood up upon the right side that they might rule also and some of them ruled but within a while they appeared no more looks like chaos doesn't it but what is this this is actually the doctrine of the order from chaos the motto of the current world elite in fact even tell us this is how they operate for some just look at the back of the american dollar bill i mean it's right there it it's it's not conspiracy it's fact they put it in writing for some of them were set up but ruled not so it was determined or the conditions were not right for their rule for whatever reason gog has his plan but all those rules were temporary yet for the body this all remains one rule throughout time from its beginning with the roman empire when it rose out of it verse 22 after this i looked and behold the twelve feathers appeared no more nor the two little feathers and there was no more upon the eagle's body they were all gone but three heads that rested and six little wings no more feathers he is becoming exposed literally the three heads the true power still remain hidden and there are six wings now then saw lie also the two little feathers divided themselves from the six and remained under the head that was upon the right side for the four continued in their place two feathers divide from the world power appearing to yet they really don't do they they affixed to one of the heads the true power of still yet the same empire see this is all finagling and it's still one empire and this is the way people look at history all you know the roman empire all the the spanish empire all the portuguese yeah you can't look at history that way and ezra tells us so the one funded them and founded their new order perhaps but we'll get there and i beheld and lo the feathers that were under the wing thought to set up themselves and to have the rule and i beheld them low there was one set up but shortly it appeared no more and the second was sooner away than the first and i beheld and lo the two that remained thought also in themselves to reign see again this all looks like chaos but it's still one body we're watching a puppet show here and when they so thought behold there awakened one of the heads that were at rest namely it was in the middle for that was greater than the other two heads this is the largest and greatest empire in the world in history and we're gonna get there we're going to unveil this it triumphed over the two wings that were left as you see and then i saw that the two other heads were joined with it now that's a three-headed eagle essentially where have we seen that in history we'll show you and behold the head was turned with them that were with it and did eat up the two feathers under the wing that would have rained now he didn't absorb them they ate them and they destroyed them so wow but this head put the whole earth in fear and bear rule in it over all those that dwell upon the earth with much oppression and it had the government governance of the world more than all the wings that had been the largest empire in history now this is clear and we're going to get there not in this video but we're going to have one dedicated just to this and we're going to identify this fully and after this i beheld and lo the head that was in the midst suddenly appeared no more like as the wings so this largest empire lost its power or handed over its power to another again still a nation even today but not an empire ruling the world anymore not the same power but there remained the two heads which also in like sword ruled upon the earth and over those that dwelt therein just two heads remaining in leadership so the second head was handed the power of the world empire who is that we'll get there 35 and i beheld and lo the head upon the right side devoured it that was upon the left side so the right head is the true power here not even the center and larger but the right head hidden to the very end even look at that far more powerful than was revealed until it devours this second head you're going to find this is actually not difficult to identify and this power has been all along since this empire started asleep perhaps hiding its power definitely who is this lay this out fully in the next videos so we have one final eagle empire it is associated with the eagle for good reason and we can follow it through history it hides its power as to not appear so large and that becomes the oppressive enemy to much of the world and it absorbs the attack in response not the body see very smart but very evil the whole time the true power is preserved according to ezra its power grows as each feather and wing conquers steals absorbs and passes on the order out of the chaos is always another part of the same body we are watching a puppet show with the same puppet master for all of these through this history over a thousand years we will not speculate on every power which is not necessary to understand this and i already know some would say oh by that you know you're a false prophet because the third power must be this instead of that whatever you guys can play that game if you want we're not but we will fully identify the three heads the two contrary feathers we'll even uh mention because they'll remain you'll see uh till the end as powers and they are the antithesis we'll explain this will bring much clarity to daniel's vision and an understanding of the end times really brought into focus the demon controlling voice within the body it's very telling as this is the principality of the end times gog of magog he even tells some not to rise and to fall see he's truly in control ultimately he is the true true controller of the whole thing but then when the three heads rise realize this empire was growing all along the power is handed to it and then it conquers even more and grows to history's largest empire but then the second head is handed its power and the true power in leadership behind it all well that also remains gog of magog inside and it rears its ugly head it devours the second head the third the third head devours the second head and proves that it's even more powerful and has been all along just asleep just hidden or really just not showing us its power this is the true power concealed and it comes out even in revelation and this matches fully and truly is its origin really there is so much to this and we can't wait to get to it in the next video but that's next week see you then we're just warming up in the meantime we hope that everyone got at least a little something from this video in further understanding daniel already which will become crystal clear soon as these answers are in second esdras yah bless to everyone in 400 bc the prophet ezra predicted for my son yahusha shall be revealed with those that be with him and they that remain shall rejoice within 400 years essentially 0 bc the era messiah was born and by his very name in exactness [Music] after these years shall my son messiah die and all men that have life the origin of john 3 16. [Music] and the time shall be when these things shall come to pass and the signs shall happen which i showed you before and then shall my son be declared whom you saw as a man ascending [Music] even the end times are defined long before the book of revelation the son of elohim being confessed in the world after seven days the world will be raised up mass resurrection of those who are asleep the judgment seat evil will disappear the lion of yehuda will consume the final empire consuming his enemies with fire from his mouth the lost tribes return every eye shall see him handing out crowns and giving palms the road to salvation is a narrow gate few are saved the garden of eden and the tree of life are opened in the end he is not willing that any should perish the signs of the end times and origin of matthew 24 in part these are just some of the many prophecies in the book of second estrus long before the book of revelation was conceived second ezra's written before john's revelation this is the interpretation of the dream which you saw and whereby you only are here enlightened for you have forsaken your own way and applied your diligence unto my law and sought it that's yahuwah speaking to the prophet ezra second ezra's is dated at least first century b c as it is used to interpret habakkuk and blessing of the prince of the congregation who is messiah this includes a radiocarbon dating testing as well of one fragment from 120 to 5 b c we cover this in the introduction this book includes first esdras as well which is also dated to the first century b c when one examines what is called in fraud the proto-ester fragments from the dead sea scrolls which do not remotely fit esther but are a match to first esdras we cover this in the introduction of this book as well as on our youtube uh videos on esther in the original canon series second esdras was quoted by messiah according to the original authorized 1611 king james version matthew 23 37 and 38 is a direct quote from second estrus which is anchored right there in the margin note as the origin of messiah's words for estrus is second estrus which we explain in the introduction yes he quoted second estrus multiple times when accurately dated second estrus proves the origin of significant doctrine in the new testament we cover many such instances in the introduction there is a reason why these two books remain in some bible canons to this day they test as inspired scripture test them for yourself get your copy now free in ebook again this content is free if you would like it in print it is available on amazon internationally and shopping philippines just go to to download the ebook and the links are there for your area [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The God Culture
Views: 45,879
Rating: 4.880549 out of 5
Keywords: book of jubilees, book of enoch, book of tobit, dead sea scrolls, extrabiblical books, pseudepigrapha, apocrypha, creation, original torah, qumran, 2nd esdras, 1st esdras, ezra, second esdras, messianic prophesies, messiah predicted, birth of messiah, jesus birth, jesus death, jesus ascension, 2nd coming, second coming, revelation, last days, prophecy, end times, daniel's vision, daniel's four beasts, nebuchadnezzar's dream statue, final empire
Id: fu0B29mLN80
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Length: 41min 35sec (2495 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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